Appendix-Romanian Report Literature Review - LIST

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Appendix- Romanian Report

Literature Review – LIST

1. Adler, N. J. (2006). The Arts & Leadership: Now That We Can Do Anything, What Will We
Do? In Academy of Management Learning & Education, vol 5/nr,4; pp. 486-499.

2. Bottery, M. (2004). The Challenges of Educational Leadership. London. Paul Chapman


3. Brenner, M. Y. (2010, November 21). Arts-Based Learning and Leadership Development: A

Case Study. Retrieved from

4. Burmansah, B., Rugaiyah, R., & Mukhneri, M. (2019). Mindful Leadership: The Ability of
Leader to Establish Connection to Others, Community, and Deal with Changes Skillfully-A
Case Study of Buddhist Higher Education Institute Leader. International e-Journal of
Educational Studies 4(7), 133-149.

5. Chemi, T., & Du, X. (2018). Arts-based Methods and Organizational Learning. London:
Palgrave .

6. Claire, S. (2011). Teaching as inquiry in the New Zealand curriculum: Origins and
implementation. Changing traiectories of teaching and learning , 29-48.

7. Cochran-Smith, M., Feiman-Nemser, S., & McIntyre, D. J. (2008). Handbook of research on

teacher education : enduring questions in changing contexts. New York: Routledge, Co-
published by the Association of Teacher Educators.

8. Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and
Mixed Methods Approaches. London: Sage Publication Ltd.

9. Cronje, Hendrik (2010), A Collaborative Leadership process model for sustainable

development, 23-29, First International Conference in Responsible Leadership, Centre for
Responsible Leadership Conference Proceedings, 18-20 May ISBN 978-1-86854-784-5

10. Cunliffe, A. L. (2002, March 1). Reflexive Dialogical Practice in Management Learning.
Management Learning,. What Management Learning Means to Me: Questioning the
Unquestioned, 35-61. doi:10.1177/1350507602331002

11. Damiani, J., Haywood Rolling Jr, J., Douglas Wieczorek (2017). Rethinking leadership
education: narrative inquiry and leadership stories, Reflective Practice, 18:5, 673-687,
Routledge , Taylor and Francis Group, DOI: 10.1080/14623943.2017.1307726.
12. Darling-Hammond, L. (2006). Assessing Teacher Education: The Usefulness of Multiple
Measures for Assessing Program Outcomes. Journal of Teacher Education, pp.120-138.

13. Dassah, Maurice Oscar (2010), Responsible Leaders: Attributes and Roles in a Multi-
challenged Global Business Environment and Implications for Leadership Development, 30-
37, Centre for Responsible Leadership Conference Proceedings, 18-20 May ISBN 978-1-

14. Florio-Ruane, S. (2002). More light: An argument for complexity in studies of teaching and
teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education , pp.205-

15. Gavrilovici O.. (2013). Narrative approach in educational management and leadership: “The
professional narrative identity development program” for school counsellors in Iasi County,
Romania., development of teachers and leaders in education. in Lumen International
Scientific Conference Proceedings. Iasi: Lumen.

16. Gavrilovici, O. (2015). "Narrative approach in educational management and leadership: “The
professional narrative identity development program” for school counsellors in Iasi County,
Romania. In Challenges and dilemmas of professional, 318-322.

17. Gavrilovici, O., & Dronic, A. (2019). Narrative pathways to prevent violent radicalization.
Tree of Life practice in a Romanian prison. Psicologia di Communita.

18. Gavrilovici, O., & Dronic, A. (2020). Increasing professionals’ knowledge and skills to deal
with violent radicalisation. In P. Meringolo (Ed.), Preventing violent radicalization in
Europe. Multidisciplinary perspectives. Basil Springer.

19. Gavrilovici, O., Dronic, A., & Remaschi, L. (2020). Innovative methods for the interventions
in preventing violent radicalisation. In P. Meringolo (Ed.), Preventing violent radicalization
in Europe. Multidisciplinary perspectives. Basel:Springer.

20. Gee, J. P. (2001). Identity as an Analytic Lens for Research in Education. Research in
Education , 99-125.

21. George, J. M. (2000). Emotions and Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence. Human
Relations , 1027-1055.

22. Hooley, N., Watt, T., & Dakich, E. (2013). Learning in Motion: Connecting Schools and
Knowledge for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children". The Australian Journal of
Indigenous Education.

23. Bishop,R; Berryman,M.; Wearmouth,J.; Peter,M.; Clapham,S. (2012, July). Professional

development, changes in teacher practice and improvements in Indigenous students’
educational performance: A case study from New Zealand. Teaching and Teacher Education
28(5), pg. 694-705.
24. Kelchtermans, G., & Ballet, K. (2002). The micropolitics of teacher induction. A narrative-
biographical study on teacher socialisation. Teaching and Teacher Education, Volume 18,
Issue 1, 105-120.

25. Kozleski, E. B., & Choi, J. H. (2018, March 01). Leadership for Equity and Inclusivity in
Schools: The Cultural Work of Inclusive Schools. (K. ScholarWorks, Editor)

26. Lindvall, J. &. (2019, June 27). Coherence and the positioning of teachers in professional
development programs. A systematic review. Educational Research Review,. (Elsevier, Ed.)

27. Marks M.Helen, Printy Susan, M. (2003). Principal Leadership and School Performance: An
Integration of trasnformational and Instructional Leadership, in Educational Administration
Quarterly vol 39, nr.3/2003, pp. 370-397

28. Miftachul, Huda, Mat The Shukri Kamarul (2018), Empowering Professional and Ethical
competence on Reflective Teaching Practice in Digital Era, chapter 7 in Mentorship
Strategies in Teacher Education, Dikilitas, K. Mede, Enisa., Atay Derin (eds), IGI Global,
Scopus, doi: 10.4018/

29. Newstead, T. D. (2019, September 13). We don't need more leaders- We need more good
leaders. Advancing a virtues-based approach to leader(ship) development. The Leadership
Quarterly,. The leadership Quartely. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2019.101312

30. Parush, T. K. (2014). Paradoxes, double binds, and the construction of ‘creative’ managerial
selves in art-based leadership development. Scandinavian Journal of Management,.
Scandinavian Journal of Management, 104-113.

31. Rowan, L., Mayer, D., Kline, J., Kostogriz, A., & Walker-Gibbs, B. (2015, July 26).
Investigating the effectiveness of teacher education for early career teachers in diverse
settings: the longitudinal research we have to have. The Australian Educational Researcher,

32. Ryan, M., & Terry Bourke. (2012). The teacher as reflexive professional: making visible the
excluded discourse in teacher standards. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of
Education, 411-423.

33. Rugutt, John K., Caroline C. Chemosit, Viviline Ngeno and Dorothy Soi (2016).The Impact
of School Leadership and Professional Development on Professional Commitment: A
Hierarchical Linear Modeling Approach, in Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Next-
Generation Teacher Education, Jared Keengwe, Justus G. Mbae, Grace Onchwari (eds) ,
Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development (AHEPD) book series, IGI
Global Scopus, (pp. 260-275).

34. Schyns, B. T. (2012). New ways to leadership development: A picture paints a thousand
words. Management Learning , 11-24.

35. Seashore Louis, K. (2017). Leadership for professional learning:Creating the learning
organization. În S. M. Karen Seashore Louis, & V. Frank, Reach the Highest Standard in
Professional Learning: Leadership (pg. 1-36). Corwin.

36. Skarbalienė, Aelita (2018). The Leadership Competencies of Teacher Mentors as a Factor of
Education of Leadership Competencies in Students, chapter 14 in Mentorship Strategies in
Teacher Education, Dikilitas, K. Mede, Enisa., Atay Derin (eds), IGI Global, Scopus,
(pp.235-255) doi: 10.4018/

37. Khumalo Shuti Steph, The Role of Principals as Mentors in Mentoring Deputy Principals
chapter 15 in Mentorship Strategies in Teacher Education, Dikilitas, K. Mede, Enisa., Atay
Derin (eds), IGI Global, Scopus, (pp.255-274) doi: 10.4018/

38. Segovia-Pérez, M., & Laguna-Sánchez, P. (2019, October 9).

39. Somerville, M., & Farner, M. (2012). Appreciative Inquiry: A Transformative Approach for
Initiating Shared Leadership and Organizational Learning,. Review of Research and Social
Intervention, 7-24.

40. Sutherland, I. (2013). Arts-based method in leadership development:Affording aesthetic

workplaces, reflexivity and memories with momentum,. Management Learning, pp.25-43.

41. Trede, F., & McEwen, C. (2016, June 01). Educating the Deliberate Professional.

42. Wilkins, A. (2014). Professionalizing school governance: the disciplinary effects of school
autonomy and inspection on the changing role of school governors, in Journal of Education
Policy, vol 30, nr 2/2014, pp182-200. Taylor and Francis.

43. Wilson, S. M.-M. (2002). Teacher preparation research: An insider's view from the outside.
Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 190-204

44. Yang, Z., & Zhu, J. (2016). Charismatic leadership behavior and leadership effectiveness: the
moderating role of subordinates’ emotional intelligence and the mediating role of
psychological empowerment in Revista de cercetare și Intervenție Socială, Psychology,


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