Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering: (Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC With A Score of 3.25)
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering: (Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC With A Score of 3.25)
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering: (Accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC With A Score of 3.25)
Bachelor of Engineering
SoE & Syllabus 2018
4th Semester
Civil Engineering
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering SoE No.
(An Autonomous Institution affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University) CV-201
(Revised Scheme of Examination w.e.f. 2020-21 onward)
Civil Engineering
Sub. Contact Hours % Weightage ESE
SN Sem Type Subject T/P Credits
Code L T P Hrs MSEs* TA** ESE Duration
Third Semester
TOTAL 15 0 8 23 19
Fourth Semster
4 4 PC CV2253 Surveying T 3 0 0 3 3 30 30 40 3
TOTAL 16 0 8 24 20
Audit Courses
1 4 HS GE2121 Env Studies for 4 Sem. CV,ME,EE,IT A 3 0 0 3 0
MSEs* = Three MSEs of 15 Marks each will conducted and marks of better 2 of these 3 MSEs will be considered for Continuous
TA ** = for Theory : 20 marks on lecture quizzes, 8 marks on assignments, 2 marks on class performance
TA** = for Practical : MSPA will be 15 marks each
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
Reference Books:
SN Title Edition Authors Publisher
1 Advanced Engineering
4th edition 2006 H.K.Dass S. Chand Group
2 Advanced Engineering
9th Edition-2007 Kreyszig JOHN WILEY & SONS
3 19th edition
Mathematics for Engineers Chandrika Prasad. JOHN WILEY & SONS
4 Advanced Mathematics for
4th edition 2006 Chandrika Prasad JOHN WILEY & SONS
5 Higher Engineering Mathematics 40 edition 2010 B S Grewal Khanna Publishers
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
UNIT – I [7 Hrs.]
Introduction to related Indian standard of cement and aggregates.
Constituents of cements, Hydration of cement.Water requirement, Physical properties and testing of cement.
Effect of fineness, Initial, final and false setting of cement, Soundness test. Hardening and compressive strength,
Grades and different types of cement,
Aggregates:Coarse and fine aggregate, normal, light and heavy weight aggregates. aggregate characteristics
and their significance in properties of concrete. Sampling, Particle shape and texture, Bond of aggregate, size &
grading of aggregate, strength of aggregate. Mechanical properties and tests as per IS, bulking of sand. Crushed
sand.Alkali aggregate reaction.
UNIT – II [6 Hrs.]
Fresh Concrete: Batching, Mechanical mixers, automatic batching and mixing plants. Efficiency of mixing,
Workability and its Measurement, Factor affecting workability, setting time, Significance of w/c ratio, cohesiveness
of concrete, Segregation, bleeding, voids, permeability. Hot weather concreting, Conveyance of concrete, placing
of concrete, compaction, vibrators, curing of concrete, significance and methods, temperature effects on curing
and strength gain, IS provisions, Maturity of concrete, Formwork for concrete- IS provisions. Introduction to Ready
mix, pumped and self-compacting concrete. Introduction to relevant Indian standards.
UNIT – IV [6 Hrs.]
Mix Design: Process, statistical relation between main and characteristic strength, variance, standard deviation,
factors affecting mix properties, grading of aggregates, aggregate/cement ratio etc. Degree of quality control,
design of mix by IS method, introduction to road Note No. 4 (BS) and ACI method.
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
UNIT – VI [6 Hrs.]
Durability of concrete: Significance, water as an agent of deterioration, permeability of concrete, sulphate attack
and its control, sea water attack, acid attack, efflorescence, resistance to corrosion, abrasion and cavitation,
process of rusting of steel.
Text Books:
Title Authors Edition Publisher
S. Chand &
1 Concrete Technology M.S. Shetty 6 edition, Company, Limited,
2 “Concrete Technology Gambhir M.L. 2013
3 Properties of concrete AM Neville ELBS, London, 2006
Reference Books:
Title Authors Edition Publisher
Concrete Microstrucutres: PK Mehta and PJ
1 Properties and materials Monterio
Applied Sciences
2 Concrete Technology DF Orchard
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
Minimum of Ten practical from the list given below shall be performed.
S No List of Practical
1. To determine the normal consistency and initial setting time and final setting time by Vicat‟s apparatus.
2. To determine the fineness of cement.
3. To perform soundness test of cement.
4. To determine fineness modulus for coarse and fine aggregates.
5. To determine the bulking of sand & plotting bulking curve.
6. To determine the compressive strength of cement.
7. To design the concrete mix of required characteristic strength according to I.S .method.
8. To determine the workability of concrete by slump cone, Vee bee apparatus, compaction factor and flow
9. To prepare and test the concrete cubes for compressive strength by Indian standard method.
10. Study of various Non-Destructive testing methods (NDT) in concrete Technology
11. To determine workability of cement mortar.
12. To determine the permeable voids of concrete.
13. To determine the permeability of mortar.
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
Reference Books:
S.N Title Authors Edition Publisher
1 Surveying and Leveling Basak N. N. 1 Edition Tata McGraw–Hill Publishing company Ltd. New Delhi
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
Minimum of Ten practical from the list given below shall be performed.
S No List of Practical
1. Measurement of bearing of sides of traverse with prismatic compass and computation of correct included
2. Locating given building by chain and compass traversing (1 full size drawing sheet)
3. Determination of elevation of various points with dumpy level by collimation plane method and rise and fall
4. Fixing the bench mark with respect to temporary bench mark with dumpy level by fly leveling and check
5. Measurement of horizontal angle with theodolite by method of repetition.
6. Measurement of vertical angle with theodolite.
7. Determination of horizontal distance between two inaccessible point with theodolite.
8. Locating given building by theodolite traversing. (One full size drawing sheet)
9. Determination of elevation of point by trigonometric leveling.
10. Determination of constants of Tacheometer.
11. Determination of elevation of points by Tacheometric surveying.
12. Determination of elevation of points and horizontal distance between them by Tacheometrical survey.
13. Determination of gradient of given length of road by Tacheometric survey.
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
UNIT – I [8 Hrs.]
Analysis of fixed and continuous beams by theorem of three moments including effect of sinking of support.
UNIT – II [9 Hrs.]
Analysis of continuous beams and simple portals (Non sway) by using Moment Distribution method, effect of
sinking of support for beam.
UNIT – III [9 Hrs.]
Influence lines for reactions, bending moments and shear forces in simply supported beams, cantilevers, beams
with overhangs subjected to different types of loadings.
UNIT – IV [8 Hrs.]
Slope deflection method as applied to indeterminate beams & continuous beams, portal frames.
UNIT – V [8 Hrs.]
Buckling of Columns, Euler‟s and Rankine‟s formula. Analysis of Two and Three Hinged parabolic arches, shear
force and normal thrust.
UNIT – VI [9 Hrs.]
Strain energy method as applied to the analysis of simple and redundant frames, redundant trusses up to two
degrees. Determination of deflection of trusses, Castigliano‟s theorems, Maxwell‟s reciprocal theorem, Betti‟s
theorem, Muller Breslauw Principle
Text Books:
S.N Title Authors Edition Publisher
Pandit G.S and Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company
1 Structural Analysis
Gupta S.P. LTD, New Delhi, 1997
Timoshenko S.P.
2 Theory of Structure Tata McGraw Hill Publication, Delhi
and D.H. Young
Reference Books:
S.N Title Authors Edition Publisher
Ramamruthum S.S.
1 Theory of structures
and Narayan R.
DhanpatRai and Sons New Delhi 2010
Vazirani V.N and
2 Analysis of structures
Ratwani M.M
Khanna Publishers New Delhi 1994
Structural Analysis (volume Vikas publishing House LTD Delhi
3 II)
Bhavikatti S.S
Intermediate structural Oxford and IBH Publishing o.PVT.LTD
4 analysis
Kinney J.S
New Delhi.
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
UNIT – I [6 Hrs.]
Introduction and importance of transportation, Road transport characteristics, Classification of roads, network
patterns, Principles of alignment.
Traffic Engineering: 3E‟s of traffic engineering, Various Traffic Surveys, Intersection-types, parking.
UNIT – II [7 Hrs.]
Geometric Design: Road user & road vehicle characteristics, Factors affecting design standards. Cross Section
elements, Stopping & overtaking sight distance overtaking zones. Horizontal alignment, Curves, design of super
elevation, extra widening, transition curves, vertical alignments, I.R.C. Standards for geometric Design.
UNIT – IV [6 Hrs.]
Construction & Maintenance: IRC, MOST specifications for quality & quantity of materials, techniques, tools and
plant for the Earthwork, sub base, base and wearing/ surface course of flexible pavements with gravel, WBM,
stabilized Bitumen & Concrete as Construction materials, Drainage, shoulders, maintenance & repairs.
UNIT – V [6 Hrs.]
Bridges: Introduction, Components, classification and identification, Data Collection, site selection, Economic
Span, Estimation of flood discharge, waterway, scours depth, depth of foundation, Afflux, clearance and free
board, Loads, Forces and Stresses for Bridges
UNIT – VI [7 Hrs.]
Railways: Classification, lines and their track standards, gauges, track section, railway terminology, permanent
Sleepers: Function, types, merits and demerits, sleeper density, ballast cushion, ballast section.
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s
Reference Books:
1 Indian Road Congress, IRC handbooks ,International Code Council International Code Council
2 Ministry of surface/road transportation, MOST.
3 Textbook on Transportation Engineering, S. P. CHANDOLA, 200, S. Chand Publishers, New Delhi
Nagar Yuwak Shikshan Sanstha’s