AS4024 Vs IEC61508 Differences
AS4024 Vs IEC61508 Differences
AS4024 Vs IEC61508 Differences
Just as Australian industry comes to grips with safety standard AS4024, a newer, more
complex, international and now also an Australian standard is gaining wider usage.
For almost a decade, Australian industry has been applying the basic principles of
Australian Standard AS4024 Safeguarding of Machinery. Those same principles: hazard
identification, risk assessment and control, are reflected in the regulations of both New
Zealand and Australian states and territories. Unfortunately, while awareness has grown
dramatically since AS4024 was published in 1996, there is still a long way to go before
there is widespread understanding of the obligations assigned by the standard.
Recently, however, the process sector of Australian industry has begun to adopt
AS61508 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety
related systems, the Australian version of IEC 61508. The standard, published in 1999,
covers the design of Electrical/electronic/programmable electronic Safety Related
Systems. It addresses the life cycle of safety-instrumented systems, risk assessment
methods, change procedures for safety-instrumented systems and provides
performance requirements, called Safety Integrity Levels (SIL).
On the surface, AS61508 and AS4024 have quite a bit in common. Both start with a
hazard identification or analysis process, both assess the level of risk involved and both
assign a "safety integrity level" or "category" to define various levels of safety
performance, but that is where the similarities end.
Perhaps the biggest difference between the two standards is the measurement of risk
and consequences. AS4024 uses a simple decision tree to determine which category of
safety control is required. AS61508 on the other hand, asks for a quantitative measure of
the overall failure rate of the safety system. The mean time between failures needs to be
ascertained for each element of the system and then a cumulative probability calculated.
Theoretically, it makes sense but, in practice, the data is often very difficult to source.
How can an engineer say, for example, how long a particular photo-eye will or should
operate before it fails? What about the solenoids on the gates, the light curtain and the
deadman controls? Without good historical data, assumptions have to be made and
when you are choosing between 103 hours or 104 hours, it makes a real difference to
the rating of your system.
This lack of data proved a problem for The European Commission (EC) project,
STSARCES (Standards for Safety-Related Complex Electronic Systems), which
attempted to assess a machine according to IEC61508, the international standard
reflected in AS61508. The report concluded:
What it means for Australian industry? AS61508 is here to stay and while compliance
with the more manageable AS4024 will be sufficient in most cases, it makes sense to be
familiar with at least the basics of AS61508.
The categories used by AS61508 are SILs (safety integrity level), which are based on
the "probability of plant failure on demand" and the consequences of failure. Probability
of plant failure on demand means how often the plant is required to operate and the
reliability of the system. As with AS4024, the more serious the consequences of failure,
the higher the SIL, and with an increased SIL ranking comes more stringent safety
system requirements.
The standard's key criteria for rating safety systems are strength, diagnostics capability,
common cause strength and redundancy.
To test strength of safety hardware, an engineer must consider all the factors that could
affect the operation of the system, such as radio frequency interference or even heat.
Software rated to AK6 DIN19250 (equivalent to SIL 3) for example, would include a
process to check the reasonableness of data and data tables, filtering of communication
messages, program flow control checking, online memory allocation testing and
minimisation of real time influences by avoiding multitasking.
Safety systems should also be designed for high immunity to common stressors.
Typically, this might include isolated backplane and I/O, plus built-in diversity of
processors and operating modes.
Redundancy is the final factor determining SIL ratings. Simply, the greater the
redundancy and monitoring, the higher the level of safety becomes. Dual redundancy
can mean, for example, that a system with a probability to fail with serious
consequences once every 50 years can achieve a probability of failure of only once
every 2500 years.
Despite the complexity of the detail, the basic tenets of AS61508 are simple. First, follow
the safety lifecycle outlined in the standard and identify SIL requirements. When
designing a safety system, look for rugged high-strength design, both in terms of
hardware and software. Ensure the system has good common cause strength and the
ability to tolerate and detect single failures and do not overlook the impact of field
devices in SIL analysis.