NVQ - Induction - Pack CC2)
NVQ - Induction - Pack CC2)
NVQ - Induction - Pack CC2)
Candidates Name
Assessors Name
Induction Date
Contents Page No
Curriculum Manager
Steve Miller
Assessor / Internal Verifiers:
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At the start of your programme, you will take part in an induction session which
includes Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) to help you make a decision
about appropriate training. An experienced advisor will work with you to
complete the first IAG document.
During your programme, your NVQ assessor will review your progress and
discuss other training options with you.
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National Vocational Qualifications
This booklet has been produced for all NVQ Candidates working with Carshalton
College to support them by giving guidance and information about the NVQ..
The aim of any NVQ training and development programme is to enable the
candidate to develop and demonstrate occupational competence. You will be
allocated a tutor/assessor who will support you to demonstrate competency in
the units required to complete the chosen qualification..
Effective quality assurance in NVQs allows all involved to have confidence in
assessment decisions. Only candidates who have been assessed as competent
should be judged to have met the national occupational standards. All individuals
involved in NVQs have distinct roles to play in quality assurance as outlined in
the NVQ Code of Practice.
You have the specified knowledge and understanding and are able to
apply it across a range of situations;
Your competence is current and you can demonstrate consistent
performance over a period of time.
NVQs are made up of a number of units. Each NVQ is unique and will contain a
different number of units to make up the complete qualification.
Units are separated into core or mandatory units, which must be achieved and
optional units, which may be chosen by the student/candidate in agreement with
the assessor - normally to reflect the job they are currently doing.
scope of activities/range
evidence requirements
Assessment Centres
Awarding Body
Quality Advisor
Internal Verifier(s)
Quality Advisors are appointed by the Awarding Body to make sure all
assessments/Internal Verification is being carried out correctly.
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NVQ Candidate’s Evidence and Portfolios
You will also include evidence you have produced and all tutor/assessor and
observation comments in your portfolio of evidence. This evidence is provided to
prove competence.
You can draw on past experience, (no more than three years ago) to provide
evidence as well as evidence from your present role. The evidence needs to be
filed and indexed in a portfolio.
Case studies and personal statements are used for you to record accounts of
performance, which have happened but may not have been observed by the
tutor/assessor or observed by a witness. In these statements you should give
an account of the work performance you have undertaken, giving the context,
information and an explanation of what took place, related to your normal
practice, and some personal reflection on the incident. ( Product Report)
You should also include any work products referred to in the reflective account
from. The evidence must be signed and dated by both the candidate and the
tutor/assessor to ensure consistency, authenticity, reliability and currency.
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Natural performance and observation
You will probably be observed by your tutor/assessor carrying out part of your
job role. Your tutor/assessor will write an account of observation on an
observation sheet.
Witness testimonies
You can also ask a witness to produce a statement explaining what they witness
when and how. For this purpose a Witness Testimony form is used. The witness
must also complete the Witness Status list. The tutor/assessor will then
discuss the testimony with the witness and authenticate the statement
confirming it is a true account and meets the standards claimed.
Work products
The use of simulation is limited and is specified within each individual NVQ unit.
You may be given questions to answer by your tutor/assessor who will then mark
them to confirm they meet the standards.
If you can prove that you already have some experience/qualification to prove
your competence, your tutor/assessor will take this into account when assessing
the unit.
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Cross Referencing
Pieces of evidence can be used across units and candidates should cross-
reference evidence where appropriate.
Please note:
All evidence used must be your own work and relevant to the unit
You should always use the term ‘I’ rather than ’we’ in your accounts.
Witness status
It is important that you ensure that ALL evidence is signed and dated,
especially where witnesses are used,both the date of the activity and the
date signed are required.
Unit Certification
Where candidates have completed individual units but cannot continue to work
towards the complete NVQ for whatever reason, certification of these units
will be claimed from the awarding body.
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The Assessment Process
All NVQs regardless of the occupational group are assessed using the same
criteria (the assessment national standards) to ensure quality and consistency.
Feedback – you will receive clear timely written and verbal feedback from
your tutor/assessor
Portfolio Building
Carshalton College use a paper based portfolio in which to record and build up
your evidence. Which will be reviewed on a regular basis (normally 12-14 weeks)
and is the responsibility of the learner.
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Withdrawal Policy
The learner has advised the training provider that they have made a
decision to withdraw from the program. A formal Withdrawal Form should
be completed. In the event that a learner leaves their employment and
cannot be contacted, the sponsoring employer will be asked to sign the
Withdrawal Form which will be accepted as evidence of the learner
wishing to leave the program.
4. Learners must reach the agreed target milestones and dates stated in
their individual learning plan or negotiate alternatives with their assessor
which will still enable them to meet the agreed timescale for completion
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Equal Opportunities Statement
Carshalton College recognises the rights of all candidates to expect a fair and
equitable assessment of their competence whilst being registered for their
Carshalton College will ensure that all candidates are supported to develop the
required skills relating to their particular NVQ and that account is taken of
their individual learning requirements.
Your tutor/assessor will give you separate details for the award you are working
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Carshalton College NVQ Appeals Procedure
Assessors can appeal against decisions and actions of an IQA and similarly, an
IQA can appeal against a Quality Advisor
Appeals Procedure
1. The candidate should first discuss the reason for appeal with their
assessor. This should ideally be done as soon as possible after the
assessment decision.
2. The assessor must consider the reasons for the appeal and must give the
candidate a response within 24hrs, backed up in writing, of the
assessment decision and a new decision, or confirmation of the original
3. If the candidate is not satisfied with the assessor’s final decision, the
assessor should be informed immediately and an appeals form (available
on request) should be completed by both the candidate and assessor.
4. The assessor should inform the relevant internal verifier (IV) that a
formal written appeal has been lodged within 24 hours of the appeals
form being completed, and provide the appeals form and any other
relevant details to the IV.
5. The IV will reconsider the assessment decision taking into account the
candidate’s reason for appeal, the candidate’s evidence and associated
records and the assessor’s reason for the assessment.
6. The IV must give the candidate the reconsidered decision, in writing,
within five working days of receiving the appeal.
7. If the candidate is not satisfied with the findings of the IV then the
candidate has the right to go to another IV and must inform the IV that
they wish to do so.
8. The IV must provide the appeals form, assessment record sheets and any
other relevant details to the Managing Director (as the Awarding Body
Coordinator) who will appoint another IV to oversee the appeal within 10
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9. The appointed IV will review all evidence, speak to the candidate,
assessor and original IV and make a decision. This decision will be
communicated to all parties within 5 days.
10. If the candidate remains unsatisfied the Managing Director will contact
the QA for a final decision. The decision of the QA will be final.
Extenuating Circumstances
Extenuating circumstances are defined as those, which are unexpected, acute,
and beyond a Candidate's control which may affect academic performance.
Examples can be illness or disability, severe mental or emotional stress,
bereavement or family illness. Wherever relevant, candidates are to submit
medical certificates in support of their submissions.
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Plagiarism/Malpractice Policy
You should always follow the health and safety policies and procedures for your
own organisation and ensure that when your assessor visits you they receive a
copy of this whilst working on your premises.
If you are working on your NVQ at a venue which is not your normal place of
work, you must ensure that you make yourself aware of the Health and Safety
policies and procedures for that venue.
Carshalton College’s Health and Safety Policy can be provided upon request and
can be viewed on our web site.
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Please answer the following questions to show that you have understood the
information in the Induction pack and Handbook. This sheet should be included
in your NVQ evidence portfolio and presented to your tutor/assessor for
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5. Name 3 different types of
evidence you could present to
your tutor/assessor.
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Fair Processing Notice
The MIAP service will allow those organisations listed on section 537A of the
Education Act (www.miap.gov.uk) to use the Unique Learner Number as a key to
sharing participation and achievement data in a consistent and approved manner,
promoting good information management practice.
All organisations that will have access to the information you provide are
registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. At no time will your personal
information be passed to organisations for marketing or sales purposes.
Individuals can opt-out of sharing participation and achievement data with those
organisations listed in section 537A of the education act. Details of opting-out
of data sharing can be found at www.miap.gov.uk or by telephoning the MIAP
helpdesk on 0845 6022589.
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Data Protection Policy
To do this, Carshalton College must comply with the Data Protection Principles
which are set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 (the 1998 Act). The full Data
Protection Policy for Carshalton College can be found with all policies and
procedures in the Learning Rescores Centre.
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