Collective Bargainning Definition of Collective Bargaining
Collective Bargainning Definition of Collective Bargaining
Collective Bargainning Definition of Collective Bargaining
(ii) It is flexible and mobile, and not fixed or static: It has fluidity and scope for
compromise, for a mutual give – and –take before the final agreement is reached or
the final settlement is arrived at. Bakke and Kerr observe: “Essentially, a successful
collective bargaining is an exercise in graceful retreat – retreat without seeming to
retreat. The parties normally ask for more or offer less than they ultimately accept or
give. The “take-it-or-leave it” proposition is not viewed as being within the rules of
the game. One of the most damaging criticisms is that a party is adamant in holding to
its original position. Before retreating with as much elegance as circumstances
permit, each party seeks to withdraw as little as possible. This involves ascertaining
the maximum concession of the opposing negotiator without disclosing one’s own
ultimate concession. In this sense, all negotiations are exploratory until the agreement
is consummated.”
(iii) It is a two – party process: It is a mutual give – and – take rather than a
take – it or-leave-it method of arriving at the settlement of a dispute. Both parties are
involved in it. In this connection, Clark Kerr observes: “ Collective bargaining can
work only with the acceptance by labour and management of their appropriate
responsibilities. It can succeed only when both labour and management want it to
succeed. It can flourish only in an atmosphere which is free from animosity and
reprisal. There must be a mutual eagerness to develop the collective bargaining
procedure and there must be attitude which will result in harmony and progress.”
(viii) “It is an art, an advanced form of human relations: To substantiate this, one need
only witness the bluffing, the oratory, dramatics and coyness mixed in an inexplicable
fashion which may characterize a bargaining session”.
(iv) Avoid interruptions in work which follow strikes, go – slow tactics and similar
coercive activities;
(v) Lay down fair rates of wages and norms of working conditions;
(ix) It provides a solution to the problem of sickness in the industry, and ensure old
- age pension benefits and other fringe benefits.
(ii) Two parties of collective bargaining accept the principle of ‘free consultation’
and ‘free enterprise’ consistent with the advancement of public interest.
(iv) Both the parties must have mutual confidence, good faith and a desire to make
collective bargaining machinery a success
(v) Management should not await the Union to raise problems but should make
every reasonable effort to prevent them from arising and to remove them
promptly when they arise.
(vii) Dispose off the issues in the same meeting and minimize pending of items.
(viii) Desire of the management to settle the issues to the satisfaction of employees.
This does not mean that the management must relinquish its right to direct the
company or that its must accede to all union demands.
(x) Both the parties should represent the rights and responsibilities of each other.
(xii) Unanimity among workers: Before entering into negotiations, there must be
unanimity among workers. At least the representatives of workers should be
able to represent the opinion or demands of majority of workers.
The attitude of the parties(involved) should be positive. Both the parties should reach
the negotiating table with an intention to find better solutions.
(xiv) The parties involved in collective bargaining should be prepared to give away
something in order to gain something.
(xv) Both the parties to collective bargaining should observe and follow the terms
and conditions of previous agreements that are reached. Collective bargaining,
being a continuous process, can be effective only with the successful
implementation of previous agreements. Any lapse on the part of any party
concerned, shows its effect on the present process.
(xvi) The representatives of both the parties should fully understand and be clear
about the problems and their implications.
(xvii) The workers can make effective use of collective bargaining process to achieve
participative management and good working conditions. They should not
confine collective bargaining for mere monetary benefits.
(iv) Lay down fair rates of wages and other norms of working conditions.
(ix) It creates new and varied procedures for the solution of the problems as and
when they arise – problems which vex industrial relations; and its from can be
adjusted to meet new situations. Since basic standard are laid down, the
employee is assured that he will be required to work under the stipulated
conditions incorporated in the agreement and the employer is protected from
unfair competition by those who are engaged in a similar industry.
(x) It provides a flexible means for the adjustment of wages and employment
conditions to economic and technological changes in the industry, as a result of
which the changes for conflicts are reduced.
(xi) As a vehicle of industrial peace, collective bargaining is the most important and
significant aspect of labour management relations, and extends the democratic
principle from the political to the industrial field.
There are two stages in collective bargaining, viz.,(i) the negotiation stage and
(ii) the stage of contract administration.
4. Multi – dimensional
The basic principle of labour theory of value is that the value of a commodity
should be determined on the basis of the average number of labour hours necessary to
produce it. The number of labour hours is exclusive basis for determining the market
price of a commodity. As per this theory, any two goods requiring the same number
of labur hours to produce them should have the same market price. For example, if a
mobile phone and a calculator each require 10 labour hours to complete, both should
have the same price. Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Karl Marx were the advocates
of the labor theory.
The major criticism of labour theory of value is that it is not practical because it
fails to consider materials costs, workers skill levels, capital usage and depreciation
costs while determining the price of a commodity. The theory ignores the effect of
varying consumer demand for different types of goods.
The population of India is 1.252 billion and more than 50% of country’s
current population is below the age of 25 and over 65% below of the population is of
the age of 35. This makes India one of the ‘Youngest nations’ in the future and hence
gives a competitive advantage over others. Shortly, India would become the largest
supplyer of skilled workforce to the rest of the world.