Materials Engineering:: Program Requirements
Materials Engineering:: Program Requirements
Materials Engineering:: Program Requirements
Department Website:
Program requirements
The MEng degree requires 7 courses of which 2 courses may be senior undergraduate courses.
All classes required to meet the degree requirements are considered essential classes. Essential classes
can include any required undergraduate or prerequisite classes. Any classes taken in excess of the
requirements are subject to approval by the supervisor. These classes will appear on the student’s
transcript as regular classes. All Master degree candidates must pass all graduate level classes with a
grade of at least B-. Any approved undergraduate class taken by a Master’s candidate must be passed
with a grade of at least B-. Graduate students may fail no more than one class during their programme
in the Faculty of Engineering. Graduate students are not eligible to write supplementary examinations.
Transfer credits from other universities will be considered on a case by case basis.
All MEng candidates must also pass an oral examination of their projects after it has been submitted in
satisfactory form.
In addition to meeting the grade requirements, failure to maintain an acceptable academic standing will
result in a student being asked to withdraw from the programme. Failure to achieve the minimum mark
as noted above shall be considered grounds for dismissal.
Seminar requirement
The purpose of the graduate seminars is to provide graduate students with exposure to a variety of
research projects and activities in order to enrich their academic experience. The seminars also provide
the department members with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with all graduate students
within the department and learn about each student’s research activities. Finally, the seminars provide
the students with an opportunity to develop skills in presentation and discussion of research topics in a
public forum. It is intended that seminars will be conducted on a continuing basis appropriate to the
complement of students within the department. Master’s level students (MASc/MEng) are required to
make at least one seminar presentation.
Length of program
Fluid Mechanics
Solid mechanics
Combustion & environment
Energy and heat transfer
Energy modelling
Mechanical design
Control systems and robotics
Finite element modeling of advanced materials for manufacturing processes
Admission requirements
The Faculty of Graduate Studies sets the minimum admission standards that are required for
entry into graduate programs.
Application forms can be found under Dalhousie admissions for graduate studies.
Contact information
Tel: 902-494-1288
Faculty of Engineering, Graduate Studies & Research Office, Sexton Campus,
Address: 1360 Barrington Street,
Halifax, NS, Canada, B3J 2X4
Graduate Coordinator
Graduate Coordinator
McMaster University