Jsa Jis B 7502 2016
Jsa Jis B 7502 2016
Jsa Jis B 7502 2016
Translated and Published by
Japanese Standards Association
les 17.040.30
Reference number: JIS B 7502 : 2016 (E)
© JSA 2017
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
Introduction································································································· 1
1 Scope································································································· 1
2 Normative references············································································ 1
3 Terms and definitions··········································································· 2
4 Design specification (design characteristics) ·············································3
4.1 General .............................................................................................. 3
4.2 Names of main parts ............................................................................ 3
4.3 Dimensions ......................................................................................... 6
4.4 Measuring range················································································ ·10
4.5 Types of indicating devices············· ........................................... ···········11
4.6 Protection of electronic digital indication for field use······························ ·13
4.7 Insulation plate················································································· ·13
4.8 Measuring faces················································································ ··14
4.9 Measuring-force limiting device ............................................................ ·14
4.10 Adjustment devices············································································ ·14
4.11 Spindle······························································································14
5 Metrological characteristics and performance .......................................... 14
5.1 General···························································································· ·14
5.2 Metrological characteristics································································· ·15
5.3 Performance······················································································ ·20
6 Marking on product documents ............................................................ ·28
This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industrial
Standard revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
through deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
as the result of proposal for revision of Japanese Industrial Standard
submitted by Japan Precision Measuring Instruments manufacturers
Association (JMA)I Japanese Standards Association (JSA) with the draft
being attached, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the In-
dustrial Standardization Law applicable to the case of revision by the
provision of Article 14.
Consequently JIS B 7502:1994 is replaced with this Standard.
JIS B 7502:1994 may be applied in the JIS mark certification based on
the relevant provisions of Article 19 Clause 1, etc. of the Industrial
Standardization Law until August 21, 2017.
This JIS document is protected by the Copyright Law.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard
may conflict with patent rights, applications for a patent after opening to
the public or utility model rights. The relevant Minister and the Japanese
Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identifying any of
such patent rights, applications for a patent after opening to the public or
utility model rights.
This Japanese Industrial Standard has been prepared based on the second edition of
ISO 3611 published in 2010 with some modifications of the technical contents in order
to correspond to the practical manufacture and use.
The portions given sidelines or dotted underlines are the matters in which the con-
tents of the corresponding International Standard have been modified. A list of modi-
fications with the explanations is given in Annex JB.
This Standard is one of geometrical product specifications (GPS) under the GPS
Basic Standard (see ISO/TR 14638 : 1995) and related to the chain link 5 for the chain
of standards on size. The details on the relation between this Standard and other GPS
Standards are given in Annex D.
1 Scope
This Standard specifies micrometer for external measurements, R~:u:~~h~I>_~g :mj~:rQJ)J~__
,~_t~r__ fQr_int~r1;19:1_)))&~$_l}X~}J).gnt~1_}J).j~XQm~J&J;_J~rr_$.p_~rr_))l~_~$~}x~mgnt~_QfJ~~thl-_~ng_mj_-_
~XQm~t~x __ l)g~g ___(h~r~J~Jt~r __ x~f~rx~g ___ tQ ___ ~$___ mj_~x~m~t~xl ___\l:rrl~~$___ Qth~xwi_~~ __ J?I>_~~ifj_~_Q.)l
equipped with analogue indication, mechanical or electronic digital indication.
NOTE: The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the
symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows.
ISO 3611 : 2010 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimen-
sional measuring equipment: Micrometers for external measurements -
Design and metrological characteristics (MOD)
In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the
contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT
(identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to
ISO/lEe Guide 21-1.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain prOVISIons which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards (in-
cluding amendments) indicated below shall be applied.
JIS B 0641-1 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Inspection by measure-
ment of workpieces and measuring equipment - Part 1 : Decision
rules for proving conformance or nonconformance with specifica tions
NOTE: Corresponding International Standard : ISO 14253-1 Geometrical prod-
uct specifications (GPS) -Inspection by measurement of workpieces and
measuring equipmen t - Part 1 : Decision rules for proving conformity or
nonconformity with specifications
JIS B 0642 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts and re-
quirements for GPS measuring equipment
NOTE: Corresponding International Standard: ISO 14978 Geometrical product
specifications (GPS) - General concepts and requirements for GPS
measuring equipment (MOD)
JIS_B_QQSQ ____ G:?_Q!!H;fri/;/Jl_P!:9Jj1d[ltSp-~9ia~~tiQ!J§_{({PS)_~_St~nrjJJxqxf!ffJ!:~l]Q1._tf!.m_-
measuring face.
NOTE 2 Micrometers for internal measurements have a screw thread as a mate-
rial measure with the adjusting anvil, anvil, spindle and screw mecha-
nism arranged linearly.
3.3 micrometer for span measurements of teeth
micrometer for external measurements to be mainly used for the measurement of the
base tangent length of the involute gear
NOTE: The micrometer has a disc-shaped measuring face.
3.4 micrometer head
measuring instrument which gives the evaluation of a displacement of a workpiece on
the basis of movement of a spindle with a measuring face, with the movement gener-
ated by a screw thread
NOTE 1 The micrometer head has a mounting part to fix the instrument.
NOTE 2 The micrometer head has the spindle and screw mechanism arranged
3.5 measuring face contact
contact between the measuring face and a feature of a workpiece
2 3 6 7 9 10
2 3 4 7 8 10 11
1 2 3 4 6 7
4.3 Dimensions
The main shapes and dimensions of the micrometer shall be as follows.
a) Micrometer for external measurements shall be as given in Table 2.
b) Micrometer for internal measurements shall be as shown in Figure 5.
c) Anvil disc and spindle disc of micrometer for span measurements of teeth shall be
as given in Table 3.
d) The mounting part of micrometer head shall be as shown in Figure 6.
The clearance between the spindle and the guide hole of micrometer for external
~ L4
Measuring span, L4 25 mm a)
Frame depth, L5 b) -
Spindle and anvil diameter, Dl 6.35 mm, 6.5 mm, 7.5 mm, 8 mm a)
NOTE: Dl, Ll and Lz, dimensions are important as a compatibility of device to be attached
on the measuring face.
Notes a) At the manufacturer's discretion. Other diameters are possible.
b) Usually, L5 is determined to permit the measurement of the diameter of the cyl-
inder equal to the maximum measurable dimension.
Unit: mm
Unit: mm
Unit: mm
Classifica tion Clearance
Micrometer for external e = 0.01 max.
Micrometer for span
measurements of teeth
Micrometer head e = 0.015 max.
NOTE: Combinations of analogue and digital indicating devices are possible.
4.5.2 Analogue indicating devices General
The spindle shall have a thread pitch of 0.5 mm or 1 mm. In the case of micrometers
with spindles having a pitch of 0.5 mm, the 0.5 mm graduation lines on the main scale
shall be clearly distinguishable from the 1 mm graduation lines by means of their ar-
rangement above and below the fiducial line. The secondary scale on the thimble shall
have a scale graduated with 50 (pitch 0.5 mm) or 100 (pitch 1 mm) graduation lines,
each scale interval representing 0.01 mm. Graduation
The graduation of sleeve and thimble shall be as given in Table 6 and Figure 7, un-
less otherwise specified.
Table 6 Graduation
Unit: mm
Thread pitch Thimble Sleeve
0.5 50 divisions Scale interval 0.5
1.0 100 divisions Scale interval 1.0
o 5 10 15 20 25
o 5 10 15 20 25
Unit: mm
3 4 1
1 thimble
2 sleeve
3 main scale (sleeve)
4 secondary scale (thimble)
1 2 Interface
In the case of micrometer with electronic digital indication having an interface, the
manufacturer shall describe the transmission format of the data outputs (interface)
with as much detail as possible in product documentation.
4.6 Protection of ,~I~(!t:r_Qp.i(!__digiJ~ljndi(!~tiQn for field use
Wh~n_mj_Gx9.m~t~x __wj_th__ ~l~~_tr9x),i~__ gjgit~l_in9j~JAtinn_gTI~x~nt~~_$_Jlvict __?_n~L_d1-!B..t_Rr9_~
the manufacturers shall indicate clearly which kind of fluid and dust protec-
tion (Ip code, according to JIS C 0920) in the body or in product documents.
4. 7 .lJJ~\ll~tjJJ.g-plat.~.
where, M: dimensional tolerance on nominal dimension of reference
point setting bar (/lm)
L: nominal dimension of reference point setting bar (mm)
On a conspicuous position of reference point setting bar, the nominal
dimension and dimensional tolerance shall be described.
4.11 Spindle
The hardness of spindle thread shall be not less than 700 HV or 60 HRC, and it shall
be measured on the thread or on the neighbouring cylinder surface. The hardness of
stainless steel thread shall be not less than 530 HV or 51 HRC.
--``,,`,,,`,`,,`,`,```,`,,``-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- General
The error-of-indication characteristics apply to any indications based on the zero set-
ting stated in 5.1. The tolerance on error of indication shall be limited by the maximum
permissible error (MPE).
Th~_K~P-~9:tJlJ)jlity_(5_._2_._2_~a2_J:l.p.p.li~~_QnJY_wh~njtjB.._J::~_CJ.l;!iJ::~ct_bY__ tbg_m~n\lJ9:~t~K~r_(QJ::
,NQ_TE_: ___ Th~ __ $Y}:A9..9l~__ Qf_~rKQr~9fi1Jocti~~tiQn_~h~J::9:<;_t~ri$_ti~$__ ~n_(1_t)}~ir_~9xx~~n9_nd~,
Table 8 Maximum permissible error of indication by full measuring face contact e/MPE
Unit: !-lm
Measuring range Micrometer for Micrometer for Micrometer for Micrometer head
(mm) external meas- internal meas- span measure-
urements urements ments of teeth
o to
25 -
±2 ±4 ±2
25 to 50
50 to 75 ±4 ±6
75 to 100 ±3
100 to 125 ±5 ±7
125 to 150
150 to 175 ±4 ±6 ±8
175 to 200
200 to 225
225 to 250 ±5 ±9
250 to 275 ±7 -
275 to 300
300 to 325 ±6
325 to 350
350 to 375 ±8
375 to 400 ±7 -
400 to 425
425 to 450 ±9
450 to 475 ±8
475 to 500
JMPE of the micrometer having other measuring ranges shall be as agreed between the parties
concerned with delivery.
b) Measurement of full surface contact error The full surface contact error shall be
tested as follows.
1) Measure the full surface contact error using an instrument such as gauge block.
2) When the micrometer has a rotating measuring spindle, the following gauge block
dimensions should be used in order to enable the spindle to be measured at points
with integer multiple of the thread pitch and at the intermediate positions.
If the minimum measurable dimension is not zero, that value plus the dimen-
sion corresponding to the minimum measurable dimension are the preferable
gauge block dimension.
2.5 mm, 5.1 mm, 7.7 mm, 10.3 mm, 12.9 mm, 15.0 mm, 17.6 mm, 20.2 mm, 22.8
mm and 25.0 mm
When the measurement is performed using the gauge block dimensions above,
the error of indication at various rotational angles of a spindle can be obtained.
3) In the case of large micrometers, it suffices to measure the minimum and maxi-
mum measurable dimensions of the micrometer by a gauge block in consideration
for the influence of the measuring force on the body, provided that the measuring
head has been measured separately (measurement of spindle screw feed error).
NOTE: Using the error-of-indication curve is the easest method to evaluate
the performance of a micrometer, and the effective method to verify
the measurement result. An example of an error-of-indication curve
is given in Annex A.
4) The full surface contact error shall be measured as given in Table 9.
Table 9 (continued)
Type Measuring method Figure Measuring
Microme- Method 2 Electrical
ter for in- After setting the reference comparator
ternal point of a measuring in- having the
meas- strument with the gauge scale inter-
urements block having the nominal Electrical comparator val of 111m
(conclud- dimension equal to the or less and
ed) minimum measurable di- the instru-
mension of the micrometer, Micrometer mental er-
set the reference point of ror of ±O.5
the micrometer. Then ad- 11m as spec-
just the scale of the mi- ified in JIS
crometer to any indication, B 7536, or
clamp it, and measure the length
length with the length meaSUring
measuring instrument. Add instrument
the minimum measurable having an
dimension to the indication accuracy
of the length measuring in- equal or
strument at that time. superIOr
Subtract that dimension thereto.
from the indication of the
Microme- After setting the reference Gauge block
Table 9 (concluded)
Type Measuring method Figure Measuring
Microme- Method 2 Length
ter head Measure the spindle screw meaSUring
(conclud- feed of the micrometer instrument
ed) head by the length meas- having the
uring instrument. scale inter-
vall/-lm or
less and the
error of in-
dication ±l
/-lm or less
The repeatability shall be measured, for example by using gauge blocks having any
dimension (within the measuring span).
,NQ_TE_: ____Th~ __m~PllJ~<;_t}J.X~r__ ~9}11~til))&$_J~~rQyi<j~$__ tJ)&_Qgt?cil~_.Qf_I~I>_~_~_t~RiUtY__~R.QP'
5.3 Performance
5.3.1 Performance of micrometer Micrometer for external measurements
The performance of micrometer for external measurements shall be as given in Table
10, when measured according to to and
Table 15 (concluded)
Type Measuring methods Figure Measuring
Microm- Method 2 Gauge block
eter for Place a gauge block in the of grade 0 or
external centre of both measuring fac- 1 specified
meas- es, and read the indication Gauge blocks in JIS B
urements using a measuring-force lim- 7506, or
(conclud- iting device of the micrometer. gauge equal
ed) Place separately the gauge or superIOr
blocks in four corners of the thereto
measuring face, read each in-
dication, and obtain the
maximum difference. Measur-
Alternatively, bring the gauge ing face
block (equal to the minimum
The mark x represents
measurable dimension) into
a measuring point.
close contact with the centre
of anvil measuring face. Place
separately another gauge
blocks between the gauge
block and the spindle me as -
uring face, in centre and four
corners of the measuring face.
Read each indication, and ob-
tain the maximum difference.
Microm- Place separately gauge blocks Gauge block
eter for in four corners of measuring of grade 0 or
span face, read each indication us- 1 specified
meas- ing a measuring-force limiting in JIS B
urements device of the micrometer, and 7506, or
of teeth obtain the maximum differ- gauge equal
ence. or superIOr
Alternatively, bring the gauge thereto
block (equal to the minimum
measurable dimension) into
close contact with the centre The mark x represents
of anvil measuring face, place a measuring point
separately another gauge
blocks between the gauge
block and the spindle me as -
uring face in four corners of
measuring face. Read each in-
dication, and obtain the
maximum difference.
external of measuring face of a spindle holder,
meas- comes into contact with the ~ ~ T) gauge block
ure- centre of the spherical anvil at ~ ~'-' JI( of grade 0 or
ments, the position of minimum 1 specified
mIcrom- measurable dimension, apply Spherical anvil in JIS B
eter for the measuring force and set Example of micrometer for 7506, or
internal the reference point. external measurements gauge equal
meas- Place separately gauge blocks or superlOr
ure- of different length between the Micrometer Gauge block thereto
n'~_+_~ ~f_i£l
ments, measuring face of a spindle
mIcrom- and the spherical anvil, apply
eter for the measuring force and read ~ ~145 ~ rtll
span the indication.
meas- Obtain the difference between
Anvil holder Spherical
urements the maximum and the mini- anvil
of teeth mum from the differences be-
tween the indications of the Example of micrometer for
micrometer and the dimen- internal measurements
sions of the gauge block.
In the case of the micrometer
for external measurements
having the maximum meas-
urable dimension of 150 mm
or less, the difference between
the maximum and the mini-
mum of the full surface con-
tact error (Table 9) may be
Microm- Determine the difference be-
eter head tween the maximum and the
minimum of the full surface
contact error at each measur-
able dimension obtained by
the method in Table 9.
ing an au tocollima tor, and
obtain the perpendicularity by
the following formula.
y=D 1 ·x/400
y: perpendicularity of
spindle ()lm)
D J : diameter of spindle
x: runout of autocollima-
tor (s)
__ __ ___ __
t_i9.n~L_~~~gJ!_t~n~~ c;xit~xjQn_wh~x~ th~ E2P.~dfj~~t_i9_:n ~_Q)}~__ gll\l_~lB___th~ ~~c;g:D_t~n~~ ~Qn~, __ __
,NO_TE_: ___ .Th~_jnt~r)}~tj_Qn~l_~~c;ggt~n~~_c;xjt~xiQnx~f~x~_.tQ_ISQ(TR_.l12_Q_3_~6_:_2Q.l2:,
7.2 Measurement standard for calibration of metrological characteristics and perfor-
A measurement standard shall be properly selected and used according to JIS. When
such a measurement standard is not available, the one traceable to national standards
shall be used.
7.3 Standard reference temperature
The specifications for performances given in this Standard shall be the values at the
standard reference temperature of 20°C as specified in JIS B 0680.
8 Inspection
The dimensions, measuring range, type of indicating device, measuring face, meas-
uring-force limiting device, spindle, metrological characteristics and performance of
micrometer shall be inspected and conform to 4.3 to 4.5, 4.8, 4.9, 4.11 and clause 5. For
the micrometers with measuring faces of anvil and spindle made of cemented carbide
alloys, the measurements of hardnesses may be omitted.
9 Marking
On a conspicuous position of a micrometer, the following items shall be indelibly de-
a) Scale interval QLmjnim1J_l))__ digit.~tB..t~p.
b) Measuring range (see Table 5)
c) NR-_l))_~__QJ_tb.~_})1~ql1J£~_c;t1-!r~x_(~:tJ..p.p.li~r2_Qr._it~_~RRX~Y:i~t.i9_1;1
Annex A (informative)
Example of an error-of-indication curve
ta set (for data points) in order to illustrate the characteristics of the micrometer. The
details of indicating and specifying metrological characteristics are specified in .Gl~J}J?g.
'1_ gf JJS_ J~_ Q~1_~__:__~Q 1Q.
a /'1 ~\
v /'
, /'-
...... _ /'
/' \
, I
\ /'
...... ,
o - ;
I 'J
- V
\ / L,mm
\ / \1
-1 ill
0.0 2.5 5.1 7.7 10.3 12.9 15.0 17.6 20.2 22.8 25.0
L length indication
J error of indication
h error-of-indication span
c .~r:rQr_-_QfjJ}9j~<;~ti_Qn MPE
a error-of-indication curve
Annex B (informative)
Notes on use
B.2 In order to avoid heat transfer from the hand, the micrometers shall be held as
much as possible by the insulating plate or h~__11B_~-,;tw.ith_~_mi.GrQJ».g_t~r_$.t~nd.
B.3 The micrometer shall be verified periodically, based on the frequency and condi-
tions of use. The abnormalities of spindle (e.g. sluggish rotation, hesitation), if any, can
result from its deformation, dirt in the screw, etc.
B.4 Before use, the micrometer shall be reset to zero or reference point in the posture
of use. Gauge blocks or reference point setting bar should be used for this setting.
Annex C (informative)
Typical data sheet for design specification (design
characteristics), metrological characteristics and
brochures, etc., provided with the user by the manufacturer (or the supplier). In many
cases, these items of information are shown by the forms of dimensional drawings and
reference charts.
N arne of equipment
Product profile
Company name
Date, number of edition, etc.
Annex D (informative)
Relation to the GPS matrix model
D.1 General
For details about the GPS matrix model, see ISO/TR 14638 .
.NQ-'J~~E_l ____ ThE?_J~t~~tgQj_ti5n)'__QfJS_QITR_1463a_i_~_lSQ_116g~__:__Z_0_lQ~
.NQTE__2. ____ Th~_~hginljn~J)__GQn'J~$p_Qn.Jl~_tQ_thE?_~hginljn~_:E_~pE?_Gifi~g_inlSQ_l16..3_s.._:_.
General G PS standards
Chain link number a) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Size x
Form of a line independent of datum
Form of a line dependent of datum
Form of a surface independent of datum
tal GPS
Form of a surface dependent of datum
Circular run-out
Total run-out
Roughness profile
Waviness profile
Primary profile
Surface imperfections
Note a) The representation of chain link number is as follows.
Chain link 1 : symbols and indications Chain link 4 : measurement
Chain link 2 : feature requirements Chain link 5 : measurement equipment
Chain link 3 : Feature properties Chain link 6 : calibration
Figure D.1 GPS matrix model
Annex JA (informative)
Marking on product documents
For better visibility and clarity, the symbols given in this Standard can be replaced
by the corresponding symbols given in Table JA.1, which have fewer subscripts.
[1] ISO/TR 14253-6 : 2012 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Inspection by
measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment - Part 6 : Generalized
decision rules for the acceptance and rejection ofinstruments and workpieces
[2] ISO/TR 14638 : 2015 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Matrix model
[3] ISO/TR 14638 : 1995 Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Masterplan
o"""" messages of handling rapid spindle rotation could understanding.
r-3 and system need to cause the output of wrong
be indicated when an indication or where
electronic digital power-supply voltage
display is used. declines.
4.6 Protection of 4.4 Al terna tion Limit the marking of Limited because it is
electronic digital protection code to electronic impractical to require the
indication for field use digital indication with marking of protection code
guaranteed fluid and dust for all types of
protection. micrometers.
Specification for Deletion -
Deleted because the
electromagnetic field indication of
protection electromagnetic field
protection is impractical.
5.2.1 Clamping of 5.2 No change in Alternation Express that the spindle Achieve the convenience of
spindle dimensions of the shall be tightly secured. use by plain description.
sipndle when it is
making specification ~
t:d specifica- Delete the description
(1 tions related to the evaluation of
o uncertain ty.
;:3 7.2 Measurement -
Addition When measurement Add the specification for
o"""" standard for standard conforming to JIS measurement standard
r-3 calibration of is not available, define that a in relation to national
metrological measurement standard standards.
characteristics and traceable to national
performance standards shall be used.
7.3 Standard reference -
Addition Clarify that dimensions and Enable more practical use
temperature error of indication are values by concrete description.
at standard reference
S Inspection - - -
Addition Indicate the inspection items Consider JIS certification.
which need to conform to the
9 Marking -
7 Almost identical Addition Add the minimum digital Add the marking items in
with JIS. step and the name of the the previous edition which
manufacturer (supplier). are common in Japan.
(inform a- error-of-indication
tive) curve
Annex B Notes on use Annex E Alternation Include other types of Follow the scope.
~ (inform a- micrometers than those for
tive) external measurements.
o Annex C Typical data sheet for Annex B Exam pIe of data Alternation Replace the data sheet for Change the data sheet for
(inform a- design specification sheet communication inside a more practical use.
t:d tive) (design company with that for
o characteristics) , information from the
o metrological man ufacturer to the user.
~ characteristics and
(1 performance
::r: Annex D Relation to the GPS Annex F Identical - -
(inform a- matrix model
Annex JA Marking on product -
Marking method of Addition Permit the use of Add a table of
(inform a- documents symbols corresponding symbols correspondence showing
tive) which have the fewer symbols of metrological
subscripts (MPE) therefore characteristics, in
are more understandable. consideration for other
standards than JIS. -l
m c.c
- Addition: Adds the specification item(s) or content(s) which are not included in International Standard.
- Alteration: Alters the specification content(s) which are included in International Standard.
NOTE 2 Symbol in column of overall degree of correspondence between JIS and International Standard in the above table indicates as follows:
6 - MOD: Modifies International Standard.
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Errata for JIS (English edition) are printed in Standardization and Quality Conti'oJ, published
monthly by the Japanese Standards Association, and also provided to subscribers of JIS
(English edition) in Monthly InfOl'mation.