With the 2004 release of CDISC SDTM and ADaM standards, members of the pharmaceutical industry are all asking
the same questions. How and when does the creation of SDTM files occur during the clinical trial process? What
files should be used to create analysis files? How do I keep track of all of the data transformations? This
presentation will offer some strategies and considerations on how to implement CDISC standards within a
pharmaceutical organization. Advantages and disadvantages of implementation strategies will be discussed. A
discussion of the types of software solutions that can be used to perform the transformation of data into the SDTM is
presented. An illustration of the use of Base SAS® to facilitate the creation of a Findings domain from a database
management system to the SDTM or ADaM standards while maintaining important metadata is provided. Ideas, not
answers, will be shared to help you think about a CDISC implementation plan for your organization
It is widely recognized that standards improve process efficiency, regardless of the industry. To that end, the Clinical
Data Interchange Standards Consortium (CDISC) has been committed to the development of industry standards to
support the processing of clinical trials data over the past 8 years. In July 2004, CDISC released the production
version of standards for the design and content of clinical trial tabulation datasets submitted to regulatory authorities,
such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These study data tabulation models (SDTM) specifically
address standards for the submission of data typically described as the CRF data. These models have been
endorsed by the FDA and are gaining acceptance within the pharmaceutical industry. In December 2004, the
Analysis Data Model (ADaM) team of CDISC released a guidance document describing the general considerations for
the creation, content, and associated documentation for statistical analysis datasets. These are datasets that are
specifically designed to facilitate the statistical analysis and production of study results.
For most submission, both the CRF data and the analysis datasets are submitted to the FDA as part of a new drug
application. Now that the CDISC standards have been developed and endorsed by the FDA, many companies are re-
engineering their internal processes to adopt them. As complex as the development of the standards was, the
implementation will prove to be equally as complex. This paper will discuss some of the issues to consider when
implementing both the SDTM and ADaM standards. Suggestions presented here should be considered as such since
each organization must develop an implementation roadmap that best fits their environment.
The purpose of the SDTM is to guide the organization, structure, and format of the tabulation data that are to be
submitted as part of a product application to a regulatory authority. Tabulation datasets describe the essential data
collected during a clinical trial and are one of the four types of data currently submitted to the FDA. The other types of
data are patient profiles, listings and analysis datasets. The anticipation is that by submitting the tabulation datasets
in a standard structure, the regulatory need for patient profiles and listings will be reduced.
The SDTM is built around the organization of the observations collected about subjects who participated in a clinical
study. These observations are organized into series of domains. A domain is defined as a collection of observations
that share a common topic. Note that the data organized into one domain may have been represented on one or
more case report forms and conversely, that data collected on one case report form may be split into more than one
domains. It is important to recognize that where data is collected on the CRF pages and how the data is represented
in the study report tables are not factors for deciding into which domain the variables will be placed. Instead,
variables are placed into domains according to their topic.
There are three general domain classes where the majority of observations collected during a study are described.
These classes are Interventions, Events, and Findings. An Intervention class contains observations relating to
treatments or procedures that are intentionally administered. The Exposure domain is an example of an Intervention
class. An Events class contains observations relating to occurrences or incidents that happened during the study.
The Adverse Events domain is an example of an Events class. A Findings class captures observations resulting from
planned evaluations conducted during the study. The Laboratory domain is an example of a Findings class.
In addition to these general domain classes, several special purpose domains are specified in the SDTM. The
Demographics domain describes the essential characteristics of the study subjects such as treatment assignment and
study start and stop dates. The Comments domain describes a fixed structure for recording free-text comments. The
Supplemental Qualifier domains play an important role in capturing variables that cannot be mapped into the standard
The Submission Data Standards (SDS) team of CDISC has detailed the structure and content of over 20 typical
domains. These domain models are detailed blueprints of how the data should be represented, the variables to
include in the domain and their attributes. Of importance is the assignment of key variables, which unique describe
an observation.
Successful implementation of the SDTM implies conformance to the defined standards. Conformance is important
because it provides the cornerstone for the development of a well-defined data warehouse. With the creation of a
data warehouse, the review of new data by both regulatory agencies and sponsors will be facilitated. As detailed in
the SDTM Implementation Guide, conformance with the SDTM domain models is indicated by:
• Following the complete metadata structure for data domains and variables. This implies that no additional
variables can be added to the model.
• Following the CDISC domain models were applicable
• Including all required and expected variables defined by CDISC
• Using the CDISC specified domain names and prefixes, standard variable names, standard variable labels,
and data types for all variables
• Following CDISC specified controlled terminology and format guidelines for variables, when provided
• Ensuring that each record in a dataset includes a set of keys and a topic variable.
The CDISC Analysis Data Model (ADaM) defines a standard for AD’s to be submitted to the regulatory agency. The
underlying principle of these models is to provide clear and unambiguous communication of the content, source, and
quality of the datasets submitted in support of the statistical analysis performed by the sponsor. The model concepts
are summarized in a General Considerations document and can be found at In most implementations, the AD’s contain variables from
multiple SDTM domains and contain derived variables for specific analyses. In ADaM, the descriptions of the AD’s
build on the nomenclature of the SDTM with the addition of attributes, variables and data structures needed for
statistical analyses. To achieve the principle of clear and unambiguous communication relies on clear AD
documentation. This documentation provides the link between the general description of the analysis found in the
protocol or statistical analysis plan and the source data. Of high importance is the clear description of the source(s)
of data used as input to the AD’s. These descriptions allow the reviewer to trace the derived data items back to their
source. Documentation detailing the AD metatdata, analysis variable metadata, and the analysis value-level
metadata are recognized for their importance. ADaM also defines analysis-level metadata, which describes the major
attributes of each important analysis result that is presented in the study report. The purpose of this analysis-level
metadata is to allow the reviewer to link from the statistical results to the metadata describing the analysis, the reason
for the analysis, and the datasets and programs used to generate the results.
In addition to the principles outlined in the General Considerations document for AD’s, ADaM is developing examples
of AD’s and their associated documentation that relate to frequently used statistical methods. These examples
illustrate the application of ADaM principles to a typical analysis.
Before the SDTM standard was developed, the typical scenario for the creation of clinical trial datasets was to create
an extract from the database management system (DBMS), such as OracleClinical and prepare this extract as the
submission tabulation files and build analysis datasets from this extract. Now that the SDTM standards are part of
this development cycle, the salient question is what will become the new typical scenario? Assuming that both
tabulation datasets and analysis datasets and associated documentation will be submitted to a regulatory agency,
there are at least four options for the development life cycle of these data, each with advantages and disadvantages.
These are described below.
This development path is illustrated as:
SDTM Domains
DBMS Extract
Analysis Datasets
This development path is illustrated as:
This development method can be illustrated as:
DBMS Extract SDTM Draft Domains Analysis Datasets SDTM Final Domains
With this method, the differences between SDTM Draft domains and SDTM Final domains are envisioned to be small.
The SDTM Final domains contain the subset of variables or records that are optimally created during the analysis or
at the final stage of submission preparation. An example is the creation of USUBJID. This variable is required in the
SDTM and provides a unique key identifier for a given subject. In some situations, however, the creation of USUBJID
cannot be defined until all studies are complete since a given subject may participate in multiple trials. Other
examples include the creation of expected variable that is present in all Findings domains that indicate the data
record considered to be the baseline value (e.g. ‘EGBLFL’). Since these indicator flags likely would be derived in the
AD’s, creating the Final SDTM domains retrospectively from the AD’s prevents redundant derivation and eliminates
the possibility of discord between SDTM domain and the analysis dataset. Finally, population indicator variables,
such as those for intent-to-treat or per protocol status, can be optimally created in the AD and then placed in the
supplemental qualifier domain.
Each organization will need to leverage the advantages and disadvantages of these methods when deciding an
implementation plan. For submissions that are prepared within the near future, several of the above methods may
need to be used in tandem to accommodate both legacy data and ongoing studies. But as CDISC standards become
adopted within an organization, one would expect that efficiencies will be gained if one method were used for all new
studies going forward. Weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each method above, the linear or the hybrid
method are the most parsimonious and are long-term solutions. These methods follow the logical pattern of software
development and they provide the reviewer with unambiguous documentation and source data for the analysis
datasets. The parallel and retrospective methods are potentially advantageous as short-term solutions to be used
over the years of transition to the linear or hybrid method.
The reorganization of the DBMS extracts is an example of a typical ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Load)
process currently used in many industries. There exists a variety of marketed software designed specifically to
address and automate ETL processes. Certainly, one of the market leaders is the SAS® product ETL Studio
( Using a visual design tool, this product helps organizations build,
implement and manage ETL processes from source to destination, regardless of data sources or platforms. In-depth
data transformations can be performed with minimal programming. The first commercially available software
designed specifically to convert Oracle® Clinical data to the SDTM format is OC2SDS™ from CSSInformatics
( Additional software, such as WEBSDM™ from Lincoln
Technologies ( is designed to take advantage of the
efficiencies of standardized data. By no means is this an exhaustive list of potential software vendors that have
products that could be used in the creation of SDTM domains. Organizations are encouraged to search across all
products for one that fulfills the necessary functional requirements.
Readers are referred to other authors who have presented useful SDTM macro code in greater detail (Shostak,
Two macros will be detailed here because they illustrate an important relationship between SDTM domains and AD’s.
First, consider the circumstance where a DBMS extract is normalized to adhere to the SDTM table structure. Below
is an abbreviated representation of a DBMS extract from the data collected on a typical vital sign CRF (VITSIGN)
Note that the format for height in centimeters is 5.1, for weight in kilograms is 6.3 and the calculation of BMI is
formatted as 6.3. Assume that the character variable FRMSIZE was defined with a length of $6 to accommodate
possible values of ‘SMALL’, ‘MEDIUM’, ‘LARGE’,’UNK’.
When this DBMS extract of VITSIGN is converted to structure of the Vital Sign (VS) Findings domain, these data are
normalized and result in following abbreviated representation:
Note that the numeric variable VSSTRESN houses all numeric variables and therefore will need to have a numeric
format that will accommodate all levels of precision that were used in any of the vital sign test measurements. Since
three decimal places were the maximum number used in the original DBMS file, then all values of VSSTRESN will
have 3 decimal places. When using SAS, 0’s are used to pad any value that does not have this number of decimal
values, as illustrated above with the value of 172.700 for Height.
The normalized structure of the SDTM Findings domain is conducive to data warehousing and transmission of data.
However, it is not often an ideal structure for AD’s since many types of analysis and table summaries are easier to
perform if each visit data is on one record. Therefore, to create a by-visit vital sign analysis dataset, the VS domain
will be flipped back to a horizontal structure. The structure of an analysis file for change from baseline of vital signs
would be as follows:
It is evident from this example, that a successful ‘flipping’ of the SDTM domain to the AD requires the knowledge of
the original format of the both the numeric and character variables. Without this knowledge, SAS will represent all
numeric values with 3 decimal places and, in the absence of ‘defensive’ programming, will assign the length of the
FRMSIZE variable to the length of the value that it first encounters in the database.
Two SAS macros can help manage this process. The first is a macro that creates a list of macro variables that
correspond to the DBMS variable names that will become rows in the SDTM domain. This approach to creating an
array of macro variables has been presented by other authors (for example, Fehd, 2004). The creation of this ‘virtual
array’ of macro variables is presented here in a simple form:
Note that the output from this macro is a list of macro variables, as well as a global variable to indicate the number of
macro variables created. The macro variable ‘List’ specifies the variable names in the DBMS extract that will
eventually be transposed. Thus, for the above example, the macro call would be:
%v_array(list=ht_cm, wt_kg, bmi, frmsize);
This results in the creation of four macro variables, &var1 - - &var4, whose values are the variable names and
&dimarray with a value of 4. Once these are created, they can be used as input to other macros, such as the
following macro, which saves the value-level metadata of these variables in a SAS dataset.
The SAS dataset ‘VS_META’ would contain four records with values of the original variable name, type, label, and
format that were the metadata specified in the DBMS data table. This data table would be used as input to the
documentation for the creation of the analysis dataset and most importantly can be used to automate the creation of
SAS LENGTH and FORMAT statements used in the AD creation program. Saving this metadata in a SAS table
ensures that the proper value-level metadata is used when the AD is created without user input.
Using the macro variables created in %v_array can be used to macrotize the transformation of the VITSIGN file to the
normalized SDTM VS domain. An excerpt of example code is as follows:
It is important to recognize that the implementation of standards, in any industry, will bring about change. This
change not only will be manifested within organizations but also within the standards themselves. As the SDTM is
used by more organizations, enhancements to the models will be made. Other CDISC standards, such as the
specification of the DEFINE.XML schema, will influence both the SDTM and AD. Using XML as the document format
for the data definition tables will result in machine-readable metadata for the table of contents of data and the
accompanying data description tables included in a submission. The power of XML has the promise to revolutionize
the management of clinical trial information. For example, the illustration above of saving the value level metadata for
later use in the creation of the analysis datasets will become obsolete once XML is standard since this information will
be in the DEFINE.XML and can be machine read during any ETL process.
Adams, Scott. 1997 “The Dilbert Principle”. HarperBusiness.
Fehd, Ron . 2004 “Array: Construction and Usage of Arrays of Macro Variables”. SUGI29 Proceedings.
Shostak, Jack. 2005 “Implementation of the CDISC SDTM at the Duke Clinical Research Institute”. PharmaSUG
Visit to read:
The Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM), June 25, 2004
The Study Data Tabulation Model Implementation Guide (SDTM-IG), July 14, 2004
Statistical Analysis Dataset Model: General Considerations Version 1.0, December 2004
Case Report Tabulation Data Description Specification (define.xml), February 2005
Review and participate in the Discussion Forums ( )
Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:
Susan J. Kenny, PhD
Maximum Likelihood Solutions, Inc.
PO Box 2074
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
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