Gujarat Technological University: Page 1 of 4
Gujarat Technological University: Page 1 of 4
Gujarat Technological University: Page 1 of 4
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3170614
SUBJECT NAME: Construction Engineering and Management
Rationale: Knowledge of construction project plans, allocate resources and analyze workload, track work
progress, estimation of project costs and manage budgets etc. are very important aspects of construction
project management. In addition to these, various skill sets such as management of complex construction
works, safety and quality in construction projects etc. needs to be required for successful execution of any
project. This subject covers all above aspects required to know by the students of civil engineering.
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3170614
values, critical paths, and calendaring networks. PERT analysis, calculation of
probability of completion.
3 Project Monitoring & Control - Network crushing and cost time trade off, Periodic 8
progress reports, and periodical progress meetings, purpose, frequency and methods
of updating plans.
Safety, health and environment on project sites: Accidents; their causes, effects and
preventive measures, costs of accidents, Health and Safety Policies/Standards: OSHA,
ISO 45001, occupational health & safety hazards in construction.
Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.
Reference Books:
1) Construction Planning, Methods and Equipment, R.L Peurifoy, McGraw Hill, 2011
2) Construction Project management, Theory & Practice, Kumar Neeraj Jha, Pearson Education India.
3) Project Planning with PERT and CPM, B. C. Punmia, K. K. Khandelwal, Laxmi Publications.
4) Construction Planning and Management, P. S. Gehlot and B. M. Dhir, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
5) A management guide to PERT/ CPM by Weist and Levy, Prentice Hall
6) Construction of Structures and Management of Works, S. C. Rangwala, Charotar Publications.
7) Construction Engineering & Management By S. Seetharaman, Umesh Publication
8) Lean Construction Management by Shang Gao · Sui Pheng Low, Spinger
9) Construction Project Management by K. K. Chitkara, Tata McGraw-Hill Education
10) BIM and Construction Management: Proven Tools, Methods, and Workflows By Brad Hardin, Dave
McCool, John Wiley & Sons
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3170614
11) CONQUAS: The CIDB Construction Quality Assessment System by Singapore. Construction
Industry Development Board
12) Occupational Safety, Health & Environment And Sustainable Economic Development by By
Pradeep Chaturvedi (ed.), Concept Publishing Company Delhi
13) Construction Health and Safety Management by By Alan Griffith, Tim Howarth, Routledge.
14) Construction Equipment and its Planning and Application, Mahesh Varma, Metropolitan Book Co.
Course Outcome:
Sr. Marks %
CO statement
No. weightage
CO-1 Outline components and phases of construction project. 10
CO-2 Infer types of project plans, Work break down structure, Planning
techniques, CPM and PERT techniques project scheduling & 40
1. Develop a WBD structure for the construction of one storied building; Develop a bar chart for the
construction of this building, including finishing activities, assuming reasonable activity durations.
2. Develop a CPM chart for a 5 span bridge on open foundations. Develop a comparative table for a 10-
storeyed building constructed by at least three different methods, listing their pros and cons.
3. Develop a Gantt chart for the construction of a two storied precast framed structure, including open
foundations, along with list of equipment resources, assuming reasonable quantities and
productivities. Calculate cost optimization and updating of the same structure.
4. Develop a bar chart for concreting 1500 sqm of a 15cm thick slab using various equipment for
production to placing of concrete at 3 m eight above ground level; show all equipment resources
required, along with a site layout.
5. For the construction of a typical 3 storied, framed structure with 400 sqm area per floor develop the
histograms for the various resources required, showing all intermediate calculations; also, draw S-
curves for concrete placing and block work done over the period.
6. Write a 500-word note on the advantages of Lean construction method over conventional project
management systems.
7. Write a 500-word note on the Safety and health precautions you would take for a typical 3 storied
building with 400 sq. m. plinth area.
8. A site visit of heavy construction project should be arranged to show the working of construction
equipment’s like dragline, bull dozers, clamshell, belt conveyors, scrappers, compactors, etc.
1. Geniebelt
2. Buildtools
3. Knowify
4. CIMS - Construction Information Management System
Other softwares
1. MS Project
2. Primavera
3. Revit for BIM modeling
4. Visilean
learning website
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