Tutorial Letter 101/3/2021: Afrikaans Vir Beginners
Tutorial Letter 101/3/2021: Afrikaans Vir Beginners
Tutorial Letter 101/3/2021: Afrikaans Vir Beginners
Semester 1 and 2
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Administrative affairs ...................................................................................................................... 4
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Outcomes ....................................................................................................................................... 4
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS .................................................................................... 5
4 RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1 Prescribed book(s) .......................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Recommended book(s) .................................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves) ..................................................................................................... 6
4.4 Library services and resources information .................................................................................... 6
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................. 7
6 STUDY PLAN ................................................................................................................................. 8
7 PRACTICAL WORK ....................................................................................................................... 9
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................... 9
8.1 Assessment criteria ........................................................................................................................ 9
8.2 Assessment plan ............................................................................................................................ 9
8.3 Assignment numbers .................................................................................................................... 10
8.4 Assignment due dates .................................................................................................................. 10
8.5 Submission of assignment ........................................................................................................... 11
8.6 The assignments .......................................................................................................................... 13
8.7 Other assessment methods .......................................................................................................... 35
8.8 The examination ........................................................................................................................... 35
8.8.1 Admission to the exam ................................................................................................................. 35
8.8.2 Semester mark ............................................................................................................................. 35
9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS .......................................................................................... 36
10 SOURCES CONSULTED ............................................................................................................. 37
11 IN CLOSING ................................................................................................................................. 37
Dear Student
As part of this tutorial letter, we wish to inform you that Unisa has implemented a transformation charter
based on five pillars and eight dimensions. In response to this charter, we have also placed curriculum
transformation high on the agenda. For your information, curriculum transformation includes the following
pillars: student-centred scholarship, the pedagogical renewal of teaching and assessment practices, the
scholarship of teaching and learning, and the infusion of African epistemologies and philosophies. These
pillars and their principles will be integrated at both the programme and module levels, as a phased-in
approach. You will notice the implementation thereof in your modules, and we encourage you to fully
embrace these changes during your studies at Unisa.
We would like to welcome you as a student in our department. Be assured of our enthusiasm and
willingness to support and offer guidance to you during your study programme.
The main purpose of this semester module Afrikaans vir Beginners previously known as Basic
communicative competence in Afrikaans (AFK1505) is to equip you with the necessary
knowledge and skills to acquire a basic proficiency in using Afrikaans in everyday communication
We start out in this module by using English as the language of instruction. As you get used to
Afrikaans, we will gradually leave out English instructions and move to Afrikaans only; however,
we will never do so on a level where you are unable to understand what is being explained
We trust that you will benefit from everything that this module has to offer. To get the most out of
it, you will also have to tackle a number of assignments on your own. The teaching staff are there
to assist you in this process. Do not hesitate to contact them should you have any questions with
regard to the syllabus, the assignments or any other aspect of your study programme.
This tutorial letter contains important information regarding:
✓ the module and our modus operandi
✓ your study programme
✓ the assignments that you need to submit
✓ exam admission and your semester mark
In this module we use a blended learning approach. What then is blended learning? Blended
learning refers to learning opportunities offered through a combination of different teaching and
learning strategies and educational technologies. At Unisa we make use of myUnisa and printed
material to offer a blended learning approach. Thus, while we use myUnisa as our main source of
teaching and learning, we also make some learning material available in printed format.
This means that students who do not have regular access to myUnisa can use a printed version
of the study guide. In this module, all the information you need is available on myUnisa as soon
as you have registered for the module. After registering, you will be able to access your study
guide, tutorial letters and a variety of additional resources on the module site on myUnisa.
Students who do not have regular access to myUnisa and prefer a printed version of study guide
will still need to register for myUnisa, since important information and resources are uploaded to
the module site from time to time.
1.1.1 Despatch
Upon Registration, Unisa’s Department of Despatch should supply you with the following tutorial
matter for this module:
Note: The tutorial material listed here will not necessarily be available upon registration. Tutorial
material which is not available upon registration will be posted to you when it becomes available.
When you enroll you will receive, in addition to the available tutorial matter, an inventory for the
current academic year. This inventory letter lists only the items available from the Department of
Despatch in Pretoria or the Regional Offices at that stage.
Students registering at a Regional Office will receive the rest of their tutorial matter by registered
post from Pretoria. Check the tutorial matter you have received against this inventory. You should
have received all the items specified in the inventory unless there is an explicit statement to the
contrary (e.g. “out of stock”). If any of the items are missing, follow without delay the instructions
at the end of the inventory.
Only use the contact numbers given in the inventory letter if you need to contact Despatch about
study material that is missing. This applies also to the tutorial letters which you will receive later in
the semester, for example the follow up tutorial letter which you should receive after the closing
date of Assignment 02.
A quicker way to get hold of new and existing study material is to register on myUnisa. On
myUnisa’s website you can download any study material for the modules you are enrolled
The purpose of this module is to provide students who have little or no proficiency in Afrikaans,
with the necessary communication competencies to enable them to communicate effectively in
Afrikaans in a variety of formal and informal communicative contexts.
2.2 Outcomes
• comprehend basic written and oral texts in Afrikaans and respond orally and in writing
by using the correct basic vocabulary and simple sentence constructions.
• converse adequately (both orally and in writing) using more advanced vocabulary and
grammatical structures, and being able to make appropriate style choices depending on the
communicative context.
Mx MH le Roux
Tel: (012) 429 6988
Office: WMM Building, Room: 10-83
E-mail: lrouxmh@unisa.ac.za
You will receive help from me. I will answer your questions, provide feedback or discuss your
problems either on the phone, by correspondence, e-mails or appointment.
3.2 Department
Head of Department
Can be contacted via the Departmental Secretary.
Departmental Secretary
Mrs Zané Loftie-Eaton
Tel: (012) 429 6308
E-mail: loftiz@unisa.ac.za
Postal Address
Department of Afrikaans and Theory of Literature
P.O. Box 392
Departmental website
3.3 University
Contact addresses of the various administrative departments are on the Unisa website:
Always have your student number at hand when you contact the University.
Fax enquiries to: +27 (0)12 429 4150
Postal Address: PO Box 392
Enquiries about assignments (procedure, receipt, marks), student administration, dispatch (study
material), examination timetables, examination enquiries and finance (student accounts), which
cannot be solved via myUnisa should be directed to the brochure, Study@Unisa.
4.1 Prescribed book(s)
There is a single prescribed book for this module: an entry-level dictionary that is widely available
at a very competitive price:
Oxford University Press Southern Africa. 2007 (or later). Oxford Afrikaans-English English-
Afrikaans Skoolwoordeboek / School Dictionary. Cape Town: OUP SA.
The study guide has been designed in tandem with this dictionary. It is absolutely essential that
you have access to this dictionary (or any other bilingual Afrikaans/English dictionary).
The following book might be of help to you. Please take note that this book is not prescribed. You
do not need this book in order to complete this module. However, many of our students have
found this book helpful as an additional guide.
Lutrin, B. 2004. Afrikaans Handbook and Study Guide. Johannesburg: Berlut Books.
Recommended guides:
• Request and find library material/download recommended material:
• Postgraduate information services: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/request/postgrad
• Finding and using library resources and tools: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/Research_skills
• Frequently asked questions about the Library: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/ask
• Services to students living with disabilities: http://libguides.unisa.ac.za/disability
This brochure has all the tips and information you need to succeed at distance learning and,
specifically, at Unisa.
The following student support services are offered by Unisa and/or the Department of Afrikaans
and Theory of Literature for the module AFK1505:
Tutorial Letters
Throughout the semester you will receive a follow up tutorial letter in which the assignments for
AFK1505 will be discussed. In this letter, we will give and discuss each question’s answer and
special attention will be given to general mistakes. You should study this letter thoroughly and
keep it for reference, to ensure that you do not make the same kind of mistakes in the exam.
Sometimes a follow up tutorial letter can also contain important information or changes regarding
the rest of the semester. Sometimes it contains important arrangements or changes to existing
myUnisa was developed to improve communication between lecturers and learners. You can
access administrative information such as academic and assignment records, examination
results and dates, and financial records. Academic information comprises courseware, subject-
related academic guidance, discussion groups, recommended books and more.
Most of the departmental study guides and tutorial letters are available on myUnisa in PDF
format. This implies that you can download your study material and print it. Only registered Unisa
students from the Department of Afrikaans and Theory of Literature have access to this facility.
You have to register with myUnisa to gain access to the study guides and tutorial letters of the
modules for which you are registered.
myLife account
Remember to activate your myLife account. This is an email address linked to your modules.
All notices and communication with students will be sent to this address. Once activated, you
can reroute all your incoming emails to your personal email account.
Unisa has entered into partnerships with establishments (referred to as Telecentres) in various
locations across South Africa to enable you (as a Unisa student) free access to computers and
the Internet. This access enables you to conduct the following academic related activities:
registration; online submission of assignments; engaging in e-tutoring activities and signature
courses; etc. Please note that any other activity outside of these are for your own costing e.g.
printing, photocopying, etc. For more information on the Telecentre nearest to you, please visit
A study skills textbook entitled EFFECTIVE STUDY was published by the Directorate for
Counselling and Career Development (DCCD). It is available in English and it can be obtained
from Unisa Press.
For a comprehensive description of the services offered at the Main Campus and at the Regional
Centres, you can visit the web page of the Directorate for Counselling and Career Development
(DCCD) at: http://www.unisa.ac.za/sites/corporate/default/About/Service-
The Department: Diversity, Management, Equity and Transformation makes provision for
supporting students with disabilities. Go to:
Please refer to the brochure Study@Unisa for advice on general time management and planning.
The following table can be used as a guideline for your planning for AFK1505. The schedule is
based on the deadlines for assignments as determined by Unisa, the available dates for
registration as well as the availability of study material on myUnisa as soon as you are registered
for the module.
We allow you 7-10 business days for the conventional submission of an assignment (by ordinary
mail). However, if you submit your assignment via myUnisa, (which we strongly advise!) you
can do it even closer to the deadline – but do not wait till the last moment on the closing date,
because any connection problem at such a time will cause your assignment to be late.
There is no module practical work or work integrated learning for this module.
There are no additional assessment criteria for the assignments in this tutorial letter. Assignments
are based on a simple question-answer model. A positive mark is received for each question that
is answered correctly. The mark allocation is clearly indicated next to each main question.
The method of assessment in this module reflects Unisa’s policy on assessment (see:
www.unisa.ac.za). Assessment in this module is a continuous process and includes both
formative and summative assessment.
Formative assessment is made up of two assignments which contribute in total 25% towards the
student’s final mark for this module.
• We give information at the beginning of each assignment on how this assignment must be
approached by you and how we will mark the assignment.
• After submission of your assignments, you will receive a feedback letter (tutorial letter
201) in which we will explain how we assessed and marked your assignments.
Summative assessment is done when you write your final examination: your exam paper will
contribute 75% towards your final mark. If you do not pass this module, you may still be eligible
for an aegrotat/supplementary examination in the following semester.
8.3 Assignment numbers
Assignments are numbered consecutively for each module, starting at 01. Please note that your
assignment number should correlate with the number allocated to that assignment in this letter.
In this module you are expected to complete two assignments according to certain guidelines.
You will need to submit two assignments for this module – they are both included in this tutorial
letter. Submission of assignment one will give you examination admission.
Note that your two assignments together make up a maximum of 25% of your final mark for this
module. For the first assignment, you could receive a maximum of 12.5% (if all your answers are
correct). This assignment will be computer assessed and handled by administration. For the
second assignment, you could receive a maximum of 12.5%. This assignment will be computer
assessed and handled by administration. Thus:
• Assignment 02 is also a multiple-choice assignment which will count 12.5% of your final
mark of the module.
Each assignment has an additional number, the so-called unique assignment number. Make
sure that this number appears on each assignment.
Semester 1
Assignment 01: 813078
Assignment 02: 672275
Semester 2
Assignment 01: 770780
Assignment 02: 796315
Assignment 01
Assignment 01
You have to plan in advance in order to submit your assignments in time. Students may submit
written assignments either by mail or electronically via myUnisa. Assignments may not be
submitted by e-mail.
Students using word processors should consult the brochure, Study@Unisa for the requirements
regarding the format and paper to be used for assignments.
Note: Please ensure that the following information appears on the cover of your assignment:
We recommend that you submit your assignment via myUnisa. This saves postage and ensures
that your assignment reaches us. For detailed information and requirements as far as
assignments are concerned, see the brochure Study@Unisa.
8.5.1 Extension for an assignment
Should you, for whatever reason, find it difficult to meet the deadline for the second assignment,
contact the relevant lecturer for an extension. All requests for extensions should be done before
or on the closing date of the relevant assignment. We prefer that you make this request via
telephone or e-mail to avoid delays. Do not wait for a written reply from the department, but
proceed to finish your assignment and submit it as soon as possible. Indicate the date and the
name of the lecturer who consented to the extension on the first page.
8.5.2 Plagiarism
Plagiarism involves taking someone else’s work, ideas or words and passing it off as your own.
This includes copying a fellow student’s work, or copying (without acknowledgement) excerpts
from any book (including prescribed or recommended books), the internet or any other written
source or publication. This includes the content of your study guide! Where plagiarism is
proven, an assignment will not receive any marks. You can consult the brochure Study@Unisa
for more information.
You are advised to study the document The Disciplinary Code for Students (2014), thoroughly.
Also study the university’s Policy on Copyright Infringement and Plagiarism very carefully, as
plagiarism is a very serious transgression which can have severe consequences.
(January – June)
(Multiple Choice Questions)
• Assignment 01 must reach us before or on the due date.
• NO extension can be granted.
• You will find general instructions for the completion of the assignment mark
reading sheets in the brochure Study@Unisa.
• Make sure that you fill in all of the required information on your assignment
mark reading sheet:
o Your name and address
o Your student number
o Your unique assignment number.
o The course code (AFK1505)
o The assignment number.
• Answer the following questions on your assignment mark reading sheet or
on myUnisa. If you submit this assignment, you will receive 12.5% towards
your examination mark.
• The 20 multiple-choice questions given in Assignment 01 are based on the
information given in your study guide Unit 1 – 6. You will also need your
prescribed dictionary.
• Assessment: The correct answers to these questions will be given in
Tutorial Letter: AFK1505/201/1/2021. Any problems experienced by
students regarding this assignment will thus be addressed in this tutorial
The assignment focuses on Study Unit 1–6 of the study guide. You will also need your
prescribed dictionary
Answer the following questions on the special answer sheet by choosing ONE option for
each question:
4 Wat is die regte vertaling van die volgende sin? Turn right at the second stop sign.
[1] Vlei
[2] Vly
[3] Albei woorde
[4] Nie een van die woorde nie.
[1] Lugreëling
[2] Treine
[3] Yskas
[4] Rekenaar
[1] skoonbroer
[2] swaer
[3] heavy
[4] swaar
[1] Remme
[2] Bome
[3] Tore
[4] Ure
[1] Lede
[2] Litte
[3] Lid
[4] Lit
12 Wat is die korrekte Afrikaanse vertaling van die Engelse frase “field of study”?
[1] Studierigting
[2] Studie righting
[3] Study rigting
[4] Studydirection
‘n Inwoner van die dorp Nagadder is gisteraand gearresteer in die plaaslike begrafplaas.
Volgens Konstabel Mandla Ngoepe vertel dat daar al ’n geruime tyd gerugte inkom van ‘n
“spook” in die begrafplaas.
Dit het aanvanklik begin met kinders wat hul ouers vertel het dat daar ’n spook in die
begrafplaas was. Dit was eers veel later toe die opsigter van die begrafplaas, Jonas Majanja, by
die polisie gan kla het dat iets nie pluis is by die begrafplaas nie.
“Ek’t vir Mandla gaan wys toe ek ’n gat in die heining kry waar daar ’n klomp wit lakens teen ’n
boom gehang het,” volgens Majanja. Konst. Ngoepe het ondersoek ingestel en sodoende die
“spook” vasgetrap.
Die inwoner wat die spook gespeel het, het aangevoer dat dit ’n manier was om te keer dat die
plaaslike kinders vrugte van hul grond af steel.
Die inwoner word tans aangehou tot die hof besluit hoe om die saak verder te voer.
[1] Gopher
[2] Ghost
[3] Gosh
[4] Goofy
15 Wie het aanvanklik rapporteer dat daar ’n spook in die begrafplaas is?
[1] gevlam
[2] geflous
[3] geboei
[4] gevang
18 Wat is Jonas Majanja se werk?
[1] begrafplaasopsigter
[2] begrafplaaseienaar
[3] doodskismaker
[4] spookvanger
[1] Die spook het probeer keer dat kinders oor hulle gras loop.
[2] Die spook het probeer keer dat kinders hulle kar vandaliseer.
[3] Die spook het probeer keer dat kinders hulle vrugte steel.
[4] Die spook het probeer keer dat kinders in hulle swembad swem.
[1] pluis
[2] was
[3] gan
[4] kla
(Multiple Choice Questions)
• You will find general instructions for the completion of the assignment mark reading
sheets in the brochure Study@Unisa.
• Make sure that you fill in all of the required information on your assignment mark reading
o Your name and address
o Your student number
o Your unique assignment number.
o The course code (AFK1505)
o The assignment number.
• Answer the following questions on your assignment mark reading sheet or on myUnisa.
If you submit this assignment, you will receive 12.5% towards your examination mark.
• The 20 multiple choice questions given in Assignment 02 are based on the information
given in your study guide Unit 7 – 12. You will also need your prescribed dictionary.
• Assessment: The correct answers to these questions will be given in Tutorial Letter:
AFK1505/201/1/2021. Any problems experienced by students regarding this assignment
will thus be addressed in this tutorial letter.
The assignment focuses on Study Unit 7–12 of the study guide. You will also need your
prescribed dictionary
Answer the following questions on the special answer sheet by choosing ONE option for each
2 Kies die korrekte voorsetsel: Die apie het ... ’n tou geswaai.
[1] in
[2] uit
[3] op
[4] aan
3 Watter lys het drie kleure?
4 Wat is die korrekte Engelse vertaling van die volgende sin: “Hoeveel kos die forel?”
Watter van die reëls hierbo is van toepassing op die afbreek van woorde?
[1] Slegs A en C
[2] Slegs A en B
[3] Slegs B en C
[4] Al die reëls is van toepassing.
6 Wanneer gebruik mens ’n afkappingsteken (apostrophe) as daar 'n ‘a’ aan die einde van
’n woord is?
[1] –ps.
[2] –on.
[3] –ns.
[4] –pn.
[1] Ja.
[2] Nee.
[3] Daar kort ’n aksentteken.
[4] Daar kort ’n deelteken.
[1] Lente
[2] Winter
[3] Herfs
[4] Somer
Die befaamde Suid-Afrikaanse renjaer Giniel de Villiers word glo karsiek in die nuutste
simuleerder wat vervaardig is deur ’n onafhanklike span elektroniese ingenieurs, volgens
Reuters. De Villiers het ingestem om die simuleerder te toets ter voorbereiding vir Dakar 2021.
“Die simuleerder is baie goed, maar vir een of ander rede voel ek nooit lekker wanneer ek daar
uitkom nie,” sê De Villiers.
Volgens die span ingenieurs kan alle aspekte van ’n wedren met redelike akkuraatheid
gesimuleer word. Dit sluit onder andere ratkasprobleme, pap bande, verskillende tipes terrein
en weerstoestande in.
“Ons is baie bly dat ons ’n wêreldklasrenjaer het wat ons simuleerder getoets het. Dis net jamer
dat hy ná die tyd nie lekker gevoel het nie,” het Christoph Larson, hoof van die span wat die
simuleerder ontwerp het, gesê.
Volgens Devi Moodley, ’n plaaslike dokter, is dit nie nuus dat ’n simuleerder mens kan karsiek
maak nie. Weens die gebrek aan natuurlike lig, die beelde wat vreeslik vinnig verander en die
simuleerder wat rondbons soos ’n regte voertuig, kan dit nie net die oë irriteer nie, maar ook die
persoon se balans negatief affekteer, wat lei tot ’n naar gevoel.
15 Voltooi die sin: die simuleerder is gebou deur ’n span ... ingenieurs.
[1] elektriese
[2] elektronika
[3] elektroniese
[4] elementale
[1] lekker
[2] getoets
[3] ontwerp
[4] jamer
[1] ratkasprobleme
[2] pap bande
[3] weerstoestande
[4] passasiers wat skree in die kar
[1] nauseous
[2] nautical
[3] nautilus
[4] naustromo
[1] bobaas
[2] vreeslike
[3] vrot
[4] bombasties
(July – December)
(Multiple Choice Questions)
• You will find general instructions for the completion of the assignment mark reading
sheets in the brochure Study@Unisa.
• Make sure that you fill in all of the required information on your assignment mark reading
o Your name and address
o Your student number
o Your unique assignment number.
o The course code (AFK1505)
o The assignment number.
• Answer the following questions on your assignment mark reading sheet or on myUnisa.
If you submit this assignment, you will receive 12.5% towards your examination mark.
• The 20 multiple choice questions given in Assignment 01 are based on the information
given in your study guide Unit 1 – 6. You will also need your prescribed dictionary.
• Assessment: The correct answers to these questions will be given in Tutorial Letter:
AFK1505/201/1/2021. Any problems experienced by students regarding this assignment
will thus be addressed in this tutorial letter.
The assignment focuses on Study Unit 1–6 of the study guide. You will also need your prescribed
Answer the following questions on the special answer sheet by choosing ONE option for each
1 Die vier vaardighede (skills) wat jy in taal moet kan gebruik, is: lees, skryf, luister en …
[1] reproduksie.
[2] praat.
[3] verstaan.
[4] taalverwerwing.
[1] jy.
[2] u.
[3] die persoon se naam.
[4] [1] en [2].
3 Afrikaans het sogenaamde dubbele ontkenning. Dit beteken ...
[1] jou.
[2] my.
[3] ons.
[4] sy.
5 Hoe sou jy op ’n formele wyse iemand groet wat jy nie ken nie?
[1] Awêh!
[2] Goeie môre.
[3] Hi daar, slaaiblaar.
[4] Wat sê jy?
[1] student.
[2] studente.
[3] students.
[4] studenten.
[1] ouma.
[2] tannie.
[3] suster.
[4] niggie.
9 Wat is die woordorde wat mens gewoonlik vind in beide Engels en Afrikaans?
[1] SVO
[2] VSO
[3] OSV
[4] SOV
[1] Kasse
[2] Kasten
[3] Kaste
[4] Katse
Bekende Jazz-sanger en -pianis, Dirty Rick Sanchez, is gister in sy tuiste in Springfield,
Kentucky, dood gevind na ’n hartaanval. Sanchez sal altyd onthou word vir sy treffer “Memphis
Moon”. Hy was 61.
Sanchez het eers later in sy lewe jazz begin sing, aangesien hy vir 10 jaar in die tronk was op
aanklag van dwelmbesit. Dwelmbesit in Amerika, as jy skuldig bevind word, kom met ’n boete
en ten minste twee jaar tronkstraf.
Sanchez het verskeie pryse gewen vir sy musiek, onder andere die Niles Davis-prys en die
“Blues King”-trofee.
Sanchez het selfs met sy laat begin in die musiekwêreld sy stempel afgedruk. Hy het ander
kunstenars beïnvloed en vele kwinkslae gehad. “Die tronk het my baie geleer oor swaarkry, en
Blues gaan oor swaarkry. Jazz is swaarkry met Swing by,” het Sanchez gesê toe hy die Blues
King-trofee ontvang het.
Millie Jackson-Sanchez, sy vrou en agent, het gesê sy gaan hom baie mis en dat dit tragies is
dat niemand ooit weer sy stem sal hoor nie.
Sanchez word oorleef deur sy vrou, Jackson-Sanchez, en sy enigste kind, Esteban Sanchez.
[1] ses-en-eentig
[2] sestig-en-een
[3] een-en-sestig
[4] een-en-twee-dertigs
[1] bit
[2] fit
[3] mit
[4] hit
[1] twee
[2] drie
[3] geen
[4] een
[1] swaarkry
[2] kunstenars
[3] kwinkslae
[4] beïnvloed
[1] gevangenis
[2] gevonnis
[3] gevang
[4] gangbaar
[1] joernaal.
[2] jurie.
[3] tronkbewaarder.
[4] joernalis.
(Multiple Choice Questions)
• You will find general instructions for the completion of the assignment mark reading
sheets in the brochure Study@Unisa.
• Make sure that you fill in all of the required information on your assignment mark reading
o Your name and address
o Your student number
o Your unique assignment number.
o The course code (AFK1505)
o The assignment number.
• Answer the following questions on your assignment mark reading sheet or on myUnisa.
If you submit this assignment, you will receive 12.5% towards your examination mark.
• The 20 multiple choice questions given in Assignment 02 are based on the information
given in your study guide Unit 7 – 12. You will also need your prescribed dictionary.
• Assessment: The correct answers to these questions will be given in Tutorial Letter:
AFK1505/201/1/2021. Any problems experienced by students regarding this assignment
will thus be addressed in this tutorial letter.
The assignment focuses on Study Unit 7–12 of the study guide. You will also need your
prescribed dictionary
Answer the following questions on the special answer sheet by choosing ONE option for each
[1] Hardewarewinkel
[2] Klerewinkel
[3] Bloemiste
[4] Bank
[1] Vleis
[2] Groente
[3] Klere
[4] Kruideniersware
[1] Buideldier
[2] Kloaakdier
[3] Ondier
[4] Soogdier
5 Wat sou jy vir iemand sê as jy wil hê hulle moet lekker vakansie hou?
[1] Erfenis
[2] Erfnist
[3] Geskiedenis
[4] Ergenis
[1] Comesorate
[2] Commemorate
[3] Constipate
[4] Constantinople
9 Wie word deur Afrikaanse kinders aangespreek as oom en tannie?
[1] Conjugate
[2] Command
[3] Concur
[4] Compile
11 Kyk na die volgende bevelsin: “Doen jou huiswerk”. Hoe sou jy hierdie sin in die negatief
12 Watter suffiks vind jy gewoonlik aan die einde van ’n verkleiningsvorm (diminutive)?
[1] –je
[2] –kje
[3] –e
[4] –ie
[1] Kopie
[2] Kopje
[3] Koppie
[4] Koppetjie
Johannesburg – Die organisasie Rescue Our Furry Friends (ROFF) het by ‘n groot funksie meer
as 200 honde en katte in goeie huise geplaas en geld ingesamel om nog vele meer te laat
regmaak. Dit vorm deel van hulle breër veldtog om hawelose diere te steriliseer.
Woordvoerder vir ROFF, Carmen da Silva, sê dat die dag ’n groot sukses was. “Diere uit
verskeie plekke, onder andere die DBV en FORA is vandag in huise geplaas. Ons het ’n klomp
vrywilligers gehad wat die afgelope twee maande huisbesoeke afgelê het om seker te maak dat
die huis geskik is vir die diere.”
Die veldtog om diere te steriliseer is vreeslik belanrik, volgens vele diereregtegroepe. Dit
verhoed dat diere in slegte omstandighede bly en verhoed ook die verspreiding van siektes
soos hondsdolheid. Deel van die veldtog is ook om vir die diere permanente huisvesting te kry.
“Duisende diere word elke jaar uitgesit. Ons probeer om dit stop te sit,” het een van die
vrywilligers gesê. “Moenie ’n hond by ’n troeteldierwinkel koop nie, want hier is dit ’n saak van
lewe en dood.”
Dit kos omtrent R400 om ’n hond of kat aan te neem. Al die diere word gesteriliseer en ontwurm
voor hul na hul nuwe tuistes gaan. “Meeste van die operasies word gedoen deur vrywillige
veeartse en ons is hulle ewig dankbaar vir die diens wat hulle lewer,” sê Da Silva
Da Silva vra die publiek om organisasies soos ROFF te ondersteun deur as vrywilliger op te
tree of donasies soos kos en komberse te maak.
[1] Twintig
[2] Tweehonderd
[3] Tweeduisend
[4] Twee-en-honderd
15 Vul die ontbrekende woord in: Carmen da Silva is die ... van ROFF.
[1] woordverklikker
[2] woordliefhebber
[3] woordsmit
[4] woordvoerder
16 Watter word in par 3 is verkeerd gespel?
[1] verhoed
[2] diereregtegroepe
[3] hondsdolheid
[4] belanrik
18 Wat bedoel Da Silva wanneer sy sê ’n huis moet geskik wees vir ’n hond?
To be admitted to the exam for this module, you have to submit any one assignment before or on
the deadline. If you fail to do this, you will not be admitted to the exam.
By submitting your assignments, you build up a semester mark. You can thus earn 25% of your
final mark if you submit both assignments. If you fail to do so, it will not be easy for you to do
well in the module, or even pass it, since you cannot make up the lost marks
Your assignments contribute 25% to the final examination mark, while your mark for the
examination will count 75% toward your final examination mark.
To illustrate this point: if you sent in Assignment 01 and got 80%, as well as Assignment 02 for
which you got 60%, then your semester mark may be calculated as follows: 10 out of 12.5 for
Assignment 01 and 7.5 out of 12.5 for Assignment 02. In total then your semester mark will
consist of 17.5 out of 25 which will be added to the exam mark to make up the final exam mark
of 100.
If your exam paper counts 100 marks, it will be recalculated to count out of 75 marks.
To illustrate: If you got 42% in the exam, then the mark will be recalculated as 31.5 out of 75.
The exam mark of 31.5 and the semester mark of 17.5 will be added together resulting in a final
exam mark of 49% (which will be adjusted to 50% automatically).
It is however in your best interest to submit both assignments to build up a good year mark.
You need a sub minimum of 40% to qualify for a supplementary exam. This exam is written in the
next semester after the one you originally registered for. In other words, if you fail the May/June
exam, you may be admitted to write the supplementary exam in October/November.
The supplementary exam is also one question paper to be completed in two hours. The sub
minimum for the supplementary exam is also 40%.
Administrative Questions
Where can I find important telephone numbers if I have enquiries about (e.g.) administration,
study material or the exam time-table?
Module Content
Where do I start?
Start by reading the Tutorial Letter 101. This letter contains information about all aspects of the module.
Can I pass the module if I fail the exam but my semester mark is very high?
Not necessarily. The sub minimum for the exam is 40%. This means that even if your semester mark is
25, you will fail the module if you get less than 40% in the exam.
No published sources were consulted for this tutorial letter.
We hope you find this module stimulating and enriching. Please refer to this tutorial letter if there are any
administrative questions you may have.