Python Language Basics

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Python KeywordsPython IdentifiersPython LiteralsPython

OperatorsPython Comments
Control Statement
Python IfPython If elsePython else ifPython nested ifPython for
loopPython while loopPython do whilePython breakPython
continuePython pass
Python OOPs
Python OOPs ConceptsPython Object ClassPython
ConstructorsPython InheritanceMultilevel InheritanceMultiple
Python Strings
Python Lists
Python Tuples
Python Dictionary
Python Functions
Python Files I/O
Python Modules
Python Exceptions
Python Date
Python Programs

Python is an object-oriented, high level language, interpreted,

dynamic and multipurpose programming language.

Python is easy to learn yet powerful and versatile scripting

language which makes it attractive for Application Development.

Python's syntax and dynamic typing with its interpreted nature,

make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application
development in many areas.

Python supports multiple programming pattern, including object

oriented programming, imperative and functional programming or
procedural styles.

Python is not intended to work on special area such as web

programming. That is why it is known as multipurpose because it
can be used with web, enterprise, 3D CAD etc.

We don't need to use data types to declare variable because it

is dynamically typed so we can write a=10 to declare an integer
value in a variable.

Python makes the development and debugging fast because there

is no compilation step included in python development and edit-
test-debug cycle is very fast.

Python Features:

There are a lot of features provided by python programming

1) Easy to Use :

Python is easy to very easy to use and high level language. Thus
it is programmer-friendly language.

2.) Expressive Language:

Python language is more expressive. The sense of expressive is

the code is easily understandable.

3) Interpreted Language:

Python is an interpreted language i.e. interpreter executes the

code line by line at a time. This makes debugging easy and thus
suitable for beginners.

4.) Cross-platform language:

Python can run equally on different platforms such as Windows,

Linux, Unix , Macintosh etc. Thus, Python is a portable language.

5.) Free and open source:

Python language is freely available( source-

code is also available. Therefore it is open source.

6) Object-Oriented language:

Python supports object oriented language. Concept of classes and

objects comes into existence.

7) Extensible:

It implies that other languages such as C/C++ can be used to

compile the code and thus it can be used further in your python

8) Large Standard Library:

Python has a large and broad library.

9) GUI Proramming:

Graphical user interfaces can be developed using Python.

10) Integrated:

It can be easily integrated with languages like C, C++, JAVA etc.

History of Python :

o Python laid its foundation in the late 1980s.

o The implementation of Python was started in the December

1989 by Guido Van Rossum at CWI in Netherland.

o ABC programming language is said to be the predecessor of

Python language which was capable of Exception Handling
and interfacing with Amoeba Operating System.

o Python is influenced by programming languages like:

o ABC language.

o Modula-3
o Python Applications
o Python as a whole can be used in any sphere of
o Let us see what are the major regions where Python proves
to be handy.
o 1) Console Based Application
o Python can be used to develop console based applications.
For example: IPython.
o 2) Audio or Video based Applications
o Python proves handy in multimedia section. Some of real
applications are: TimPlayer, cplay etc.
o 3) 3D CAD Applications
o Fandango is a real application which provides full features of
o 4) Web Applications
o Python can also be used to develop web based application.
Some important developments are: PythonWikiEngines,
Pocoo, PythonBlogSoftware etc.
o 5) Enterprise Applications
o Python can be used to create applications which can be used
within an Enterprise or an Organization. Some real time
applications are: OpenErp, Tryton, Picalo etc.
o 6) Applications for Images
o Using Python several application can be developed for
image. Applications developed are: VPython, Gogh, imgSeek
o There are several such applications which can be developed
using Python
Python Variables
Variable is a name of the memory location where data is stored.
Once a variable is stored that means a space is allocated in

Assigning values to Variable:

We need not to declare explicitly variable in Python. When we
assign any value to the variable that variable is declared

The assignment is done using the equal (=) operator.



print x


print name


print y;


1. >>>   
2. 10  
3. ravi  
4. 20000.67  
5. >>>  
Multiple Assignment:
Multiple assignment can be done in Python at a time.

There are two ways to assign values in Python:

1. Assigning single value to multiple variables:


1. x=y=z=50  
2. print x  
3. print y  
4. print z  


1. >>>   
2. 50  
3. 50  
4. 50  
5. >>>  

2.Assigning multiple values to multiple variables:


1. a,b,c=5,10,15  
2. print a  
3. print b  
4. print c  


1. >>>   
2. 5  
3. 10  
4. 15  
5. >>>  
The values will be assigned in the order in which variables

Basic Fundamentals:
This section contains the basic fundamentals of Python like :

Python Literals
Literals can be defined as a data that is given in a variable or

Python support the following literals:

I. String literals:

String literals can be formed by enclosing a text in the quotes.

We can use both single as well as double quotes for a String.


"Aman" , '12345'

Types of Strings:

There are two types of Strings supported in Python:

a).Single line String- Strings that are terminated within a single

line are known as Single line Strings.


1. >>> text1='hello'  

b).Multi line String- A piece of text that is spread along multiple

lines is known as Multiple line String.

There are two ways to create Multiline Strings:

1). Adding black slash at the end of each line.


1. >>> text1='hello\  
2. user'  
3. >>> text1  
4. 'hellouser'  
5. >>>  

2).Using triple quotation marks:-


1. >>> str2='''welcome 
2. to 
3. SSSIT'''  
4. >>> print str2  
5. welcome  
6. to  
7. SSSIT  
8. >>>  

II.Numeric literals:

Numeric Literals are immutable. Numeric literals can belong to

following four different numerical types.

Int(signed Long(long float(floatin Complex(complex)

integers) integers) g point)
Numbers( Integers of Real In the form of
can be unlimited numbers a+bj where a
both size with both forms the real part
positive followed by integer and and b forms the
and lowercase fractional imaginary part of
negative) or part eg: complex number.
with no uppercase -26.2 eg: 3.14j
fractional L eg: 87032845L

III. Boolean literals:

A Boolean literal can have any of the two values: True or False.

IV. Special literals.

Python contains one special literal i.e., None.

None is used to specify to that field that is not created. It is also

used for end of lists in Python.


1. >>> val1=10  
2. >>> val2=None  
3. >>> val1  
4. 10  
5. >>> val2  
6. >>> print val2  
7. None  
8. >>>  

Python Operators
Operators are particular symbols which operate on some values
and produce an output.

The values are known as Operands.


1. 4 + 5 = 9  

Here 4 and 5 are Operands and (+) , (=) signs are the operators.
They produce the output 9.
Python supports the following operators:

1. Arithmetic Operators.
2. Relational Operators.
3. Assignment Operators.
4. Logical Operators.
5. Membership Operators.
6. Identity Operators.
7. Bitwise Operators.

Arithmetic Operators:

Operator Description
// Perform Floor division(gives integer value after
+ To perform addition
- To perform subtraction
* To perform multiplication
/ To perform division
% To return remainder after division(Modulus)
** Perform exponent(raise to power)


1. >>> 10+20  
2. 30  
3. >>> 20-10  
4. 10  
5. >>> 10*2  
6. 20  
7. >>> 10/2  
8. 5  
9. >>> 10%3  
10. 1  
11. >>> 2**3  
12. 8  
13. >>> 10//3  
14. 3  
15. >>>  

Relational Operators:

Operators Description
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
<> Not equal to(similar to !=)


1. >>> 10<20  
2. True  
3. >>> 10>20  
4. False  
5. >>> 10<=10  
6. True  
7. >>> 20>=15  
8. True  
9. >>> 5==6  
10. False  
11. >>> 5!=6  
12. True  
13. >>> 10<>2  
14. True  
15. >>>  

Assignment Operators:

Operators Description
= Assignment
/= Divide and Assign
+= Add and assign
-= Subtract and Assign
*= Multiply and assign
%= Modulus and assign
**= Exponent and assign
//= Floor division and assign


1. >>> c=10  
2. >>> c  
3. 10  
4. >>> c+=5  
5. >>> c  
6. 15  
7. >>> c-=5  
8. >>> c  
9. 10  
10. >>> c*=2  
11. >>> c  
12. 20  
13. >>> c/=2  
14. >>> c  
15. 10  
16. >>> c%=3  
17. >>> c  
18. 1  
19. >>> c=5  
20. >>> c**=2  
21. >>> c  
22. 25  
23. >>> c//=2  
24. >>> c  
25. 12  
26. >>>  

Logical Operators:

Operator Description
and Logical AND(When both conditions are true
output will be true)
Or Logical OR (If any one condition is true output
will be true)
not Logical NOT(Compliment the condition i.e.,


1. a=5>4 and 3>2  
2. print a  
3. b=5>4 or 3<2  
4. print b  
5. c=not(5>4)  
6. print c  


1. >>>   
2. True  
3. True  
4. False  
5. >>>  

Membership Operators:

Operator Description
In Returns true if a variable is in sequence of
another variable, else false.
not in Returns true if a variable is not in sequence of
another variable, else false.


1. a=10  
2. b=20  
3. list=[10,20,30,40,50];  
4. if (a in list):  
5.     print "a is in given list"  
6. else:  
7.     print "a is not in given list"  
8. if(b not in list):  
9.     print "b is not given in list"  
10. else:  
11.     print "b is given in list"  


1. >>>   
2. a is in given list  
3. b is given in list  
4. >>>  

Identity Operators:

Operator Description
Is Returns true if identity of two operands are
same, else false
is not Returns true if identity of two operands are not
same, else false.


1. a=20  
2. b=20  
3. if( a is b):  
4.     print  ?a,b have same identity?  
5. else:  
6.     print ?a, b are different?  
7. b=10  
8. if( a is not b):  
9.     print  ?a,b have different identity?  
10. else:  
11.     print ?a,b have same identity?  


1. >>>   
2. a,b have same identity  
3. a,b have different identity  
4. >>>  

Python Comments
Python supports two types of comments:

1) Single lined comment:

In case user wants to specify a single line comment, then
comment must start with ?#?


1. # This is single line comment.  

2) Multi lined Comment:

Multi lined comment can be given inside triple quotes.


1. ''''' This 
2.     Is 
3.     Multipline comment'''  


1. #single line comment  
2. print "Hello Python"  
3. '''''This is 
4. multiline comment'''  

Python If Statements
The if statement in python is same as c language which is used
test a condition. If condition is true, statement of if block is
executed otherwise it is skipped.

Syntax of python if statement:

1. if(condition):  
2.    statements  

Example of if statement in python

1. a=10  
2. if a==10:  
3.         print  "Hello User"  


Hello User

Python If Else Statements


1. if(condition):    
2.              statements  
3.     else:     
4.               statements  

1. year=2000  
2. if year%4==0:  
3.     print  "Year is Leap"  
4. else:  
5.     print "Year is not Leap"  


Year is Lea

p Nested If Else Statement:

When we need to check for multiple conditions to be true then we
use elif Statement.

This statement is like executing a if statement inside a else



1. If statement:  
2.     Body  
3. elif statement:  
4.     Body  
5. else:  
6.     Body    


1. a=10  
2. if a>=20:  
3.     print "Condition is True"  
4. else:  
5.     if a>=15:  
6.         print "Checking second value"  
7.     else:  
8.         print "All Conditions are false"  


All Conditions are false.

For Loop
for Loop is used to iterate a variable over a sequence(i.e., list or
string) in the order that they appear.


1. for <variable> in <sequence>:  


1. 1  
3. 7  
5. 9  


o Firstly, the first value will be assigned in the variable.

o Secondly all the statements in the body of the loop are
executed with the same value.
o Thirdly, once step second is completed then variable is
assigned the next value in the sequence and step second is
o Finally, it continues till all the values in the sequence are
assigned in the variable and processed.
Program to display table of Number:

1. num=2  
2. for a in range (1,6):  
3.     print  num * a  


1. 2  
3. 4  
5. 6  
7. 8  
9. 10  

Program to find sum of Natural numbers from 1 to 10.

1. sum=0  
2. for n in range(1,11):  
3.     sum+=n  
print sum   Nested Loops
Loops defined within another Loop is called Nested Loop.

When an outer loop contains an inner loop in its body it is called

Nested Looping.


1. for  <expression>:  
2.         for <expression>:  
3.             Body  

1. for i in range(1,6):  
2.     for j in range (1,i+1):  
3.         print (i,  end=’\t’)
4.     print  


1. >>>   
2. 1  
3. 2 2  
4. 3 3 3  
5. 4 4 4 4  
6. 5 5 5 5 5  
7. >>>  


For each value of Outer loop the whole inner loop is executed.

For each value of inner loop the Body is executed each time.

Program to print Pyramid:

1. for i in range (1,6):  
2.     for j in range (5,i-1,-1):  
3.         print "*",  
4.     print  


1. >>>   
2. * * * * *  
3. * * * *  
4. * * *  
5. * *  
6. *  
While Loop
while Loop is used to execute number of statements or body till
the condition passed in while is true. Once the condition is false,
the control will come out of the loop.


1. while <expression>:  
2.         Body  

Here, body will execute multiple times till the expression passed
is true. The Body may be a single statement or multiple


1. a=10  
2. while a>0:  
3.     print "Value of a is",a  
4.     a=a-2  

print "Loop is Completed"


1. >>>   
2. Value of a is 10  
3. Value of a is 8  
4. Value of a is 6  
5. Value of a is 4  
6. Value of a is 2  
7. Loop is Completed  
8. >>>  


o Firstly, the value in the variable is initialized.

o Secondly, the condition/expression in the while is evaluated.
Consequently if condition is true, the control enters in the
body and executes all the statements . If the
condition/expression passed results in false then the control
exists the body and straight away control goes to next
instruction after body of while.
o Thirdly, in case condition was true having completed all the
statements, the variable is incremented or decremented.
Having changed the value of variable step second is
followed. This process continues till the expression/condition
becomes false.
o Finally Rest of code after body is executed.

Program to add digits of a number:

1. n=153  
2. sum=0  
3. while n>0:  
4.     r=n%10  
5.     sum+=r  
6.     n=n/10  
7. print sum  


1. >>>   
2. 9  

>>>   Python Break

break statement is a jump statement that is used to pass the
control to the end of the loop.
When break statement is applied the control points to the line
following the body of the loop , hence applying break statement
makes the loop to terminate and controls goes to next line
pointing after loop body.


1. for i in [1,2,3,4,5]:  
2.     if i==4:  
3.         print "Element found"  
4.         break  
5.     print i,  


1. >>>   
2. 1 2 3 Element found  
3. >>>  

Continue Statement
continue Statement is a jump statement that is used to skip the
present iteration and forces next iteration of loop to take place. It
can be used in while as well as for loop statements.


1. a=0  
2. while a<=5:  
3.     a=a+1  
4.     if a%2==0:  
5.         continue  
6.     print a  
7. print "End of Loop"  


1. >>>   
2. 1  
3. 3  
4. 5  
5. End of Loop  
>>>   Python Pass
When you do not want any code to execute, pass Statement is
used. It is same as the name refers to. It just makes the control to
pass by without executing any code. If we want to bypass any
code pass statement can be used.

1. pass  

1. for i in [1,2,3,4,5]:  
2.     if i==3:  
3.         pass  
4.         print "Pass when value is",i  
5.     print i,  
1. >>>   
2. 1 2 Pass when value is 3  
3. 3 4 5  

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