Sigmund Freud Henry Louis Bergson: Mcfarlane Describe Modernism As "An Art of A Rapidly
Sigmund Freud Henry Louis Bergson: Mcfarlane Describe Modernism As "An Art of A Rapidly
Sigmund Freud Henry Louis Bergson: Mcfarlane Describe Modernism As "An Art of A Rapidly
[1]. Bradbury and McFarlane ,Modernism 1890-1930,
Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1976, p57
[2]. Parsons ,Deborah, Theorists of the Modernist Novel: James
Joyce, Dorothy Richardson, Virginia Woolf, Routledge Critical
Thinkers, London and New York, 2007,p 11
[3]. Bloom, Harold, Clarissa Dalloway, Chelsea House, New
York, 1990,p 86
[4]. The Essays of Virginia Woolf, vol IV, ed. Andrew Mc.Neillie,
London,Hogarth Press, 1986-1994, p.160.
[5]. Marcus, New Feminist Essays on Virginia Woolf ,University
of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, NE,1981, p125
[6]. R.Maze, John, Virginia Woolf: Feminism, Creativity and
Unconscious ,Greenwood Press, 1997, p IX
[7]. Bloom, Harold, Clarissa Dalloway, Chelsea House, New
York, 1990,p 87