Potentiam Gigantio Volume 2e4

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Volume 2: Fighting Vehicles of the Imperium

4th Edition
By Konigstein (with contributions by Hawkeye), 2021

Contents Pholos Anti-Aircraft Tank ....................... 64
What s In this Book............................................ 3 Hylonome Missile Tank............................. 65
Patron Roll of Honour ................................. 3 Scylla Scout Tankette ................................ 67
Vehicle Traits ...................................................... 4 Land Crawler Chassis ....................................... 68
Weapon Qualities ................................................ 5 Siegfried Light Tank .................................. 68
Leman Russ Chassis ........................................... 6 Bruennhilde Prime Mover ........................ 69
Colossus Bombard.......................................... 6 Legged Vehicles ............................................... 70
Leman Russ Annihilator .............................. 8 Humiliati Combat Walker ........................ 70
Leman Russ Conqueror .............................10 Assault Sentinel .............................................73
Leman Russ Destroyer/Thunderer ........ 12 Support Sentinel .......................................... 74
Leman Russ Eradicator ..............................14 Courser Sentinel .......................................... 76
Leman Russ Harrower................................ 16 Unique Chassis .................................................. 78
Leman Russ Incinerator............................. 18 Tsiferov VII Subterrene ............................ 78
Leman Russ Ordinator .............................. 20 Ragnarok Heavy Tank ............................... 81
Leman Russ Punisher ................................. 22 Pask Crusade Tank....................................... 83
Type 3 Traction Engine ............................ 24 Wheeled Chassis ................................................ 85
Aurox Chassis .................................................... 27 Testudo AFV ................................................. 85
Carnodon ....................................................... 27 Centaur AFV .................................................. 86
Aurox Armoured Transport ..................... 29 Minotaur AFV ............................................... 88
Rhino Chassis .....................................................30 Hyena Scout Vehicle .................................. 90
Castigator Battle Tank ...............................30 Lindworm Gun Carrier ............................. 92
Exorcist Prioris.............................................. 32 Ofnir Heavy Recon Vehicle ..................... 94
Exorcist Dominica .......................................34 Anathema Disruption Platform .............. 97
Pegasus A.A.V. ............................................... 36 Metis Convertible Scout ......................... 100
Incarcerator .................................................... 38 Oread Convertible Scout ......................... 101
Chimera Chassis ................................................. 39 Grabakr Tank Hunter............................... 103
Deathstrike Missile Launcher .................. 39 Goinn Wheeled Howitzer ....................... 105
Chimerax ........................................................ 42 Snow Vehicles .................................................. 107
Chimerro ........................................................ 44 Bombus-Pattern Snowcat ....................... 107
Chimedon....................................................... 46 Cannack-Pattern Snowmobile ...............108
APDS-6a Defender ......................................48 Motorcycles...................................................... 109
Medusa Siege Tank .....................................50 Pegasus Paratrooper Scooter ................. 109
Garm Missile Tank ...................................... 52 Aeos Self-Propelled Gun ......................... 110
Ladon Supply Tank .....................................54 ............................... 111
Samaritan ......................................................... 56
Wyvern Suppression Tank ........................ 58
Centaur Chassis................................................. 60
Chiron Light Tank ..................................... 60
Nessos Self-Propelled Gun ..................... 62

What s In this Book Patron Roll of Honour
Extraordinarily special thanks to Patrick
-Generaloberst Heinz Guderian M., Jasper Daugaard, Princess Moonbeam,
This is a sequel/companion to Potentiam exball, Travis LaFave, Cody Stewart,
Gigantio Volume 1, my previous work of Rogier Jordaan, Robert Mayotte,
Imperial Guard vehicle stats for the Fantasy socklessness and Miss Mae for their
Flight Games Warhammer 40k RPGs. support.
Whereas that book focused on heavy and click the link above!
superheavy land vehicles, this one focuses
on smaller vehicles, on the order of the
Leman Russ on down. Speaking of Russes,
credit and huge thanks are due to the good
folks behind the Yindafel Apocrypha, for
letting me borrow the stats for the
Annihilator, Conqueror, Incinerator and
Punisher Russes. You can find their work
in this book that probably should be here,

by someone else.

Several of the Weapon Qualities in this

book are based off rules created by Shas for
his Only War splatbook Mars Needs Women!
Rampage of the Nerds!

Special thanks to Akklonia for the awesome

cover art.

If you have questions, comments or

concerns, please drop me a line at
like to support my work, or just see other
st Patreon or
my Paypal.

Vehicle Traits half its Tactical Speed, but otherwise take
no Movement actions. Subject to the GM's
discretion and/or the specific Special Rules
-Lady Sun Nishizumi, Ruminations on Panzerfahren of the vehicle, it may not be able to use
Hexagrammatic Plating: some or all of its weapons during this time
is composed of layers of armour plating and as well. A vehicle with this Trait will have
null-psy circuitry, making it highly two sets of stats listed, the first for its 'base'
resistant to psychic attack. Anyone within form and the second for its 'changed' form.
sts A vehicle uses the stats of the form it is
to resist direct psychic attack or switching away from while in its change
manipulation. The vehicle treats its AP on period, then immediately moves to the new
all facings at 10 higher when attacked with stats upon the change period being
Psychic Powers, and its armour still counts complete.
when attacked by enemies with the Warp
Weapons Trait. Winter-Only: This vehicle is designed to
operate exclusively on snow and ice, and its
Low-Slung: This vehicle's bulk is spread performance suffers greatly elsewhere.
low to the ground, making it difficult to see Cleats designed to tear through snow or ice
when immobile and properly camouflaged. tend to catch and buckle on dirt, after all.
When this vehicle is immobile, it inflicts a - When operating on any surface other than
5 on Ballistics-based Tests to hit it with snow or ice, this vehicle halves its Tactical
ranged attacks and a -10 penalty on and Cruising Speed, rounding down,
Perception-based Tests to locate it. decreases its Maneuverability by -20, and
gains the Ponderous vehicle trait.
Large Superstructure: This vehicle is
unusually tall for its size, making it an easy
target to locate or hit. Perception-based
tests to locate it visually gain a +10 bonus,
while its To Hit Modifier from its Size trait
is increased by +5.

System Change (X): This vehicle is

designed to convert between two different
movement types on the fly, giving it
unparalleled flexibility. Activating a System
Change requires a number of Half Actions
equal to the value of X, with a value of 0
representing a Free Action. During this
change period, the vehicle may move up to

Weapon Qualities If the target has Unnatural Toughness, it
ve seen guardsmen baked, fried, turned to instead reduces the value of that Trait by 1.
salt, folded inside out, shaved into fine slices, The target's Armour values function as
mulched, maddened, shaken to bits, skeletally normal.
inverted, deflagrated, irradiated, badgered, and
Rad-Phage: This weapon causes
woolly galaxy out debilitating radiation poisoning, leaving
-Tim of the Crusades, Imperial Adventurer those who survive its attack wracked with
Deflagrate: Ancient Martian Volkite sickness. If an enemy receives a wounding
weapons fire beams of concentrated heat, hit from this weapon, they must make a
and can cause a target to spontaneously Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or suffer
combust, crumble to ashes or simply 2d10 Toughness Damage. If they fail the
violently explode. For every hit that test by more than 4 degrees, the damage is
inflicted at least one Wound on an permanent.
opponent, resolve an additional automatic
hit, rolling for damage as normal. These Seismic: This weapon lets loose a specially-
additional hits do not inflict further hits tuned concussive blast which is tuned to
themselves. maximize damage in dense subterranean
environments, turning the mass of stones
Flash (X): Whether through atomic and rock against a target. When used
discharge, focussed laser beams or against a target that is underground, this
electromagnetic disruption, this weapon weapon increases its Damage by 1d10 and
emits an intense burst of light when it fires Penetration by 4.
or detonates. Any living thing with eyes

impact point must make a Routine (+20)

Toughness Test with a penalty equal to 5 x
ain the
Blinded damage condition for the next 1d10
hours. Any creature that is explicitly light-
sensitive reduces the base difficulty to
Challenging (+0)

Fleshbane: This weapon is designed

specifically to attack biological targets
through the use of noxious chemicals,
radiation, biological agents or other nasty
methods. Damage from this attack ignores
the target's Toughness Bonus, if it has one.

Leman Russ Chassis Crew on Vehicle: 1 Driver
Crew on Cannon: 15 (Gun Commander, 14
Colossus Bombard
Carrying Capacity: None
-Graffiti painted on a Bombard round
A gigantic self-propelled siege mortar and Weapon:
among the largest pieces of tracked artillery
in the Imperial arsenal, the Colossus is the Fixed Colossus Siege Mortar (Front
pinnacle of heavy siege armament. Several Facing) (600m | S/-/- | 8d10 + 20 X | Pen 12 |
different variants on the Colossus exist- Clip 1 | Reload Special | Inaccurate, Blast
some use the Chimera chassis to save costs (25), Concussive (8), Indirect (8))
and maintenance, but the only platform
that is adequate to deal with the immense Options:
weight of the gun and the force of its recoil
is the hull of the Leman Russ. A Colossus may take one of the following
pintle-mounted weapons atop its forward
Even so, the Colossus is not a true self- hull, operated by the Driver:
propelled gun, and requires hours of setup
time to brace its platform sufficiently for Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
firing. A small army of support personnel Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
are needed to operate one, as the vehicle is
so overweight it cannot even carry its own Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
ammunition. When it does fire, and it can 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
only do so at a glacial rate of one shot every
hour, the effects are devastating- its Special Rules:
gigantic mortar rounds are short-ranged,
but can wipe basically anything off the map. Limber Time: It requires the vehicle's full
crew of 16, plus at least a full platoon of
Type: Tracked Vehicle Guardsmen with shovels, to set a Colossus
Tactical Speed: 12 m into firing position. Doing so requires no
Cruising Speed: 35 kph Tests, but takes at minimum 2 and a half
Manoeuvrability: 10 hours of work. The GM may feel free to
Structural Integrity: 55 adjust this time as needed.
Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Gigantic Munitions: It takes no less than an
Vehicle Traits: Reinforced Armour, Open- hour to reload a Colossus, and doing so
Topped, Ponderous, Rugged, Tracked requires the use of power-lifters and any
Vehicle number of support vehicles just to transport
a few rounds.

Unnecessary Firepower Availability of Near Unique for a single
when firing a Bombard against a group of shell.
enemies in the open or without massive
amounts of heavy cover, roll 1d10. That Hull Variants: Certain less common variants
percentage of the group are left alive- the on the Colossus use the hull of a Chimera
rest are killed instantly. Larger or more APC instead of the larger, more robust
heavily-armoured enemies, such as light Leman Russ. While this version is more
vehicles, Necron constructs, major Tyranid compact and slightly more manoeuvrable, it
bioforms, etc. take the weapon's regular is also significantly less resilient to damage.
damage instead. To represent a Chimera-hulled Colossus,
substitute the following stats into the stat
Thermobaric Shells: These specialized fuel-air block above.
shells are designed to crush larger targets
with an explosion of super-heated and Manoeuvrability: +0
super-pressurized gasses. A Colossus firing Structural Integrity: 35
such shells stuns all targets in its blast for Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16
1d10 + 5 rounds, unless they would Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped, Ponderous,
otherwise be immune to Stunning, does Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Energy damage, and gains the Flame
quality. A Thermobaric Shell has an

Leman Russ Annihilator
the Weapons:

-Anonymous Maccabean Annihilator crewman Turret-mounted Twin-linked Lascannons.

Like its Space Marine namesake, the (300m | S/ / | 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 40 |
Annihilator has had its primary weapon, the Reload 2 Full | Proven (3), Twin-linked)
Battle Cannon, replaced with twin-linked
Lascannons; space which had been giving Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
over to the Battle Cannon's ammunition is following):
instead used to store extra power cells.
While it is an able tank-hunter, used by Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
most regiments as a defensive weapon, it is 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
not as highly regarded as the Leman Russ Tearing)
Vanquisher due to its shorter range and
lower stopping power. Where it does excel Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/ / |
is the straightforward nature of its twin 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
lascannons, easier to replace and maintain Proven (3))
than the Vanquisher's main cannon, which
make it highly favorable in war zones with Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
high attrition rates and resupply problems. 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Flame, Spray)
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Manoeuvrability: -10 Options:
Tactical Speed: 12m
Cruising Speed: 35 kph The Annihilator may take two Sponson-
Structural Integrity: 55 mounted weapons (choose one of the
Size: Massive (7) following):
Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced 2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right
Armour, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner
(Turret/Hull Weapon), 2 additional 2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right
Gunners (Sponsons; if taken) Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip
Carrying Capacity: None 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)

2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right powerplant like the reactor of a heavy
Facing) (120m | S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 | -
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal, fuel engine means the crew will be supplied
Overheat) with ammo in any environment where they
can find combustibles.
2 Multi-Meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing)
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Recharging a single Lascannon charge pack
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta) in an Annihilator takes an hour (Or two
minutes for a single shot), but requires no
An Annihilator may take one pintle- other effort on the part of the crew beyond
mounted weapon atop its turret: plugging it in to a power supply. Only one
charge pack can be charged at a time while
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | the vehicle is on the move or in combat- the
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
obviously. An immobile Annihilator that is
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen not in combat is capable of charging up to a
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) half-dozen power packs simultaneously,
though the crew needs to provide fuel to
Special Rules: keep the engine running.

Bottomless Batteries: Armed with up to 3

advantage is its independence from physical

ammo. Lascannon charge packs can, after
all, be recharged a near-endless number of
times, especially when fed from a hefty

Leman Russ Conqueror Weapons:

Turret-mounted Conqueror Cannon (500m

-Major Al-Pattan of Tallarn, shortly before his | S/2/- | 3d10 + 8 X | Pen 7 | Clip 12 | Reload 3
death on Taros Full | Blast (5), Concussive (1), Reliable)
The Conqueror is
Russ, with an emphasis on mobility and Coaxial Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5
flexibility over the raw slugging power of X | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm,
the standard Russ. It is armed with a Tearing)
Conqueror cannon, a shorter and lighter
version of the Battle Cannon. This reduces Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
the power and range of the weapon but following):
allows it to move faster and fire more
accurately, making it a very versatile Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
variant. Though the Conqueror is not a 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
particularly powerful tank hunter or Tearing)
infantry support vehicle, it is nonetheless a
superb jack of all trades. Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/ / |
5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Type: Tracked Vehicle Proven (3))
Manoeuvrability: -5
Tactical Speed: 14m Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
Cruising Speed: 40 kph 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Structural Integrity: 55 Flame, Spray)
Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Options:
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced
Armour, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle The Conqueror may take two Sponson-
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 mounted weapons (choose one of the
Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner following):
(Turret/Hull Weapon), 2 additional
Gunners (Sponsons; if taken) 2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right
Carrying Capacity: None Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
60 | Reload Full | Tearing)

2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right

Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip
20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)

2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right Special Rules:
Facing) (120m | S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 |
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal, Augur Shells: A rare Conqueror load briefly
Overheat) manufactured on Gryphonne IV in the 39th
millennium, the Augur shell is a squash-head
2 Multi-Meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing) round designed to make up for the
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | -tank
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta) capacity by causing dangerous spalling to an

A Conqueror may take one pintle-mounted Augur Shells reduces its Blast quality to (1)
and inflicts Righteous Fury on enemy
weapon atop its turret:
vehicles on rolls of 7-10. A case of 12 Augur
Shells has a base Availability of Extremely
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Specialised Rounds: Other special-purpose
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
shells for the Conqueror Cannon can be
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) found on page 194 of the Only War Core

Leman Russ Destroyer/Thunderer production, but many Forge Worlds are
pondering the idea, all the more so given
their relatively low cost.

-Common saying amongst the Palladian Armoured Type: Tracked Vehicle

regiments Tactical Speed: 12 m
An ancient and increasingly-uncommon Cruising Speed: 35 kph
Imperial Guard tank-hunting vehicle, the Manoeuvrability: 10
Destroyer is simply a turretless Leman Russ Structural Integrity: 55
with a heavy Laser Destroyer weapon Size: Massive (7)
mounted in the front of its hull. Powerfully Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20
armed and armoured, and relatively Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Low-Slung,
compact given the firepower it musters, it is Reinforced Armour, Rugged, Tracked
an excellent ambush predator when Vehicle
attacking enemy vehicles, though it is Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
relatively useless in the anti-infantry role Carrying Capacity: None
because of its lack of secondary weapons.
The technology to construct Destroyers, or Weapons:
more specifically their weapons, is largely
forgotten or considered too expensive to be Fixed Laser Destroyer (Front Facing) (1km
practical, leading to fewer and fewer | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 12 | Clip 20 |
Destroyers being seen on Imperial Reload 6 Full | Flash (2), Lance, Proven (3))
battlefields. Increasingly they are modified
with more conventional weapons systems Options:
like Battle Cannons, creating decent, but
much less effective tank killers. A Destroyer may replace its Laser
Destroyer with one of the following:
The most common 'reconstructed'
Destroyer is known as the Thunderer, Fixed Vanquisher Cannon (Front Facing)
which converts the platform from a tank (900m | S/-/- | 3d10 + 10 X | Pen 16 | Clip 12 |
hunter to an assault gun, cramming a Reload 2 Full| Accurate)
Demolisher Cannon and 18 shells into the
space once occupied by the Laser Fixed Battle Cannon (Front Facing) (750m |
Destroyer. Though heavily limited S/-/- | 3d10 + 10 X | Pen 8 | Clip 12 | Reload
compared to a proper Leman Russ 2 Full | Blast (10), Concussive (3), Reliable)
Demolisher, the Thunderer's low profile
makes it a respectable city-fighter or Fixed Demolisher Cannon (Front Facing)
alternative for a more expensive (50m | S/-/- | 4d10 + 20 X | Pen 10 | Clip 2 |
Demolisher. Thunderers are not in standard Reload Full | Blast (10), Concussive (3))

A Destroyer equipped with a Demolisher maintain a Laser Destroyer take a -20
Cannon is redesignated a Thunderer, and penalty.
gains certain additional special rules (See
below.) Reinforced Roof: Thunderers frequently
feature heavily reinforced roof panels, as
A Destroyer may take one pintle-mounted their lack of secondary armament makes
weapon atop its hull: them very easy to attack from above. At the
GM's discretion, a Thunderer may gain a
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | +4 to its AP on all facings against attacks
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) from Higher Ground, or from characters
who are standing atop the vehicle.
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

Special Rules:

Precision Instrument: If a Destroyer is armed

with a Vanquisher Cannon, its main weapon
gains the bonus damage from the Accurate

Specialized Shells: Specialized ammunition for

a Destroyer armed with a Vanquisher or
Battle Cannon, or a Thunderer, can be
found on page 194 of the Only War Core

Limited Space: Though a Thunderer's

relatively small crew makes operating one
fairly easy, it lacks the interior space for
much by way of extra ammunition. A
Thunderer may only carry 18 Demolisher
Cannon shells at a time.

Ancient Armaments: The Laser Destroyer,

regrettably, is semi-lost technology, and
most Imperial Guard regiments will have
nowhere near the right equipment needed
to maintain one. All Repair Tests to fix or

Leman Russ Eradicator Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1
The loyalists are clearly using Demolishers! Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner
We can outrange them! (Turret/Hull Weapon), 2 additional
-Traitor Colonel Graeffe, shortly before being Gunners (Sponsons; if taken)
disintegrated Carrying Capacity: None
A rarer short-ranged Leman Russ variant,
the Eradicator is functionally identical to a Weapons:
standard Russ with the exception of an
Eradicator Nova Cannon in its turret. This Turret-Mounted Eradicator Nova Cannon
unusual weapon is not, alas, a naval-grade (150m | S/-/- | 3d10 + 25 X | Pen 5 | Clip 2 |
Nova Cannon firing gigantic plasma blasts, Reload 3 Full | Blast (12), Concussive (4),
but rather a short-barreled howitzer Fleshbane, Flash (6), Proven (4), Rad-
designed to lob small nuclear shells. Nice. Phage)

The intense blast wave from these compact Hull-Mounted Weapon (Front Facing)
atomantic warheads can destroy cover and Choose one:
deal devastating damage to entrenched
infantry, making the Eradicator more of a Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
dedicated linebreaker than vehicles like the 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
Demolisher. The fact that said shells are Tearing)
dangerously unstable and may violently
explode if improperly handled is perfectly Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/ / |
normal, and an accepted part of Eradicator 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
service. Eradicators see heavy use among Proven (3))
the Cadian regiments, as it is generally
accepted that the nearby Forgeworld Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
Agripinaa makes the highest-quality 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
version of the tank. Flame, Spray)

Type: Tracked Vehicle Options:

Tactical Speed: 12 m
Cruising Speed: 35 kph An Eradicator may take two sponson-
Manoeuvrability: 10 mounted weapons. Choose one of the
Structural Integrity: 55 following:
Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
Sealed, Reinforced Armour, Rugged, 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Tracked Vehicle

2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right
Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip Rad-Shielding: An Eradicator's hull is coated
20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray) with a thin layer of rad-warding to avoid
collateral damage from nearby blasts. It
2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right helps, sometimes. The crew of an
Facing) (120m | S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 | Eradicator gain the effects of the
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal, Resistance (Radiation) Talent while they
Overheat) are within the vehicle's hull.

2 Multi-Meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing) Rare Pattern: The best versions of the
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Eradicator (and more importantly its shells)
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta) hail from Agripinaa, and they are much
appreciated by their Cadian crews. At the
An Eradicator may take one pintle- GM's discretion, a squad can be assigned an
mounted weapon atop its turret: Agripinaa-pattern Eradicator. This
functions as a normal Eradicator, except
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | that the Agility Test to reload the vehicle is
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) Simple (+40), and the Nova Cannon gains a
+10 to Ballistic Skill tests to operate it.
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

Special Rules:

Unstable Cores: Reloading

an Eradicator's Nova
Cannon is an exercise in
steady hands and strong
sphincters, as the slightest
slipup can cause immediate
death. Reloading an
Eradicator Cannon
requires an Easy (+30)
Agility Test on the part of
the vehicle's Loader in
addition to the listed time. Model by Sonsoftaurus.
Failure causes the shell to
explode, dealing the weapon's normal
damage to the vehicle and its crew. Ouch.

Leman Russ Harrower interior of the vehicle to become
uncomfortably warm in a matter of seconds.
became hot enough to melt the fabric of my
Type: Tracked Vehicle
-Commander Carolus Yeager, Zhao-Tsumerr Tactical Speed: 12 m
Armoured Test Group Cruising Speed: 35 kph
One of the many obscure and mistrusted Manoeuvrability: 10
designs that made its way into the Imperial Structural Integrity: 55
canon following the reconsecration of the Size: Massive (7)
long-rebellious Forge World Zhao- Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20
Arkkad, the Harrower is a classic Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Low-Slung,
representation of that planet's gift for Reinforced Armour, Rugged, Tracked
rocketry and rocket weapons. The Vehicle
Harrower is a classic ambush tank, deleting Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Commander, 1
the classic Russ turret for a pop-up Praetor Driver, 1 Gunner (Praetor Launcher), 1
missile launcher which can quickly and Loader/Gunner (Praetor/Hull Weapon), 2
accurately discharge shots at very long additional Gunners (Sponsons; if taken)
ranges. Though its rate of fire is quite high, Carrying Capacity: None
and the profile of its hull quite low, the
Harrower lacks the ability for sustained Weapons:
combat, because its compact design simply
isn't large enough to carry a substantial Turret-Mounted Popup Praetor Launcher
number of rounds. For this reason, and the (5km| S/2/- | Clip 7 | Reload - | Indirect (2))
significant cost of manufacturing new
Praetor rounds, adoption of Harrowers into A Praetor Launcher may be loaded with
Imperial arsenals has been limited. one of the following:

Fortunately, the Harrower is not a one- Foehammer Missile (3d10 + 12 X | Pen 14 |

trick pony, and its hull is roomy enough to Blast (10 + 1d5), Concussive (2), Accurate)
allow it to mount standard Leman Russ
sponson types- when its primary missile Firestorm Missile (3d10 + 15 E | Pen 4 | Blast
ammunition is exhausted, it is still quite (15 + 1d5), Concussive (2), Flame)
functional as a slightly under-gunned main
battle tank. A common nickname for this Pilum Missile (3d10 + 12 X | 14 | Proven (5),
uncommon vehicle is the 'Seatwarmer', Accurate)
both for its tactical role as a patient ambush
predator and because sustained ripple- Hull-Mounted Weapon (Front Facing)
firing of its main launcher causes the Choose one:

Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 | Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/ / | 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Proven (3)) Special Rules:

Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / | Popup Launcher: The Harrower is generally
1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | well protected, but its exposed missiles can
Flame, Spray) be vulnerable at the moment of firing. A
Harrower gains the Extremely Volatile
Options: Vehicle Trait on any Round in which it has
already fired at least one of its missiles.
A Harrower may take two sponson- Reloading a Harrower can be done fairly
mounted weapons. Choose one of the easily, thanks to ample access to its loading
following: systems, but cannot be undertaken from
inside the hull, or particularly quickly for
2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right that matter. It takes 6 Full Actions for a
Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip team of two Guardsmen to load a single
60 | Reload Full | Tearing) Praetor Missile into a Harrower's internal
2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right
Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip Seatwarmers: Operating a Harrower is
20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray) perfectly safe, by Imperial standards,
though the vast amounts of heat generated
2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right by firing off very large missiles requires
Facing) (120m | S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 | elaborate ducting and cooling systems to
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal, keep the interior of the cabin at tolerable
Overheat) levels. The crew of a Harrower gain a +10 to
any Tests to resist the effects of extreme
2 Multi-meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing) cold, and -10 to any Tests to resist the
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | effects of extreme heat while they are in
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta) their vehicle.

A Harrower may take one pintle-mounted Anti-Aircraft Armaments: When firing

weapon atop its hull: Pilums, the Harrower gains the Anti-Air
(Advanced) Vehicle Trait.

Leman Russ Incinerator Carrying Capacity: None

-Ancient motto of the Solar Auxilia Weapons:

The ancient Leman Russ Incinerator was a Turret-mounted Twin-linked Volkite

variant of the Leman Russ tank used mainly Demi-Culverins (400m | S/-/- | 3d10+12 E |
by the Imperial Army's Solar Auxilia during Pen 4 | Clip 40 | Reload 5 Full | Deflagrate,
the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. In Splash (5), Twin-linked)
support of the infantry of the Solar Auxilia,
Incinerator squadrons were heavily Hull-Mounted Weapon (Front Facing)
armoured and carried short-ranged but Choose one:
devastating weapons. Incinerators mounted
a twin-linked Volkite Demi-Culverin, a Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
powerful weapon from the Dark Age of 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
Technology that could tear through all that Tearing)
stood in its war with ease by firing beams of
pure HEAT and also SCIENCE. Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/ / |
5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Unfortunately, most of the secrets of Proven (3))
Volkite construction has been lost since the
Scouring, and with them have gone many of Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
the Incinerators. The few that remain are 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Flame, Spray)
past greatness.
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 12 m An Incinerator may take two sponson-
Cruising Speed: 35 kph mounted weapons. Choose one of the
Manoeuvrability: 10 following:
Structural Integrity: 55
Size: Massive (7) 2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right
Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Armour, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right
Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip
(Turret/Hull Weapon), 2 additional 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Gunners (Sponsons; if taken)

2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right Special Rules:
Facing) (120m | S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 |
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal, Truly Ancient: There is no such thing as a
to the 31st
2 Multi-Meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing) gains the Peer (Imperial Guard, Space
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Marines, Ecclesiarchy, Adeptus Mechanicus)
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta) Talent so long as they are operating in or on
their vehicle. An Incinerator always has the
2 Volkite Calivers (Left Facing/Right Artificer Hull upgrade.
Facing) (165m | S/2/3 | 2d10 + 6 E | Pen 4 | Clip
30 | Reload 4 Full | Deflagrate)

An Incinerator may take one pintle-

mounted weapon atop its turret:

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |

Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen

4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

Leman Russ Ordinator Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Improved
-Commander Guillaume Wilson, during the Cian Command and Control, Large
offensive against Warboss Biggun Superstructure, Reinforced Armour,
The Tactica Imperialis generally frowns on Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
the use of dedicated command vehicles- Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 2 Vox
unless it is carefully disguised, a mobile Operators, 1 Gunner/Loader (Hull
command post will always draw a great deal Weapon), 2 additional Gunners (Sponsons;
of fire, putting command elements at risk. if taken)
For that reason, command tanks from Carrying Capacity: 2 Guardsmen and light
armoured regiments are frequently just gear
ordinary vehicles with slightly expanded
vox or rangefinding systems, relying on Weapons:
anonymity or ranged fire to keep them
from becoming obvious targets. Hull-Mounted Weapon (Front Facing)
Choose one:
The stress of commanding a fighting
vehicle while also directing a larger Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
armoured force is high, however, and for 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
the purposes of guiding extremely Tearing)
elaborate formations a specialized
command tank is sometimes required. The Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/ / |
Russ Ordinator fills that role, acting as a 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
well-equipped vox command and spotting Proven (3))
platform that can defend itself if needed.
Its boxy, high-sided hull includes a Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
compact set of tactical cogitators, a full 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
hololith array, powerful comms systems, Flame, Spray)
and rangefinding equipment. Though a
somewhat vulnerable target, it is Options:
undoubtedly a useful support vehicle.
An Ordinator may take two sponson-
Type: Tracked Vehicle mounted weapons. Choose one of the
Tactical Speed: 12 m following:
Cruising Speed: 35 kph
Manoeuvrability: 10 2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right
Structural Integrity: 55 Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
Size: Massive (7) 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)

2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right Laud Hailers, an optical rangefinder system
Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip that functions as a Hand-Held Targeter
20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray) and a Best-Craftsmanship set of
Magnoculars, a pair of Best-Craftsmanship
2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right Vox Casters, tactical cogitators which
Facing) (120m | S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 | provide a +10 bonus to Scholastic Lore
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal, (Tactica Imperialis) Tests as well as acting
Overheat) as a Multicompass, and a Best-
Craftsmanship Signal Jammer.
2 Multi-meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing)
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Expander Panels: A mobile command post is
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta) no good if it can't accommodate changing
command circumstances, and the Ordinator
An Ordinator may take one pintle- is no exception. With ten minutes' work,
mounted weapon atop its hull: detachable panels on its hull can be
unfolded and staked into the ground to
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | form a sort of armoured tent, large enough
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) to accommodate the vehicle's crew plus
another dozen men in a sort of folding field
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen command. When deployed, the Ordinator
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) increases its size to Immense (8) and gains
Immobile and Low-Slung. Re-packing an
Special Rules:

Command Equipment: An Ordinator's hull is

packed full
of useful
and crew of
an Ordinator
can call upon
an Auspex
array with a
range of
5km, a set of

Leman Russ Punisher Weapons:

-Lord-General Ghanzorik Turret-mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon

The Punisher is a relatively recent variant (300m | -/-/20 | 1d10+5 I | Pen 4 | Clip 1,000 |
of the Leman Russ, and the latest in the Reload 4 Full | Storm)
ngoing attempts to slap
rotary-barreled cannons onto everything Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
and the kitchen sink. Featuring a multi- following):
barreled Punisher Gatling Cannon,
essentially a scaled-up Heavy Stubber. It Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
can achieve a rate of fire unmatched by all 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
but a few other vehicles, though its anti- Tearing)
armour and anti-building effectiveness
suffers. Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/ / |
5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Rather unsurprisingly, Punisher tank crews Proven (3))
have a reputation for being trigger-happy
with this potent weapon, and it is typical for Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
them to strip out all non-essential items in 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
order to cram in as much ammunition as Flame, Spray)
possible before setting off for battle.
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Manoeuvrability: -10 The Punisher may take two Sponson-
Tactical Speed: 12m mounted weapons (choose one of the
Cruising Speed: 35 kph following):
Structural Integrity: 55
Size: Massive (7) 2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right
Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20 Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Armour, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right
Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip
(Turret/Hull Weapon), 2 additional 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Gunners (Sponsons; if taken)
Carrying Capacity: None 2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right
Facing) (120m | S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 |
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal,

2 Multi-Meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing) entirely move beyond the scale of fire that
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | can be reasonably expressed with Only
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta)
attack with the Punisher Gatling Cannon,
A Punisher may take one pintle-mounted
weapon atop its turret: overspeed mode for that attack. The
weapon gains Tearing, Felling (2),
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Overheats and Unreliable.
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen

4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

Special Rules:
It took all of about thirty
seconds for Punisher crews to realize that
the Gatling cannon, being electrically
driven, will shoot even faster if you pump
more juice into it. With a little bit of
coaxing, the weapon could be made to fire
at such a prodigious rate that it would

Type 3 Traction Engine would be catastrophic. To avoid such issues,
"You will live to see sorcerous horrors beyond your Type 3s are equipped with a wide variety of
comprehension." safeguards. First is a hull laden with
-Primarch Magnus the Red, attributed hexagrammatic warding and other such
The Type 3 Traction Engine does not exist. protective devices, the better to keep the
Any documents referencing its existence Psyker's powers from bleeding over.
are patently false. Anyone who has ever
claimed to have seen one in action is a fool, Second is a rad-purge system which can be
a liar, a heretic, or dead. Mars does not activated by any member of the crew save
construct Type 3s, nor have they ever. the Psyker- when powered on, its radiation
emitters atomize the entire crew in a matter
The origins of the Type 3 are lost, not to of milliseconds, just to be safe. Finally, if
time, but deliberate Imperial erasure. Only the vehicle is disabled or captured, a self-
a few hundred exist in the Imperial arsenal, destruct system uses a powerful antimatter
and all are under extremely close charge to annihilate the tank and all of its
supervision by members of the Scholastica crew should they fail to enter the proper
Psykana and the Ordos Malleus and command codes at the proper time.
Hereticus of the Inquisition. All but the
most trusted and elite Inquisitorial troops Type: Tracked Vehicle
who see Type 3s in action have their Tactical Speed: 12 m
memories wiped or are simply killed, for Cruising Speed: 35 kph
one very simple reason- the Type 3 Manoeuvrability: 10
Traction Engine is a psychic tank. Structural Integrity: 55
Size: Massive (7)
Based off the standard Leman Russ chassis, Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20
it replaces the weapon systems of that Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally
vehicle with a single crystalline Aetheric Sealed, Hexagrammatic Plating,
Ram, a psychic accelerator that can vastly Reinforced Armour, Rugged, Sentry,
boost the powers of the Sanctioned Psyker Tracked Vehicle
operating the vehicle. When the right mind Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 1 Combat
is placed within, a Type 3 can crush enemy Psyker (Turret), 1 Overseer, 2 Sponson
vehicles like tin cans, drive legions of Servitors (Ballistic Skill 40, Agility 45,
soldiers insane, and project streams of Perception 35 as well as Awareness (Per) +10)
warpfire and lightning at prodigious rates. Carrying Capacity: None

Needless to say, a Type 3 is a dangerous Weapons:

thing. A psyker losing control is bad, but a
psyker losing control while their mind is Turret-mounted Aetheric Ram (Special, see
tied in to a weaponized psychic amplifier below)

Servitor-Controlled Sponson Weapons Special Rules:
(Choose one):
Aetheric Ram: The Type 3's primary weapon
2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right is a gigantic psychic amplifier which takes
Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip in energies from an onboard psyker and
60 | Reload Full | Sanctified, Tearing) then releases them in a massive wave of
2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right
Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip An Aetheric Ram may only be operated by
20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Sanctified, a Psyker with a Psy Rating of at least 4. The
Spray) Psyker may manifest as normal while
connected to the Ram, gaining a +10 bonus
2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right to any Tests to manifest while doing so.
Facing) (120m | S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 | Any power manifested through the Ram
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal, doubles its Range. If the psyker
Overheat, Sanctified) manifesting generates Psychic Phenomena,
they apply a -20 modifier to their roll. If
2 Multi-meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing) they generate Perils of the Warp, the
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | vehicle's rad-purge system activates (see
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta, Sanctified) below). Any psychic power with a range of
Self can be manifested as normal, treating
Options: the outside of the Type 3 as if it was the
body of the Psyker. Powers which boost
A Type 3 can mount one of the following Characteristics or only work on organic
pintle weapons atop its turret: targets do not effect the Type 3.

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Damage-dealing psychic powers

Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full | Sanctified) manifested through the Type 3 increase
their base damage by 2d10 and gain a Blast
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen value (if they did not already have one)
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Sanctified, Storm, equal to the Psyker's Willpower Bonus.
Tearing) Non-damaging offensive psychic powers
which would hit a single target can instead,
Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip if the psyker chooses, effect a target plus
6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Sanctified, Spray) any other relevant targets within a Blast
radius equal to the Psyker's Willpower
Bonus. If these powers involve opposed
Tests, each must be rolled separately. A
Psyker operating an Aetheric Ram can

sustain and cancel powers as normal. Any antimatter charge, totally destroying the
time the Aetheric Ram suffers from the tank and its crew. If at any time all of the
Weapon Disabled or Weapon Destroyed Type 3's crew, less the Psyker, are killed,
damage conditions, roll for Psychic rendered Unconscious, Stunned, Possessed
Phenomena at a +0 modifier. or mind-controlled, the vehicle, and any
matter within a 5-meter radius of the center
Rad-purge: This heavily shielded system of its hull, are destroyed in a blaze of light.
detects excessive warp energy building up
within the Type 3's hull, as well as A secondary function of this system is an
fluctuations in the life signs of its crew, and anti-capture function to prevent
acts accordingly if it is determined that knowledge of the vehicle's production from
something untoward is occurring. If the falling into enemy hands. This takes the
vehicle's Psyker triggers Perils of the Warp, form of a constantly-active 8-hour
the rad-purge system activates. In addition countdown system which can be reset by at
to the effects of the Perils, everyone least two of the vehicle's non-Psyker crew
(including any summoned entities) within entering in command codes. If the
the Type 3's hull takes 6d10 points of countdown ever reaches zero, the vehicle is
Energy Damage with a Penetration of 10 annihilated. This countdown is always
and the Sanctified, Rad-Phage and Toxic active, even when the vehicle is uncrewed or
(2) Qualities to the Body. This damaging powered down. At any time, the vehicle's
effect lingers for 1d5 hours. Commander or designated Overseer can
activate the self-destruct as a Free Action
Fail-Deadly: The crew of a Type 3 (minus from inside the Type 3's hull.
the Psyker) are fitted
with neuro-lock
scanning systems that
feed their bio-signs,
mental activity and
warp signatures back
to the vehicle's central
cogitator core. If ever
these levels are
disrupted, the
cogitator assumes the
vehicle's crew has
been killed or
corrupted, and

detonates a smallish Pictured: a vehicle that looks and functions almost entirely unlike a Type 3.

Aurox Chassis Weapons:

Turret-Mounted Weapon (Choose one):
at won the

Twin-Linked Lascannons (300m | S/ / |

5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full |
-Lord Marshal Ireton MaSade
The primary medium tank of the first half Proven (3), Twin-linked)
of the Great Crusade, the mighty Aurox
was a versatile and well-armed vehicle that Twin-Linked Autocannons (300m | S/3/- |
3d10 + 8 I | Pen 6 | Clip 100 | Reload 4 Full |
saw combat in dozens of different
Reliable, Twin-Linked)
variations. Though somewhat less well-
armed and significantly more expensive
Twin-Linked Multilasers (Range 150m |
than the Leman Russ and Predator tanks
-/-/5 | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 200 | Reload
that would come to replace it, it was
Full | Reliable, Twin-Linked)
notoriously tough and for its time was an
extremely effective combatant. Most of the
Volkite Culverins (Range 280m | S/2/4 | 2d10
Imperium's Carnodon stocks were depleted
+ 9 E | Pen 4 | Clip 40 | Reload 5 Full |
during the early days of the Horus Heresy,
but small numbers are still in service with
the Imperial Guard and the Mechanicus Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Left
still preserve the schematics and tooling Facing/Right Facing) (Choose one of the
necessary to build more. following):

Type: Tracked Vehicle Autocannons (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 |

Tactical Speed: 10 m Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
Cruising Speed: 70 kph
Manoeuvrability: -5 Lascannons (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen
Structural Integrity: 55 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Proven (3))
Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 40, Side 31, Rear 31 Multilasers (Range 150m |
Vehicle Traits: Command and Control, -/-/5 | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 100 | Reload
Enclosed, Reinforced Armour, Tracked Full | Reliable)
Vehicle, Rugged
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander, 3 Gunners Heavy Bolters (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5
(Turret, 2 Sponsons) | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Carrying Capacity: None

Heavy Flamers (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
| Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Special Rules:
Volkite Calivers (165m | S/2/3 | 2d10 + 6 E |
Pen 4 | Clip 30 | Reload 4 Full | Deflagrate) Truly Ancient: There is no such thing as a

Options: Guard regiments maintain them in service. A

crew gains the Peer (Imperial
A Carnodon may take one of the following Guard, Ecclesiarchy, Adeptus Mechanicus)
weapons on a pintle mount, operated by the Talent so long as they are operating in or on
Driver: their vehicle. A Carnodon always has the
Artificier Hull upgrade.
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip

Aurox Armoured Transport Optiona:
- if they An Aurox may take one of the following
weapons on a pintle mount, operated by the
-The God-Emperor of Mankind, on signing the Driver:
commissioning documents for the Aurox
The primary medium transport vehicle of Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
the Imperial Army during the Great Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Crusade, the Aurox was heavily derived
from and inspired by the Rhino used during Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
the same period. It was intended to be 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
heavily armoured, but also reasonably
mobile and maintain a high level of crew Special Rules:
Built for modification, field upgrades and Embarkation Points: The Aurox has 3 access
easy maintenance, it proved an able combat doors- one on each side and one on the rear
transport well through the start of the of its hull. It also has a dorsal embarkation
Horus Heresy. It was frequently issued to hatch on its upper hull which can be used as
grenadier units, predecessors of the modern a fireport large enough for two soldiers to
Imperial Guard Armoured Fist squads. operate simultaneously.
Within the transport units of the Imperial
Army, it filled the niche between the Truly Ancient: There is no such thing as a
medium transport of the Rhino and the only the most venerable
heavy transport capabilities of the Guard regiments maintain them in service.
Guard, Ecclesiarchy, Adeptus Mechanicus)
Type: Tracked Vehicle Talent so long as they are operating in or
Tactical Speed: 10 m on their vehicle. An Aurox always has the
Artificier Hull upgrade.
Cruising Speed: 70 kph
Manoeuvrability: -5
Structural Integrity: 30
Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 40, Side 31, Rear 31
Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Enclosed, Reinforced Armour, Tracked
Vehicle, Rugged
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 10 Imperial Guardsmen
plus wargear

Rhino Chassis Twin-Linked Autocannons (300m | S/3/- |
3d10 + 8 I | Pen 6 | Clip 100 | Reload 4 Full |
Castigator Battle Tank Reliable, Twin-Linked)
panzercraft will scorch a
holy mark across the Galaxy! Tanks
Sponson-Mounted Weapons (Choose one):
-Cannoness Tsuruki Scolopendra, Order of Our
Thermite Shroud
A relatively recent addition to the arsenal of 2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right
the Adepta Sororitas, the Castigator Facing) (150m | / /6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
provides the medium-range fire-support 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)

melta and bolt weaponry. Based on the 2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right
venerable Rhino chassis, it boasts firepower Facing) (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip
compabale to a Leman Russ, with almost 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
the same degree of speed and survivability
of an Astartes Predator. 2 Multi-Meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing)
(60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 |
Type: Tracked Vehicle Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta)
Tactical Speed: 15 m
Cruising Speed: 70 kph Hull-Mounted Weapon (Choose one):
Manoeuvrability: +0
Structural Integrity: 45 Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
Size: Massive (7) 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
Armour: Front 38, Side 30, Rear 20 Tearing)
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced
Armour, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
Crew: 1 Driver (Hull Weapon), 2 Gunners 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
(Turret gun, Sponson guns), 1 Commander Flame, Spray)
Carrying Capacity: None
Multi-Melta (Front) (60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E
Weapons: | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Reload Full | Blast (1),
Turret-Mounted Weapon (Choose one):
Battle Cannon (750m | S/ / | 3d10+10 X |
Pen 8 | Clip 12 | Reload 3 Full | Blast (10), A Castigator may take a pintle-mounted
Concussive (3), Reliable) Storm Bolter operated by its Commander.

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen

4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)

Special Rules:

Blessed Hull: Washed with consecrated oils

and filled with sacred incense during
construction, the veh
bulwark against the powers of the Warp.
The vehicle counts its armour as 5 Armour
points greater against hits inflicted by
psychic attacks. Attacks with the Warp
Weapon quality only ignore half of its
Armour points.

Laud Hailer: Emitting a stream of

devotional prayers sung in powerful tones,
the vehicle bolsters the spirits of the
faithful. Each friendly character within 30
metres of the vehicle can re-roll failed
Willpower-based tests.

Exorcist Prioris Carrying Capacity: None
overture! Tremble at the song of the
God- Weapons:
-Attributed to Uriah Jacobus during the Reduction
of the Canopean Heretics Fixed Exorcist Missile Launcher (Front
An ancient and blessed war machine built Facing) (350m | S/2/4 | 3d10 + 6 X | Pen 8 |
primarily on Mars, the Prioris-pattern Clip 48 | Reload - | Blast (3), Indirect (2))
Exorcist Missile Tank is the Adepta
-support vehicle. Its Options:
ornate, pipe organ-shaped missile launcher
system can easily saturate a battlefield with A Prioris may take a pintle-mounted Storm
armour-piercing missiles, tearing through Bolter operated by its Commander.
light vehicles and heavy infantry with ease.
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Certainly one of the oldest vehicles 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
continuously operated by the Imperium,
Special Rules:
is somewhat undermined by the complexity
of its weapon system, which is famously Vox celeste: T is
onerous to maintain and load. Indeed, many quite simply a rigid guide for self-targeting
younger Orders of the Sisters of Battle missiles. The Exorcist Missile Launcher on
have turned to the simpler and less revered a Prioris has a 180-degree field of fire over
Ophelian Dominica-Pattern as their despite being Fixed.
standard field artillery.
Pull out the stops: The missile loading system
Type: Tracked Vehicle on the Prioris is a miracle of ancient
Tactical Speed: 12 m technology, which can be pushed to great
Cruising Speed: 70 kph lengths if one can appease its notoriously
Manoeuvrability: -5 unruly and temperamental machine spirit.
Structural Integrity: 30
Size: Massive (7) When firing the Exorcist Missile Launcher,
Armour: Front 25, Side 22, Rear 16 its Gunner may choose to have it gain the
Vehicle Traits: Large Superstructure, Twin-Linked quality; if they do, the
Enclosed, Reinforced Armour, Tracked weapon also gains Unreliable and
Vehicle, Rugged, Anti-Air (Rudimentary) Overheats.
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 1 Commander

MRLS: Like most other Imperial missile
weapons, Exorcists can be fitted with a
variety of warheads. While an Exorcist
cannot be reloaded in combat, its Clip may
contain any combination of its default
Missiles plus the following specialty

High-Ex Missiles (3d10 + 6 X | Pen 2 | Blast

(2d10), Indirect (4))

Conflagration Rockets (1d10 + 5 E | Pen 4 |

Blast (3d10), Flame, Flash (0), Indirect (6))

Melta Missiles (3d10 + 10 E | Pen 5 | Lance)

Blessed Hull: Washed with consecrated oils

and filled with sacred incense during
construction, the veh
bulwark against the powers of the Warp.
The vehicle counts its armour as 5 Armour Model by Nick Cooney.
points greater against hits inflicted by
psychic attacks. Attacks with the Warp
Weapon quality only ignore half of its
Armour points.

Laud Hailer: Emitting a stream of

devotional prayers sung in powerful tones,
the vehicle bolsters the spirits of the
faithful. Each friendly character within 30
metres of the vehicle can re-roll failed
Willpower-based tests.

Exorcist Dominica Turret-Mounted Exorcist Missile
esire for pomp and glory distracts Launcher (350m | S/2/6 | 3d10 + 6 X | Pen 8 |
Clip 12 | Reload - | Blast (3), Indirect (2))
-Precepts of Saint Emelia
A newer and much-simplified version of the Options:
venerable Exorcist Missile Tank, the
Dominica is produced primarily in the small A Dominica may take a pintle-mounted
Ecclesiarchy-dedicated forges on Ophelia Storm Bolter operated by its Commander.
VII. Lacking many of the more elaborate
loading systems of its elder sibling, the Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Dominica is distinguished by its fully- 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
traversable turret and a design that is
generally smaller, lower in profile and Special Rules:
easier to maintain.
MRLS: Like most other Imperial missile
Though it is hardly the most flashy or weapons, Exorcists can be fitted with a
spectacular weapons platform available to variety of warheads. While an Exorcist
the Sororitas, the Dominica, and its cannot be reloaded in combat, its Clip may
derivative Sanctorum-Pattern, have become contain any combination of its default
the most common field artillery weapon in Missiles plus the following specialty
Church Militant service across the rounds:
High-Ex Missiles (3d10 + 6 X | Pen 2 | Blast
Type: Tracked Vehicle (2d10), Indirect (4))
Tactical Speed: 15 m
Cruising Speed: 70 kph Conflagration Rockets (1d10 + 5 E | Pen 4 |
Manoeuvrability: +0 Blast (3d10), Flame, Flash (0), Indirect (6))
Structural Integrity: 30
Size: Massive (7) Melta Missiles (3d10 + 10 E | Pen 5 | Lance)
Armour: Front 25, Side 22, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced Blessed Hull: Washed with consecrated oils
Armour, Tracked Vehicle, Rugged, Anti- and filled with sacred incense during
Air (Rudimentary) construction, the veh
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander, 1 Gunner bulwark against the powers of the Warp.
Carrying Capacity: None The vehicle counts its armour as 5 Armour
points greater against hits inflicted by
Weapons: psychic attacks. Attacks with the Warp
Weapon quality only ignore half of its
Armour points.

Laud Hailer: Emitting a stream of
devotional prayers sung in powerful tones,
the vehicle bolsters the spirits of the
faithful. Each friendly character within 30
metres of the vehicle can re-roll failed
Willpower-based tests.

Pegasus A.A.V. Volkite Caliver (165m | S/2/3 | 2d10 + 6 E | Pen
4 | Clip 30 | Reload 4 Full | Deflagrate)
be a sailor as well. That is why they call them
Multi-laser (150m | / /5 | 2d10+10 E | Pen 2
-Lady Sun Nishizumi, Ruminations on Panzerfahren | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
During its early years of use, the ubiquitous
Rhino saw service with both the Imperial Heavy Bolter (150m | / /6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5
Army and the Space Marine Legions, and | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
numerous specialized variations developed
as a result. Though the original chassis was Heavy Flamer (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4
capable of operating on seabeds and in | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
other aquatic environments, a more capable
dedicated amphibious platform was Autocannon (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 |
occasionally needed, and thus the Pegasus Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
was born. Combining elements of the then-
new Chimera APC with a heavily modified Options:
Rhino hull, it proved to be a reasonably fast
and solid amphibious landing craft, though A Pegasus may take one of the following
somewhat undergunned by the high weapons on a pintle mount, operated by the
standard of Imperial armament. Gunner:

Type: Tracked Vehicle Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |

Tactical Speed: 12 m Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Cruising Speed: 65 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Structural Integrity: 25 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Stgorm, Tearing)
Size: Enormous (6)
Armour: Front 31, Side 31, Rear 20 Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Armour, Tracked Vehicle, Amphibious,
Environmentally Sealed, Rugged Special Rules:
Crew: 1 Gunner (Turret), 1 Drive
Carrying Capacity: 14 Imperial Guardsmen Fireports: A Pegasus has six side-mounted
plus wargear fireports in its troop bay which can be
equipped with either lasguns or weapons
Weapons: carried by the vehicle's passengers.

Turret-Mounted Weapon (Choose One) Embarkation Points: Being designed for

beach landings, the Pegasus' main entry and

egress hatch is mounted on the front of its
hull and cannot be used while the vehicle is
submerged in water. A second hatch is
present on the back of the hull which can
also be used as an entry or exit, even when
the vehicle is floating.

Amphibious Assault Vehicle: The Pegasus'

drivetrain and impeller motors have been
optimized for use on water; while floating
or partially submerged, it increases its
Tactical Speed to 18, its Manoeuvrability to
+10, and its Cruising Speed to 75.

Incarcerator Armour Facing, and count the effects of its
- Hexagrammatic Plating trait.

-Goge Vandire A Fiery End: A simple vox command from

Though it seldom sees use on Imperial any standard communication device can
battlefields, the Incarcerator Prisoner
Transport vehicle is one of the most overt incinerating the prisoners inside. Doing so
and terrifying symbols of the Witch requires a Routine (+20) Tech-Use Test on
Simply a large jet engine built into a Rhino command wand. On a success, every
chassis, it is notable because the prisoner within the vehicle immediately
transparent-walled compression chamber takes 5d10 +10 Energy damage to the Body
of the engine is also a warp-shielded cell for location with the Felling (12), Flame and
up to 10 prisoners. In the event of prisoner Sanctified qualities.
unrest or an attempted escape, an overseer
need only press a button to activate the Laud Hailer: Emitting a stream of
engine, purging their charges in a glorious devotional prayers sung in powerful tones,
burst of holy fire. the vehicle bolsters the spirits of the
faithful. Each friendly character within 30
Type: Tracked Vehicle metres of the vehicle can re-roll failed
Tactical Speed: 12 m Willpower-based tests.
Cruising Speed: 70 kph
Manoeuvrability: -5
Structural Integrity: 30
Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 25, Side 22, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Large Superstructure,
Enclosed, Reinforced Armour, Tracked
Vehicle, Rugged, Hexagrammatic Plating
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 10 Prisoners

Special Rules:

Prisoner Transport: The prisoner chamber on

an Incarcerator is heavily insulated and
functionally impossible to open from the
inside; attacks against the inside of the
vehicle are resolved against its Front

Chimera Chassis Crew: 1 Commander (Deathstrike Missile),
1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Hull Weapon)
Deathstrike Missile Launcher
Carrying Capacity: None
coordinates I do condemn thee

Fixed Deathstrike Missile (Front Facing)

-Final lines of the Sacred Invocation of the
Deathstrike Launch Platform (2,000km | S/-/- | Ammo-Dependent,
Indirect (9))
The largest tactical missile system regularly
deployed by the Astra Militarum, the A Deathstrike may fire one of the following
Deathstrike is a wonder of technology, rounds:
capable of easily striking at intercontinental
distances or knocking small voidships out Plasma Barrage Missile (4d10 + 12 E | Pen 12
of orbit. Though expensive to maintain and | Blast (100), Flash (6), Shocking): This
too fragile to function effectively near the warhead contains a cluster of smaller plasma
front lines, a unit of Deathstrikes can submunitions. On detonation, it resolves
provide cataclysmic supporting fire against 1d5+1 hits on the target area.
any targets that might threaten the
Godspear Harpoon (7d10 + 10 I | Pen 15 |
Blast (1d10), Lance, Accurate): When this
These versatile missile launchers can be weapon inflicts Critical Damage on a
fitted with a huge variety of specialized vehicle, it rolls twice on the table and takes
warheads, from the standard plasma barrage the higher result.
loadout to the Godspear Harpoon anti-
titan rocket to more sinister and exotic Skyspear Harpoon (7d10 + 10 I | Pen 20 |
weapons reserved for only the deadliest Blast (5d10), Accurate): This weapon grants
foes. the vehicle it is mounted on the Anti-Air
(Advanced) Vehicle Trait and takes no
Type: Tracked Vehicle penalties due to range when firing at
Tactical Speed: 10 m aircraft or voidships in orbit.
Cruising Speed: 60 kph
Manoeuvrability: -20 Haywire Missile (2d10 E | Pen 4 | Blast
Structural Integrity: 35 (5,000), Haywire (5,000), Shocking, Flash
Size: Massive (7) (2)): This weapon gains a +6 bonus to rolls
Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16 on the Haywire Field Effects table.
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Anti-Air
(Rudimentary), Enclosed, Rugged, Stasis Missile: This weapon inflicts no
Tracked Vehicle, Large Superstructure damage, and instead generates an area of
frozen time 5d100 meters across. This stasis

field lasts for 1d10 minutes. Everything Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
inside this bubble is cut off from the normal 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
flow of time. Anyone and anything inside Tearing)
the affected area does (and perceives)
nothing until the field dissipates. Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
Characters outside the stasis field can see 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
the frozen moment but cannot interact with Flame, Spray)
it in any way.
Vortex Missile: (10d10 E | Pen - | Blast (5d10)):
When a target is hit by a Vortex Missile, if A Deathstrike may take one pintle-
the damage result is 30 or more, regardless mounted weapon atop its hull:
of Armour or Toughness, the target is
destroyed outright, regardless of the Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
number of wounds it possesses (Fate Points Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
may be burned as normal). If the damage
result is 29 or less, the target takes damage Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
as normal and is teleported a number of 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
meters equal to the result in a random
direction. If the target is teleported into Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
the same space as another object, move the 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
target into the closest available space; the
target then takes 1d5 additional damage, Special Rules:
ignoring armor & toughness (as does the
object). Chimera Chassis: This vehicle has the same
basic Special Rules as a standard Chimera.
Warp Missile: (4d10 + 12 E | Pen - | Blast
(100), Flash (6), Shocking, Felling (12), Top-Heavy: The Deathstrike missile itself is
Sanctified): This weapon completely quite heavy for the Chimera chassis to bear,
ignores the and when it has been launched the carrier
Fields it might have. It can be fired against becomes substantially more mobile. While
points inside structures or behind barriers, its weapon is unloaded, this vehicle
as the warhead is capable of tunnelling increases its Tactical Speed, Cruising Speed
through the Warp to teleport inside its and Manoeuvrability to 15m, 70kph and +0.
ICBM: The Deathstrike Missile is easily
Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the capable of reaching orbit, and idling there
following): for as long as it takes to locate and hit a
target. The Deathstrike Missile has no

maximum range, and takes no penalties Unnecessary Firepower
from range to hit city-sizes targets. when firing a Plasma, Godspear, Skyspear,
Depending on the ranges involved, it may Vortex or Warp missiles against a group of
take the round up to three-quarters of an enemies in the open or without massive
hour to get to its target, however. amounts of heavy cover, roll 1d10. That
percentage of the group are left alive- the
Push the Button: Classified as Ordnance rest are killed instantly. Larger or more
Extremis, the Deathstrike is a rare, potent heavily-armoured enemies, such as light
and above all expensive part of the Astra vehicles, Necron constructs, major Tyranid
bioforms, etc. take the weapon's regular
usually requires the involvement of at least damage instead.
a half-dozen techpriests, plus the direct
approval of a Commissar or other high-
ranking Imperial officer. Reloading a
Deathstrike takes at least a day of solid
ritual and anointing as the missile is

Chimerax Structural Integrity: 35
Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16
-Anonymous tanker, 899th Koraxian Destructor Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Anti-Air
Legion (Rudimentary), Enclosed, Rugged,
Many Imperial worlds make use of Tracked Vehicle
Autocannon-armed Chimera APCs, Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1
especially those where las technology is at a Gunner (Hull Weapon)
premium. The Chimerax assault transport Carrying Capacity: 12 Imperial Guardsmen
merely takes the concept of a transport plus wargear
vehicle armed with autocannons and Weapons:
extends it to its logical conclusion.
Quadruple Autocannons (300m | S/3/ |
Fitted with four short-barreled 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 | Clip 80 | Reload 3 Full |
autocannons in a bulky turret, it can Reliable, Storm, Twin-Linked)
provide high-powered suppressing fire
against enemy infantry, light vehicles and Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
aircraft, all while sacrificing none of the following):
armour or carrying capacity of the original
Chimera. This versatility makes it a popular Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
choice amongst those Militarum regiments 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
and Skitarii maniples interested in Tearing)
producing a high volume of firepower or
maximizing the combat flexibility of their Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
Armoured Fist units. 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Flame, Spray)
That said, the Chimerax is not a dedicated
anti-aircraft vehicle, and those who field it Options:
in that role expecting performance on the
level of a Hydra are often disappointed. A Chimerax may take one pintle-mounted
The vehicle's turret simply lacks the weapon atop its turret:
tracking equipment required for prolonged
AA use. Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 15 m Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Cruising Speed: 70 kph 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Manoeuvrability: +0

Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)

Special Rules:

Chimera Chassis: This vehicle has the same

basic Special Rules as a standard Chimera.

Gun Food: Though the Chimerax's turret is

somewhat larger than a standard Chimera's,
crews frequently find that they cannot carry
enough ammunition to account for the
vehicle's high rate of fire. In some cases,
regiments will actually sacrifice transport
space on their Chimeraxes to maximize
ammo capacity. At the GM's discretion, a
Chimerax might reduce its Carrying
Capacity to 10 Guardsmen with wargear, in
exchange for doubling the Clip size of its
Quadruple Autocannons.

requested Chimerros, I'd be rich enough to actually
Turret-mounted Hunter-Killer Launcher
-Munitorum Senior Privy Secretary Clarken Gubble (350m | S/-/- | 3d10 + 6 X | Pen 6 | Clip 1
One of the simplest variants on the |Reload Half)
Chimera, the Chimerro is less a new vehicle
and more an upgrade package. It consists Turret-mounted weapon (choose one of
simply of a standard Chimera with its turret the following):
equipped with an autoloading Hunter-
Killer Missile launcher capable of Multi-laser (150m | / /5 | 2d10+10 E | Pen 2 |
independent fire. Instead of the usual one- Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
shot Hunter-Killer system, this weapon
allows the vehicle some degree of sustained Heavy Bolter (150m | / /6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5
long-range anti-vehicle firepower, while | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
still preserving all the benefits of the basic
Chimera chassis. Heavy Flamer (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4
| Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
The great limitation of the Chimerro-
indeed the reason why every Chimera in the Autocannon (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 |
Imperium of Man isn't a Chimerro- is cost. Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
Hunter-Killers are costly and complicated
to produce, and like its more specialized Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
sibling the Garm Missile Tank, the following):
Chimerro goes through them quickly.
Heavy Bolter (Front Facing | 150m | / /6 |
Type: Tracked Vehicle 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
Tactical Speed: 15 m Tearing)
Cruising Speed: 70 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 Heavy Flamer (Front Facing | 30m | S/ / |
Structural Integrity: 35 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Size: Massive (7) Flame, Spray)
Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, Options:
Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 A Chimerro may take one pintle-mounted
Gunner (Hull Weapon) weapon atop its turret:
Carrying Capacity: 12 Imperial Guardsmen
plus wargear

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | already fired the vehicle's main turret
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) weapon.

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen Missile Stores: Though the Chimerro's
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) autoloaders make reloading its missile
launcher fast, the actual missiles themselves
Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip are still quite bulky. A Chimerro may only
6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray) carry 8 Hunter-Killer Missile rounds at a
Special Rules:

Chimera Chassis: This vehicle has the same

basic Special Rules as a standard Chimera.

Hunter-Killer Targeting: Hunter-Killer

missiles have their own built-in fire-and-
forget target lock systems, allowing them to
be aimed rapidly and accurately. The
Hunter-Killer Launcher provides a +20
bonus to Ballistic Skill Tests to operate it.
Additionally, it can be fired as a Free Action
on any turn in which the Commander has


-Motto of the Drumheads of Bellicos Armoured Turret-Mounted Conqueror Cannon (500m

Group | S/2/- | 3d10 + 8 X | Pen 7 | Clip 12 | Reload 3
Imperial combat doctrine places little Full | Blast (5), Concussive (1), Reliable)
emphasis on the use of light tanks, but the
tactical niche for a fast, cannon-armed Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
assault vehicle still exists. The Chimedon is following):
a rare Infantry Fighting Vehicle variant of
the Chimera with a Conqueror Cannon Heavy Bolter (Front Facing | 150m | / /6 |
packed into its cramped turret, giving it a 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
modicum of anti-armour and anti- Tearing)
fortification firepower that synergizes well
with the manoeuvrability and carrying Heavy Flamer (Front Facing | 30m | S/ / |
capacity of the original chassis. 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Flame, Spray)
Though occasionally employed as line-
breakers, the relative fragility of the Options:
Chimedon makes it a better support
platform, a mobile anti-tank weapon that A Chimedon may take one pintle-mounted
can also be used to cover and move infantry. weapon atop its turret:

Type: Tracked Vehicle Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |

Tactical Speed: 15 m Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Cruising Speed: 70 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Structural Integrity: 35 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Size: Massive (7)
Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16 Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 Special Rules:
Gunner (Hull Weapon)
Carrying Capacity: 12 Imperial Guardsmen
plus wargear

Augur Shells: A rare Conqueror Cannon load takes a -10 penalty to all Tests to resist
briefly manufactured on Gryphonne IV in taking Fatigue while in the vehicle, and the
the 39th millennium, the Augur shell is a gun's poor elevation and depression range
squash-head round designed to make up for give it a -10 penalty to hit in hilly or uneven
-tank terrain.
capacity by causing dangerous spalling to
Long-Range Bombardment: Though it is
Augur Shells reduces its Blast quality to (1) patently not designed for it, a popular
and inflicts Righteous Fury on enemy tactic amongst regiments that favor the
vehicles on rolls of 7-10. A case of 12 Augur Chimedon is long-range indirect fire
Shells has a base Availability of Extremely followed by a charge. A Chimedon's
Rare. Conqueror Cannon can elevated past its
maximum safe limits and loaded with extra
Specialised Rounds: Other special-purpose powder charges to fire like a howitzer-
shells for the Conqueror Cannon can be when doing so, it gains Indirect (8),
found on page 194 of the Only War Core Inaccurate, and increases its range to 600m.

Oversized Armament: The Chimera turret is

barely enough to carry a Conqueror
Cannon, and its ergonomics suffer as a
result. The Commander of a Chimedon

APDS-6a Defender forgotten, only to be rediscovered and
pressed back into service as the 'APDS-6a
-Techpriest Argys Bluehand, during the Siege of Defender' laser platform. Exactly why this
Hive Infernus veneer of legitimacy was applied is unclear,
How exactly the Techpriests of as is the exact origin of the name, but these
Armageddon found themselves in unstable, unpredictable and utterly
possession of a 'surplus' of Heavy Laser devastating vehicles have certainly made a
Destroyers during the Second War for name for themselves. A small handful
Armageddon is unclear, but they certainly survive under the control of the most
made use of them. In desperate need of new venerable of Armageddon's armoured
tank-hunting vehicles, several different regiments, but it is rumored that more await
groups of Enginseers and Magii further use in the reserves of emergency
independently used extra Laser Destroyers war materiel buried deep within the planet's
and spare Chimera chassis to cobble hives.
together a motley variety of improvised
tank destroyers. Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 15 m
Though the vehicles worked reasonably Cruising Speed: 70 kph
well as mobile platforms, their great Manoeuvrability: +0
limitation was power- the photonic power Structural Integrity: 35
cells used by the heavy laser weapons were Size: Massive (7)
simply too delicate and complicated to Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16
construct or even maintain in the harsh Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped,
conditions of Armageddon's warzones. The Ramshackle, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
use of linked lascannon or even civilian- Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 1 Techpriest
grade power cells solved the problem to a Carrying Capacity: none
certain degree, but many Techpriests went Weapons:
a step further and simply ran their vehicles
directly off the few remaining hive power Turret-Mounted Laser Destroyer (1km |
generators with the use of gigantic S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 12 | Clip 1 | Reload 3
umbilical cables. By funneling an entire Full | Flash (2), Lance, Proven (3))
city's worth of energy through their las
weapons, they could deal apocalyptic Options:
damage to even the heaviest of Ork
Gargants, often at the cost of their own A Defender may take one pintle-mounted
lives. weapon atop its hull:

After the end of the Second War, these Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
improvised laser weapons were mostly Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen decide to overcharge this weapon as much
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) as they wish- each level of overcharge
increases its damage by 1d5 and adds the
Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip Blast (X) quality, where X is the number of
6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray) levels of overcharge. The weapon can be
overcharged to any degree, but each level
Special Rules: of overcharge increases the likelihood of
the weapon jamming by 5%. For instance, a
Power Grid Tap: Running any kind of laser destroyer with a single level of
weapon off a city's power grid is a overcharge would jam on a 91+, while one
hazardous endeavor, made all the more so with two levels would jam on an 86+, one
by the rushed and improvised construction with three would jam on an 81+, etc. If an
that goes into a Defender. This vehicle overcharging Laser Destroyer does jam, it
carries onboard a spool of heavy cable 500 deals its regular damage to the vehicle,
meters long, which can be plugged into any instead of firing.
industrial or military-grade power source.
The weapon's huge capacitors are more Improvised Turret: The 'turret' on a
than capable of handling and converting an Defender is really more of a repurposed
incoming charge, though actually firing it industrial crane mounting than an actual
off carries great risks. military-grade swivel. The turret mount on
a Defender takes a Full Action to turn 180
When it is plugged in to a significant power degrees instead of a Half Action.
source, the gunner of this vehicle can

Medusa Siege Tank Weapons:

-Colonel Drezk of Baran Fixed Medusa Siege Gun (Front Facing)

The largest standard direct-fire artillery (200m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 20 X | Pen 8 | Clip 1 |
cannon available to most Imperial Reload 4 Full | Blast (15 + 1d10), Concussive
commanders, the Medusa Siege Gun is as (6))
terrifyingly powerful as it is flawed.
Equipped with significantly more Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
fortification-cracking power than a following):
Basilisk, it suffers deeply from a painfully
low reload time, short range, and a limited- Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
elevation mounting that makes it all but 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
useless in indirect fire. Tearing)

Vehicular Medusas need to get very close to Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
their targets, but fire so slowly and are so 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
vulnerable while reloading that they can Flame, Spray)
only be used with heavy support. The great
size of the Medusa's standard shell limits Options:
onboard ammo capacity, and the fact that
most Medusa patterns are open-topped A Medusa may take one pintle-mounted
make their use a risky proposition. Still, weapon atop its hull:
their firepower is of extraordinary value in a
trench line, and many siege and trench Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
regiments maintain small pools of Medusae Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
just in case.
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Type: Tracked Vehicle 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Tactical Speed: 12 m
Cruising Speed: 35 kph Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Manoeuvrability: 5 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Structural Integrity: 40
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped, Large
Superstructure, Tracked Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (main gun), 1 Driver, 1
Gunner (Siege Gun), 3 Loaders (main gun)
Carrying Capacity: None

Special Rules: long as they are manning the gun.
Variant Patterns: Medusas are found all over
the galaxy, serving in a huge variety of Limited Ammo: Medusa shells are big. Really
environmental conditions. On harsher or big. A Medusa Siege Tank may only carry
more inclement worlds, an open-topped 18 rounds for its main gun at a time.
siege gun just doesn't make sense. At the
GM's discretion, a Medusa could be Bastion-Breacher Shells: These specialized
something like a Hades Pattern, which loses armour-piercing siege shells, which are
Open-Topped and gains Enclosed instead. mostly inert and fin-stabilized, use sheer
velocity to crack and puncture armour of
Gun Shield: As a short-ranged siege weapon, unparalleled thickness. A Medusa firing
some element of armour protecting the gun Bastion-Breachers increases its Penetration
crew is vital to the continued functioning of to 24 and reduces its Blast rating to 3. A
a Medusa. A Medusa with Open-Topped single Bastion-Breacher shell has an
provides 12 points of cover AP to the Body Availability of Very Rare.
and Legs of its Gunner and 3 Loaders so

Garm Missile Tank Crew: 1 Commander (main gun), 1 Driver, 1
Comms-Operator (Hull Weapon), 1 gunner
over the horizon, hauling your lightly-armoured (Hunter-Killer Launcher)
Carrying Capacity: 4 Imperial Guardsmen
-Gunnery Sergeant Kay Saunders, Garm operational plus wargear
training briefing Weapons:
One of the smallest tracked missile tanks
produced by the Imperium, Garms may be Turret-Mounted Hunter-Killer Launcher
found wherever there are Forgeworlds (350m | S/3/6 | 3d10 + 6 X | Pen 6 | Clip 12)
which still produce large numbers of
Hunter-Killer Missiles. Garms are, quite Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
simply, a platform designed to carry and following):
very quickly launch a dozen Hunter-Killers
towards an enemy armoured force, then Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
immediately retreat and rearm. They make 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
an effective long-range harassing vehicle Tearing)
and tank hunter, and sometimes see use as
long-range scouting vehicles because their Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
internal bays still have enough room for a 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
small squad of Guardsmen. Flame, Spray)

The inclusion of a small auspex targeting Options:

system allows for small groups of Garms to
conduct missions with their Hunter-Killers A Garm may take one pintle-mounted
from well beyond line of sight. weapon atop its hull:
Unfortunately, they are no better
armoured than standard Chimeras, and thus Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
not particularly well suited for close Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Type: Tracked Vehicle 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Tactical Speed: 15 m
Cruising Speed: 70 kph Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Manoeuvrability: +0 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Structural Integrity: 40
Size: Massive (7) Special Rules:
Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed,
Low-Slung, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle

Hunter-Killers: The standard Hunter-Killer range of 500m and the Indirect (3) Quality.
Missile package is a very effective light
anti-tank weapon, though it cannot be After the turn on which a target has been
Locked, and the subsequent turn in which it
primary weapon provides a +20 bonus to has been fired upon by other Garms, no
further vehicle may be Locked by another
turret cannot be reloaded- instead, the Garm for 1d5 rounds.
launcher cells must be removed and
replaced with a whole new set of cells. This
process only takes about 5 minutes, but
cannot be conducted outside of a
reasonably-equipped Munitorum repair
depot or garage.

Target Locked: The targeting systems of a

Garm chatter constantly in combat,
relaying updated targeting data to nearby
vehicles to allow them to engage in unison.
When a Garm hits an enemy vehicle with a
Hunter-Killer Missile attack, regardless of
whether or not that attack did damage, the
target is considered Locked. Any Garm
within 100m of the original Garm may fire
against the Locked target on the next turn
as if their Hunter-Killer Launchers had a

Ladon Supply Tank ubiquitous wherever anyone needs to haul
cargo and materiel over long distances and
without access to proper repair facilities.
-Munitorum Caravaneer Hypolitus Scuggins, Ladons see service with everyone, from
during the Trek to Hive Beresda Ecclesiarchal missionaries to frontier world
The ubiquitous Chimera APC comes in farmers to Munitorum supply personnel
hundreds of different variants, and is not operating on Militarum battle lines.
restricted to the military market- there are
dozens of different models of civilian Type: Tracked Vehicle
chimeras, used as tractors, sports vehicles, Tactical Speed: 12 m
construction machinery, and, in the case of Cruising Speed: 60 kph
the Ladon, all-terrain transports. The Manoeuvrability: +0
Ladon is the single most popular product Structural Integrity: 40
constructed on Forge World Hillix in the Size: Massive (7)
Segmentum Pacificus, outstripping the Armour: Front 20, Side 16, Rear 16
planet's agricultural equipment, voidships Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Open-
and even heavy tanks by a gigantic margin. Topped, Ramshackle, Rugged, Tracked
What makes it so popular is an undeniable Vehicle
reputation for sturdiness. Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: Up to 20 Guardsmen
The Ladon is essentially a hyper-simplified with light gear, or several tons of cargo
Chimera, with every part redesigned for Weapons:
ease of repair and resistance to harsh
conditions. Though it is somewhat slower A Ladon has no weapons by default, but is
and harder to control than a military-grade robust and customisable enough to accept
vehicle, the fact that it can undergo just about any kind of pintle-mounted
incredibly harsh and sustained punishment heavy or Basic weapon, or even improvised
more than makes up for its poor handling. gun turrets in its cargo bed. A Ladon can
Ladons are often heavily modified and carry any number of weapon systems,
upgraded by their users, who painstakingly subject to the GM's discretion and what the
tweak and modify them for the conditions party has available. Adding or removing
in which they serve. Officially, Hillixian weapons should be treated as a Repair Test,
techpriests condemn such illicit tampering with a difficulty no higher than Hard (-20)
with machine spirits- unofficially, if it to reflect the vehicle's simplicity.
boosts sales they're more than happy to go
along with it.

Sometimes called the vehicular equivalent

of the common Lasgun, the Ladon is

Special Rules: Topped), Enhanced Motive Systems,
Environmentally Sealed, Ponderous,
Customized: Unless one is buying a Ladon Reinforced Armor.
new from Hillix, they are likely to acquire a
second-hand vehicle which has already
gone through years of field modification
and tweaking, and no two are exactly alike.

When a party or squad acquires a Ladon,

the GM should select four of the seven
following Stats: Tactical Speed, Cruising
Speed, Manoeuvrability, Structural
Integrity, Front Armour, Side Armour,
Rear Armour. Increase these four stats by
1d5, rolling separately for each. Decrease
the remaining stats by 1d5, rolling
separately for each.

At the GM's discretion, a Ladon might also

gain one or several of the following Vehicle
Traits: Command and Control, Damage
Control, Enclosed (replacing Open-

Samaritan Carrying Capacity: 6 Guardsman-sized
hope stretchers plus associated gear
-Hospitaller Cauteria, Order of Our Thermite
Shroud Options:
A sign of hope for the injured, wounded
and weary of the Astra Militarum, the A Samaritan may take one pintle-mounted
Samaritan is the most common military weapon atop its hull:
medical vehicle in the Imperium of Man. A
very simple modification of the standard Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Chimera, it does away with that vehicle's Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
weapon systems to add in a more spacious
troop bay, environmental filtration systems, Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
a basic set of medical tools, and racks to fit 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Normally crewed by field medics or the 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
sisters of the Ordo Hospitaller, they patrol
just behind the frontlines of Imperial Special Rules:
battlefronts, moving forward when needed
to act as in-field medical aid stations or Be Not Afraid: Samaritans represent hope
transporting severely wounded soldiers to for the common Guardsmen, the notion
hospitals away from the fighting. that even if they are wounded they will live.
Regardless of their role, though, a That they are crewed by the holy Sisters of
Samaritan is literally the difference between the Hospitallers only furthers this idea. Any
life and a slow, painful death in allied character within line of sight of an
uncountable Imperial warzones. active and functional Samaritan gain a +10
bonus to Fear tests.
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 15 m Ambulance: The internal storage bays in a
Cruising Speed: 70 kph Samaritan's hull are packed full of a wide
Manoeuvrability: +0 variety of useful medical equipment. Any
Structural Integrity: 35 character using the Medicae skill within a
Size: Massive (7) Samaritan is assumed to have access to a
Armour: Front 30, Side 22, Rear 16 Medkit at all times, and takes no penalties
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, to Medicae tests due to lack of equipment
Environmentally Sealed, Rugged, Tracked of harsh conditions.
Crew: 1 Driver, 2 Medical Orderlies or Blessed Sterilization Systems: The great fear of
Sisters Hospitaller any Imperial medical officer is that disease

should spread along their battle line- even a the Sanctified quality. This damage ignores
mild case of stomach flu or a persistent Armour.
cough can have disastrous effects on
combat readiness and morale. Such Codes of Honour: A Samaritan is a distinctly
concerns become all the more terrifying non-combatant vehicle, and though it can
when fighting the Great Enemy, and forces be armed in a limited fashion its primary
that actively employ diseases and toxins as mission is one of aid and succour. Some
their primary weapons. more honourable Imperial Guard
regiments, and even some of the more
To that end, the ventilation systems on a liberal Sororitas Orders will specifically
Samaritan incorporate powerful filters, and mark their ambulances with clearly-
their entry and exit hatches mount identifiable signs pointing them out as
ultrasonic sterilization equipment. As a such, hoping that honourable or noble
result, their hulls emanate a palpable aura enemies will leave them alone. An unarmed
of cleanliness and purity. Any character Samaritan marked in such a way might not
within the hull of a Samaritan gains a +20 be directly attacked by certain Eldar
on any tests to resist diseases. groups, say, or more noble Khornate
warriors, or even the Tau. Then again, it
Any worshipper or Daemon of Nurgle who might also attract even more hostile
attempts to enter a Samaritan must make a attention from Dark Eldar, or servants of
Difficult (-10) Willpower Test or suffer 1d5 Nurgle or Slaanesh.
points of Energy damage to the Body with

Wyvern Suppression Tank | Reload 2 Full | Indirect (1), Blast (5),
Crippling (1), Twin-Linked)
-Final words of a Dark Eldar reaver
An artillery derivative of the Hydra, the Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
Wyvern is a close-ranged indirect-fire following):
mortar platform designed to inflict
frightful infantry casualties and restrict the Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
movements of dismounted troops. 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
Functionally identical in general Tearing)
construction to the Hydra, it replaces the
original's Autocannons with four rapid- Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
firing Stormshard Mortars. These weapons 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
fire vicious airbursting fragmentation shells Flame, Spray)
at high speeds, creating crippling storms of
metal over huge areas. Repurposing the Options:
Hydra's elaborate targeting systems for
ground use also makes it quite accurate, and A Wyvern may take one pintle-mounted
the machine spirits of the type have gained weapon atop its hull:
a reputation for a certain wanton
viciousness. The Wyvern is thus a perfect Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
area-denial and psychological warfare tool. Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Type: Tracked Vehicle Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen

Tactical Speed: 15 m 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Cruising Speed: 50 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Structural Integrity: 40 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 16 Special Rules:
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped, Tracked
Vehicle Airburst: Any target caught within the blast
Crew: 1 Commander (main gun), 1 Driver, 1 radius of a standard Stormshard attack,
Comms-Operator (Hull Weapon), 1 gunner even if they did not take damage, must
(main gun), 1 Loader (main gun) make a Challenging (+0) Pinning Test as
Carrying Capacity: None the clouds of splinters filling the air force
Weapons: them to keep their heads down.

2 Turret-mounted Stormshard Mortars Quad Cannons: Both of a Wyvern's

(Range 100m | S/3/5 | 2d10 X | Pen 1 | Clip 24 Stormshard Mortars must fire at the same

target, and both weapons fire at the same
time as Standard Action.

Cruel Accuracy: The auto-targeting systems

on a Wyvern can be a little... nasty. A
Wyvern's mortar attacks gain a +10 bonus
to hit if they are targeting a blast area with
more than 6 enemies in it, or if they are
targeting enemies who are actively fleeing
the field of battle.

Centaur Chassis to last long in sustained combat, and the
relatively small size of its weaponry limits
Chiron Light Tank
its capabilities against heavy vehicles. Still,
it is a popular vehicle with many drop
regiments looking for heavier high-
-The Fleshfather, Archlord of Brenn, shortly before
being run over mobility firepower, and even some
Officially the Phaeton-Pattern Centaur armoured regiments make use of Chirons as
Drop Assault Vehicle, the Chiron is one of trainers, second-line vehicles, or scouts.
the very small number of Imperial Guard
light tanks in frontline service. Originally Type: Tracked Vehicle
built for an ultimately-unsuccessful Elysian Tactical Speed: 20 m
contract, the Chiron has since spread across Cruising Speed: 110 kph
the Segmentum Solar and elsewhere, its Manoeuvrability: +10
limited popularity mainly supported by the Structural Integrity: 25
clout of its homeworld, Phaeton. Small Size: Enormous (6)
numbers are being produced on a variety of Armour: Front 25, Side 16, Rear 12
Forge Worlds across the Imperium as of Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
the middle of the 41st millennium. Enclosed, Orbital Deployment, Rugged,
Tracked Vehicle
Designed as a true drop tank, the Chiron Crew: 1 Driver (Heavy Stubber), 1
does not need to be landed by an aircraft- it Commander, 1 Gunner (Turret Weapon)
can be dropped out of the back of a cargo Carrying Capacity: none
aircraft or spacecraft, and a powerful set of Weapons:
in-built grav-chutes and one-use retro-
rockets get it to the ground in one piece. A Turret-Mounted Automatic Grenade
landing in a Chiron is rough, naturally, but Launcher (100m | S/2/ | Clip 20 | Reload 2
it does not need any special equipment to Full | Ammo-dependent)
do so and can be combat-ready in seconds
of touching down. With a fully-rotating Hull-Mounted Heavy Stubber (Front
turret that can be fitted with a variety of Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 |
compact heavy weapons and a hull- Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
mounted heavy stubber, it is a lightweight,
mobile platform that can engage a variety Options:
of targets.
A Chiron may replace its turret Grenade
Unfortunately, the Chiron suffers from Launcher with one of the following:
what it is- a light tank. It lacks the armour

Heavy Flamer (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 Special Rules:
| Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Airborne Tank: The Chiron can be dropped
Heavy Bolter (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 from very high altitudes, but it is not a
| Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing) vacuum-sealed vehicle. The Chiron has the
Orbital Drop vehicle trait, but it is assumed
A Chiron may also take one of the to drop from an aircraft, not from space.
following weapons in a pintle mount atop The vehicle's crew may test Toughness to
its turret: act as normal on the turn the vehicle hits
ground- if the crew fails, they must wait
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | until the next Turn to operate their
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) components of the vehicle as normal. If any
crewmember fails by more than three
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen degrees, they also take a level of Fatigue
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) from the sudden deceleration.

Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip

6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)

Nessos Self-Propelled Gun
-foil box on Hull-Mounted Pack Howitzer (Front
Facing) (250m | S/-/- | 2d10 + 8 X | Pen 1 |
Clip 1 | Reload 2 Full| Blast (4), Concussive
-Gunnery Sergeant Keyn, 12th Ferodten (1), Indirect (3))

One of the small number of Chiron drop Options:

tank derivatives, the Nessos is a simple, A Nessos may replace its pack howitzer
flexible gun carrier capable of operating as with one of the following to function as a
either a mobile artillery piece or a light tank tank destroyer:
hunter depending on its layout. The key to
its success is a somewhat unusual hull Hull-Mounted Lascannon (Front Facing)
layout- its crew can stay comfortably within (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 |
the hull while the vehicle is on the move, Reload 2 Full | Proven (3))
but deploying the main weapon requires
folding away the interior seating, and so its Hull-Mounted Multi-Melta (Front Facing)
gunners operate from the outside. This (60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 |
obviously limits the environments a Nessos Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta)
can operate in, but also keep it compact on
the move. Unfortunately, the large size of Hull-Mounted M34 Autocannon (Front
the weapon mounting requires deleting the Facing) (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 | Clip
vehicle's hull-mounted heavy stubber, 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
leaving its crew dependent on externally-
mounted pintle weapons for defence. A Nessos may also take one of the
following weapons in a pintle mount atop
Type: Tracked Vehicle its hull, operated by the Driver:
Tactical Speed: 20 m
Cruising Speed: 110 kph Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Manoeuvrability: +10 Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Structural Integrity: 25
Size: Enormous (6) Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Armour: Front 25, Side 16, Rear 12 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Enclosed, Low-Slung, Orbital Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Deployment, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander, 1 Gunner
(Hull Weapon), 1 Loader (Hull Weapon) Special Rules:
Carrying Capacity: none

Airborne Tank: The Nessos can be dropped
from very high altitudes, but it is not a
vacuum-sealed vehicle. The Nessos has the
Orbital Drop vehicle trait, but it is assumed
to drop from an aircraft, not from space.
The vehicle's crew may test Toughness to
act as normal on the turn the vehicle hits
ground- if the crew fails, they must wait
until the next Turn to operate their
components of the vehicle as normal. If any
crewmember fails by more than three
degrees, they also take a level of Fatigue
from the sudden deceleration.

Deployable Cannon: In order to operate the

Nessos' main cannon, it is necessary to exit
the vehicle's hull. On any turn where a
Nessos' main gun is fired, it replaces its
Enclosed trait with the Open-Topped trait
until the start of the next turn.

Pholos Anti-Aircraft Tank
- ol
A simple modification of the Chiron Turret-Mounted Quad Heavy Stubber
designed to act as an air-defence platform, (150m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 320 |
the Pholos' open-topped chassis bristles Reload 2 Full | Storm, Tearing)
with four long-barreled heavy stubbers in a
simple swivel mount. Though obviously Special Rules:
quite fragile, the Pholos is a well-liked anti-
infantry platform- the heavy armour- Airborne Tank: The Pholos can be dropped
piercing rounds its elongated stubbers are from very high altitudes, but it is not a
designed to fire can rip through infantry vacuum-sealed vehicle. The Pholos has the
with almost the same power as a bolt round, Orbital Drop vehicle trait, but it is assumed
and are equally well-suited for anti-aircraft to drop from an aircraft, not from space.
use. Unfortunately, the large quantities of The vehicle's crew may test Toughness to
ammo carried by the Pholos, combined with act as normal on the turn the vehicle hits
its wide turret, means it lacks space for a ground- if the crew fails, they must wait
hull-mounted heavy stubber or the pintle until the next Turn to operate their
weapons common to most Imperial components of the vehicle as normal. If any
vehicles. crewmember fails by more than three
degrees, they also take a level of Fatigue
Type: Tracked Vehicle from the sudden deceleration.
Tactical Speed: 20 m
Cruising Speed: 110 kph
Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 25
Size: Enormous (6)
Armour: Front 25, Side 16, Rear
Vehicle Traits: Anti-Air
(Rudimentary), Enhanced Motive
Systems, Open-Topped, Orbital
Deployment, Rugged, Tracked
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
(Turret), 1 Loader (Turret)
Carrying Capacity: none

Hylonome Missile Tank Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
WHAT?! Enclosed, Orbital Deployment, Rugged,
-Magos Ayn of Phaeton, learning of the invention Tracked Vehicle
of the Hylonome by the Boulder Regiments of Crew: 1 Driver (Heavy Stubber), 1
Rakanth. Commander (Missile Launcher), 1 Loader
Phaeton is not particularly well-known for (Missile Launcher)
its rocketry, nor for its diplomatic links Carrying Capacity: none
with the other planets of the Imperium.
Thus, when it was discovered in mid-M41 Weapons:
that several clients for Chiron tanks were
replacing the grenade launcher turrets with Hull-Mounted Missile Launcher (Front
compact missile launchers, a veritable Facing) (300m | S/-/4 | Ammo-Dependent |
firestorm of condemnation erupted. The Clip 8 | Reload -)
Phaetonians accused the Techpriests
stationed with several venerable Imperial Hull-Mounted Heavy Stubber (Front
drop regiments of everything from Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 |
mistreatment of a machine spirit to blatant Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
tech-heresy. Indeed, in their attempts to
suppress the design, they only succeeded in Options:
spreading it further. Seeing the way the
winds were blowing, Phaeton's Magii A Hylonome may replace its Missile
quickly drafted their own "Hylonome Launcher with a Hunter-Killer Launcher
Missile Tank" and began selling it, hoping with the following profile:
to paint a veneer of legitimacy over what
had become a nasty scandal. The end result Hull-Mounted Hunter-Killer Launcher
is functionally identical to a Chiron, save (Front Facing) (350m | S/2- | 3d10 + 6 X |
that its turret is removed and replaced with Pen 6 | Clip 5 | Reload N/A)
eight external missile tubes compatible with
standard Imperial warheads. Special Rules:

Type: Tracked Vehicle Airborne Tank: The Hylonome can be

Tactical Speed: 20 m dropped from very high altitudes, but it is
Cruising Speed: 110 kph not a vacuum-sealed vehicle. The
Manoeuvrability: +10 Hylonome has the Orbital Drop vehicle
Structural Integrity: 25 trait, but it is assumed to drop from an
Size: Enomous (6) aircraft, not from space. The vehicle's crew
Armour: Front 25, Side 16, Rear 12 may test Toughness to act as normal on the
turn the vehicle hits ground- if the crew
fails, they must wait until the next Turn to

operate their components of the vehicle as
normal. If any crewmember fails by more
than three degrees, they also take a level of
Fatigue from the sudden deceleration.

Missile Tubes: A Hylonome's main weapon

can be loaded with any standard Missile
Launcher rounds. Loading or unloading
one Round requires a Full Action, and if at
any time the weapon Jams all the missiles
need to be unloaded one at a time.

Hunter-Killer System: The fire-and-forget

missile system which can be fitted to a
Hylonome's hull is highly effective, but
designed to be reloaded as a unit off the
field. If it is installed, the Hunter-Killer
Launcher grants a +20 to Ballistic Skill tests
to fire it, but cannot be reloaded outside of
a designated repair facility.

Scylla Scout Tankette Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/ / |
Yes, Sergeant, it is 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full |
Proven (3))
-Overhead on Medusa V
Produced in small numbers on Armageddon Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
and other forges that use Armageddonian 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
patterns, the Scylla is almost literally a Flame, Spray)
Sentinel Scout Walker without legs. Fitting
the control systems of a Sentinel to a Autocannnon (Front Facing) (300m | S/3/ |
Centaur chassis, it is a compact, fast and 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full |
well-protected vehicle, suitable for use as a Reliable)
scout or fast-attack platform, especially in
urban environments where a Sentinel would Plasma Cannon (Front Facing) (120m | S/ /
be vulnerable to tripping or ambushes. | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 | Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full |
Blast (1), Maximal, Overheat)
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 20 m Multi-Melta (Front Facing) (60m | S/ / |
Cruising Speed: 110 kph 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Reload Full |
Manoeuvrability: +10 Blast (1), Melta)
Structural Integrity: 25
Size: Enormous (6) Special Rules:
Armour: Front 25, Side 16, Rear 15
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems, Cross-Compatibility: About a third of the
Enclosed, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle major components in a Scylla are shared 1:1
Crew: 1 Driver (Hull Weapon) with the Sentinel, and repairing them is
Carrying Capacity: none easy as a result. A Scylla gains a +10 bonus
to Repair tests if Sentinels are also being
Weapons: used in the same warzone.

One Hull Weapon

(choose one of the

Heavy Bolter (Front

Facing) (150m | / /6 |
1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
60 | Reload Full |

Land Crawler Chassis Motive Systems, Reinforced Armour,
Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Siegfried Light Tank
Crew: 1 Commander/Gunner (Multilaser), 1
nk is a weapon just as much as
Carrying Capacity: None
-Lady Sun Nishizumi, Ruminations on Panzerfahren
It takes a truly desperate struggle to justify Weapons:
using an agricultural tractor as a frontline
combat weapon, and the Civil War on Krieg Turret-Mounted Multilaser (150m | / /5 |
was one such struggle. Krieger loyalists 2d10+10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
sought out any all-terrain chassis they Reliable)
could scrounge up as the basis for combat
vehicles, and one of the most common they Special Rules:
were able to locate was the humble, reliable
Land Crawler agricultural tractor. Box on Treads: Five hundred years of
refinement have made the Siegfried's
This, combined with the increasing failure design superbly suited for trench warfare. A
rate of Sentinel walkers in the morass of Siegfried gains a +5 bonus to all tests
no-man's land, led to the retooling of the involving Difficult Terrain in addition to
Crawler as a tank. The addition of a the bonus provided by the Tracked Vehicle
cramped cabin, an overpowered gas turbine Trait. It also does not double its Repair
engine and a turreted Multilaser begat the times, as per the Tracked Vehicle Trait.
Siegfried, a relatively fast reserve and
breakthrough vehicle. Thousands of Post-Nuclear Warfare: The Civil War on
Siegfrieds are still in use across the Krieg was, to put it lightly, not a very fun
Imperium's many siege regiments, who time. Few other parts of the galaxy have
appreciate its surprising speed and heavy seen combat conditions which were so full
armour, and underground factories on of nuclear and chemical threats, and for
Krieg still produce them in vast numbers. such a sustained period. Unsurprisingly,
many Siegfrieds were built to withstand
Type: Tracked Vehicle such conditions. A Siegfried's crew gain the
Tactical Speed: 9 m effects of the Resistance (Radiation,
Cruising Speed: 30 kph Poison) Talent so long as they are
Manoeuvrability: +20 within their vehicle. At the GM's
Structural Integrity: 30 discretion, a Siegfried may also gain
Size: Enormous (6) the Environmentally Sealed Vehicle
Armour: Front 28, Side Trait.
24, Rear 15
Vehicle Traits:
Enclosed, Enhanced

Bruennhilde Prime Mover Armour: Front 12, Side 8, Rear 8
Vehicle Traits: Open-Topped, Enhanced
-Anonymous Bruennhilde operator Motive Systems, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
Though the compact and much-beloved Crew: 1 Driver
Centaur is one of the Imperium's most Carrying Capacity: 8 Guardsmen with light
popular prime movers, it is by no means the gear sitting on the track guards
only one. A common replacement on Krieg,
and indeed in many other Imperial siege Weapons:
regiments is the Bruennhilde variant on the
Land Crawler tractor. Little more than an Pintle-Mounted Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-
engine on treads, the Bruennhilde's chief /8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2
selling points are its simplicity, reliability Full)
and ability to function effectively in
muddy, unstable terrain. Unfortunately, it Special Rules:
is much less well armoured than a Centaur, Prime Mover: Bruennhildes may tow
and thus almost totally unsuitable for use wheeled artillery pieces up to Massive in
anywhere near enemy fire. size, though this halves their Tactical and
Cruising Speed and reduces their
Type: Tracked Vehicle Manoeuvrability to +0. Limbering and
Tactical Speed: 6 m unlimbering a piece of field artillery takes 1
Cruising Speed: 15 kph minute (12 Full Actions) and the Siegfried
Manoeuvrability: +20 must remain stationary whilst this process is
Structural Integrity: 15 completed.
Size: Enormous (6)

Legged Vehicles motion-control device borrowed from
disused industrial servitors scavenged from
Humiliati Combat Walker
Calgaran workshops. With a crew of two-
"We have no more fancy weapons, no more heavy
normally a Guardsman controlling the legs
armour. We have nothing left but piety, faith, and
and a Sister of Battle controlling the arms-
the burning will to fight, side by side, in the
the new composite walker proved to be an
emperor's name!"
awkward, unwieldy but undoubtedly
-Novice Sister Noriko, Order of the Iron Soul
Born of desperation, and still somewhat effective fighting machine.
controversial in design, the Humiliati is one
of the most unusual walker fighting When the loyal forces stationed on Calgara
machines fielded by the Imperium. II were finally rescued, the Imperial relief
Invented during the years-long city fights force was shocked to find them operating
during the Cleansing of Calgara II, the first more than two dozen composite walkers,
Humiliati were hastily assembled by their chassis bloodstained and battered by
Techpriests and Guardsmen of the 47th intense and grinding combat with Loyalist
Karian Crusaders in collaboration with the forces. Only the intercession of the few
few surviving Battle-Sisters of the Order of surviving Sororitas members saved the
the Iron Soul. Karian techpriests from execution, and the
design was quickly immortalized all across
The Iron Souls' many Penitent Engines the warfront.
proved of great help in the early days of
fighting against the Calgaran recidivists, It took nearly a century for the newly-
but as weeks of fighting became months designated Humiliati pattern to be
more and more penitents were killed, and formalized and approved by the wider
the Engines themselves became unstable Mechanicus, and the process was done only
and impossible to operate. Isolated from after heavy pressure from the Ecclesiarchy.
Imperial supply lines and knowing that New production is scarce and piecemeal,
they would lose the war of attrition against but those few regiments (including the
the Calgaran heretics if they could not Karian Crusaders) that do use them
produce new heavy weapons, the 47th and appreciate them for their bulk, striking
the Iron Souls manufactured a new power, and relative ease of use. It has
mechanical terror from what little resources become traditional amongst those who
they had. know the original stories of their creation
to offer co-piloting of the Humiliati to
Mating the cockpit of a Sentinel walker local Sororitas convents, and many accept,
into the motive systems of a Penitent wanting the might of a Penitent Engine
Engine, they up-armoured the joints and without the need of penitents.
replaced the complicated neuro-control
systems of the original vehicle with a simple

Type: Walker motive systems require a great deal of
Tactical Speed: 6m balance, and thus coordination, on the part
Cruising Speed: 18kph of the vehicle's operators. A crew who are
Maneuverability: +0 not of the same mind cannot hope to
Structural Integrity: 30 operate their vehicle with nearly the
Size: Enormous (6) effectiveness of a good team. When a
Armour: Front 25, Sides 18, Rear 18 Humiliati's crew starts it up for the first
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced time in a session, each crew member must
Motive Systems, Heavy, Large make an Ordinary (+10) Fellowship Test.
Superstructure, Walker Add up their total Degrees of Success,
Crew: Driver, Weapons Operator subtract their total Degrees of Failure, then
Carrying Capacity: None multiply the resultant number by 2. The
Weapons: resultant value is added to (or subtracted
from) any Operate, Weapon Skill or
2 x Arm-Mounted Heavy Flamers (30m | S/ Ballistic Skill tests the two crew members
/ | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full make while in their Humiliati for the
| Flame, Spray) remainder of the session. The GM may
choose to change the modifier of the
2 x Arm-Mounted Chainfists (3m | 2d10 + 8 original Test if the two crew members are
R | Pen 4 | Tearing, Unwieldy, Felling (2)) on good terms with each other, or are
having an argument, etc.
Armed and Dangerous: A Humiliati's weapon
A Humiliati may replace its Heavy Flamers operator can choose to make two attacks
with one of the following: with any two of its weapons on a single
turn- both melee weapons, both ranged
2 x Arm-Mounted Heavy Bolters (150m | - weapons, or one of each. These attacks can
/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full be against two separate targets so long as
| Tearing) they are within range. The second attack
gains a -20 penalty to hit.
2 x Arm-Mounted Multi-Meltas (Front
Facing) (60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | These two attacks can be taken at any time
Clip 24 | Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta) in the turn- a Humiliati operator can make
their first attack, then move, then make a
Special Rules: second attack, for instance. Any ranged
weapon mounted on a Humiliati is treated
Crew Coordination: A Humiliati's control as being affixed to a turret with a 180-
system is somewhat unusual, in that degree field of fire over the front of the
effective use of the vehicle's weapons and vehicle.

Two Hearts as One!: Most regiments which
field Humiliati are fairly devout, and treat
their ungainly battle machines with
religious reverence. The fury of their
operators in the thick of combat is a sight
to behold, and can turn the tide in an
almost miraculous fashion. Whenever a
Humiliati crewman spends Fate, they may
attempt a Challenging (+0) Willpower test.
If they succeed, the other crewman gains
the benefits of the Fate Point on their next

Assault Sentinel Armour: Front 25, Side 15, Rear 15
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
but Emperor damn me I love it Enclosed, Reinforced Armour, Walker
-Anonymous Assault Sentinel pilot Crew: 1 Driver
The Imperial Guard's standard combat Carrying Capacity: None
doctrine generally doesn't call for vehicles Weapons:
to close to melee range, but with the
increasing threat of Tyranid incursions into One melee weapon chosen from the
Imperial space many regiments have turned following:
to mobile melee vehicles that can close the
gaps in a line of tanks. Frequently based off Power Bandsaw (1d10 + 2 R | Pen 6 |
uparmoured Sentinel chassis, these vehicles Crippling (3), Razor Sharp, Unwieldy)
share the agility of their original
counterparts, but ditch ranged weapons in Brush Flail (2m | 3d10 I | Pen 2 | Snare (1),
exchange for a large variety of anti- Flexible, Unwieldy)
infantry arms of varying degrees of
savagery. Though front-heavy, difficult to Pile Bunker (4m | 2d10+12 I | Pen 4 | Felling
control and by definition imprecise (4), Recharge, Unwieldy)
implements, their presence can deal
catastrophic damage to enemy hand-to- Drop Hammer (4d10 + 5 X | Pen 0 |
hand combatants. One of the most famous Recharge, Unwieldy)
Assault Sentinel variants originates from
the Forge World Issepho, noted for its Heat Blade (2d10 + 5 E | Pen 4 | Flame,
expertise in the production of advanced Unbalanced)
power weapons- their solution to an anti-
Tyranid weapon was to mount a power field Industrial Grox Prod (2d10 + 8 E | Pen 0 |
generator to a gigantic band saw, creating a Shocking, Proven (2), Unbalanced)
weapon with truly fearsome cutting
capabilities. Such modifications of Injector Array (1d10 + 5 I | Pen 6 | Toxic (2),
industrial tools are not uncommon, as the Felling (2), Unwieldy)
Imperium scrambles to deal with changing
battlefields. Special Rules:
An Assault Sentinel does not add the user's
Type: Walker Strength Bonus to its weapons' damage.
Tactical Speed: 8 m
Cruising Speed: 35 kph
Manoeuvrability: +10
Structural Integrity: 20
Size: Enormous (6)

Support Sentinel Type: Walker
Tactical Speed: 10 m
-Inscribed on the side of a Tasverine Light Artillery Cruising Speed: 45 kph
Corps Sentinel Manoeuvrability: +10
One of the smallest and rarest Imperial Structural Integrity: 20
artillery vehicles, the little-known but oft- Size: Enormous (6)
appreciated Support Sentinel is a fast, Armour: Front 25, Side 15, Rear 15
reasonably well-armed mobile rocket Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
artillery piece that can provide long-range Open-Topped, Walker
firepower over terrain that would otherwise Crew: 1 Driver
be impossible for normal tracked or Carrying Capacity: None
-and- Weapons:

simple but effective system of rangefinders, Fixed Weapons (Choose one):

making them useful as artillery
coordination or direction units when their Fixed Multiple Rocket Pod (Front Facing)
limited onboard payload runs out. The only (1km | S/2/7 | 2d10 + 5 X | Pen 4 | Blast (8),
real flaws of the Support Sentinel are their Indirect (2) | Clip 7 | Reload Special)
limited capacity for self-defence- once
their main weapons are empty they are Fixed Quad Missile Launcher (Front
effectively defenceless- and the relative Facing) (300m | S/2/4 | Ammo-dependent |
complexity and cost of building and Reload Special | Clip 4)
maintaining them. Still, they are an
excellent tactical resource, great at putting A Quad Missile Launcher may be loaded
out fires and backing up a mobile battle with any of the standard Imperial missile
line. types found on p. 183 of the Only War Core
Two primary variants of the Support
Sentinel exist, though there is no really Special Rules:
formal distinction between them. The first
is the rocket variant, designed for anti- Rocket Reloads: The dumbfire rockets fired
infantry saturation fire at the cost of direct- by a Support Sentinel rocket pod are
fire accuracy and slow reload times. The capable of spreading devastation over a
second is the missile variant, which is a wide area, but are regrettably cumbersome
direct-fire light vehicle killer which can, to reload and require considerable support
thanks to an inbuilt telescopic periscope, personnel to reload properly. It takes a pair
can also provide limited indirect fire of Guardsmen a Half Action to load a
support. single rocket into a Multiple Rocket Pod,
and any number of rockets can be

individually loaded. Unfortunately, a of firing its main weapon. A Support
Support Sentinel does not have the capacity Sentinel treats its Side and Rear AP as
to carry any extra rockets within its hull, so being 4 higher against weapons with the
it must be accompanied by ammo carriers. Explosive Type or the Blast Quality.
Additionally, the Support Sentinel must be
immobile to reload it, as its rocket pod is Sentinel Variant: As an Imperial standard
normally too far off the ground to access. vehicle, there are as many sub-varieties of
the Support Sentinel as there are varieties
A Support Sentinel with a missile launcher of the classic Sentinel. At the GM's
operates in much the same way, only it discretion, a Support Sentinel could lose
requires a Full Action for a single Enhanced Motive Systems and gain
Guardsman to load a single missile into the Reinforced Armour and/or Enclosed
launcher, and the vehicle has enough (instead of Open-Topped, obviously). A
carrying capacity for four spare missiles (or Support Sentinel used by a Drop Regiment
8 missiles total). might also gain Orbital Deployment, for
Blast Shielding:
The use of
missile weapons
carries with it a
significant risk of
backblast damage,
and even the most
callous Imperial
Guard regiments
generally don't
like to cook their
artillery crews
every time
someone calls for
bombardment. To
that end, the
cockpit of a
Support Sentinel
is fitted with
spaced plates of
armour that
reduces the shock

Courser Sentinel extension. Though a Courser can be armed
Citius citius citius with a variety of energy weapons running
-Motto of the Rellian Rapid Attack Unit off its main power cell, its main strength
Upon first glance, the Courser doesn't look lies in speed, not offense.
remotely like a combat vehicle- it is too
flimsy, too delicate, too streamlined. Many Type: Walker
question if it even deserves the moniker Tactical Speed: 15 m
'Sentinel', due the relatively few Cruising Speed: 100 kph
characteristics it shares with the vehicle it is Manoeuvrability: +20
based off. It is true that the Courser's Structural Integrity: 12
origins are not military- it is actually a case Size: Enormous (6)
of the Imperial Guard adapting a racing Armour: Front 15, Side 8, Rear 4
vehicle to combat service. The Courser was Vehicle Traits: Bike, Enhanced Motive
developed on Hillix, in the Segmentum Systems, Open-Topped, Walker
Pacificus, a world known for its reliable Crew: 1 Driver
Chimeras and its extraordinarily popular Carrying Capacity: None
walker racing scene, where teams of forge Weapons:
workers and low-ranking techpriests
compete to build the fastest legged Hull-mounted weapon (Pick one):
platforms they can and race them in death-
defying elevated courses through the Twin-Linked Lasguns (Front Facing)
planet's largest manufactoria. The Courser (100m | S/3/ | 1d10+3 E | Pen 0 | Clip 180 |
is based on an amalgamation of several Reload Full | Reliable, Twin-Linked)
winning racer designs, and incorporates
heavily sprung feet, an oversized engine, a Plasma Gun (Front Facing) (90m | S/2/ |
compact prone cockpit and a distinctive set 1d10+7 E | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 5 Full |
of stabilization vanes protruding from its Maximal, Overheat)
rear hull.
Special Rules:
Capable of extraordinary running speed,
the Courser is an excellent messenger and Light-Footed: A talented pilot can use the
scout vehicle, its bounding strides powering powerful shock absorbers built into a
through even the roughest of terrains. Courser's slender legs to throw the vehicle
Though it obviously suffers in the armour around, launching it into leaps and bounds
and armaments department, its small size of surprising gracefulness. A Courser grants
and great agility allow it to easily avoid a +20 bonus to Operate tests to use the
incoming fire, especially in open ground Evasive Maneuvering and Jink actions.
where its legs can move at their full

Leap: As a Full Active Balance: One of the unusual quirks of
Operator may throw it into soaring jumps the Courser is that it is actually quite poor
that can cover huge distances. The at sitting still- its active balance system
Operator must make a Difficult (-10) makes it extremely stable and controllable
Operate (Surface Test). If he succeeds, the in motion, but deeply unstable while
Courser then jumps up to double its immobile. At the end of any turn of combat
Tactical Speed plus 1, plus 1 meter for each where a Courser has not moved, its driver
Degree of Success. This jump ignores any must make an Ordinary (+10) Operate Test
and all intervening terrain, and can include or the Courser falls over.
a vertical component of 1 meter +1 for each
additional Degree of Success. If the test
fails, the vehicle makes the jump then falls
over. If the test fails by more than three
degrees, its legs become overstressed and it
cannot move, wasting the rest of the turn. If
the vehicle spent the entirety of the
previous turn moving, the operator changes
the difficulty of the initial Test to
Challenging (+0).

Unique Chassis
The life of the subterrener is one
Tsiferov VII Subterrene
dominated by sound- the rumble of seismic
waves, the creaking and popping of the
pressure hull, the faint hiss of the radar
-Captain Lehman Willenbrock, escaping Ork
patrols in Imperial Subterrene U-XCVI detector- all can mean the difference
Since the tragic demise of the Squat race, between life and death. These brave,
the Imperium has depended less and less on determined and well-educated soldiers
digging machines in combat, and most that spend most of their lives hugging the upper
are used are small tunnel-borers or mantles of the planets they fight on, using
underground combat. The notable their subterrenes to attack enemy cities,
industrial sites and fortifications. Attacking
long-range combat patrol vehicle which is a subterrene is tremendously difficult
capable of operating independently for without the use of other subterrenes, but
months at a time. Only a few hundred of the profession is not without risk- even the
these exquisite works of technology exist in unbelievably strong hull of one of these
the Imperium, not because the technology digging vehicles crumples like paper when
is lost, but because it is excruciatingly faced with the monstrous pressures and
complex to make and so specialized as to be temperatures of the deep.
near-useless most of the time. Still, some
educational facilities on Mars teach the Type: Tracked Vehicle
design and construction of subterrenes as Tactical Speed: 3m
an exercise in high-level manufacturing. Cruising Speed: 20kph
Maneuverability: -20
The Tsiferov VII's massive Mohorovicic Structural Integrity: 85
Generator projects a field of concentrated Size: Monumental (9)
heat, ultrasound and gravitic waves that can Armour: Front 40, Sides 40, Rear 40
turn even ultradense rock into a fluid Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Damage
plasma through which the vehicle's gravitic Control, Enclosed, Environmentally
impellers can move, at the cost of vast Sealed, Large Superstructure, Ponderous,
energy expenditures. These energies also Reinforced Armour, Superheavy, Tracked
make for a weapon of awesome power- the Vehicle
vehicle can pass straight through even the Crew: 44 men, including commander, gunners
most heavily-reinforced of foundations, for mole torpedoes, pilots, enginseers, vox and
and moving near the surface with the
digging field at full power can be hot cooks, etc.
enough to turn soil into glass and cook any Carrying Capacity: Up to 8 Guardsmen
unfortunates above the Subterrene's dig with light gear, or more at the cost of food,
path. water and spare part space

Weapons: generate a tunnel. When moving
underground it loses Ponderous, and its
5 x Fixed Mole Torpedo Launchers (4 Maneuverability increases to +0.
Front Facing, 1 Rear Facing) (1km | S/-/- |
2d10 + 5 X | Pen 5 | Clip 1 | Reload 5 Full | Digging Field: The outer hull of a Tsiferov,
Blast (8), Corrosive, Indirect (2), when it is powered, is hot enough to reduce
Inaccurate), Seismic) rock to molten magma. Activating or

1 x Turret Ultrasound Ram (200m | S/3/- | requires a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use test
1d10 + 10 I | Pen 6 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
Concussive (3), Corrosive, Seismic) Enginseer and takes a Full Action.

Options: While the digging field is active, the

A Tsiferov may mount a pair of turret- value equal to 5 x the number of Degrees of
mounted retractable Autocannons on its Success on the initial test. Anything within
deck to defend itself against aircraft and
vehicles while surfaced. These weapons can digging field is active must make a Hard (-
only be operated while the vehicle is 20) Toughness Test every Turn or take Xd5
surfaces and its digging field (see below) is points of Energy damage with the Flame
off. quality, where X is the number of Degrees
of Success on the initial test. The Digging
2 x Turret-Mounted Autocannons (300m | Field must be active in order for a Tsiferov
S/3/ | 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 to move underground.
Full | Reliable)
Triple Hull:
A Tsiferov equipped with Autocannons unbelievably thick reinforced ceramite that
reduces the ammo capacity for its torpedoes resists tremendous heat and pressure.
(see below) to 25, but gains the Anti-Air Unfortunately, if that hull should fail the
(Rudimentary) Vehicle Trait. damage to the vehicle is catastrophic. This
vehicle halves damage from any attack with
Special Rules: the Energy type and ignores the Flame and
Melta qualities of incoming attacks. When
Subterrene: The Tsiferov VII is an ungainly, hit by any attack that would deal Critical
top-heavy vehicle aboveground, but when Damage to its hull, a Tsiferov takes 1d10
it descends beneath the earth it is extra Structural Integrity of damage.
surprisingly agile and graceful. A Tsiferov
can move underground as if it had the Earth Cruiser: Subterrenes this large can
Burrower (15) Trait, though it does not operate independent of resupply for

months at a time. A Tsiferov carries
onboard full living quarters, medical
facilities and other living needs for its crew,
and has enough air, water and food on
board to keep them alive and comfortable,
if not very pleasant-smelling, for 3 months
on normal rationing. It has an internal
magazine of 30 Mole Torpedoes, which
must be reloaded from the outside.

Onboard Auspices: A Tsiferov is equipped

with a set of ground-penetrating auspex
arrays that can detect the vibrational
signatures of surface vehicles hundreds of
kilometers away. However, its
communications suite is far less able- to
send and receive vox messages over a
distance longer than 10km, a Tsiferov must
first surface.

Ragnarok Heavy Tank Structural Integrity: 60
Size: Massive (7)
stabilization, or autoloaders, or vox relays. We Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 30
need to win. Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced
-Colonel Jurten, Krieg 83rd Armour, Ponderous, Rugged, Tracked
The five-century civil war on Krieg Vehicle
produced dozens of new vehicle designs Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 3
and weapon patterns which, after that Gunners (Battle Cannon, 2 Stubbers), 1
planet was finally brought back into the Loader (Battle Cannon)
Imperial fold, made their way into the Carrying Capacity: None
common Imperial arsenal. The largest of
these original patterns, built from scratch Weapons:
by Krieg's techpriests, is the Ragnarok.
Turret-Mounted Ragnarok-Pattern Battle
A brutally simple slab-sided construction, it Cannon (250m | S/ / | 3d10+10 X | Pen 8 |
was intended as a short-ranged heavy Clip 10 | Reload 3 Full | Blast (10),
assault tank, emphasizing armour and Concussive (3), Inaccurate)
terrain-crossing capability over range,
speed, crew comfort and basically 2 x Hull-Mounted Heavy Stubbers (Front
everything else. A Ragnarok could not Facing) (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 |
stand up in one-on-one combat with a Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full)
standard Leman Russ, but it was cheap,
could be produced rapidly, and worked well Hull-Mounted Lascannon (Front Facing)
enough in the intense trench warfare (300m | S/ / | 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 |
prevalent on Krieg. Following the end of Reload 2 Full | Proven (3))
the Civil War, the remaining Ragnaroks
and their design patterns were quickly Options:
snatched up by a variety of Imperial Guard
siege and trench regiments, who use them A Ragnarok may take one of the following
as second-line or training machines. The pintle-mounted weapons atop its turret,
notable exception are the Siegemaster operated by the Commander:
regiments of Bara, who maintain their
"Mark 1 Mobile Bunker" Ragnaroks as Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
frontline tanks. Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Type: Tracked Vehicle Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen

Tactical Speed: 6 m 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Cruising Speed: 17 kph
Manoeuvrability: 15

Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip such conditions. A Ragnarok's crew gain
6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray) the effects of the Resistance (Radiation,
Poison) Talent so long as they are within
Special Rules: their vehicle. At the GM's discretion, a
Ragnarok may also gain the
Box on Treads: Five hundred years of Environmentally Sealed Vehicle Trait.
refinement have made the Ragnarok's
design superbly suited for trench warfare. A Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells for
Ragnarok gains a +5 bonus to all tests this vehicle's weapon can be found on page
involving Difficult Terrain in addition to 194 of the Only War Core Rulebook.
the bonus provided by the Tracked Vehicle
Trait. It also does not double its Repair
times, as per the Tracked Vehicle Trait.

Post-Nuclear Warfare: The Civil War on

Krieg was, to put it lightly, not a very fun
time. Few other parts of the galaxy have
seen combat conditions which were so full
of nuclear and chemical threats, and for
such a sustained period. Unsurprisingly,
many Ragnaroks were built to withstand

Pask Crusade Tank multilaser provided a mix of anti-infantry
and anti-armour weaponry that was also
reliable and could be charged directly off
-Pask design committee marketing slogan the main reactor. The turret was based
Developed in the immediate de-escalation loosely off the Mars-Pattern Leman Russ,
of the Damocles Gulf Crusade, the Pask with a secondary oscillating joint
Crusade Tank is a direct response to the incorporated into the turret ring to allow
failures of the Imperial Guard to deal with for extreme gun elevation and declination.
the high-mobility long-range tactics of the Even pintle mountings were taken into
Tau, as well as the logistics issues that consideration, and a mounting design was
plagued the Crusade. built that could accommodate most
varieties of hotshot or hellgun las weapons,
A team of Martian magii, in collaboration charged directly off the main reactor.
with Skitarii agents who had performed
analysis on Tau tactics and Militarum It was this relative paucity of armament that
veterans pulled off the Crusade lines set formed the majority of the complaints
about creating a tough, hyper-reliable and about the vehicle- its low profile, armour
flexible combat vehicle suited for long- and general reliability were praised, but
term operations at the forefront of a many pointed out that a Chimera and a
prolonged campaign. Based off 'off-the- squad of Guardsmen provided significantly
shelf' designs to keep costs down, the core more firepower at a fraction of the cost.
of the Pask is a lowered, lengthened Leman Many in the Imperial Guard, especially
Russ Hull with the sponsons removed and a vehicular recovery teams, were leery at the
thorium salt fission reactor installed. disastrous consequences of a Pask reactor
core overheat or breach.
Though the decision to use fissionables was
controversial, plasma reactors or the That said, however, the design has become
standard Russ engine being seen as much increasingly popular since the end of major
less dangerous for the crew, the less hostilities in the Damocles Gulf, favored by
conventional choice was taken as it would many on the Imperial borderlands for the
allow for a Pask to stay in continuous same reasons it was designed; its flexibility,
operation for years without any need for sturdiness and ability to function for
refuelling, as well as allowing the vehicle to extended periods without support.
act as a mobile power source for
accompanying troops. Type: Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 15 m
Weapon design was also based around the Cruising Speed: 50 kph
need to minimize ammo consumption. A Manoeuvrability: +0
single lascannon and a hull-mounted Structural Integrity: 45

Size: Massive (7) following profile:
Armour: Front 35, Side 30, Rear 30
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced Range 60m | S/3/- | 1d10 + 4 E | Pen 7 | Clip
Armour, Tracked Vehicle, Amphibious, 100 | Reload 1 Full
Environmentally Sealed, Rugged,
Extremely Volatile, Anti-Air Special Rules:
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Meltdown!: Though the compact atomic
Gunner/Loader (Turret), 1 Driver (Hull), 1 pile mounted inside Pask is generally quite
Vox Operator/Gunner (Hull Weapon) stable, and means the vehicle never needs to
Carrying Capacity: None be refuelled, damage to it is catastrophic- if
Weapons: this vehicle explodes, damage from the
explosion has the Rad-Phage and
Turret-Mounted Lascannon (Range 300m | Fleshbane Qualities.
S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload
1 Full | Proven (3)) Charing Systems: A Pask Crusade Tank is
equipped with external power ports that
Hull-Mounted Multilaser (Front Facing) can be used to charge any standard-issue
(Range 150m | -/-/5 | 2d10 + 10 E | Pen 2 | Imperial Guard equipment, including
Clip 100 | Reload Full | Reliable) auspexes, lasgun and lascannon charge
packs, glowglobes, etc.

A Pask Crusade Tank may take a pintle-

mounted Hotshot Lasgun with the

Wheeled Chassis Carrying Capacity: 12 Imperial Guardsmen
plus wargear
Testudo AFV

Turret-mounted Autocannon (300m | S/3/ |

-Tactica Imperialis
A precursor to the modern Chimera that 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 | Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full |
was heavily used by the Imperial Army Reliable)
before and during the Horus Heresy, the
Testudo is a light, mobile 6x6 platform that Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter (Front Facing
sacrifices firepower and armour for speed. | 150m | / /6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 |
Armed with a turreted Autocannon and Reload Full | Tearing)
hull-mounted Bolter, it was a simple,
effective solution to the problem of moving Options:
Imperial infantry at high speeds over long
distances, though its fragility and lack of A Testudo may take one pintle-mounted
staying power on rough terrain would be its weapon atop its turret:
undoing. In the modern Imperium,
Testudos are a rare sight, though wheeled Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
vehicles clearly derived from them are not Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
uncommon in PDF regiments and the like.
Their lack of ornamentation and lack of Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
distinguished combat record makes them a 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
forgotten holdover of a more glorious era.
Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Type: Wheeled 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Tactical Speed: 20 m Special Rules:
Cruising Speed: 100
kph Dust Devil: The Testudo's solid tires are
Manoeuvrability: +10 notorious for kicking up dust and dirt
Structural Integrity: on any ground surface, and its pilots
25 exploit this, creating impromptu smoke
Size: Massive (7) screens as added protection. On any
Armour: Front 22, Side 16, Rear 15 turn in which a Testudo moves its full
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced Tactical Speed or more, it generates Smoke
Motive Systems, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle (6) on its position until the start of its next
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 Turn.
Gunner (Hull Weapon)

Centaur AFV
Turret-mounted weapon (choose one of
the following):
-Architectus Magnus Eleamon Euryale
During the Great Crusade, numerous Multilaser (150m | / /5 | 2d10+10 E | Pen 2 |
Imperial Army units on more mobile fronts Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
requested a fast-moving weapons platform
for patrol, scouting and response duties. Heavy Bolter (150m | / /6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5
Though the forges of Mars were running at | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
full capacity, they were able to cram in one
more new design by dint of heavy recycling. Heavy Flamer (30m | S/ / | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4
Combining parts from the various vehicles | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
that would eventually evolve into the
modern Chimera with suspension elements Autocannon (300m | S/3/ | 3d10+8 I | Pen 6 |
developed for the Testudo and the engine Clip 40 | Reload 2 Full | Reliable)
unit of the Rhino, they created the original
Centaur, a fast weapons platform. Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
Centaurs saw a great deal of use during the
Crusade, but as mobile warfare turned into Heavy Bolter (Front Facing | 150m | / /6 |
grinding attritional slugfests, the need for a 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
dedicated scout platform was less and less. Tearing)
In the modern Imperium, the Centaur is
largely forgotten, overtaken by the tracked Heavy Flamer (Front Facing | 30m | S/ / |
platform that now shares its name. 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Flame, Spray)
Type: Wheeled Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 20 m Options:
Cruising Speed: 110 kph
Manoeuvrability: +15 A Centaur may take one pintle-mounted
Structural Integrity: 25 weapon atop its turret:
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 25, Side 22, Rear 16 Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Motive Systems, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Gunner (Hull Weapon) 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Carrying Capacity: None

Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)

Special Rules:

Dedicated Scout: Though it was produced on

very short notice, the Centaur still
incorporates some basic utility features that
make it a halfway decent scout. Firstly, it is
considered to be equipped with a Good-
Craftsmanship Vox Caster, operated by the
hull gunner. Second, the Centaur's turret
and hull-mounted weapons count as having
Telescopic Sights attached, and the
vehicle's Commander always counts as
having access to a pair of Good-Quality
Magnoculars when using the vehicle's
built-in vision slits. This incorporates a
coincidence rangefinder which allows the
user to calculate the distance between
themselves and a target.

Third, a Centaur always has the Camo-

Netting Vehicle Upgrade by default.

Minotaur AFV Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
Enclosed, Enhanced Motive Systems,
-Motto of the Pintaxian Scout Corps Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
Produced as a second run design following Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
the initial wave of Centaur AFVs, the (Hull Weapon)
Minotaur was a logical expansion of the Carrying Capacity: None
Centaur's capabilities as a combat Weapons:
reconnaissance vehicle into a full-blown
mobile artillery director. Sharing almost all Hull-mounted weapon (choose one of the
of its components with the original vehicle, following):
it trades out the Centaur's turret weapon
for a suite of ballistics cogitators and vox Heavy Bolter (Front Facing | 150m | / /6 |
relays designed to pass on fire control 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
information to Imperial artillery systems. Tearing)
Additionally, the extra room in its hull from
the absence of a main gun gives it space for Heavy Flamer (Front Facing | 30m | S/ / |
an even larger comms setup, making it a 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
capable, if somewhat fragile, command Flame, Spray)
Minotaurs saw a great deal of use during
the Horus Heresy, and regrettably much of A Centaur may take one pintle-mounted
their design data was lost during the Schism weapon atop its turret:
on Mars, making them nearly unheard-of in
the modern Imperium. Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Type: Wheeled Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 18 m Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
Cruising Speed: 105 kph 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 25 Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Size: Massive (7) 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Armour: Front 26, Side 25, Rear 16
Special Rules:

Sensor Network: A truly refined in charge of said artillery. Once per
reconnaissance platform, the Minotaur Encounter, a Commander may
incorporates a whole suite of detection call in an artillery strike using the vehicle's
systems. Firstly, it is considered to be targeting systems. This functions as the
equipped with a Good-Quality Vox Caster, Master of Ordinance's Artillery Signal ability
Good-Quality Auspex, and Good-Quality on page 71 of Hammer of the Emperor, save
Targeter, all operated by the vehicle's that it does not require a Comrade to be in
Commander. Second, the hull- cohesion to use. The Commander need
mounted weapon counts as having merely be within the hull of the Minotaur
Telescopic Sights attached, and the and able to access the vehicle's vox and
vehicle's Commander always counts as targeting systems.
having access to a pair of Good-Quality
Magnoculars when using the vehicle's
built-in vision slits.

Third, a Minotaur always has the Camo-

Netting Vehicle Upgrade by default.

Firing Solution Plotted: A properly-manned

Minotaur is fully capable of calling in
artillery strikes by itself, though doing so
often requires a certain rapport with those

Hyena Scout Vehicle Armour: Front 10, Side 10, Rear 10
s, left- aaaand gone. Good Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Open-Topped, Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
-Radio chatter, Apokalyptan 35th Tempestus Crew: 1 Commander (Storm Bolter), 1
t Driver (Heavy Bolter), 1 Gunner
Though the Taurox is the most famous of (Multilaser)
the Tempestus' pool of specialized vehicles, Carrying Capacity: 2 Guardsmen with light
there are others that get less of the gear
spotlight. The Hyena is a particularly
infamous and unhinged option, given its Weapons:
tactical role as the Imperial equivalent of an
Ork warbuggy. Lightly-armoured Hull-mounted Heavy Bolter (Front Facing
commando vehicles are a not uncommon | 150m | / /6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 |
concept in the various special operations Reload Full | Tearing)
regiments of the Stormtroopers, but the
laughably- Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 |
an unusual example because of its focus on 1d10 + 5 X | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
extremely heavy armament for its size. Storm, Tearing)

Its compact four-wheel drive chassis and Turret-Mounted Multilaser (150m | / /5 |

V12 motor strain beneath the weight of a 2d10+10 E | Pen 2 | Clip 100 | Reload 2 Full |
Heavy Bolter, Storm Bolter and a full-sized Reliable)
Multilaser, which on some variants is
replaced with a Plasma Cannon, or even Options:
more exotic weapon systems. Though it has
little armour to speak of, the Hyena excels A Hyena may replace its Multilaser with
at appearing out of nowhere in an enemy's one of the following:
supply lines, wreaking havoc, and then
disappearing over the horizon. Needless to Turret-Mounted Plasma Cannon (120m |
say, it requires particularly daring and S/ / | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 | Clip 32 | Reload 5
suicidally aggressive Stormtroopers to Full | Blast (1), Maximal, Overheat)
operate such a vehicle.
Turret-Mounted Multi-Melta (60m | S/ / |
Type: Wheeled Vehicle 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Reload Full |
Tactical Speed: 25 m Blast (1), Melta)
Cruising Speed: 100 kph
Manoeuvrability: +20 Turret-Mounted Twin-Linked Heavy
Structural Integrity: 15 Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip
Size: Enormous (6) 160 | Reload 2 Full | Twin-Linked)

Turret-Mounted Mortar (50-300m | S/-/- | Operational Operators: Anyone who knows
Clip 1 | Reload Full | Indirect (2), Inaccurate) what Hyenas are and what their crews do
invariably develops a sort of horrified
The Mortar may be loaded with any admiration for the insane bravery it requires
combination of standard Mortar Rounds to operate one. A Hyena's crew gains the
from p. 183 of the Only War Core Rulebook. effects of Peer (Imperial Guard) towards
any Guardsman who knows what a Hyena is
Special Rules: and does.

Offroad Drivetrain: The Hyena's chassis is a

beautifully tuned piece of work, lovingly
refined by both the Techpriests who
designed it and the Stormtroopers who
work on it. A Hyena can run on only 3
wheels, and suffers no penalty from the
Motive Systems Impaired damage
condition. Additionally, it treats marshland
or soft sand as regular instead of difficult

Lindworm Gun Carrier Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
(Main turret weapon), 1 Vox Operator
-Lord-General Panhard Renault, during the first (Secondary turret weapon), 1 Loader (Main
demonstrations of the Lindworm prototype turret weapon)
Developed on Forgeworld Hillix in the Carrying Capacity: None
early 900s M40, the Lindworm chassis was Weapons:
originally going to be a local-only export
design simple enough for regional 1 Turret-Mounted Weapon (Pick one):
commercial concerns to produce. Built in
response to protracted Dark Eldar raids in Turret-mounted Conqueror Cannon (500m
the area, the concept was a fast-moving | S/2/- | 3d10 + 8 X | Pen 7 | Clip 12 | Reload 4
wheeled chassis that could carry roughly Full | Blast (5), Concussive (1), Reliable)
the same primary armament as a Leman
Russ. In this, it succeeded above and Turret-mounted Twin-linked Lascannons.
beyond what the Hillixians were expecting, (300m | S/ / | 5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 40 |
though it is still not particularly common Reload 3 Full | Proven (3), Twin-linked)
outside the Segmentum Pacificus.
Turret-mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon
(300m | -/-/20 | 1d10+5 I | Pen 4 | Clip 1,000 |
several different local regional variants in Reload 5 Full | Storm)
the space around Hillix, mostly used by
PDF forces as a counterinsurgency support 1 Secondary Turret-Mounted Weapon
vehicle. Though well-armed and reasonably (Pick one):
easy to maintain and construct despite its
complex suspension system, Lindworms Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
sacrifice survivability for speed, and are 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
known for a nasty habit of flipping over Tearing)
when striking mines.
Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
Type: Wheeled Vehicle 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Tactical Speed: 16m Flame, Spray)
Cruising Speed: 85kph
Manoeuvrability: +10 Options:
Structural Integrity: 25
Size: Enormous (6) A Lindworm may mount one of the
Armour: Front 18, Side 18, Rear 15 following weapons atop its turret:
Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Enclosed, Wheeled Vehicle

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | to use many of the primary weapons found
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) on a Leman Russ, though its compact
turret makes loading them somewhat
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen slower. Depending on its primary weapon, a
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) Lindworm may benefit from an
Bottomless Batteries special rule,
Special Rules: Augur Shells special rule, or a
special rule.
Twin Turrets: One of the distinctive aspects
all Top-Heavy: Mounting a heavy-tank calibre
secondary turret in its frontal hull, which weapon on a compact, lightweight wheeled
allows its secondary weapon better chassis is bound to cause problems. Any
flexibility while firing on the move. A time a non-stationary Lindworm takes any
kind of damage from mines or ground-
full 360-degree field of fire, while its based explosives it has run over, it
secondary turret has a 225-degree field of immediately goes Out of Control.
fire centered over the front of the vehicle.

Russlike: A Lindworm is explicitly designed

Ofnir Heavy Recon Vehicle resulting heavily-modified Ofnir, dubbed
the Mark Two, was equal parts observation
the bastards t platform and attack vehicle. Regimental
-Sergeant Apollo Schirer, Rellian Rapid Attack paperwork and records relating to such
Unit modifications tended to vanish into the
Beloved by many Imperial Guard aether of the disparate Munitorum filing
reconnaissance units the galaxy over, the system.
Ofnir is a 'recon' platform in the loosest
sense of the word. The Imperial Guard Type: Wheeled Vehicle
lacks an official designation for "Heavily Tactical Speed: 14m
armed close assault artillery director Cruising Speed: 80kph
vehicle", so 'Heavy Recon" will have to do. Manoeuvrability: +10
The Ofnir began as an official variant of Structural Integrity: 30
the Lindworm IFV, which deleted the large Size: Enormous (6)
main turret of the original vehicle in favor Armour: Front 25, Side 20, Rear 10
of an elevated spotting platform and a small Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
defensive turret, as well as a slightly Enclosed, Wheeled Vehicle
roomier hull overall. An adjustable Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 3 Gunners
suspension system was supposed to allow (Turret Weapons), 1 Vox Operator
for better stability on rough ground, but Carrying Capacity: None
proved to be remarkably unreliable. This Weapons:
so-called 'Ofnir Mark One' was a distinctly
unpopular design, with many citing the 3 Turret-Mounted Weapons (Pick any
poorly armoured viewing platform and high combination of the following):
profile as obvious liabilities.
Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
With predictable speed, Ofnirs began to 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |

abandoned, replaced by a secondary Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |

defensive turret. Armour plating was 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
expanded on all the frontal surfaces (with Flame, Spray)
corresponding decreases in the rear hull),
and some genius realized that most of the Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers (100m | -/-/8
fire control and spotting equipment could | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full |
be packed into the roof of the main turrets Twin-Linked)
anyways. When some genius figured out a
way to modify the suspension with a Multi-Melta (60m | S/ / | 2d10+16 E | Pen
12 | Clip 24 | Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta)

Lascannon (300m | S/-/- | 5d10 + 10 E | Pen and the right hand turret 225 degrees facing
10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Proven (3)) right.

Twin-Linked Plasma Gun (90m | S/2/ | Front-Heavy: An Ofnir avoids the top-
1d10+7 E | Pen 6 | Clip 80 | Reload 5 Full | heaviness issues of the Lindworm by virtue
Maximal, Overheat, Twin-Linked) of being extremely front-heavy. Any time

Recoilless Rifle (150m | S/-/- | 1d10+8 X | sudden steep incline, they must pass a
Pen 7 | Clip 1 | Reload 2 Full | Blast (3), Challenging (+0) Operate (Surface) Test or
Concussive (0)) the vehicle noses in and becomes unable to
move for a round.
Automatic Grenade Launcher (100m | S/2/
| Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full | Ammo- Spotting Systems: The turrets of an Ofnir are
dependent) cramped and uncomfortable, packed full of
targeting and spotting equipment. Each of
Targetter, mounted coaxially to whatever
An Ofnir may mount two pintle weapons, weapon the turret bears. Additionally, every
operated by the Commander and the Vox
Operator. Choose any combination of the counts as having a Telescopic Sight
following: attached.

Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | Custom Shocks: The heavy electropneumatic
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) suspension elements on an Ofnir are
supposed to be used to maintain a low
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen profile, but overcharging them to cause the
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) vehicle to jump huge distances is much
more fun.
Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)

Special Rules: bounding into the air. The Operator must

make a Difficult (-10) Operate (Surface
Triple Turrets: An Ofnir boasts three Test). If he succeeds, the Ofnir then jumps
expanded turrets- two side-by-side on top up to its Tactical Speed plus 1, plus 1 meter
of the hull, one in the front. Each of the for each Degree of Success. This jump
turrets boasts a 225-degree field of fire- the ignores any and all intervening terrain, and
frontal turret is 225 degrees facing forward, can include a vertical component of 3
the left hand turret 225 degrees facing left, meters +1 for each additional Degree of

Success. If the test fails, the vehicle makes
the jump then goes Out of Control. If the
test fails by more than three degrees, the
suspension elements jam and it goes Out of
Control. If the vehicle spent the entirety of
the previous turn moving, the operator
changes the difficulty of the initial Test to
Challenging (+0).

Alternately, and much less excitingly, the

adjustable shocks can be used for their
original purpose, dropping the Ofnir to the
ground. It takes a Half Action to enter or
leave this movement mode- while in it, the
Ofnir gains Low-Slung and decreases its
Manoeuvrability by -5.

Anathema Disruption Platform kind of advanced electronic device in its
radius. This is not quite as powerful or
love of the Omnissiah will you turn that intense as a Haywire Field, but it is
significantly more stable, and appears to
-Secutor Vorobik, shortly after the Relief of require little energy to maintain. The
Forgeworld Caeles Mera second setting, the beam, is significantly
One of the great realizations of the more sinister. Manifesting as a slow-
Mechanicus over the years of Imperial moving, twisting band of yellow-green
growth is that the enemies of Mankind will radiance, any technology it touches begins
not always be technologically inferior. to degrade and function less efficiently.
Technologically advanced enemies like the Rather than destroying circuits, as a
Tau or Necrons necessitate new weapons to Haywire weapon would, this instead
fight new kinds of war. Though ancient appears to somehow alter the fundamental
machine-killing weapons from the Horus forces at work within the object, creating
Heresy still exist in Martian stockpiles, no environments in which any kinds of
Magus wants to be the first to unleash advanced machinery simply do not work.
scrap-code or machine virii upon the
galaxy, hence the development of the The platform for this bizarre weapon
Anathema. system is a surprisingly simple one, for
anything more advanced will slowly be
At the Anathema's heart is... something, destroyed by the action of the Wrench. The
Anathema is a four-wheeled vehicle, with a
exactly this device is, and how exactly it basic Promethium combustion engine, and
works, is a heavily-controlled secret. entirely mechanical steering, sighting and
Entirely self-contained within a black operating systems. Its entire design is based
metallic casing, they are only manufactured around prioritizing the safety of the
on Mars, and shipped out to field units by Wrench over the crew- if an Anathema is
huge complements of guards. Even their destroyed all efforts will be made to recover
repair is only to be conducted by select the Wrench, but the platform is
groups of trusted and heavily vetted Magii, expendable. Naturally, an Anathema cannot
with illicit tampering punishable by death. be crewed by a regular Mechanicus crew-
instead, specially-trained teams of
The actual effects of an Electron Wrench unaugmented Guardsmen hailing from
are much more explicable, however. It can worlds trusted by the major Martian forges
be operated in two modes- firstly, as a are hand-picked to operate these strange,
broad-field technology disruptor, and unearthly weapon platforms.
second as a focused beam. In disruptor
mode, the Wrench emits a hazy field of
faint yellow light, which suppresses any

Type: Wheeled Vehicle Operator's turn. This effect extends to the
Tactical Speed: 8 m
Cruising Speed: 40 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 Electron Wrench Beam: When operating in
Structural Integrity: 40 Beam Mode, the Anathema loses its
Size: Massive (7) disruptor field (see above). Switching to this
Armour: Front 15, Side 15, Rear 10 mode from Disruptor Mode requires a Full
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Reinforced Action and a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use
Armour, Tracked Vehicle Test on the part of the Wrench Operator.
Crew: 1 Commander, 1 Driver, 1 Wrench Failure requires them to try again on the
Operator next Turn. When in Beam Mode, the
Carrying Capacity: None Wrench can be fired using the weapon
profile listed above. Other than the basic
Weapons: damage, a successful hit does different
things depending on what kind of target it
Turret-Mounted Electron Wrench (Beam is fired on.
Mode) (1km | S/-/- | 1d5 E | Pen 2 | Clip 10 |
Reload 2 Full | Shocking, Special) • Infantry: For each Turn in which the
beam hits the target, increase the
Special Rules: Difficulty of any Tests to operate
technological equipment they are
Electron Wrench Disruptor: When operating in carrying by -15, to a maximum of -60.
Disruptor Mode, the Anathema emits a Any non-solid-projectile or low-tech
technology-disrupting field over a variable weapons they are carrying gain the
radius, which can be adjusted as a Half Inaccurate, Unreliable, Recharge and
Action. It can extend any distance out to Overheats Weapon Qualities
500m. Any advanced technology, especially permanently. If they are wearing Power
technology based around use of electronics Armour, they reduce their Movement
and circuitry, functions as if it was of Poor- Speed while wearing it by 1 for each
Craftsmanship, regardless of its original turn the beam hits. If their Movement
Craftsmanship. How exactly this might Speed would be reduced to 0, their
effect wargear is up to the GM, but as a rule Power Armour becomes broken and
using any kind of advanced equipment non-functional. Any augmetics they
within this radius should be a significant are wearing begin to shut down,
struggle. Equipment of Poor- decreasing their effective
Craftsmanship simply stops working for as Craftsmanship by 1 level for each Turn
long as it is within the field. The Electron the beam is sustained. Any Augmetic
Wrench can be activated or deactivated as a that decreases in Craftsmanship below
Free Action at any time on the Wrench Poor becomes permanently non-

functional. The effects of the beam are always counts as being Heavily
permanent, but dodging or blocking Damaged even if it took no Structural
the beam by taking cover prevent them Integrity damage.
from getting any worse.
Protected Armaments: The core systems of
• Vehicle/Buildings: For each turn in the Electron Wrench are buried deep
which the beam hits the target, increase
the Difficulty of any Tests to operate dozens of layers of self-regenerating
electrical or mechanical controls and protective wards. Any time an Anathema
systems, by -15, to a maximum of -60. If would take critical damage to its weapon, it
the beam hits a Weapon System, it instead takes the same damage to its Hull.
gains Weapon Locked on the first turn
of exposure, Targeting Systems Bond of Trust: The Mechanicus seldom put
Destroyed on the second turn, Weapon their faith in the unaugmented humans,
Disabled on the third turn and Weapon least of all Guardsmen. To be assigned an
Destroyed on the fourth. If the beam Anathema crew post is a badge of trust
hits the Motive Systems, they gain indeed. In order to crew an Anathema, a
Motive Systems Impaired on the first character must have the Peer (Adeptus
turn, Motive Systems Crippled on the Mechanicus) Talent. Crewing an Anathema
second and Motive Systems Destroyed grants them a second level of this same
on the third. The crew of the vehicle is Talent, though if they should attempt to
unaffected by the beam. The effects of
the beam are permanent, but getting way, any levels of Peer (Adeptus
out of range or blocking the beam with Mechanicus) they might have are
cover prevents them from getting any immediately replaced with the same number
worse. When repairing the effects of an of ranks in Enemy (Adeptus Mechanicus).
Electron Wrench attack, a vehicle
Luddism Manifest:
An Anathema
counts as having
the Fear (2) Trait
against any enemy
character from a
Forge World with
even the slightest
inkling of what it
is or does.

Image borrowed from here.

Metis Convertible Scout Structural Integrity: 15
Size: Massive
Armour: Front 10, Side 5, Rear 5
-Lady Sun Nishizumi, Ruminations on Panzerfahren Vehicle Traits: Enhanced Motive Systems,
Convertible drive system vehicles are not Open-Topped, Rugged, System Change
unknown in the Imperium of Man- the (3), Tracked Vehicle, Wheeled Vehicle
technology is well-understood, after all- Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
but not particularly popular. The attitude Carrying Capacity: 4 Guardsmen with light
of the Mechanicus is generally that it is gear
somewhat inefficient to build a single
vehicle that can run off two motive systems, Weapons:
compared to, say, building two of a vehicle
that only runs off a single motive system. Hull-Mounted Weapon (Choose one):
Still, the Imperium is nothing if not riddled
with exceptions to its own rules, and the Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | / /6 |
Metis is one such exception. The exact 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
origins of the design are unclear- some Tearing)
believe it was begotten in the fires of
Krieg's civil war, while the Techpriests of Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/ / |
Hillix claim the Metis is a Hillixian original. 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
Regardless, the Metis pattern encompasses Flame, Spray)
a wide variety of light scout cars or wheeled
prime movers fitted with compact Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers (100m | -/-/8
deployable track elements, allowing them | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 160 | Reload 2 Full |
to move on tracks over rough ground and Twin-Linked)
on wheels over smooth terrain.
Metis-type vehicles often find a home on A Metis may equip one of the following
moderately-developed frontier worlds, weapons on a pintle mount:
places which might have well-constructed
road networks in addition to vast tracts of Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
rough terrain, or places with extremes of Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
weather that are impractical for a standard
wheeled chassis. Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Type: Wheeled Vehicle/Tracked Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 14 m / 8m Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
Cruising Speed: 90 kph / 20 kph 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Manoeuvrability: +0 / +15

Oread Convertible Scout Small numbers of Oreads are employed by a
variety of Imperial Guard regiments,
believes is unpassable, is a weapon as deadly as though generally not those with an
steel and las- emphasis on vehicles- there are few
-Tactica Imperialis standard Militarum tanks or wheeled
To even the trained eye, the Oread is an platforms which can function remotely well
ungainly vehicle. It is top-heavy, resting on on sheer cliffs. Those mountain or ski
a set of six undersized wheels, with a lumpy troops who operate alongside Oreads can
rear hull and a flimsy-looking count on, if not fire support, then at least
undercarriage. When rolling, it is knowing what the enemy is up to.
undoubtedly ungainly, for its wheels exist
only for temporary road or rail Type: Wheeled Vehicle/Walker
transportation. Where the Oread shines is Tactical Speed: 8 m / 16 m
on legs. Cruising Speed: 40 kph / 90 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 / +20
Developed from a series of popular civilian
Structural Integrity: 20
hive-maintenance vehicles, the Oread is
Size: Massive
best described as a mountain platform,
Armour: Front 6, Side 6, Rear 6
designed to operate at extreme altitudes
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Enhanced
and over near-vertical surfaces. To that end
Motive Systems, Environmentally Sealed,
it is fitted with four extendable legs
Rugged, System Change (2), Walker,
terminating on oversized padded feet
Wheeled Vehicle
tipped with hydraulic rams, and its entire
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Comms Operator
cabin gimbals to keep the crew
Carrying Capacity: None
compartment level even as it scales
mountainsides. Fitted with a telescoping
Special Rules:
observation/sniper platform, the Oread acts
as a mobile observation post on the
Climber: The wide, gecko-like feet of the
roughest ground, its flexible profile making
Oread platform are fitted with
it hard to detect as its crew relays
pneumatically driven spikes as well as a
intelligence over vox. To that end, it is
variety of micro-adhesive systems that
unfortunately lightweight, lacking in both
make them grip well on just about any
armor and inbuilt weaponry. For the
surface. An Oread treats steep mountainous
patient intelligence officer, an Oread is a
terrain as being Open Ground. It can also
comfortable posting; its cabin is pressurized
climb vertical surfaces made of stone or ice,
for high-altitude use, well-heated, and
or metallic surfaces which are soft or
surprisingly spacious.
magnetic. It may struggle with harder
substances like ceramite or adamantine. To
assist in such situations, an Oread is also

fitted with a set of piton launchers on its Armour to the Body and Legs of any
frontal and rear hull, which can fire soldiers manning it.
grapnels strong enough to support the
Insulated: The thin-walled cabin of an
Oread is fitted with surprisingly potent
Observation Platform: Though an Oread is electric heaters and an airtight seal that
not fitted with weapons by default, its rear helps overcome the worst of any altitude
hull can unfold into an extendable
observation platform large enough to carry hull, the crew of an Oread gain the effects
two soldiers and gear without any of the Resistance (Cold) Talent, as well as a
difficulties. This platform can be extended further +10 bonus to resist the negative
effects of thin air or high altitude.
hull, but only when the vehicle is stationary.
It is also fitted with a single pintle
mounting, which can only be operated
when the platform is fully deployed. The
platform does not count as having the
Enclosed trait, but it does provide 6 AP of

Grabakr Tank Hunter absorbers and deployable bracing legs
which prevent the recoil of firing from
you just wiped out a twenty-thousand-year-old completely destroying the wheeled chassis.
god engine with a gun on the back of a second- Though this prevents the Grabakr from
firing on the move, the low cost and
-House Grabakr Marketing Slogan versatility of the platform more than makes
The grimy, war-torn Hive World of Lollux up for this minor flaw.
has long been a source of personnel and
useful raw materiel for the Forge World Type: Wheeled Vehicle
Hillix, its numerous low-level tribal Tactical Speed: 13m
conflicts a perfect testing ground for the Cruising Speed: 55kph
lity Manoeuvrability: +5
vehicles. Some of the larger city-states on Structural Integrity: 20
Lollux even have their own contracted Size: Enormous
manufactories, producing Hillixian designs Armour: Front 15, Side 15, Rear 10
under license for local resale. Ever so often, Vehicle Traits: Anti-Aircraft
though, the flow of new patterns from (Rudimentary), Enclosed, Ramshackle,
Hillix to Lollux reverses, and an improvised Wheeled Vehicle
Lolluxian design makes its way into the Carrying Capacity: none
Hillixian canon. The Grabakr is one such Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner (Blitzen), 1
built it in illicit underground forges during Weapon:
one of many small-scale brush wars.
Turret-Mounted Blitzen Antiaircraft
What has made the Grabakr pattern so Cannon (2.5km | S/-/- | 3d10 + 5 I | Pen 12 |
popular Clip 1 | Reload Full | Accurate)
units is its brute simplicity, for it is not, in
truth, a vehicle, but rather an upgrade Options:
package for any one of an infinite number
of civilian vehicle designs. It fits directly to A Grabakr may fit one of the following
the rear of the drivetrain, replacing the rear weapons, operated by the Driver, inside its
bodywork with a compact anti-tank gun cabin on a Hull Mount.
turret fitting a simplified, lightweight
version of the cheap Blitzen anti- Heavy Stubber (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/8
aircraft/anti-tank cannon. | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)

Though the performance of a Grabakr Storm Bolter (Front Facing) (90m | S/2/4 |
obviously depends on the base vehicle, the 1d10 + 5 X | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
turret module is fitted with inbuilt shock- Storm, Tearing)

Flamer (Front Facing) (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 chassis strong enough to bear its weight on
E | Pen 2 | Clip 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, the move. Removing the Grabakr turret
Spray) from one vehicle and adding it to another
d an Ordinary
Special Rules: (+10) Repair Test. A Grabakr reduces the
Tactical Speed and Maneuverability of its
Rear Turret: The turret mounting on a base platform by -5, but otherwise does not
Grabakr is a miracle of primitive
technology, but it is still basically a
powered box on the back of a truck, with all

turret has 360-degree field of fire, but if it

chassis takes 1d5 points of Structural

Integrity damage, ignoring Armor. This
damage cannot inflict Critical Hits.

Recoil Bracing:
chassis is fitted with deployable shock-
absorbing legs. These legs take a Half
Action to deploy or redeploy and can only
be set up on reasonably flat ground. The
are not deployed.

Modular Platform: the Grabakr turret system

can be fitted to just about any vehicle

Goinn Wheeled Howitzer Armour: Front 15, Side 15, Rear 10
- Vehicle Traits: Large Superstructure,
meters up the Open-Topped, Wheeled Vehicle
Carrying Capacity: none
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
-Sergeant Useka, Tasverine Light Artillery Corps (Gotterdammerung), 2 Loaders
One of the less well-known designs Weapon:
developed on Krieg during their civil war,
the Goinn artillery vehicle was a simple Hull-mounted Gotterdammerung
mating of a heavy utility truck with a Howitzer (Front Facing) (1km | S/-/- | 4d10
Gotterdammerung siege howitzer. Rugged, + 10 X | Pen 4 | Clip 1 | Reload Full | Blast (5
mobile, and compact, it was an adequate + 1d10), Concussive (3), Indirect (4))
and inexpensive artillery platform. After
the end of the Civil War, many Goinns were Options:
shipped offworld, and the design made its
way into the canon of second-line Imperial Some regiments who need fast firepower
Guard and PDF vehicles- not as powerful over shot-for-shot damage replace the
as a Basilisk or as mobile as a Griffon, but larger Gotterdammerung with a pair of
simple and effective enough. Though it Pack Howitzers, using the Goinn as a sort
lacks a turret, its wide rear bed and low- of makeshift Thudd Gun.
slung chassis makes it stable enough to fire
on the move, a rarity for Imperial artillery Hull-Mounted Twin-Linked Pack
vehicles. Howitzers (Front Facing) (250m | S/2/- |
2d10 + 8 X | Pen 1 | Clip 2 | Reload Full|
The only real problem with the Goinn as a Blast (4), Concussive (1), Indirect (3))
light artillery piece is its functionally
nonexistent ammo capacity- all the weight A Goinn may mount one of the following
capacity of the truck bed is occupied by the pintle weapons atop its cab:
bulk of the Gotterdammerung itself, and
loading any number of shells onto its bed is Heavy Stubber (Front Facing) (100m | -/-/8
a recipe for horrible suspension problems | 1d10 + 4 I | Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
and frequent breakdowns.
Storm Bolter (Front Facing) (90m | S/2/4 |
Type: Wheeled Vehicle 1d10 + 5 X | Pen 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full |
Tactical Speed: 10m Storm, Tearing)
Cruising Speed: 60kph
Manoeuvrability: +0 Flamer (Front Facing) (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4
Structural Integrity: 22 E | Pen 2 | Clip 6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame,
Size: Enormous (6) Spray)

Special Rules: for more, but loading them causes the
vehicle to reduce its Manoeuvrability to -10
Specialised Shells: Special-purpose shells for and gain the Ponderous trait.
the Gotterdammerung can be found on
page 194 of the Only War Core Rulebook.

Extra Powder:
cavernous breech can be packed full of
extra explosive charges, significantly
increasing its range at the cost of severe

overloaded Gotterdammerung increases its

range by 1000m, and gains the Inaccurate
and Unreliable Qualities. The weapon will
be permanently destroyed if it fires more
than 1d10 + 11 of these shots without
maintenance or overhaul.

is quite spacious, if unprotected, but
packing shells into it is a problem in and of
itself. A Gotterdammerung can normally
only carry 5 shots at a time- there is room

Snow Vehicles A Bombus Armoured Snowcat can mount
one of the following weapons on a pintle
Bombus-Pattern Snowcat
atop its hull:

whiteout blizzard conditions in the height of

Flamer (20m | S/ / | 1d10+4 E | Pen 2 | Clip
6 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
-Operator Styrchis, Inwit PDF
Essentially a tracked platform designed to
work best on snow, Snowcats are common Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
wintertime transport vehicles useful for Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
recreational, scientific and military
activities. Their enclosed, heavily insulated Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
cabins keep the worst of the cold out, while 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
wide, splayed tracks let them move slowly
but stably over slippery, soft or shifting Special Rules:
terrain. Though not the most common
military vehicle- a Chimera with widened Wide Tracks: Most snowcats are designed to
tracks can do much that a snowcat can- they spread their weight around as much as
still find their niche as prime movers in possible, giving them superb traction and
conditions too rough or unstable for a leaving a wide trail of compacted snow
larger, heavier tank. Hailing from Forge behind the, A Snowcat gains a +20 to any
World Cannack, the sturdy Bombus- tests to move through slippery or unstable
pattern is slow but well-protected, with a terrain. Any snowy terrain it crosses no
powerful and reliable tractor engine. longer counts as Difficult Terrain, if it was
previously counted as such. Tests to track
Type: Tracked Vehicle the movement of a Snowcat gain a +10
Tactical Speed: 5 m bonus.
Cruising Speed: 30 kph
Manoeuvrability: +0
Structural Integrity: 45
Size: Enormous (6)
Armour: Front 30, Side 18, Rear 18
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Tracked Vehicle,
Ponderous, Rugged, Winter-Only
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 6 Guardsmen with light

Cannack-Pattern Snowmobile
-Trooper Boroshev, Katyushan 13th, shortly before A Cannack may mount a single Basic or
his arrest for aggravated vehicular foolishness Heavy weapon, operated by the driver, on a
Vehicles like the Cannack are found all forward-facing Hull Mount.
across the Imperium wherever there is snow
or ice. Functionally similar to a motorcycle, Special Rules:
a snowmobile replaces the front wheel with Hydroplane: A classic snowmobile stunt
a ski or pair of skis, and the rear wheel with attempted by thrill-seekers and the
a wide, cleated track that provides superb foolhardy the galaxy over, hydroplaning
traction on snow or ice. While snowmobiles involves driving a snowmobile into a body
are consequently useless on dry ground, of water so quickly that its track and skis
their speed, mobility and flexibility in cold- ride over the surface of the water, allowing
weather conditions make them popular in it to operate like a boat for short periods of
both the civilian and military spheres as time. When making a Floor It! action, the
transport and utility vehicles. A common driver of a Cannack may choose to increase
military pattern, the Cannack incorporates the Operate (Surface) test difficulty to
an armoured frontal hull, a mounting point Hard (-20) to allow the vehicle to gain the
for a heavy weapon, and a rear cargo bed. It Amphibious Vehicle Trait. They may
is used in much the same role as smaller sustain this ability for any number of
Imperial all-terrain vehicles on worlds like rounds, but they must continue to Floor It!
Valhalla, providing a fast and efficient at all times. If at any point they fail the
means to get patrols from point A to point Test, the Cannack sinks.
B with speed, even in the harshest of

Type: Tracked Vehicle

Tactical Speed: 25 m
Cruising Speed: 120 kph
Manoeuvrability: +15
Structural Integrity: 15
Size: Hulking (5)
Armour: Front 20, Side 5, Rear 5
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Open-Topped,
Enhanced Motive Systems, Tracked
Vehicle, Winter-Only
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 1 passenger plus light

Pegasus Paratrooper Scooter Cruising Speed: 48 kph
Manoeuvrability: +20
bump you cross, and the motor sounds like a Structural Integrity: 8
Size: Average (4)
-Harakoni technical manual Armour: Front 8, Side 2, Rear 2
Derived from the popular Excelsior- Vehicle Traits: Bike, Open-Topped,
Pattern civilian motor scooter used across Orbital Deployment, Rugged, Wheeled
the Imperium, the Pegasus is a folding bike Vehicle
designed to be as simple, sturdy and Crew: 1 Driver
compact as possible. Light enough to be Carrying Capacity: none
carried by a single soldier with a full tank of
fuel, it can be unfolded and put in working Special Rules:
order in a matter of seconds, and its small
turbinic power cell is good for Folding Bike: When it is deployed from the
approximately four hours of operation air, the Pegasus is in a folded state.
between fuelling. Though the bike's fairly Unfolding one and prepping it for
small wheels make its performance off-road transport requires an Easy (+30) Tech-Use
lackluster, it is still a superb mobility tool Test and two Full Actions.
for any drop regiment.

Type: Wheeled Vehicle

Tactical Speed: 10 m

Aeos Self-Propelled Gun
-Anonymous Elysian officer during an Aeos field
demonstration Fixed Recoilless Rifle (Front Facing) (150m
Sometimes the Mechanicus produces a | S/-/- | 1d10+8 X | Pen 7 | Clip 1 | Reload 2
weapon design that is so bizarre it attracts Full | Blast (3), Concussive (0), Inaccurate)
the attention of even those not normally
interested in the mechanical dick-waving so Special Rules:
favored by Techpriests. Sometimes the
weapon designs are actually surprisingly Detachable Weapon: Though its weapon can
good. The Aeos is one such design- a be easily fired from the vehicle, and even on
lightweight recoilless rifle attached to a the move if need be, an Aeos is primarily
ruggedized civilian motor scooter. Much to
Recoilless Rifle can be detached or
popular with Elysian regiments, who reattached as a Half Action. When
enjoyed both the compactness of the detached, it is treated as a Heavy and not a
weapon system and that they could Vehicle weapon. It maintains the same stats
dismount it to use the scooter portion to when detached, but loses Inaccurate, and
cruise for chicks on their weekends off. counts as having both a Tripod and a
Telescopic Sight.
Type: Wheeled Vehicle
Tactical Speed: 10 m Mod Stylings: There is something about two
Cruising Speed: 80 kph grown-ass guardsmen riding a tiny scooter
Manoeuvrability: +10 with an anti-tank gun on the side that just
Structural Integrity: 10
Size: Average (4) to Charm tests while they are riding their
Armour: Front 10, Side 3, Rear 3 vehicle.
Vehicle Traits: Bike, Open-
Topped, Orbital Deployment,
Rugged, Wheeled Vehicle
Crew: 1 Driver
Carrying Capacity: 1 Gunner on
rear saddle

But Wait, There’s More!


Looking to expand your Warhammer 40k RPG experience even further? Want to drown your
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MACH 1.1


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The Heretical Museum of V.A. Beau 0.4


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