Maria Bautista Vda. de Reyes vs. de Leon
Maria Bautista Vda. de Reyes vs. de Leon
Maria Bautista Vda. de Reyes vs. de Leon
It appears that after the execution of this instrument, Lanuza and his
wife mortgaged the same house in favor of Martin de Leon to secure
the payment of P2,720 within one year. This mortgage was executed
on October 4, 1961 and recorded in the Office of the Register of
Deeds of Manila on November 8, 1961 under the provisions of Act No.
On the other hand, Reyes and Navarro followed suit by filing in the
Court of First Instance of Manila a petition for the consolidation of
ownership of the house on the ground that the period of redemption
expired on July 12, 1961 without the vendees exercising their right of
Contentions Petitioner [Name] Respondent [Name]
xxx xxx xxx
3. The delay in the filing of the petition for consolidation. Still another
point obviously overlooked in the consideration of this case is the
fact that the period of redemption expired on July 12, 1961 and yet
this action was not brought until October 19, 1962 and only after De
Leon had asked on October 5, 1962 for the extra-judicial for closure
of his mortgage. All the while, the Lanuzas remained in possession of
the properties they were supposed to have sold and they remained in
possession even long after they had lost their right of redemption.
Under article 2125 of the Civil Code, the equitable mortgage, while
valid between Reyes and Navarro, on the one hand, and the Lanuzas,
on the other, as the immediate parties thereto, cannot prevail over
the registered mortgage of De Leon.