Biocontrol Science and Technology
Biocontrol Science and Technology
Biocontrol Science and Technology
To cite this article: Laura Luongo , Massimo Galli , Luciana Corazza , Ellis Meekes , Lia De Haas ,
Carin Lombaers Van Der Plas & Jürgen Köhl (2005) Potential of fungal antagonists for biocontrol
of Fusarium spp. in wheat and maize through competition in crop debris, Biocontrol Science and
Technology, 15:3, 229-242, DOI: 10.1080/09583150400016852
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Biocontrol Science and Technology, May 2005; 15(3): 229 /242
Pathogenic Fusarium spp. cause head blight in wheat or ear rot in maize leading to yield losses
and also a reduction in quality due to mycotoxin contamination of the grain. Infected crop
residues are the main inoculum source for epidemics. Saprophytic fungi, obtained from cereal
tissues or necrotic tissues of other crops, were screened for their ability to colonise wheat straw
and maize stalks and to suppress sporulation of pathogenic Fusarium spp. Results of bio-assays
conducted under controlled conditions were variable among Fusarium spp. and host substrates
for most antagonists tested, such as yeasts, Trichoderma spp. and non-pathogenic Fusarium spp.
Isolates of Clonostachys rosea consistently suppressed sporulation of F. culmorum and
F. graminearum on wheat straw, and of F. culmorum , F. graminearum , F. proliferatum and F.
verticillioides on maize stalks. Isolates of C. rosea , C. cladosporioides and F. equiseti were applied to
pieces of maize stalks or flowering ears in preliminary experiments conducted under field
conditions. The colonisation of stalk pieces by pathogenic Fusarium spp. was assessed after 9
months. Colonisation of stalk pieces by pathogenic Fusarium spp. was significantly reduced at
several sampling dates. However, results obtained with the antagonists were not consistent for
all sampling dates and between experiments.
Head blight of small grain cereals, especially wheat, and ear rot of maize can be caused
by various Fusarium spp. (Bottalico & Logrieco 1988; Leslie et al. 1990; Parry et al.
1995). Infections result in significant yield losses and also a reduction in quality
because mycotoxins such as deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, zearalenone or moniliformin
are produced by the pathogens in the grain (Chelkowski 1989; Yoshizawa 1991).
F. graminearum , followed by F. culmorum were the most dominant species on
wheat grain in The Netherlands in 2000 and 2001 (Waalwijk et al. 2003). Ear rot
Correspondence: Jürgen Köhl, Plant Research International, P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA Wageningen, The
Netherlands. Tel: 31 317 476017. Fax: 31 317 423110. E-mail:
ISSN 0958-3157 print/ISSN 1360-0478 online # 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/09583150400016852
230 L. Luongo et al.
spores originating from the same field and, in part, by G. zeae, originating from
neighbouring fields.
Crop residues such as maize stalks are decomposed slowly and can therefore
be present in subsequent crops. Cotton and Munkvold (1998) demonstrated that
F. moniliforme , F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans survive in maize stubble on soil
surfaces for at least 630 days under North American conditions. In many studies,
residues of previously infected crops have been found to be the main sources of spores
infecting ears of wheat and maize (Sutton 1982; Shaner 2003). Monoculture, reduced
tillage or no-tillage systems strongly favour disease development because of the
presence of stubble resulting in high inoculum pressure (Dill-Macky & Jones 2000;
Gilbert & Tekauz 2000).
A general rule for reducing the risk of ear infection of wheat or maize by pathogenic
Fusarium spp. is to limit residues of infected crops in susceptible crop fields.
Monoculture of wheat or maize should be avoided and maize, as a potential source
of Fusarium spp., should not be grown in rotation with wheat. If this cannot be
avoided, stubble should be ploughed in carefully so that no stubble is left on the soil
surface. Protection of soil from erosion and the urge to save energy and costs may
force farmers to apply reduced- or no-tillage systems. New methods are needed to
enhance decomposition of wheat and maize stubble on soil surfaces in such cropping
Antagonistic fungi applied to crop debris may reduce survival and multiplication of
necrotrophic pathogens present in the residues of diseased crops and enhance
decomposition (Köhl & Fokkema 1998). Early colonisation of crop residues by
antagonists may also prevent saprophytic colonisation of such substrates by soil- or
air-borne inoculum of pathogenic Fusarium spp. after harvest as observed by Cotton
and Munkvold (1998).
The objective of our study was to select potential antagonists that suppress
saprophytic colonisation and sporulation of toxigenic Fusarium spp. on residues of
wheat and maize crops. Saprophytic fungi isolated from various necrotic plant
tissues were tested in bioassays to compare their efficacy in reducing sporulation
of several Fusarium spp. on wheat and maize stubble. In preliminary field tests,
selected antagonists were applied to pieces of maize stalks and flowering maize ears to
Potential of fungal antagonists for biocontrol 231
study their effect on colonisation by Fusarium spp. A similar set of antagonists has
been screened by Dawson et al. (2002a,b) for use on wheat ears during flowering
to prevent infection.
majority were isolated from straw, stubble, seed surfaces, phyllosphere or roots of
cereal crops. A few isolates were from necrotic tissues of other crops. Fifty-nine
isolates originated from The Netherlands (Plant Research International), 52 from the
United Kingdom (Bateman and Dawson, Rothamsted Research) and 24 from Italy
(Istituto Sperimentale per la Patologia Vegetale).
Pathogenic Fusarium spp. were grown on Spezieller Nährstoffarmer Agar (SNA)
(Nirenberg 1976) for 14 days at 188C with 12 h blacklight (350 nm)/day. Candidate
antagonists were grown on oatmeal agar or potato dextrose agar (PDA, Oxoid) at
188C for 14 days in the dark, except non-pathogenic Fusarium spp. which were grown
with 12 h blacklight/day. Slow-growing fungi were incubated for 28 days. Forty
candidate antagonists, belonging to Chaetomium globosum Kunze:Fries, Epicoccum
spp. and several non-pathogenic Fusarium spp., sporulated poorly on agar and were
excluded from further studies. The remaining isolates belonged to the following
species (with number of isolates tested on wheat straw/maize stubble): Acremonium
strictum Gams (1/1), Aspergillus repens de Bary (3/0), Aureobasidium pullulans (de
Bary) Arnaud (6/2), Botrytis cinerea Pers.: Fries (1/0), Chaetomium globosum (1/1),
Chaetomium sp. (0/3), Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fr.) de Vries (6/2), C. herbarum
(Pers.: Fries) Link (2/1), Clonostachys rosea (Link: Fries) Schroers, Samuels, Seifert &
W. Gams (syn. Gliocladium roseum ) (11/10), Clonostachys rosea f. catenulata (Gilman
& Abbott) Schroers (syn. G. catenulatum ) (1/0), Cryptococcus albidus (Saito) Skinner
(1/0), C. laurentii (Kufferath) Skinner (2/0), Epicoccum nigrum Link (3/3), Fusarium
aquaeductuum Lagerheim (1/0), F. equiseti (Corda) Saccardo (9/10), F. flocciferum
Corda (3/1), F. oxysporum (5/2), F. poae (Peck) Wollenweber (1/0), F. sambucinum
Fuckel (1/0), F. solani (Mar.) Sacc. (1/1), Gliocladium nigrovirens van Beyma (1/0),
Idriella bolleyi (Sprague) von Arx (9/5), Penicillium brevicompactum Dierckx (1/1),
P. commune Thom (1/1), P. echinulatum Fassatiova (1/1), P. waksmanii Zaleski (1/0),
Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (Sacc.) Bainier (1/1), Sporobolomyces sp. (1/0), Trichoderma
aureoviride Rifai (1/1), T. harzianum Rifai (3/3), T. koningii Oudemans (2/1),
T. polysporum (Link: Pers.) Rifai (1/0), T. pseudokoningii Rifai (1/1), T. strictipilis
Bissett (1/0), T. viride Pers.: Fries (9/7), Trichothecium roseum (Pers.: Fries) Link (1/1),
and Ulocladium atrum Preuss (1/0).
232 L. Luongo et al.
were washed off the maize stubble and the numbers of conidia of pathogenic Fusarium
spp. produced on maize stubble were determined microscopically. Data were
processed as described for experiments with wheat stubble.
F. p./C. rosea 1457, F. p./C. cladosporioides 761, F. p./F. equiseti 1168; F. graminearum
mcISPaVe1460/C. rosea 016, F. g ./C. rosea 1457, F. g ./C. cladosporioides 761, and
F. g./F. equiseti 1168. Stalk pieces treated with the Fusarium spp. without antagonists
served as controls. For each pathogen/antagonist combination, each of four replicate
plots was inoculated with four plastic strips of five stalk pieces. After inoculation,
strips were placed on field soil in a randomised block design with approximately 20 cm
between strips. Two experiments were carried out on an experimental farm at Tor
Mancina (Rome) from September to June in 2001 /2002 and 2002 /2003, respec-
tively. During these experiments, stalk pieces were sampled at 2-month intervals. Two
similar experiments with the antagonists C. rosea 1457 and C. cladosporioides 761 were
conducted on an experimental farm at Wageningen from December to April in 2001 /
2002 and 2002 /2003, respectively, with one sampling date at the end of the
Sampled stalk pieces were surface sterilised (30 s in a solution of ethanol (10%) and
sodium hypochlorite (8%), then rinsed for 60 s in sterile distilled water) and incubated
for 7 /10 days separately in Petri plates (20 cm diameter) containing modified PDA
(MPDA: 20 g l1 potato dextrose agar, streptomycin sulphate 160 mg l 1,
nitroaniline 6.5 mg l 1 and neomycin 60 mg l 1) at 258C. Colonies of F. verticillioides,
F. proliferatum or F. graminearum were identified based upon colony morphology and
microscopic examination of coniophores and conidia. The percentage of stalk pieces
producing colonies of the applied Fusarium species was recorded/replicate.
antagonists served as controls. After inoculation, each cob was covered again with a
polyethylene bag for 3 days. Each antagonist /pathogen combination was applied in
four replicates on 15 ears/replicate on plants located in micro-plots arranged in
randomised blocks. Ears were collected at the end of October 2001 and 2002,
respectively, and the kernels were removed from the cobs. A sample of 100 maize
seeds/replicate of each treatment was surface sterilised (30 s in a solution of ethanol
(10%) and sodium hypochlorite (8%), then rinsed for 60 s in sterile distilled water)
and incubated at 258C for 7 /10 days on MPDA plates (20 cm diameter; 25 kernels/
plate). Colonies of F. verticillioides , F. proliferatum or F. graminearum were identified
based upon colony morphology and microscopic examination of conidiophores and
conidia. The percentage of maize kernels producing colonies of the applied Fusarium
species was recorded/replicate.
During field experiments at Tor Mancina (Rome), air temperature, the soil
temperature at 5 cm of depth, rainfall and RH were recorded by a Delta-T Logger
DL2e (Delta-T Devices Ltd, Cambridge, UK) placed in the field.
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Statistical analysis
The numbers of conidia of F. culmorum or F. graminearum obtained/replicate, each
consisting of three straw pieces, were log10-transformed and analysed by analysis of
variance (ANOVA), using GENSTAT 5 version 4.1 (Genstat Committee, Algorithm
Group Inc.), with pathogen species and applications of water or candidate antagonists
as independent variables. Least significant difference (LSD)-tests (a /0.05) were
carried out for separation of means. The efficacy of the antagonists was calculated
from the back-transformed mean log10-numbers of Fusarium conidia of antagonist
and water treatments.
Percentages of stalks or ears producing colonies of Fusarium spp. were analysed
after arcsin transformation by ANOVA followed by LSD-tests (a /0.05).
Bioassays on wheat straw
The number of conidia (transformed to log10), produced by F. culmorum (807) (per
three straw pieces) in the control treatments was 6.82 averaged over all the
experiments. For F. graminearum (820), the number of conidia/three straw pieces
(transformed to log10) in the various control treatments averaged 6.24. There was
considerable variation between replicates of the various treatments, resulting in LSD
values (a /0.05) for the log10-transformed numbers for the different experiments
between 0.3 and 1.0 for comparisons between control treatments and antagonist
treatments. Results of the bio-assays for the standard isolate C. rosea 016 were very
consistent in all experiments. Sporulation of F. culmorum on C. rosea (016)-treated
straw pieces was significantly reduced by 85 /99%, and that of F. graminearum by 91 /
100% in 10 repeated experiments (Table I). In the few cases that other antagonists
were tested twice, results were also similar in repeated experiments.
Statistically significant reductions of more than 80% in sporulation of F. culmorum
or F. graminearum were found for 19 and 23 antagonists, respectively, and for 15
antagonists against both Fusarium spp., out of the 95 isolates tested. Amongst the
fungal species included in the screening, isolates of C. rosea , a few isolates of F. equiseti
Potential of fungal antagonists for biocontrol 235
Table I. Effect of isolates of C. rosea on reduction of conidial production by Fusarium culmorum (F.c.) and
F. graminearum (F.g.) on wheat straw and F. culmorum , F. graminearum , F. proliferatum (F.p.) and
F. verticillioides (F.v.) on maize stubble pieces.
Efficacy (%)a
Calculated from back-transformed numbers of conidia/CFUs produced by F. culmorum , F. graminearum ,
F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides . bStatistically significant reduction (LSD; a /0.05) of conidial numbers
(after log10-transformation) produced by F. culmorum , F. graminearum , F. proliferatum or F. verticillioides by
antagonist treatment compared to water treatment (control). cAverage (range) for 10 experiments.
and single isolates of Chaetomium globosum and Epicoccum nigrum were highly
effective (Figure 1). Isolates of non-pathogenic Fusarium spp. tended to show
moderate antagonism. Yeasts, and yeast-like Aureobasidium pullulans, as well as
common saprophytes of straw, such as Idriella bolleyi and Penicillium spp., were
identified as weak competitors against both pathogenic Fusarium spp. under the
conditions of the screening experiment. The six isolates of C. cladosporioides reduced
sporulation of F. culmorum (807) by only 20% but that of F. graminearum (820) by
80%. Isolates of T. harzianum and T. viride were weaker antagonists than C. rosea or
Fusarium spp. against both F. culmorum and F. graminearum .
Idriella bolleyi
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21 antagonists, respectively, out of the 61 isolates tested. Only one isolate, belonging
to C. rosea , reached such a control level against all four Fusarium spp. Overall,
antagonism against F. culmorum (1463) and F. graminearum (1460) tended to be
weaker than against F. proliferatum (1519) and F. verticillioides (1172) (Figure 2). The
strongest antagonists against all Fusarium spp. tested were isolates of C. rosea . Isolates
of T. viride were moderately effective against F. proliferatum and F. verticillioides but
not effective against F. culmorum (1463) or F. graminearum (1460). Isolates of
T. harzianum were most effective against F. graminearum (1460).
Correlation between antagonism against different Fusarium spp. and on different substrates
No correlations were found when the efficacies of the antagonists on wheat straw
against F. culmorum (807) or F. graminearum (820) were compared with the efficacies
of the same antagonists in the other series of experiments using maize stubble
as substrate against other isolates of F. culmorum (1463) or F. graminearum (1460)
(R2 /0.0137 for F. culmorum and R2 /0.0043 for F. graminearum ; GENSTAT
5 version 4.1). A weak correlation was found when the reduction percentages of
F. culmorum and F. graminearum were compared separately for experiments with wheat
straw or maize stubble (R2 /0.2448 for wheat straw and R2 /0.1449 for maize
stubble). However, six of the 10 isolates of C. rosea significantly (LSD-test; a /0.05)
reduced sporulation of all six isolates of pathogenic Fusarium spp. when tested on
wheat straw or on maize stubble (Table I).
Idriella bolleyi
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conducted at Tor Mancina (Rome) than in the second (2002/2003), and also
varied between sampling dates within the experiment (Figure 3). At various
sampling dates, significantly (LSD-test; a /0.05) fewer Fusarium colonies were
found for antagonist-treated pieces. Most consistent reduction of Fusarium
colonisation was found for C. rosea 016. No antagonist treatments stimulated
Fusarium . No statistically significant treatment effects on Fusarium colonisation
were found for stalk pieces exposed to field conditions at Wageningen (Figure 4),
but Fusarium colonisation tended to be less on pieces treated with C. rosea 1457 or
C. cladosporioides 761.
In our screening programme, the effects of many antagonists were inconsistent when
tested under controlled conditions on wheat or maize stubble against several
pathogenic Fusarium spp. No significant correlation was found for their efficacy on
different substrates or against the different Fusarium spp.
238 L. Luongo et al.
2001-2002 2002-2003
70 70
bc F. verticillioides
60 60 F. verticillioides
50 50
40 b 40
a a a
30 a b b b 30
aa ab ab a
a a a b a
20 a a a a 20
a a a b a
a a a
10 10 a a a a a a a
a a
a a a a a a
0 0
Percentage stalk pieces with Fusarium (%)
Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar
50 b F. proliferatum 50 F. proliferatum
45 a ab 45
40 b 40
a a
35 bbb 35
30 30 a
b b b b a
25 b a 25 a
20 ab 20 a
ab aa
15 ab ab a a 15 ab ab a b
a 10 ab a a
10 a a aa a
a a
5 5 a aa
Downloaded by [Aston University] at 15:49 09 January 2014
0 0
Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar
F. graminearum 35 F. graminearum
30 30
25 a 25
bc aaa b
20 b 20
15 15
10 10
a a
5 a
5 a
0 0
Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar
80 2001-2002
F. v. F. p. F. g.
80 a 2002-2003
Downloaded by [Aston University] at 15:49 09 January 2014
40 a
a a
30 a
20 a
10 a a
F. v. F. p. F. g.
Clonostachys rosea (1457) I
Cladosporium cladosporioides (761) NL
colonisation was expected at the beginning of the study. However, results obtained in
the various bio-assays were not consistent among the different pathogenic Fusarium
spp. tested and on tissues of wheat or maize. Ulocladium atrum 385, an antagonist
specifically selected for competitive substrate colonisation to outcompete Botrytis spp.
by nutrient competition during colonisation of necrotic host tissues (Köhl et al. 2003),
did not suppress Fusarium spp. on wheat straw. Evidently, Fusarium spp. are able to
utilise cereal residues better than U. atrum, which was originally isolated from a
necrotic onion leaf. Surprisingly, isolates of T. harzianum and T. viride had only
moderate effects on sporulation of Fusarium spp., and results against the various
Fusarium spp. varied on maize stubble. Isolates of Trichoderma spp. are antagonistic
against a broad range of pathogens, including F. pseudograminearum on wheat
straw (Wong 2002). However, reports on antagonism of Trichodema spp. against
Fusarium spp. are relatively rare. Although closely related to Trichoderma , isolates of
Clonostachys spp., especially of C. rosea , were consistently found to be superior
antagonists, suppressing sporulation of the four pathogenic Fusarium spp. included in
the study regardless of host tissue.
240 L. Luongo et al.
90 2001
70 cc
bc b
40 aa
30 aa
a c
Percentage kernels with Fusarium (%)
20 bc
10 a
a a
F. v. F. p. F. g.
Downloaded by [Aston University] at 15:49 09 January 2014
bc bc
80 c
bc b
60 a
F. v. F. p. F. g.
Clonostachys rosea (016) NL
Clonostachys rosea (1457) I
Cladosporium cladosporioides (761) NL
Fusarium equiseti (1168) I
months later, e.g., the percentage stalk pieces colonised by F. proliferatum was
significantly reduced from 35% in the control treatment to below 5% for stalk pieces
treated with C. rosea 016 (experiment 2001 /2002 in Rome). However, the effect of
the antagonists was not consistent among the different experiments or sampling dates
within experiments. This may be due to the differential effect of micro-climatic
conditions on the antagonistic /pathogen interaction. More knowledge on the
ecological demands of the antagonists is necessary for further exploitation. Improved
methods for quantification of Fusarium mycelium present in the host tissue, e.g., by
real-time PCR (Waalwjik et al. 2004), could be used in detailed studies on substrate
colonisation under field conditions. Such experiments should also include treatments
of host tissues already colonised by pathogenic Fusarium spp. since they are able to
infect and colonise host tissue before it senesces. C. rosea has been described as an
endophyte of various plants (Sutton et al. 1997). The possible endophytic colonisation
of maize and wheat tissues by C. rosea isolates found antagonistic against Fusarium
spp. should be investigated. Such an early colonisation of host tissue may favour the
antagonist during competitive colonisation of the tissue during senescence.
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This study was financed by the European Commission (QLK1-1999-00996,
ControlMycotoxFood), and the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management,
and Fisheries.
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