Codex of The Beastlands

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Codex of the

Infinite Planes
Volume XVI:
Wilderness of the

The Essential Guide to the Planes of Existence

Codex of the
Infinite Planes
The Essential Guide to the Planes of Existence
Volume XVI:
Wilderness of the
Written & Designed by “Weird Dave” Coulson

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Volume XVI: Wilderness While beasts are the dominant inhabitants of the
Beastlands, other creatures move about as well. Many
of the Beastlands tribes of centaurs call the plane their home, and a great
number of lycanthropes of all types move amidst the three
“The Beastlands is a savage plane where ferocity and forested layers. The lycanthropes are accompanied by
cunning stalk through endless forests. Here, everything humanoids with lesser bestial abilities known as shifters.
feeds on something else, aggressively, and the rule of These shifters and lycanthropes form a loosely organized
might makes right is the only rule to rely upon. It is often group called the Wylders that offer some of the only
compared to Arborea, and the two planes share similar civilized places in the Beastlands – though the standards
traits regarding the power of nature. Where Arborea fall into the rustic or quaint categories when compared to
showcases nature in an abundance of life and glory, major planar cities.
the Beastlands depict nature stripped of all pretenses Many powerful variants of normally encountered
of civilization and order, where the savage hunter kills creatures also move through the plane’s three distinct
mercilessly to survive. Good and evil have little place is layers. More intelligent than even their planar kin, these
the savage wilderness where the cycle of life, death, and beasts possess magic and skills allowing them to thrive
rebirth is honored by all living creatures, consciously or in the savage wilderness. Whisperpads, nightprowlers,
not.” grizzlepaws, sunspears, and more can be encountered in
Malakara the Warden the Beastlands though potential travelers are warned that
they rarely welcome guests in their lands.
There is no plane in the multiverse that better embodies The Beastlands offers a bountiful plane of natural
the savage and unpredictable aspects of nature than the wonder and beauty that cannot be rivaled across the
Wilderness of the Beastlands. Endless tracts of forests multiverse. Primal magic stirs in the shadows of the
stretch out across all three of its layers, where cycles of the endless forests, stirred up occasionally by chance or
day are frozen in their paths – brilliant day, eternal dusk (or luck. The animal lords and beast councils protect their
dawn depending on your belief), and endless night. realms with fervent zealousness as well, though few are
Forests of all kind grow rampant and enormous on all considered evil by traditional standards. Trust is hard to
three layers along with all types of plants, though few come by, however, when creatures have to constantly be
places in all the multiverse rival the perpetual power wary for the bigger or stronger predator at all times.
of the sun on the Beastlands first layer, Krigala. There,
supercharged by the powerful and never-ending sun
overhead, plants have taken on titanic proportions. Lay of the Land
The second and third layers are overgrown with thick
vegetation as well, though not quite to the scale of Krigala. The layers of the Beastlands are specially designed to
And beneath these endless forests stalk a dizzying allow predators and prey of the animal kingdom to thrive.
array of beasts of all kinds. Predator and prey move in This mean that there’s an abundance of vegetation, often
the eternal dance of life and death. All beasts understand in titanic proportions, to allow herbivorous beasts to graze
this cycle instinctively – there is no evil in the wolf taking and grow huge. By the same token, predators must also
down a deer for the good of the pack. This bestial nature be larger and craftier. This circle of existence is repeated
is common with most beasts, but on the Beastlands the without end on all three of the Beastlands’ layers.
creatures are more intelligent and most possess the gift
of speech (speaking a variant of the Celestial language). Krigala
Whether they speak with strangers is quite another matter. The brilliant sun hangs in the sky over Krigala, the first
Beasts are the undisputed rulers of the Beastlands, layer. It never sets or wanes from its position, and this
but there is nuance there that many do not realize. Every oversaturation of sunlight creates the most fantastically
type of creature obeys the edicts of a special Council huge plants in the plane. The River Oceanus flows through
of Beasts unique to that type of animal. Each council Krigala as well, though no tributaries branch off as the
consists of thirteen exceptionally intelligent and powerful waters make their way across the multiverse.
representatives of their species – the Council of Panthers Lakes, pools, and streams crisscross the region which
rules over all panthers across the multiverse, while the is dominated by forests of all kind. The weather is violent
Council of Rats commands the rats. These powerful and random in Krigala, with rainforests standing next to
groups have motives, schemes, and plans all their own, tracts of deserts filled with cacti of enormous proportions.
many of which involve their representatives on the Material Mountains covered with evergreen trees rise up, creating
Plane and beyond. fertile valleys where no non-beast has visited.
Above the beast councils are the powerful animal lords. The beasts of Krigala are those that thrive in daylight,
These are unique creatures with many capabilities that including hawks, bears, stags, lions, and more. A large
rival demon lords and devil princes. Like the councils, herd of centaurs lay claim to a stretch of wilderness known
they have their own schemes, which may coincide with as the Greenway, and the Wylder frontier town of Signpost
their “lower beasts” but often do not. Animal lords are sits as the plane’s most civilized point.
dangerous, canny, and strategic in their actions, and their
realms on the Beastlands harbor secrets and dangers to
tempt any planar explorer.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

The sun and moon hang at opposite ends of the sky above
Getting There
Brux, creating a perpetual cloak of twilight across its Naturally occurring portals and gates to the Beastlands
shadowed forests. Debate rages over whether dawn or are common in the oldest forests of the Material Plane.
dusk is forever frozen, but regardless the moon and sun Many of these are known to ancient guardians of the
never rise or set further in the layer frozen at the perfect forest, animals that can trace their lineage back to the
“hunting hour.” Beastlands itself. Most of these portals lead to Krigala and
The forests of Brux are filled with exotic plants with are activated by the presence of specific animal types only.
enormous leaves grown to absorb the dim light of the The River Oceanus, which flows through many of the
sun as much as possible. Groves of moonflowers tilted Upper Planes as the bright twin to the River Styx, cuts
towards the suspended moon are a common sight as through Krigala as well. River travel is pretty regular
well, but even these are larger than their normal Material through the Beastlands, and the Wylders keep several
Plane counterparts. Beneath all of this moves the stealthy trading posts active along the Oceanus river banks to swap
creatures of the Beastlands – snakes, ravens, rats, and stories and goods with travelers.
others occupy the twilight-shrouded expanses. Many gates exist between the layers as well, usually
Brux also holds Blackstone Lodge, the centerpiece of within the remnants of fallen trees. The amount of light
the Glorious Lodge. This thoroughly selfish and depraved on the tree’s trunk can give an indication of which layer
group are only interested in hunting the creatures of the it leads – brightly lit gates (whether by sun or moon) lead
Beastlands to extinction for their own vain glory, or the to Krigala, partially lit ones send a traveler to Brux, and
glory of their many planar clients. They are reviled by all the darkest ones go straight to Karasuthra. Many animals
beasts of the plane but magic keeps most of them out of a move naturally between the three layers in search of prey
wide radius around Blackstone Lodge. or food though they always manage to make their way back
to their home layer.
Endless night sits like a blanket over the dark forests of
Karasuthra, the Beastlands’ third layer. The sky overhead
is lit by a heavy moon shedding pale radiance along with
a multitude of stars. Unlike Material Plane night skies,
Traveling Around
however, the stars above Karasuthra move and shift of Wilderness is the prime deterrent to any sort of travel
their own accord. No one is really sure what the stars are, throughout the Beastlands. Forests, meadows, hills, and
though some theories say they are animal lords yet to be valleys tend to start to look the same the longer a traveler
reformed into physical bodies. stays on the plane, but the cardinal directions still function
The darkness of the layer creates a perfect environment by some quirk of planar geography. Animal trails crisscross
for panthers, owls, cats, and other nocturnal creatures. all layers, though these can shift and change over the
Dark trees stand in thick groves, obscuring the moonlight course of days or weeks.
and creating ample opportunity for stalking predators to There is a sect of Wylders that offer their services as
hunt wary prey. Danger and death lurks everywhere on guides to visitors. Known as trailfinders, these hearty
Karasuthra so few non-animals call it home. rangers know many secret paths throughout each layer
The exception are the Unicorn Knights, warriors and and can often provide maps to well-documented locations.
defenders who follow the call of a great unicorn spirit that Some of these trailfinders delight in tricking gullible
dwells in a luminous moonlit grove. These noble souls travelers, leading them into dangerous situations for a
travel across the multiverse, righting wrongs and fighting laugh. If you come to the Beastlands with evil in your heart
evil in the name of their powerful spirit leader. and a wish to defile nature, the trailfinders definitely make
sure you have a hard time.
Cycle of Time
Each of the three layers of the Beastlands are frozen at
a point in time – high noon for Krigala, dusk/dawn for The Powerful and Mighty
Brux, and midnight for Karasuthra. There is no constant
measurement of time on any of the layers, as the weather Kings and queens of animals and beasts rule over many
is unpredictable and the moon and sun never move, but regions of the Beastlands, but usually these powerful
time otherwise does flow normally. beings are one with the natural beauty of the plane.
Animal lords – mysterious and capricious beings on par
with demon lords and devil princes – keep a watchful
Surviving eye on their domains, while the various beast councils
The Beastlands are dangerous because of their endless work towards the betterment of their animal type. Other
tracts of forested land, wild and unpredictable weather organizations usually try to stay out of the way of these two
patterns, and multitude of stealthy predators that have potent forces.
perfected the art of hunting. These factors make travel
through the Beastlands a risky maneuver, but there is no
pervasive natural element that threatens life and limb for

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Animal Lords Rhirius the Bear. Strength and the power that comes
from possessing it is all that matters to Rhirius, the bear
There are great primal powers that lurk in the Wilderness
lord. Dwelling within Great Bear Mountain, Krigala’s
of the Beastlands. Unique, capricious, and unpredictable,
tallest peak, Rhirius only recently ascended to the status of
these animal lords are masters of vast domains across
bear lord, following the disappearance of Rhekenar from
the plane, with minions and servants placed in cunning
the Beastlands. The loss does not bother Rhirius except
and strategic locations. Their exact nature is not precisely
the gnawing fear that Rhekenar might some day return,
known. Perhaps they are the spiritual manifestation of a
as the former bear lord was stronger and more cunning
specific animal type, savage perfection personified, though
than Rhirius. Most do not believe the younger animal lord
there are known to be multiple animal lords of a single
capable of the kind of coup that would remove Rhekenar
type (there are multiple cat lords, for example, and at least
from power, so theories point to an outside force that
two rat lords).
manipulated the situation within Great Bear Mountain.
They are all canny shapeshifters as well, able to shift
effortlessly from animal to humanoid to hybrid, switching
Satassis the Snake. Moving silently through the twilit
genders as it pleases them or as it suits their needs. Listed
region called the Jungle of Slithers is Satassis, the snake
below are the most influential or visible of the animal
lord, along with a swarm of seen and unseen vipers and
lords of the Beastlands, each with their own realms and
snakes of all kinds. Satassis is an exceptionally charming
schemes that can certainly extend far beyond the borders
animal lord, capable of convincing almost anyone of
of their own plane. Certain individuals are drawn to these
almost anything with its hypnotic voice, eyes, and powerful
powerful entities, pledging their fealty in exchange for
charming magic. Through spies and pawns across the
magical prowess; these warlocks are tools to be used by
multiverse, Satassis is also one of the busiest animal lords
the animal lords as they see fit.
of the Beastlands with countless plots spinning at any
given time.
Aaru the Owl. The most feared of the owl animal lords,
Aaru dwells in a massive hollow tree called the House of
Vadon the Hawk. Proud, agile, and defiant, Vadon the
Owl beneath Karasuthra’s eternal night. Those that seek
hawk lord is a symbol of nature’s righteousness and pride.
the wisdom of Aaru must navigate the maze within the
The Sunscream Spire stands alone on Krigala, allowing
tree, filled with dangerous traps and monsters of all kinds.
Vadon and their bird minions to survey the plane for miles
The great owl lord dwells at the top, always in the form a
upon miles in every direction. Ever alert and always ready
huge, weathered owl with thick gray feathers and piercing
to strike, Vadon often lets its pride get in the way of good
yellow eyes. It is said Aaru speaks all languages and can
judgement, which may some day be the animal lord’s
decipher any script as well.
Batris the Elk. Batris is a powerful elk that bounds
Zutris the Panther. The Midnight Plateau on
through the sunlit layer of Krigala without a care in the
Karasuthra is the forested realm of Zutris and a pack of
world. This animal lord is one of the few with no definitive
cunning panthers. Unlike many of the other animal lords,
claim to a domain, though a stampeding herd of elk
Zutris takes an active role in the Council of Panthers,
accompanies the animal lord on many of its travels. Batris
leading them in their decisions and running meetings
spends most of its time as an elk, wild and free, and the
when they occur. The panther lord’s control over the
warlocks and other mortal servants that follow the animal
Midnight Plateau is complete, though some malcontents
lord’s ways tend to be nomadic and carefree.
whisper behind Zutris’ back and plot quietly to overthrow
the complacent lord. When they move they may be
Eerin the Rat. The twilight layer of Brux hides the
surprised to find Zutris is not as oblivious as they believe.
shadowy movements of the minions of Eerin the rat lord,
one of the oldest animal lords and the only known blind
one. Thousands upon thousands of the creatures spread Beast Councils
out in all directions, keeping an eye on the movements of
other animal lords, the beast councils, and especially any Most inhabitants of the Material Plane are not aware that
strangers in the Beastlands. Secrets are whispered back to there is a secret council of beasts that rules the actions and
Eerin’s ears deep in an underground lair called the Maze activities of animals across their plane. Squirrels, wolves,
of the Blind Rat. Eerin enjoys taking the form of a blind deer, bears, and every other animal obeys the commands
hermit, both within the maze and while traveling abroad. of a specific beast council located in the Beastlands. Each
council contains thirteen animals of high intelligence with
Lyanh the Cat. Lyanh is the most well-known of the cat the ability to communicate across the planes to their fellow
lords of the Beastlands, and perhaps the most curious of beasts on the Material Plane.
them all. The home of this famously capricious animal lord Given that there is only one council for each type of
is a region of Karasuthra called Cat’s Breath – a stretch beast, their attention is naturally focused on only so many
of thick forest blanketed entirely by dense fog. Strangers Material Plane plots and schemes. Most animals have no
are blind in the mist, but Lyanh and other felines can see knowledge of the secret councils and most never hear or
perfectly, allowing them to observe at their leisure. Lyanh’s see them in their lifetimes. But each beast council keeps
mortal servants are ever-watchful across the planes. a magical scrying eye on the activities of their fellows, and
while the Material Plane is the focus they usually have no
qualms about involving other planes if necessary.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

The members of each beast council are chosen by the main centaur groups and now keeps to themselves
hidden lottery, which some claim is divine, but unless they on the fringes of the Greenway, practicing a foul magic
are killed by violence each is effectively immortal. When summoned from the depths of the Abyss itself.
they gather together, the thirteen council members can
muster great magical might to effect their plans across the
planes. They usually use them to watch from a distance Unicorn Knights
and direct their fellows towards actions, but occasionally Most of the creatures of the Beastlands are animals –
a council member is sent directly from the Beastlands to more intelligent, more aware, perhaps larger or more
coordinate efforts directly. aggressive, but otherwise similar to the variety found
There is at least one documented case of the Council on most Material Plane worlds. Some exceptions exist,
of Rats moving to take over an entire city on the Material and one of the primary are the unicorns. These majestic,
Plane using legions upon legions of rats, but their efforts celestial beings are found natively in the Beastlands,
were eventually thwarted by the intervention of outsiders. though they rarely gather in any large numbers, and can be
The Council of Rats is always looking to expand their found moving between all three of the plane’s layers. Their
territory, and many beast councils look upon humanoids as mere presence has inspired a loose-knit band of warriors,
pests that must be eradicated for them to claim their true rangers, and hunters called the Unicorn Knights.
position in the multiverse. Honoring the benevolence and stewardship of their
namesake, Unicorn Knights start off as individuals from
across the multiverse that experience the life-changing
Glorious Conclave beauty and wonder of encountering a unicorn. For these
Not everyone that gazes upon the splendor of the people, the meeting draws them to the Beastlands and
Beastlands sees beauty and wonder. There are those that eventually to the Grove of the Unicorn on Karasuthra.
see only a land and creatures to be exploited, however. There, beneath the ever-present full moon in the sky and
Such are the members of the Glorious Conclave. These thousands of twinkling moving stars, those that come with
rangers, warriors, wizards, warlocks, and more are goodness in their hearts are visited by the unicorn spirit.
dedicated to hunting down the powerful and unique Unicorn Knights have no formal organization structure
creatures of the Beastlands for personal glory and profit. and they are led by no individual. Members are encouraged
There are a great number of decadent nobles across the to fight for the good of all goodly people wherever their
multiverse that pay great sums of gold and magic for a rare travels may take them. They share a special kinship with
trophy to show off. celestial creatures, as their goals often align, but otherwise
The Glorious Conclave is happy to oblige these requests, the Unicorn Knights have no mandate beyond helping out
but at its core the Conclave is dedicated to exterminating whenever and wherever they can.
as many creatures of the Beastlands as possible. They
have established Blackstone Lodge, a permanent base,
on Brux, and use powerful sorcery to deter the elements Wylders
of the plane from affecting it. The leaders of the Glorious The most numerous of the non-animal natives of the
Conclave are mysterious and direct things from off the Beastlands are the disparate bands of lycanthropes and
plane, so the lodge captains have great leeway in how they their kin known as Wylders. They live in harmony with the
conduct their business. Lodge Captain Hazaa al’Zuraa, an primal wilderness of the plane, hunting and being hunted
efreeti ranger, runs Blackstone with an iron fist and often in the trackless forests of all three layers according to the
leads hunts himself. ways of the beasts. Lycanthropes of all kind can be found
in the Beastlands, though many prefer the permanent
moonscapes of Karasuthra or twilit regions of Brux to the
Tribes of the Greenway everlasting noon of Krigala.
Centaurs are a proud race that run in tribes along a great Many of the Wylders are not true lycanthropes but
stretch of wilderness known as the Greenway. They are distant relations instead, an offshoot known as shifters.
one of the few non-animal natives of the Beastlands and These humanoids appear as feral humans though they
they share a special kinship with the forests and wilds can manifest animalistic features under stress. Shifters
of their planar home. Nonetheless, they are part of the outnumber the lycanthropes within the Wylders by ten
ecosystem, and they hunt and in turn are hunted by many to one, and a small number of other races can be found
of the creatures of the Beastlands. among their ranks as well.
There are more than two dozen tribes that run through Wylders operate a handful of permanent settlements in
the Greenway, nomadic and free, moving beneath the the Beastlands. Signpost is the largest and best known,
eternal sunshine of Krigala. Each tribe is named for a located on the banks of the River Oceanus on Krigala,
momentous event in their past, such as the White Storm but they have a few others scattered throughout Brux and
Tribe named after a torrential thunderstorm that split a Karasuthra as well. The Wylders are violently opposed
previous tribe in two with jagged lightning and flashfloods. to the Glorious Conclave and the two have clashed on
The dominant tribe of centaurs is the Sunstone Tribe, numerous occasions. The lack of any organization within
with many members that worship Krigala’s sun as a the Wylders has kept focused counterattacks against the
god and receive power from their prayers. Other tribes poachers to a minimum, and the Conclave members have
include the Scorched Hooves Tribe (berserkers) and the kept information on tactics of their enemies in order to
Hawk Run Tribe. The Blackwind Tribe have fallen from prepare hunts effectively.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Creatures & Denizens
Creatures of all kinds can be found in the Beastlands. Medium undead, unaligned
Many of these appear as normal versions of commonly
encountered animals, though more intelligent and with the Armor Class 14
ability to speak a form of Celestial. There are some unique Hit Points 60 (8d8+24)
creatures as well that travelers can encounter, many of Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover)
which are hostile as a predator is hostile to prey in the
8 (-1) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 9 (-1)

Native Beasts Skills Perception +5, Survival +5

Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
The beasts that dwell in the Beastlands are more bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
intelligent than regular variety. Creatures of the beast type that aren’t silvered
that are native to the Beastlands have Intelligence and Damage Immunities necrotic, poisoned
Wisdom scores of 10, if they are normally lower, and they Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed,
speak and understand the Celestial language. petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages understands Celestial but cannot speak
Beastwraith Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

In the Beastlands, creatures that die outside the natural Incorporeal Movement. The beastwraith can move through
cycle of predator and prey sometimes rise up as ghostly other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It
apparitions known as beastwraiths. These spectral takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
creatures are haunted, tortured remnants of their former
Mark Prey (1/Day). As a bonus action, the beastwraith can
selves, bound to the physical world by a consuming need
mark any creature it can see as its prey. The beastwraith has
to hunt those responsible for their untimely deaths.
truesight out to 60 feet against its marked prey only, and it
Beastwraiths are rarely afforded such opportunities, but inflicts an extra 14 (4d6) damage once per round when it hits
they stalk the wilderness of the planes forever. with a melee attack against its marked prey. The beastwraith
A beastwraith usually appears as a ghostly version of has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track its
its former self, though emaciated and incorporeal, with a marked prey. The mark ends when the target dies or after 24
feral glean in their hollow eyes. They never prey on beasts, hours have passed.
focusing instead on humanoids above all others.
Pack of the Damned. Many beastwraiths are drawn Actions
to one another, regardless of their original species. In
Spectral Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
the Beastlands one group called the Pack of the Damned creature. Hit: 18 (4d6+4) necrotic damage.
calls out to other lost beast souls, urging them to join in
their hunt for justice. They travel all three layers of the Chilling Roar (Recharge 5-6). Living creatures within 30 feet
Beastlands, moving silently and nearly invisibly, stalking of the beastwraith must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving
any humanoid they find. The centaurs of the Greenway throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. Targets that fail can repeat
recognize the signs of their approach and move to avoid the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
them, but over the years many of them have fallen prey to effect on itself on a success.
the beastwraiths of the pack.
Since they are responsible for creating many of the Pack
of the Damned, members of the Glorious Conclave are
special targets for the horde of beastwraiths. Areas such
as Blackstone Lodge are warded against the incursions of
such attacks, but many Glorious Conclave hunters know
better than to stand and fight against the pack out in the

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Also known as smoke snakes, darkstrikers are dangerous Large beast, any alignment
predators that slither through the twilight-filled landscape
of Brux seeking prey to devour. They are clever hunters, Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
keeping to their transparent smoky form as they hunt Hit Points 90 (12d10+24)
down other beasts or intruders. Though capable of speech Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft.
like all the beasts of the Beastlands, darkstrikers have little
to say to outsiders and prefer to attack first to deal a lethal
15 (+2) 22 (+6) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
blow rather than chat.
Cruel Hunters. Darkstrikers are vicious beasts that Skills Perception +6, Stealth +6
delight in chasing down a target through the forests and Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
jungles of Brux. They are predators of the highest orders Languages Celestial
with a powerful bite and a smoky form that lets them sneak Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
up and sneak out without being detected. Occasionally,
a darkstriker may taunt its target, but usually this is only
when the victim has proven a boring sport and the smoke Keen Senses. The darkstriker has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that involve smell or hearing.
snake must do something to liven up the situation for all
Smoke Form. As a bonus action on its turn, the darkstriker can
Unwilling Agents of Satassis. The Jungle of Slithers on
transform its physical body into a thin smoky tendril. While
Brux is the realm of Satassis, the animal lord of snakes, in this form, the darkstriker has a flying speed of 30 feet,
and the darkstrikers are the favored agents of this busy yet resistance to all damage, and advantage on Strength, Dexterity,
deceptively charming denizen. For their part, darkstrikers and Constitution saving throws. In dim light, the darkstriker in
are not stupidly loyal followers, and they always demand smoke form is invisible. The creature can pass through small
something from Satassis before agreeing to any mission or holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks, though it treats
function. The preferred gift is a bipedal creature capable liquids as though they were solid surfaces.
of running and thinking in order to give the darkstriker While in this form, the darkstriker can’t talk or make any
a challenge, but they are also known to covet black attacks. It can drop the smoke form and resume its normal
gemstones. physical form at any time on its turn.

Sneak Attack. Once per turn, the darkstriker deals an extra 27

(6d8) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and
has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within
5 feet of any ally that isn’t incapacitated and the darkstriker
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.

Multiattack. The darkstriker makes two bite attacks.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.

Hit: 11 (1d10+6) piercing damage.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Gaspar are massive herd animals that wander the Huge beast, any alignment
grasslands and light forests of the Beastlands, specifically
in sun-filled layer of Krigala. They are proud creatures that Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
often run with the herds of Batris the elk lord, but even the Hit Points 105 (10d12+40)
animal lord is wary of the gaspar’s ability to rip holes in the Speed 60 ft.
multiverse to send foes hurtling across the planes. Male
and female gaspar have magnificent racks of gleaming
22 (+6) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
horns – male horns are gold while female horns are silver.
Reddish fur covers their thick, muscled bodies and their Skills Perception +4
hooves are capable of pounding foe and ground alike. Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
Antlers of Planar Power. Gaspar are hunted by ruthless nonmagical weapons
individuals seeking their horns, which possess powerful Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
planar transportation abilities even after the creature is Languages Celestial
dead. The creature’s sheer size, strength, and defensive Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
ability makes taking one of the beasts down a difficult
prowess for all but the canniest of hunters. The elk lord Charge. If the gaspar moves at least 20 feet straight toward a
Batris holds a special grudge for any hunter that kills a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the
gaspar only for its horns. target takes an extra 27 (6d8) slashing damage. If the target is a
Migration Movements. As a herd animal, gaspar travel creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or
in regular migration patterns across the landscape of be knocked prone.
Krigala. With no definite seasonal change, however, the
timing of the migration is difficult for outsiders to predict. Magic Resistance. The gaspar has advantage on saving throws
Sometimes, a gaspar herd remains in a region for months against spells and magical effects.
at a time, while other times they are constantly on the
move in search of other lands. Planar scholars believe they Actions
are in tune to the natural needs of the Beastlands, and
their migration patterns are dictated by the desires of the Multiattack. The gaspar makes two attacks, one with its hooves
and one with its gore.
plane itself rather than self-preservation. The land in the
wake of a gaspar herd is trampled and torn, but from such
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
soil disruption new plant life emerges almost immediately.
Hit: 15 (2d8+6) slashing damage.

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one

target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) bludgeoning damage.

Planar Rip (1/Day). The gaspar uses it horns to rip a temporary

hole in the multiverse. Creatures within 20 feet of the gaspar
must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be pulled
into the hole and sent to a random plane. Choose a plane or
roll randomly on the Astral Color Pools table in the Dungeon
Master’s Guide to determine the destination. All of the
creatures that fail the saving throw are transported to the same

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Bears are one of the toughest, most formidable Huge beast, any alignment
creatures of the wilderness, pound for pound. They have
thick muscles, sharp claws, and powerful jaws. In the Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Beastlands, the oldest and most feared bears are the Hit Points 184 (16d12+80)
grizzlepaws. These ancient creatures have seen multiple Speed 40 ft., swim 30 ft.
lifetimes of hunting and living, and that experience has
made them canny opponents on par with some of the
26 (+8) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 7 (-2)
greatest warriors of the Material Plane. Their hides are
crisscrossed with so many scars they have developed thick Saving Throws Str +12, Con +9, Wis +6
callouses stronger than most armor, and they have grown Skills Perception +6
to truly enormous size. Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
Aged Wisdom. Grizzlepaws are not just renown for Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 16
being ferocious and capable warriors. Their great age Languages Celestial
has given them expanded wisdom that only comes from Challenge 12 (5,900 XP)
years of experience. A grizzlepaw has walked the land for
countless years and knows the ways of the wilderness
Keen Smell. The grizzlepaw has advantage on Wisdom
better than most, though its knowledge is more practical (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
than academic. Rarely, a grizzlepaw takes on an apprentice
bear, teaching them what they know, grooming them to Indomitable (3/Day). The grizzlepaw can reroll a failed saving
join the revered ranks of the most powerful of bears in the throw.
Grizzled Guardians of Great Bear Mountain. The first
grizzlepaws emerged as the elite warriors of the bear lord
who rules from Great Bear Mountain on Krigala. Blessed Multiattack. The grizzlepaw makes three attacks: one with its
with powerful fighting skills and an indomitable spirit, bite and two with its claws.
these capable creatures defended the home of their lord
against outside incursion on countless occasions. The bear Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
lord blessed them and granted them immortality so that Hit: 34 (4d12+8) piercing damage.
they could continue their service to Great Bear Mountain
for as long as they were able. They are known now as the Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Grizzled Guardians and they serve whomever sits as bear target. Hit: 19 (2d10+8) slashing damage. The grizzlepaw can
lord within the complex of caves below their mountain choose one of the following effects to occur on the target:
Disarm. The target must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw
or drop an item it is holding. The object lands 1d6 x 5 feet away
in a random direction.
Distract. The next attack roll against the target by an attacker
other than the grizzlepaw has advantage if the attack is made
before the start of the grizzlepaw’s next turn.
Menace. The target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving
throw or be frightened until the end of the grizzlepaw’s next
Push. The target must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw
or be pushed up to 15 feet away from the grizzlepaw.
Trip. The target must make a DC 17 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Nightprowlers are sleek panthers that move effortlessly Large beast, any alignment
through undergrowth, blending seamlessly into shadows.
They are as large as horses with jet black fur, thick Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
muscles, and luminous eyes that never seem to betray Hit Points 75 (10d10+20)
their presence in the never-ending night of Karasuthra, the Speed 50 ft., climb 30 ft., swim 30 ft.
third layer of the Beastlands. Nightprowlers hunt the prey
that suits their mood and few creatures can withstand the
19 (+4) 24 (+7) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0)
sudden ferocity of a pouncing nightprowler as it hits, runs,
and then hits again. Saving Throws Dex +10, Wis +5
Best of the Best. The Midnight Plateau is the Skills Perception +5, Stealth +10
undisputed territory of Zutris, the panther lord, and the Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
potent being uses nightprowlers as an elite force. None of Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
the other panthers of the plateau know exactly how many Languages Celestial
nightprowlers Zutris commands, as they come and go as Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
silently as a gentle breeze, but there are enough of them
to keep Zutris’ rivals from growing too bold. More than Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the nightprowler can use a
one plot against the seemingly lazy panther lord has been bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
thwarted silently by a nightprowler team, striking suddenly
and disappearing as quickly. Evasion. If the nightprowler is subjected to an effect that allows
One in particular serves as Zutris’ personal spy, it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it
bodyguard, and mate. Kaori is a nightprowler with two instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and
wicked scars crossing her face in an X pattern, but it’s only half damage if it fails.
a mark that brings no shame. She has served Zutris
loyally for many years, and while the two bicker and argue Keen Smell. The nightprowler has advantage on Wisdom
constantly in public, they are true companions that would (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
never want to see the other hurt. For her part, Kaori has
put down multiple coups and keeps her own network of Pounce. If the nightprowler moves at least 20 feet straight
spies across the multiverse active, feeding the information toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the
same turn, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
to Zutris on a regular basis and keeping a feline eye on the
saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the
Midnight Plateau.
nightprowler can make one bite attack against it as a bonus
Compelled to Hunt. Nightprowlers are consummate
hunters, and they never remain idle for very long. Their
massive size requires a heavy diet, but more than that they Actions
are obsessed with the hunt. Not all nightprowlers hunt for
the kill, but all enjoy the chase. Several bands of travelers Multiattack. The nightprowler makes three attacks: one with its
into Karasuthra have been stalked by a nightprowler bite and two with its claws.
without even realizing it, watched from a distance as a
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
sort of test to see what they would do. Many poachers in
Hit: 16 (2d8+7) piercing damage.
the service of the Glorious Conclave have fallen victim to a
nightprowler they never knew were there as well.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 12 (1d10+7) slashing damage.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Also known as golden hawks, sunspears are large avian Medium beast, any alignment
hunters that soar through the air of Krigala, the sun-
drenched layer of the Beastlands. Red, orange, and white Armor Class 15
feathers adorn their bodies in wild patterns, and it is said Hit Points 44 (8d8+8)
no two sunspears have identical markings. Their eyes Speed 10 ft., fly 90 ft.
are large black orbs, catching every detail and piercing
through magical veils with ease, and their powerful wings
12 (+1) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2)
can propel them swiftly through the air to catch targets.
Birds of a Feather. Sunspears are proud birds that Skills Perception +5
gather and hunt in large flocks. While no two sunspears Damage Immunities fire
have the same markings, families tend to have similar Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
styles, often with elaborate patterns that defy natural order. Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 15
A sunspear flock usually occupies the top-most sections of Languages Celestial
the tallest trees in a region, and they fight other sunspears Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
and hawks over the exact boundaries of their territory.
Such tussles are usually bloodless but occasionally an Keen Sight. The sunspear has advantage on Wisdom
over-aggressive sunspear kills their opponent. Flocks of (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
sunspear never forgive such slights.
Feuding Flocks of Sunscream Spire. Vadon the hawk Actions
lord relies upon a strong network of sunspear flocks
around Sunscream Spire to protect the region from Multiattack. The sunspear makes two attacks: one with its beak
invaders. Each flock is independent of Vadon, however, and one with its claws.
and many hold onto grudges against the hawk lord and
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
its retinue of personal soldiers that date back centuries.
Hit: 9 (1d8+5) piercing damage.
Sunscream Spire hosts many lords and ladies of the
powerful flocks for receptions and dinners, and Vadon is
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
usually careful not to disrupt the careful balance of power Hit: 12 (2d6+5) slashing damage.
that exists around the towering structure.
Sun Streak (Recharge 5-6). The sunspear chooses an
unoccupied 5-foot square it can see within 60 feet not
blocked by any physical barrier. It appears in that square, and
any creature caught in a line between its original location and
the chosen square must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
throw, suffering 28 (8d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as
much on a success.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Tricktails are sleek rats that run through the undergrowth Small beast, any alignment
of Brux and Karasuthra like silent tricksters. They are
mischievous masters of illusory magic, able to disappear Armor Class 16
and create images from nothing in order to fool predators Hit Points 36 (8d6+8)
and the foolish they come across. Their regular form Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
appears much like a rat, with glossy gray, black, or white
fur and unusually large red eyes. The creature’s tail is long,
7 (-2) 23 (+6) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 11 (+0) 8 (-1)
thin, and usually moving of its own accord.
Vengeful Tricksters. Tricktails enjoy using their illusion Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +3, Stealth +9
powers to play practical jokes and pranks on creatures Damage Immunities psychic
they come across. These are usually harmless involving Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
humiliating their target, but woe befalls the one who Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
angers a tricktail and lets it escape. The tricks can turn Languages Celestial, Common, and any three others
violent quickly, and a tricktail is famously patient. It can Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
wait for an offender to fall asleep and then torture it using
its dream spell, and when the target awakes the rat’s Illusion Immunity. The tricktail automatically sees through any
illusion magic helps reinforce the tortured scenes in the illusion spell of 6th-level or lower.
waking world.
Eyes of the Blind Rat. Eerin is the oldest of the animal Innate Spellcasting. The tricktail’s innate spellcasting ability is
lords in the Beastlands and the powerful creature rarely Intelligence (spell save DC 15). The tricktail can innately cast
leaves its maze-like lair in the twilight realm of Brux. the following spells, requiring no material components:
Whether they want it or not, all tricktails are linked to
Eerin and the famously blind rat lord can actually see At will: mage hand, minor illusion
through their eyes at any time. Not all tricktails enjoy or 3/day each: color spray, invisibility, major image, mirror image,
welcome this intrusion, but Eerin usually does not do so silence
without good cause and with good reward. It is whispered 1/day each: dream, phantasmal killer
that the rat lord can actually take over bodily any rat or
tricktail as well, but this may just be a rumor spread by Keen Smell. The tricktail has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on smell.
the older beasts to keep the younger generation afraid of
Eerin’s true power.
Magic Resistance. The tricktail has advantage on saving throws
against spells and magical effects.

Pack Tactics. The tricktail has advantage on an attack roll against

a creature if at least one of the tricktail’s allies is within 5 feet of


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 9 (1d6+6) piercing damage. If the target is a living creature,
it must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, suffering 18 (4d8)
psychic damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Whisperpads are the most charming creatures in the Medium beast, any alignment
Beastlands – just ask them! They appear as large kittens,
with wide luminous eyes and button noses, and few Armor Class 13
can resist their delicate charms. An aura of adorability Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)
surrounds them, deterring predators and poachers alike, Speed 40 ft., climb 30 ft.
and they have many charming abilities to change would-be
foes into unwilling allies.
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 22 (+6)
Solitary Masterminds. Whisperpads do not like
other whisperpads, or even other cats of any kind. They Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +9
are superficially vain and believe truly that their own Skills Perception +5, Persuasion +9, Stealth +6
adorability outweighs any other. Several have claimed Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
regions of the Beastlands where they surround themselves Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
with stronger predators in order to protect their territory, Languages Celestial, any two others
but just as often they use their charming abilities to create Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
servants that simply exist to flatter the whisperpad. The
entire world of a whisperpad revolves around themselves
Deflective Charm. Attacks against the whisperpad have
and they care little for what happens outside of that world, disadvantage unless the whisperpad made an attack roll against
making them callous and aloof to outsiders. the attacker the previous round.
Proto-Animal Lords. It is believed that whisperpads
are cats that exist before they advance to true animal Innate Spellcasting. The whisperpad’s spellcasting ability is
lord status. Lyanh, the most well-known of the cat lords, Charisma (spell save DC 17). The whisperpad can innately cast
exhibits many similar powers and traits of a whisperpad the following spells, requiring no material components:
though magnified to near deity-level. Also, Lyanh forbids
entry of other whisperpads into its realm of Cat’s Breath, At will: command, silence, sleep, vicious mockery
though lesser cats are allowed. How a whisperpad 3/day each: confusion, hold monster, modify memory
becomes a true animal lord isn’t known, and likely there is
no exact formula for such ascension.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.

Hit: 7 (1d8+3) slashing damage. If the target is a living creature,
it suffers disadvantage against any spell cast by the whisperpad
until the whisperpad’s next turn.

Hypnotic Purr (Recharge 5-6). The whisperpad purrs loudly, and

all living creatures within 30 feet must make a DC 17 Wisdom
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is charmed for 1
minute, and while charmed the creature is incapacitated and has
a speed of 0. The charmed status ends if the creature takes any
damage or if someone uses an action to shake the creature out
of its stupor.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Hazards & Phenomena Mysterious Sites & Treasures
The Beastlands is a dangerous place, mainly due to the The Beastlands holds a trove of wonderous sites within its
number of predator creatures that stalk through all three wooded boundaries, from the lairs of the most prominent
of its forested layers. Several latent planar effects can animal lords to naturally occurring places of strange
surprise the unwary traveler, however. beauty and unknown power.

Hunter’s Paradise Blackstone Lodge

There’s a primal order that infuses the Beastlands, The Glorious Conclave has made it their mission to
heightening the abilities of predators and prey alike harvest the most valuable parts of the beasts found in the
throughout all the layers. Living creatures have advantage Beastlands and sell them to wealthy patrons and collectors
on Wisdom (Animal Handling), Wisdom (Perception), and across the multiverse. They are universally reviled by the
Wisdom (Survival) checks while in the Beastlands. natives of the plane, but that hasn’t stopped the conclave
from establishing several outposts from which they
perform their poaching and hunting. Blackstone Lodge is
Shape of Beasts the largest and most prominent of these, standing three
Changing into a beast, either through polymorph or stories tall on a cleared ledge overlooking a brilliant azure
a druid’s wildshape, is dangerous in the Beastlands. lake on Krigala. The impressively built wooden building is
Creatures that do not possess the shapechanger subtype stained black and contains rooms for nearly 100 hunters
that transform into a beast while in the Beastlands must of the conclave, with additional space for guests. Portals
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, leading across the multiverse are maintained by conclave
the animalistic nature of the plane takes over for 1 minute. wizards.
At the beginning of each of the creature’s turn, roll a d10 to Magical wards surround Blackstone Lodge that prevent
determine its behavior for that turn. the natives of the Beastlands from attacking it directly,
allowing the conclave members inside to enjoy luxurious
privacy amidst their ill-gotten trophies and treasures. The
1d10 Animalistic Behavior
leader of the Blackstone Lodge is the cruel and merciless
1-2 The creature uses all its movement to move efreeti, Lodge Captain Hazaa al’Zuraa, who personally
in a random direction. The creature doesn’t hunts down the biggest creatures across the Beastlands
take an action this turn. he can find. Smaller bands of conclave hunters head out
3-8 The creature uses its action to make a on specific targeted hunts, taking on commissions from
melee attack against a randomly determined wealthy patrons.
creature with its reach. If there is no Infiltrating Blackstone Lodge requires passing through
creature with its reach, the creature moves multiple layers of magical scrutiny, and then facing against
towards the nearest creature it can see and the golem guardians that protect the interior. Wood and
takes no other action this turn. stone golems are carefully hidden amongst the trophies
inside, ready to come to the aid of the lodge when a
9-10 The creature can act and move normally. ranking conclave member calls to them. It is rumored that
Hazaa al’Zuraa keeps a secret vault beneath the lodge for
This planar effect can be ended early by targeting the his personal trophy collection, including the heads and
creature with a calm emotions spell. stuffed bodies of at least three fallen animal lords.

Cat’s Breath
The realm of Lyanh, the most curious cat lord in the
Beastlands, is a fog-enshrouded region of Karasuthra
forest known as Cat’s Breath. There, the many felines
under Lyanh’s control patrol for intruders while the cat
lord itself listens to messages delivered by spies and
agents from across the multiverse. Non-felines that enter
Cat’s Breath are blinded by the thick fog, forced to stumble
around in the dark forest.
Lyanh’s personal sanctuary sits at the heart of Cat’s
Breath. There, in the sprawling arms of a mighty tree, the
cat lord lounges, sleeps, and moves multiple plots forward.
Like all animal lords, Lyanh can take the form of any
gender and transform into a cat, human, or hybrid between
the two. Its personal preference is a large female kitten,
similar to a whisperpad, and it’s in this form that most of
its agents speak or work with. Lyanh has a vested interest
in multiple plane-spanning plots, most just for fun, but

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

a few secret ones that the animal lord hopes will deliver tribe, sending them across the planes with little hope of
magical artifacts into their paws. returning, so the centaurs keep their distance.
The felines that serve as Lyanh’s eyes and ears in Cat’s
Breath are no more fearsome or dangerous than ordinary
feral cats, so they do not engage in combat. Aggressive Grove of the Unicorn
intruders are dealt with using charm and subtlety by the Unicorns are not natives of the Beastlands, which is why
cat lord, who can also command the thick fog to become a the presence of one can be a surprising encounter. But
choking mist upon command if its feline wiles fail to deter. on Karasuthra, beneath the ever-present full moon and
Few enter Cat’s Breath without good reason. dancing stars, a sacred place stands that holds the eternal
spirit of one of these majestic creatures. The Grove of the
Unicorn is a magical area filled with wonder and beauty
Great Bear Mountain that holds the immortal spirit of Arryn, a unicorn that
Towering above the forest of Krigala is a solitary peak came to the Beastlands accidentally.
known as Great Bear Mountain. Its sides are dotted with Arryn’s complete story is not known, but the pieces
multiple cave entrances that lead into a sprawling network that planar scholars have been able to gather suggest
of natural tunnels and levels within the mountain, and the unicorn was pulled into the Beastlands by an outside
there dwell the strongest of the bear lords. This mantle has force. Whether malevolent or not, Arryn was unable to
been passed between multiple bears over the centuries, leave, and spent some time learning about Karasuthra and
with the current bear lord, Rhirius, stepping up boldly to the powerful primal magic that infused the entire plane.
fill the vacancy left by Rhekenar. She encountered a band of Wylders that fell in love with
Hundreds of bears live within Great Bear Mountain, the unicorn, and Arryn encouraged them to take the love
and though there was grumbling when Rhirius stepped they felt for her and share it with the multiverse. The first
up to claim the bear lord title none moved actively against Unicorn Knights were born then.
the younger creature. Some of the older bears believe Arryn’s passing is also not known, and some believe
Rhekenar’s disappearance was caused by an outside force, that she didn’t die but instead became one with the grove
and a few whisper Rhirius had a paw in the act considering that bears her likeness. Her generous spirit dominates the
how quickly they moved to claim the bear lord leadership. Grove of the Unicorn and fills the heart of all goodly people
The elite guard of the bear lord, the Grizzled Guardians, that find it, inspiring many to take up the role of Unicorn
have not opposed Rhirius’ ascension, which leads most Knights. Arryn rarely speaks now, instead preferring the
to believe that the new animal lord had no direct part in more powerful and subtle language of the plane and grove
Rhekenar’s absence. to convey her thoughts.
Activities within Great Bear Mountain are slow and
ponderous, but when moved by righteous anger the bears
within can act surprisingly fast. Rhirius is more aggressive House of Owl
than most bear lords of the past, and it is widely believed The oldest tree in Karasuthra’s night-blanked landscape
the new animal lord is sowing the seeds of war to mobilize is a great, gnarled oak tree, sprawling and ancient. Its
the forces of Great Bear Mountain against an unknown limbs are twisted and covered with luminous moss that
foe. resembles strands of spider webbing, but no spiders can be
seen around it. In fact, no creature native to the Beastlands
comes to this tree unless they are looking for its master, for
The Greenway this is the House of Owl, home to the most feared animal
The forested landscape of Krigala is marked by an unusual lord of the plane.
feature called the Greenway. It is a wide, winding “river” of Aaru, the owl lord, sleeps for days at a time in the
grasslands that cuts through the heart of forest and jungle tree’s hidden heart. Visitors that wish to partake in Aaru’s
alike, running for hundreds of miles. It parallels rivers wisdom must navigate the House of Owl’s defenses –
and moves around lakes, and on more than one occasion magical locks that can only be unlocked by riddle answers,
the grassland route has shifted dramatically due to some natural tree-like guardians that deter aggressive intruders,
unknown cause. Its grassy width varies, from several and powerful befuddling sorcery that can confuse the
hundred feet wide at its narrowest to more than five miles strongest of minds. If a visitor can get through it all and the
wide in some areas. twisting tunnels of the tree itself, Aaru waits in the center.
The Greenway acts as a point of reference for many Though it is believed Aaru can transform into a hybrid
beasts that call Krigala their home, but none depend on it or human like the other animal lords, no one has seen the
more than the centaur tribes. They live, breathe, and die owl lord in any form but that of a titanic horned owl, with
along the length of the grassy expanse, where they can graying feathers and enormous yellow eyes. Because Aaru
run unimpeded by the thick forests that surround them. sleeps for so long, the luminous moss that grows around
Batris the elk lord and its stampeding herd run through the House of Owl creeps in around it as well, so some
the Greenway as well, and the centaurs usually welcome visitors have been startled by the sudden movement of
the powerful animal lord and its retinue when their paths what otherwise appeared to be a monstrous statue. Aaru’s
cross. knowledge of words, scripts, and languages is unparalleled
Herds of gaspar are known to run through the Greenway in the multiverse, and many scholars have sought the owl
as well, though they are generally avoided by the centaur lord’s aid in deciphering ancient tomes or books.
tribes. A gaspar in a wrong mood can wreak havoc on a

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Jungle of Slithers Midnight Plateau
Snakes are a common encounter on Brux, the twilight Rising above the forested layer of Karasuthra is the
realm of the Beastlands, but nowhere are they more impressive Midnight Plateau, so named because of its
numerous than the aptly named Jungle of Slithers. This black volcanic stone ground. Gnarled leafless trees grow
hot, humid stretch of forest is densely covered with between the cracks of the plateau’s landscape beneath the
thick vegetation, hiding so many snakes that an exact eternal full moon overhead. It stretches for many miles and
count would be impossible. It is the realm of Satassis, stands a hundred feet over the regular floor of Karasuthra,
a charming and engaging snake lord, who is always as if the entire plateau was pushed up by some incredible
interested in learning about the outside realms. force long ago.
Satassis is a rare animal lord who holds true malice This is the home of the panthers of the Beastlands.
in its heart, and it uses its snakes and charm to force Countless panthers of all types lounge, sleep, and play
bad things to happen. If confronted, Satassis is always on the Midnight Plateau, leaving only to hunt in the
quick to point out that good and evil are constructs of wilderness surrounding the area. The Council of Panthers
civilization and have no place in the animal world of the meets here, and they are advised directly by Zutris, the
Beastlands, but it nonetheless revels in inflicting pain panther animal lord, a close relationship rarely shared by
and stealing joy from all creatures. The Jungle of Slithers other animal lords of the plane. The council and Zutris
reflects this nature, where new and deadly poisons can be rely on the stealthy skills of the nightprowlers to keep
found behind the fangs of countless serpents. Satassis is them free from outside forces, but few would dare intrude
a master of poisons, especially debilitating ones that don’t upon the Midnight Plateau uninvited. The panthers are not
kill but instead steal the agency from a victim. known for their welcoming behavior.
Few enter the Jungle of Slithers on purpose, but those
that do are encouraged to bring fire with them. It is widely
known that Satassis and the serpents of the Jungle of Sacred Stones of Salazha
Slithers abhor fire of all kind, and the perpetually wet The Wylders that live alongside the natural creatures of
and rainy region keeps such natural occurrences to a the Beastlands have long viewed many aspects of the plane
minimum. Of course, those that bring fire into the snake as sacred. Whether it’s a pool, river, patch of trees, or other
lord’s realm had better have a good reason, for Satassis’ feature, different Wylders hold different aspects of the
cruelty is on full display for those that dare tread upon its plane as holy or supernatural. All agree that the Sacred
ground with such fiery tools. Stones of Salazha are truly unique.
These large monolithic stones are found scattered
across the three layers of the Beastlands. They are each
Maze of the Blind Rat tall, roughly 20 feet high, and about 10 feet thick. They
Rats live on every layer of the Beastlands, from Krigala’s appear cut from a single slab of gray stone inlaid with
eternal sunshine to Karasuthra’s endless moonlight. The intricate patterns of red, black, and gold minerals. No
shadowy layer of Brux, between the two, is the favored mason, dwarf, or other expert can explain their presence
home of the rats, and beneath the forested ground hides or origin but they are each identical in size, with strong
the lair of the oldest animal lord. Eerin, the rat lord, has variations in the mineral striations. Each stone hums with
never been deposed and it is said the animal lord was the sorcerous power related to transmutation magic, but to
first of its kind to be uplifted to intelligence and awareness. date no one has unlocked what they do or what they are
Eerin is also blind, and his realm has become known for. Or at least not intentionally.
as the Maze of the Blind Rat. It is a bewildering network The sacred stones are named for Salazha, a shifter
of tunnels, some no larger than a rat could pass through, druid who is credited with finding the first one on Krigala.
that keeps Eerin safe from those that would do the rat Salazha not only found them, she catalogued more
lord harm. Over the centuries, Eerin has made numerous than a dozen across the Beastlands. While her records
enemies including those of its own rat kind. The rat were passed to other Wylders, Salazha herself vanished
council refuses to honor Eerin’s requests, though the clever mysteriously into one of the sacred stones many years
rat lord can see through and manipulate the actions of any ago. No one knows where she went, as all attempts at
rat on the Beastlands, giving it plenty of tools with which divination have resulted in nothing conclusive.
to play.
As the oldest animal lord, Eerin has also accumulated
perhaps the greatest treasure hoard of any others on the Signpost
plane. Explorers and treasure hunters have gone into The River Oceanus winds through Krigala before passing
the Maze of the Blind Rat in search of Eerin’s fabulous into other Outer Planes. Its banks draw numerous
treasure, but none have found more than a pittance. creatures from all over the layer, and river traffic is
Perhaps the blind rat lord has seeded these rumors itself frequent enough to create small communities along its
in order to lure strangers into its realm. But for what length for travelers to stop, rest, and resupply. Signpost
purpose no one knows, and Eerin doesn’t let slip much is the largest of these communities, big enough to be
from what it thinks. considered a frontier town. No government runs Signpost,
though a few Wylders keep a close eye on outsider
activities to make sure nothing is being done that could
threaten the natural order of the Beastlands.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Signpost has numerous taverns along its muddy streets. Valleys of Thunder
The most famous is the Boar Boot, run by a werewolf
The Beastlands are filled with beasts that can be found
ranger named Howling Rheed. He serves strong wildly
in many Material Plane realms. One type, however, have
fermented ales using rare hops and barley from across
been isolated from the rest by some unknown force,
the Beastlands, which draw all manner of travelers along
whether time or the hand of a divine agent from long ago.
the River Oceanus to his doors. Unfortunately for some
Dinosaurs, rare in most Material Plane wildernesses, exist
travelers, though, the Boar Boot is closed irregularly when
almost exclusively in the Beastlands in the three broad
Rheed and his packmates decide close up and go on a hunt
hidden regions known as the Valleys of Thunder.
through Krigala.
A Valley of Thunder exists one each of the three layers
(Krigala, Brux, and Karasuthra) and they are all connected
Sunscream Spire via large natural gates. The dinosaurs that inhabit the
valleys are powerful, savage creatures, though they possess
Standing like a spike trying to pierce the ever-present sun the same intelligence and speaking ability as the rest of
above Krigala, Sunscream Spire is the home of the hawk the beasts. Are there dinosaur lords hidden amongst their
lord Vadon. Proud and noble, Vadon keeps the peace in ranks? Planar scholars believe so but so far none have
and around the towering spire with the aid of the noble revealed themselves to the outside world.
flocks that live in the trees and rocky towers that surround Each Valley of Thunder is more than a hundred miles
Sunscream. These flocks have their own agendas and across located in a stretch of rugged mountain peaks.
motivations that only occasionally align with Vadon, Finding them is often a matter of luck as some powerful
keeping the hawk lord on his claws at all times. magical mist protects them, but it also keeps the dinosaurs
The spire itself is tall and thin, only a few hundred feet bound within the three valleys. Travelers that have escaped
wide, but riddled with holes and perches. Inside is a series the Valleys of Thunder say ancient ruins dot the hidden
of hollow chambers where hawks of all kind fly about in landscape, remnants of a time when the dinosaurs were
their business. Vadon keeps the top of the Sunscream more than just beasts. What secrets they hide remain a
Spire for its own private chambers, closest to the sun mystery for now.
which the hawks revere as a living deity.
The political situation with the flocks of hawks and
sunspears is delicate enough to be upset by seemingly
minor occurrences. Recently, Vadon sired a clutch of eggs
with the daughter of a nearby flock. This in and of itself
is not unusual, as Vadon has no wife and can choose any
mate he desires. The situation is made more complicated
by the daughter’s recent exile from her family due to
unhawk-like behavior. If the eggs were to be discovered,
the scandal could upset Vadon’s delicate political situation
and send the flocks into a frenzy of war.

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Adventure Hooks out to find the “perfect animal” in the Beastlands. It seems
they got into trouble and now the druids want their ally
The Beastlands hold a wealth of adventure opportunity for rescued. The druid went feral upon transforming in the
characters of any level. Whether it’s a trip to the plane itself Beastlands and now runs with a pack of dire wolves in the
or an incursion from across the borders of the multiverse, forests of Brux.
heroes of all kinds have an opportunity to show off their
own wild side! … While traveling down a river, the characters get pulled
into a wild current and sucked into a portal leading them
to the River Oceanus on Krigala. They arrive at Signpost
Tier 1 (levels 1-4) and learn that a powerful river spirit actually pulled them
While dangerous, the Beastlands can still offer tier 1 into the portal on purpose to deal with a dangerous band
characters a chance at planar travel and excitement of Glorious Conclave hunters seeking to bring down
because of its relatively low latent threat levels. Whether a grizzlepaw that has befriended the river spirit. The
it’s getting involved with one of the beast councils, an grizzlepaw needs help in repelling the dangerous hunters
animal lord, or the Glorious Conclave, heroes of all stripes and can be a strong ally to the party if the characters prove
can get involved in the Beastlands. themselves by aiding the powerful bear.

… The Council of Rats needs information about a certain Tiers 3 and 4 (levels 11+)
area of the Material Plane, and they happen upon
the characters as perfect agents. The characters are Advanced characters can deal with the greater threats and
approached by a rat from the Beastlands representing the dangers of the Beastlands. Interacting with animal lords
Council of Rats, and he explains what they need – search and other powerful figures can elevate the party’s standing
out a nearby ruin for signs of a nest of malformed rats that in the eyes of the planar inhabitants.
have gone fully savage.
… A wounded band of Wylders pass through a gate
… A portal opens up in the forest near the characters and in search of help. They run into the party and explain
through it runs a proud elk with an unusual rack of white that one of the Sacred Stones of Salazha has gone
antlers. The elk is being chased by a team of hunters from berserk, throwing magical power around randomly and
the Glorious Conclave, and the whole mess crashes right transforming people into snarling savage beasts. The stone
into the party. The hunters are cruel and merciless while was activated by the ghost of a druid driven mad by the
the elk begs for help against the aggressors who only want strange whispers that only she could hear. Stopping the
the rare white antlers. Defeating the conclave band puts wild magic from growing stronger requires putting the
the elk in the party’s debt and he takes them through the ghost to rest.
portal to the Beastlands, where he introduces them to
Batris the elk lord. … The party is requested to take an ancient manuscript to
the House of Owl for translation, as divinations point to it
… A messenger in a town mistakes one of the party holding the secret to a dangerous prophecy that must be
members for its target and delivers a letter into their understood. The characters travel to Karasuthra and must
hands. The letter is from a Unicorn Knight in the navigate Aaru’s traps and perils before finally meeting the
Beastlands seeking aid from a fellow knight who just so feared animal lord. What does Aaru want in return for
happens to resemble one of the characters. Unfortunately, translating the book?
the missing Unicorn Knight died in a goblin raid. Do the
characters travel to the Beastlands to aid the Unicorn … The Glorious Conclave are after the biggest prize of all
Knight? – the horns of an ancient triceratops from the Valleys of
Thunder. They believe they have found the way, and a spirit
guardian of the valley picks the characters as the ones to
Tier 2 (levels 5-10) help stop the hunters from ravaging the populace of the
Bigger threats require more experienced heroes, and tier 2 valleys. Traveling to the Valleys of Thunder, stopping the
characters can truly step up and start making an impact in conclave hunters, and not getting killed by dinosaurs are
the Beastlands. all in a day’s work for heroes!

… A strange town worships a single cat like a god, and the

characters arrive and start investigating the situation. It
turns out a whisperpad cat moved in and has charmed its
way into a secure lifestyle at the expense of the rest of the
town. When confronted, the whisperpad leaps into a portal
back to the Beastlands. Do the characters follow?

… A wilderness- or nature-focused character in the party

is approached by a druid seeking help. A high-ranking
member of the druid’s conclave was obsessed with the
potential of their wildshape ability, and against orders set

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands

Random Encounter Tables Brux
The below tables can be used by the Dungeon Master
as a source of inspiration when a party of characters is 1d100 Brux Encounter
traveling through the Beastlands. Look at each one as a 01-07 A pack of aurochs looking for food
springboard for new adventure ideas, or as a means of
08-14 A flock of axe beaks
highlighting the nature of the plane for the players.
15-21 An angry giant badger upset at being

Krigala 22-28 A tricktail enjoying its time

29-35 Five dire wolves on the hunt
36-42 A werewolf hunter of the Glorious Conclave
1d100 Krigala Encounter
43-49 The croaking of a dozen giant frogs
01-07 A family of apes moving through the forest
50-56 The harsh laughter of a pack of giant
08-14 A Wylder hunter stalking prey
hyenas on the prowl
15-21 Three black bears fishing at a stream 57-63 A giant constrictor snake moving in for a
22-28 A flock of blood hawks kill
29-35 A solitary grizzlepaw 64-70 Several swarms of poisonous snakes
36-42 A herd of elk grazing in a field devouring a recent victim

43-49 A family of elephants trampling the ground 71-77 A darkstriker slithering on a mission from
50-56 The trail of a giant ape
78-84 A swarm of ravens making a ruckus
57-63 A giant lizard sunning itself on a rock
85-91 A tiger moving through the underbrush
64-70 A pride of lions resting in the sun
92-98 The howling of a pack of wolves
71-77 Two rival giant boars attacking each other
99-00 A swarm of rats looking for food
78-84 A rhinoceros rumbling through the forest
85-91 A flock of sheep
92-98 A gaspar separated from its herd Karasuthra
99-00 Two sunspears on patrol from the
Sunscream Spire
1d100 Karasuthra Encounter
01-07 Several giant bats catching insects in the air
08-14 A cat agent of Lyanh watching from a
nearby tree
15-21 A giant owl swooping down from above
22-28 Three hunting panthers
29-35 A mage with bodyguards from the Glorious
36-42 A pack of giant weasels
43-49 A nightprowler on a secret mission
50-56 A herd of rothe escaped from a nearby cave
57-63 A saber-toothed tiger looking for an easy
64-70 A werebear ally of the Wylders hunting a
71-77 Swarms of stirges filling the night sky
78-84 A pit filled with a swarm of rot grubs
85-91 A whisperpad moving silently in the
92-98 A pack of beastwraiths hunting their killers
99-00 A unicorn seeking its lost mate

Volume XVI | Wilderness of the Beastlands


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