Codex of The Beastlands
Codex of The Beastlands
Codex of The Beastlands
Infinite Planes
Volume XVI:
Wilderness of the
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Volume XVI: Wilderness While beasts are the dominant inhabitants of the
Beastlands, other creatures move about as well. Many
of the Beastlands tribes of centaurs call the plane their home, and a great
number of lycanthropes of all types move amidst the three
“The Beastlands is a savage plane where ferocity and forested layers. The lycanthropes are accompanied by
cunning stalk through endless forests. Here, everything humanoids with lesser bestial abilities known as shifters.
feeds on something else, aggressively, and the rule of These shifters and lycanthropes form a loosely organized
might makes right is the only rule to rely upon. It is often group called the Wylders that offer some of the only
compared to Arborea, and the two planes share similar civilized places in the Beastlands – though the standards
traits regarding the power of nature. Where Arborea fall into the rustic or quaint categories when compared to
showcases nature in an abundance of life and glory, major planar cities.
the Beastlands depict nature stripped of all pretenses Many powerful variants of normally encountered
of civilization and order, where the savage hunter kills creatures also move through the plane’s three distinct
mercilessly to survive. Good and evil have little place is layers. More intelligent than even their planar kin, these
the savage wilderness where the cycle of life, death, and beasts possess magic and skills allowing them to thrive
rebirth is honored by all living creatures, consciously or in the savage wilderness. Whisperpads, nightprowlers,
not.” grizzlepaws, sunspears, and more can be encountered in
Malakara the Warden the Beastlands though potential travelers are warned that
they rarely welcome guests in their lands.
There is no plane in the multiverse that better embodies The Beastlands offers a bountiful plane of natural
the savage and unpredictable aspects of nature than the wonder and beauty that cannot be rivaled across the
Wilderness of the Beastlands. Endless tracts of forests multiverse. Primal magic stirs in the shadows of the
stretch out across all three of its layers, where cycles of the endless forests, stirred up occasionally by chance or
day are frozen in their paths – brilliant day, eternal dusk (or luck. The animal lords and beast councils protect their
dawn depending on your belief), and endless night. realms with fervent zealousness as well, though few are
Forests of all kind grow rampant and enormous on all considered evil by traditional standards. Trust is hard to
three layers along with all types of plants, though few come by, however, when creatures have to constantly be
places in all the multiverse rival the perpetual power wary for the bigger or stronger predator at all times.
of the sun on the Beastlands first layer, Krigala. There,
supercharged by the powerful and never-ending sun
overhead, plants have taken on titanic proportions. Lay of the Land
The second and third layers are overgrown with thick
vegetation as well, though not quite to the scale of Krigala. The layers of the Beastlands are specially designed to
And beneath these endless forests stalk a dizzying allow predators and prey of the animal kingdom to thrive.
array of beasts of all kinds. Predator and prey move in This mean that there’s an abundance of vegetation, often
the eternal dance of life and death. All beasts understand in titanic proportions, to allow herbivorous beasts to graze
this cycle instinctively – there is no evil in the wolf taking and grow huge. By the same token, predators must also
down a deer for the good of the pack. This bestial nature be larger and craftier. This circle of existence is repeated
is common with most beasts, but on the Beastlands the without end on all three of the Beastlands’ layers.
creatures are more intelligent and most possess the gift
of speech (speaking a variant of the Celestial language). Krigala
Whether they speak with strangers is quite another matter. The brilliant sun hangs in the sky over Krigala, the first
Beasts are the undisputed rulers of the Beastlands, layer. It never sets or wanes from its position, and this
but there is nuance there that many do not realize. Every oversaturation of sunlight creates the most fantastically
type of creature obeys the edicts of a special Council huge plants in the plane. The River Oceanus flows through
of Beasts unique to that type of animal. Each council Krigala as well, though no tributaries branch off as the
consists of thirteen exceptionally intelligent and powerful waters make their way across the multiverse.
representatives of their species – the Council of Panthers Lakes, pools, and streams crisscross the region which
rules over all panthers across the multiverse, while the is dominated by forests of all kind. The weather is violent
Council of Rats commands the rats. These powerful and random in Krigala, with rainforests standing next to
groups have motives, schemes, and plans all their own, tracts of deserts filled with cacti of enormous proportions.
many of which involve their representatives on the Material Mountains covered with evergreen trees rise up, creating
Plane and beyond. fertile valleys where no non-beast has visited.
Above the beast councils are the powerful animal lords. The beasts of Krigala are those that thrive in daylight,
These are unique creatures with many capabilities that including hawks, bears, stags, lions, and more. A large
rival demon lords and devil princes. Like the councils, herd of centaurs lay claim to a stretch of wilderness known
they have their own schemes, which may coincide with as the Greenway, and the Wylder frontier town of Signpost
their “lower beasts” but often do not. Animal lords are sits as the plane’s most civilized point.
dangerous, canny, and strategic in their actions, and their
realms on the Beastlands harbor secrets and dangers to
tempt any planar explorer.
In the Beastlands, creatures that die outside the natural Incorporeal Movement. The beastwraith can move through
cycle of predator and prey sometimes rise up as ghostly other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It
apparitions known as beastwraiths. These spectral takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
creatures are haunted, tortured remnants of their former
Mark Prey (1/Day). As a bonus action, the beastwraith can
selves, bound to the physical world by a consuming need
mark any creature it can see as its prey. The beastwraith has
to hunt those responsible for their untimely deaths.
truesight out to 60 feet against its marked prey only, and it
Beastwraiths are rarely afforded such opportunities, but inflicts an extra 14 (4d6) damage once per round when it hits
they stalk the wilderness of the planes forever. with a melee attack against its marked prey. The beastwraith
A beastwraith usually appears as a ghostly version of has advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track its
its former self, though emaciated and incorporeal, with a marked prey. The mark ends when the target dies or after 24
feral glean in their hollow eyes. They never prey on beasts, hours have passed.
focusing instead on humanoids above all others.
Pack of the Damned. Many beastwraiths are drawn Actions
to one another, regardless of their original species. In
Spectral Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
the Beastlands one group called the Pack of the Damned creature. Hit: 18 (4d6+4) necrotic damage.
calls out to other lost beast souls, urging them to join in
their hunt for justice. They travel all three layers of the Chilling Roar (Recharge 5-6). Living creatures within 30 feet
Beastlands, moving silently and nearly invisibly, stalking of the beastwraith must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving
any humanoid they find. The centaurs of the Greenway throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. Targets that fail can repeat
recognize the signs of their approach and move to avoid the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
them, but over the years many of them have fallen prey to effect on itself on a success.
the beastwraiths of the pack.
Since they are responsible for creating many of the Pack
of the Damned, members of the Glorious Conclave are
special targets for the horde of beastwraiths. Areas such
as Blackstone Lodge are warded against the incursions of
such attacks, but many Glorious Conclave hunters know
better than to stand and fight against the pack out in the
Multiattack. The darkstriker makes two bite attacks.
Cat’s Breath
The realm of Lyanh, the most curious cat lord in the
Beastlands, is a fog-enshrouded region of Karasuthra
forest known as Cat’s Breath. There, the many felines
under Lyanh’s control patrol for intruders while the cat
lord itself listens to messages delivered by spies and
agents from across the multiverse. Non-felines that enter
Cat’s Breath are blinded by the thick fog, forced to stumble
around in the dark forest.
Lyanh’s personal sanctuary sits at the heart of Cat’s
Breath. There, in the sprawling arms of a mighty tree, the
cat lord lounges, sleeps, and moves multiple plots forward.
Like all animal lords, Lyanh can take the form of any
gender and transform into a cat, human, or hybrid between
the two. Its personal preference is a large female kitten,
similar to a whisperpad, and it’s in this form that most of
its agents speak or work with. Lyanh has a vested interest
in multiple plane-spanning plots, most just for fun, but
… The Council of Rats needs information about a certain Tiers 3 and 4 (levels 11+)
area of the Material Plane, and they happen upon
the characters as perfect agents. The characters are Advanced characters can deal with the greater threats and
approached by a rat from the Beastlands representing the dangers of the Beastlands. Interacting with animal lords
Council of Rats, and he explains what they need – search and other powerful figures can elevate the party’s standing
out a nearby ruin for signs of a nest of malformed rats that in the eyes of the planar inhabitants.
have gone fully savage.
… A wounded band of Wylders pass through a gate
… A portal opens up in the forest near the characters and in search of help. They run into the party and explain
through it runs a proud elk with an unusual rack of white that one of the Sacred Stones of Salazha has gone
antlers. The elk is being chased by a team of hunters from berserk, throwing magical power around randomly and
the Glorious Conclave, and the whole mess crashes right transforming people into snarling savage beasts. The stone
into the party. The hunters are cruel and merciless while was activated by the ghost of a druid driven mad by the
the elk begs for help against the aggressors who only want strange whispers that only she could hear. Stopping the
the rare white antlers. Defeating the conclave band puts wild magic from growing stronger requires putting the
the elk in the party’s debt and he takes them through the ghost to rest.
portal to the Beastlands, where he introduces them to
Batris the elk lord. … The party is requested to take an ancient manuscript to
the House of Owl for translation, as divinations point to it
… A messenger in a town mistakes one of the party holding the secret to a dangerous prophecy that must be
members for its target and delivers a letter into their understood. The characters travel to Karasuthra and must
hands. The letter is from a Unicorn Knight in the navigate Aaru’s traps and perils before finally meeting the
Beastlands seeking aid from a fellow knight who just so feared animal lord. What does Aaru want in return for
happens to resemble one of the characters. Unfortunately, translating the book?
the missing Unicorn Knight died in a goblin raid. Do the
characters travel to the Beastlands to aid the Unicorn … The Glorious Conclave are after the biggest prize of all
Knight? – the horns of an ancient triceratops from the Valleys of
Thunder. They believe they have found the way, and a spirit
guardian of the valley picks the characters as the ones to
Tier 2 (levels 5-10) help stop the hunters from ravaging the populace of the
Bigger threats require more experienced heroes, and tier 2 valleys. Traveling to the Valleys of Thunder, stopping the
characters can truly step up and start making an impact in conclave hunters, and not getting killed by dinosaurs are
the Beastlands. all in a day’s work for heroes!
43-49 A family of elephants trampling the ground 71-77 A darkstriker slithering on a mission from
50-56 The trail of a giant ape
78-84 A swarm of ravens making a ruckus
57-63 A giant lizard sunning itself on a rock
85-91 A tiger moving through the underbrush
64-70 A pride of lions resting in the sun
92-98 The howling of a pack of wolves
71-77 Two rival giant boars attacking each other
99-00 A swarm of rats looking for food
78-84 A rhinoceros rumbling through the forest
85-91 A flock of sheep
92-98 A gaspar separated from its herd Karasuthra
99-00 Two sunspears on patrol from the
Sunscream Spire
1d100 Karasuthra Encounter
01-07 Several giant bats catching insects in the air
08-14 A cat agent of Lyanh watching from a
nearby tree
15-21 A giant owl swooping down from above
22-28 Three hunting panthers
29-35 A mage with bodyguards from the Glorious
36-42 A pack of giant weasels
43-49 A nightprowler on a secret mission
50-56 A herd of rothe escaped from a nearby cave
57-63 A saber-toothed tiger looking for an easy
64-70 A werebear ally of the Wylders hunting a
71-77 Swarms of stirges filling the night sky
78-84 A pit filled with a swarm of rot grubs
85-91 A whisperpad moving silently in the
92-98 A pack of beastwraiths hunting their killers
99-00 A unicorn seeking its lost mate