Pis Final Test
Pis Final Test
Pis Final Test
1. Which statement about the standard enthalpy change 5. An element X has two isotopes, 238X and 235X.
of formation of carbon dioxide is correct? How does 238X differ from 235X?
A. It is equal to the standard enthalpy change of A. It has 3 more protons and 3 more electrons.
combustion of carbon. B. It has 3 more protons, but no more electrons.
B. It is equal to twice the bond energy of the C=O C. It has 3 more neutrons and 3 more electrons.
bond D. It has 3 more neutrons, but no more electrons.
C. It is the energy released when one mole of carbon
dioxide is formed from carbon at the temperature 6. The formulae of the ions of four elements are shown
of combustion of the carbon below. O2– F– Li+ Mg2+
D. It is the same for carbon dioxide produced from Which statement about these ions is correct? They all
graphite and from diamond have..................
A. the same number of electrons in their outer shells.
2. Use of the Data Booklet is relevant to this question. B. the same electronic structure as a noble gas.
Hydrazine was used as a fuel for the Messerschmidt C. the same number of protons in their nuclei.
163 rocket fighter in World War II and for the D. more electrons than protons.
American Gemini and Apollo spacecraft. It has the
following formula. 7. A 25 cm3 sample of dilute sulphuric acid contains
0.025 moles of the acid. What is the hydrogen ion
concentration in the solution?
A. 0.25 mol / dm3
B. 0.50 mol / dm3
C. 1.00 mol / dm3
D. 2.00 mol / dm3
What is the enthalpy change of atomisation of 1 mol 8. The equation represents the action of dilute nitric acid
of gaseous hydrazine? on copper.
A. 550 kJ xCu + yHNO3 → xCu(NO3)2 + 4H2O + 2NO
B. 1720 kJ. What are the values of x and y?
C. 1970 kJ A. x = 1, y = 4
D. 2554 kJ B. x = 1, y = 8
C. x = 3, y = 4
2003 D. x = 3, y = 8
3. Gaseous phosphorus pentachloride can be 9. An oxide of carbon contains 3.6 g of carbon and 4.8 g
decomposed into gaseous phosphorus trichloride and of oxygen. What is its formula?
chlorine by heating. The table below gives the bond A. CO
energies. B. C2O3
C. CO2
D. CO3
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