Inductive Reasoning

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NMAT REVIEW: Inductive Reasoning Module 2

I. Figure Series
Directions: In each item below, the series of figures at the left shows a continuously changing pattern. Discover this pattern of
change. From the five figures at the right, choose the one which should come next in the series.






II. Figure Grouping
Directions: Each item in this section consists of five figures. The task is to find the principle involved which makes four of the
five figures similar to each other. The figure that is different from the other is the answer to the item.



III. Inductive Reasoning: Number-Letter Series
In each of the following questions, a number series is given with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative that will
continue the same pattern and replace the questions mark in the given series.

11. 13 9 15 7 17 5 ?

a. 17 b. 19 c. 15 d. 18 e. 21

12. 3 2 4 3 9 8 ?

a. 22 b. 17 c. 7 d. 64 e. 24

13. X T W R U P R ?

a. L b. N c. P d. M e. O

14. WU PR MK FH ?

a. DB b. BD c. CA d. AC e. DA

15. 31 17 34 22 44 34 68 ?

a. 58 b. 136 c. 544 d. 272 e. 60

16. A E H J N ?

a. P b. R c. O d. Q e. S


a. VYZ b. VYY c. WYY d. VVW e. VYX

18. 10 11 16 18 23 26 ?

a. 27 b. 32 c. 33 d. 29 e. 31

19. C M E Q G U I ?

a. K b. M c. Y d. W e. X

20. 22 11 26 16 31 22 37 ?

a. 29 b. 30 b. 33 d. 52 e. 28

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