Current Affairs - 600 Mcqs (2019-2020) - Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Current Affairs - 600 Mcqs (2019-2020) - Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Current Affairs - 600 Mcqs (2019-2020) - Courtesy Aamir Mahar
01. The theme of World Water Day 2020 is 06. Which country hosted the inaugural G20
? finance ministers’ and central bank
A. Water and Climate Change governors’ meeting ?
B. Water and Jobs
A. Saudi Arabia
C. Nature for Water
D. Water and Energy B. USA
C. China
02. Which country has recently pledged 5 D. UAE
Million US dollars to COVID-19 SAARC
emergency fund ? 07. Recently Huntington disease is in news.
(a) Afghanistan Which body part gets affected by
(b) Bangladesh Huntington disease ?
(c) Nepal A. Brain
(d) Sri Lanka B. Lung
C. Heart
03. Sindh Govt. has imposed a province- D. Skin
wide lockdown for 15 days in order to
contain the spread of COVID-19 on ? 08. Which country has recommended the
A. Mar 21, 2020 use of Bear bile as a cure of COVID-19 ?
B. Mar 23, 2020 A. Germany
C. Mar 25, 2020 B. France
D. Mar 24,2020 C. US
D. China
04. Who is the Current Prime Minister of
Itlay ? 09. The theme for Global Recycling Day
A. Giuseppe-Conto 2020 was ?
B. Nicola-Sturgeon A. Practicing 3R’s
C. Pedro-Sanchez B. Recycling Heroes
D. Conto-Pedro C. Recycling into the future
D. Recycle and Reproduce
05. Scientists at which US University have
found that cold plasma can kill 99.9% of 10. 7th World Cities Summit 2020 to be
airborne viruses ? held in which country from July 5 to 9 ?
A. Clemson University A. China
B. University of Michigan B. UK
C. Stanford University C. Saudi Arabia
D. Yale University D. Singapore
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
11. Which organization has announced USD 15. Who is the current head of World
6.5 billion package for developing member Health Organization (WHO) ?
countries for COVID-19 ? A. Antonio Guterres
A. ADB B. Robert Redfield
B. World Bank C. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
C. IMF D. Henrietta H Fore
16. The theme for International Day of
12. Which is NASA’s mission to study Giant Forests 2020 ?
Solar Particle Storms ? A. Forests and Biodiversity
A. Stormy B. Forests and Sustainable Cities
B. SunRISE C. Forests and Education
C. Sincerity D. Forests and Energy
D. Solidarity
17. Which city will host the International
13. First virtual G20 summit 2020 was held Olympic Committee’s (IOC) session in 2023
on ? ?
A. March 27th A. Abha
B. March 26th B. Hyderabad
C. March 28th C. Mumbai
D. March 29th D. Abu Dhabi
The first G-20 virtual summit held on March
26, 2020. It will be held under the 18. Denys Shmygal became the new Prime
chairmanship of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman. Minister of which country ?
The summit is bring together the world’s 20 A. Croatia
major economies to discuss measures to B. Serbia
respond to COVID 19 pandemic. C. Ukraine
D. Austria
14. Which country was world’s second-
largest arms importer in 2015-19 according 19. World Future Energy Summit 2020 was
to a report of Stockholm International held in which country ?
Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) ? A. Abu Dhabi
(a) Saudi Arabia B. New Delhi
(b) India C. Colombo
(c) Egypt D. Tokyo
(d) Russia
20. The theme for this year’s World Future 2
Energy Summit 2020 ?
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
49. Which university in Pakistan developed 54. The name of PAF’s Wing Commander
testing kits for detecting Covid-19 ? who embraced martyrdom in F-16 crash in
A. NUST Islamabad on 11th march 2020 ?
B. Avicenna Medical College A. Hassan Siddiqui
C. GIKI B. Naveed Ali
D. CIIT C. Noman Akram
D. Ali Imran
50. Noman Akram was PAF’s who
embraced martyrdom in F-16 crash on 11th 55. The theme for World Wildlife Day 2020
march 2020 ? was ?
A. Squadron leader (a) Sustaining all life on Earth
B. Group captain (b) Wildlife Crime is serious, let’s get serious
C. Wing Commander about wildlife crime
D. Air commodore (c) Big cats: predators under threat
(d) Listen to the young voices
51. Which billionaire donated 500K
coronavirus test kits and 1 million face 56. The 43rd session of International Fund
masks to US ? for Agricultural Development (IFAD) was
A. Jeff Bezos held in was held in city from 11-12
B. Jack Ma Feb 2020 ?
C. Bill Gates A. Rome, Italy
D. Mark Zukerberg B. Islamabad, Pakistan
C. Delhi, India
52. IMF announces program to fight D. Paris, France
Coronavirus outbreak ?
A. $35 billion 57. Who is the Current IG of National
B. $43 billion Highways and Motorway Police (NHMP) ?
C. $50 billion A. Amjad Javid Saleemi
D. $54 billion B. Allah Dino Khawaja
C. Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar Khan
53. Which Global organization says it’s D. Dr Syed Kaleem Imam
ready to mobilize its $1 trillion lending
capacity to fight coronavirus ? 58. Which country has successfully
A. IMF launched its first sea-based space rocket
B. WHO from Yellow Sea ?
C. UNICEF A. China
D. WB B. Singapore 6
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
D. Pakistan D. ESA
59. Recently which African country has 64. Pakistan will host next South Asian
been listed in FATF’s Grey list ? games in 2021. In which year Pakistan
A. Mauritius hosted these games last time ?
B. Kenya A. 2000
C. Zimbabwe B. 2004
D. Ethiopia C. 2006
D. 2007
60. First Muslim Hijab woman elected as
Member of Israel Parliament in March 2020 65. Which nation has blocked its border for
elections is ? nearly 10000 migrants from Turkey ?
A. HaneenZoabi A. Georgia
B. Iman Khatib-Yasin B. Armenia
C. HussniyaJabara C. Greece
D. Nadia Hilou D. Bulgaria
61. Which city hosted the 3rd Global 66: A 2000 years old statue was found at
Ministerial Conference on Road Safety ? the ancient site of in Kot Chutta, Dera
A. Pairs Ghazi Khan District ?
B. Stockholm (a) Mound of Dead
C. Oslo (b) Mound Dillu Roy
D. Warsa (c) Harappa
(d) Mound of Amri
62. Number of Supporting Countries in
Heart of Asia – Istanbul Ministerial Process 67: Current Inspector General of Police
are ? (IGP) Sindh is ?
A. 15 Supporting Countries (a) Ghulam QadirThebo
B. 17 Supporting Countries (b) Mushtaq Ahmed Mahar
C. 19 Supporting Countries (c) Kaleem Imam
D. None of these (d) Irfan Baloch
63. A robotic junk collector Will be launched 68: USA and Taliban signed a historic peace
into space under ClearSpace-1 mission by deal on ?
which Space Agency ? (a) 28th February 2020
A. NASA (b) 29th February 2020
B. JAXA (c) 1st March 2020 7
C. Roscosmos (d) 2nd March 2020
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
70: Pakistan had won EU’s Generalized 75: Pakistan Air Force F-16 aircraft crashed
System of Preferences (GSP) Plus status for in Shakarparian on ?
? (a) 9th March 2020
(a) One year (b) 10th March 2020
(b) Two years (c) 11th March 2020
(c) Three years (d) 12th March 2020
(d) Four years
76. Who represents Egypt in 56th Munich
71: Women’s day was celebrated on ? Security Conference 2020 ?
(a) 7th March 2020 A. Sahar Nasr
(b) 8th March 2020 B. Ahmed AboulGheit
(c) 9th March 2020 C. Sameh Hassan Shoukry
(d) 10th March 2020 D. MoustafaMadbouly
72: On 10th March 2020 who is appointed 77. According to the recent estimates
as new chairmen of Pakistan International published by United Nations Conference on
Airline Corporation Limited (PIACL) ? Trade and Development (UNCTAD), which
(a) Air Marshal (retd) Malik Arshad economy is most affected by the
(b) Aslam R. Khan coronavirus outbreak ?
(c) Salman Akram A. Japan
(d) Ashraf Wathra B. United States
C. European Union
73: National Assembly approved amended D. All of these
Zainab Alert, Response and Recovery Bill,
2019, on ? 78. RekoDiq has large gold and copper
(a) 11th March 2020 reserves in which district of Baluchistan ?
(b) 12th March 2020 A. Barkhan 8
(c) 13th March 2020 B. Gwadar
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
79. What was the theme of 74th Session of 84: Pakistan’s 16-year-old........ has become
UNGA of 2019 ? the youngest player to take a hat-trick in
A. Climate Action and Inclusion Test cricket ?
B. Quality Education (a) Musa Khan
C. Galvanising Multilateral Efforts for (b) ShaheenAfridi
Poverty Eradication (c) Naseem Shah
D. All of these (d) Amir Khan
80: Pakistan’s first ever street library 85: Pakistan and which country, on 13th feb
opened in which city ? 2020 started their joint counter terrorism
(a) Islamabad exercise “Samsam VII” ?
(b) Lahore (a) Bahrain
(c) Karachi (b) Iran
(d) Peshawar (c) Saudi Arabia
(d) Turkey
81: Which country has resumed a military
training program with Pakistan ? 86: Islamabad High Court bans corporal
(a) UK punishment for children under the age of ?
(b) USA (a) 18
(c) Russia (b) 15
(d) None of these (c) 12
(d) 08
82: Pakistan has been selected as the
President of Asia Pacific Group of ? 87: How many times Pakistan has won the
(a) Money laundering Kabaddi World Cup ?
(b) UNESCO (a) 1
(c) FATF (b) 2
(d) None of these (c) 3
(d) None of these
83: The parliament passed the .......... bill,
Response and Recovery Act, 2020 which 88: Who won the 15th Cholistan Jeep Rally
aims to protect and raise alert when a child 2020 ?
goes missing or is abducted ? (a) Asif Fazal
(a) Bacha Alert (b) Tushna Patel 9
(b) Maray Bachay (c) Nadir Magsi
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
82. How many Awards are awarded there in 87. Which country has national emergency
PSL for best Performers ? to tackle the attack of locust swarms ?
A. 3 A. India
B. 4 B. China
C. 5 C. Pakistan
D. 6 D. Bangladesh
83. Which country has become the first G20 88. On 1st February 2020, Pakistani female
country to launch a Gender Gap Accelerator army officers awarded UN Medal for
? exemplary services in ?
A. France A. Mali
B. Russia B. Congo
C. Germany C. South Sudan
D. Malaysia D. Afghanistan
84. The theme for International Women’s 89. How many times Turkish President
Day 2020 ? “RecepTayyip Erdogan” addressed a joint 10
A. Women’s Will, Women’s Freedom session of Parliament of Pakistan ?
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
A. 1 time B. civets
B. 2 times C. bat
C. 3 times D. Snake
D. 4 times
95. Which country has signed the 2020
90. Sultan Azlan Shah Cup tournament is National Defense Authorization Act and has
associated among which of the following authorised the establishment of Space
games ? Force ?
A. Hockey (a) Russia
B. Cricket (b) China
C. Football (c) US
D. Tennis (d) Iran
91. The Earthshot Prize was introduced by ? 96. Which country has recently successfully
(a) Imran Khan test-fired Ra’ad-II Cruise Missile ?
(b) Donald Trump a. India
(c) Prince William b. Ukraine
(d) Queen Elizabeth c. Pakistan
d. Iran
92. Name the current President of the
European Central Bank ? 97. The Minister For Law and Justice is
(a) Mario Draghi Farogh Naseem.
(b) Christine Lagarde 98. The legislative term of the Parliament is
(c) David Walker 15th
(d) Roberto Azevedo 99. The Minister For Maritime is Ali Haider
93. Name the British MP who took oath in 100. The Minister for interior is Aijaz
Urdu ? Ahmed shah
(a) Shahnaz Ali 101. The Defence minister is Parvaiz Khatak
(b) Afzal Khan 102. The Minister For Energy Umar Ayub
(c) Sadiq Khan khan
(d) Shahid Malik 103. The Minister for Planning,
development, reforms and Special Initiative
94. According Researchers from South is Asad Umar
China Agricultural University, 104. Makhdoon Khusro Bakhtiar-Economic
animal has been identified as potential link Affairs Minister
for novel Coronavirus spread ? 105. Hammad Azhar- Industries Minister 11
A. Pangolins 106. Azam Sawati- Narcotics Control
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
114. Who won the first Match of PSL 5 2020 119. The current President of the Asian 12
? Development Bank (ADB) is ?
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
121. When did the World Health 126. Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed a
Organisation (WHO) declare Corona Virus as joint session of the parliament on ?
an International Health Emergency ? (a) 12th February 2020
(a) 27th January 2020 (b) 13th February 2020
(b) 29th January 2020 (c) 14th February 2020
(c) 30th January 2020 (d) 15th February 2020
(d) 1st February 2020
127. UN Secretary General, Antonio
122. New Prime Minister of Malaysia is Guterres, visited Pakistan on ?
Muhyiddin Yassin. (a) 15th February 2020
A former Interior Minister & President of (b) 16th February 2020
Bersatu Party. He become 8th Prime (c) 17th February 2020
Minister of Malaysia. King of Malaysia (d) 18th February 2020
Abdullah made him PM and take oath from
him on March 1st, 2020. 128. A Pakistani Cricketer was sentenced
to 17 months of imprisonment in UK on 7th
123. Presidential Elections in Iran took place February ?
on ? (a) Salman Butt
(a) 19th February 2020 (b) Nasir Jamshaid
(b) 20th February 2020 (c) Sharjeel Khan
(c) 21st February 2020 (d) Hassan Ali
(d) 22nd February 2020
129. Who is the current Chief of the Naval 13
Staff of Pakistan ?
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
130. PM Imran khan was interviewed on 135. US President Donald Trump was
22nd February 2020 by which country’s acquitted from abuse of power and
news Channel ? obstruction of Congress (impeachment)
A. VRT News Belgium charges on ?
B. Pakistan Indus News Channel (A) 5 February 2020
C. American CNBC Channel (B) 7 February 2020
D. British BBC Channel (C) 9 February 2020
(D) 11 February 2020
131. The 2020 Olympics will be held in ?
(A) London 136. The deadly “Coronavirus outbreak” in
(B) Doha January 2020 was started from which city of
(C) Tokyo China ?
(D) Beijing (A) Chengdu
(B) Wuhan
132. In 2019, in which country there was a (C) Hangzhou
widespread protest against an Extradition (D) Shenzhen
Amendment Bill ?
(A) Venezuela 137. Which country will host the 13th COP
(B) Sri Lanka (Conference of Parties) on conservation of
(C) Hong Kong migratory species of wildlife ?
(D) Taiwan a. Nepal
b. Sri Lanka
133. The US President Donald Trump c. Pakistan
announced his Middle-East Plan on d. India
January 2020 ?
(A) 24 139. Identify types of coronavirus ?
(B) 26 A: 229E alpha coronavirus
(C) 28 B: NL63 alpha coronavirus
(D) 30 C: OC43 beta coronavirus
D: All of above
134. Amazon rainforest spans over 9
countries. In August 2019, in which country 14
deadly fire broke out in the amazon forest ?
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
142. Three Persian Gulf islands, Abu Mussa, 147: Which country agrees to end use of
The Greater and Lesser Tunbs, are disputed coal by 2038 ?
between ? a) China
(a) Iran and Iraq (b) France
(b) Iran and U.A.E. (c) Germany
(c) Iraq and Kuwait (d) USA
(d) Qatar and Bahrain
148: In which country Google Wing
143. Who was elected as the 7th executive launches home delivery drone service ?
President of Sri Lanka on 17 Nov, 2019 ? (a) USA
A. Basil Rajapaksa (b) Australia
B. Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapaksa (c) Switzerland
C. Mahinda Rajapaksa (d) France
D. Sajith Premadasa
149: Recently US hands over first Apache
144. Who has been appointed as the First Guardian attack helicopter to ?
head (Ambassador) of future EU diplomatic (a) Pakistan
mission to the UK after Brexit ? (b) India
(a) Jair MessiasBolsonaro (c) Saudi Arabia
(b) Joao Vale de Almeida (d) UAE 15
(c) Paulo Guedes
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
160: Which country will host the UN 167: The newest member of the Eurozone is
Climate Summit ‘COP26′ ? ?
A. USA (A) Lithuania
B. UK (B) Croatia
C. France (C) Bulgaria
D. India (D) Cyprus
161. According to the Police report released 168: Secretary General SAARC Amjad
on 31 Jan 2020, As many as women Hussain Sial belongs to which country ?
fell victim to ‘honour killings’ in Sindh over (A) Pakistan
the past year ? (B) India
A. 98 (C) Maldives
B. 108 (D) Nepal
C. 158
D. 100 169. The UNSC conducted a vote on
resolution supporting ceasefire in ?
162. The next WTO Ministerial Conference a) Libya
will take place from 8 to 11 June 2020 in ? b) Turkey
A. Baku c) Syria
B. Bishkik d) Yemen
C. Astana
D. Belarus 170. Which country revealed that it has
‘neutralised’ 101 Syrian troops ?
163. Which country will host the 13th COP a) Turkey
(Conference of Parties) on conservation of b) US
migratory species of wildlife ? c) Israel
a. Nepal d) Iran
b. Sri Lanka
c. Pakistan 171. Name the organization that released
d. India World Employment and Social Outlook
Trends 2019 report?
164: Which from the following country has A: UNESCO
not yet tested nuclear weapons ? B: ILO
(A) India C: IMF
(B) Pakistan D: UNO
(C) South Korea 17
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
172: Nokia Mobile business was acquired by 177. Which Pakistani famous personality
Microsoft in 2014. Now in 2020, the has won UN human rights prize 2018 ?
business is owned by ? A. BilquisEdhi
(A) HMD Global B. Mahira Khan
(B) Google C. Reham khan
(C) Yahoo D. Asma Jahangir
(D) Apple
178: When PM Imran Khan inaugurated the
173: The “2020 Year” meeting of World “Clean & Green Pakistan” campaign?
Economic Forum was held in ? A. 2-oct-2018
(A) New York B. 11-oct-2018
(B) London C. 8-oct-2018
(C) Davos D. 10-oct-2018
(D) Berlin
179: Secretary General of United Nation
174: The World Snooker Championship Antonio Gutteres belong to which
2019 was won by ? country ?
(A) Mark Williams (A) Brazil
(B) Judd Trump (B) Portugal
(C) Stephen Hendry (C) Poland
(D) Ronnie O’Sullivan (D) United States
175. Which country rejoined 180: Total Members of Saudi Led Islamic
Commonwealth as 54th member ? Military Alliance are ?
A. Maldives (A) 34
B. Somila (B) 36
C. Lasorda (C) 40
D. Ghana (D) 41
176: Who is the Current Director General of 182: Universiade is an international student
WIPO (World Intellectual Property and youth competition. The 2019 Winter
Organization) ? Universiade were held in ?
A. Peter Maurer (A) Moscow
B. Francis Gurry (B) Kazan
C. Peter Muller (C) Krasnoyarsk
D. Peter Talaas (D) Beijing
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
183: After UK left the European Union on 31 188. According to the World Health
January 2020. The European Union has Organisation, the cases of disease
now member states ? can rise to 81 percent by 2040 ?
(A) 27 a) Tuberculosis
(B) 28 b) Cancer
(C) 29 c) H1N1
(D) 30 d) HIV
184: In which US state there was a massive 189. Which Parliament has deferred its vote
wildfire in 2019 ? on anti-CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act
(A) Arizona Resolution) ?
(B) Florida a) UK Parliament
(C) Texas b) US House of Representatives
(D) California c) European Parliament
d) UN General Assembly
185: Which from the following country is
NOT the member of BRICS ? 190.Which nation has decided to provide
(A) United States formal education to Rohingya refugee
(B) Russia children’s ?
(C) China a) Malaysia
(D) India b) India
c) Nepal
186: The current Secretary oftates of the d) Bangladesh
United States is ?
(A) Rex Tillerson 191. Sheikh Khalid has been appointed as
(B) Joe Biden the new Prime Minister of ?
(C) John Kerry a) Qatar
(D) Mike Pompeo b) Saudi Arabia
c) Kuwait
187: The current Vice President of the d) UAE
United States is ?
(A) John Kerry 192: Who is the King of Bahrain?
(B) Mike Pence A. Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud
(C) Mike Pompeo B. Qaboos bin Said al Said
(D) James F. Dobbins C. Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa
D. None of these
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
205: Which of the following won UN human 210: The Best FIFA Football Awards 2019
rights award 2018 ? (Women) was won by ?
C. UN HUMAN RIGHTS C: Megan Rapinoe
206: The Current President of Brazil is ? 211: The Best FIFA Football Awards 2019
A. Michel Temer (Men) was won by ?
B. Dilma Rousseff A: Luka Modric
C. Jair Bolsonaro B: Lionel Messi
D. Lula da Silva C: Cristiano Ronaldo
D: Ronaldinho
207: James Peebles, Michel Mayor, and
Didier Queloz won Nobel prize 2019 in 212: The 2019 Nobel Prize in literature was
Physics for their contributions in ? won by ?
A: Inventions in the field of laser physics A: Alice Munro
B: Understanding of the evolution of the B: Kazuo Ishiguro
universe and Earth’s place in the cosmos C: Bob Dylan
C: Design and synthesis of molecular D: Peter Handke
machines 21
D: Discovery of neutrino oscillations
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
215: United Nations General Assembly 220: Recently, world’s oldest Artwork has
(UNGA) session was held from 17 been found in a cave in ?
September 2019 to 30 September 2019 in A: Malaysia
New York, United States. It was the B: Greece
session of the UNGA ? C: Indonesia
A: 71st D: Egypt
B: 72nd
C: 73rd 221: Who bowled Super Over for England in
D: 74th ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 ?
A: Ben Stokes
216: Abiy Ahmed Ali who won the 2019 B: Jofra Archer
Nobel Peace Prize is ? C: Chris Noakes
A: President of Nigeria D: Adil Rashid
B: Prime Minister of Ethiopia
C: President of Lebanon 223: When did Indian Government
D: Prime Minister of Eritrea abolished article 370 and 35A of the
constitution which guarantees special
217: In retaliation on 7 January 2020, Iran status to Jammu and Kashmir ?
targeted two US military bases in ? A: July 2019
A: Israel B: August 2019
B: Syria C: October 2019 22
C: Saudi Arabia D: November 2019
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
C: Australia B. Everest
D: China C. K2
D. None of these
234. Which company has announced the
world’s largest-ever IPO ? 239. Which country plans to knock three
a) Alibaba zeros off currency amid hyperinflation?
b) Reliance A. Argentine
c) Saudi Aramco B. Venezuela
d) Amazon C. Nigeria
D. Zimbabwe
235. Which country accounted for most
number of global malaria cases, as per 240: Current Deputy Secretary General of
World Malaria Report 2019 ? UNO is ?
a) Mozambique A: Jan Eliasson
b) India B: Miroslav Lajcak
c) Niger C: Amina J. Muhammad
d) Nigeria D: Kairat Umarov
236. Which global institution recently 241: World Anti-Doping Agency banned
released World Investment Trends Monitor- which country in 2019 for four years ?
2019 report ? A: Pakistan
a) UN B: Russia
b) WEF C: China
c) World Bank D: Sri Lanka
242: Which USA newspaper listed Imran
237. Which nation had filed a suit against Khan for Peace Noble Prize ?
Myanmar for its alleged role in the A: New York Times
Rohingya genocide case at the ICJ ? B: Washington Post
a) France C: USA Today
b) The Gambia D: Christian Science Monitor
c) Australia
d) Bangladesh 243: Radio Pakistan wins which position in
World Radio contest 2019 ?
238. Jabbar Bhatti became the 3rd Pakistani A: 1st
who has conquered the Mount on B: 2nd
jan 17, 2020 ? C: 3rd 24
A. Aconcagua D: 5th
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
256. Pakistan and country agree to 261: Current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
launch joint diplomatic effort to restore Committee is ?
peace in region ? A: 12th
A. Afghanistan B: 15th
B. Russia C: 17th
C. Saudi Arabia D: 20th
D. America
262: Current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
257. Which bank received the Best Bank Committee is ?
Award for 2019 ? A: Lt Gen Humayun Aziz
A. Habib Bank Limited B: Lt Gen SarfrazSattar
B. Bank Alfalah C: Lt Gen Nadeem Raza
C. United Bank Limited D: Lt Gen SahirShamshad
D. National Bank of Pakistan
263: Which province of Pakistan became
258. The name of Iran’s only woman the first to acquire Federal Government's
Olympic medalist who recently announced license for establishing a provincial power
to leave the country is ? gird company ?
A. Mariam Toshi A: KPK
B. Zahira Ibrahim B: Punjab
C. SadafRajabi C: Balochistan
D. Kimia Alizadeh D: Sindh
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
264: Current Chief Justice of AJK High Court A. Jamrud Dry Port
is ? B. Havelian Dry Port
A: Justice AzharSaleem Babar C. Azakhel dry port
B: Justice Ch. Muhammad Ibrahim Zia D. Jehangira Dry Port
C: Justice Raja Saeed Akram Khan
D: None of above 270: The task force established by Pakistan
Navy to protect CPEC is called ?
265. For how many years Pakistan was A: Task Force 75
placed on FATF’s Grey List for the first time? B: Task Force 88
A. 3 years C: Task Force 90
B. 5 years D: Task Force 92
C. 2 years
D. 1 years 271. Which Country Launch First-Ever Arctic
Weather Satellite?
266: Who is current DG ISPR ? A. China
A: Major General Babar Iftikhar B. Russia
B: Major General Asif Ghafoor C. USA
C: Major General AsimSaleemBajwa D. None Of These
D: Major General Athar Abbas
271. Which is the rank of Pakistan in the
267. Saudi Arabia will invest billion united nation e-commerce index 2019 ?
dollar in Oil Refinery and Petro-Chemical A. 118th
Complex in Gawadar? B. 113th
A. $10 C. 114th
B. $6 D. 130th
C. $3
D. $4 272: Which organisation published ”Global
Risk Report” ?
268. Who is current special UN envoy to A. World Bank
Syria? B. IMF
A. Geir Pedersen C. UNDP
B. GeryHidson D. World Economic Forum
C. Zalmay Khalil Zad
D. Rex Tailor 273: Dakar Rally 2019 held in which
269. Prime Minister Imran Khan A. Peru
inaugurated Dry Port in Nowshera on B. Canada 27
10 January 2020? C. Austria
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
277: The newly appointed Managing 282: First Female Pakistani umpire of the
Director of the International Monetary Fund Cricket ?
(IMF) is ? A: Sana Mir
A: Kristalina Georgeiva B: Humaira Farah
B: Christine Lagarde C: Numaira Saleem
C: Gita Gopinath D: Qalsoom Javed
D: Kristalina Mladenovie
283: ‘Cricket My Style’ is the book of ?
278: President Donald Trump offered to buy A: Wasim Akram
which country/Island ? B: Nojot Singh Sidhu
A: Iceland C: Kapil Dev 28
B: Finland D: Shahid Afridi
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
284: FIFA’s World Cup 2022 Security Deal 289: Which Country will host AFC Asian Cup
signed between Qatar and ? 2023 ?
A: KSA A: China
B: USA B: South Korea
C: Russia C: India
D: France D: Qatar
285: Sabakzai Dam is being constructed 290: The Pakistani Woman honoured with
under WAPDA vision 2025 in Balochistan on IBM’s highest prestigious award ”Best of
which river ? IBM 2019 ?
A: Bolan River A: Asma Zaheer
B: Hingol River B: Noreen Akbar
C: Dasht River C: Fatima Kanwal
D: Zhob River D: Eisha Khan
287: Which Article of Constitution of 292: The New President of South Africa who
Pakistan gives Power to Supreme Court for sworn oath on 26 may 2019 is ?
Suo Motu ? A: Jacobzuma
A: 184(3) B: Cyril Ramaphosa
B: 184(5) C: Thabo Mekhi
C: 185(3) D: Jozua François
D: 149(5)
293: Chief Justice Gulzar Ahmed is which
288: According to WHO report 2019 chief justice of Pakistan ?
‘Pakistan is at number of breast cancer A: 25th
patients in Asia’ ? B: 26th
A: 1st C: 27th
B: 2nd D: 28th
C: 3rd 29
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
294: Babri Mosque which was demolished 299: Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has
on December 22, 1992. It was/is situated in discovered gas, hydrocarbon reserves an
which state of India ? exploratory well Bistro-1 in which district of
A: Maharashtra Sindh ?
B: Utar Pardesh A: Jacobabad
C: Madhya Pardesh B: Khairpur
D: Andra Pardesh C: Sanghar
D: Thar
295: Who is the Foreign Minister of
Malaysia ? 300. Which country was badly affected by
A: Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah Hagibis Typhoon in the month of October
B: Tuan Mohamad Sabu 2019 ?
C: Dr Maszlee Malik (A) Indonesia
D: Tuan Khalid Abdul Samad (B) Sri Lanka
(C) Japan
296: Pakistan's first female taxi driver and a (D) South Africa
local legend is ?
A: Shahida Malik 301. Which of the following scientists did
B: Zahida Kazmi not share Nobel Prize 2019 in Chemistry ?
C: Anum Shah (A) Akira Yoshino
D: Sharmeela (B) M. Stanley Whittingham
(C) John B. Goodenough
297: What is the name of The Indian Coast (D) Frances Arnold
Guard anti-hijacking exercise 2019 at the
Kochi Port ? 302: Three member Special Court in
A: Garuda Musharif's High Treason case headed by ?
B: Apharan A: Chief Justice of Supreme Court
C: Vijay B: Chief Justice of Islamabad High Court
D: Shakti C: Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court
D: Chief Justice of Lahore High Court
298: Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has
discovered gas, hydrocarbon reserves an 303: General Musharif currently residing in
exploratory well Margand X-1 in ? Dubai, UAE. He left Pakistan on account of
A: Chagi, Balochistan medical treatment in ?
B: Kalat, Balochistan A: March 2013
C: Mardan KPK B: July 2007
D: Jhelum Punjab C: March 2016 30
D: July 2014
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
B: Article 6
304: Which of the following respected C: Article 9
Judge is not member of Special Court in D: Article 10
General Musharif's High Treason case ?
A: Chief Justice Waqar Ahmed Seth 309: UN Security Council to meet on
B: Chief Justice Athar Minallah Kashmir Issue first time in close doors on 18
C: Justice Nazar Akbar December 2019 at which country's request
D: Justice Shahid Karim ?
A: Pakistan
305: According to the article 45 of B: Bangladesh
constitution, who possess the constitutional C: China
right to pardon a death row defendant ? D: Russia
A: Chief Justice of Pakistan
B: Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan 310: Global Gender Gap Index Report 2020
C: President of Pakistan is issued by ?
D: Prime Minister of Pakistan A: Human Rights Watch
B: World Economic Forum
306: Special Court announced the death C: Amnesty International
sentence of General ParvaizMusharif on 17 D: UN High Commission for Refugees
December 2019, consisted on how many
judges ? 311: According to Global Gender Gap Index
A: 2 Report 2020, Pakistan ranked at which
B: 3 point out of 153 on Global Gender Parity
C: 4 Index ?
D: 5 A: 141
307: According to High Treason B: 145
(Punishment) Act 1973, the punishment for C: 151
High Treason is ? D: 153
A: Death sentence
B: Life imprisonment 312. Because of the rise of communication
C: Death sentence or life imprisonment technology, observers have labeled today's
D: Both A and B era the ?
A. Age of anxiety.
308: Special Court announced death B. Age of entertainment.
sentence of General ParvaizMusharif on 17 C. Age of access.
December 2019 under which article of D. Age of intrusion.
constitution ? E. Age of privacy. 31
A: Article 3
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
B: Japan C: Gilgit
C: China D: Hunza
D: Canada
338: The Chairman of Pakistan Nuclear
333. What is total membership of US Senate Regulatory Authority is ?
? A: Dr Faiz Hameed
A. 100 B: Muhammad Nadeem
B. 102 C: Zaheer Ayub Baig
C. 104 D: Naeem Ahmed Gillani
D. 109
339: Head of the IAEA’s Nuclear Security
334: No any single case of Dengue fever is Division paid a visit to the Karachi Nuclear
reported in ? Power Plant on December 07, 2019. His
A: AJ&K name ?
B: Islamabad A: Abdul Aziz Raja Adnan
C: Balochistan B: ZaheerAyubBaig
D: All of above C: Georgeiva Kristina
D: None of above
335: The most Dengue Fever cases in 2019
are reported in which province of Pakistan ? 340: Saidu Sharif Airport is being
A: KPK constructed in ?
B: Punjab A: Gilgit
C: Sindh B: AJ&K
D: Balochistan C: Swat
336: The KPK government has launched D: Gwadar
which mobile application to register
complaint for recovery of missing children 341: Who is Special Assistant to Prime
in the province ? Minister on Youth Affairs ?
A: Mera Bacha Alert A: Yousaf Baig Mirza
B: HumaraPayara Bacha B: Muhammad Usman Dar
C: Child Recovery Zone C: Nadeem Babar
D: Children Missing Alert D: Iftikhar Durrani
337: The Chapari Darkhel Dam, a 10.5 MW 342: Through which program PTI
Hydropower Project is being constructed in Government is providing soft loans to youth
which district of KPK ? for small business ?
A: Kuram A: RozgarJawan Program 34
B: Mardan B: Youth, the future of Nation
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
410: How many foreign personalities got Q415: Which two media groups got Rights
Nishan e Pakistan ? for live-streaming the HBL PSL 2019 ?
A. 22 A. Geo tv and Jang group
B. 24 B. Samatv and duniya news
C. 26 C. City42 and Public tv
D. 20 D. PTV news and express news
Q411: Saudi Arabia will establish oil refinery Q416: For which documentary
at Gawadar at the cost of ? SharmeenObaid-Chinoy’s nominated at the
A. $8 Billion annual Vision Awards 2019?
B. $9 Billion A. Saving FAce
C. $10 Billion B. Playing Sports
D. $12 Billion C. Student Athlete
D. Save Women
Q412: Who has been Appointed as
Chairman of Kashmir Committee in Q417: CM Punjab Usman Buzdar belongs to
Pakistan? which district of Punjab?
A. Amjid Ali Khan Niazi A. Layyah
B. Nadeem Afzal Chan B. Dera Ghazi Khan
C. Syed Fakhar Imam C. Rajanpur
D. Ammir Sultan Cheema D. Multan
Q413: Which of following Woman Q418: Polio virus is reported in How many
Lawmaker Chaired ‘Pakistan Senate’ on cities of Pakistan in Feb 2019?
Women’s Day, 2019? A. 2 Cities
A. Mehnaz Akbar B. 25 Cities
B. Krishna Kumari C. 10 Cities
C. Fehmida Mirza D. 15 Cities
D. Zubaida Jalal.
Q419: Which country signed $10 bn gas
Q414: Name the district of AJ&K (Azad pipeline agreement with Pakistan?
Jammu and Kashmir) where Indian aircraft A. Iran
was crashed by Hussan Siddique ? B. China
A. Leepa, Hattian Bala C. Russia 39
B. Khanjar, Bhimber district D. Kazakhstan
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
A. 11 Countries
Q420: Which High court cancelled contract B. 13 Countries
for IDEAS 2020 Defence Exhibition? C. 15 Countries
A. Peshawar HC D. 17 Countries
B. Lahore HC
C. Balochistan HC Q425: Country has lifted ban on import of
D. Sindh HC Pakistani Rice?
A. Kuwait
Q421: Pakistan's youngest Taekwondo B. Iran
athlete who won the Bronze medal during C. Qatar
the 7th Fujairah Open International D. Saudi Arabia
Taekwondo Championship in UAE is ?
A. RidaIktikhar Q426: Iran-Pakistan Free Economic Zone is
B. Ayesha ayaz going to establish in which city to increase
C. Sana Ayaz bilateral trade with Pakistan?
D. Samina Baig. A. Mirjaveh city
B. Gwadar
Q422: Shah Mahmood Qureshi led a C. Dalbandin
delegation of around a dozen senators from D. None
all parties of Pakistani parliament to
present the case of Kashmir before the ? Q427: Which Judge of Indian Supreme
A. USA parliamentarians Court attended the Pakistan Chief Justice
B. British parliamentarians Asif Saeed Khosa Oath Taking Ceremony on
C. German parliamentarians January 18, 2019?
D. Russian Parliamentarians A. Justice Ranjan Gogoi
B. Justice Sharad Arvind Bodbe
Q423: Which of followig international C. Justice N.V. Ramana
commentator is a part of HBL PSL 2019 D. Justice DipakMisra
commentary panel?
A. Mathew Hayden Q428: Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, 26th CJP
B. Dany Morrison Supreme Court of Pakistan belongs to Court
C. Micheal Slater Bar?
D. Graeme Smith A. Balochistan High Court
E. All of the above B. Lahore High Court
C. Sindh High Court
Q424: How many countries participated in D. Peshawar High court
Karakoram International Alpine Ski Cup 40
2019 held in Pakistan?
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Q429: PM Imran Khan received ‘Gold Q434: Pakistani Women Cricket Player has
Kalashinkov’ as a gift from ? been named in ICC Women ODI Team of the
A. Turkey year 2018?
B. Saudi Arabia A. Javeria Khan
C. UAE B. BismaMahroof
D. Malaysia C. Sana Mir
D. Nain
Q430: Indus Water treaty 1960 requires the
water commissioners of Pakistan and India Q435: What was the code name given to
to meet a year? United States Navy SEALS operation leading
A. Once to elimination of Osama bin Ladin in
B. Twice Abbotabad?
C. Thrice A: Lionheart
D. None B: Neptuen Spear
C: Geronimo
Q431: CPEC has how many Special D: Shuckwave
Economic Zones?
A. 6 Q436: The newest district of Balochistan is ?
B. 8 (A) Sheerani
C. 9 (B) JhalMagsi
D. 5 (C) Washuk
(D) Lehri
Q432: After how many years UAE Prince
Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al- Q437: After 19 years, national population
Nahyan Visited Pakistan on Jan 6 2019? and housing census was held in 2017. It was
A. 7 Years the ........ census ?
B. 9 Years (A) fourth
C. 12 Years (B) fifth
D. Never visited first (C) sixth
(D) seventh
Q433: Current National Assembly is
in the country’s history ? Q438: Who is the current Managing
A. 14th Director of IMF?
B. 15th A. Alistiar Darting
C. 16th B. Guy Quaden
D. 18th C. Christilina Geogiva
D. Dominique Strauss-Kahn 41
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Q439: Which tabacco company has Q444: Which Police Force Officially inducted
presented RS 5 million Cheque to PM Imran Worlds first Operational Robot Police
Khan for Dam Fund ? Officer ?
A. Pakistan Tobacco Company Limited A. Dubai
B. General Tobacco Company B. Venice
C. British American Tobacco C. Newyork
D. Khyber Tobacco Company Limited D. Shanghai
Q440: Pakistan and China have signed an Q445: Which member of SAARC has largest
agreement for railway track on literacy rate ?
28th April, 2019 ? A. Maldives
A. Pak-China Express Train B. Sri Lanka
B. ML-1 C. India
C. MS-5 D. Bangladesh
D. PC-1
Q446: Which Province to introduce law to
Q441: Who is the governor of The State check animal diseases ?
Bank of Pakistan ? A. KPK
A. Mr. RiazRiazuddin B. Sindh
B. Ashraf Mahmood Wathra C.Punjab
C. Tariq Bajwa D.None of These
D. Dr Reza Baqir
Q447: Which Province started online
Q442: Who is the Current Chairman of healthcare facility named as E-Ilaj ?
Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) ? A.Sindh
A. Nousheen Javeed B. Punjab
B. Syed Shabbar Zaidi C. Kpk
C. Dr Jahanzeb khan D: Balochistan
D. Rukhsana Yasmin
Q448: Who has been titled the Mountain
Q443: Which Country will host Asia cup Princes by Pakistans mountaineering
2020 ? community ?
A. UAE A. Samina Baig
B. INDIA B. Selena Khawaja
C. PAKISTAN C. Uzma Shah
D. AUSTRALIA D. None of These
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Q449: Which country is the Riskiest for Q454: The 14th Muslim Summit (OIC) was
New Borns according to the report of held yesterday in ?
UNICEF ? A: Jeddah
A.Central African Republic B: Makkah
B.Afghanistan C: Turkey
C. Pakistan D: Qatar
D. Bhutan
Q455: Who represented Pakistan in 14th
Q450: How much China to get from Muslim Summit yesterday May 31, 2019 ?
Gawadar Ports' income ? A: Imran Khan✔✔
A. 51% B: Shah Mehmood Qureshi
B. 41% C: Mamnoon Hussain
C. 21% D: Gen. QamarJavedBajwa
D. 91%
Q456: 2022 FIFA world cup will held in ?
Q451: China will get income from Gawadar A. Russia
Port for how many Years ? B. UAE
A. 10 C. USA
B. 20 D. Qatar
C. 30
D. 40 Q457: Current General Secretary of UNO
belongs to ?
Q452: Who has the honour to address A. Japan
thrice the Joint Sitting of the Parliament of B. Portugal
Pakistan? C. Sweden
A. Yasser Arafat D. Uzbekistan
B. Xi Jingping
C. Recep Tayyip Erdoan Q458: Dr ArifAlvi becomes Pakistans 13th
D. Joko Widodo president by securing votes?
A. 283
Q453: United States president, Donald B. 352
Trump, made his first foreign trip to ? C. 363
A. Israel D. 393
B. Great Britain
C. Saudi Arabia Q459: How many candidates have
D. Russia submitted their nomination paper for
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
troops within months from Q495: Which country has unveiled its first AI
Afghanistan ? police officer called Ella?
(a) 18 (a) Germany
(b) 14 (b) USA
(c) 12 (c) UAE
(d) 24 (d) New Zealand
Q491: Freelance reporter was named Q496: became the first-ever country in
the winner of the 2019 Agence France-Presse the world to give representation to a trans person
(Afp’s) Kate Webb Prize for his coverage on the in its delegation at UN Convention to End All
ground in India-controlled Kashmir during Delhi’s Forms of Discrimination Against Women
lock down of the region ? (CEDAW) ?
(a) Ahmer Khan (a) Germany
(b) Fahad Shah (b) Pakistan
(c) Yousuf Jameel (c) India
(d) None of these (d) Canada
Q504: Who became the new Sultan of Oman Q509: Which of the following countries have
after the death of Sultan Qaboos? signed an agreement to build East Med Pipeline ?
(a) Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra ibni Sultan (a) Turkey, Russia, Greece
(b) Haitham bin Tariq Al Said (b) Russia, Israel, Cyprus 48
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Q511: Who became the new Quds force Q516: The Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019 was held
Commander after the death of General Qassem in Malaysia on ?
Solaimani? (a) 18th – 23rd December
(a) Gholam Ali Rashid (b) 20th – 22nd December
(b) Mohammad Bagheri (c) 18th – 21st December
(c) Mohammad Pakpour (d) 17th – 20th December
(d) Esmail Ghani
Q517: The 2019 United Nations Climate Change
Q512: General Qassem Soleimani was killed at Conference also known as ?
which international airport? (a) COP25
(a) Riyadh’s (b) COP15
(b) Baghdad’s (c) COP30
(c) Tehran’s (d) COP20
(d) Damascus’s
Q518: The 2019 United Nations Climate Change
Q513: General Qassem Soleimani was killed by Conference is the 25th United Nations Climate
a airstrike ? Change conference was held in ?
(a) Saudi Arabia (a) Berlin, Germany
(b) United States (b) Paris, France
(c) Israel (c) Geneva, Switzerland
(d) Russia (d) Madrid, Spain
Q514: General Qassem Soleimani was the head Q519: Becoming the world’s first climate-neutral
of ? continent by 2050, the European Commission 49
(a) Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ presented the?
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Q551: has been declared “Man of the Q556: Which country will host the ICC Cricket
Year” 2019 from the Muslim world by the World cup 2023?
Jordan’s Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre ? (a) Pakistan
(a) Recep Tayyip Erdogan (b) India
(b) Imran Khan (c) Sri Lanka
(c) Mahatir Muhammad (d) None of These
(d) None of These
Q557: ICC Cricket World cup 2019 was hosted by
Q552: Which Country President invited citizens ?
that they could “shoot but not kill” public officials (a) Australia
who demand money in exchange for their (b) England
services ? (c) England and Wales
(a) Brazil (d) None of These
(b) Philippines
(c) Norway Q558: Which of the following Country cricket
(d) None of These team won ICC Cricket World cup 2019?
(a) New Zealand
Q553: Which country has recently unveiled air (b) Australia
defense system “Bavar-373”? (c) England
(a) Pakistan (d) None of These
(b) India
(c) Iran Q559: 2019 Asian Snooker Championship won by
(d) None of These ?
(a) India
Q554: Which of the following country Foreign (b) Pakistan
Minister makes surprise visit to G7 summit 2019? (c) Thailand
(a) Iran (d) None of These
(b) India
(c) Pakistan Q560: 2019 Asian Snooker Championship was
(d) None of These held in ?
(a) Iran
Q555: Which country will host 46th G7 summit (b) UAE
2020? (c) Qatar
(a) USA (d) None of These
(b) Canada
(c) France Q561: Who called Mayor of London Sadiq Khan a 53
(d) None of These “stone cold loser”?
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Q566: has unveiled plans for a global Q570: The 19th Meeting of the Council of the
cryptocurrency named as “Libra” that will allow its Heads of State of Shanghai Cooperation
billions of users to make financial transactions Organisation (SCO) was held in ?
across the globe ? (a) Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
(a) Facebook 54
(b) Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
(b) Microsoft
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar
Q585: “Yellow Vest” or “Yellow jacket” Q590: World’s first underground luxury hotel
movement belongs to which country? opened in ?
(a) France (a) Shanghai, China
(b) Brazil (b) Tokyo, Japan
(c) Germany (c) Paris, France
(d) None of These (d) None of These
Q586: Which country Just Built A 250-Acre Solar Q591: Maj. Gen. Alenka Ermenc is the first female
Farm Shaped Like A Giant Panda? Army Chief of which country?
(a) Japan (a) Denmark
(b) China (b) Ukraine 56
Current Affairs - 600 MCQs (2019- 2020) – Courtesy Aamir Mahar