Education II Question Bank
Education II Question Bank
Education II Question Bank
Education II Semester
(a) Latinword
(a) Critical
(b) Synthetic
(c) Comprehensive
(a) Psychology
(b) Sociology
(c) Philosophy
(d) Literature
5. There is interaction between Philosophy and education, either without the other is
6. Philosophy asks and answers various questions pertaining to the whole field of
(b) Education
(c) Environment
(d) Sociology
(a ) Great leaders
(a)Educational evaluation
(b)Primary education
a) Epistemology
b) Axiology
c) Metaphysics
d) Sociology
12. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Spiritual
(b) Intellectual
(c) Physical
14. The intimacy between philosophy and religion can be seen in the field of
(a) Values
17. Which of the following does not pertain to intellectual development aim of education?
(a) Inference
(b) Testimony
(c) Perception
(d) Comparison
a)Applied philosophy
b) Pure philosophy
c) Natural philosophy
d) Social philosophy
20. Which is not the nature of philosophy?
22. The aim of education for harmonious development of the child means
(a) Development of all the qualities of the mind to the maximum possible extent.
(a) Induction
(b) Dialectical
(c) Deduction`
(a) Analysis
(b) Criticism
(c) Synthesis
(d) Scrutiny
26. Philosophers are “Those who are lovers of the vision of truth”. This was said by
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Socrates
(a) Family
(b) Society
(c) Friend
(d) School
(a) Knowledge
(b) Truth
(c) Values
(d) Environment
32. The art of education will never attain complete clearness in itself without
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Literature
(d) Psychology
35. According to Spencer, only a true philosopher may give practical shape to
(a) Education.
(b) Business
(c) Management
(d) Environment
37. Method of teaching is to fulfill the aims of education and life. This is determined by
(a) Humanities
b) Literature
(d) Philosophy
38. Philosophy sets the goal of life and who provides the means for its achievements?
(a) Management
(b) Education
(c) Theology
(d) Cosmology
(a) Thinking
(b) Criticizing
(c) Synthesizing
19. (a) applied philosophy 20. (b) Totality of man’s creative ideas
22. (c) Development of physical, mental and moral potentialities of the child
29. (b) Like two side of the same coin 30. (b) Human soul
31. (a) Life, its value and meaning 32. (b) Philosophy.
33. (c) Educational values. 34. (d) All of the above
5. ‘’Education Sociology is the interaction of the Individual and his Cultural Environment”. This
was stated by
(a) Brown
(b) Carter
(c) Ottaway
(d) George Payne
9. Indian Society can be divided into various levels of people. Which of the following is not one
of these?
(a) Upper class
(b) Hindus
(c) Middle class
(d) Lower class
11. The literacy percentage of Mizoram in the last census (2011) was
(a) 91.33
(b) 95.51
(c) 99.11
(d) 98.76
13.Adopting oneself to the conditions and requirement of the community is called social-
(a) adaptation
(b) adjustment
(c) behaviour
(d) dynamic
19. “Education and society are two mutually supporting systems, interconnected, that one cannot
thrive in the absence of the other.” What is the reason?
(a) Education sustains society, preserves culture,ushers in new one and inculcates
(b) Education helps to do away with social divisions and produces leaders for governance
(c) Education makes people employable
(d) Education modernizes and makes society civilized
22. Educators must have a good understanding of the social forces because
(a) education is a social process
(b) educators are social beings
(c) education is influenced by social forces
(d) education is one of the activities carried on in the social setting amidst social forces
27. All human beings have to interact with other human beings in order to
(a) survive
(b) gossip
(c) quarrel
(d) compete
40. Educational Sociology tries to search for suitable solution for problems related to education
(a) politics
(b) economics
(c) society
(d) religion
2. (d) Society
3. (b) Society
5. (c) Ottaway
10.(b) family
11.(a) 91.33
19. (a) Education sustains society preserves cultures, ushers in new one and inculcates values
39.(a) community
7. Family is an important
(a) specialized group
(b) primary group
(c) special interest group
(d) secondary group
15. Culture is
(a) static
(b) dynamic
(c) only internal
(d) only external
16. What is the most effective factor of social change in a democratic country?
(a) religion
(b) family
(c) education
(d) community
17. Who has given the classification of social group as primary and secondary group?
(a) Durkheim
(b) Mac Iver
(c) Gillin
(d) Cooley
18. A primary group can best be defined as a group
(a) that is characterized by shared interests and interchangeability of roles
(b) in which two or more people interact in predictable ways
(c) that is characterized by face-to-face interaction and close emotional ties
(d) in which two or more people work together to achieve a goal
22. Culture is
(a) the characteristics and products of the learned behaviours of a group of people
(b) the sum total of feelings of the people of a group
(c) the totality of the interrelationship of the people of a group
(d) the totality of mutual understandings of the people of a group
23. Any collection of human beings who are brought into social relationship with another called
(a) family
(b) office
(c) institution
(d) group
30. Which of the following statements is not true about members of a social group?
(a) They are involved in closed interaction
(b) They are a casual collection of people
(c) They are aware of shared memberships
(d) They have district relations with one another
31. Which of the following characteristics is essential in a primary group?
(a) Its members must be of the age
(b) It should have large membership
(c) Its membership usually must be limited to one sex
(d) Its members must have limited self interest
32. When there is a difference in the pace of progress of material and non-material cultural. This
difference is called
(a) social lag
(b) technological lag
(c) cultural lag
(d) material lag
34. Changes in society which manifest ideas, valves and literature may be called
(a) non-material changes
(b) ornamental changes
(c) cosmopolitan changes
(d) material changes
38. Which of the following is not a factor for social change in India?
(a) Caste
(b) Regionalism
(c) Language
(d) Census
39. What is more crucial for bringing about a desired social change in India?
(a) development of social resources
(b) development of natural resources
(c) development of human resources
(d) development of physical resources
5. (d) society
18. (c) that is characterized by face-to-face interaction and close emotional ties
21. (c) its members must have high rate of interaction with one another.
22. (a) the characteristics and products of the learned behaviour of a group of people.
33. (d) change in the knowledge, skills, interest and values of the people as a whole through