Education II Question Bank

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Question Bank

Education II Semester

Paper II Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education

UNIT – 1 Introduction to Educational Philosophy


1. The literal meaning of philosophy is

(a) Love of Wisdom

(b) Love of Knowledge

(c) Love of truth

(d) Love of God

2. The word philosophy comes from the word philo-sophia which is

(a) Latinword

(b) Greek word

(c) Celtic word

(d) Roman Word

3. The nature of philosophy can be explained as

(a) Critical

(b) Synthetic

(c) Comprehensive

(d) All of the above

4. Education is the dynamic side of

(a) Psychology

(b) Sociology

(c) Philosophy

(d) Literature

5. There is interaction between Philosophy and education, either without the other is

(a) Incomplete and unserviceable.

(b) Complete and whole

(c) Functional and efficient


6. Philosophy asks and answers various questions pertaining to the whole field of

(a) Physical science

(b) Education

(c) Environment

(d) Sociology

7. All Great philosophers of the world have also been

(a ) Great leaders

(b) Great speaker

(c) Great educators

(d) Great healer

8. The scope of educational philosophy is directly concerned with the

(a)Educational evaluation

(b)Primary education

(c) Concept of education

(d) Problems of education

9. The scope of philosophy of education is formed by

(a) The belief of the society

(b) The educational values.

(c) The political principles

(d) Values of the people

10. Aims of education are relative to

(a) Aim of religion

(b) Aim of teacher

(c) Aim of life

(d) Aim of government

11. The branch of philosophy which deals with knowledge is called

a) Epistemology
b) Axiology
c) Metaphysics
d) Sociology
12. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Education is an art

(b) Education is a science

(c) It is neither an art nor science

(d) It is an art and a science

13. The ultimate human values are the nature of

(a) Spiritual

(b) Intellectual

(c) Physical

(d) None of the above

14. The intimacy between philosophy and religion can be seen in the field of

(a) Values

(b) Goals of Life

(c) Aims of knowledge

(d) All of the above

15. The nature of philosophy can be explained as

(a) Physical science

(b) Life science

(c) Universal science

(d) None of the above

16 . Philosophical thinking is characterized by

(a) Philosophical result

(b) Philosophical effect

(c) Philosophical conclusion

(d) All of the above

17. Which of the following does not pertain to intellectual development aim of education?

(a) Spiritual development

(b) Cultivation of intelligence

(c) Training and formation of mind

(d) Development of cognitive power

18. Knowledge arising out of similar cognition or perception is known as

(a) Inference

(b) Testimony

(c) Perception

(d) Comparison

19.Philosophy of education is a field of

a)Applied philosophy

b) Pure philosophy

c) Natural philosophy

d) Social philosophy
20. Which is not the nature of philosophy?

(a) Science of knowledge

(b) Totality of man’s creative ideas

(c) Planned attempt on search of truth

(d) Collective ensemble of various viewpoints

21. On what is based the need for teaching philosophy of education

(a) Individual difference

(b)Different teaching method

(c)Diverse education system

(d)Different philosophies express different aspects of Education

22. The aim of education for harmonious development of the child means

(a) Development of all the qualities of the mind to the maximum possible extent.

(b) Development of a sound mind in a sound body.

(c) Development of physical, mental and moral potentialities of the child.

(d) Development of the adjustment capacities of the child

23. What is development of human potentialities in education?

(a) Individual aim

(b) Social aim

(c) Individual as well as social aim

(d) Specific aim.

24. The philosophical methods include

(a) Induction

(b) Dialectical

(c) Deduction`

(d) All of the above

25. The most important trait of philosophy is

(a) Analysis

(b) Criticism

(c) Synthesis

(d) Scrutiny

26. Philosophers are “Those who are lovers of the vision of truth”. This was said by

(a) Plato

(b) Aristotle

(c) Socrates

(d) Emmanuel Kant

27. Which is the first school for the child’s education?

(a) Family

(b) Society

(c) Friend
(d) School

28. Philosophy is concerned with

(a) Knowledge

(b) Truth

(c) Values

(d) All of the above

29. Philosophy and education are

(a) Different in all aspect

(b) Like two sides of the same coin

(c) Deals in different goals

(d) Separate field of knowledge

30. Philosophy enquires into the nature of

(a) Physical Sciences

(b) Human soul

(c) Material world

(d) Environment

31. Philosophy is the interpretation of

(a) Life, its value and meaning

(b) Subconscious mind

(c) Financial viability

(b) Affairs of state

32. The art of education will never attain complete clearness in itself without

(a) History of human

(b) Philosophy.

(c) Literature

(d) Psychology

33. The scope of philosophy of education is formed by the

(a) Social aims

(b) Individual aims

(c) Educational values.

(d) Justice and equality

34. Philosophy of education is the criticism of the

(a) General theory of education

(b) Synthesis of educational values

(c) Critical evaluation of educational theories

(d) All of the above

35. According to Spencer, only a true philosopher may give practical shape to

(a) Education.

(b) Business

(c) Management
(d) Environment

36. Philosophy emphasizes that instructional techniques must recognize

(a) Parents demand

(b) The capacities of children.

(c) Available resources (d) Teachers significance

37. Method of teaching is to fulfill the aims of education and life. This is determined by

(a) Humanities

b) Literature

(d) Social sciences

(d) Philosophy

38. Philosophy sets the goal of life and who provides the means for its achievements?

(a) Management

(b) Education

(c) Theology

(d) Cosmology

39. Philosophical activity is concerned with

(a) Thinking

(b) Criticizing

(c) Synthesizing

(d) All of the above

40. Philosophy is concerned with everything as

(a) A universal science.

(b) Independent studies

(c) Separate knowledge

(d) None of the above

Key Answers for MCQ Unit 1

1. (a) Love of Wisdom 2. (b) Greek word

3. (d) All of the above 4. (c) Philosophy

5. (a) Incomplete and unserviceable 6. (b) Education

7. (c) Great educators 8. (d) Problems of education

9. (b) The educational values 10. (c) Aim of life

11. (a) Epistemology 12. (d) It is art and science

13. (a) Spiritual 14. (d) All of the above

15. (c) Universal science 16. (d) All of the above

17. (a) Spiritual development 18. (d) Comparison

19. (a) applied philosophy 20. (b) Totality of man’s creative ideas

21. (d) different philosophies express different aspects of Education

22. (c) Development of physical, mental and moral potentialities of the child

23. (a) Individual aim 24. (d) All of the above

25. (b) Criticism 26. (c) Socrates

27. (a) Family 28. (d) All of the above

29. (b) Like two side of the same coin 30. (b) Human soul

31. (a) Life, its value and meaning 32. (b) Philosophy.
33. (c) Educational values. 34. (d) All of the above

35. (a) Education 36. (b) The capacities of children

37. (d) Philosophy 38. (b) Education

39. (d) All of the above 40. (a) A universal science.

Unit III – Introduction to Educational Sociology


1. Who is considered to be the father of Sociology.

(a) Emile Durkhein

(b) Kingsley Davis
(c) Auguste Comte
(d) George Payne

2. Sociology is the study of

(a) Human being
(b) Customs
(c) Values
(d) Society

3. Sociology is the Science of

(a) Associations
(b) Society
(c) Customs
(d) Co-operations

4. The Word ‘Socius’ means

(a) Associate or Companion
(b) Member of Society
(c) Member of an Association
(d) None of the above

5. ‘’Education Sociology is the interaction of the Individual and his Cultural Environment”. This
was stated by
(a) Brown
(b) Carter
(c) Ottaway
(d) George Payne

6. Who is regarded as the Father of Educational Sociology.

(a) George Payne
(b) Brown
(c) Emily Durkhein
(d) Ottaway

7. The term ‘Sociology’ was coined by

(a) George Payne
(b) Auguste Comte
(c) Ottaway
(d) Brown

8. Sociology emerged as an Independent Social Science in the

(a) 17th Century
(b) 16th Century
(c) 18th Century
(d) 19th Century

9. Indian Society can be divided into various levels of people. Which of the following is not one
of these?
(a) Upper class
(b) Hindus
(c) Middle class
(d) Lower class

10. One important example of a primary group is

(a) political party
(b) family
(c) church
(d) YMA

11. The literacy percentage of Mizoram in the last census (2011) was
(a) 91.33
(b) 95.51
(c) 99.11
(d) 98.76

12. Application of principles of sociology to education in known as

(a) Educational Sociology
(b) Sociology of Education
(c) Social foundation of Education
(d) Social Science of Education

13.Adopting oneself to the conditions and requirement of the community is called social-
(a) adaptation
(b) adjustment
(c) behaviour
(d) dynamic

14. The term Sociology is coined in the year

(a) 1798
(b) 1829
(c) 1839
(d) 1818

15. Educational Sociology deals with which aspect of education

(a) Social
(b) Political
(c) Economic
(d) Psychological

16. Society has been defined as a “web of social relationships” by

(a) Cooley
(b) Durkhein
(c) Mac Iver
(d) Bronson

17. Which aim of education is most useful for the community?

(a) Cultural
(b) Technological
(c) Livelihood
(d) Socialization
18. The individual and society are considered as
(a) supplementary
(b) interdependent
(c) complimentary
(d) contradictory

19. “Education and society are two mutually supporting systems, interconnected, that one cannot
thrive in the absence of the other.” What is the reason?
(a) Education sustains society, preserves culture,ushers in new one and inculcates
(b) Education helps to do away with social divisions and produces leaders for governance
(c) Education makes people employable
(d) Education modernizes and makes society civilized

20. Education provided to the child by the schools is

(a) formal
(b) informal
(c) traditional
(d) highly standardized

21. A society is a network of

(a) social attitudes
(b) socio-political relationships
(c) religions-cultural attitudes
(d) inter-personal relationships

22. Educators must have a good understanding of the social forces because
(a) education is a social process
(b) educators are social beings
(c) education is influenced by social forces
(d) education is one of the activities carried on in the social setting amidst social forces

23. Human nature develops in man as a

(a) member of a religion
(b) citizen of a state
(c) member of an organization
(d) member of a society

24. It is implied in the ‘social nature’ of the education that it

(a) ensures desirable socialization of the child
(b) ensures the development of child’s potentialities
(c) educates the child for citizenship
(d) enables the individual to find a job himself
25. High degree of inter-dependence between education and the rest of the society is very much
emphasized, not because of
(a) increasing number of students, requiring increasing financial support
(b) dramatic changes in the role of the government in educational matters
(c) man’s social nature
(d) social nature of education

26. The study of human society involves the study of

(a) man
(b) mind
(c) environment
(d) heredity

27. All human beings have to interact with other human beings in order to
(a) survive
(b) gossip
(c) quarrel
(d) compete

28. Society preserves our

(a) civilization
(b) culture and transmits it to succeeding generation
(c) philosophical ideas
(d) interrelation

29. The schools help the people to

(a) assimilate culture
(b) ignore culture
(c) protest against culture
(d) enjoy culture

30. Individual and society are considered as

(a) interdependent
(b) contradicting
(c) complementary
(d) supplementary
31. Human nature develop in man as a
(a) member of a religion
(b) citizen of a state
(c) member if an organization
(d) member of a society

32. Man’s behaviour in society is determined mainly by two forces, namely

(a) formal and informal
(b) natural and unnatural
(c) physical and social
(d) psychological and philosophical

33. Function of educational structure is

(a) replacement of population
(b) socialization of new population
(c) maintenance of a sense of purpose
(d) system maintenance

34. The most important characteristic of a society is

(a) inter-communication
(b) mutual influence
(c) interpersonal relationship
(d) individual approach

35. The fundamental unit of human society is known as

(a) social group
(b) tribal group
(c) individual
(d) family

36. Characteristics of society is

(a) mutual awareness
(b) specific aims
(c) definite geographical area
(d) interrelation
37. According to Aristotle, the nature of man is
(a) religious
(b) social
(c) isolate
(d) culture

38. Both nature and necessity compel man to live in

(a) forest
(b) society
(c) church
(d) college

39. The educational institution is a

(a) community
(b) family
(c) social institution
(d) organization

40. Educational Sociology tries to search for suitable solution for problems related to education
(a) politics
(b) economics
(c) society
(d) religion

MCQ Answer Key for Unit 3

1. (c) Auguste Comte

2. (d) Society

3. (b) Society

4. (a) associate or companion

5. (c) Ottaway

6. (a) George Payne

7. (b) Auguste Comte

8. (d) 19th Century

9. (b) Hindus

10.(b) family

11.(a) 91.33

12. (a) educational sociology

13. (a) adaptation

14. (c) 1839

15. (a) Social

16. (c) Mac Iver

17. (d) Socialization

18. (b) interdependent

19. (a) Education sustains society preserves cultures, ushers in new one and inculcates values

20. (a) formal

21. (d) inter- personal relationships

22. (c) education is influenced by social forces

23. (d) member of society

24. (a) ensures desirable socialization of the child.

25. (c) man’s social nature

26. (a) man

27. (a) survive

28. (b) culture and transmits it to succeeding generation

29. (a) assimilate culture

30. (a) interdependent

31. (d) member of society

32. (a) formal and informal

33. (b) socialization of new population

34. (c) interpersonal relationship

35. (d) family

36. (d) interrelations

37. (b) social

38. (b) society

39.(a) community

40. (c) society

UNIT IV- Education and Change


1. Characteristic of Secondary Group is

(a) Physical proximity

(b) Permanency
(c) Largeness in size
(b) Compulsory membership

2. Language, custom, values, traditions are examples of

(a) Material Culture
(b) Non-material Culture
(c) Intellectual Culture
(d) Industrial Culture

3. Primary groups are also called

(a) Face-to-Face groups
(b) Derivative groups
(c) Self-help groups
(d) None of the above

4. ‘Special interest groups’ are also known as

(a) Primary groups
(b) Secondary groups
(c) Social groups
(d) Cultural groups
5. Social change refers to the change that takes place in a
(a) individual
(b) group
(c) family
(d) society

6. One of the characteristics of a primary group is

(a) large size
(b) temporary membership
(c) impersonal relation
(d) physical proximity

7. Family is an important
(a) specialized group
(b) primary group
(c) special interest group
(d) secondary group

8. In secondary groups, we find

(a) face-to-face contact
(b) intimate relations
(c) secondary relations
(d) physical proximity

9. Buildings, roads, machinery and bridges are examples of

(a) industrial culture
(b) non-cultural culture
(c) material culture
(d) intellectual culture

10. Cultural change is

(a) restricted to primitive societies
(b) restricted to developed societies
(c) restricted to developing societies
(d) a universal phenomenon

11. Social change is change in

(a) society
(b) community
(c) individual
(d) education

12. In today’s world, mass media is looked upon as

(a) an asset
(b) an investment
(c) a liability
(d) none of the above

13. Culture is the unique possession of

(a) all living things
(b) man
(c) animals
(d) all of the above

14. Peer group is Important

(a) specialized group
(b) primary group
(c) secondary group
(d) derivative group

15. Culture is
(a) static
(b) dynamic
(c) only internal
(d) only external

16. What is the most effective factor of social change in a democratic country?
(a) religion
(b) family
(c) education
(d) community

17. Who has given the classification of social group as primary and secondary group?
(a) Durkheim
(b) Mac Iver
(c) Gillin
(d) Cooley
18. A primary group can best be defined as a group
(a) that is characterized by shared interests and interchangeability of roles
(b) in which two or more people interact in predictable ways
(c) that is characterized by face-to-face interaction and close emotional ties
(d) in which two or more people work together to achieve a goal

19. Cooley’s ‘’face-to-face’’ group refers to

(a) an in group
(b) a primary group
(c) a formal group
(d) an out group

20. A group in which one has a ‘’we feeling’’ is called a

(a) nationality group
(b) primary group
(c) inherited group
(d) secondary group

21. Which of the following characteristics is essential in a primary group?

(a) its members must be of the same age
(b) it should have large membership
(c) its members must have high rate of interaction with another
(d) its members must be limited to one sex

22. Culture is
(a) the characteristics and products of the learned behaviours of a group of people
(b) the sum total of feelings of the people of a group
(c) the totality of the interrelationship of the people of a group
(d) the totality of mutual understandings of the people of a group

23. Any collection of human beings who are brought into social relationship with another called
(a) family
(b) office
(c) institution
(d) group

24. In secondary groups, members are bound by

(a) close and intimate ties
(b) formal rules
(c) informal rules only
(d) all of the above

25. An example of primary groups is

(a) an association of workers
(b) Red Cross society
(c) a political party
(d) family

26. One of the chief characteristics of secondary group is

(a) physical proximity
(b) permanency
(c) temporary membership
(d) compulsory membership

27. Which of the following is not a secondary group

(a) a city
(b) labour union
(c) political party
(d) students in a classroom

28. Which is these is a correct statement?

a) Modernization is the outcome of social change
(b) Social change is the outcome of modernization
(c) Social change and modernization mean the same thing
(d) None of the above

29. What type of education is imparted by the family?

(a) Formal
(b) Informal
(c) Deliberate
(d) Regular

30. Which of the following statements is not true about members of a social group?
(a) They are involved in closed interaction
(b) They are a casual collection of people
(c) They are aware of shared memberships
(d) They have district relations with one another
31. Which of the following characteristics is essential in a primary group?
(a) Its members must be of the age
(b) It should have large membership
(c) Its membership usually must be limited to one sex
(d) Its members must have limited self interest

32. When there is a difference in the pace of progress of material and non-material cultural. This
difference is called
(a) social lag
(b) technological lag
(c) cultural lag
(d) material lag

33. The realization of the aspirations of the people of India involves

(a) economic growth
(b) innovations in agriculture
(c) industrialization
(d) change in the knowledge, skills interest and valves of the people as a whole
through education

34. Changes in society which manifest ideas, valves and literature may be called
(a) non-material changes
(b) ornamental changes
(c) cosmopolitan changes
(d) material changes

35. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of ‘Culture’?

(a) Culture is social inheritance
(b) Culture is accumulative
(c) Culture is in constant flex
(d) Culture is Biological inheritance

36. Who said ‘’Education follows Social change’’

(a) Durkhein
(b) Johnson
(c) Ottaway
(d) Dewey

37. What is the mostpowerful agent of positive social change?

(a) Power
(b) Education
(c) Money
(d) Calamity

38. Which of the following is not a factor for social change in India?
(a) Caste
(b) Regionalism
(c) Language
(d) Census

39. What is more crucial for bringing about a desired social change in India?
(a) development of social resources
(b) development of natural resources
(c) development of human resources
(d) development of physical resources

40. Culture is______

(a) an individual phenomenon
(b) inherited biologically
(c) continuous and cumalative
(d) static

MCQ Answer Key for Unit 4

1. (c) largeness in size

2. (b) non material culture

3. (a) face to face groups

4. (b) secondary groups

5. (d) society

6. (d) physical proximity

7. (b) primary group

8. (c) secondary relations

9. (c) material culture

10. (d) a universal phenomenon

11. (a) society

12. (b) an investment

13. (b) man

14. (b) primary group

15. (b) dynamic

16. (c) education

17. (d) Cooley

18. (c) that is characterized by face-to-face interaction and close emotional ties

19. (b) a primary group

20. (b) primary group

21. (c) its members must have high rate of interaction with one another.

22. (a) the characteristics and products of the learned behaviour of a group of people.

23. (d) group

24. (b) formal rules

25. (d) family

26. (c) temporary membership

27. (d) students in a classroom

28. (a) modernization is the outcome of social change

29. (b) informal

30. (b) they are a casual collection of people

31. (d) its members must have limited self-interest

32. (c) cultural lag

33. (d) change in the knowledge, skills, interest and values of the people as a whole through

34. (a) non-material changes

35. (d) culture is biological inheritance

36. (c) Ottaway

37. (b) education

38. (d) Census

39. (a) development of social resources

40. (c) continuous and cumulative

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