1 Tightening Torques For Engine M96/01: Crankshaft, Bearing Housing, Crankcase

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1 Tightening torques for engine M96/01

– Crankshaft, bearing housing, crankcase
– Cylinder head
– Accessories sensors, sending units, switches and ancillaries

Crankshaft, bearing housing, crankcase

Location Thread Tightening torque

Nm (ftlb.)

Screws, bearing housing M9 x 129

Initial tightening: 25 (19)

Final tightening: 1 x 90° turn

Connecting-rod screws M9 x 1.25

Initial tightening: 20 (15)

Final tightening: 1 x 90° turn

Oil guide on M6 (micro-encaps.) 10 (7.5)

bearing housing

Screws for joining M6 13 (10.0)

crankcase halves

Additional bolts, M9 x 160 22 (16)

crankcase/bearing housing M9 x 95 22 (16)

Oil suction pipe to crankcase M6 10 (7.5)

Air/oil separator to crankcase M6 10 (7.5)

Oil pan to crankcase M6 10 (7.5)

Oil drain plug to oil pan M18 x 1.5 50 (37)

Oil filter to crankcase S80 x 3 25 ± 1 (19 ± 1)

Coolant guide housing to M10 45 (33)


Coolant drain plug M10 x 1 10 + 5 (7.5 + 3.5)

Screw plug for oil relief valve M20 x 1.5 25 (19)

Intermediate shaft flange to M6 (micro-encaps.) 10 (7.5)


Lock nut on intermediate shaft M8 x 1 13 (10.0) or 11 (8.0) if


special tool 9110 is used

Screw plug for piston pin M27 x 2 80 (59)

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assembly bore on cylinder bank


Engine carrier to engine M10 46 (34)

Bolt for guide rail M6 10 (7.5)

Pulley to crankshaft M16 x 15

Initial tightening: 50 (37)

Final tightening: 1 x 90° turn

Double-mass flywheel to M10 x 1 x 50 (12.9)


Initial tightening: 25 (19)

Final tightening: 1 x 90° turn

Thrust plate to double-mass M8 23 (17)


Drive plate on crankshaft M10 x 1 x 25 (12.9)


Initial tightening: 25 (19)

Final tightening: 1 x 90° turn

Water pump to

crankcase M6 10 (7.5)

Chain tensioner to crankcase M27 x 2 80 (59)

Belt tensioner roller on lever for M10 60 (44)

tensioning element

Belt deflection roller 1 to M10 x 145 (10.9) 65 (48)


M10 x 145 (8.8) 46 (34)

Belt deflection roller 2 on M8 x 55 23 (17)

bracket for hydraulic pump

Belt pulley to generator M16 x 1.5 65 ± 5 (48 ± 3.5)

Belt pulley on hydraulic pump M8 x 12 23 (17)

Cylinder head

Location Thread Tightening torque

Nm (ftlb.)

Cylinder head to crankcase M10 x 230

Initial tightening or tightening to flatten

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1st step 30 (22)

2nd step Cylinder head screws completely undone

Final tightening

1st step 20 (15)

2nd step 60 ° turn

3rd step 60 ° turn

Flat-base tappet housing to M6 10 (7.5)

cylinder head

Camshaft bearing saddles to M6 10 (7.5)

cylinder head

Cylinder-head cover to cylinder M6 13 (10.0)


Spark plugs M14 x 1.25 30 (22) + 3 (2.0) first fitting

25 (19) + 5 (3.5) re-fitting

Camshaft drive pinion and drive M6 x 15 (10.9) 14 (10.5)

plate to camshaft

Chain tensioner on cylinder M27 x 2 80 (59)


Intake pipe on cylinder head M6 (micro-encaps.) 9.7 (7.5)

Plug, oil-pressure duct to M10 x 1 10 (7.5)

cylinder head

Oil extraction pump on cylinder M6 10 (7.5)


Accessories sensors, sending units, switches and ancillaries

Location Thread Tightening torque

Nm (ftlb.)

Oil-level sender to crankcase M14 x 1.25 max. 20 (15)

Oxygen sensor to catalytic M18 55 ± 5 (41 ± 3.5)


Knock sensor M8 20 ± 2 (15 ± 1.5)

Hall sender M6 (micro-encaps.) 10 ± 0.5 (7.5 ± 0.5)

Speed sender M6 (micro-encaps.) 10 ± 0.5 (7.5 ± 0.5)

NTC- M14 x 1.5 25 ± 5 (19 ± 3.5)

coolant temperature

Oil-pressure switch M14 x 1.5 25 ± 5 (19 ± 3.5)

Starter M10 45 (33)

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Generator M10 45 (33)

Ignition coil to cylinder head M6 10 (7.5)


Power steering pump (hydraulic M8 23 (17)

pump) to bracket

Pressure pipe to power steering M16 24 (18)


Oil reservoir to power steering M8 23 (17)


Check valve for auxiliary air M22 x 1.5 32 (24)


Coolant pump to crankcase M6 10 (7.5)

996110, 996111, 996310, 996311, 996410, 996411, 996440, 996441, 996610, 996611

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