Human Resource Management: DR - Arif Khattak

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Question: What are the laws and decisions related to Equal Employment Opportunity related
to Pakistani context?
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Equal employment opportunity is the principle or law according to which every person
regardless of attributes such as race, religion, caste, language, gender, or sexual
discrimination has an equal opportunity to find and apply for any employment based on the
Equal Employment Opportunity in Pakistan
Pakistan also believe and follows and EEO and to ensure this it also made laws and add those
laws into the constitution of Pakistan. Pakistan law makes it obligatory for employers to follow
EEO principles.
Following are some of the law which Pakistan made regarding EEO:-
1. Gender
Article 25 of the constitution of Pakistan is related to equality of citizens in the country. it talks
about that all the citizens have equal right and there is no discrimination on the basis of gender
and there can be separate laws which can provide benefit to the children and women in
different forms.
2. Forced Labor
Article 11 is related to the forced labor. According to which no one in country can force any
other person to do work by force. He/she is prohibited to do so and if anyone try to violate the
law a strict action would be taken against that person.
3. Discrimination On The Basis of Sex
Article 27 of Pakistan constitution puts a ban on discrimination on the basis of sex
discrimination. According to which both men and women are fully allowed to apply for any job.
For discrimination following are the laws:
ILO Discrimination (Employment and Occupation Convention, 1958(No.111) (ratified on
ILO Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951(No.111) (ratified on 11/10/2001)
ILO Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 (No.159)
(ratified on 25/10/1994)
Article 32 of the constitution provide special representation to women in local Government
institutions. 1
4. Discrimination is services
Article 27 title is safeguard against discrimination in services. Exception of qualification basis,
on citizen can be discriminated on the basis of race, caste, religion, gender, place of birth and
5. Wealth Concentration
Article 34 and 38a, according to which it is the responsibility if state to work for wellbeing of the
people of Pakistan by raising their standard of lives and taking steps to prevent concentration
of wealth in few hands and exercise of equal right between employer and employee by
enhancing the involvement of both women and men irrespective of their background, religion,
race, gender.
6. EEO For Disabled Persons
Disabled persons (Employment and Rehabilitation) Ordinance 1981 allot 1% quota to disabled
& later on in 2002, Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education ask Cabinet Divisions for
2% quota of disabled persons in all ministries.
7. Age Discrimination Law
The Age Discrimination in Employment act of 1967 (ADEA) protects workers over age 40 from
discrimination based on their age.
Clause 1 of section 10 emphasizes that in any establishment, minimum 3%to representation
should be from disabled.
C159 of ILO title of Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (disabled persons) is in
enforcement in Pakistan
8. EEO And Minorities
Article 35 talks about their protection of minorities. The main purpose of this article is highlight
that minorities are equal to Muslims and their protection and rights and interest are also very
important and have right to make their representation in federal and local public institutions.
9. Harassment Laws
Section 2C of the protection of women harassment at workplace act 2011 provides guidelines
of behavior to all employees including owner to make harassment if environment for women at
10. Maternity Laws
Section 36, Chapter 5 of the Provincial employment social security ordinance 1965 is related to
maternity benefits.


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