New Roster (Age of Sigmar) (1,000pts) : Pitched Battle 1,000 (Order - Idoneth Deepkin) (1,000pts)
New Roster (Age of Sigmar) (1,000pts) : Pitched Battle 1,000 (Order - Idoneth Deepkin) (1,000pts)
New Roster (Age of Sigmar) (1,000pts) : Pitched Battle 1,000 (Order - Idoneth Deepkin) (1,000pts)
Leader [250pts]
Ability Details Ref
At the start of the combat phase, pick an enemy HERO that is within 3"of this model and roll a dice. Subtract
2 from the dice roll if the enemy HERO is a MONSTER. On a 4+, you can re-roll failed hit rolls for this model’s
Talúnhook for attacks that target that enemy HEROin that combat phase.
At the end of your battleshock phase, pick a friendly NAMARTI unit wholly within 12"of this model and roll a
D3. Return a number of slain models to the unit you picked up to the value of the roll. Add 1 to the D3 roll for
each enemy model that was slain by damage caused by this model’s Talúnhook in the combat phase of the
same turn.
Once per battle, at the start of any phase, the bearer can release the Cloud of Midnight. If they do so, they
Cloud of
cannot be chosen as the target for attacks, spells or abilities for the rest of the phase, but cannot themselves
attack or use spells and abilities for the rest of the phase.
Command Ability Details Ref
Lord of Storm and Add 2 to the Bravery characteristic of friendly IDONETH DEEPKIN units while they are wholly within
Sea 12"of this general.
Spell Description Ref
If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. That unit
5 suffers 1 mortal wound. If the casting roll was 10 or more, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds
If successfully cast, pick the closest enemy unit within 48" of the caster and measure the distance
between the caster and the unit. If the distance is up to 12", the target suffers 1 mortal wound If the
6 distance is more than 12" and up to 24" it suffers 2 mortal wounds instead If the distance is more
than 24" and up to 36" it suffers 3 mortal wounds instead If the distance is more than 36" and up to
48" it suffers 4 mortal wounds instead.
Mystic If successfully cast, pick a friendly unit within 18" of the caster that is visible to them. Re-roll save
Shield rolls of 1 for that unit until your next hero phase.
If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18"of the caster that is visible to them. Until your
Riptide 7 next hero phase, subtract 1 from hit rolls for that unit. In addition, at the start of your next hero
phase the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds.
Spirit Guardians The first wound allocated to this model each turn is negated.
Lotann 6 5 7 6+
Ability Details Ref
Add 1 to the Bravery characteristic of friendly IDONETH DEEPKIN units while they are wholly within 12" of this
model. In addition, re-roll hit rolls of 1 for friendly NAMARTI units while they are wholly within 12" of this
of Souls
Roll a dice each time you allocate a wound or mortal wound to this model. On a 5+, the wound is negated.
Behemoth [340pts]
Akhelian Leviadon [340pts]
Selections: 1. Ancient, Crushing Jaws, Massive Scythed Fins, Razorshell Harpoon Launcher, Twin-pronged Spear and Razorshell
Harpoons, Wound Track Leviadon
Leviadon Wounds: 00-08, 09-11, 12-14, 15+, Unit: Akhelian Leviadon, Unit Abilities: Ancient, Crushing Charge, Fly, Jaws of Death, Void
Drum, Weapon: Crushing Jaws, Massive Scythed Fins, Razorshell Harpoon Launcher, Twin-pronged Spear and Razorshell Harpoons
00-08 2+ 4 2+
09-11 3+ 3 3+
12-14 4+ 2 4+
15+ 5+ 1 5+
Ability Details Ref
If the weapon used for an attack that targets this model has a Rend characteristic of -1, change the Rend
characteristic for that attack to ‘-’.
Roll a dice for each enemy unit within 1" of this model after this model finishes a charge move. On a 2+, that
enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. If that enemy unit has a Wounds characteristic of 1, it suffers D6 mortal
wounds instead of D3 mortal wounds.
If the unmodified hit roll for an attack made with this model’s Crushing Jaws is 6, that attack inflicts 3 mortal
Jaws of wounds on the target and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound or save roll). If the unmodified hit
Death roll for an attack made with this model’s Crushing Jaws is 6 and the target is a MONSTER, that attack inflicts 6
mortal wounds on the target instead of 3 and the attack sequence ends (do not make a wound or save roll).
Add 1 to save rolls for attacks that target friendly IDONETH DEEPKIN units that have a Wounds characteristic
of 8 or less that are wholly within 12" of any friendly LEVIADONS. In addition, add 1 to hit rolls for attacks
made by friendly NAMARTI units that target an enemy unit wholly within 12" of any friendly LEVIADONS.
Battleline [240pts]
Ability Details Ref
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of a Lanmari Blade if all of the attacks made with the weapon target
enemy models with a Wounds characteristic of 1. Add 1 to the Damage characteristic instead if all of the
attacks made with the weapon target enemy models with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or more.
Ability Details Ref
Add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of a Lanmari Blade if all of the attacks made with the weapon target
enemy models with a Wounds characteristic of 1. Add 1 to the Damage characteristic instead if all of the
attacks made with the weapon target enemy models with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or more.
Other [170pts]
Ability Details Ref
Once per battle, at the start of a combat phase, you can say that this unit will unleash the biovoltaic energy
Biovoltaic stored in its voltspears. If you do so, roll 1 dice for each model in this unit. For each 3+, pick an enemy unit
Blast within 3" of this unit. That unit suffers 1 mortal wound. For each 6+, the unit that is picked suffers D3 mortal
wounds instead.
Wave This unit’s voltspears have a Rend characteristic of -2 and a Damage characteristic of 2 if this unit made a
Riders charge move earlier in the same turn.
Categories: A
Idoneth Deepkin
Selections: Forgotten Nightmares, Isharann Rituals, Tides of Death
Battalion Abilities: Isharann Rituals, Battle Trait: Forgotten Nightmares, The Ethersea, Isharann Rituals: Ritual of Erosion, Ritual
of Rousing, Ritual of the Tempest, Tides of Death: -, 1. Low Tide, 2. Flooding Tide, 3. High Tide, 4. Ebbing Tide
Battalion Ability Details Ref
ISHARANN HEROES from an Idoneth Deepkin army can perform the following Isharann rituals in your hero
phase. A maximum of one Isharann ritual can be performed in each hero phase. In order to perform a ritual, at
the start of your hero phase, say which ritual is being performed and then pick one ISHARANN HERO from your
Isharann army that is more than 9" from any enemy models. Then roll 2D6. Add 1 to the roll if the HERO performing the
Rituals ritual is within 1" of a Gloomtide Shipwreck, and add a further 1 to the roll if they are a PRIEST. In addition, add
1 to the roll for each other friendly ISHARANN HERO that is within 3" of the model performing the ritual (add 2
instead for each HERO within 3" that is a PRIEST). On a 10+ the ritual is successfully performed. On any other
result, the ritual fails and nothing happens.
Forgotten Missile weapons can only be used to target an Idoneth Deepkin with this battle trait if it is the closest visible
Nightmares enemy unit
An Idoneth Deepkin army can include up to 2 Gloomtide Shipwreck terrain features. After territories have
been chosen but before armies are set up, you can set up the Gloomtide Shipwrecks anywhere on the
The battlefield, more than 1” from any other terrain features, more than 6” from any other Gloomtide Shipwrecks,
Ethersea and more than 6” from where any objectives will be located at the start of the first battle round. If both
players can set up a terrain feature before armies are set up, they must roll-off, and the winner can choose
the order in which the terrain features are set up.
Effect Ref
Ritual of
Until your next hero phase, enemy units do not receive any benefit for being in cover.
Ritual of Heal 1 wound allocated to each friendly EIDOLON on the battlefield. In addition, you can re-roll failed hit
Rousing rolls and casting rolls for friendly EIDOLONS until your next hero phase.
Ritual of the
Until your next hero phase, enemy models cannot fly.
Tides of
Turn Effect Ref
IDONETH DEEPKIN units with this battle trait have a different Tides of Death ability each battle round,
as shown on the Tides of Death table below.
1. Low
1/5 In this battle round, all units with the Tides of Death battle trait are treated as being in cover
In this battle round, all units with the Tides of Death battle trait that run can still either shoot or charge
Flooding 2/6
in the same turn (but not both).
3. High
3/7 In this battle round, units with the Tides of Death battle trait fight at the start of the combat phase.
4. Ebbing In this battle round, all units with the Tides of Death battle trait that retreat can still either shoot or
Tide charge in the same turn (but not both).
Game Options
Game Type
Selections: 1000 Points - Vanguard
Categories: G O ,V
Force Rules
All-out Attack: You can use this command ability at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly unit wholly within 12" of a friendly
HERO, or wholly within 18" of a friendly HERO that is a general. You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by that unit until the end of that phase. ()
All-out Defence: You can use this command ability at the start of the combat phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly unit that is wholly within 12" of a
friendly HERO, or wholly within 18" of a friendly HERO that is a general. You can re-roll save rolls of 1 for attacks that target that unit until the end of
that phase.
At the Double: You can use this command ability after you make a run roll for a friendly unit that is within 6" of a friendly HERO, or 12" of a friendly
HERO that is a general. If you do so, the run roll is treated as being a 6. (Core Rules p3)
Forward to Victory: You can use this command ability after you make a charge roll for a friendly unit that is within 6" of a friendly HERO, or 12" of a
friendly HERO that is a general. If you do so, re-roll the charge roll. (Core Rules p3)
Inspiring Presence: You can use this command ability at the start of the battleshock phase. If you do so, pick a friendly unit that is within 6" of
friendly HERO, or 12" of a friendly HERO that is a general. That unit does not have to take battleshock tests in that phase. (Core Rules p3)
Volley Fire: You can use this command ability at the start of your shooting phase. If you do so, pick 1 friendly unit that is wholly within 12" of a
friendly HERO, or wholly within 18" of a friendly HERO that is a general. You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by that unit until the end of that
phase. ()