Ognir vs. Director of Prisons 80 Phil 401
Ognir vs. Director of Prisons 80 Phil 401
Ognir vs. Director of Prisons 80 Phil 401
The petitioner was convicted by the General Court Martial appointed or convened during the year 1943 in
Lanao by Colonel Wendel W. Fertig, Commanding Officer of the 10th Military District of Mindanao, and
sentenced to life imprisonment, for violation of the 93rd Article of War of the Philippine Army. He now
claims that his imprisonment is null and void because the said General Court-Martial was not legally
constituted, inasmuch as District Commander that appointed or convened it had no authority to do so, and
therefore the judgment of said court is null and void for want of jurisdiction. The court held that Col.
Wendel W. Fertig was not empowered by the President of the Commonwealth, or by General McArthur,
Supreme Commander of the U.S. Army in Southwest Pacific Area to appoint a General Court-Martial and
so hold that the judgment rendered by the General Court Martial is null and void, because said court was
not duly convened or appointed in accordance with law and therefore, had no jurisdiction to render said
sentence. A motion for reconsideration of our decision was filed in this case by the Judge Advocate
General of the Philippine Army and Solicitor Antonio A. Torres.
Whether or not the decision of the General Court-Martial which convicted the petitioner may be given the
same effects as the actuation of the civil courts during the Japanese occupation.
No. The contention that the proceedings of the General Court-Martial under consideration "may be given
effect as the actuation of de facto officers in the same manner as the pronouncement of Civil Tribunals set
up during the second Republic." is untenable; because there is no analogy between the decision of the
courts established by the Military Government or the so-called second Republic, and that of the General
Court-Martial which convicted the petitioner. The Courts of the Commonwealth legally constituted which
were continued during the so-called Philippine Republic, and the other courts during the Japanese
occupation were legally created by laws which, under the International Law, the military occupant had the
right to promulgate. While the said General Court-Martial was created or convened by an officer having
no power or authority to do so.