Everything You Need To Know About Victorinox
Everything You Need To Know About Victorinox
Everything You Need To Know About Victorinox
Schwyz at the end of the 19th century: in the foreground on the left the home and business-house and the workshop of the founder Karl Elsener.
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The home and business-house until 1934. Until 1969 there were only cheap foreign poc- VICTORINOX’s record is exemplary in terms of
Office, shipping department and sales room
ket knives with red handles and the Swiss environmental protection and recycling, and we
on the 1st floor and production on the ground floor. emblem on sale in the Swiss Souvenir Trade. have even carried out some pioneering work.
We did not succeed in preventing the foreign Thus we need virtually no heating oil to heat the
This building is more than 500 years old. manufacturer from marking his pocket knives plant and the 100 flats adjacent to it, thanks to
with the Swiss emblem. large investments in a vast heat recovery instal-
After the court ruling he could however be for- lation. Due to specific overdimensioning of the
ced to do so. The Souvenir trade was used to ventilation pipes, filter, heating and cooling
trading with cheap souvenir articles and it is for areas, the energy consumption for the ventila-
this reason that we created the Elinox-series tion could be reduced from 150 to 70 kwh by
(today’s EcoLine). Later on, to our surprise, the equal performance. Plants capable of recycling
higher-priced VICTORINOX pocket knives pro- an annual 600 tons of sludge were developed
nosedive of exports was offset by a surge of On May 22, 1950 the unstinting creator died an ved to be the better sellers than the lower-pri- on our initiative and thanks to our cooperation.
contracts for domestic shipments, in particular untimely death, at the early age of 64 years. ced Elinox-series also in the Souvenir trade.
to the Swiss army (soldier's knives, bayonets From that time on, Mother Elise Elsener, who
and officer's daggers). The 117 staff on the had already thrown herself wholeheartedly into For many the VICTORINOX «Swiss Army Knife»
payroll at the outbreak of war climbed to 199 the service of the firm as her husband's right- On January, 2 1979 the individual enterprise has become an indispensable and useful com-
by the end. hand helper, took up the weighty task of run- «Messerfabrik Carl Elsener» was changed into panion as well as a symbol for Swiss quality.
During the early war years, the two sons Carl ning the business with her sons Carl and the family owned corporation «Victorinox AG». The Swiss souvenir traders confirm that the
(in 1939) and Eduard (in 1942) joined the firm to Eduard. «Swiss Army Knives» are the best-selling sou-
become the third generation to prepare to take Steadfast efforts to rationalize and update pro- Out of regard for the specialised trade, in parti- venir articles.
up the responsibilities of management. duction processes, tuning capacity to moun- cular the Swiss Master Cutlers Association, the The knife has been successfully put to the test
The many workshops strewn through nine old ting demand, made it possible to offset at least Ecoline pocket knives were produced from on expeditions to the arctic ice of the North
buildings were proving an increasing drawback part of the annual rise in wage costs and keep 1979 to 1994 with a different form of the logo Pole, on the highest peak on earth, Mount
to rational manufacturing. prices down. This enhanced competitiveness and with light-red handles for a large-scale Everest, in the tropical rain forests of the
The spacious halls of the new factory built in and was instrumental in promoting the steady Swiss distributor. Amazon, and elsewhere, and in situations of
1943 enabled production capacity to be quickly expansion of exports year on year. Until 1991 VICTORINOX was growing in a most extreme danger and great need it has even
expanded. satisfactory way, however the competitive proved to be a lifesaver.
Building a new factory created a heavy debt More and more interest was received from pressure from the Far East made business dif- A small brochure available in English, French,
burden. Luckily, however, the widely feared abroad. After the Second World War the PX ficult for the western cutlery industry in general German, and Spanish contains a collection of
post-war recession did not develop as after stores of the US Army, Marines, and Air Force and also for the largest employer, VICTOR- true stories from around the world where the
1918; far from it, an utterly unexpected boom sold large numbers of the «Swiss Army Knives» INOX, in the Canton of Schwyz. «Swiss Army Knife» has played a significant
got under way. to US officers and soldiers. The exchange rate part.
In 1946 a new hardening facility and surface of the USD at that time was CHF 4.31.
The prime objective of Victorinox has always
grinding shop had to be built. Father Carl Over the years further useful features were built The «Swiss Army Knife» even orbits the earth
been the creation and the safeguard of the
Elsener dedicated all his energy to the develop- into the practical multitool, and improvements as part of the official equipment of space shutt-
workplaces. Every human being needs a useful
ment of the factory during these years, from were made in their functioning. le crews. US presidents since Lyndon B.
type of work and the possibility for a meaning-
early morning until late at night, neglecting to Today, the «Officer’s Knife» is available from Johnson present guests to the White House
ful way of life. To offer workplaces is a contribu-
take proper care of himself. stock in more than 100 different variations and with Victorinox pocket knives. A special high-
tion to the public welfare.
combinations. light came in 1997 when President George
Bush, and his wife Barbara, honored the facto-
In 1953, we were visited by Mr. Hartkopf from VICTORINOX was looking for the best way to ry in Ibach with a visit.
Solingen, who sold the «Windmill» vegetable keep the company strong and sound in order
knives from Solingen in Southern Germany and to prevent it from being weakened through
Switzerland. He was impressed by the quality eventual subsequent heritage partitions. More than 250 companies, outside of our
of our pocket knives, and wanted to sell these To this end the VICTORINOX business founda- trade, have used the «Swiss Army Knife» in
for us in Germany. The start was difficult howe- tion comprising 78,4 % of the VICTORINOX advertisements as a symbol to promote the
ver. For example, he sold some Officer's Knives capital was established on 27.10.2000 and 15 quality and versatility of their own products
to his friend Maurer, a master-cutler in % are held by a charity foundation which was or services.
Heilbronn. Mr Maurer ran the workshop, and set up on 26.10.1994. Together with the
his wife ran the shop. She sent the knives management however, the Elsener Family con- For hobbies, camping, or picnicking, it is indis-
back, with the comment: «You can't sell knives tinues to feel totally responsible for the busi- pensable. As one American aptly described it:
like these in Germany». ness. «A friend ! Not just a knife.»
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Catalogue 1903 / 09
The 9/11 disaster has affected badly our pok- On April 12, 2005 the WENGER SA was taken
ket tool business. Nevertheless, during the last over by VICTORINOX which was very positively
90 years nobody has been made redundant on received and commented upon by the official
account of the recession. Swiss Radio and Television as well as by the
entire Swiss Press.
We shall try to further consolidate our position
on the world market. At the same time, we will The relationship between WENGER and
have to ensure the stability of our company. In VICTORINOX is based on a friendly competiti-
order to remain competitive in the future, we on.
will have to push ahead the rationalisation and
automatisation processes, adjust our product
range to our customers' requirements, and be-
come increasingly active on the spot, i.e. at the
points of sale.
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Swiss soldiers’ knife Swiss army officers’ knife Development of knife production The development of the Trademarks
from 1884 to 2007
Surface of
manufactu- Sales
Number of ring, stocks in CHF 1884 1909 –1930
employees and office 1000.–
1884 1 50 ?
1909 25 years 22 300 ?
1930 74 1’600 487
1934 50 years 85 2’600 486
1939 137 2’600 880
1945 210 6’000 1’568 1926 1923 –1930
1950 230 6’300 2’428
1955 300 7’000 2’580
1959 75 years 320 7’200 4’838
1965 390 7’200 11’478
1970 510 11’000 20’457
1975 520 11’000 36’676 1931 1931 1931
1980 730 27’000 65’455
1984 100 years 810 27’000 90’000
1990 900 27’000 160’000
1995 924 28’000 186’000
2000 960 31’000 238’000
1943 1943 1943
2005 910 33’000 197’000
2007 903 33’000 212’000
The development of
the Swiss soldier’s knife
1. 1891 wooden scales 144 gr. 1950 1950/1968
2. 1908 fibre scales 125 gr.
3. 1951 fibre, stainless-steel 90gr.
4. 1954 fibre with bushings 90 gr.
5. 1961 alox red 72 gr. 1952 1952
6. 1965 alox silver color 72 gr.
7. 1980 alox with Swiss emblem
8. 1994 regular instead of tubular rivet
1957 1957
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1a 1b 2 3a 3b 4a 4b
5 6 7a 7b 4b
– The founder of Victorinox, Karl Elsener, has created the first famous Multi-Tool,
he registered this knife in Switzerland on June 12, 1897. The German manufacturers and
Wenger have copied it about 10 years later.
1. large blade
2. small blade
– An original Victorinox Pocket Tool can be recognized by the Victorinox Cross and Shield which
19 20 21 22 23 24a 24b
In 1908 the company founder, Karl Elsener, began to use the Christian name of his mother Victoria
as the trademark.
In 1920 Charles Elsener, the eldest son of the company's founder, requested the Böhler steel-
works to develop a stainless steel that can be hardened. The laboratory samples were then 25a 25b 25c 26 28a 28b 29
converted into knife blades in Ibach. After many tests the first stainless steel knives were produced
in Ibach. The blades made from carbon steel were stamped VICTORIA while those made from
stainless steel were added the word «inoxydable» beneath the trademark VICTORIA, later these 27a
two words were replaced by Victorinox.
30a 30b 31a 31b 32
Something of interest: In 1999 we received a picture of a 5th century tombstone from a Museum 27b
in Tunisia on which the word VICTOR INNOX can be read. According to the University of Zurich,
the word VICTOR INNOX means «Victory without damage».
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Numbering Code for «Swiss Army Knives» Numbering Code for small pocket knives
Choice of handles
0. small size, 84 mm, 31/4" No. 4. 60 2 6. Swiss Flash without with
1. large size, 91 mm, 31/2" 7 6 Swiss Flash Flight cross cross Cell. or Nylon
4 60 2 7 Swiss Flash Laser 0.62 23. red with cross
2. Economy, small size, 84 mm, 31/4"
7 7 Swiss Flash Laser Flight . 01 red
2.1 Sets 02 .2 blue
3. Economy, large size, 91 mm, 31/2" Classic Range
022 202 purple plum
61 1–2 layers (without scissors), 2–4 springs
3.0 Pliers Tools 62 2 layers (with scissors), 4 springs
025 205 peacock blue
027 207 pale blue
63 3–4 layers (with scissors), 6–8 springs
03 3 black
No. 0. 61 0 0 blade, nailfile / nail cleaner 034 304 grey (anthracite)
No. 1. 36 0 0 1. 3 7 7 3 1. 3 6 1 3 . 71 04 4 green
1 0 + cap lifter / screwdriver
2 nailfile / screwdriver tip (SD) 046 406 retro green
20 B 0 0 3 cuticle pusher (instead of blade) 047 407 pale green
21 U 1 W 1 key ring 4 0+1+3 05 5 hot pink
23 C 2 V (n) 2 tweezers + toothpick 5 cut and picker / orange peeler (instead of nailfile) 053 503 raspberry sherbert (lila)
25 BO 3 F 3 1+2 6 2 + cap lifter / Phillips screwdriver 057 507 pale pink
26 NO 4 M 4 3 + mini-screwdriver 07 7 white
No. 0. 62 0 0 blade, nailfile / nail cleaner, scissors 08 8 yellow
28 NR 5 VF 5 4 + ballpoint pen + pin
1 (De Luxe series) 082 802 electric orange
6 WM i s 6 5 + watch instead of tweezers
2 nailfile / screwdriver tip (SD) 087 807 pale yellow
30 BK 7 WM i sV 3 cuticle pusher (instead of blade) 808 yellow fluorescent
31 B K R f4 P 8 WM i sF 2 Cell. blue with cross 4 golfer blade (instead of nailfile) 810 (Fan Collections)
32 B K R f4 P3 9 WM i sVF 3 Cell. black with cross 5 cut and picker / orange peeler (instead of nailfile) 811 etc.
33 CK 7 Cell. white with cross 6 only scissors + cap lifter / Phillips screwdriver
34 CKX Abbreviations 60 rosewood handles 7 only scissors + cap lifter / screwdriver 10 smooth Alox, red, with cross
35 BKRS B = small blade 61 genuine horn handles 8 16 smooth Alox, silver, with cross
36 BKR b = bitwrench + bitcase 66 genuine staghorn handles 9 tracheotomy blade (instead of blade), (nailfile SD) 20 ribbed Alox, red, with cross
37 BKRX 68 real mother-of-pearl handles 26 ribbed Alox, silver, with cross
C = combination tool No. 0. 63 0 0 27 ribbed Alox, silver, without "
38 NKR G = magnifying glass + 69 hardwood 1 0.620 + cap lifter / screwdriver 30 mat polished steel
39 NKRX Phillips-screwdriver 1–2 71 «Camping» and cross 2 0.620 + emergency blade + orange peeler / scraper 31 engine turned steel, design 1
f4 = wrench 4 mm female 72 «Fish» and cross 3 0.620 + cuticle pusher + screwdriver / ruler 32 engine turned steel, design 2
40 BP Hex drive 91 with Tamponprint «William Tell» 4 0.620 + 2+3 33 engine turned steel, design 3
41 B P R f4 P3 K = corkscrew 94 Camouflage 5 0.620 + 1+2 37 ribbed steel, with red emblem
43 CP L = LED + Phillips or 6 0.622 + cap lifter / Phillips screwdriver 39 engine turned steel, assorted
44 CPX magnifying glass A with Altimeter 7 0.622 + 2+6 41–52 red Cell. with zodiac signs
45 BPRS F with lighter SwissFlame 8 0.620 + 2+3+6 53–58 RocKnives
N = nailfile
46 BPR L limited distribution 60 rosewood
O = can opener + cap lifter No. 0. 61 0 0
61 genuine horn
47 BPRX P = Phillips-screwdriver 1–2 P with Picnic-Fork and scraper No. 0. 62
66 genuine staghorn
P3 = Phillips-screwdriver 3 S Souvenir No. 0. 63
68 real mother-of-pearl
63 CKG R = O + reamer T with translucent scales 1 key ring
69 hardwood
64 CKGX S = spike-key V with Voyager features 2 tweezers + toothpick
75–76 sterling silver
66 BKGR U = watch-opener 3 1+2 80 gold plated
67 BKGRX 5 ring + ballpoint pen + tweezers
X = scissors + hook 81–86 enamelled, De Luxe
6 ring + ballpoint pen + LED 87 with gold bar 1 gr.
7 ring + ballpoint pen + laser 88 gold plated
74 B K R S F = fish scaler 8 ring + LED + tweezers 89 with kinebar gold bar 1 gr.
76 B K R b i = chisel
77 B K R bX 94 Camouflage
M = metal saw / nailfile G gift box 96 staghorn imitation
78 B K R L (n) = nailfile on the back L limited Edition 97 tortoise-shell imitation
79 B K R LX s = fine screwdriver R special production (promotional knives) 98 mother-of-pearl imitation
V = pliers T translucent handles
W = wood saw Y whistle
The above list, as far as the Cell. and Nylon handled knives are concerned, also includes all the spe-
cial color shades we have made in the past for large orders of over 30’000 knives. These color
Only parts shown in bold print are available ex stock. shades are only available for repeat orders of about the same size.
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1884 January 1, Karl Elsener starts his own 1978 Tweezer grip made from plastic.
Pos. Description language key business.
0 Officer's-, Pocket- and Lockblade tools A Antibacterial .1 English 1980 Inlay made from stainless steel instead of
1 Officer's-, grafting and pruning knives A Altimeter .2 German
1891 The Swiss army is supplied with the stur- nickel silver, new round Phillips screwdriver (up
2 Pocket tools, Ecoline B PK-blister B = 106 x 160, .3 French dy soldier’s knife for the first time. to now it had been forged).
3 Pocket tools and grafting knives B1 = 120 x 230 .4 Spanish The knife comprises a large blade, screwdriver,
Ecoline, SwissTool HK-blister B = 4 lang. .5 Italian can opener and reamer. 1983 Patented mini screwdriver stored within
4 Pocket knife pouches, chains B1 = e + sp., B2 = g + f .6 Chinese corkscrew.
Boy Scout knives, Maglite, Cross pens C Cap crimper .7 Japanese 1897 June 12, official registration of the elegant
5 Vegetable, household and butcher knives D .8 Arabic «Officer’s Knife» with an additional small blade 1985 Ballpoint pen, small screwdriver (new
6 Tools for industry and farming E Event .80 Russian and corkscrew developed by Karl Elsener.
7 Kitchen articles, Sharpening steels F Lighter SwissFlame .81 Portuguese
shape), chisel, reamer with sewing eye, cap lif-
8 Scissors G Gift box .82 Polish 1902 New models with additional wood saw, ter with 90° lock.
9 Displays I-VI and A-D H Handle with hole for hanging .83 Finnish scissors, tweezers, toothpick and shackle.
J Jubilee + Year date .84 Danish 1986 Pliers with wire cutter, combination tool
L Limited Edition .85 Norwegian 1909 Metal Swiss cross inlaid on the red fiber with: bottle opener, can opener, screwdriver
A Pocket knife parts L Leather strap, leather case .86 Turkish handles. and wire stripper (cans opened clockwise).
B Pocket knife parts L Large (T-Shirts) .87 Korean
C Cellidor handels M Medium (size of handle) .88 Dutch 1923 The Swiss army knife made from stain- 1987 Camouflage handles.
D Miscellaneous, formerly V Money Clip) .89 Swedish
less steel.
E Electromaterial M Military blade for one hand .90 Czech
1990 Swiss watch in handle, new scissor
F opening .91 Hungarian 1937 Handles made from cellidor replace fiber
G N Nylon case spring with cam, scissors with guiding groove.
H Wooden handles Picnic fork and spreader
I P Poster 1991 Multi-purpose hook and pin, scissors
1942 New screwdriver with bottle opener, nail-
J R Special manufacture, promotional riveted (previously screwed).
K Butcher knife blades, short tang knives file and nail cleaner (on the back of the knife).
L Butcher kinfe blades, long tang RS Rescue, Security 1992 Golfer blade, spatula, Phillips-screwdriver
1946 New patented can opener.
M Operating material S SB (self service) (round) new without slot.
N Standard parts, drawings S Small (T-Shirts) 1951 Improved new patented can opener with
O S Stylus for PDA, 1994 Mat nylon handles for EcoLine, cork-
P Packaging instead of ballpoint pen
small screwdriver, alox dividers replacing nickel
T silver dividers, new screwdriver with bottle ope- screw without decorating groove.
Q Translucent handles
R Raw materials U unpacked / bulk ner, wire stripper and bender.
S Handles: Alu, wood, steel, stag, pearl, V Voyager 1995 Wire crimping tool on pliers.
etc. W wavy edge 1952 Phillips screwdriver forged with cut nailfile
T XL Extra large (T-Shirts) (in place of corkscrew), fish scaler with hook 1998 Multi-purpose hook also with nailfile.
U Y Whistle disgorger, metal saw and metal file with nailfile
V VISA watches Z inch measurement with bits and nail cleaner. 1999 Wrench and bit holder, translucent handles.
W Tools
X Semi finished products (non Victorinox) 1957 Tweezer grip made from aluminum (pre- 2000 Altimeter electronics.
Y Inventory (machines, facilities) viously nickel silver).
Z Extra cost, die cost 2001 Voyager electronics, new handle for small
1961 New reamer with cutting edge, invisible tweezers, toothpick and ballpoint pen.
R1 = metal inlay e.g. 0.2503R1
R2 = tamponprint e.g. 2.2501R2 rivets.
e.g. 2.2501.02R2 2002 Piezo lighter (until 2005), LED module
R3 = stamping e.g. 2.2501R3 1968 Keyring replaces shackle. plus new Phillips screwdriver.
R4 = imprint on alox handle e.g. 0.6201.10R4
R5 = etching on SwissTool handle 1973 Magnifying glass and Phillips screwdriver,
2003 StayGlow (fluorescent handles).
R6 = etching on blade or nailfile small blade with pointed tip instead of the old
R7 = nailfile engraving shape.
R9 = knife body 2004 Plastic magnifying glass, blade shank
R21 = tamponprint + protective coating
1975 New scissor spring (V shaped). 2,0 mm instead of 2,4 mm.
1977 Small screwdriver (on the back of the 2005 Traveler electronics stainless, metal file
knife). ground, new stamping on blade shank.
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Part 1 – Pocket-Tools
The information provided on page A and 12 in the catalogue should be thoroughly studied by all This is practically a world's first in itself. What's more, built into the ballpoint pen are the following, a
sales personnel. In part B (tables) you will find the numbering codes and a list of further abbreviati- sharp blade, strong scissors, a nailfile with a screwdriver, and either tweezers or a toothpick: all these
ons as complementary information. Thanks to these numbering codes, our employees in the assem- useful tools are packed into this compact 58 mm high-quality key fob!
bly and sales departments, recognize at a glance which tools are included in the respective item The pen has a gas-pressurized cartridge (order no. A6144.0) which is perfectly simple to replace
number. when empty. Show your customers how to do it themselves! They will be amazed and will want to
buy it. And with the Midnite Manager (order no. 0.6366) it is even possible to make important notes
Page 1 – «Swiss army knives» – small model at night in complete darkness.
Previously we used to manufacture the large (91 mm) and the small (84 mm) «Swiss army knife»
models with 1 to 4 layers (8 to 15 functions). Later on we expanded the large models to 2 to 8 lay-
Page 4 – Elegant pocket knives 74 / 84 mm zen ground, you need the tee punch to bore a
ers (12 to 33 functions) and reduced the small models to 1 to 2 layers (5 to 12 functions).
No. 0.6540.16. Americans like to use this hole. The point also serves to clean the groo-
the length of the closed Pocket knives with VICTORINOX WENGER model as a purse by squeezing their ves of the golf club. Golfers specially value the
the useful Key fobs (Classic series) 2 1⁄2" 58 mm 65 mm dollar notes, once they have scissors and the comfortable nailfile on the
the elegant pocket tools 3" 74 mm 75 mm been folded, under the clip rounded edge of the tee punch. Professional
the small «Swiss Army Knives» 3 1⁄4" 84 mm 85 mm and carrying it loosely in golfers have advised us against also including a
the large «Swiss Army Knives» 3 1⁄2" 91 mm – their trouser pocket. ballpoint pen, in addition to the tweezers and
the pruning knives (gardener knives) 4" 100 mm 85 mm The teeth of the nailfile inclu- toothpick, in our pocket knife models for gol-
the large Pocket-Tools with lock blades 4 3⁄8" 111 mm 120–126 mm ded in model 0.6603 used to fers saying that small pencils are supplied at
The size 65 mm was just right for combination with a nail clipper, 58 mm was too small, and 74 mm be cut in earlier days, since 2008 the entrances of the golf courses. In rainy
too large. they are ground. weather the ink of the ballpoint pen tends to
smear when noting the handicaps.
For publicity purposes the following slogans are used:
The multi-functional golf tool is of the highest
VICTORINOX «The original Swiss army knives»
quality, fits comfortably in the hand and weighs Page 5 – SwissCards
WENGER «The genuine Swiss army knives»
only 65 grams despite having ten efficient and As of 2008 the rotary slide has been eliminated
functional tools. to improve the solidity of the card.
MY FIRST VICTORINOX – for the young beginner
The repair fork for one handed use is made of In 2009 the red LEDs on the SwissCard Lite will
Pocket knives are useful in many areas of life. Many children will first come into contact with a multi-
thin hardened stainless steel and easily pierces be replaced by white LEDs.
functional tool that belongs to someone in their family – perhaps their mum or dad – and will want
the ground without pushing down roots. With The small «Quattro» four-way screwdriver for
to try out a «grown-up one» for themselves.
light pressure the tools, which swing out from small and medium-sized slotted and Phillips
To ensure their first encounter with a multitool is not too challenging, Swiss knife-maker Victorinox
the side, return to the inside of the knife, screws is astonishingly efficient.
has developed «My First VICTORINOX», comprising useful tools with numerous functions. It has a
making the fork more comfortable to use. We also produce the cost-effective «SwissCard
short blade (5,4 cm), which does not have a pointed tip but is nevertheless very handy for day-to-
The ball marker can also be quickly pushed out Quattro» without the scissors, magnifying glass
day use. The combi-blade serves as a bottle opener, tin-opener, screwdriver, wire stripper and ben-
of the tool with one hand and directly planted and LED for the promotional items market. This
der. Tweezers and a toothpick are accommodated in the handle. Also available with wood saw.
in the green. To set a wooden tee in hard or fro- is not available in specialist trade shops, so
Pages 2 to 3 – The famous Classic series that the public perception of the price of the
These elegant pocket knives for ladies and gentlemen are at the SwissCard remains orientated to the «Classic»
same time very practical key-fobs and count amongst our best- and «Lite» models.
sellers, particularly no. 0.6223. As from 2009 onwards the red The magnification of the magnifying glass has
LED’s have been replaced by white LED’s which produce a much been optimally selected so that whole words
brighter light. The number of handle-colors previously available are easily picked up in text that is too small to
has been reduced. read with the naked eye.
Until now the battery compartment was covered by a small cap The SwissCard has the advantage that it fits
that tended to fall away when changing the battery. Since 2008 into the credit-card slots in briefcases or
it has been replaced by a rotating cap that is connected to the wallets.
knife handle. SwissCard Lite from VICTORINOX scooped the
When using a pocket knife model with a ballpoint pen the nail- highest accolade for product design, the «best
file should always be opened before writing. Thus this key fob of the best» prize, at the 2004 red dot awards.
becomes a handy ballpoint pen, the only writing instrument that The red dot design award is one of the best
you can fold to a small useful key fob. known competitions for international product
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design. Only the best products of the year are included is a marline-spike, a sewing awl, a This blade can also be easily opened with pro- not knives but pocket-tools. The blade is also a
considered by the red dot design award jury in wire stripper, a Phillips screwdriver, a bottle tective gloves. tool. They are elegant yet functional and have
the hope of being awarded the coveted «red opener with a large screwdriver and a can-ope- There are hundreds of different pocket knives often saved lives in emergencies. A small boo-
dot». The award is seen in the industry as a ner with a small screwdriver. The Skipper also with one blade only on the market. Calling the klet exists entitled «A friend in need» containing
highly valued seal of quality and is a recognized includes a corkscrew and pliers with a wire cut- 400 different multi-function pocket-tools from a collection of true stories on this subject. The
label around the world. A total of 1,673 pro- ter and crimper. Its rough finish and ergonomic Victorinox also «pocket knives» is however in- model adapted to the personal requirements
ducts from 32 different countries were submit- handle provide a sure grip when wet. Although correct. The can opener, the corkscrew, bottle and wishes is a source of joy, is useful and
ted and assessed. In the end, the jury honored 111 mm long it still only weighs 150 g. Marine opener, wood saw, metal file, metal saw, the indispensable as a daily companion. They have
only 33 exhibits with the highest award, «the blue and wind rose. Our tip: contact your local various screwdrivers, the scissors, the magni- been thought out and created to be useful to
best of the best» title, making the success of sailing and yachting club! fying glass, the tweezers and toothpick are all mankind.
the SwissCard Lite from Victorinox all the more
significant. The SwissCard Lite will now also be
included in the illustrious «Design Innovations
Yearbook 2004» and will feature in one of the
world’s largest exhibitions of contemporary
design in the red dot design museum. The Page 6 – RescueTool
museum is situated on the former «Zeche When seconds count!
Zollverein» mining complex in Essen, which The Victorinox RescueTool was developed and seconds! The tool can be used with and wit-
was named as a World Heritage Site by perfected during 5-years of collaboration with hout gloves.
UNESCO in 2001. rescue- and safety services. When opened, the one-hand blade and power-
Despite all these advantages the famous A functional window breaker, an effective, well ful screw-driver (crate opener) are automatical-
Classic models on pages 2 to 3 are considera- tested windshield / windscreen saw and a prac- ly locked in place through the Liner Lock. Parts
bly more practical and good value for money. tical seatbelt cutter are ready for use within 3 and 12 can be replaced when worn.
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Page 9 to 10 – «Swiss Army Knives», 91mm has become known world-wide as the «Swiss in agreement: the simple elegance of the the Voyager Lite. These functions have now
The Spartan 1.3603 is the successor of the first army knife», thanks to its ease of use and the SwissChamp has registered with international been combined and complemented with a
«officer’s knife» of 1897. The Spartan, Climber, proverbial reliability. It is no surprise that some- experts. The New York Museum of Modern Art, barometer and a walking/driving time calcula-
Huntsman, Explorer and SwissChamp have thing which embodies Swiss quality so well has and the State Museum of Applied Art in tor to create the ideal companion, that’s both
been bestsellers of the Swiss Army Knife become one of the favorite gifts of all time. Munich, have each on their own initiative selec- compact and multi-functional, for all outdoor
series. In future the Mountaineer may succeed The flagship of the series is the «SwissChamp» ted it for inclusion in their collections of excel- activities, in particular for hiking.
the Huntsman, as this model is the same size with 33 features. It consists of 64 individual lence in design. With its 27 finely-tuned functions, the Traveller
and weight yet it contains three additional parts, weighs only 185 grams, and fits easily We have so far sold over 47,000 units of the Lite will take you anywhere.
functions and the price has been reduced as of into hand. More than 450 steps are required in collectors model No. 1 .6795.XLT, much to our
2008. Previously the metal file was cut, case- its manufacture. surprise.
hardened and hard-chrome plated. Now it is The Swiss CyberTools with 29, 34 or 41
ground from hardened stainless steel. functions was developed for electronic engi-
The Compact has only been around since neers and for IT-professionals. A particularly
1986. It was intended as a lightweight pocket large amount of time and money was invested
knife for business people and office workers into the development and perfection of this
with as many functions as possible (15). The tool.
multi-purpose hook was only counted as one You could almost think it is descended from the
function despite the fact that it can be used to iMac but VICTORINOX enters a new dimension
fit bicycle chains, open sardine tins, carry par- with the CyberTool. Technically forward-min-
cels using the knife handle instead of the string ded people of the IT era will never be disap-
and to pull tent pegs out of the ground when pointed by this universal electronic multi-tool.
camping. Until 2007 this model was also sup- The transparent case exposes its clever con-
plied with an oval-shaped timepiece. struction and identifies its maker as VICTOR-
Each Voyager comes with instructions for use. INOX. Inside are 34 amazing functions (order
When setting the time you need to make sure no. 1.7725.T).
that you only press the button until the up and Page 12 – Replacement parts case
down arrows appear. If you press for longer, Page 11 a – Lite products and sets The Victorinox replacement parts case is a
the time display is switched to 24 or 2 x 12 hour The Lite model group contains the best LEDs must for every professional storekeeper. In
after 10 seconds. currently available. They shine extremely and order to maintain Victorinox’s good image and
When setting the alarm time, on the other ….it serves as a compact tool box. Although for a long time with minimum battery consump- high quality it is vital that we offer the customer
hand, the alarm clock switches on and off after the SwissChamp is not for the pocket or key tion. Apply pressure to the slider switch to the best possible service at the POS. In order
four seconds. To change the alarm time you chain (in contrast to many smaller VICTORI- make them flash. For constant light, push the for us to help you in this, you can receive
need to hold «ON» again for four seconds, and NOX knives) it puts a veritable tool box in your switch backwards, but don’t forget to switch replacement parts case No. 4.0571 and No.
the up and down arrows for correcting the hand. At home, for hobbies, when camping, in the light off after use. These models also have 4.0581 for a quarter of the retail prices listed on
alarm time appear. the car and at the workplace it will quickly the advantage that they contain both a Phillips page 12 of the catalogue.
The mini screwdriver (stored in the corkscrew) become an indispensable and a ready helper. screwdriver and a corkscrew, whilst the non-
for small screws in glasses is used to open the ….it is known worldwide for its top quality. Of Lite models or those without magnifying glass Page 13 – Pruning and grafting knives
battery compartment. The curved side of the course it is not just the number of functions have either a corkscrew or a Phillips screwdriver. The finish and the final inspection of these kni-
battery faces upwards. packed into the SwissChamp which make it so The mini-screwdriver positioned in the corks- ves are done on a more detailed basis than
The magnification of the magnifying glass on valued, it is the quality. VICTORINOX pays crew for small spectacle screws in glasses can with the Ecoline on page 14. The hooked graf-
the Explorer and SwissChamp has been opti- attention to every detail, from the selection of also be used to open the battery compart- ting knives are also used in the floor-laying
mally selected so that whole words are easily materials to the final inspection. Each kind of ments. The Traveller Lite costs 50 % more than industry. The rose- and grape shears (cut-and-
picked up in text that is too small to read with tool has been hardened in a different way to the Voyager Lite because it provides 10 inste- pick with one hand) are very practical.
the naked eye. stand up to the use for which it is intended. ad of just 5 digital displays, including an ex-
Such care is unmatched! pensive, high quality Altimeter, which never- Page 14 – EcoLine
Page 11 – «SwissChamp» and CyberTool ….it is backed up by a generous guarantee. theless costs considerably less than conventio- The Ecoline-pocket knives are slightly lower-
The philosophy of VICTORINOX is expressed in Should anything ever go wrong with your VIC- nal altimeters with the same precision. priced because they do not carry the metallic
the company motto: «We want people all TORINOX knife, then we will replace or repair it The new Traveller Lite combines tried-and- VICTORINOX logo and the final inspection
around the world to be able to enjoy our prac- at no cost. To us, quality means that customer tested functions from existing multi-tools with is less detailed. The handles are made of
tical, economical, yet quality products.» The protection against defects in workmanship or the very latest electronics. The altimeter and polyamide (nylon) the same material as is used
Swiss officer's knife from VICTORINOX has material in our products never expires. thermometer functions are taken from the for the large lock-blade knives and are therefo-
long been a classic. Whether in extraordinary ….it is unsurpassed in its design. Granted, that Victorinox altimeter, while the white LED light re more hard-wearing than the delicate cellidor-
situations or normal everyday circumstances, it tastes differ in the applied arts. Yet, experts are and the clock with alarm and timer come from handles.
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Page 14b – SwissTool and SwissTool Spirit The scissors on the SwissTool are intended for tool opens like a pocket knife and automatical- performed by pressing the emblem and the
Without our prior knowledge, our SwissTool cutting cloth, paper and fingernails, while those ly locks when open». No wonder the renowned digital display can be viewed through the
was tested and reviewed together with compe- included in the «Spirit» offer the additional pos- American outdoor magazine «Field & Streams» pouch window.
ting brands by 18 specialist magazines. Our sibilities of cutting plastic and thin metal foils. chose to award its highly esteemed annual
model came out as the winner in 17 of the If you compare the «Spirit» with the roughly 200 «Best of the Best» prize to the VICTORINOX Page 17 – Multiclips
tests, in one magazine gaining second place different multi-tools which are produced world- SwissTool. And the jury of the international Multiclips no. 4.1858 to 4.1860 are made in
behind the Leatherman Wave in the overall ran- wide, mainly in the Far East, you will notice that weapons magazine «Visier» unanimously elec- Switzerland and have a proven track record.
king. We created the elegant SwissTool Spirit in ours is much more versatile, more compact, ted the SwissTool its «Bullseye 98». The latter is particularly practical since the key
response to market demands for an additional, more elegant, more practical and of higher ring remains safely stowed in the trouser pok-
lighter model. quality and precision than the others. ket. The chain is long enough to enable you to
The «Spirit» is more ergonomic and elegant, open and lock the door without removing the
and weighs just 205 g compared to 285 g for key ring from the chain. The knife hangs on the
the regular SwissTool. Page 14c – SwissTool short chain on the snap hook outside the trou-
In around 1994, SABI, our USA representative, sers or in the top of the trouser pocket and not
requested a pliers-type multi-tool from us. We below with the keys.
declined as we did not want to copy the inven- Neck band no. 4.1879 has a safety clasp that
tors of this product idea. However, as increa- opens in the event of an emergency.
sing numbers of manufacturers were starting to
produce pliers-type multi-tools, and SABI pres- Page 18 – Sport and camping
sed us more and more, we made up some pro- The Grillfork No 4.2460 is new in the catalogue
totypes similar to multi-tool no. 176 from WEN- and very practical in its application.
GER 2007. SABI rejected our prototypes. They When the Central Switzerland Chamber of
wanted a tool that had more in common with Commerce awards its Innovation Prize to a Multi-tool oil
the Leatherman model and other pliers-type company more than a century old, it is highly When cutting or peeling fruit, fruit juice often
multi-tools. We then developed a similar model significant. Obviously the 1000-strong VICTOR- runs down between the blades, sticking them
which functioned differently and contained a INOX team with its history and tradition is con- together once it has dried. Open and close the
number of patented improvements, which did stantly setting new records for innovation. The blades in warm water several times and the
not require the pliers to be opened in order to acclamation states clearly: «The Innovation tools can be easily moved again. When they
access the other tools. SABI filed for a USA Prize is awarded to VICTORINOX for its com- have dried it would be good, although not
patent for our model on October 29, 1996. pany policy which has proved itself over deca- necessary, to apply a small drop of oil between
When experts all over the world refer to the des, for its continuous realignment to new mar- the blade or tool shank and the spring. On the
People are so familiar with the standard sharp
VICTORINOX SwissTool as the «best of the kets and products, for its ecological manufac- locking mechanism sometimes a drop of this
blades with the pointed tip that they often lose
best», «a bullseye», «the Rolls Royce of all turing philosophy, and for its systematic main- excellent gliding oil could be helpful from time
sight of the benefits of the Spirit blade:
tools», or a «cult tool», that's not just by chance. tenance of employment stability even during to time.
1. The front 3/4 of the blade has a wavy edge
Enthusiastic press reports are sent to us from years of recession.» Such a comprehensive
which remains sharp for much longer and is
all parts of the globe. Even in tough tests car- definition of innovation does honor, not only to
particularly useful at picnics for cutting meat
ried out without our knowledge on a dozen dif- our company, but also to the prize givers. They
or putting filling to sandwiches.
ferent multi-tools, it is always the VICTORINOX award their «Innovation Oscar» not simply for a
2. The latter 1/4 of the blade has the best leve-
SwissTool that comes out the winner. single creative effort, but for the visionary spirit of
rage and can therefore be used to cut wood.
«Outdoor» magazine enthuses that all tools a company which extends from product deve-
3. Because the blade has no point, the risk of
(with 23 functions) lock automatically after they lopment through manufacturing to marketing.
accidents occuring is reduced, without any
have been opened, the ends of the handles are
corresponding disadvantages in its usage.
rounded so you can grip firmly with the pliers, Pages 16 and 16a – Pouches for pocket tools
4. Authorities are less likely to regard this tool
and the 23 cm long ruler can be placed com- The best-selling belt pouches are also available The main characteristics of this multi-purpose
as an offensive weapon.
pletely flat, which is not the case with any other with a stainless-steel rotating belt clip. The oil are:
multi-tool. The technical journal «IWM» notes case can be rotated from a vertical to horizon- – neutral smell and taste
Ratchet for the SwissTool Spirit with an eye for detail that on the SwissTool the tal position or upwards by 45 degrees to the – long lifetime
– The development of this small ratchet tool edges are folded over and therefore never cut left or right and secured in position. – excellent lubricant properties
represents a masterpiece from the VICTOR- you while the tool is being used, all the tools Pouch no. 4.0515 is for the classic series with – good protection against corrosion
INOX engineers with regard to miniaturizati- are accessible from the outside, so it is not LED. The LED can be switched on and off, – food-appropriate
on, solidity and functionality. At present necessary to open the SwissTool first to be even when the knife is in the pouch. With pou- This high-quality oil was tested in group 21
there is no comparable ratchet in this size able to get at them, and each tool has its own ches no. 4.0516 and 4.0517 for the Voyager CFR 178.3570 according to FDA (Food and
on the market. spring. A «BM» test report comments: «Every and Traveller Lite, switching functions can be Drug Administration) guidelines.
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Part 2 – Cutlery
Page 20 The «professional’s choice» leaflet and the hou- Pages 25 to 25a – Table sets Page 29 – Slicing knife
Please read this page carefully and remember sehold-knife leaflet complement each other Because the spoon and fork handles do not 5.4120.30 and 5.4623.30 with flexible blades
the significance of the 4th and 5th digit of the and should be presented alongside one anot- match the SwissClassic handles, the traditional are the most popular knives for cutting salmon.
product number. The blade length follows the her in the same brochure stand. handles have been retained for the steak and
point in the 5-digit product number. table knives in the sets. Pages 30 a and b
Pages 23 to 24 – Carving cutlery Experience shows that people who have both The chef’s cases are fiber cases with aluminum
Page 22 – Paring knives and kitchen sets all-metal table sets and sets with plastic hand- frames produced in Switzerland and are locka-
The economy peelers were manufactured in The traditional carving cutlery, kitchen sets and les will always prefer the latter for everyday use. ble. The inlays are also removable and can be
Ibach until 1958 and after that by the company knife blocks have dishwasher-proof polypropy- washed in the same way as the cases. The
Minel in Nogent, France. Today: SAS Nogent *** lene handles and are much cheaper than the Pages 26 to 27 – Household and small chef’s cases for apprentices no. 5.4913
The paring knives with wooden handles have large household knives of the SwissClassic kitchen knives are also available in a second inexpensive plastic
become expensive due to the large amount of range with FIBROX handles. Until 1974 all our household knives had rose- version, non-lockable (no. 5.4903). The middle
manual work they entail. They are also not wood or bubinga wood handles. We sourced section can be easily removed. The base is
dishwasher-proof. The paring knives with rose- Page 24a – Blistered household knives rosewood logs from India and had them sawn subdivided into three practical sections in
wood are supplied in individual plastic self-ser- Packaging Award for our kitchen knives down to boards in Swiss sawing mills. The which various small tools or implements can be
vice sheats, and those with bubinga handles in «Technically well thought out, the perfect solu- bubinga wood came from Africa. Our new fac- stored.
packs of six without blade protection. tion from every aspect, equally attentive to the tory, built in 1969, was fully geared for wooden- The empty cases 5.4903.0 are approx. four
Today 99.9 % of paring knives are produced packaging functions of protection, logistics and handle production, with a large sawdust collec- times less expensive than the empty Swiss
with dishwasher-proof polypropylene handles marketing, as well as to economics and ecolo- tor connected directly to the heating system. quality cases 5.4913.
in black, red or blue. Numbers 5.04, 5.06, 5.07 gy». That was the verdict of the jury of the Between 1974 and 1980 we converted to pla- The cutlery roll bags are better sellers than the
can be supplied with a normal or wavy edge, Swiss Packaging Institute, SVI, in June 1997, stic handles. Today household knives 5.16 to knife bags. Both enable the professional to
numbers 5.03 and the shaping knife 5.05 are on the new blister pack of our kitchen knives 5.19, 5.38, forks 5.21 and spatulas 5.26 and store his or her individual knives.
only available with a normal edge, and the toma- for which they awarded the Swiss Star, the hig- 5.27 are still only produced from polypropylene
to and sausage knives 5.08 only with a wavy edge. hest award for «exemplary packaging». – Yet for cost reasons. Pages 32 to 34 – Butcher’s knives
The paring knives 5.03 to 5.09 are supplied in another good reason to include our kitchen kni- At that time we sandblasted the surface of the These knives are mainly sold via purchasing
boxes of 20 with a safe blade protection. For ves in your range! butcher’s knife handles to improve their non- cooperatives and wholesalers.
cost reasons, the brand is printed in relief on slip properties. We asked our plastic suppliers Thanks to their quality, the VICTORINOX knives
the handle and in black on the blade protection to produce a plastic for our handles that had with the black FIBROX handles are well liked in
sheath. On numbers 5.07 and 5.08 the hand- the best possible non-slip properties. Since the butchers’ trade and the meat industry
les are somewhat larger and the brand is 1987 all butcher’s knives and kitchen knives around the world.
etched on the blade. no. 5.20 have had non-slip FIBROX handles. Knives with the attractive rosewood handles
The tried-and-tested and legally registered To round off the FIBROX range for chefs, we are now only bought by enthusiasts.
blade protection means that the paring knives had to produce a second bread knife, In the special leaflet «first class» there are listed
are ideal for sale in display trays such as no. no. 5.2533.21. the model numbers that are available also with
9.7005.2. Refilling the display trays takes less The range of knives with rosewood handles is yellow, red or blue Fibrox-handles.
time than hanging up each individual blister slowly shrinking. Butchers are required to only – the blade-shape 5.56 has been produced for
pack. The paring knives could also be presen- use plastic handles that can be sterilized. Hotel the French and Belgian markets
ted for sale in the opened boxes of 20. In smal- chefs, on the other hand, prefer rosewood – the rosewood handles 5.6006, 5.6106, 5.6406,
ler specialist shops where space is at a premi- handles as these are less sensitive if they are 5.6606, 5.7200, 5.7300 and 5.7800 for the
um, the sales stand 9.7007 could be used. accidentally placed on a steel hotplate. USA as well as knives 5.6103, 5.3763, 5.6603,
As of 2008, the paring knives will also be avai- The universal knives (pastry knives) 5.2930.26 5.7203, 5.7303, 5.7803, 5.7903
lable with the SwissClassic handles on page 38 and 5.2933.26 are important bestsellers. – the butcher knife models 5.7100 just for the
to 38a (group 6: special knives and tools for city of London
industry and new shapes for the household). Page 28 – Special knives for the kitchen – the butcher knife models 5.81, 5.82, 5.83,
As retailers generally do not want to sell both The vegetable and shaping knives 5.30 to 5.31 5.84 just for Italy
series of paring knives, two different house- are the same as on page 22 but with larger – the butcher knife models 5.75, 5.76 for Nor-
hold-knife leaflets are available: one with the handles for the chefs. thern Germany and the Scandinavian markets
traditional standard models and the other with The fiber insert inside the leather sheath 4.0898 The 19 knives of these latter two groups have
the SwissClassic handles. prevents the leather from being pierced. no longer been listed in our catalogue since 2000.
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The butcher knives are supplied with individual Page 41 – Complementary assortment of their famous proprietary sharp edges and – Bread knife, art. no. 7.7433.23G
blade protection and in cardboard boxes con- for the kitchen rigid quality control finishing. Knife with regular serrations ideal for cutting
taining 6 pieces. Peelers The result is a beautifully balanced, perfectly and slicing food with firm rinds or hard
– 7.6073 very handy and sharp weighted full tang construction, an intuitively crusts, for example bread, tomatoes or pork
– 7.6074 practical, peelings do not stick to the engineered comfortable handle, a high carbon, rind.
Page 36 – Special knives for dairies, peeler but drop in the readily available dust- non staining, high polished forged steel blade – Carving fork, art. no. 7.7233.15G
the paper- and cable industry bin with an edge that retains its razor sharpness. Holds the material being cut (joint of meat
Until 1997 the cheese knives were only availa- – 7.6075 microdenting, especially suitable for Because a single knife cannot do every job, etc.) in the correct position.
ble with rosewood handles. tomatoes, kiwi and asparagus Victorinox supplies a range of tools to perfect- The arrangement of the prongs ensures that
ly meet every requirement. The same comment the material being cut is not damaged.
Page 42 – Complementary assortment applies to the German-type knives on page
for the kitchen 43a. For preparing and cutting small vegeta- Page 44 – Sharpening steels and
Page 37 – Tools for gardeners and farriers
– Poultry shears 7.6343 stainless, handy, light bles, a short, rigid blade is required. For cutting knife sharpeners
Until 1997 the hoof knives were made of car-
– Universal kitchen scissors with micro-den- bread and tomatoes or carving a roast a serra- The sharpening steels are used by butchers
bon steel and only since then of stainless steel.
ting no. 7.6363 are well liked in the kitchen ted knife is the recommended tool. For effort- and chefs.
and household. less slicing, kitchen professionals need a knife
The kitchen steel diamond, no. 7.8327, stands
with a normal straight edge, and a large kitchen
Page 38, 38a – Household knives out with its excellent adhesion of the coating,
Page 43 – Complementary assortment knife is a useful tool not just for cutting, but also
«Swiss Classic» the firm grip and the outstanding sharpening
for the kitchen and household for finely chopping herbs and onions. Kitchen
Not all the retailers have enough space to carry ability.
Corkscrew knives and Santoku knives are truly multi-
the series «SwissClassic» as well as the tradi- For the household, the best solution is the VIC-
– This practical Swiss product allows you to functional tools and invaluable kitchen aids.
tional household knives on pages 22–26. For TORINOX-knife sharpener no. 7.8715. The
uncork wine bottles without much energy. The new range consists of twelve knives and a
this reason we have printed two different lea- directions for use are printed on the reverse
The advantage of this self-opening item lies carving fork:
flets for household knives: side of the cardboard hanger.
in the careful removal of the cork preventing – Paring knife 9 cm, Art. No. 7.7203.09G
1. «The quality knives for the household, stan- its tearing off. Another user-friendly feature is Small handy knife for fine chopping, prepara-
dard models» the foil cutter which is integrated in the pro- tion and decorative cutting of fruit and vege-
2. «SwissClassic, the quality knives for the duct. tables.
household» – Steak knife 12 cm, art. no. 7.7203.12G
For the conventional household one of the lea- Page 43a – Forged chef’s knives Excellent all-purpose table knife.
flets is quite sufficient. (German shape) – Carving knife 15 cm, art. no. 7.7203.15G
In countries where the specialist trade still has The forged chefs knives illustrated on the cata- and carving knife 20 cm, 7.7203.20G:
a strong market position (e.g. Switzerland and logue pages 43a and b are manufactured in For a smooth, clean cut. No defibration.
Germany) we have, on a trial basis, reserved Germany and partly in France. Here in Ibach Ideal for roast and raw meat.
the «SwissClassic» series (leaflet 2) for specia- we do control of the quality and the finish, the – Fish filleting knife 20 cm, art. no. 7.7213.20G
lized traders and the standard models (leaflet 1) blade etching and the sharpening of the cutting The flexible blade of this knife ensures wafer-
for the large scale distributors. Page 44a – Cut resistant gloves
edge. thin filleting of fish and meat. The thin, highly
For the professional cook there is a larger VICTORINOX offers a range of protective glo-
With these forged knives the text within our flexible blade allows very accurate cuts.
selection of special kitchen knives and tools ves of different sizes and manufacture. With
oval trade mark showing the eagle and the – Ham knife 26 cm, art. no. 7.7223.26G
available. increasingly strict safety and hygiene regulati-
Mythen mountains reads «Victorinox Quality For cutting ham, raw or cooked. Air cushions
Therefore one of the two household knife lea- ons, demand is increasing for suitable tools
Controlled» in contrast with all our household between the ham joint and the blade prevent
flets should always be placed alongside the such as the protective gloves from VICTORI-
and professional knives that are manufactured the meat from sticking to the blade.
leaflet entitled «the professional’s choice», in NOX. Originally, these types of products were
from A to Z here in our factory in Ibach where – Boning knife 15 cm, art. no. 7.7303.15G
the leaflet holder no. 9.6045 since these lea- mainly used in slaughterhouses, but are now
the etching reads «Made in Switzerland». For removing bones and skinning meat or
flets complement each other. being used increasingly in large kitchens and
poultry. Tendons and fat can be easily removed.
The paring knives on pages 22 and 38 are food processing facilities.
Seite 43b – «Grand Maître» – – Santoku knife, 17 cm, art. no. 7.7303.17G,
very competitive and offer a unique price-per- Forged knives for the well-equipped kitchen Santoku knife with granton (scalloped) edge,
formance ratio. The Victorinox master cutlers have applied their 17 cm, art. no. 7.7323.17G Pages 46 to 46a – Stainless steel
The household knives with the conventional unique ingenuity and techniques to design the – Perfectly balanced knife. A great kitchen all- scissors with plastic handles
polypropylene handles illustrated on the catalo- highest quality, forged cutlery line. This fine cut- rounder. The scissors on page 46 have been manufac-
gue pages 23 to 26 are lower-priced than the lery is hot-drop hand forged and ice tempered Kitchen knife, art. no. 7.7403.20G, Kitchen tured with special care. They have been treated
«Classic series» with the expensive Fibrox by master forgers in Solingen, Germany exclu- knife, art. no. 7.7403.25G to a third sharpening process rendering the two
handles and the attractive gift boxes shown on sively for Victorinox. It is then shipped to Knife for cutting raw meat, fish, fruit and blades thinner towards the tip. The anchoring
page 38a. Victorinox in Ibach, Switzerland for application vegetables and for mincing and chopping. between the blades and the handles is more
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Technical Informations
solid than with the Economic-series illustrated Page 47b – Cuticle scissors,
on page 46a, although the latter, on the other nail pincers, nail clippers
hand, is considerably better value for money. 8.255.C Nail clipper with very smooth cut and
The steel quality of both series is top-class, the optimal nailfile, very good value for money.
screwing is self-impedingly adjustable which
makes it possible to adapt the smooth running Page 48
to each user’s feelings. We act as wholesalers of all the Felco products
in Switzerland. In other countries FELCO have
Page 47a – Manicure sets «Rubis» their own representations.
Tweezers and cuticle scissors of top quality,
Swiss made
Final Inspection
products are:
– identified The Victorinox Emblem
– segregated
Symbol for Quality
– repaired or exchanged
Process control
– Identifying and recording
– Initiating corrective
– Optimization
– Verifying effectiveness
– Controlling
– Requirements:
tolerances (± 0.02mm),
Hardness, finish,
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The stainless steel for VICTORINOX knives From then on the butchers’ knives from Annealing Sharpening is performed on either a sharpe-
Spoons, forks and metal goods like jugs, sinks Victorinox gained an excellent reputation, first- Because the hardened steel is brittle and infle- ning stone or a polishing wheel. The cutting
and metal covers – all are made from highly ly in Switzerland, then in France and the USA xible, it then needs to be annealed. During this angle is checked using a laser.
alloyed, non-magnetic 18/8 or 18/10 chrome and later worldwide. additional process the steel is heated again for The outstanding precision of modern automa-
nickel steels. These steels contain 18% chro- two to three hours at 160°C (320°F) to 250°C ted machinery makes it possible to produce
me and 8% to 10% nickel. They are highly resi- The effects of alloy components (482°F) before being allowed to cool slowly. very high-quality knives at an affordable price.
stant to corrosion that can be caused by coo- Hardening makes knives hard, elastic and pro- This removes most of the tension from the steel
king salt from leftover food and regenerating vides them with the edge-holding ability. The and gives it the desired elasticity and tough- Victorinox alloys for knife blades
salt. These steels are quite bright and silver in more carbon the steel contains, the harder and ness. The hardness of the steel is tested using We use a stainless special knife steel alloyed
color. sharper it can be made during the hardening a Rockwell testing device. After hardening and with chromium and molybdenum to make bla-
An alloy with a carbon content of 0.1 % and process, but the less resistant it will be to annealing, the blades have a hardness of 56 des for pocket tools and household knives.
13 % chrome is considerably cheaper. It cannot rusting. Conversely less carbon makes the rust HRC. In principle, the greater the hardness the
be hardened either but it is magnetic, and its resistance better but the edge-holding ability better the edge-holding ability of the steel. But Standard C Cr Mo V
1.4110 0.48–0.60 13.0–15.0 0.50–0.80 0.15
color is slightly darker. The relatively low pro- worse. Steel becomes stainless when it is this also depends on the particular geometry of
portion of chrome limits corrosion resistance, alloyed with at least 12 % chrome, which must the blade. for other Victorinox knives
1.4034 0.43–0.50 12.5–14.5
for example in atmospheric conditions or wate- be dissolved in the basic matrix. A protective As the Rockwell hardness increases the steel
ry substances, so these steels are graded as «passive» surface layer of chromium oxide pre- also becomes more brittle and prone to fractu- The influence of the key alloy components is
«low-corrosion». vents corrosion, for example as caused by moi- ring. summarized below:
Knife blades used to be made of hardenable sture. If the steel has a higher carbon content
carbon steel which was not resistant to rust. the insufficient rust resistance can be improved Grinding, polishing, sharpening Carbon (C)
Because of this, hotels used special knife- by increasing the molybdenum part of the alloy. After the hardening process the surface is Carbon has the most significant effect on the
cleaning machines and polishing paste to give Higher chromium content also provides better machined. In the knife industry this machining properties of a steel alloy. The carbon content
the knife blades a shiny appearance. To save corrosion resistance but reduces the hardness process is known as grinding. The process is between 0.3 % and 1.0 %; it determines the
this time-consuming task the surface of the of the steel, while molybdenum makes it harder. requires plenty of water for cooling to prevent hardness and tensile strength of the steel but
knife blades was chrome-plated. Knife blades made of chrome nickel steel would excessive temperatures. The overheating pro- reduces corrosion resistance. The higher the
be extremely resistant to rust and acids, but vokes changes in the structure of the steel carbon content, the greater the achievable
Pioneering feat from Victorinox would be easily bent and quickly become blunt. leading to a reduction of the rust-resistance, hardness (rigidity). However, toughness is
In 1920, Carl Elsener, the eldest son of the hardness and edge-holding ability. (If regrinding reduced and the steel becomes brittle.
company's founder, urged a steel mill to deve- Hardening work is required later on and the blade is over-
lop stainless steel that could be hardened. Martensitic stainless steels exhibit good corro- heated in some places during the regrinding
Chromium (Cr)
Following numerous attempts he produced the sion resistance and perform well enough in process, there is an expansion of the steel
The chromium content is between 12 % and
first stainless steel knives in Ibach. As the initi- everyday use. But to achieve optimum cutting only in these spots. During the cooling off and
17 %. This is the main alloy component of mar-
al results did not correspond to his ideas, he power and enough corrosion resistance, it is reverse expansion process, cracks will develop
tensitic stainless steel. It gives the steel its cor-
made great efforts in the years that followed to important for the steel to be hardened proper- at these overheated spots which can lead to
rosion resistance. Chromium is a carbide for-
further improve the quality of stainless steel kni- ly. During this heat treatment the steel is heated breakage of the blade during use.)
mer. Its carbides increase edge-holding ability
ves. The quality of a knife doesn’t just depend from 1020° C (1868° F) to 1060° C (1940° F) in The surfaces are then finely polished. This
and wear resistance.
on the correct alloy; it also depends on the pre- a protective gas atmosphere. The hardening requires a homogeneous microstructure and
cise hardening and annealing temperature. In temperature depends on the quality of the steel very high degree of purity. Finally, the cutting
1931 the current ABB received the order to set and must be observed precisely. After a hol- edge of the blade is sharpened to give the cut- Molybdenum (Mo)
up the first fully electric steel hardening plant in ding time of five to ten minutes, the parts are ting tool its sharpness and functionality. The molybdenum content is between 0.2 %
Ibach. cooled as quickly as possible in protective gas. and 1 %. Molybdenum is an important element
which helps to maintain the corrosion resi-
stance despite a higher carbon content. It
improves the edge-holding ability of steel desi-
gned for use in cutting tools. Molybdenum also
promotes the formation of fine grains, which
has a positive effect on the cutting characteristics.
Vanadium (V)
Vanadium is added to steel for special purpo-
ses. It can be added to martensitic molybde-
num steel in small quantities. It makes for a
finer grain, greater edge-holding ability and
D2 D3
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All material is tested in accordance with What should you look out for when buying Example of an exploded assembly drawing
inspection certificate 3.1 for compliance with to household knives? of a pocket knife, size 91 mm closed length
SN EN 10204. All specifications and guidelines Conically ground, crosswise and lengthwise CyberTool Lite 1.79 25.T
comply with the requirements of standard SN When pressure is applied at the side, the force
EN ISO 8442-1. is distributed along the entire length of the
blade, creating an even arc shape. This redu-
Stainless ces the risk of excessive bending and breaka-
Items that are said to be «stainless» (or «rust- ge. You will benefit from good cutting characte-
free») feature high-alloy steel. This steel is used ristics and balanced material load.
to manufacture products that are highly resi-
stant to corrosion and therefore rust much less
than non-alloyed or low alloyed steel.
There are conditions attached to the terms
«rust-free», «stainless» and «inox». Permanent
dampness, high salt content in the air or water Manufacture: Made from soft annealed knife
and acids in food (e.g. in mustard or horsera- steel, hardened, and conically ground lengthwi-
dish) can all cause corrosion. se and crosswise.
Hardness: 56 HRC
D4 D5
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The notch between the blade and the shank Phillips The LED module in Lite products 2. Fully insert the corkscrew into the cork and
This creates a gap that acts as a run-out zone The shape of the housing has been optimised pull the cork vertically upwards and out of
for the grinding disk during production. to prevent the devices from being turned on the bottle. Try to avoid twisting or tilting the
accidentally. knife body.
Stainless steel
D6 D7
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The altimeter from Victorinox Normal use The handles of our pocket tools Insert a narrow blade between the handle and
Air exerts a pressure on the surface of the earth – Watch (inc. alarm, timer, stopwatch) or baro- The difference between Cellidor and nylon the knife body. Gently prize the handle away
under the influence of gravity. The amount of meter Cellidor is a trade name for organic cellulose from the bushings. Repeat this process several
pressure depends on the quantity of air above – Using the light twice a day to check the time ester, which is a modified natural product. times to completely separate both handles
the respective level. The pressure reduces as or alarm Components made from cellulose propionates from the knife body.
the altitude increases. As air can be compres- – Using the light while also setting the alarm (Cellidor) exhibit an exceptional high-gloss look Centre the two new replacement handles clo-
sed, the change in pressure is not linear to the clock every other day with a feeling of depth. sely over the protruding brass bushings.
increase in altitude. – Taking an altitude or temperature reading Nylon is a term used primarily in the U.S. to A vice can then be used to carefully press the
To use the altimeter properly it is essential to twice a day describe polyamides characterized by a recur- handles onto the bushings. Take care! Place
strictly observe several rules. The altitude indi- rent amide group. Polyamides are used in the something soft (a piece of fabric, cardboard,
cated could otherwise be just an approximate Care tips for pocket tools production of pocket knives chiefly because etc.) between the clamping jaws to avoid
value and not good enough to provide accura- When cutting or peeling fruit, fruit juice often they exhibit better resistance to mechanical damaging or scratching the surface of the
te bearings under critical visibility conditions. If works its way between blades, sticking them abrasion. They have a structured surface com- handles.
you have an altimeter, you must be able to rely together as it dries. Place the blades under pared to high-gloss and smooth Cellidor com-
on it. It is therefore a good idea for every user warm running water several times to restore ponents.
to check that the instrument is in correct wor- ease of movement. Once dry, apply a small
king order every now and then. amount of oil to the springs and between the Cellidor
For this purpose it is necessary to measure the shanks of blades and tools. Swiss Army knives and Classic series
altitude of two points in the terrain, which are
situated close to each other and which are pre- Polyamid
cisely detailed on the map. If the difference bet- Pocket-Multi-Tools with lock-blade, grafting-
ween the altitudes given on the map and the knives, Ecoline
reading of the altimeter is more than ten
meters, it is advisable to have the instrument ABS (Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol)
tested by an expert. SwissCards
Knife bodies for selfmade handles
Are the electronics waterproof? How to replace handles Various artists and handle makers often pro-
None of the models with integrated electronics The handles of most officer’s knives and poc- duce pocket-tool handles made from special
and/or LEDs (Altimeter, Voyager, Traveller, etc.) Cleaning in a dishwasher ket tools are centered over, and pressed onto materials and/or ones that are carefully hand-
are essentially waterproof. We recommend that The temperature in dishwashers can reach bet- bushings. This means it is easy to fit replace- crafted. In such cases, it is not uncommon for
all electronics are kept away from liquids. ween 55 and 80 degrees, depending on the ment handles yourself. these handles to be fitted to a standard
However, if liquid does penetrate the housing, selected cycle. Cleaning salts and strong Victorinox knife body. The Victorinox warranty
remove the batteries and allow the casing to cleaning agents are used during this process. If applies solely to the knife body and not to the
dry out completely. Because the contacts are pocket knives and multi-tools are exposed to handles in these cases.
covered with a protective coating, the electro- an aggressive environment such as this over a
nics will not be damaged. We recommend the long period of time they can become damaged.
following procedure for general cleaning: Therefore, do not put penknives or other multi-
tools in the dishwasher!
Remove the batteries and carefully rinse the You can find further information on cleaning
pocket tool under warm water. Allow the hou- and maintenance in the leaflet «Care tips for
sing to dry out completely. Once dry, apply a pocket tools».
small amount of oil to the springs and between
the shanks of blades and tools.
D8 D9
042_100_Manual_e_S_42_51 7.4.2008 7:43 Uhr Seite 48
If you observe any product which might infringe our intellectual property rights, please submit us the address of the retailer
and 8 % to 10 % nickel. They are highly resi- – when an aggressive or too much of a
stant to corrosion that can be caused by coo- detergent is used.
The trademark «Swiss Army» is partially registered by VICTORINOX and partially by the official entity of the Swiss Army.
king salt from leftover food and regenerating salt. These stains can easily be removed with a
Trademarks «VICTORINOX», «Cross & Shield» and the «Eagle» emblem are registered worldwide by VICTORINOX.
Knife blades used to be made of hardenable metal cleaning agent.
carbon steel which was not resistant to rust. – In isolated cases knife blades can be affec-
Because of this, hotels used special knife- ted by crevice-corrosion. This can occur
cleaning machines and polishing paste to when the knives are left wet for some time
give the knife blades a shiny appearance. To and come into contact with other metals
save this time-consuming task the surface of thus producing a galvanic element. For this
the knife blades was chrome-plated. reason knife blades should not come into
Hardenable stainless steel for knife blades contact with spoons and forks in the dish-
has been available only since 1921. The har- washer.
dening process, at temperatures between
1020° C (1868° F) to 1060° C (1940° F), makes Cutting base
the blades hard, flexible and edge-retaining. Hard cover plates made of natural or artificial
The more carbon (0.3–1.0%) this steel con- stone should be avoided. A wooden board as
tains, the harder and more edge-retaining it cutting base should be used instead. As is
can be tempered but the less rust-resistant it the case with wooden handled knives, woo-
becomes. On the other hand, with less car- den cutting boards should not be cleaned in
bon content the rust-resistance is better but the dishwasher. The wood becomes swollen,
and if possible pictures and other proofs and his suppliers address.
the edge-retaining capacity is worse. With a bleached out and unsightly.
higher carbon content the inferior rust-resi-
stance is improved by an addition of molyb- Resharpening
denum. (Knife blades made of chrome-nicke Blunt knife blades can be resharpened with
D10 E1
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Keyword Index
Keyword Page Keyword Page Keyword Page Keyword Page
A Environmental protection A5 M Skipper, Helmsman C5
ABS (Acrylnitril-Butadien-Styrol) D9 Evolution of the VICTORINOX Magnifying glass C5 Space shuttle A6
Alarm C8 «Swiss Army Knife» 91 mm B1, B8 Martensitic Stainless steels D2 Spare parts C10
Alloys for knife blades D3 Expeditions A6 Metal files D6 Spartan C7
Altimeter C8, D8 Explanations to our Catalogue C1 Molybdenum (Mo) D2, D3 Special knives C13
Ancestors and descendants A2 Explorer C7 Mountaineer C7 Sport and camping C10
Annealing D3 Multiclips C10 Stainless steel D2, D4, D10
Awards C5, C10, C11 F MY FIRST VICTORINOX C3 Steak knife C14
Facts concerning table Sterilization C12
B and kitchen knives made of stainless steel D10 N Supradrive and Pozidrive crosstip D6
Barometer C8 Farriers and gardeners tools C13 Non-slip properties C12 Swiss Army Knife, 91 mm A4, A5, C7
Battery life and replacement D8 FIBROX C12, C13 Numbering Code for «Swiss Army Knives» B5 Swiss Army Knife, small model C3
Bestsellers C1 First legal registration A1 Numbering Code for small pocket knives B6 Swiss Army Officer's knife A1, A5, B1
Bits for the CyberTool D6 First manufacturing site A4 Nylon (Polyamid) C8, D8 Swiss Army Soldiers' knife A1, B1
Blistered Household knives C11 Fish filleting knife C14 Nylon and Cellidor, what's the difference? D8 Swiss Champ and CyberTool C7
Boning knife C14 Forged Chef's knives C13 SwissCards C4, D9
Bread knife C14 Functions and tools B4 O SwissChamp C7, C8
Butcher's knives C12 Oil for MultiTool C10 SwissClassic household knives C11, C12, C13
G One-hand opening blade C5 SwissTool C9
C Gardeners and farriers tools C13 Outrider C5 SwissTool Spirit C9
Camping and sport C10 GolfTool C4
Carbon (C) D3 Grafting and pruning knives C10
Paring knives C11, C13, C14 Table sets C12
Carbon steel D2 Grand Maître C14
Pen C4 Thermometer C8
Care tips for pocket tools D8 Grinding, polishing, sharpening D3
Perfectly balanced knife C14 Timer C10
Carving cutlery and kitchen sets C11
Picknicker C5 Tools and functions B4
Carving fork C14 H
Polishing, sharpening, grinding D3 Toughness and elasticity D3
Cellidor (organic cellulose ester) C8, D9 Ham knife C14
Polyamid (Nylon) C8, D9 Trademarks development B2
Cellidor and Nylon, what's the difference? D8 Handles of our pocket tools D8
Polypropylene handles C11 Traveller (Lite) C8, C9, D8
Chrome nickel steels D2 Hardening steel D2, D3
Pouches for pocket tools C10
Chromium (Cr) D3 Helmsman, Skipper C5
Pozidrive and Supradrive crosstip D6 U
Classic series C3 History of VICTORINOX Ibach A1
Professional's choice C11, C13 US presidents A5
Climber C7 Household and kitchen knives C12 Protection, safe blade C11
Clock with alarm and timer C8 Huntsman C7 Pruning and Grafting knives C8 V
Collectors Model C8 Vanadium (V) D4
Complementary assortment I Q Victorinox AG A5
for the kitchen and the household C13 It's easy to convert others Quality, Symbol for D1 Voyager (Lite) C8, D8
Corkscrew D7 if you're a convert yourself C2
Corrosion and rust resistance D2 R W
Customer protection C7 K RescueTool C6 Wenger SA A6
Cutting base D10 Karl Elsener, the founder A1, A2, A3 Robust models C5 What should you look out
CyberTool C7, C8, D6 Kitchen and household knives C12 Rucksack C5 for when buying household knives? D4
Kitchen sets and carving cutlery C11 Rust and corrosion resistance D2 Wire stripper D7
D Knife sharpeners Wooden handles C11, C12
Dishwasher cleaning D8 and sharpening steels C14, D3, D10 S WorkChamp XL C5
Dishwasher-safe polypropylene handles C11 Santoku knife C14
L Screwdriver mini C7
E LED C3, C4, C8, C10, D7, D8 Screwdriver Phillips C8, D6
EcoLine A5, C8 Lifetime warranty C7 Screwdriver Quattro four-way C4
Elasticity and toughness D3 Lite products and sets C8 Selfmade handles D9
Elegant pocket tools 74/84 mm C4 Locking mechanism C6, D7 Sharpening steels We protect our Intellectual Property Rights
Elinox-series A5 Logos of the Victorinox Knives B3 and knife sharpeners C14, D3, D10 X.90230.1 / Printed in Switzerland
F1 F2
The essential Tool for Generations