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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
“Perform Mise en Place”

TLE – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 1: Prepare Dessert and Sweet Sauces: Perform Mise en Place
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Maricel E. Obaňana
Editor: Dawn T. Tuban
Reviewers: Dawn T. Tuban, Ivah Mae C. Estoconing
Typesetters: Dawn T. Tuban, Ivah Mae C. Estoconing
Management Team: Senen Priscillo P. Paulin, CESO V Rosela R. Abiera
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Department of Education –Region VII Schools Division of Negros Oriental

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Quarter 4 – Module 1:
“Perform Mise en Place”
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the nature of Cookery. The scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can
be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

LO 1. Perform mise en place

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Evaluate tools and equipment needed in the preparation of salad and

2. Clean, sanitize, and prepare tools, utensils, and equipment based on
the required tasks; and
3. Identify the characteristics of desserts.

What I Know


Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the LETTER of the correct answer and
write this on your notebook.

1. This is used to level off ingredient when measuring and to spread frostings.
A. spatula C. paring knife
B. citrus knife D. fruit and salad knife

2. This is often referred to as cook’s or chef’s knife. This is used for peeling and
slicing of vegetables.
A. citrus knife C. paring knife
B. kitchen knife D. fruit and salad knife

3. This is used to scrape vegetables, such as carrots and potatoes and to peel
A. spatula C. vegetable peeler
B. kitchen knife D. citrus knife

4. This is a French term which means setting everything in place and organizing all
the materials and ingredients before preparing food.
A. Mise en Place C. Miss in Place
B. Mis in Plas D. Mis en Place

5. This refers to the more complicated tools.

A. utensils C. equipment
B. materials D. supplies

6. Which of the following tools is used for whipping eggs or butter, and for blending
gravies, sauces, and soups?
A. grater C. whisks
B. spatula D. scraper

7. This is a type of dessert that is smooth frozen mixture of milk, cream, sugar,
flavorings, and sometimes eggs.
A. whipped cream C. ice
B. ice cream D. None of the above

8. Which of the following guidelines should not be practiced in plating dessert?

A. Layer flavors and texture. C. Do not crowd the plate.
B. Make garnishes edible. D. Use monotype of plate.

9. Which of the following sanitary practices is true in storing desserts?
a. Wash utensils and equipment thoroughly.
b. Keep away from food when you are ill.
c. Store foods and ingredients in a dry place.
d. All of the above

10. This is another excellent dessert that is ready to serve. It is made in all parts of
the world from variety of milks from cow, goat, and sheep.
a. Fruits
b. Cheese
c. Cream
d. Butter



“Perform Mise en Place”

Dessert is usually a sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) commonly
served at the end of a meal.

The term dessert can apply to many confections, such as biscuits, cakes,
cookies, custards, gelatins, ice creams, pastries, pies, puddings, sweet soups, and
tarts. Fruit is also commonly found in dessert courses because of its naturally
occurring sweetness.

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help you in
guiding the learners. The following are information that
would lead to the activities and assessment. Some activities
may need your own discretion upon checking, or you may
use rubric of provided. Please review the activities and
answer keys, and amend if necessary.

What’s In

Direction: Answer the following questions on your notebook.

I. Why is it important to clean and sanitize cooking tools and utensils?

II. What are the things to be considered before preparing desserts and sweet

What’s New

Introductory Activity: Call Me!

Direction: Identify the different kitchen tools and utensils in preparing desserts
and sweet sauces. Write your answer on your notebook.


2. 4.



1. How did you find the activity?

2. Was it easy for you to identify the tools/utensils in preparing salad?
Why or Why not?
3. Do you know how to use each one of them?

What is It

Mise en Place is a French term which means setting everything in place and
organizing all the materials and ingredients before preparing food.
Tools, Equipment, and Utensils needed in preparing desserts

Everyone should
Tools, Everyone
Equipment,be should be familiarwith
and Utensils with thethe
needed tools, equipment
tools, and
in preparing utensils needed inand
desserts preparingutensils needed in
preparing desserts. Even
desserts. Every pastry
pastry chef must havechef must
these tools, utensils,have these
and equipment tools, utensils, and
for efficient
equipment for
Everyone efficient
Tools, Equipment,
should be preparation
familiar Utensils
the of
tools, desserts.
in preparing
equipment and Each
utensils tool
needed is in designed
preparation of desserts. Each tools is designed to perform a specific job in the kitchen. preparing to perform
a specific job in
desserts. the
Every kitchen.
pastry chef must have these tools, utensils, and equipment for efficient
preparation should be
of desserts. familiar
Each toolswithis the tools, equipment
designed anda utensils
to perform specificneeded in preparing
job in the kitchen.
desserts. Every pastry chef must have these tools, utensils, and equipment for efficient
desserts. tools isIndividual measuring
a specific job incup for dry ingredients,
glass measuring1. Measuring
cup forcupliquidandEachspoon. designed to perform
ingredients, Measuring
and for dry ingredients,thespoon
cupmeasuring kitchen.
glass for ingredients
1. measuring
Measuring cup
used in small quantity. cup
and for liquid
spoon. and measuring
Individual spoon for
Measuring ingredients
cup used
for dryin small quantity.
ingredients, glass
measuring cup for liquid
1. Measuring cup andandspoon.
measuring spoon
Individual for ingredients
Measuring cup for used in small quantity.
dry ingredients, glass
measuring cup for liquid and measuring spoon for ingredients used in small quantity.

2. Mixing2. bowl.
bowl.for mixing
Used ingredients.
for mixing It comes
ingredients. It comesinindifferent
different sizes. Small,medium,
sizes. Small, medium,
Mixing areforused
bowl. Used for mixing
mixing ingredients. It comesingredients. It medium,
in different sizes. Small, comes in different
sizes. Small, medium,
and large and large.

3. Cans, bottles, cartoons opener used to openThese are
a food tin, usedwithtoa smooth
preferably open a food tin,
preferably with a smooth
3. Cans,operation,
bottles, and operation,
cartoons gripused
opener and
and turning
to open comfortable
a food tin, preferably with a smooth knob.
knob. grip and turning
operation, and comfortable grip and turning knob.

3. Cans, bottles, cartoons opener used to open a food tin, preferably with a smooth
operation, and comfortable grip and turning knob.

4. Cutting board a wooden or plastic board where fruits and vegetables can be cut.

4. Cutting board a wooden or plastic board where fruits and vegetables can be cut.
CUTTING BOARD. A wooden or plastic board where fruits and vegetables can be cut.

5. Double boiler – used when temperatures must be kept below boiling, such as for egg
sauces, puddings, and to keep foods warm without overcooking.

6. Funnels – used to fill jars, made of various sizes of stainless steel, aluminium, or of
DOUBLE BOILER. Used when temperatures must be kept below boiling, such as for egg.
5. Double boiler – used when temperatures must be kept below boiling, such as
sauces, puddings, and to keep foods warm without overcooking.
5. Double boiler – used when temperatures must be kept below boiling, such as for egg
sauces, puddings, and to keep foods warm without overcooking.

6. Funnels – used to fill jars, made of various sizes of stainless steel, aluminiu
6. Funnels – used to fill jars, made of various sizes of stainless steel, aluminium, or of
FUNNELS. Used to fill jars, made of various sizes of stainless steel or aluminium.
7. Graters - used to grate, shred, slice and separate foods such as carrots, cabbage and

7. Graters - used to grate, shred, slice and separate foods such as carrots, cabbage and
GRATERS. Used to grate, shred, slice, and separate foods such as carrots, cabbage,
cheese. and cheese.

7. Graters - used to grate, shred, slice and separate foods such as carrots, cabb
8. Kitchen Knives often referred to as cook's or chef's knife. Use for peeling and slicing
fruits and vegetables.

8. Kitchen Knives often referred to as cook's or chef's knife. Use for peeling and slicing
fruits and vegetables. 7
KITCHEN KNIVES. Often referred to as cook’s or chef’s knife. Use for peeling and
slicing fruits and vegetables.

 Fruit and salad knife - used to prepare salad greens, vegetables, and fruits

 Spatula – used to level off ingredients when measuring and to spread frostings

 Citrus
Fruit andknifesalad– used
knifeto- used
sectioton prepare
citrus fruisalts.adThe bladevegetabl
greens, has a etwo-si
s, andded,
 Fruit and salad knife
edge - used to prepare salad greens, vegetables, and fruits
  Spatula
Spatula – used to level– used
off toingredients
level off ingredients when
ng and to spread frostiand
ngs to spread frostings
 Paring knife – used to core, peel, and section fruits and vegetables. Blades are
  short,
Citrus knife – used
concave– used
knifesection owcitrus
with holto lsection citrus fruifruits.
ground. ts. The blaThe
de has a blade has a two-sided, serrated
two-sided, serrated
edge edge
 Paring knife –9.used
Kitchen Shears.
to core,They barepeel,
practical and
for openisection
ng food packages, cutting tape
fruits and or strivegetables.
ng Blades are

short, concave towith Paring
package knife
hollow – used to
foods ground. core, peel , and sectio n fruit s and vegetabl
or simply to remove labels or tags from items. e s. Bl ades are
short, concave with hollow ground.
9. Kitchen Shears. They bare practical for opening food packages, cutting tape or string
foods They or simply bare practical to remove for opening labelsfood or packages, cutting
tags from tape or
9. Kitchen Shears. They bare practic al for openin
string to package foods or simply to remove labels or tags from items. g food packages, cuttin g tape or strin g
to package foods or simply to remove labels or tags from items.

10. Scraper- a rubber10.orScraper-

siliconea rubber ortools
silicone tool
tos blend
to blend or scrape the food fromthe
or scrape the bowlfood
; metal,from the bowl; metal,
silicone or plastic egg siturners
licone or plastior
c eggflippers
turners or flippers
SCRAPER. A rubber or silicone tool to blend or scrape the food from the bowl.
10. Scraper- a rubber or silicone tools to blend or scrape the food from the bowl; metal,
silicone or plastic egg turners or flippers

11. Spoons – solid, slotted, – soliperforated.
11. Spoons or d, slotted, or perforated.Made
Made of stainoflessstainless
steel or plastic, thesteel
solid ones or plastic, the solid ones
are used to spoon liquids
are usedover
to spoon lfoods andandto
iquids over foods to liftlift
including theincluding
liquid out of the potthe liquid out of the pot
11. Spoons – solid, slotted, or perforated. Made of stainless steel or plastic, the solid ones
SPOONS. Solid, slotted, or perforated. Made of stainless steel or plastic, the solid
are –used dto, slspoon
otted, orliquids over foods ofandstaitonleliftssfoods, includingc, thethefoods,
d onesout ofincluding
the pot
ones are used to11.spoon
Spoons soliliquids perforated.
overMade foods and steel ortoplastilift the liquid
out of the pot. are used to spoon liquids over foods and to lift foods, including the liquid out of the pot

12. Temperature Scales - used to measure heat intensity. Different thermometers are
used 12. Temperature
for different purposes Scales
in foodUsed - used toto
preparation – forDifferent
heat intensity. heat
meat,thermometers are or deep-fat
candy Different
thermometers are12.used used for
12. Temperature Scales - used to measure heat intensity. Different thermometers are
for Scal
different purposes
es - used inpurposes
to measure intensity. Di–in
foodheatpreparation for meat,
fferent candy
thermometersor aredeep-fat frying..
preparation – for meat,
candy, or deep-fatusedfrying. for dif ferent purposes in food preparati on – for meat, candy or
for different purposes in food preparation – for meat, candy or deep-fat frying.. deep-fat frying..

13. Vegetable peeler. used 13. Vegetable to peeler.

scrape vegetables,
used to scrape vegetables, such such
as carrots as carrots
and potatoes and to and potatoes and to
peel fruits. The best13.onespeeleare
Vegetabl fruits. r.made
peeleThe besttoones
used of stainless
scrape made ofes,stainless steel
such assteel with
carrots doublesharp
potatoes to thatdouble
andblade swivels. blade that swivels.
13. Vegetablpeel fruits. The best ones are made of stainless steel with sharp double blade that swivels.
e peeletor. usedscrape
to scrape vegetabl es, such as carrotssuch
and potatoes
VEGETABLE PEELER. Used vegetables, as and to
carrots and potatoes
and to peel fruits. The
peel fruibest ones
ts. The best ones areofmadestainless
of stainless steel wisteel with
th sharp double bladesharp
that swivels. double blade that

WHISKS for blending. Mixing

14. Whisks used
for Blending, Mixingfor
for whipping eggseggs
or batter,orandbatter,
for blending and for blending
14. Whisks for Blending, Mixing used for whipping eggs or batter, and for blending
gravies, sauces, 14.
andWhi skssoups.
for Blsauces,
ending, The
and beaters
g usedThefor beaters are
whiare madeormade
eggs ofbatter, of
loopedandsteel looped
for blpiano
endinwires steel
g steel are piano wires
gravies, sauces, and
which are twisted soups. The made of looped piano wires which are
es, twisted
sauces,together toto The
and soups. form
form the
are madehandle.
the handle.
beaters of looped steel piano wires which are
twisted together to form the handle.
twisted together to form the handle.
14. Whisks for Blending, Mixing used for whipping eggs or batter, and for blending
gravies, sauces, and soups. The beaters are made of looped steel piano wires which are
twisted together to form the handle.

15. Wooden spoons continue to be kitchen essentials because of their usefulness for
15. Wooden spoons usedspoons
15. Wooden for creaming,
tobebe kiand
tkitchen They
essential should beof thei
9s because
essentials mader useful
of hard
for of their usefulness for
used for creaming, stir rin g, and mix ing. They shoul
used for creaming, stirring, and mixing. They should be made of hard wood d be made of hard wood
WOODEN SPOONS. These tools continue to be kitchen essentials because of their
usefulness for creaming, stirring, and mixing. They should be made of hard wood.

BAKING PAN. One cannot bake without bake ware. Baking pans like loaf pans,
cake pans, pie plates,
16. Bakingbaking sheets,
pan. One cannot and
bake without bakeso
ware.on arepans
. Baking necessary for baking.
like loaf pans, cake
pans, pie plates, baking sheets and so on are necessary for baking.

More complicated tools are called equipment. They may refer to a small
electrical appliance, such as mixer, or a large, expensive, power-operated
complicated such a range
a refrigerator.
equipment. They may refer to a s
uch as a mixer, or a large, expensive, power-operated applianc
These are necessary
ators/Freezers in preventing bacterial
are necessary infections from foods.
in preventing bacterial infections

1. Range a kitchen appliance used for cooking food.

1. Range a kitchen appliance used for cooking food.

nge a kitchen RANGE – A kitchen
appliance appliance
used for cookingused for cooking food.

2. Mixers. Used for mixing, creaming, beating and whipping ingredients. The ultimate
mixer for anyone who bakes is, of course, a stand mixer.
2. Mixers. – Used
Used for mixing,
for mixing, creaming,
creaming, beatingbeating, and whipping
and whipping ingredients.
ingredients. The
The ultimate
ers. Used formixer
mixing, mixer
for anyonefor
who who
bakes bakes,
is, of is of
course, course,
a stand a stand mixer.
mixer. The ultimate
er for anyone who bakes is, of course, a stand mixer.

3. Blenders – These
are used are used
to chop, to chop,
blend, mix,blend,
whip,mix, whip,grate,
puree, puree,and
grate, and liquefy
liquefy all kinds of
3. all kinds
Blenders of
usedA blender
to chop, is a very
blend, useful
mix, appliance.
whip, puree, grate, and liquefy all kinds of
food. A blender is a very useful appliance.
nders are used toAchop,
food. blenderblend, mix,
is a very whip,
useful puree, grate, and liquefy all kinds of
d. A blender is a very useful appliance.

. .
NOTE: AsAsa arule,
piece of
of equipment
equipment until
are thoroughly
e: As a rule, never
with As itsa
its use a piece
rule, never
operation of
use equipment until you are thoroughly familiar familiar
a piece of equipment until you are thoroughly
and features.
its operation
with and features.and features.
its operation
This is usually sweet course or dish (as exemplified by pastry or ice cream)
usually served at the end of the meal.


The simplest dessert and one of the best are fruits because they are nutritious,
appetizing, and easy to prepare and serve.

 Appetizing aroma
 Simple
 Slightly chilled

This is another excellent dessert that is ready to serve. It is made in all parts of
the world from variety of milks from cow, goat, and sheep.

General types of cheese:

 Soft
 Semi-hard
 Hard

These are easily prepared, economical, and vary in many ways. Gelatin is
marketed in two forms. First, the unsweetened, granular type that must be
softened in water before use, and the fruit gelatin to which flavor, color, and sugar
have already been added.

Baked and soft custards vary in so many ways. Creamy, delicate, baked custards
may be served in their baking cups or may be unmolded and served with fruit
garnishes or with dessert sauces.

Characteristics of baked custard:

 Firmness of shape
 Smooth, tender texture
 Rich and creamy consistency
 Excellent flavor

Characteristics of soft custard:

 Velvety smooth texture
 Rich flavor
 Has pouring consistency of heavy cream

These are relatively simple to prepare and vary with sauce.

These are classified as:

 Cornstarch pudding, sometimes called blancmange
 Rice Pudding
 Bread Pudding

These are not fruit pies. They have a depth of two or three inches and are topped
with biscuit dough rather than being made with pie crust. They may be served
either hot or cold.

ICE CREAM – smooth frozen mixture of milk, cream, sugar, flavorings, and
sometimes eggs.
SHERBET and ICES – made from fruit juices, water, and sugar.

What’s More

Direction: Give one characteristic and one example of food for each type of dessert
listed below. Copy and answer the chart on your notebook.


1. Frozen Dessert
2. Fruit Cobblers
3. Pudding
4. Fruit
5. Custard
6. Gelatin
7. Cheese

What I Have Learned

Direction: Write at least a two-paragraph essay about your learning on this

lesson/module using the following guide phrases.

I have learned that


I have realized that


I will apply

Essay Rubrics
Areas of
Assessment 10 points 7 points 4 points 1 point
Presents ideas Presents ideas
in an original in a consistent Ideas are too Ideas are
Ideas manner manner general vague or

Organization Strong and Organized Some No

organized beg/mid/end organization; organization;
beg/mid/end attempt at a lack
beg/mid/end beg/mid/end

Understanding Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows Writing shows

strong a clear adequate little
understanding understanding understanding understanding

Mechanics Few (if any) Few errors Several errors Numerous

errors errors


What I Can Do

Direction: Select one tool, equipment, or utensil needed in preparing desserts. Make
a video on how to use and sanitize your chosen tool, equipment, or utensil available
in your kitchen. Ask for guidance from your family members in doing this activity.
Alternative (If you cannot provide a video): On your notebook, draw and write the
corresponding steps in using and sanitizing your chosen tool, equipment, or utensil
available in your kitchen.

20 Use and sanitize the tools and utensils correctly without

any supervision

17 Use and sanitize the tools and utensils correctly with

some assistance/supervision.

14 Use and sanitize the tools and utensils correctly with

minor errors and some assistance/supervision.

11 Was not able to use the tools and utensils correctly.


Direction: Identify the tools, equipment, and/or utensils described in the sentences
below. Write your answers on your notebook.

Tools/Equipment Uses and Functions

1. These are used for measuring small quantity of
ingredients like salt, baking powder, or baking soda.
2. These are used to grate, shred, slice, and separate
foods such as carrots, cabbage, and cheese.
3. These are used for whipping eggs or batter, and for
blending gravies, sauces, and soups.
4. This is handy for returning some of the meat or
poultry juices from the pan, back to the food.
5. They are practical for opening food packages,
cutting tape or string to package foods or simply to
remove labels or tags from items.
6. These are used to chop, blend, mix, whip, puree,
grate, and liquefy all kinds of food.
7. This is used to remove remaining and sticky
ingredients from the side of the bowl.
8. These are chef's tools, use for all types of kitchen
tasks, from peeling an onion and slicing carrots, to
carving a roast or turkey.
9. This is used for creaming, stirring, and mixing. They
should be made of hard wood.
10. A kitchen appliance used for cooking food.

Additional Activities

Direction: Answer the following questions. Do this on your notebook.

1. What is the importance of dessert in a meal?

2. How do you explain Mise en Place?
3. Why is it important to follow the rule of Mise en Place in preparing

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. B
1. Mixing bowls
2. Double boiler
3. Can Opener
4. Measuring Spoons
5. Baking pans
Answers may vary.
Answers may vary.
Answers may vary.
1. Measuring spoons
2. Graters
3. Whisks
4. Scoop/Deeper
5. Kitchen Shears
6. Blender
7. Rubber Scraper
8. Kitchen Knives
9. Wooden Spoon
10. Oven
Answer Key
 Sandoval, Maria Teresa G., (1993). Culinary Arts 3 and 4, pp. 85-86.
 Llgas, Avelina I., et al., Home Technology Food Management and Service I,
pp. 62-63.
 Cookery Manual Module 1 of 2. Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Home
 Janairo, Michicko, Kitchen Tools and Equipment, “Classifications and
Types of Desserts and their Uses”, January 16, 2016,

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division of Negros Oriental

Kagawasan, Avenue, Daro, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental

Tel #: (035) 225 2376 / 541 1117

Email Address: negros.oriental@deped.gov.ph
Website: lrmds.depednodis.net


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