ENGG1310, 2020-2021 Second Term Assignment 4 (Due Date: 10 Apr 2021) Answer All Questions. Show All Steps of Your Derivations and Reasoning
ENGG1310, 2020-2021 Second Term Assignment 4 (Due Date: 10 Apr 2021) Answer All Questions. Show All Steps of Your Derivations and Reasoning
ENGG1310, 2020-2021 Second Term Assignment 4 (Due Date: 10 Apr 2021) Answer All Questions. Show All Steps of Your Derivations and Reasoning
Answer all questions. Show all steps of your derivations and reasoning.
Incident light
θr water drop
a) Show that the final deviation of the incident light from its initial path after one
reflection inside the water drop is:
dev 180 2i 4 r
b) Using Snell’s law and the above result, show that for a given refractive index of the
water n the incident angle which gives the smallest deviation can be described by
the following relationship:
n2 1
cos 2 i
d (arcsin x) 1
(You may find the following identity useful: )
dx 1 x2
c) It turns out that at this angle of minimum deviation the light rays bunch up, resulting
in a particularly bright spot. As the refractive index of water is different for red and
blue light, this is the cause of a rainbow. Given that nr = 1.331 for red light and nb
= 1.333 for blue light, calculate their deviation angles. If these two light frequencies
define the edge of the rainbow, calculate the angular width (i.e., the difference in
the two deviation angles) of the rainbow.
3. Show using Snell’s law that a beam entering a planar transparent plate emerges parallel
to its initial direction. Show that for small angles of incidence φ this displacement is
n 1
l d ,
where n is the refractive index of the plate and φ is measured in radians. Refer to the
diagram below for details.
4. A green laser source (590 nm) of 1 W power is contained within a water bath (refractive
index n = 1.3). The top surface of the bath is open to air, whereas the bottom surface is
bounded by a thick layer of glass (refractive index n = 1.65), as shown in the diagram
below. The source is polarized such that it is TM polarized with respect to the interfaces.
a) At what angle will the light from the source (S) be completely reflected from the
water–air interface?
b) At what angle θ1 will there be a light component measured at point 2, but none
measured at point 1?
c) At this incident angle, how much light power will be measured at point 2?
M Viewing screen
d d
6. A point source is moving at a constant speed vo toward a spherical mirror with a radius
of curvature r, along its central axis.
a) Show that the image is moving with a speed:
vi vo ,
2p r
where p is the current position of the object.
b) When r = 15 cm and vo = 5 cm/s, calculate the image speed when p = 30 cm, p =
8 cm, and p = 1 cm.
c) Describe how the image appears to be moving and whether the image is real or
a) How far away does the piece of paper with the writing on appear to be?
b) How tall does the writing appear to be? Is the writing inverted?
8. The following figure shows two light rays of wavelength 610 nm traveling from air
through two different media with refractive indices n1 = 1.5 and n2 = 1.6 and to air again.
Assuming that the two waves are initially out of phase by 180° and they become exactly
in phase once they pass through the two media, determine
(a) the smallest possible value of L.
(b) the second smallest possible value of L.