Instruction For Appering For Open Book Examinations

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A. Pre-Examination Activities:

1. As all OBEs have to be attempted in pen and paper mode. Hence scholar should
be ready with:
a) A4 size white sheets (Max 30 ruled/without ruled sheets as applicable).
b) Bigger sheet as per the requirement of the course in case of scholar of
Architecture/Design/Fine Arts/Fashion Technology programmes.
c) Black pen as questions must be attempted with black pen only.
d) Black Pen or 2B Pencil for diagrams and figures, if required.
e) Drawing and other relevant equipment/graph paper/log tables/standard
codes etc. as applicable.

2. The scholar should write only on one side of the sheet with page numbering on
the upper right corner of each sheet.

3. OBE Mode Examination is accessible on any device

(Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Mobile) connected to consistent Internet connection
(at least 02 sources - Wifi and mobile hotspot) with bandwidth of minimum 1.5
Mbps with an internet browser but use of Desktop or Laptop with latest version
of Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari for better experience is recommended. The
device should be connected to uninterrupted power.

4. Scholar should have smart phone (with working camera) with internet connection.
Microsoft OFFICE LENS should be installed on their smartphone and accessed
through their Microsoft User Id provided by Amity. The scholar should do prior
testing by scanning multiple sheets through Microsoft OFFICE LENS and as
single PDF file on Microsoft One drive. Further scholars should login to Microsoft
One drive on their laptop and they will find an automatically created folder
OFFICE LENS in which they can track the saved PDF file (from mobile). Further
they may download it on their system desktop.

5. As a backup, scholars should have another scanning app installed on their mobile
that has multiple pages scanning facility. Apps suggested - Cam scanner, Adobe
scanner etc.
B. During examination Activities:

1. The scholars can access the question paper from Amizone

( using their Amizone Login ID and password.

2. Online exam schedule is displayed with date, timeslot, course code, Course Title,
type of examination etc.

3. Duration of Open Book Examination: The total duration of the OBE shall be of
Two & half hours plus additional 45 minutes which will be utilized for scanning
and uploading the answer sheets in single .pdf file after completion of the

4. For OBE type, option to view question paper and an option to upload the answer
sheet are also given. The option to download and view the question paper will be
activated 10 minutes before the start time of the examination.
5. Scholar should answer the questions using appropriate stationery, writing/drawing
equipment as mentioned in pre-examination activities section of the instruction. After
finishing writing the answers, the scholar is advised to keep the answer sheets in
numbering order and scan the pages through multi sheet scanner app, and convert
them into single PDF file (Ensure attachment size is less than 34 MB) with file name
as [YourEnrollmentNo]-[coursecode].pdf

For Example, if your enrollment number is A321903909800 and you gave

examination for course code- ABC101, then save the answer sheet with file
name as A321903909800-ABC101.pdf.

Scholars are not allowed to :

a) write their name & enrolment number anywhere in the
answer sheets
b) leave any identity/symbol/mark in the answer sheet
if found, it will be treated as use of unfair means as per
Regulations of the University.

6. Transfer the saved.pdf file on desktop/laptop for uploading through the link
against corresponding course code on .

a) Preferable App for Scanning and uploading: Scholars should have smart
phone (with working camera) with internet connection. Microsoft OFFICE
LENS should be installed on their smartphone and accessed through their
Microsoft User Id provided by Amity. The scholar should do prior testing by
scanning multiple sheets through Microsoft OFFICE LENS and as single PDF
file and upload the files on Amizone directly from mobile phone.

b) If the scholars are not able to upload the file directly from their mobile to
Amizone, they may transfer the scanned copy of answer sheet through email
from their mobile to their laptop. They may download it on their
laptop/desktop to further upload the answersheet in pdf format on link
provided on Amizone.

c) Alternate Option: Any other multipage scanner app to convert images to a

single PDF file e.g. Scanbot, Adobe Scan, etc. to complete the process as
mentioned above.

7. The option for uploading the PDF file of answer sheet will be open One hour prior
to the end of the examination and will remain open till 45 minutes post the
examination end time.
8. After uploading, the scholars can check whether correct file is uploaded on
Amizone and once confirmed can finally press the submit tab to upload the file. If
the scholar finds that wrong file is uploaded, the correct file may again be
uploaded by using the same link within the window time as mentioned above. No
extra time will be provided for the same.

9. If you have any difficulty in uploading the .pdf of Answer sheet, you can email
the same within the time frame to the email id (as visible in
the answersheet column on Exam page).

Email received after 45 minutes post the examination end time will not be
considered and treated as cancelled.

In case you face any difficulty during the Course Work Examination, you may
write to along with your details (Name,
Enrolment No & Program).

10. For examination, the scholar has to maintain the ethical norms, examination
sanctity and integrity of the examination platform and maintain discipline as per
the AUUP guidelines. Breach of the same may invite disciplinary actions within
the purview of existing norms of Examination.


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