Repaso Inglés 2
Repaso Inglés 2
Repaso Inglés 2
En este texto faltan palabras. Para cada hueco, escribe la palabra que falta.
No escribas más de una palabra por hueco.
Not many people think of the city __AS___(1) a particularly nice place to
walk. It is full of cars, the air is polluted and many streets are really crowded.
___IN__(2) fact, most people’s idea of a hike consists __IN___(3) walking
down winding countryside paths, climbing mountains or strolling along a
deserted beach.
This, however, is not __FOR___(4) “city walkers”. They reckon cities are just
___AS__(5) good as the countryside, or maybe even more so. According to
the English novelist Will Self, “if you walk in the town or city where you
live you don’t _RUN____(6) the risk of getting stuck in a traffic jam, which is
what happened to me last time we set __OFF___(7) for a nice country walk”.
There is also the great convenience of cafés and bars where you can
___STOP__(8) for a drink.
Walking in the city, of course, is not new. In the 19th century, French artists
would talk about the flâneur: a person who would wander around the city,
not really going anywhere. They would look around them and observe
people around them. This idea soon _CAUGHT____(9) on and was imitated
by artists in other countries.
Nowadays, though, it seems you wouldn’t see much apart from people
staring down __AT___(10) their phones. Nevertheless, it is still very
interesting to walk around and get to know your city better – as well as
getting some exercise!
Ejercicio 2
Reescribe las siguientes frases para que tengan el mismo sentido. No
utilices más de cinco palabras. Debes incluir la palabra en negrita sin
alterarla – no valen plurales, gerundios, ni nada de eso.
John is not at the office. He’s definitely gone home.
John is not at the office. He ____MUST HAVE GONE________(1) home.
I didn’t go to the cinema because there was a very long queue to buy tickets.
The queue to buy tickets __WAS SO LONG THAT____________(5) I didn’t
go to the cinema.
Ejercicio 3
En el siguiente texto faltan palabras. Transformando la palabra entre
paréntesis después de cada hueco, debes escribir la palabra que falta. Por