Utilization of Solar Power For Automated Automotive and Locomotive Charging
Utilization of Solar Power For Automated Automotive and Locomotive Charging
Utilization of Solar Power For Automated Automotive and Locomotive Charging
Abstract— Hybrid and electric vehicles are gaining using MATLAB Simulink tool. A grid-connected solar
popularity, making the improvement in charging station micro-system helps in using excess solar generation during
infrastructure a necessity. Superchargers and mega-chargers the peak hours of solar irradiations to charge EVs and also to
have set a benchmark for fast charging of high capacity vehicle export the power back to the grid to earn revenues. For
batteries. Commercial charging stations are available but only designing a universal charging station, proper
at places with high EV expectancy regions. India’s mobility standardization of the battery capacity and charging
mantra of “Shared, connected and Electric” with 100% EV by connectors is to be made. Maintaining proper DoD of the
2030 seems to be quite ambitious, but with increased battery helps to increase the battery life. Proper Battery
awareness amongst the consumers and aiding government
Management System (BMS) is equally important. EVCS can
policies, this goal can be achieved. Ministry of power and Dept.
of Heavy Industry Ministry has invited proposals with a target
also operate as an exchange station to support battery
of 1000 EVCS and Tata power has proposed to build around swapping [3]. Qualcomm has already proved that charging
500 EVCS by 2020. In mega-cities, multi-level parking stations, while driving is possible, even while the vehicle is traveling
malls, multiplexes are available with large parking capacity for at up to 70mph. The technology is being profoundly known
vehicles. These places are most likely to be parked with EVs in as Dynamic Electric Vehicle Charging (DEVC) and is
upcoming days and automated parking and charging stations expected to be implemented in major highways. Basically
can be implemented there with the proper infrastructure to the EV batteries do not get filled, but they ae also not loosing
support their charging. Even rooftop can be utilized to install any power. But installing such a system in actual practise a
solar generation plants of suitable capacity to ensure dc fast mighty task. Volterio, a famous EVCS designing company is
charging. India receives around 5000 trillion kWh per year coming up with technological solutions to implement a smart
energy with an average of 4-7 kWh sq. per day. A grid- automated charging system starting from domestic
connected solar enabled automated charging station will applications to major commercial stations. This will boost
simplify the charging of autonomous vehicles. The driverless the usage of EVs amongst the consumer and the EVCS will
cars will function as pickup cars taking the user to the desired start replacing gas stations in upcoming years.
destination with additional features such as carpooling. A
rooftop solar installation for domestic purpose can be utilized
for charging EVs and can also serve as commercial stations. II. TYPES OF CHARGING
Basic classification of EV charging can be based on ac or
Keywords— Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS), fast dc. But there is another way of categorizing i.e.
charging, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), Depth of
Discharge (DoD), battery swapping, Compound Annual Growth
A. Conductive charging
Rate (CAGR)
Generally, a physical connection is required between the
EV’s battery and the power supply for conductive charging.
But recent developments such as Honda’s study about
The vehicle population is increasing day by day and is charge-on-the-move for conduction between vehicle rollers
expected to exceed the human population in the upcoming and road power, with 100 kW of power (DC 375 V, 300 A)
years. This would also result in the consumption of fossil at a vehicle speed of 70 km/h, and possibly higher.[1] and
fuels and in the extinction of the non-renewable resources. Stanford scientists have developed a way to wirelessly
The automotive sector would be the major culprit for this deliver electricity to moving objects such as electric vehicles
extinction. Hybrid and electric vehicles have been a suitable and personal devices.
replacement and have been so far managed to keep the usage
of fossil fuels under control. Britain aspires to completely B. Inductive charging
ban the sales of gasoline- and diesel-powered passenger cars
by 2035 which is a step in the right direction but needs Charging based on Faraday’s law of Induction, the EV
proper resources and infrastructure to support these EVs. A should be placed near the inductive pad of a charging station
proper working infrastructure includes an automated without the need for any precise alignment for making
charging station with maintained power quality, automated electrical contact with a plug or a dock. Greater distances for
parking system, fast charging support, etc. Type 1 and Type charging can be achieved by resonant inductive coupling
2 AC charging have been more prominent but recent between sender and receiver coils. The emerging SAE J2954
developments have shown that DC charging can be equally standard allows inductive car charging over a pad, with
effective. Solar though being an intermittent source of power delivery up to 11 kW.[2]
energy but with the usage of a proper power condition in the Synchronization of both the methods of charging can be
unit can provide a reliable supply. This can be visualized effectively implemented to increase the rate of charging. For
Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Downloaded on August 27,2020 at 16:13:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
designing of EVCS, we are employing conductive charging pricing model along with the monitored power transfer rate
only. Research on charging while driving infrastructure is is utilized in the EVCS for billing. A database of users can
being carried out by top car manufacturers which will be be maintained for historical data analysis. Charging status
evolutionary engineering marvel. and billing criteria can be viewed by the users in mobile App
or website.
Advancement in the electronics industry has led to an
improvement in comfort and performance. Performance
analysis and vehicular diagnostics can be easily monitored
and communicated to the OEMs via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
MPPT based controller is used to obtain maximum
photovoltaic conversion and power conditioning unit enables
to obtain reliable regulated DC supply. Solid-state relays are
used for switching between solar output and auxiliary/grid
supply and control actions are provided by the master
controller. Parameters such as battery voltage, temperature,
SoC, SoH can be monitored for the efficient operation of the
charging station.
Commercial solar-powered charging and exchange
stations along with parking facilities especially in malls,
institutes, IT sector multi-story parking buildings [4] will
have a great scope and a proper business plan will help them
to obtain a payback period of fewer than 3 years [5]. An Fig. 2. Flow chart for billing in EVCS
RFID based card system [6] for a customer helps to
authenticate the user and allocate the right parking space and V. PLANT MODELLING
fast payment gateway. This system will be similar to a
FASTag RFID based system initiated in highways in India
for avoiding long queues at toll booths. Automated
conductive charging and standardized connectors will be
used to charge the EV. Solar availability implies using it to
charge the vehicle, solar not available, the auxiliary supply
or grid connection can be used. As solar penetration is
increasing at a rapid rate, especially in sub-tropical nations
like India, its effect on the duck curve also getting affected
which needs to be monitored and stabilized [4]. The status of
charging is continuously monitored and also communicated
to the customer to maintain a transparent and fair operation
of EVCS. The ground floor can be reserved for fast charging
or battery swapping for fast track customers. The time-of-use Fig. 3. MATLAB model of EVCS
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coaches. High infrastructure costs due to third rail, overhead
lines, and substations can be lowered.
EVCS modelling is discussed in brief. Fault analysis is a
key aspect that should be taken care of. Automation will play
a crucial role in future where autonomous vehicles will be
having widespread application and availability. This paper
mainly focuses on the major impact that solar will have on
automotive and locomotive applications. EV contribute as a
significant load on the power system, solar powered EVCS
can be viable solution especially to confront load curve
issues which may arise due to charging of EV’s during peak
Fig. 4. MATLAB simulation block for solar subsystem load period. EVCS on malls, theatres, college campuses, IT
industries, etc. will help the employees, staffs and consumers
An electric vehicle is a load of about 2kW. The solar to charge their vehicles during working hours. Revenues can
plant for domestic application can be designed based on the be generated by parking, charging, exchanging batteries and
available space. As the population density is quite high in also sending excess generation back to the grid. The plant
India. Especially in metro cities, usage of rooftop area is a payback period can be roughly estimated to 3 years which
viable solution. A 2 kW plant requires 8 panels considering a has quite a potential business scope. EVCS and exchange
rooftop area of 15 sq.m and a panel rated of about 250Wp. stations will become as much popular as gas stations, a
This micro grid generates approximately 9 kWh a day suitable infrastructure and atmosphere is to be created. Fast
considering average irradiation in India, which is capable of charging is equally important in this busy world with digital
delivering to bulky loads as electric vehicles. MATLAB is a payment gateway and online historical data analysis. MPPT
powerful tool and can be used to analysis various based solar tracker will enable maximum energy output.
performance parameter and the power flow across the Though inductive and conductive charging would mean high
network based on which decision commands are sent to the investment on infrastructure, but the charging rates can be
actuators to perform specified functions. Master controller drastically increased and can enable anywhere and
plays a key role and should be able to handle large set of everywhere travelling for the consumers. Carpooling service
instructions based on priority. Solar generation depends on will be more common and government can operate such
factors such as irradiation, inclination angle, temperature, services at nominal prices. Various OEMs and automobile
etc. Type of solar panel to be used varies from application to manufacturing companies’ interest in advancement of
application. Fault analysis of DC network is quite complex charging infrastructure with unparalleled luxury will be
to analyze. Faults may lead to voltage reversal i.e. discharge motto moving ahead. Government norms and schemes will
of battery beyond certain limit which may lead to battery lead to a shared, connected, electric and green mobility
failure [9]. AC fault analysis tools can also be used to mantra.
analyze faults on DC network.
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