Study of Fingerprint Authentication System
Study of Fingerprint Authentication System
Study of Fingerprint Authentication System
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
Assistant professor
We are most thankful to our parents who stood as pillars of motivation and for the way they
influenced and moulded our lives.
We are more thankful to our chairman Dr. LAVU RATHAIAH who helped us to have a
technical incubation by providing the required infrastructure.
We are very much thankful to our principal Dr. K. PHANEENDRA KUMAR who extended a
timely help at each and every step of our academic career.
We are very thankful to our Head of the department Mr. T.V.VAMSI KRISHNA an amicable
person who supported us very much and helped to a maximum extent and made this project successful.
Finally, we are thankful to each and every faculty members both technical and non –technical
friends and all the persons who helped us directly or indirectly in making our project a successful one.
can be used as identification marks for fingerprint verification. Our term project
The approach of this project involves how the minutia points are extracted from
the fingerprint images and after that between two fingerprints we are
minutia extraction and minutia matching these stages are the main themes of our
Certificate 2
Acknowledgement 3
Abstract 4
List of figures 7
Basically Skin of human fingertips consists of ridges and valleys and they mixing
together form the distinctive patterns. At the time of pregnancy these distinctive patterns are
fully developed and are permanent throughout the whole lifespan. Those patterns are called
fingerprints. From different researches it has been observed that no two persons have the
same fingerprints, so they are unique for each individual .because of the above mentioned
characteristic, fingerprints are very popular for biometrics applications. Finger print
matching is a very complex pattern recognition problem so Manual finger print matching is
not only time taking but experts also takes long time for education and training.
Fingerprints have remarkable permanency and uniqueness through out the time. From
observations we conclude that the fingerprints offer more secure and reliable personal
identification than passwords, id-cards or key can provide. Examples such as computers and
mobile phones equipped with fingerprint sensing devices for fingerprint based password
A finger prints are the most important part of human finger. It is experienced from the
research that all have their different finger prints and these finger prints are permanent for
whole life. So fingerprints have been used for the forensic application and identification for a
long time.
can‟t distinguished by their ridges and furrows. It can be distinguished by Minutia, which are
Minutia is divided in to two parts such as: termination and bifurcation. Termination is also
called ending and bifurcation is also called branch. Again minutia consists of ridges and
The fingerprint recognition problem can be grouped into two sub-domains such as:-
Figure 1.2.1
Fingerprint verification is the method where we compare a claimant fingerprint with
an enrolee fingerprint, where our aim is to match both the fingerprints. This method is mainly
used to verify a person‟s authenticity. For verification a person needs to his or her fingerprint
format with the person‟s identity and his or her name. Then it is applied to the
fingerprint verification system so that the person‟s identity can be easily verified. Fingerprint
fingerprint. Identification has been used for criminal fingerprint matching. Here the system
matches the fingerprint of unknown ownership against the other fingerprints present in the
database to associate a crime with identity. This process is also called, one-to many matching.
Optical and semi-conduct sensors are mainly used in fingerprint acquisition system.
These sensors are of highly acceptable accuracy and high efficiency except for some cases
To extract a minutia a three step approach is used such as:- i) pre processing stage ii)
Again pre processing stage is divided in to three sub stages such as:- i) image
enhancement ii) image binarization iii) image segmentation. For image enhancement we used
two methods such as:- histogram equalization and Fourier transform. After enhancing the
image we need to binaries the image for that we used the locally adaptive threshold method.
direction estimation ii) segmentation by direction intensity iii) Region of Interest (ROI)
Minutia extraction stage is divided in to two sub stages such as:- i) fingerprint ridge
thinning and ii) minutia marking We used iterative parallel thinning algorithm for minutia
extraction stage. Ridge thinning is used to used to eliminate the redundant pixels of the ridges
till the ridges are of one pixel wide.The minutia marking is quite simple task. Here crossing
For the post processing stage, it has only one sub step that is:- removal of false
minutia. Also a novel representation for bifurcations is proposed to unify terminations and
The minutia matcher determines whether the two minutia sets are from the same finger or
not. If the ridges are match well, then the two fingerprint images are aligned and matching is
Fingerprint image enhancement is used to make image clear for better use which is
very easy to handle and can operate easily for further operation. Basically a fingerprint image
is full of noise. Because our fingers are often comes in contact with the most of the manual
tasks we perform like fingertips become dirty, cut, scarred, creased, dry, wet, worn, etc. The
image enhancement step is basically designed to reduce this noise and to enhance the
Here we used two method for image enhancement stage those are:
I. Histogram Equalization
Histogram equalization is mainly used to increase the pixel value of an image so that the
perceptional information also increase. Histogram represents the relative frequency of various
types of gray levels in an image. By using this method we can improve the contrast of an
image and it is one of the most deserving technique in image enhancement. The original
histogram of a fingerprint image is like a bimodal type after histogram it occupies the range
Here first of all we divide the image into different small processing blocks those are
multiplied the FFT of the block with its magnitude a set of times.
( ) * ( ) | ( )| + (2)
Where (F(u,v)) is :
∑ ∑ ( ) { ( )} (3)
the value of k=0.45 for the further calculation. If the value of “k” increases then the
appearance of the ridges also increases and it is filling up small holes in ridges, if the value of
“k” is too high then it may results false joining of ridges. Thus a termination might become a
After the enhancement of the image through FFT it is quite easy to connect the
falsely broken points on ridges and it becomes simpler to remove some unwanted cross
lightness of the image that is here we extract the brightness and density of the image as a
feature amount from the image. When we select a pixel in an image, A sensitivity is added to
it and it is subtracted from the Y value of the selected pixel because here we have to set the
range of threshold value. Next, when a new pixel is selected again a new threshold value
range is set which contains the calculation result and the previous threshold value. Then the
pixel is extracted up to the same brightness whatever the selected pixel and the extraction
result is displayed. Fingerprint Image Binarization is used to transform the 8-bit Gray
fingerprint image to a 1- bit image and here the value for the ridges is 0 where as it is 1 for
the furrows. After these operation, the ridges in the fingerprint will be highlighted with black
is a set of pixels, It also well known as super pixels. Our aim of the segmentation is to make
the image simpler which can be represent very easily and to make the image meaningful so
that it will be easy to analyze. Typically image segmentation is used to locate the objects and
boundaries like the lines and curves present in an images. Generally Region of Interest (ROI)
is very much useful for recognizing each fingerprint image. The image area without effective
ridges and furrows holds background information. So the effective ridges and furrows deleted
first. Then the remaining effective area is sketched. Because the minutia present in that region
are too much confusing with other duplicate minutia which are created when the ridges are
estimation and direction variety check ii) intrigued from some Morphological
Here in block direction estimation first of all we partition the fingerprint image
in to different blocks of size 16 x 16 pixels (w x w). Then we calculate the block direction of
I. First of all we have to calculate the gradient values along the x-direction (g x) and then
along the y-direction (gy) for every pixels present in the block. Here we used two Sobel
II. For getting the least square approximation of the block direction of all blocks we used the
following formula :-
tan2ß = ( )
III. For all the pixels in each block we used the following formula
tan2 =
After finishing the estimation of each block direction, those blocks are deleted which don‟t
have any significant information on ridges and furrows. That is done by using the following
formula :-
() ( )
E= ()
Here E is the certainty level. If its certainty level E is below the threshold, then the block is
ROI extraction can be done using two Morphological methods those are OPEN
and CLOSE. By using the OPEN operation we can enhance images and remove the peaks
caused by background noise and we use „CLOSE‟ operation to shrink the images and
Figure 3.5.4
FIGURE 3.5.4 show the whole fingerprint area that is the interest fingerprint image area and
its bounded area. The bounded area is the subtraction of the closed area from the opened area.
After completing the enhancement and segmentation process now our job is to extract the
minutia of the fingerprint image. The minutia extraction stage is divided in to two sub stages
The ridge thinning process is used to eliminate the redundant pixels of ridges till the
ridges are just up to one pixel wide. This is done by using the following MATLAB‟s thinning
Then the thinned image is filtered by using the following three MATLAB‟s functions.
bwmorph(binaryImage, ‟clean', k)
bwmorph(binaryImage, ‟spur', k)
x3 pixel window as follows. In case of minutia marking the concept of Crossing Number
then the central pixel is a ridge branch or bifurcation. i.e Cn(p)=3 for a pixel “p”.
In 3 x 3 window If the central pixel is 1 and has only 1 one-value neighbour, then the
Figure 4.2.2(TERMINATION)
There is an exceptional case where a general branch may be triple counted. If the
value of both the uppermost pixel is 1 and the value of the rightmost pixel is also 1. It has
another neighbour outside the 3x3 window due to some left over spikes. Then the two pixels
will be marked as branches too, but in reality only one branch is located in the small region.
The preprocessing stage can‟t completely heal the fingerprint image. At this stage
different types of false minutia are generated due to insufficient amount of ink or excess
inking. False ridge breaks generated due to insufficient ink and the cross connection between
the ridges occurs due to over inking. Some of the previous techniques also introduce some
spurious minutia points in that image. These types of false minutia are not totally eliminated.
So to make the fingerprint recognition system consistent we have to remove all types of false
Here first of all we have to calculate the inter ridge distance (D) which is
the average distance between two neighbouring ridges. By using the following formula we
In figure „a‟ it is a only one short ridge. In the case of „b‟ a third ridge is present in the
middle of the two parts of the broken ridge. The two ridge broken points in the „c‟ case
have a short distance and also nearly the same orientation. In case of „d‟ is same as the „c‟
case with the exception that one part of the broken ridge is so short that another termination
is generated. In case of „e‟ a spike falsely connects two ridges. In figure „f‟ has in the same
ridge the two near bifurcations located. In case of „g‟ it is a spike which piercing into a
The following steps are taken into account for the removal of false minutia:
If the value of d(termination, termination) is less than D & the two minutia are in the same
ridge then remove both of them (case a). Here D is the average inter-ridge width.
If the value of d(termination, termination) is equal to D & the their directions are
coincident with a small angle variation & no any other termination is located between the
If the value of d(bifurcation, termination) is less than D & the 2 minutia are in the same
We know one type of minutia can be change to other type easily, coming in contact with
the different types of data acquisition conditions. So we have to save them in some form of
representation that is both for termination and bifurcation. So each minutia is completely
1) x-coordinate
2) y-coordinate
3) Orientation.
4) Associated ridge
Actually a bifurcation can be broken down to three terminations each having their
The orientation for each termination (tx, ty) is estimated by using the following
i) first of all we have to track a ridge segment, whose starting point must be the
ii) Then sum up all the x-coordinates of points present in that particular ridge segment.
iii) After that to get sx we have to divide the above summation with D and sequentially
Figure 5.2
After testing the set of minutia set of points of two finger print image we perform
Minutiae Matching to check whether they belong to the same person or not. It includes two
consecutive stages:
i) alignment stage
{ } Where ( )
{ } Where ( )
x2…xn) of the points on the ridge. A point is sampled per ridge length L starting from the
minutia point, where the L is the average inter-ridge length. And n is set to 10 unless the total
S= √∑
At this stage (xi….xn) and (Xi….Xn) are the set of x-coordinates for the two minutia
whish we have chosen. And the least possible of „m‟ is one of the value of n and N. We will
tally the score and if the score is greater than 0.8, then jump to step 2, if not then continue to
2. Here we have to transform each set according to its own reference minutia and then do
and rotate all other minutiae ( , , ) for the finger prints we have taken into account with
( ) =( ) [ ]
Where TM =[ ]
The new coordinate system is originated at reference minutia M and the new x-axis is
coincident with the direction of minutia M. Here scaling effect is not required, we are
assuming two fingerprints taken from the same finger are having nearly the same size.
Generally the two identical minutia are not exactly same due to the slight
deformations and also inexact quantization. The algorithm for matching for the aligned
The minutia matching elastic is done by keeping a bounding box around each
of the template minutia. If the minutia which is to be matched is within that rectangle box
and the direction discrepancy between them is so small, then the two minutia are taken as a
pair of matched minutia. Each of the minutia in that template image either has one
Match Score =
If the match score is greater than a threshold value which is pre-specified, then the
There are two types‟ performance evaluation indexes to determine the performance of a
7.1.1 False Rejection Rate (FRR): Sometimes the biometric security system
may incorrectly reject an access attempt by an authorized user.To measure these types
of incidents FAR is basically used. A system‟s FRR basically states the ratio
between the number of false rejections and the number of identification attempts.
N= number of samples
7.1.2 False Acceptance Rate (FAR): Sometimes the biometric security system
types of incidents FAR is basically used. A system‟s FAR basically states the
ratio between the number of false acceptances and the number of identification
8 0.024 9.44
9 0.012 12.53
10 0 14.32
The false acceptance rate and the false reject rate depends upon the quality of the image
The above implementation was really an effort to understand how the Fingerprint
investigation and also in security systems. From minutiae extraction to minutiae matching all
stages are included in this implementation which generates a match score. Various standard
We have completed our job of preparing a report file on “study of fingerprint recognition
system” we don‟t know how far we have been able to perform the job accurately.
However, we are sure we have always tried to avoid any fault of mistake that may tell on our
endeavour. The project emphasizes both the theoretical concept as well as gives in sight in to
Finally, we beg to be excuse for if we come it any mistake in course of writing and
Transactions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19(1), pp. 27-40, 1997.
Extraction Using Fixed Size Templates”, IEEE 2005 Conference, pp. 371-374, 2005
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