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David Ward

3276 S. Gila Drive

Flagstaff, AZ 86001
(928) 607-2112
E-Mail: dwardagf@cableone.net

• M.S. in Wildlife and Fisheries Science - University of Arizona, May 2001.
• B.S. in Zoology - Brigham Young University, 1997

• Wildlife Specialist III. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Research Branch
- Manager, Native Fish Propagation and Research Facility at Bubbling Ponds
fish hatchery. Research on methods for propagation and increased survival of
threatened and endangered fishes. May '07 – Current.
• Wildlife Specialist II, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Research Branch
- Native and nonnative fish monitoring in the Colorado and Little Colorado
Rivers in Grand Canyon. March '02 – May '07.
• Fisheries Technician, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Research Branch
- Seasonal sampling using hoop nets for mark- recapture population
estimates of Humpback Chub in the Little Colorado River, Electrofishing
and snorkeling surveys to monitor Lee’s Ferry trout. June '01 – March '02
• Research Project lead. University of Arizona/US EPA.
- Conducted stream surveys throughout Arizona as part of the
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) to monitor
the status of
western North American rivers. Jan '01 – June '01.
• Research Assistant, University of Arizona.
- Laboratory studies on swimming ability and predation vulnerability of
southwestern native fishes. Jan '99 – Jan '01.
• Fisheries Technician, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
- Sampling to determine habitat utilization of Green River
native and non-native fishes, larval fish identification, equipment
maintenance. May '97 - Nov. '98
• Biological technician, Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge
- Survey of colonial nesting wading birds and aquatic invertebrates,
May - Aug. '96
• Laboratory assistant, Brigham Young University
- Construction and care of fish tanks and fish, indexing tissue samples
for DNA analysis, Sept. '96 - April '96

Peer Reviewed Publications

Ward, D.L., O.E. Maughan, S.A. Bonar, and W.J. Matter. 2002. Effects of temperature,
fish length, and exercise on swimming performance of age-0 flannelmouth sucker.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:492-497.
Ward, D.L., O.E. Maughan, and S.A. Bonar. A variable-speed swim tunnel for testing the
swimming ability of Age-0 fish. 2002. North American Journal of Aquaculture 64:228-231.

Ward, D.L. and S. A. Bonar, 2003. Effects of cold water on susceptibility of age-0
flannelmouth sucker to predation by rainbow trout. Southwestern Naturalist 48:43-46.

Ward, D.L., A. A. Shultz and P. G. Matson, 2003. Differences in swimming ability and
behavior in response to high water velocities among native and nonnative fishes.
Environmental Biology of Fishes 68: 87-92.

Ward, D.L., 2003. Effects of marking techniques and handling on swimming ability of
bonytail chub. Arizona Nevada Academy of Science 36(1): 34-36.

Ward, D.L. and K.D. Hilwig 2004. Effects of holding environment and exercise conditioning
on swimming performance of southwestern native fishes. North American Journal of
Fisheries Management 24:1083-1087.

Ward D. L. 2005. Collection of Asian fish tapeworm (Bothriocephalus acheilognathi) from

the Yampa River, Colorado. Western North American Naturalist 63(3): 403-404.

Speas, D.W., Walters C.J., D.L Ward, and R.S. Rogers, 2004. Effects of intraspecific density
and environmental variables on electrofishing catchability of brown and rainbow trout in the
Colorado River. North American Journal of fisheries Management 24:586-596.

Paukert, C. P., D. L. Ward, P. J. Sponholtz, and K. D. Hilwig. 2005. Effects of repeated

hoopnetting and handling on bonytail chub. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20(4):649-653.

Coggins, L.G., W.E. Pine III, C.J. Walters, D.R. Van Haverbeke, D.L Ward, and L.Johnstone.
2006. Abundance trends and status of humpback chub Gila cypha in the Little Colorado
River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 26: 233-245.

Ward D. L. 2005. Selective Removal of nonnative fish using Supaverm®: Toxcicity

screening for a candidate species-specific piscicide. Journal of Freshwater Ecology

Stone, D.M., D. R. Van Haverbeke, D. L. Ward, and T. A. Hunt. 2007. Dispersal of nonnative
fishes and parasites in the intermittent Little Colorado River, Arizona. Southwestern
Naturalist 52(1): 132-138.

Ward D.L., and J. David. 2006. Evaluation of PIT tag loss and tag-induced mortality in
bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus). Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 38(2): 74-

Ward D.L. 2007. Removal and Quantification of Asian tapeworm from bonytail chub using
Praziquantel. North American Journal of Aquaculture 69: 207-210.

Ward D.L., M. R. Childs, and W. R. Persons. 2008. PIT tag retention and tag induced
mortality juvenile bonytail and Gila chub. Fisheries Management and Ecology, In Press.

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