Model Scheme On Integrated Fish Farming With Dairy in Bihar
Model Scheme On Integrated Fish Farming With Dairy in Bihar
Model Scheme On Integrated Fish Farming With Dairy in Bihar
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1. Introduction
The inland fisheries and aquaculture contributes about 68 per cent of the total fish production
of the country. Fisheries and aquaculture is one of the important allied sectors in Bihar in
terms of providing livelihood, nutritional security and employment opportunities to the rural
poor. The agro-climatic conditions of the State are suitable for fish farming. It is envisaged to
produce 10 lakh tonnes of fish per annum by 2022 as per the Agriculture Road Map prepared
by the Govt. of Bihar. The State ranks 4th position in inland fish production in the country. The
annual domestic demand of fish in the State is 6.42 lakh tonnes and majority of people in the
State prefer fresh water fish. The State depends on supply of fish from Andhra Pradesh and
West Bengal (about 1.42 lakh tonnes per annum) to meet the growing demand in towns and
Integration of dairy with fish culture is suitable and economically viable practice in which the
dung containing undigested feeding material is used as feed and organic manure in fish ponds.
Both cattle dung and urine is utilized in the integrated farming system. The cattle dung
contains 14 per cent organic matter, 0.3 per cent nitrogen, 0.2 per cent phosphorous and 0.1
per cent potash.
For doubling of farmer’s income, there is need for increasing returns per unit of land by
adopting suitable farming practices viz: - integration of fisheries with livestock. Dairy is an
important allied activity in the State, especially for small and marginal farmers.
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Dairy is an important allied activity in the State, especially for small and marginal farmers. For
doubling of farmer’s income, there is need for increasing returns per unit of land by adopting
suitable farming practices viz: - integration of fisheries with livestock.
There is demand for locally produced fish in the State. The locally produced fish fetches
premium price in the markets than the ice preserved fish supplied from other States. With
growing urbanization, increased purchasing power and change in food habits, there is also
growing demand for dairy products in Bihar. Dairy is a traditional activity for the farmers in
the State. The integrated fish farming with dairy is an ideal activity to get higher returns. The
existing fish ponds or new ponds can be developed for taking up integrated fish farming with
3. Technical Parameters
For integrated fish farming with dairy, fast growing and compatible species of IMC (Rohu,
Catla & Mrigal) and other exotic carps like Common Carp, Silver Carp and Grass Carp are
preferred. The seeds of these variety of fishes are available from the hatcheries existing in the
State. The culture of a combination of 3 to 6 species of carps in the pond ecosystem helps to
utilize the natural fish feed available and thus increases production as well as productivity.
The biological oxygen demand of cow dung is lower than other livestock manures as it is
already decomposed by the microorganisms in rumina. The application of cow dung results
in growth of natural food organisms of fish in the pond. The cow dung and urine are extremely
beneficial for fishes like Catla and Silver Carp.
The selection of site plays a pivotal role in integrated fish farming unit as the management
measures to be adopted depends on the site conditions. The aspects to be considered for fish
farming are soil type, availability of quality water, approach road, etc. The site selected should
be free from regular occurrence of high floods and free from pollution. The site selected
should also have surface or ground water supply source for filling the pond or water exchange
in case of need. The cowshed is required to be constructed on the embankment or close to
fish pond in such a way that the dung along with urine can be flushed back to the pond, saving
time and labour. The green fodder of nutritious variety can be grown on the top and slopes
of the embankments. The water required for bathing the animals can be drawn from the
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pond. The left over grasses can be utilized to feed grass carp in the pond. The waste grain/
feed of cows can be used in the fish pond.
3.2 Soil
The quality and texture of the soil have great bearing on the productivity of pond water and
construction of embankment. The ideal soil quality for culture of carps should be clay, clay
loam, silty clay and sandy clay with good water retention capacity. The pH of the soil should
be in the range of 6.5 to 7.5. The soil pH affects the productivity of ponds. The acidic soils are
less productive than alkaline soils. Based on soil pH, application of lime is recommended.
Besides moderating the soil pH, lime acts as a buffer and avoids fluctuations of pH, increases
the resistance of soil to parasites, kills parasites and fastens the process of decomposition of
organic matter.
3.3 Water
Adequate and good quality of water free from pollution is required for integrated fish farming.
The water depth of 1.2 m should be maintained throughout the culture period. The optimum
water quality parameters for culture of IMC and exotic carps are as under:-
Temperature : 25 -32 0C
Dissolved oxygen : 5-7 ppm (5-7 mg oxygen per liter of water)
Visibility : 40 cm
Color : Light Green/Brown
pH : 7 to 7.5
Salinity : 0-5 ppt
Total alkalinity : 50-100 ppm
Ammonia : not more than 0.1 ppm
The water quality needs to be monitored regularly, for which ready to use kits are available.
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must have a free board of atleast 60 cm above the high water level in the pond. Design and
layout of the farm may be prepared, keeping in view the water intake and discharge facilities.
The drainage system should be designed carefully to prevent mixing of outlet water with
incoming water. The pond construction may be done by earth moving equipment i.e.
Proclainer, Dumper/Tractor. While constructing pond embankment, berm of maximum upto
6 feet length needs to be provided. The top soil should be kept aside and placed in the pond
bottom after excavation of the pond. The detailed layout plan of the pond needs to be
prepared by engaging engineers or technical persons for submission to bank along with the
project report. Low cost thatched roof cowshed to be constructed on the embankment should
be of 3-4 meters high and the shed should be well ventilated.
The tube well and pumping system may be arranged for water intake and exchange in the
absence of perennial surface water supply. Water exchange as required is to be made and
provisions have to be made accordingly. The water inlet needs to be provided at suitable
height above the water level and outlet at suitable height below water level needs to be
provided. For the year round maintenance of optimum water level and water exchange, the
shallow tube well with pump set may be installed near the site.
4. Farm Management
The type of pond preparation to be adopted before stocking is based on the type of culture
and its intensity and nature of the culture period. The stocking density of fish is maintained
at 5000 numbers per ha. The seed obtained should be of healthy and good quality. The
culture period would be around 11 months. The stunted yearlings should be stocked and
average growth of 700 to 800 gram would be possible. It is advisable to plan stocking of
fingerlings so as to get higher culture time in growing period. The trial netting should be done
every month to monitor growth and health of the fish. Good quality CB cows of Jersey or HF
breed, freshly calved cows in the first or second lactation should be purchased. Out of 5 cows
required in the integrated system of 1 Ha farm, in the first phase 2 or 3 CB Cows are to be
purchased and after 5-6 months another 3/2 CB Cows are to be purchased. Care needs to be
taken to select animals with milk yield of 8-10 litres per day. The animals should be provided
adequate green fodder, dry fodder and the concentrated feed. The equipment to be used and
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cattle should be insured. The farm records may be maintained to facilitate insurance claim, if
5. Extension Services
The borrower should have experience in fish farming and cross bred milch cattle rearing or
received training for management of fish farms and dairy farms. The officers of Fisheries Dept.
and Animal Husbandry Dept. are available in the District/block headquarters. The block level
training programmes may be arranged periodically for the groups of farmers. The fish Farmers
Club or Producer Groups may be formed in a cluster to get the required extension services,
procurement of seed, health care facility for dairy animals, fishing equipment and also to
support in marketing of fish/milk. The line depts. in the district/block would provide required
extension support to farmers and assist the bankers in appraisal of the project.
6. Marketing
In Bihar, there is huge demand and supply gap for fish and milk. The local fishes are preferred
by the consumers over the ice preserved fishes brought from West Bengal and Andhra
Pradesh. The fish produced locally fetches higher price in the local market and there would
not be problem with marketing of fish. The units developed in a cluster of 1-2 villages may
form Producer Groups to market the fish and milk directly to the wholesalers in the markets,
avoiding the intermediaries and this would facilitate higher returns to farmers.
7. Eligible Borrowers
The scheme may be sanctioned to individuals/groups of farmers/SHG members/JLG
members, etc. The selected borrower should have received training on fish farming and dairy
or having experience of fish farming and dairy. The borrower should have clear title of land
or land taken on long term lease of 10 years or more. The loan application available with
banks along with project report needs to be submitted by the prospective entrepreneurs to
the local Commercial banks, Gramya banks and Cooperative banks for financing.
8. Financial Outlay
The details of the financial outlay for integrated fish farming in new pond along with dairy are
indicated in Annexure - I. The capital cost for one ha of fish pond along with five CB cows has
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been estimated at Rs.6.53lakh and the operational cost for one cycle has been estimated at
Rs.1.87 lakh and capitalized. The details of investments and costs worked out are indicative
and it may vary with the field situations. Accordingly, required changes have to be made in
the field conditions, if required.
10. Refinance
The refinance facility is available from NABARD to commercial banks, cooperative banks and
RRBs for financing integrated fish farming with dairy. Under Long Term Rural Credit Fund
(LTRCF), the concessional refinance is available to cooperative banks & RRBs for on lending to
farmers. The quantum and rate of interest under normal refinance and LTRCF window to
banks varies from time to time.
11. Subsidy
Under Blue Revolution scheme of GoI, the subsidy assistance is available for development of
new ponds@ 40 per cent of the unit cost for general category and 60 per cent of the unit cost for the
category of SC/ST/women and their cooperatives. Under Dairy Entrepreneurship Development
Scheme (DEDS) of GoI implemented through NABARD, the subsidy assistance @25 per cent
for general category and 33.33 per cent for SC/ST category is available for milch cattle rearing
of 2 to 10 animals.
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iii Stocking density of fish 5000 nos.
iv Grow out period - Dairy Throughout the year
v Total no. of CB cows 5
vi Purchase of cows On first calving in two phases
vii Average milk yield per cow 8 litres
viii Stocking size of fish 50 g-60g
ix Production - Fish 3000 kg – first year and 3500 kg
second year onwards
x Farm gate price -Fish Rs.125.00 per kg
xi Farm gate price - Milk Rs. 25.00 per litre
The scheme is financially viable and bankable with the above assumptions having BC ratio of
2.07, NPW of Rs.1366717.00 at 15 % DF and IRR of more than 15 %.
The interest rate to be charged to the beneficiaries is as per the individual bank/RBI guidelines
from time to time.
15. Security
The security to be provided by the by the beneficiaries would be as per guidelines of RBI issued
from time to time.
16. Conclusion
Since the State has large untapped potential for fisheries and there is growing demand for
fish and milk, integrated fish farming with dairy would be an ideal activity for financing by
banks so as to provide higher returns to farmers, create employment opportunities for the
people in rural areas and make the State self-sufficient in fish and milk production.
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The views expressed in this model project are advisory in nature. NABARD assumes
no financial liability to anyone using the report for any purpose. The actual cost and
returns of the projects will have to be taken on a case by case basis considering the
specific requirement of projects
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Annexure - I: Details of Financial Outlay for Integrated Fish farming in new pond with Dairy
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6 Insurance cost for animals @5% of 7500.00
(First phase of 3 animals) cost of
7 Medicines and chemicals LS 12000.00
8 Harvesting expenses - Fish 3000 kg 2.00 per kg 6000.00
9 Labour 1 12 8000.00 per 96000.00
10 Miscellaneous cost LS 10000.00
Sub Total 186950.00
Grand Total (A+B) 839950.00
Rounded off to nearest thousand 840000.00
Income Parameters
1 Culture period - Fish 11 months
2 Production - Fish 3000 kg First year
3500 kg Second year onwards
3 Farm gate price (Rs.) of 125.00 per kg
harvested fish
4 Lactation days (Average) 1375
5 Average milk yield per animal 8.00 litre
6 Farm gate price of milk (Rs.) 25.00 per litre
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Annexure II: Financial Analysis & Repayment Schedule - Integrated Fish Farming with Dairy
(Unit Size: One ha & 5 CBC)
(Amt. in Rs.)
Particulars I II III IV V VI
Capital Cost 653000.00 0 0 0 0 0
Operationa 186950.00 186950.00 186950.00 186950.00 186950.00 186950.00
l Cost
Total Cost 840000.00 186950.00 186950.00 186950.00 186950.00 186950.00
Total 650000.00 712500.00 712500.00 712500.00 712500.00 712500.00
Net Benefit -190000.00 525550.00 525550.00 525550.00 525550.00 525550.00
benefit -
Total cost)
Discounting 15.00%
NPW of 1275379
cost at 15%
NPW of 2642096
benefit at
15% DF
NPW at 15 1366717
% DF
BCR 2.07
IRR >15%
Means of Finance
Total 840000.00
Margin 210000.00
Money (25
Bank Loan 630000.00
Repayment 6 years with 1 year grace period
Rate of 12.00 %
Repayment Schedule
Year Net Income Repayment Bank loan Net Surplus
Interest @ Principal Total outstanding
12 % per Repayment Outgo at the end of
annum year
1 75600.00 0.00 75600.00 630000.00
2 525550.00 75600.00 126000.00 201600.00 504000.00 323950.00
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3 525550.00 60480.00 126000.00 186480.00 378000.00 339070.00
4 525550.00 45360.00 126000.00 171360.00 252000.00 354190.00
5 525550.00 30240.00 126000.00 156240.00 126000.00 369310.00
6 525550.00 15120.00 126000.00 141120.00 0.00 384430.00
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