Computational Statistics With Matlab

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Computational Statistics with Matlab

Mark Steyvers

March 15, 2010


1 Sampling from Random Variables 4

1.1 Standard distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Sampling from non-standard distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.1 Inverse transform sampling with discrete variables . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.2 Inverse transform sampling with continuous variables . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.3 Rejection sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Markov Chain Monte Carlo 16

2.1 Monte Carlo integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Markov Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Putting it together: Markov chain Monte Carlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.4 Metropolis Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 Metropolis-Hastings Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.6 Metropolis-Hastings for Multivariate Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.6.1 Blockwise updating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.6.2 Componentwise updating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.7 Gibbs Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3 Graphical Models 39
3.1 A Short Review of Probability Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2 The Burglar Alarm Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2.1 Conditional probability tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.2.2 Explaining away . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.2.3 Joint distributions and independence relationships . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3 Graphical Model Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.3.1 Example: Consensus Modeling with Gaussian variables . . . . . . . . 47

4 Approximate Inference in Graphical Models 50

4.1 Prior predictive distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
4.2 Posterior distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.2.1 Rejection Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.2.2 MCMC Sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


4.2.3 Example: Posterior Inference for the consensus model with normally
distributed variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.2.4 Example: Posterior Inference for the consensus model with contaminants 59

5 Sequential Monte Carlo 62

5.1 Hidden Markov Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.1.1 Example HMM with discrete outcomes and states . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.1.2 Viterbi Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.2 Bayesian Filtering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.3 Particle Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.3.1 Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.3.2 Direct Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Note to Students

This course book contains a number of exercises in which you are asked to simulate Matlab
code, produce new code, as well as produce graphical illustrations and answers to questions.
The exercises marked with ** are optional exercises that can be skipped when time is limited.

Organizing answers to exercises

It is helpful to maintain a document that organizes all the material related to the exercises.
Matlab can facilitate part of this organization using the “publish” option. For example, if
you have a Matlab script that produces a figure, you can publish the code as well as the figure
produced by the code to a single external document. You can find the publishing option in
the Matlab editor under the file menu. You can also use the publish function directly in the
command window. You can change the publish configuration (look under the file menu of
the editor window) to produce pdfs, Word documents and a number of file formats.

Matlab documentation
It will probably happen many times that you will need to find the name of a Matlab function
or a description of the input and output variables for a given Matlab function. It is strongly
recommended to have always have the Matlab documentation running in a separate window
for quick consultation. You can access the Matlab documentation by typing doc in the
command window. For specific help on a given matlab function, for example the function
fprintf, you can type doc fprintf to get a help screen in the matlab documentation
window or help fprintf to get a description in the matlab command window.

Chapter 1

Sampling from Random Variables

Probabilistic models proposed by researchers are often too complicated for analytic ap-
proaches. Increasingly, researchers rely on computational, numerical-based methods when
dealing with complex probabilistic models. By using a computational approach, the re-
searcher is freed from making unrealistic assumptions required for some analytic techniques
(e.g. such as normality and independence).
The key to most approximation approaches is the ability to sample from distributions.
Sampling is needed to to predict how a particular model will behave under some particular
set of circumstances, and to find appropriate values for the latent variables (“parameters”)
when applying models to experimental data. Most computational sampling approaches turn
the problem of sampling from complex distributions into subproblems involving simple sam-
pling distributions. In this chapter, we will illustrate two ampling approaches: the inverse
transformation method and rejection sampling. These approaches are appropriate mostly for
the univariate case where we are dealing with single-valued outcomes. In the next chapter,
we discuss Markov chain Monte Carlo approaches that operate efficiently with multivariate

1.1 Standard distributions

Some distributions are used so often, they are becoming part of a standard set of distribu-
tions supported software packages. The Matlab statistics toolbox supports a large number
of probability distributions. Using Matlab, it becomes quite easy to calculate the probability
density, cumulative density of these distributions, as well as generate random values from
these distributions. Table 1.1 lists some of the standard distributions supported by Matlab.
The Matlab documentation lists many more distributions that can be simulated with Mat-
lab. Using online resources, it is often easy to find support for a number of other common
To illustrate how we can use some of these functions, Listing 1.1 shows Matlab code that
visualizes the Normal(µ, σ) distribution where µ = 100 and σ = 15. To make things concrete,
imagine that this distribution represents the observed variability of IQ coefficients in some


Table 1.1: Examples of Matlab functions for evaluating probability density, cumulative den-
sity and drawing random numbers

Distribution PDF CDF Random Number Generation

Normal normpdf normcdf norm
Uniform (continuous) unifpdf unifcdf unifrnd
Beta betapdf betacdf betarnd
Exponential exppdf expcdf exprnd
Uniform (discrete) unidpdf unidcdf unidrnd
Binomial binopdf binocdf binornd
Multinomial mnpdf mnrnd
Poisson poisspdf poisscdf poissrnd

Probability Density Function Cumulative Density Function Histogram of random values

0.03 1 1800

0.8 1400

0.02 1200



0.01 600

0.2 400

0 0 0
60 80 100 120 140 60 80 100 120 140 0 50 100 150 200
x x x

Figure 1.1: Illustration of the Normal(µ, σ) distribution where µ = 100 and σ = 15.

population. The code shows how to display the probability density and the cumulative
density. It also shows how to draw random values from this distribution and how to visualize
the distribution of these random samples using the hist function. The code produces the
output as shown in Figure 1.1. Similarly, Figure 1.2 visualizes the discrete distribution
Binomial(N, θ) distribution where N = 10 and θ = 0.7. The binomial arises in situations
where a researcher counts the number of successes out of a given number of trials. For
example, the Binomial(10, 0.7) distribution represents a situation where we have 10 total
trials and the probability of success at each trial, θ, equals 0.7.

1. Adapt the Matlab program in Listing 1.1 to illustrate the Beta(α, β) distribution where
α = 2 and β = 3. Similarly, show the Exponential(λ) distribution where λ = 2. As
discussed in the note at the beginning of this book, you can use the publish option to
organize the source code as well as the resulting figures into a single document.

2. Adapt the matlab program above to illustrate the Binomial(N, θ) distribution where

Listing 1.1: Matlab code to visualize Normal distribution.

1 %% Explore the Normal distribution N( mu , sigma )
2 mu = 100; % the mean
3 sigma = 15; % the standard deviation
4 xmin = 70; % minimum x value for pdf and cdf plot
5 xmax = 130; % maximum x value for pdf and cdf plot
6 n = 100; % number of points on pdf and cdf plot
7 k = 10000; % number of random draws for histogram

9 % create a set of values ranging from xmin to xmax

10 x = linspace( xmin , xmax , n );
11 p = normpdf( x , mu , sigma ); % calculate the pdf
12 c = normcdf( x , mu , sigma ); % calculate the cdf

14 figure( 1 ); clf; % create a new figure and clear the contents


16 subplot( 1,3,1 );
17 plot( x , p , 'k−' );
18 xlabel( 'x' ); ylabel( 'pdf' );
19 title( 'Probability Density Function' );

21 subplot( 1,3,2 );
22 plot( x , c , 'k−' );
23 xlabel( 'x' ); ylabel( 'cdf' );
24 title( 'Cumulative Density Function' );

26 % draw k random numbers from a N( mu , sigma ) distribution

27 y = normrnd( mu , sigma , k , 1 );

29 subplot( 1,3,3 );
30 hist( y , 20 );
31 xlabel( 'x' ); ylabel( 'frequency' );
32 title( 'Histogram of random values' );

Probability Distribution Cumulative Probability Distribution Histogram

0.35 1 30

0.3 25
Cumulative Probability


0.05 5

0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
x x x

Figure 1.2: Illustration of the Binomial(N, θ) distribution where N = 10 and θ = 0.7.


N = 10 and θ = 0.7. Produce a illustration that looks similar to Figure 1.2.

3. Write a simple demonstration program to sample 10 values from a Bernoulli(θ) distri-
bution with θ = 0.3. Note that the Bernoulli distribution is one of the simplest discrete
distributions to simulate. There are only two possible outcomes, 0 and 1. With prob-
ability θ, the outcome is 1, and with probability 1 − θ, the outcome is 0. In other
words, p(X = 1) = θ, and p(X = 0) = 1 − θ. This distribution can be used to simulate
outcomes in a number of situations, such as head or tail outcomes from a weighted
coin, correct/incorrect outcomes from true/false questions, etc. In Matlab, you can
simulate the Bernoulli distribution using the binomial distribution with N = 1. How-
ever, for the purpose of this exercise, please write the code needed to sample Bernoulli
distributed values that does not make use of the built-in binomial distribution.
4. It is often useful in simulations to ensure that each replication of the simulation gives
the exact same result. In Matlab, when drawing random values from distributions,
the values are different every time you restart the code. There is a simple way to
“seed” the random number generators to insure that they produce the same sequence.
Write a Matlab script that samples two sets of 10 random values drawn from a uniform
distribution between [0,1]. Use the seeding function between the two sampling steps
to demonstrate that the two sets of random values are identical. Your Matlab code
could use the following line:
seed=1; rand(’state’,seed); randn(’state’,seed);
5. Suppose we know from previous research that in a given population, IQ coefficients are
Normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Calculate
the probability that a randomly drawn person from this population has an IQ greater
than 110 but smaller than 130. You can achieve this using one line of matlab code.
What does this look like?
** 6 The Dirichlet distribution is currently not supported by Matlab. Can you find a
matlab function, using online resources, that implements the sampling from a Dirichlet

1.2 Sampling from non-standard distributions

Suppose we wish to sample from a distribution that is not one of the simple standard
distributions that is supported by Matlab. In modeling situations, this situation frequently
arises, because a researcher can propose new noise processes or combinations of existing
distributions. Computational methods for solving complex sampling problems often rely
of sampling distributions that we do know how to sample from efficiently. The random
values from these simple distributions can then be transformed or compared to the target
distribution. In fact, some of the techniques discussed in this section are used by Matlab
internally to sample from distributions such as the Normal and Exponential distributions.

1.2.1 Inverse transform sampling with discrete variables

Inverse transform sampling (also known as the inverse transform method) is a method for
generating random numbers from any probability distribution given the inverse of its cumu-
lative distribution function. The idea is to sample uniformly distributed random numbers
(between 0 and 1) and then transform these values using the inverse cumulative distribution
function. The simplicity of this procedure lies in the fact that the underlying sampling is
just based on transformed uniform deviates. This procedure can be used to sample many
different kinds of distributions. In fact, this is how many Matlab implements many of its
random number generators.
It is easiest to illustrate this approach on a discrete distribution where we know the prob-
ability of each individual outcome. In this case, the inverse transform method just requires a
simple table lookup. To give an example of some non-standard discrete distribution, we use
some data from experiments that have looked at how well humans can produce uniform ran-
dom numbers (e.g. Treisman and Faulkner, 1987). In these experiments, subjects produce a
large number of random digits (0,..,9) and investigators tabulate the relative frequencies of
each random digit produced. As you might suspect, subjects do not always produce uniform
distributions. Table 1.2.1 shows some typical data. Some of the low and the high numbers
are underrepresented while some specific digits (e.g. 4) are overrepresented. For some rea-
son, the digits 0 and 9 were never generated by the subject (perhaps because the subject
misinterpreted the instructions). In any case, this data is fairly typical and demonstrates
that humans are not very good are producing uniformly distributed random numbers.

Table 1.2: Probability of digits observed in human random digit generation experiment. The
generated digit is represented by X; p(X) and F (X) are the probability mass and cumulative
probabilities respectively. The data was estimated from subject 6, session 1, in experiment
by Treisman and Faulkner (1987).

X p(X) F (X)
0 0.000 0.000
1 0.100 0.100
2 0.090 0.190
3 0.095 0.285
4 0.200 0.485
5 0.175 0.660
6 0.190 0.850
7 0.050 0.900
8 0.100 1.000
9 0.000 1.000

Suppose we now want to mimic this process and write an algorithm that samples digits
according to the probabilities shown in Table 1.2.1. Therefore, the program should produce

a 4 with probability .2, a 5 with probability .175, etc. For example, the code in Listing 1.2
implements this process using the built-in matlab function randsample. The code produces
the illustration shown in Figure 1.2.1.
Instead of using the built-in functions such as randsample or mnrnd, it is helpful to
consider how to implement the underlying sampling algorithm using the inverse transform
method. We first need to calculate the cumulative probability distribution. In other words,
we need to know the probability that we observe an outcome equal to or smaller than
some particular value. If F (X) represents the cumulative function, we need to calculate
F (X = x) = p(X <= x). For discrete distribution, this can be done using simple summing.
The cumulative probabilities of our example are shown in the right column of Table 1.2.1. In
the algorithm, the idea is to sample uniform random deviates (i.e., random numbers between
0 and 1) and to compare each random number against the table of cumulative probabilities.
The first outcome for which the random deviate exceeds and does not equal the associated
cumulative probability corresponds to the sampled outcome. Figure 1.2.1 illustrates this
when the uniform random number, U = 0.8 leading to a sampled outcome X = 6. This
process of repeated sampling of uniform deviates and comparing these to the cumulative
distribution forms the basis for the inverse transform method for discrete variables. Note
that we are applying an inverse function, because we are doing an inverse table lookup.

Listing 1.2: Matlab code to simulate sampling of random digits.

1 % Simulate the distribution observed in the
2 % human random digit generation task
4 % probabilities for each digit
5 theta = [0.000; ... % digit 0
6 0.100; ... % digit 1
7 0.090; ... % digit 2
8 0.095; ... % digit 3
9 0.200; ... % digit 4
10 0.175; ... % digit 5
11 0.190; ... % digit 6
12 0.050; ... % digit 7
13 0.100; ... % digit 8
14 0.000 ] ... % digit 9

16 % fix the random number generator

17 seed = 1; rand( 'state' , seed );

19 % let's say we draw K random values

20 K = 10000;
21 digitset = 0:9;
22 Y = randsample(digitset,K,true,theta);

24 % create a new figure

25 figure( 1 ); clf;

27 % Show the histogram of the simulated draws

28 counts = hist( Y , digitset );
29 bar( digitset , counts , 'k' );
30 xlim( [ −0.5 9.5 ] );
31 xlabel( 'Digit' );
32 ylabel( 'Frequency' );
33 title( 'Distribution of simulated draws of human digit generator' );

Distribution of simulated draws of human digit generator






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 1.3: Illustration of the BINOMIAL(N, θ) distribution where N = 10 and θ = 0.7.

1. Create the Matlab program that implements the inverse tranform method for discrete
variables. Use it to sample random digits with probabilities as shown in Table 1.2.1. In
order to show that the algorithm is working, sample a large number of random digits
and create a histogram similar to Figure 1.2.1. Your program should never sample
digits 0 and 9 as they are given zero probability in the table.
** 2 One solution to the previous exercise that does not require any loops is by using the
multinomial random number generator mnrnd. Can you show how to use this function
to sample digits according to the probabilities shown in Table 1.2.1
** 3 Can you explain why the algorithm as described above might be inefficient when dealing
with skewed probability distributions? [hint: imagine a situation where the first N-1
outcomes have zero probability and the last outcome has probability one]. Can you
think of a simple change to the algorithm to improve its efficiency?




F(X) 0.6






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 1.4: Illustration of the inverse transform procedure for generating discrete random
variables. Note that we plot the cumulative probabilities for each outcome. If we sample a
uniform random number of U = 0.8, then this yields a random value of X = 6

1.2.2 Inverse transform sampling with continuous variables

The inverse transform sampling approach can also be applied to continuous distributions.
Generally, the idea is to draw uniform random deviates and to apply the inverse function of
the cumulative distribution applied to the random deviate. In the following, let F (X) be the
cumulative desnity function (CDF) of our target variable X and F −1(X) be the inverse of
this function, assuming that we can actually calculate this inverse. We wish to draw random
values for X. This can be done with the following procedure:

1. Draw U ∼ Uniform(0, 1)
2. Set X = F −1(U)

3. Repeat

Let’s illustrate this approach with a simple example. Suppose we want to sample random
numbers from the exponential distribution. When λ > 0, the cumulative density function is
F (x|λ) = 1− exp(−λx). Using some simple algebra, one can find the inverse of this function,
which is F −1 (u|λ) = −log(1−u)/λ. This leads to the following sampling procedure to sample
random numbers from a Exponental(λ) distribution:

1. Draw U ∼ Uniform(0, 1)

2. Set X = −log(1 − U)/λ

3. Repeat

1. Implement the inverse transform sampling method for the exponential distribution.
Sample a large number of values from this distribution, and show the distribution of
these values. Compare the distribution you obtain against the exact distribution as
obtained by the PDF of the exponential distribution (use the command exppdf).

** 2 Matlab implements some of its own functions using Matlab code. For example, when
you call the exponential random number generator exprnd, Matlab executes a func-
tion that is stored in its own internal directories. Please locate the Matlab function
exprnd and inspect its contents. How does Matlab implement the sampling from the
exponential distribution? Does it use the inverse transform method? Note that the
path to this Matlab function will depend on your particular Matlab installation, but
it probably looks something like

C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2009B\toolbox\stats\exprnd.m

1.2.3 Rejection sampling

In many cases, it is not possible to apply the inverse transform sampling method because
it is difficult to compute the cumulative distribution or its inverse. In this case, there are
other options available, such as rejection sampling, and methods using Markov chain Monte
Carlo approaches that we will discuss in the next chapter. The major advantage of the
rejection sampling method is that it does not require any “burn-in” period, as is needed for
Markov chain Monte Carlo approaches. Instead, all samples obtained during sampling can
immediately be used as samples from the target distribution.
One way to illustrate the general idea of rejection sampling (also commonly called the
“accept-reject algorithm”) is with Figure 1.5. Suppose we wish to draw points uniformly
within a circle centered at (0, 0) and with radius 1. At first, it seems quite complicated to
directly sample points within this circle in uniform fashion. However, we can apply rejection
sampling by first drawing (x, y) values uniformly from within the square surrounding the
circle, and rejecting any samples for which x2 + y 2 > 1. Importantly, we used a very simple
proposal distribution, such as the uniform distribution, as a basis for sampling from a much
more complicated distribution.
Rejection sampling allows us to generate observations from a distribution that is difficult
to sample from but where we can evaluate the probability of any particular sample. In other
words, suppose we have a distribution p(θ), and it is difficult to sample from this distribution
directly, but we can evaluate the probability density or mass p(θ) for a particular value of θ.
The first choice that the researcher needs to make is the proposal distribution. The proposal
distribution is a simple distribution q(θ), that we can directly sample from. The idea is to
evaluate the probability of the proposed samples under both the proposal distribution and
the target distribution and reject samples that are unlikely under the target distribution
relative to the proposal distribution.

(A) (B)
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−1 −1
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
x x

Figure 1.5: Sampling points uniformly from unit circle using rejection sampling



Figure 1.6: Illustration of rejection sampling. The particular sample shown in the figure will
be rejected

Figure 1.6 illustrates the procedure. We first need to find a constant c such that cq(θ) ≥
p(θ) for all possible samples θ. The proposal function q(θ) multiplied by the constant c is
known as the comparison distribution and will always lie “on top of” our target distribution.
Finding the constant c might be non-trivial, but let’s assume for now that we can do this
using some calculus. We now draw a number u from a uniform distribution between [0, cq(θ)].
In other words, this is some point on the line segment between 0 and the height of the
comparison distribution evaluated at our proposal θ. We will reject the proposal if u > p(θ)
and accept it otherwise. If we accept the proposal, the sampled value θ is a draw from the
target distribution p(θ). Here is a summary of the computational procedure:

1. Choose a density q(θ) that is easy to sample from

2. Find a constant c such that cq(θ) ≥ p(θ) for all θ

3. Sample a proposal θ from proposal distribution q(θ)

4. Sample a uniform deviate u from the interval [0, cq(θ)]

5. Reject the proposal if u > p(θ), accept otherwise

6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until desired number of samples is reached; each accepted
sample is a draw from p(θ)

The key to an efficient operation of this algorithm is to have as many samples accepted
as possible. This depends crucially on the choice of the proposal distribution. A proposal
distribution that is dissimilar to the target distribution will lead to many rejected samples,
slowing the procedure down.

1. Suppose we want to sample from a Beta(α, β) distribution where α = 2 and β = 1.
This gives the probability density p(x) = 2x for 0 < x < 1. Implement a rejection
sampling algorithm in Matlab that samples from this distribution. You can use a simple
uniform proposal distribution. The constant c should be 2 in this case. Visualize the
histogram of sampled values and verify that the distribution matches the histogram
obtained by using Matlab’s betarnd sampling function. What is the percentage of
accepted samples? How might we improve the rejection sampler

** 2 The procedure shown in Figure 1.5 forms the basis for the Box-Muller method for
generating Gaussian distributed random variables. We first generate uniform coordi-
nates (x, y) from the unit circle using the rejection sampling procedure that rejects
any (x, y) pair with x2 + y 2 > 1. Then, for each pair (x, y) we evaluate the quanti-
2 +y2 ) 1/2
−2ln(x2 +y2 )
ties z1 = x −2ln(x
x2 +y2
and z 2 = y x2 +y2
. The values z1 and z2 are each
Gaussian distributed with zero mean and unit variance. Write a Matlab program that

implements this Box-Muller method and verify that the sampled values are Gaussian
Chapter 2

Markov Chain Monte Carlo

The application of probabilistic models to data often leads to inference problems that re-
quire the integration of complex, high dimensional distributions. Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC), is a general computational approach that replaces analytic integration by summa-
tion over samples generated from iterative algorithms. Problems that are intractable using
analytic approaches often are possible to solve using some form of MCMC, even with high-
dimensional problems. The development of MCMC is arguably the most advance in the
computational approach to statistics. While MCMC is very much an active research area,
there are now some standardized techniques that are widely used. In this chapter, we will
discuss two forms of MCMC: Metropolis-Hastings and Gibbs sampling. Before we go into
these techniques though, we first need to understand the two main ideas underlying MCMC:
Monte Carlo integration, and Markov chains.

2.1 Monte Carlo integration

Many problems in probabilistic inference require the calculation of complex integrals or
summations over very large outcome spaces. For example, a frequent problem is to calculate
the expectation of a function g(x) for the random variable x (for simplicity, we assume x is
a univariate random variable). If x is continuous, the expectation is defined as:
E[g(x)] = g(x)p(x)dx (2.1)

In the case of discrete variables, the integral is replaced by summation:

E[g(x)] = g(x)p(x)dx (2.2)

These expectations arise in many situations where we want to calculate some statistic of a
distribution, such as the mean or variance. For example, with g(x) = x, we are calculating
the mean of a distribution. Integration or summation using analytic techniques can become
quite challenging for certain distributions. For example, the density p(x) might have a


functional form that does not lend itself to analytic integration. For discrete distributions,
the outcome space might become so large to make the explicit summation over all possible
outcomes impractical.
The general idea of Monte Carlo integration is to use samples to approximate the expec-
tation of a complex distribution. Specifically, we obtain a set of samples x(t), t = 1, . . . , N,
drawn independently from distribution p(x). In this case, we can approximate the expecta-
tions in 2.1 and 2.2 by a finite sum:
E[g(x)] = g(x(t)) (2.3)
n t=1

In other words, we have now replaced analytic integration with summation over a suitably
large set of samples. Generally, the accuracy of the approximation can be made as accurate
as needed by increasing n. Crucially, the precision of the approximation depends on the
independence of the samples. When the samples are correlated, the effective sample size
decreases. This is not an issue with the rejection sampler discussed in the last chapter, but
a potential problem with MCMC approaches.

1. Develop Matlab code to approximate the mean of a Beta(α, β) distribution with α = 3
and β = 4 using Monte Carlo integration. You can use the Matlab function betarnd
to draw samples from a Beta distribution. You can compare your answer with the
analytic solution: α/(α + β). [Note: this can be done with one line of Matlab code].

2. Similarly, approximate the variance of a Gamma(a, b) distribution with a = 1.5 and

b = 4 by Monte Carlo integration. The Matlab command gamrnd allows you to sample
from this distribution. Your approximation should get close to the theoretically derived
answer of ab2.

2.2 Markov Chains

A Markov chain is a stochastic process where we transition from one state to another state
using a simple sequential procedure. We start a Markov chain at some state x(1), and use
a transition function p(x(t)|x(t−1)), to determine the next state, x(2) conditional on the last
state. We then keep iterating to create a sequence of states:

x(1) → x(2) → . . . → x(t) → . . . (2.4)

Each such a sequence of states is called a Markov chain or simply chain. The procedure
for generating a sequence of T states from a Markov chain is the following:

1. Set t = 1

2. Generate a initial value u, and set x(t) = u

3. Repeat
Sample a new value u from the transition function p(x(t) |x(t−1))
Set x(t) = u

4. Until t = T

Importantly, in this iterative procedure, the next state of the chain at t + 1 is based only
on the previous state at t. Therefore, each Markov chain wanders around the state space
and making a move to a new state that is only dependent on the last state. It is this local
dependency what makes this procedure “Markov” or “memoryless”. As we will see, this is
an important property when using Markov chains for MCMC.
When initializing each Markov chain, the chain will wander in state space around the
starting state. Therefore, if we start a number of chains, each with different initial conditions,
the chains will initially be in a state close to the starting state. This period is called the
burnin. An important property of Markov chains is that the starting state of the chain no
longer affects the state of the chain after a sufficiently long sequence of transitions (assuming
that certain conditions about the Markov chain are met). At this point, the chain is said
to reach its steady state and the states reflect samples from its stationary distribution. This
property that Markov chains converge to a stationary distribution regardless of where we
started (if certain regularity conditions of the transition function are met), is quite important.
When applied to MCMC, it allow us to draw samples from a distribution using a sequential
procedure but where the starting state of the sequence does not affect the estimation process.
Example. Figure 2.1 show an example of a Markov chain involving a (single) continuous
variable x. For the transition function, samples were taken from a Beta(200(0.9x(t−1) +
0.05), 200(1 − 0.9x(t−1) − 0.05)) distribution. This function and its constants are chosen
somewhat arbitrarily, but help to illustrate some basic aspects of Markov chains. The process
was started with four different initial values, and each chain was for continued for T = 1000
iterations. The two panels of the Figure show the sequence of states at two different time
scales. The line colors represent the four different chains. Note that the first 10 iterations
or so show a dependence of the sequence on the initial state. This is the burnin period.
This is followed by the steady state for the remainder of the sequence (the chain would
continue in the steady state if we didn’t stop it). How do we know exactly when the steady
state has been reached and the chain converges? This is often not easy to tell, especially in
high-dimensional state spaces. We will differ the discussion of convergence until later.

1. Develop Matlab code to implement the Markov chain as described in the example.
Create an illustration similar to one of the panels in Figure 2.1. Start the Markov

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
t t

Figure 2.1: Illustration of a Markov chain starting with four different initial conditions. The
right and left panes show the sequence of states at different temporal scales.

chain with four different initial values uniformly drawn from [0,1]. [tip: if X is a T x
K matrix in Matlab such that X(t, k) stores the state of the k th Markov chain at the
tth iteration, the command plot(X) will simultaneously display the K sequences in
different colors].

2.3 Putting it together: Markov chain Monte Carlo

The two previous sections discussed the main two ideas underlying MCMC, Monte Carlo
sampling and Markov chains. Monte Carlo sampling allows one to estimate various char-
acteristics of a distribution such as the mean, variance, kurtosis, or any other statistic of
interest to a researcher. Markov chains involve a stochastic sequential process where we can
sample states from some stationary distribution.
The goal of MCMC is to design a Markov chain such that the stationary distribution of
the chain is exactly the distribution that we are interesting in sampling from, called the target
distribution. In other words, we would like the states sampled from some Markov chain to
also be samples drawn from the target distribution. The idea is to use some clever methods
for setting up the transition function such that no matter how we initialize each chain, we
will convergence to the target distribution. There are a number of methods that achieve this
goal using relatively simple procedures. We will discuss Metropolis, Metropolis-Hastings,
and Gibbs sampling.

2.4 Metropolis Sampling

We will start by illustrating the simplest of all MCMC methods: the Metropolis sampler.
This is a special case of the Metropolis-Hastings sampler discussed in the next section.
Suppose our goal is to sample from the target density p(θ), with −∞ < θ < ∞ . The
Metropolis sampler creates a Markov chain that produces a sequence of values:

θ(1) → θ(2) → . . . → θ(t) → . . . (2.5)


where θ(t) represents the state of a Markov chain at iteration t. The samples from the
chain, after burnin, start to reflect samples from the target distribution p(θ).
In the Metropolis procedure, we initialize the first state, θ(1) to some initial value. We
then use a proposal distribution q(θ|θ(t−1)) to generate a candidate point θ∗ that is conditional
on the previous state of the sampler. The next step is to either accept the proposal or reject
it. The probability of accepting the proposal is:

p(θ∗ )
α = min 1, (2.6)
p(θ(t−1) )
To make a decision on whether to actually accept or reject the proposal, we generate a
uniform deviate u. If u ≤ α, we accept the proposal and the next state is set equal to the
proposal: θ(t) = θ∗ . If u > α, we reject the proposal, and the next state is set equal to the
old state: θ(t) = θ(t−1) . We continue generating new proposals conditional on the current
state of the sampler, and either accept or reject the proposals. This procedure continues
until the sampler reaches convergence. At this point, the samples θ(t) reflect samples from
the target distribution p(θ). Here is a summary of the steps of the Metropolis sampler:
1. Set t = 1

2. Generate a initial value u, and set θ(t) = u

3. Repeat
Generate a proposal θ∗ from q(θ|θ(t−1))

Evaluate the acceptance probability α = min 1, p(θp(θ
(t−1) )

Generate a u from a Uniform(0,1) distribution

If u ≤ α, accept the proposal and set θ(t) = θ∗ , else set θ(t) = θ(t−1).

4. Until t = T
Figure 2.2 illustrates the procedure for a sequence of two states. To intuitively understand
why the process leads to samples from the target distribution, note that 2.6 will always accept
a new proposal if the the new proposal is more likely under the target distribution than the
old state. Therefore, the sampler will move towards the regions of the state space where the
target function has high density. However, note that if the new proposal is less likely than
than the current state, it is still possible to accept this “worse” proposal and move toward
it. This process of always accepting a “good” proposal, and occasionally accepting a “bad”
proposal insures that the sampler explores the whole state space, and samples from all parts
of a distribution (including the tails).
A key requirement for the Metropolis sampler is that the proposal distribution is symmet-
ric, such that q(θ = θ(t)|θ(t−1) ) = q(θ = θ(t−1)|θ(t) ). Therefore, the probability of proposing
some new state given the old state, is the same as proposing to go from the new state back to

the old state. This symmetry holds with proposal distributions such as the Normal, Cauchy,
Student-t, as well as uniform distributions. If this symmetry does not hold, you should use
a Metropolis-Hastings sampler discussed in the next section.
A major advantage of the Metropolis sampler is that Equation 2.6 involves only a ratio of
densities. Therefore, any terms independent of θ in the functional form of p(θ) will drop out.
Therefore, we do not need to know the normalizing constant of the density or probability mass
function. The fact that this procedure allows us to sample from unnormalized distributions is
one of its major attractions. Sampling from unnormalized distributions frequently happens
in Bayesian models, where calculating the normalization constant is difficult or impractical.
Example 1. Suppose we wish to generate random samples from the Cauchy distribution
(note that here are better ways to sample from the Cauchy that do not rely on MCMC, but
we just use as an illustration of the technique). The probability density of the Cauchy is
given by:
f(θ) = (2.7)
π(1 + θ2)
Note that because we do not need any normalizing constants in the Metropolis sampler, we
can rewrite this to:
f(θ) ∝ (2.8)
(1 + θ2 )
Therefore, the Metropolis acceptance probability becomes
1 + [θ(t)]2
α = min 1, (2.9)
1 + [θ∗]2)
We will use the Normal distribution as the proposal distribution. Our proposals are generated
from a Normal(θ(t), σ) distribution. Therefore, the mean of the distribution is centered on
the current state and the parameter σ, which needs to be set by the modeler, controls the
variability of the proposed steps. This is an important parameter that we will investigate
in the the Exercises. Listing 2.1 show the Matlab function that returns the unnormalized
density of the Cauchy distribution. Listing 2.2 shows Matlab code that implements the
Metropolis sampler. Figure 2.3 shows the simulation results for a single chain run for 500
iterations. The upper panel shows the theoretical density in the dashed red line and the
histogram shows the distribution of all 500 samples. The lower panel shows the sequence of
samples of one chain.

1. Currently, the program in Listing 2.2 takes all states from the chain as samples to
approximate the target distribution. Therefore, it also includes samples while the
chain is still “burning in”. Why is this not a good idea? Can you modify the code
such that the effect of burnin is removed?
2. Explore the effect of different starting conditions. For example, what happens when
we start the chain with θ = −30?







 !  " #

% & ' (

) * +

. / 0


Figure 2.2: Illustration of the Metropolis sampler to sample from target density p(θ). (A)
the current state of the chain is θ(t). (B) a proposal distribution around the current state is
used to generate a proposal θ∗ . (C) the proposal was accepted and the new state is set equal
to the proposal, and the proposal distribution now centers on the new state.

3. Calculate the proportion of samples that is accepted on average. Explore the effect of
parameter σ on the average acceptance rate. Can you explain what is happening with
the accuracy of the reconstructed distribution when σ is varied?

4. As a followup to the previous question, what is (roughly) the value of σ that leads
to a 50% acceptance rate? It turns out that this is the acceptance rate for which the
Metropolis sampler, in the case of Gaussian distributions, converges most quickly to
the target distribution.

5. Suppose we apply the Metropolis sampler to a Normal(µ, σ) density as the target

distribution, with µ = 0 and σ = 1. Write down the equation for the acceptance
probability, and remove any proportionality constants from the density ratio. [note:
the Matlab documentation for normpdf shows the functional form for the Normal

** 6 Modify the code such that the sequences of multiple chains (each initialized differently)
are visualized simultaneously.

Listing 2.1: Matlab function to evaluate the unnormalized Cauchy.

1 function y = cauchy( theta )
2 %% Returns the unnormalized density of the Cauchy distribution
3 y = 1 ./ (1 + theta.ˆ2);

2.5 Metropolis-Hastings Sampling

The Metropolis-Hasting (MH) sampler is a generalized version of the Metropolis sampler
in which we can apply symmetric as well as asymmetric proposal distributions. The MH
sampler operates in exactly the same fashion as the Metropolis sampler, but uses the following
acceptance probability:
p(θ∗ ) q(θ(t−1)|θ∗ )
α = min 1, (2.10)
p(θ(t−1) ) q(θ∗|θ(t−1) )
(t−1) ∗
The MH sampler has the additional ratio of q(θ |θ )
q(θ∗ |θ(t−1) )
in 2.10. This corrects for any asymme-
tries in the proposal distribution. For example, suppose we have a proposal distribution with
a mean centered on the current state, but that is skewed in one direction. If the proposal
distribution prefers to move say left over right, the proposal density ratio will correct for
this asymmetry.
Here is a summary of the steps of the MH sampler:
1. Set t = 1

2. Generate an initial value u, and set θ(t) = u


Listing 2.2: Matlab code to implement Metropolis sampler for Example 1

1 %% Chapter 2. Use Metropolis procedure to sample from Cauchy density

3 %% Initialize the Metropolis sampler

4 T = 500; % Set the maximum number of iterations
5 sigma = 1; % Set standard deviation of normal proposal density
6 thetamin = −30; thetamax = 30; % define a range for starting values
7 theta = zeros( 1 , T ); % Init storage space for our samples
8 seed=1; rand( 'state' , seed ); randn('state',seed ); % set the random seed
9 theta(1) = unifrnd( thetamin , thetamax ); % Generate start value
11 %% Start sampling
12 t = 1;
13 while t < T % Iterate until we have T samples
14 t = t + 1;
15 % Propose a new value for theta using a normal proposal density
16 theta star = normrnd( theta(t−1) , sigma );
17 % Calculate the acceptance ratio
18 alpha = min( [ 1 cauchy( theta star ) / cauchy( theta(t−1) ) ] );
19 % Draw a uniform deviate from [ 0 1 ]
20 u = rand;
21 % Do we accept this proposal?
22 if u < alpha
23 theta(t) = theta star; % If so, proposal becomes new state
24 else
25 theta(t) = theta(t−1); % If not, copy old state
26 end
27 end

29 %% Display histogram of our samples

30 figure( 1 ); clf;
31 subplot( 3,1,1 );
32 nbins = 200;
33 thetabins = linspace( thetamin , thetamax , nbins );
34 counts = hist( theta , thetabins );
35 bar( thetabins , counts/sum(counts) , 'k' );
36 xlim( [ thetamin thetamax ] );
37 xlabel( '\theta' ); ylabel( 'p(\theta)' );

39 %% Overlay the theoretical density

40 y = cauchy( thetabins );
41 hold on;
42 plot( thetabins , y/sum(y) , 'r−−' , 'LineWidth' , 3 );
43 set( gca , 'YTick' , [] );

45 %% Display history of our samples

46 subplot( 3,1,2:3 );
47 stairs( theta , 1:T , 'k−' );
48 ylabel( 't' ); xlabel( '\theta' );
49 set( gca , 'YDir' , 'reverse' );
50 xlim( [ thetamin thetamax ] );


−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30











−30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30

Figure 2.3: Simulation results where 500 samples were drawn from the Cauchy distribution
using the Metropolis sampler. The upper panel shows the theoretical density in the dashed
red line and the histogram shows the distribution of the samples. The lower panel shows the
sequence of samples of one chain

3. Repeat
Generate a proposal θ∗ from q(θ|θ(t−1))
p(θ∗ ) q(θ(t−1) |θ∗ )
Evaluate the acceptance probability α = min 1, p(θ(t−1) ) q(θ∗ |θ(t−1) )

Generate a u from a Uniform(0,1) distribution

If u ≤ α, accept the proposal and set θ(t) = θ∗ , else set θ(t) = θ(t−1).

4. Until t = T

The fact that asymmetric proposal distributions can be used allows the Metropolis-
Hastings procedure to sample from target distributions that are defined on a limited range
(other than the uniform for which Metropolis sampler can be used). With bounded vari-
ables, care should be taken in constructing a suitable proposal distribution. Generally, a
good rule is to use a proposal distribution has positive density on the same support as the
target distribution. For example, if the target distribution has support over 0 ≤ θ < ∞, the
proposal distribution should have the same support.

1. Suppose a researcher investigates response times in an experiment and finds that the
Weibull(a, b) distribution with a = 2, and b = 1.9 captures the observed variability
in response times. Write a Matlab program that implements the Metropolis-Hastings
sampler in order to sample response times from this distribution. The pdf for the
Weibull is given by the Matlab command wblpdf. Create a figure that is analogous
to Figure 2.3. You could use a number of different proposal distributions in this case.
For this exercise, use samples from a Gamma(θ(t)τ, 1/τ ) distribution. This proposal
density has a mean equal to θ(t) so it is “centered” on the current state. The parameter
τ controls the acceptance rate of the sampler – it is a precision parameter such that
higher values are associated with less variability in the proposal distribution. Can you
find a value for τ to get (roughly) an acceptance rate of 50%? Calculate the variance of
this distribution using the Monte Carlo approach with the samples obtained from the
Metropolis-Hastings sampler. If you would like to know how close your approximation
is, use online resources to find the analytically derived answer.

2.6 Metropolis-Hastings for Multivariate Distributions

Up to this point, all of the examples we discussed involved univariate distributions. It is fairly
straightforward though to generalize the MH sampler to multivariate distributions. There are
two different ways to extend the procedure to sample random variables in multidimensional

2.6.1 Blockwise updating

In the first approach, called blockwise updating, we use a proposal distribution that has
the same dimensionality as the target distribution. For example, if we want to sample
from a probability distribution involving N variables, we design a N-dimensional proposal
distribution, and we either accept or reject the proposal (involving values for all N variables)
as a block. In the following, we will use the vector notation θ = (θ1, θ2 , . . . , θN ) to represent
a random variable involving N components, and θ (t) represents the tth state in our sampler.
This leads to a generalization of the MH sampler where the scalar variables θ are now replaced
by vectors θ:

1. Set t = 1
2. Generate an initial value u = (u1 , u2, . . . , uN ), and set θ (t) = u
3. Repeat
Generate a proposal θ ∗ from q(θ|θ (t−1))
∗) q(θ(t−1) |θ∗ )
Evaluate the acceptance probability α = min 1, p(θp(θ
(t−1) ) q(θ∗ |θ(t−1) )

Generate a u from a Uniform(0,1) distribution

If u ≤ α, accept the proposal and set θ (t) = θ ∗, else set θ (t) = θ (t−1).
4. Until t = T

Example 1 (adopted from Gill, 2008). Suppose we want to sample from the bivariate
exponential distribution

p(θ1 , θ2) = exp (−(λ1 + λ)θ1 − (λ2 + λ)θ2 − λmax(θ1 , θ2)) (2.11)

For our example, we will restrict the range of θ1 and θ2 to [0,8] and the set the constants to the
following: λ1 = 0.5, λ2 = 0.1, λ + 0.01, max(θ1 , θ2) = 8. This bivariate density is visualized
in Figure 2.4, right panel. The Matlab function that implements this density function is
shown in Listing 2.3. To illustrate the blockwise MH sampler, we use a uniform proposal
distribution, where proposals for θ1∗ and θ2∗ are sampled from a Uniform(0,8) distribution. In
other words, we sample proposals for θ ∗ uniformly from within a box. Note that with this
particular proposal distribution, we are not conditioning our proposals on the previous state
of the sampler. This is known as an independence sampler. This is actually a very poor
q(θ(t−1) |θ∗ )
proposal distribution but leads to a simple implementation because the ratio q(θ ∗ |θ(t−1) ) = 1

and therefore disappears from the acceptance ratio. The Matlab code that implements the
sampler is shown in Listing 2.4. Figure 2.4, left panel shows the approximated distribution
using 5000 samples.
Example 2. Many researchers have proposed probabilistic models for order information.
Order information can relate to preference rankings over political candidates, car brands

Figure 2.4: Results of a Metropolis sampler for the bivariate exponential (right) approxi-
mated with 5000 samples (left)

and icecream flavors, but can also relate to knowledge about the relative order of items
along some temporal of physical dimension. For example, suppose we ask individuals to
remember the chronological order of US presidents. Steyvers, Lee, Miller, and Hemmer
(2009) found that individuals make a number of mistakes in the ordering of presidents that
can be captured by simple probabilistic models, such as Mallows model. To explain Mallows
model, let’s say that we are looking at the first five presidents: Washington, Adams, Jefferson,
Madison, and Monroe. We will represent this true ordering by a vector ω = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) =
(W ashington, Adams, J efferson, Madison, Monroe). Mallows model now proposes that
the remembered orderings tend to be similar to the true ordering, with very similar orderings
being more likely than dissimilar orderings. Specifically, according to Mallows model, the
probability that an individual remembers an ordering θ is proportional to:
p(θ|ω, λ) ∝ exp (−d(θ, ω)λ) (2.12)
In this equation, d(θ, ω) is the Kendall tau distance between two orderings. This distance
measures the number of adjacent pairwise swaps that are needed to bring the two orderings
into alignment. For example, if θ = (Adams, W ashington, J efferson, Madison, Monroe),
then d(θ, ω) = 1 because one swap is needed to make the two orderings identical. Similarly,
if θ = (Adams, J efferson, W ashington, Madison, Monroe), then d(θ, ω) = 2 because two
swaps are needed. Note that in Kendall tau distance, only adjacent items can be swapped.
The scaling parameter λ controls how sharply peaked the distribution of remembered order-
ings is around the true ordering. Therefore, by increasing λ, the model makes it more likely
that the correct ordering (or something similar) will be produced.
The problem is now to generate orderings θ according to Mallows model, given the true
ordering ω and scaling parameter λ. This can be achieved in very simple ways using a
Metropolis sampler. We start the sampler with θ (1) corresponding to a random permutation

of items. At each iteration, we then make proposals θ ∗ that slightly modify the current state.
This can be done in a number of ways. The idea here is to use a proposal distribution where
the current ordering is permuted by transposing any randomly chosen pair of items (and not
just adjacent items). Formally, we draw proposals θ ∗ from the proposal distribution

1/ N2 if S(θ ∗, θ (t−1)) = 1
∗ (t−1)
q(θ = θ |θ )= (2.13)
0 otherwise

where S(θ ∗, θ (t−1)) is the Cayley distance. This distance counts the number of transpositions
of any pair of items needed to bring two orderings into alignment (therefore, the difference
with the Kendall tau distance is that any pairwise swap counts as one, even nonadjacent
swaps). This is just a complicated way to describe a very simple proposal distribution:
just swap two randomly chosen items from the last ordering, and make that the proposed
Because the proposal distribution is symmetric, we can use the Metropolis sampler. The
acceptance probability is
p(θ ∗|ω, λ) exp (−d(θ ∗, ω)λ)
α = min 1, = min 1, . (2.14)
p(θ (t−1)|ω, λ) exp (−d(θ (t−1), ω)λ)
The Matlab implementation of the Kendall tau distance function is shown in Listing 2.5.
The Matlab code for the Metropolis sampler is shown in Listing 2.6. Currently, the code
does not do all that much. It simply shows what the state is every 10 iterations for a total
of 500 iterations. Here is some sample output from the program:

t=400 Jefferson Madison Adams Monroe Washington

t=410 Washington Monroe Madison Jefferson Adams
t=420 Washington Jefferson Madison Adams Monroe
t=430 Jefferson Monroe Washington Adams Madison
t=440 Washington Madison Monroe Adams Jefferson
t=450 Jefferson Washington Adams Madison Monroe
t=460 Washington Jefferson Adams Madison Monroe
t=470 Monroe Washington Jefferson Adams Madison
t=480 Adams Washington Monroe Jefferson Madison
t=490 Adams Madison Jefferson Monroe Washington
t=500 Monroe Adams Madison Jefferson Washington

2.6.2 Componentwise updating

A potential problem with the blockwise updating approach is that it might be difficult to
find suitable high-dimensional proposal distributions. A related problem is that blockwise
updating can be associated with high rejection rates. Instead of accepting or rejecting a
proposal for θ involving all its components simultaneously, it might be computationally
simpler to make proposals for individual components of θ, one at a time. This leads to a
componentwise updating approach.

For example, suppose we have a bivariate distribution θ = (θ1, θ2). We first initialize
(1) (1)
the sampler with some suitable values for θ1 and θ2 . At each iteration t, we first make
a proposal θ1∗ depending on the last state θ1 . We then evaluate the acceptance ratio
(t−1) (t−1) (t−1)
comparing the likelihood of (θ1∗, θ2 ) against (θ1 , θ2 ). Note that in this proposal,
we have only varied the first component and kept the second component constant. In the
next step, we make a proposal θ2∗ depending on the last state θ2 . We then evaluate the
(t) (t) (t−1)
acceptance ratio comparing the likelihood of (θ1 , θ2∗ ) against (θ1 , θ2 ). Importantly, in
this second step, we are holding the first component constant, but this is the updated value
from the first step. Therefore, what happens in the second step is conditional on what
happens in the first step. Here is a summary of the steps for a bivariate componentwise MH

1. Set t = 1

2. Generate an initial value u = (u1 , u2, . . . , uN ), and set θ (t) = u

3. Repeat
Generate a proposal θ1∗ from q(θ1|θ1 )
(t−1) (t−1)
p(θ1∗ ,θ2 ) q(θ1 |θ1∗ )
Evaluate the acceptance probability α = min 1, (t−1) (t−1) (t−1)
p(θ1 ,θ2 ) q(θ1∗ |θ1 )

Generate a u from a Uniform(0,1) distribution

(t) (t) (t−1)
If u ≤ α, accept the proposal and set θ1 = θ1∗ , else set θ1 = θ1 .
Generate a proposal θ2∗ from q(θ2|θ2 )
(t) (t−1)
p(θ1 ,θ2∗ ) q(θ2 |θ2∗ )
Evaluate the acceptance probability α = min 1, (t) (t−1) (t−1)
p(θ1 ,θ2 ) q(θ2∗ |θ2 )

Generate a u from a Uniform(0,1) distribution

(t) (t) (t−1)
If u ≤ α, accept the proposal and set θ2 = θ2∗ , else set θ2 = θ2 .

4. Until t = T

Example 3. We will illustrate the componentwise sampler by sampling from a multi-

variate normal distribution. Please note that this just serves as an example – there are much
better and direct ways to sample from a multivariate normal distribution. The multivari-
ate normal distribution is parametrized by µ and Σ. The parameter µ is a 1 x N vector
containing the mean in the N-dimensional space. The parameter Σ is a N x N covariance
matrix. For our example, we will use a bivariate normal with µ = (0, 0) and Σ = ( 0.3 1 0.3 ).
The density of this distribution is illustrated in the right panel of Figure 2.5. The goal is to
sample values θ from this distribution. We use a componentwise Metropolis sampler with
a normal distribution for the components θ1 and θ2. The proposal distribution is centered

around the old value of each component and has standard deviation σ. The code in Listing
2.7 shows the Matlab implementation for this sampler. The output of this code is shown in
Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.5: Results of the componentwise Metropolis sampler for the bivariate normal dis-
tribution. Left panel shows the approximation using 5000 samples. Right panel shows the
theoretical density.

1. Modify the code for Example 1 to implement a component-wise sampler. Use a uniform
proposal distribution for both θ1 and θ2 . Visualize the distribution in the same way as
Figure 2.4. Calculate the acceptance probability separately for θ1 and θ2 . Why is the
acceptance probability for θ2 higher than for θ1 ?

2. Investigate the effect of the scaling parameter λ in Mallows model. How do the sampled
orders change as a function of this parameter?

3. Modify the Metropolis sampler for Mallows model and sample from a 10 as opposed
to 5 dimensional space of orderings.

** 4 The purpose of this exercise is to compare the approximated distribition under Mal-
lows with the exact distribution. Note that Equation 2.12 showed the probability for
Mallows model but dropped the constant of proportionality. The exact probability
under Mallows model is p(θ|ω, λ) = ψ(λ) exp (−d(θ, ω)λ) where ψ(λ) is a normalizing

function where ψ(λ) = N

Q 1−exp(−iλ)
i=1 1−exp(−λ) . Therefore, it is possible with small N to cal-
culate the exact probability of any ordering θ. Run the sampler in Listing 2.6 and
calculate a frequency distribution of samples (i.e., what number of times does each
unique sequence occur in the sampler?). Compare these frequencies against the exact
probability under Mallows model.

Listing 2.3: Function to evaluate bivariate exponential distribution

1 function y = bivexp( theta1 , theta2 )
2 %% Returns the density of a bivariate exponential function
3 lambda1 = 0.5; % Set up some constants
4 lambda2 = 0.1;
5 lambda = 0.01;
6 maxval = 8;
7 y = exp( −(lambda1+lambda)*theta1−(lambda2+lambda)*theta2−lambda*maxval );

Listing 2.4: Blockwise Metropolis-Hastings sampler for bivariate exponential distribution

1 %% Chapter 2. Metropolis procedure to sample from Bivariate Exponential
2 % Blockwise updating. Use a uniform proposal distribution

4 %% Initialize the Metropolis sampler

5 T = 5000; % Set the maximum number of iterations
6 thetamin = [ 0 0 ]; % define minimum for theta1 and theta2
7 thetamax = [ 8 8 ]; % define maximum for theta1 and theta2
8 seed=1; rand( 'state' , seed ); randn('state',seed ); % set the random seed
9 theta = zeros( 2 , T ); % Init storage space for our samples
10 theta(1,1) = unifrnd( thetamin(1) , thetamax(1) ); % Start value for theta1
11 theta(2,1) = unifrnd( thetamin(2) , thetamax(2) ); % Start value for theta2
13 %% Start sampling
14 t = 1;
15 while t < T % Iterate until we have T samples
16 t = t + 1;
17 % Propose a new value for theta
18 theta star = unifrnd( thetamin , thetamax );
19 pratio = bivexp( theta star(1) , theta star(2) ) / ...
20 bivexp( theta(1,t−1) , theta(2,t−1) );
21 alpha = min( [ 1 pratio ] ); % Calculate the acceptance ratio
22 u = rand; % Draw a uniform deviate from [ 0 1 ]
23 if u < alpha % Do we accept this proposal?
24 theta(:,t) = theta star; % proposal becomes new value for theta
25 else
26 theta(:,t) = theta(:,t−1); % copy old value of theta
27 end
28 end

30 %% Display histogram of our samples

31 figure( 1 ); clf;
32 subplot( 1,2,1 );
33 nbins = 10;
34 thetabins1 = linspace( thetamin(1) , thetamax(1) , nbins );
35 thetabins2 = linspace( thetamin(2) , thetamax(2) , nbins );
36 hist3( theta' , 'Edges' , {thetabins1 thetabins2} );
37 xlabel( '\theta 1' ); ylabel('\theta 2' ); zlabel( 'counts' );
38 az = 61; el = 30;
39 view(az, el);

41 %% Plot the theoretical density

42 subplot(1,2,2);
43 nbins = 20;
44 thetabins1 = linspace( thetamin(1) , thetamax(1) , nbins );
45 thetabins2 = linspace( thetamin(2) , thetamax(2) , nbins );
46 [ theta1grid , theta2grid ] = meshgrid( thetabins1 , thetabins2 );
47 ygrid = bivexp( theta1grid , theta2grid );
48 mesh( theta1grid , theta2grid , ygrid );
49 xlabel( '\theta 1' ); ylabel('\theta 2' );
50 zlabel( 'f(\theta 1,\theta 2)' );
51 view(az, el);

Listing 2.5: Function to evaluate Kendall tau distance

1 function tau = kendalltau( order1 , order2 )
2 %% Returns the Kendall tau distance between two orderings
3 % Note: this is not the most efficient implementation
4 [ dummy , ranking1 ] = sort( order1(:)' , 2 , 'ascend' );
5 [ dummy , ranking2 ] = sort( order2(:)' , 2 , 'ascend' );
6 N = length( ranking1 );
7 [ ii , jj ] = meshgrid( 1:N , 1:N );
8 ok = find( jj(:) > ii(:) );
9 ii = ii( ok );
10 jj = jj( ok );
11 nok = length( ok );
12 sign1 = ranking1( jj ) > ranking1( ii );
13 sign2 = ranking2( jj ) > ranking2( ii );
14 tau = sum( sign1 6= sign2 );

Listing 2.6: Implementation of Metropolis-Hastings sampler for Mallows model

1 %% Chapter 2. Metropolis sampler for Mallows model
2 % samples orderings from a distribution over orderings

4 %% Initialize model parameters

5 lambda = 0.1; % scaling parameter
6 labels = { 'Washington' , 'Adams' , 'Jefferson' , 'Madison' , 'Monroe' };

7 omega = [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]; % correct ordering

8 L = length( omega ); % number of items in ordering

10 %% Initialize the Metropolis sampler

11 T = 500; % Set the maximum number of iterations
12 seed=1; rand( 'state' , seed ); randn('state',seed ); % set the random seed
13 theta = zeros( L , T ); % Init storage space for our samples
14 theta(:,1) = randperm( L ); % Random ordering to start with
16 %% Start sampling
17 t = 1;
18 while t < T % Iterate until we have T samples
19 t = t + 1;

21 % Our proposal is the last ordering but with two items switched
22 lasttheta = theta(:,t−1); % Get the last theta
23 % Propose two items to switch
24 whswap = randperm( L ); whswap = whswap(1:2);
25 theta star = lasttheta;
26 theta star( whswap(1)) = lasttheta( whswap(2));
27 theta star( whswap(2)) = lasttheta( whswap(1));

29 % calculate Kendall tau distances

30 dist1 = kendalltau( theta star , omega );
31 dist2 = kendalltau( lasttheta , omega );

33 % Calculate the acceptance ratio

34 pratio = exp( −dist1*lambda ) / exp( −dist2*lambda );
35 alpha = min( [ 1 pratio ] );
36 u = rand; % Draw a uniform deviate from [ 0 1 ]
37 if u < alpha % Do we accept this proposal?
38 theta(:,t) = theta star; % proposal becomes new theta
39 else
40 theta(:,t) = lasttheta; % copy old theta
41 end
42 % Occasionally print the current state
43 if mod( t,10 ) == 0
44 fprintf( 't=%3d\t' , t );
45 for j=1:L
46 fprintf( '%15s' , labels{ theta(j,t)} );
47 end
48 fprintf( '\n' );
49 end
50 end

Listing 2.7: Implementation of componentwise Metropolis sampler for bivariate normal

1 %% Chapter 2. Metropolis procedure to sample from Bivariate Normal
2 % Component−wise updating. Use a normal proposal distribution

4 %% Parameters of the Bivariate normal

5 mu = [ 0 0 ];
6 sigma = [ 1 0.3; ...
7 0.3 1 ];

9 %% Initialize the Metropolis sampler

10 T = 5000; % Set the maximum number of iterations
11 propsigma = 1; % standard dev. of proposal distribution
12 thetamin = [ −3 −3 ]; % define minimum for theta1 and theta2
13 thetamax = [ 3 3 ]; % define maximum for theta1 and theta2
14 seed=1; rand( 'state' , seed ); randn('state',seed ); % set the random seed
15 theta = zeros( 2 , T ); % Init storage space for our samples
16 theta(1,1) = unifrnd( thetamin(1) , thetamax(1) ); % Start value for theta1
17 theta(2,1) = unifrnd( thetamin(2) , thetamax(2) ); % Start value for theta2
19 %% Start sampling
20 t = 1;
21 while t < T % Iterate until we have T samples
22 t = t + 1;
24 %% Propose a new value for theta1
25 theta star = normrnd( theta(1,t−1) , propsigma );
26 pratio = mvnpdf( [ theta star theta(2,t−1) ] , mu , sigma ) / ...
27 mvnpdf( [ theta(1,t−1) theta(2,t−1) ] , mu , sigma );
28 alpha = min( [ 1 pratio ] ); % Calculate the acceptance ratio
29 u = rand; % Draw a uniform deviate from [ 0 1 ]
30 if u < alpha % Do we accept this proposal?
31 theta(1,t) = theta star; % proposal becomes new value for theta1
32 else
33 theta(1,t) = theta(1,t−1); % copy old value of theta1
34 end

36 %% Propose a new value for theta2

37 theta star = normrnd( theta(2,t−1) , propsigma );
38 pratio = mvnpdf( [ theta(1,t) theta star ] , mu , sigma ) / ...
39 mvnpdf( [ theta(1,t) theta(2,t−1) ] , mu , sigma );
40 alpha = min( [ 1 pratio ] ); % Calculate the acceptance ratio
41 u = rand; % Draw a uniform deviate from [ 0 1 ]
42 if u < alpha % Do we accept this proposal?
43 theta(2,t) = theta star; % proposal becomes new value for theta2
44 else
45 theta(2,t) = theta(2,t−1); % copy old value for theta2
46 end
47 end

49 %% Display histogram of our samples

50 figure( 1 ); clf;
51 subplot( 1,2,1 );
52 nbins = 12;
53 thetabins1 = linspace( thetamin(1) , thetamax(1) , nbins );
54 thetabins2 = linspace( thetamin(2) , thetamax(2) , nbins );

55 hist3( theta' , 'Edges' , {thetabins1 thetabins2} );

56 xlabel( '\theta 1' ); ylabel('\theta 2' ); zlabel( 'counts' );
57 az = 61; el = 30; view(az, el);
59 %% Plot the theoretical density
60 subplot(1,2,2);
61 nbins = 50;
62 thetabins1 = linspace( thetamin(1) , thetamax(1) , nbins );
63 thetabins2 = linspace( thetamin(2) , thetamax(2) , nbins );
64 [ theta1grid , theta2grid ] = meshgrid( thetabins1 , thetabins2 );
65 zgrid = mvnpdf( [ theta1grid(:) theta2grid(:)] , mu , sigma );
66 zgrid = reshape( zgrid , nbins , nbins );
67 surf( theta1grid , theta2grid , zgrid );
68 xlabel( '\theta 1' ); ylabel('\theta 2' );
69 zlabel( 'pdf(\theta 1,\theta 2)' );
70 view(az, el);
71 xlim([thetamin(1) thetamax(1)]); ylim([thetamin(2) thetamax(2)]);

2.7 Gibbs Sampling

A drawback of the Metropolis-Hastings and rejection samplers is that it might be difficult
to tune the proposal distribution. In addition, a good part of the computation is performed
producing samples that are rejected and not used in the approximation. The Gibbs sampler
is a procedure in which all samples are accepted, leading to much improved computational
efficiency. However, the Gibbs sampler can only be applied in situations where we know the
full conditional distributions of each component in the multivariate distribution conditioned
on all other components. In some cases, these conditional distributions are simply not known,
and Gibbs sampling cannot be applied. However, in many Bayesian models, distributions
are used that lend themselves to Gibbs sampling.
To illustrate the Gibbs sampler, we look at the bivariate case where we have a joint
distribution f(θ1 , θ2). The key requirement for the Gibbs sampler is that we can derive the
(t) (t)
two conditional distributions f(θ1 |θ2 = θ2 ) and f(θ2 |θ1 = θ1 ) – that is, the distribution of
each variable conditioned on a specific realization of the other variable. It is also required
that we can sample from these distributions. We first initialize the sampler with some
(1) (1)
suitable values for θ1 and θ2 . At each iteration t, we follow steps that are very similar to
the componentwise MH sampler. In the first step, we first sample a new value for θ1 that
is conditional on θ2 , the previous state of the other component. We do this by sampling
a proposal from f(θ1 |θ2 = θ2 ). As opposed to Metropolis-Hastings, we will always accept
this proposal so the new state can be immediately updated. In the second step, we sample
(t) (t)
a new value for θ2 that is conditional on θ1 , the current state of the other component.
We do this by sampling a proposal from f(θ2 |θ1 = θ1 ). Therefore, the procedure involves
iterative conditional sampling – we keep going back and forth by sampling the new state of a
variable by conditioning on the current values for the other component. Here is a summary

of the Gibbs sampling procedure:

1. Set t = 1
2. Generate an initial value u = (u1 , u2), and set θ (t) = u
3. Repeat
(t) (t−1)
Sample θ1 from the conditional distribution f(θ1 |θ2 = θ2 )
(t) (t)
Sample θ2 from the conditional distribution f(θ2 |θ1 = θ1 )
4. Until t = T
Example 1. In Example 3 from the previous section, we applied a Metropolis sampler for
the bivariate normal distribution. This distribution can be sampled more efficiently using
Gibbs sampling (although still not as efficiently as with direct methods). We start with
θ = (θ1 , θ2) having a bivarite normal distribution
θ ∼ Norm(µ, Σ) (2.15)
with mean vector µ = (µ1 , µ2 ) and covariance matrix Σ. For this example, let’s assume the
following covariance structure:  
1 ρ
Σ= (2.16)
ρ 1
Using analytic methods, we can derive the conditional distributions for each component of
θ conditional on a realization for the other component:
θ1 ∼ Norm(µ1 + ρ(θ2 − µ2 ), 1 − ρ2 ) (2.17)
θ2 ∼ Norm(µ2 + ρ(θ1 − µ1 ), 1 − ρ2 ) (2.18)
This leads to the following Gibbs sampling procedure:
1. Set t = 1
2. Generate an initial value u = (u1 , u2), and set θ (t) = u
3. Repeat
(t) (t−1)
Sample θ1 from Norm(µ1 + ρ(θ2 − µ2 ), 1 − ρ2)
(t) (t)
Sample θ2 from Norm(µ2 + ρ(θ1 − µ1 ), 1 − ρ2 )
4. Until t = T
Figure 2.6 shows the results of a simulation with µ = (0, 0) and ρ = 0.7. The sampler
was run with a single chain for 5000 iterations. Instead of producing 3D histograms as in
Figure 2.7, this figure just shows a scatter plot of all individual samples (right panel) and a
progression of the sampler state for the first 20 iterations (left panel).

1.5 4

1 3






−2.5 −3

−3 −4
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −4 −2 0 2 4
θ θ
1 1

Figure 2.6: Results of a Gibbs sampler for the bivariate normal distribution. Left panel
shows the progression of the sampler state for the first 20 iterations. Right panel shows a
scatterplot of 5000 sampled values.

1. Implement the Gibbs sampler from Example 1 in Matlab and produce an illustration
similar to Figure 2.6. You can use the parameters µ = (0, 0) and ρ = 0.7. What
happens when ρ = −0.7?

2. Compare the output you get from the Gibbs sampler with random samples that are
drawn from Matlab’s own multivariate normal random number generator (using com-
mand mvnrnd).
Chapter 3

Graphical Models

Graphical models are a general class of probabilistic models that allow researchers to reason
with uncertain data in the presence of latent variables. Latent variables in cognitive science
can include any information that is unobservable, such as attentional states, knowledge
representations, contents of memory, and brain states. In short, anything that is relevant
to explain the observed data but was itself not observed, can become a latent variable in a
graphical model.
In a graphical model, the researcher posits certain local statistical dependencies between
the random variables that correspond to the latent variables and observed data. We will
restrict ourselves to directed graphical models, in which the statistical dependency between
random variables is based on directional relationships. These models are also known as
Bayesian networks and belief networks, although these terms all have somewhat different
connotations. Another class of graphical modes, not discussed here, are undirected graphical
models, such as Markov random fields. These models are useful when it is natural to express
the relationship between variables using undirected relationships.
It is important to realize that graphical models form a very large class of models. Many
models that are typically not described as graphical models can be reinterpreted within a
graphical modeling framework. For example, many forms of neural networks can be usefully
analyzed with graphical models. Similarly, many process models proposed by cognitive
psychologists often are framed as stochastic processes that can be couched as graphical
In this chapter, we will first review some basic rules and concepts related to probability
theory. We will then go into the important concepts of graphical models that are needed to
solve inference problems.

3.1 A Short Review of Probability Theory

There are a few basic rules that form the basis for all probabilistic machinery to solve
inference problems in graphical models. Here, we just briefly review these rules. For an in
depth introduction into probability theory, you can consult a number of books and online


In the sum rule, we can write the marginal probability of x as a sum over the joint
distribution of x and y where we sum over all possibilities of y,
p(x) = p(x, y). (3.1)

In the product rule, we can rewrite a joint distribution as a product of a conditional and
marginal probability

p(x, y) = p(y|x)p(x)
= p(x|y)p(y).

In the chain rule, the product rule is applied repeatedly to give expressions for the joint
probability involving more than two variables. For example, the joint distribution over three
variables can be factorized into a product of conditional probabilities:

p(x, y, z) = p(x|y, z)p(y, z)

= p(x|y, z)p(y|z)p(z).

From these rules, we can obtain Bayes rule, which plays a central role in graphical models:

p(y|x) =
=P 0 0
y0 p(x|y )p(y )

Importantly, using approximate inference techniques, we rarely need to explicitly evaluate

the denominator p(x). Instead, we can just evaluate the conditional probability up to a
constant of proportionality:
p(y|x) ∝ p(x|y)p(y) (3.5)
Finally, there are the concepts of independence and conditional independence. Two vari-
ables are said to be independent if their joint distribution factorizes into a product of two
marginal probabilities:
p(x, y) = p(x)p(y). (3.6)
Note that if two variables are uncorrelated, that does not mean they are statistically in-
dependent. There are many ways to measure statistical association between variables and
correlation is just one of them. However, if two variables are independent, this will ensure
there is no correlation between them. Another consequence of independence is that if x and
y are independent, the conditional probability of x given y is just the probability of x:

p(x|y) = p(x). (3.7)

< 9 > ? @ 8 < A 7 8 9 : ; < 9

= =

2 3

< ; < 9 F
6 4

9 < B C D 9 D 9 >

= E

C : ? 7 D 9 H < ; ;

G =

Figure 3.1: A graphical model that illustrates the conditional dependencies between vari-

In other words, by conditioning on a particular y, we have learned nothing about x because

of independence. Two variables x and y and said to be conditionally independent of z if the
following holds:
p(x, y|z) = p(x|z)p(y|z). (3.8)
Therefore, if we learn about z, x and y become independent. Another way to write that x
and y are conditionally independent of z is

p(x|z, y) = p(x|z). (3.9)

In other words, if we condition on z, and now also learn about y, this is not going to change
the probability of x. It is important to realize that conditional independence between x and
y does not imply independence between x and y. We will see some examples of the difference
between independence and conditional independence in the context of graphical models.

1. Use the chain rule to give the general factorization of a joint distribution involving 4

3.2 The Burglar Alarm Example

In the following example, we will give a classic example of a graphical model from the AI and
Machine Learning literature: the burglar alarm network. This example has been described
in many sources, and originates from Judea Pearl’s early work on reasoning with uncertainty.
In this example, consider a burglar alarm installed in your home. This alarm is set
off somewhat reliably by the presence of a burglar. However, it can also be set off by an
earthquake. Currently, you are traveling in your car so you cannot directly hear the alarm.
However, your neighbor has said that she will call you on your cell phone if she hears the

alarm. Finally, while you are traveling in your car, you are also listening to the news on the
radio and presumably, if there was an earthquake, you would probably hear about it on the
radio. Suppose you now get a call from your neighbor, what is the probability that there is
a burglar in your house?
This example sets up a number of issues on how we should reason with uncertainty when
there are multiple variables involved. To model this situation, we can use a graphical model
as shown in Figure 3.1. There are five random variables in this example: earthquake, burglar,
alarm, neighbor call and radio report. For simplicity, let’s assume these are binary variables;
either the alarm goes off or it doesn’t, the neighbor calls, or she doesn’t, etc. The illustration
also shows how we can replace these words by letter codes (e.g., e, b, etc).
In the graphical model, the nodes are random variables and arrows indicate conditional
dependencies between variables. For example, the network encodes the intuition that the sta-
tus of the alarm depends on earthquakes and burglars, and that the neighbor’s call depends
on the alarm. It is useful to think of these conditional dependencies as causal relationships
between variables – the burglar might cause the alarm to go off, which in turn might cause
your neighbor to call. This is how Judea Pearl originally thought of graphical models – as
ways to reason probabilistically about causes and effects. However, you should keep in mind
that graphical models can also be constructed in the absence of any causal interpretation.
The most important idea behind graphical models is that the graph structure implies a
number of independence and conditional independence relations. For example, the illustra-
tion shows that we have assumed that earthquakes are independent of burglaries – one event
doesn’t cause the other event. In other words, we have implied p(e, b) = p(e)p(b). Note that
this assumption might not be true in the real world, but this is assumed in the network.
Also, we have assumed that it is the alarm that might cause the neighbor to call, and not the
burglary itself or an earthquake event. This implies a conditional independence relationship
– we have assumed that the neighbor call is independent of the burglary event, conditional
on knowing something about the alarm. In other words, we have assumed that if one already
knows about the alarm, knowing about the burglar will not change the probability of the
neighbor calling. Specifically, the network implies the following conditional independence
relationship: p(c|a, b) = p(c|a).

3.2.1 Conditional probability tables

Up to this point, we haven’t said anything about the exact functional relationship between
variables. There are many ways to parametrize the conditional probability relationships in
graphical models. In our example, we have only binary variables with outcomes that can be
represented by 1 (“true”) and 0 (“false”). One simple way to parametrize the relationships
is by conditional probability tables. This is illustrated in Figure 3.2. For the root nodes
in the network, we only have to specify the prior probabilities of each outcome. We have
assumed that the probability of an earthquake (a priori) is .002. Similarly, we have assumed
that the probability of a burglary is 0.001. For the alarm event, we need to specify a condi-
tional probability that depends only on the parent nodes. We have assumed that the alarm

V W X Y Z [ N O P Q R S

\ ] ] ^ T U U


_ ` a b c d e f g h i j

k k l k m

Œ  Ž   ‘ ’ “ ”

n o p q r


… † … … ‡ o n p r s

ˆ ‰ Š Š ‹ n n p r t

u v w x y z { | }

~  ~ €

 ‚ ƒ „

Figure 3.2: The conditional probability tables (CPTs) for the graphical model example.

might still go off even in the absence of earthquakes or burglaries (with probability 0.01).
Furthermore, we have assumed that an earthquake by itself might trigger the alarm (with
probability 0.29), that a burglary by itself more reliably triggers the alarm (with probability
0.94) and that the combination of an earthquake and burglary raises the probability to 0.98.
Furthermore, we have assumed that our neighbor is likely to call (with probability 0.90) if
the alarm goes off, but not always. In addition, with probability 0.05, the neighbor can call
even if there is no alarm (the neighbor might be calling about something else).
With all the conditional probabilities specified, we can now engage in probabilistic infer-
ence. We can calculate the probability of one event if we know about the outcomes of other
events. We can reason from causes to effects but also from effects to causes. Because our
example is so simple, we can use exact methods to calculate any probability of interest, just
by using some standard rules in probability theory, such as the sum, product and Bayes rule.
For example, suppose we want to calculate the probability that the alarm is triggered
knowing that the burglary is taking place. In other words, we need to know p(a = 1|b = 1).
Note that in this question, we have not said anything about earthquakes, another potential
trigger for of alarm and therefore, we need to sum over all possibilities regarding earthquakes.
Using the sum and product rules, we can calculate this by

p(a = 1|b = 1) = p(a = 1|b = 1, e = 0)p(e = 0) + p(a = 1|b = 1, e = 1)p(e = 1)

= (0.94)(0.998) + (0.98)(0.002)
= 0.9401

Suppose we hear a radio report on an earthquake, what is the probability that an earthquake
happened, i.e., p(e = 1|r = 1)? Note that this probability is not 1 because we have assumed
that earthquakes are likely but not guaranteed to be reported. Note also that we cannot

directly read off this probability from the conditional probability table because the table
shows the probability of a report conditional on an earthquake and not the other way around.
In this case, we can use Bayes rule to “flip” the conditional probabilities as follows:

p(r = 1|e = 1)p(e = 1)

p(e = 1|r = 1) =
p(r = 1|e = 1)p(e = 1) + p(r = 1|e = 0)p(e = 0)
(.992)(0.002) + (.001)(.998)
= .6653

1. Calculate the probability that the alarm is not triggered if a burglary is taking place:
p(a = 0|b = 1). For this and the following exercises, show how you derived the answer,
and do not just give a single numeric answer.

2. Calculate the probability that you get a call from your neighbor if a burglary is taking
place: p(c = 1|b = 1). Note that the answer from the previous exercise will be part of
this calculation.

3. Calculate the probability that there is a burglary if the alarm is triggered: p(b = 1|a =

4. Are the two events, radio report and burglary independent?

** 5 Calculate the probability that there is a burglary if you get a call from your neighbor:
p(b = 1|c = 1).

3.2.2 Explaining away

It is important to realize that if two events are a priori independent, that does not necessarily
mean that they are still independent if we gain additional knowledge about another event.
In other words, two events that are independent might become conditionally dependent on
another outcome. This leads to the explaining away phenomenon.
For example, in the burglar alarm network, the earthquake and burglary events are inde-
pendent, a priori. Suppose we now learn that the alarm has indeed been triggered. Are the
earthquake and burglary events still independent conditional on this extra bit of informa-
tion? It turns out they are not. To see this, suppose we also know that an earthquake has
taken place. This will in fact lower the probability of a burglary. Intuitively, the earthquake
explains away the fact that the alarm has been triggered. Similarly, if we know that an
earthquake has definitely not happened, this will raise the probability of the burglary event.
More formally, in this network, we have independence p(b|e) = p(b) but not conditional
independence p(b|e, a) 6= p(b|a).

1. Calculate the probabilities p(b = 1|a = 1, e = 1) and p(b = 1|a = 1). Note that the
last probability was already calculated in a previous exercise. Verify that the first
probability is much lower than the second probability.

3.2.3 Joint distributions and independence relationships

The directed relationships between random variables in a graphical model can be translated
to a joint distribution over all random variables. Suppose we have a network with K variables
x1, x2 , . . . , xK , the joint distribution can be calculated by:
p(x1 , . . . , xK ) = p(xk |pak ) (3.10)

where pak represents the realizations of variables that are parents of the kth node in the
network. Therefore, the joint distribution can be factorized as a product of probability of each
node conditional on its parents. Note that if a node k has no parents (it is a root node), the
conditional probability p(xk |pak ) becomes p(xk ). We can turn a particular factorization of a
joint distribution into a graphical representation. The key here is that sometimes, it is useful
to visually inspect the graph structure to understand the properties of a graphical model.
At other times, it is useful to inspect the implied factorization of the joint distribution.
The directed graphs we are considering are called directed acyclic graphs or DAGs. These
are subject to an important restriction: there cannot be any directed cycles in the graph,
whereby following the arrows from one node leads us to back to the same node. In other
words, there cannot be any (directed) loops in the graph.
For the alarm example, the joint distribution factorizes as follows:

p(a, b, c, e, r) = p(c|a)p(a|e, b)p(r|e)p(e)p(b).

Therefore, the probability of a particular set of outcomes can easily be evaluated. If we want
to know the probability of getting the neighbors call while the alarm is triggered and there is
an earthquake but no burglary and there is an earthquake report on the radio, we can write

p(a = 1, b = 0,c = 1, e = 1, r = 1)
= p(c = 1|a = 1)p(a = 1|e = 1, b = 0)p(r = 1|e = 1)p(e = 1)p(b = 0)
= (0.90)(0.29)(0.992)(0.002)(0.999)
= 0.0005173.

For small networks, it is relatively easy to just visually read off the independence relation-
ships from a network. Instead of visual inspection, one can also use the joint distribution
to derive all the conditional independence relations. For example, consider the graphical
model in Figure 3.3, panel C. Suppose we want to know whether x and y are independent
š › œ š  œ

• –

— ˜

¡ ¢ £ § ¨ ©

¦ ª «

¤ ¥ ¬

Figure 3.3: Four example graphical models

conditional on z, such that p(x, y|z) = p(x|z)p(y|z). We can use the product rule to write
the conditional probability p(x, y|z) as follows:
p(x, y, z)
p(x, y|z) =
We can replace the joint distribution in the numerator by the factorization that the network
p(x, y, z)
p(x, y|z) =
= p(x|z)p(y|z)
Therefore, the conditional independence holds in this case.

1. Consider the graphical model in Figure 3.3, panel A. Is this a directed acyclic graph?
Give the factorization of the joint probability.
2. For the graphical models B and D in Figure 3.3, determine if x and y are conditionally
independent of z. Also, in what cases are x and y independent?

3.3 Graphical Model Notation

With the alarm example, we have already seen some of the basic ways in which we can
represent conditional distributions as directed links between nodes in a graph. In this section,
we will elaborate the graphical model notation that is needed to represent most probabilistic
models. Unfortunately, graphical model notation is not fully standardized, and different
authors use slightly different notations.
Suppose we have a situation where we have observed four outcomes in our experiment: y1,
y2 , y3 , and y4 . We now create a model for our data that incorporates our beliefs about how
the data was generated. In this simple example, suppose we believe that the four observed
outcomes were all generated by a Normal(µ, σ) distribution with the same mean µ and
standard deviation σ. The corresponding graphical model is shown in Figure 3.4, panel A.
The nodes corresponding to our observations are shaded in gray. The nodes corresponding
to the latent variables are not shaded. This is an important notational convenience that
helps to visualize the relationships between observed and latent variables.
In hierarchical models where the same sampling steps are repeated many times over, it
becomes unwieldy to visualize represent the full tree that includes each individual sampling
step. We can simplify this using plates. Figure 3.4, panel B, shows how the model in panel
A can be represented more compactly using plate notation. The plate represents a repeated
sampling step where the subscript i indexes the particular observed value of y.
Another notational convenience is to distinguish between variables that have probabilistic
or deterministic relationships with their parent variables. For example, suppose that in our
p we are really interested in the precision τ of the normal distribution, where
σ = 1/τ . Figure 3.4, panel C shows how we can include this in our model. We use a
double-bordered node for σ to indicate that the variable is deterministic. Therefore, if we
know τ , the value of σ is automatically determined (and vice versa) – there is no uncertainty
associated with their relationship. In this particular example, we could have drawn an arrow
from τ directly to yi and have omitted the node for σ altogether. However, in many cases,
it is useful (and necessary) to specifically include any deterministic variables in the model.
In order to communicate graphical models to other researchers, the graphs help to vi-
sualize the dependencies between variables but do not provide the exact probabilistic or
functional dependence between variables. To do this, we can use probability notation such
as yi ∼ Normal(µ, σ), where the “∼” symbol can be read as “distributed as”. This is equiva-
lent to writing p(yi ) = Normal(yi|µ, σ) or p(yi |µ, σ) = Normal(yi |µ, σ) to explicitly represent
the conditional dependence on µ and σ.

3.3.1 Example: Consensus Modeling with Gaussian variables

Suppose we have an experiment where we have M individuals participating in an estimation
task. In this estimation task, individuals are given questions where the answers consist of
a single number. For example, they might be asked to estimate the number of dots in a
display, or give an answer to a general knowledge question such as “how many people live in


º ¹

¯ ¶


· ¸

­ ® ° ± ² ³ ´ µ


» ¼ ½ ¾ ¿ ¾ À

Figure 3.4: Examples of graphical models where shaded and unshaded nodes indicate ob-
served and unobserved variables respectively. The models in panel A are B are identical.
The plate notation in panel B provides a more compact representation of models with re-
peated sampling steps. Panel C illustrates a deterministic variable as indicated by the
double-bordered node.

Irvine, California”. Although we as experimenters know the true answer to each question,
the goal of the modeling is to estimate the true answer µ on the basis of all the estimates
given by individuals. This setup is similar to Cultural Consensus models developed by
Batchelder and colleagues, except that we apply this to questions with continuous as opposed
to discrete answers (such as true/false or multiple choice questions). In this consensus
model, we are assuming that each individual is giving N repeated estimates for the same
question. Therefore, the observed data consists of estimates yij where i = 1, . . . , N indexes
the repetition and j = 1, . . . , M indexes the individual. In the model for this task, we assume
that all estimates are Normally distributed centered around the mean µ, which is a latent
variable in the model. We also assume that each individual is associated with a separate
standard deviation σj . This allows the model to associate different levels of uncertainty for
each individual. To complete the model, we put a Gamma(a,b) prior on τj , which is the
precision associated with individual j. We map from precision to standard deviation simply

by σj = 1/ τj . This leads to the following model:

yij ∼ Norm(µ, σj )

σj = 1/ τj (3.11)
τj ∼ Gamma(a, b)

where a and b are hyperparameters in the model. The associated graphical model is shown in
Figure 3.5. Note that there two plates in the model. The inner plate indicates the repeated
samples for a given individual, and the outer plate indicates the sampling across individuals.
The fact that plates can be nested is quite helpful to create compact representations for
hierarchical models.

Ó Ô Õ Ö ×
Ø ç è

Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Ü Þ ß à á â ã â ä å

Figure 3.5: A consensus model for normally distributed data.

1. Suppose in the model in Figure 3.4, panel A, the experimenter lost the observed value
y3 because of a programming error. How would this change the graphical model?
2. Write down the joint distribution p(y1, y2 , y3, y4 , µ, σ) for the model in Figure 3.4, panel
B (equivalent to the model in panel A). Instead
Q of writing one long sequence of terms,
it is helpful to use product notation (i.e., )
3. Write down the joint distribution p(µ, τj , y11, y12, . . . , yN M ) for the consensus model in
Figure 3.11. Again, use product notation.
4. For the consensus model in the example, how would the graphical model change if the
means are not latent variables but are observed instead?
5. The consensus model in the example models the situation for just a single question.
Suppose we want to expand the model to K separate questions, where each question is
associated with a single latent truth µk . To simplify the model, we assume that each
individual has an uncertainty σj regardless of what question is asked. Visualize the
corresponding graphical model.
6. Suppose we have the following model:
zi ∼ Bernoulli(1/2)
φ0 = 1/2
φi1 ∼ Gaussian(µ, λ)
µ ∼ Uniform(0.5, 1)
λ ∼ Gamma(0.001, 0.001)

φ0 z i = 0
θi =
φi1 zi = 1
ki ∼ Binomial(θi , n)
Write down the corresponding graphical model when ki and n are the only observed
variables, and i = 1, . . . , p. Note that this model was taken from the coursebook by
Lee and Wagenmakers.
Chapter 4

Approximate Inference in Graphical


A standard application of graphical models is to find the distributions for the latent variables
that might explain the observed data. In a Bayesian framework, this corresponds to esti-
mating the posterior distribution over the latent variables. These inferred distributions can
be used to test theoretical assumptions about some underlying process (e.g. a cognitive pro-
cess). Another application of graphical models is to produce predictive distributions. This
can be useful to simulate what the model believes a priori the data should look like, or how
the model believes any future data should look like after learning about some observed data.
Such simulations can be useful to the modeler to test the assumptions of some theoretical
framework and to make predictions that can be tested with empirical research.

4.1 Prior predictive distributions

The prior predictive is the distribution the model predicts over the observed variables, before
any data is considered. In other words, these are the predictions the model makes there is
no observed data to condition on (see Figure 4.1A. This corresponds to a graphical model
where the observed variables are turned (temporarily) into latent variables such that the
whole graphical model consists of latent variables. This can be useful in a number of ways.
In some cases, a model will predict data patterns that the researcher knows will either
never occur in an experiment or occur only rarely. This can happen when the model is too
complicated or when the researcher fails to incorporate some important constraints in the
model. Another reason to consider the prior predictive distribution is to create synthetic
datasets for testing purposes. Before applying any probabilistic model to real data, it is
often helpful to do posterior inference on the model on data that were produced by itself.
This helps to check the inference procedures that were used. If the inference works properly,
the model should infer distributions over the latent variables that are similar to the ones
that were sampled when producing the artificial data.
Specifically, let y = (y1, . . . , yN ) represent the set of observed variables in a graphical



é ê ë ì í î      


ü ü ý þ ÿ

ñ ò ó ô ò õ ò ö ÷ ó ø ù ó ú ö ñ ô û ù ö ò ó ô ò ñ ô û ù ö ò ó ô ò õ ò ö ÷ ó ø ù ó ú ö

Figure 4.1: Three inference problems in graphical models. The question marks indicate the
variables that need to be inferred for each problem.

model. Let θ = (θ1 , . . . , θM ) be the set of latent variables in a model. The prior predictive
distribution corresponds to:
p(y) = p(y, θ)dθ
Z (4.1)
= p(θ)p(y|θ)dθ

Therefore, we integrate over all possible combinations of the latent variables and weight
the predictions that flow from the latent variables with the prior probability of the latent
variables. Note that integration is replaced by summation for discrete latent variables in the
In some cases, the integrals in Equation 4.1 can be evaluated analytically. In this section,
we will focus instead on a simple procedure that approximates the prior predictive using
Monte Carlo sampling. This procedure is based on ancestral sampling. The idea is very
simple. To draw one sample from the prior predictive, we start by sampling from the root
nodes in the network (these are the nodes that have no parents). If the root nodes are
constants in the model set by the researcher, we don’t sample and keep those values. In
the next step, we draw samples from the child nodes of the root nodes. In this case, we are
drawing from distributions that are conditional on the sampled values of the parent nodes.
On each subsequent step, we draw samples from nodes for which the parent nodes already
were sampled and stop when all variables have an assigned sample. This process of ancestral
sampling repeats for a number of iterations until we have drawn enough samples. The
important aspect in ancestral sampling is to always start at the root nodes at the “top” of
the network, and to work your work down to the “bottom” of the network, and at each step
to only sample from a node whose parent nodes have been sampled. Note that this method
is just based on Monte Carlo sampling and not Markov chain Monte Carlo. Therefore, there
is no burnin period – all samples drawn in this procedure can be accepted as samples from
the prior predictive distribution.









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Figure 4.2: Data pattern sampled from the prior predictive distribution for the consensus
model with normal distributions. The model used µ = 150, a = 0.3, b = 3.33, M = 15 and
N = 20.

1. Consider the alarm network discussed earlier and shown in 3.2. Suppose we want to
calculate the prior predictive distribution for node c, the neighbor call. Use the ances-
tral sampling method to draw 10,000 samples from the prior predictive distribution.
On the basis of these samples, what is the predicted probability, a priori, of a neighbor
call? (** what is the exact probability?).
2. Consider the consensus model described in Equation 3.11. Suppose that µ = 150 and
that the hyperparameters a and b are set to 0.3 and 3.33 respectively. Suppose that the
number of individuals M = 15 and the number of repetitions per individual, N = 20.
Intuitively, this corresponds to a situation where 15 individuals all give 20 independent
estimates that are centered around the true answer of 150. Draw a single sample from
the prior predictive distribution over yij . You can visualize the results as in Figure 4.2.
This figure shows some possible data pattern from the prior predictive (keep in mind
that your results will look different because a different random seed is used). It shows
that some individuals are highly variable in their estimates (corresponding to a high
σj but all estimates are centered around 150. Save the resulting data pattern to a file.
You’ll need it for a later exercise.

4.2 Posterior distributions

One of the most important uses for graphical models is to explain the observed data through
a set of latent variables. In other words, the problem is to find distributions over latent
variables such that they are likely to reproduce the observed data (see Figure 4.1B for a
canonical example of this problem). In Bayesian modeling, this corresponds to the problem
of finding the posterior distribution p(θ|y) = p(θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θM |y1, . . . , yN ). In some simple
graphical models, this can be calculated exactly using Bayes rule. For example, in the
alarm network, it was relatively straightforward to calculate the probability of a burglary
given a phone call from the neighbor. In other cases, message passing schemes can be used
to calculate the exact posterior distribution. We will not go into these approaches in this
chapter. Instead, we will discuss two sampling approaches.

4.2.1 Rejection Sampling

This approach is one the simplest methods to do posterior sampling and it only works
when the observed variables are discrete. We mention this method primarily because of its
simplicity. The idea is that one uses the ancestral sampling method to simulate the prior
predictive distribution but the procedure is changed such that all samples that lead to values
of the observed variables that are unequal to the actual observed values are discarded. When
any mismatch occurs for any of the observed values, new samples need to drawn. When the
observed values are a priori very unlikely in the model, it leads to a highly inefficient approach
because the majority of samples will be rejected.

1. Consider again the alarm network. Suppose the observed data consists of node c, the
neighbor calling. Suppose we have just heard the phone ringing and it is the neighbor
calling. Use rejection sampling to calculate the posterior probability of a burglary,
p(b = 1|c = 1). Note that you can use the code you developed to draw samples from
the prior predictive distribution. You just have to modify it to reject samples that lead
to the outcome c = 0.

4.2.2 MCMC Sampling

We can consider the posterior distribution p(θ|y) = p(θ1 , θ2, . . . , θM |y1, . . . , yN ) as simply
some multivariate distribution that needs to be sampled from. In Chapter 2, we have con-
sidered two approaches to sample from multivariate distributions: the Gibbs sampler and
the componentwise Metropolis-Hastings sampler. We can use these approaches to sample
from posterior distributions. The only difference is that now we are conditioning on observed
data and that we can often simplify the sampling steps by making use of the conditional
independence relationships in graphical models.

Two latent variables

To illustrate the general MCMC sampler, we look at a case involving two latent variables θ1
and θ2. We represent instantiations (i.e. samples) of these variables by v1 and v2 respectively.
(t) (t)
We represent the state of the sampler at iteration t with θ1 and θ2 . For the first iteration,
we initialize the sampler with some suitable values v1 and v2 and set the initial state θ1 = v1
and θ2 = v2. At each iteration t, we first sample a new value v1 for the first latent variable
from the conditional distribution p(θ1 |y, θ2 = v2). We then update the state θ1 = v1 with
the sampled value. In the second step, we sample a new value v2 for the second latent variable
from the conditional distribution f(θ2 |y, θ1 = v1). We then update the state θ2 = v2 with
the sampled value. This completes one iteration of the sampler. Here is a summary of the
sampling procedure for two latent variables:

1. Set t = 1
2. Generate initial values v1, v2 for the two latent variables
(t) (t)
3. Set the initial state θ1 = v1 and θ2 = v2
4. Repeat
Sample v1 ∼ p(θ1 |y, θ2 = v2 )
Sample v2 ∼ p(θ2 |y, θ1 = v1 )
(t) (t)
Update the state θ1 = v1 and θ2 = v2

5. Until t = T

Multiple latent variables

This procedure can be generalized to M latent variables. In one iteration of the sampler,
each latent variable j is visited and assigned a value by drawing from the distribution of that
variable conditional on the assignments to all other latent variables as well as the observed
data. In our notation, we will write −j to refer to all variables other than j. After all
latent variables are assigned a value, we update the state θ (t) with these values. Here is a
description of the general MCMC sampling approach for posterior distributions:
1. Set t = 1
2. Generate initial values v1, v2, . . . , vM , for each latent variable
3. Set the initial state θ (t) = v
4. Repeat
Sample vj ∼ p(θj |y, θ−j = v−j )
Update the state θj = vj
Until j = M
5. Until t = T

Markov Blankets
At the heart of the general MCMC approach for posterior inference is the conditional dis-
tribution p(θj |y, θ−j = v−j ) where we sample a value for a latent variable conditioned on
the instantiations of all other latent variables as well as the data. When calculating this
distribution, one can take advantage of the conditional independence relationships in the
graphical model. To illustrate this, look at the example graphical model in Figure 4.3, panel
A. Suppose in our sampler, we are at the step where need to sample an assignment for the
third latent variable θ3 by sampling from the conditional p(θ3|θ1 , θ2, θ4, θ5 , y1, y2). Using the
product rule, we can write this as proportional to the joint distribution
p(θ3 |θ1, θ2 , θ4, θ5, y1, y2 ) ∝ p(θ3 , θ1, θ2 , θ4, θ5, y1 , y2)
We can simplify the joint distribution using the general factorization in 3.10, giving us:
p(θ3 |θ1 , θ2, θ4, θ5 , y1, y2) ∝ p(θ1 )p(θ2)p(θ4 )p(θ3 |θ1)p(θ5 |θ2 )p(y1|θ3 , θ5)p(y2 |θ5, θ4 )

2 3 4 2 5 4

< =


* +

> ?

, -


" # 8 9
0 1
& '

@ A

. /

6 7
  : ;
$ %

( )

Figure 4.3: Illustration of Markov blankets for an example graphical model (A). The Markov
blankets for θ3 and θ5 are shown in (B) and (C) respectively.

Now, note that we are looking for a distribution for θ3. Any term on the right-hand side
that does not depend on θ3 can be removed from the equation, leading to

p(θ3|θ1 , θ2, θ4, θ5 , y1, y2) ∝ p(θ3 |θ1)p(y1 |θ3, θ5)

On the right-hand side, we only have the terms θ3 , θ1 , θ5, and y1. All other latent variables
and observed data are irrelevant in this conditional distribution. We call the variables that
are relevant for the conditional distribution the Markov blanket. Figure 4.3, panel B shows
the Markov blanket for θ3. We can use similar reasoning to derive the Markov blanket for
θ5, as shown in panel C.
Instead of going through these calculations each time to determine the Markov blanket,
we can use a simple definition. The Markov blanket for a node includes all parents, all
children and all parents of these children.

4.2.3 Example: Posterior Inference for the consensus model with

normally distributed variables
To give an example of a posterior inference procedure, we revisit the consensus model dis-
cussed earlier. The model is

yij ∼ Normal(µ, 1/ τj )
τj ∼ Gamma(a, b)
where we have removed the latent variable σj and instead directly placed the precision term τj
into the normal distribution. Therefore, we have the latent variables τj , where j = 1, . . . , M,
and the latent variable µ. We will treat the variables a and b as constants in the model and
we will not sample them. In our MCMC sampler, we will need to able to sample from a
conditional distribution p(τj |y, τ−j , µ, a, b) to get values for the individual precision variables.
Using Markov blankets, we can derive that p(τj |y, τ−j , µ) = p(τj |y1j , . . . , yN j , µ, a, b). We also

need to sample from a conditional distribution p(µ|y, τ , a, b). Again, using the conditional
independence relations, we can derive that p(µ|y, τ , a, b) = p(µ|y, τ ). This leads to the
following general MCMC procedure where the state at iteration t consists of sampled values
τ (t)and µ(t):

1. Set t = 1

2. Generate initial values v1, . . . , vM for the precision variables τ

3. Set the initial state τ (t) = v

4. Generate initial value vM +1 for variable µ

5. Set the initial state µ(t) = vM +1

6. Repeat
Sample v1 ∼ p(τ1 |y11, . . . , yN 1, µ = vM +1, a, b)
Sample v2 ∼ p(τ2 |y12, . . . , yN 2, µ = vM +1, a, b)
Sample vM ∼ p(τM |y1M , . . . , yN M , µ = vM +1, a, b)
Update the state τ (t) = v
Sample vM +1 ∼ p(µ|y, τ = τ (t))
Update the state µ(t) = vM +1

7. Until t = T

The next step is to figure out how to actually draw samples from these conditional
distributions. One solution would be to do Metropolis-Hastings for each step. However, the
structure of the model allows a Gibbs sampling solution where we can directly sample from
the conditional distribution. Using conjugacy from Bayesian statistics (which we will discuss
in a later section), the conditional distribution for the precision parameter is based on the
following distribution:
N 1
τj |y1j , . . . , yN j , µ, a, b ∼ Gamma a + , (4.3)
2 b+ N
P 2
i=1 (yij − µ) /2

We can also use conjugacy to derive a simple form for the conditional distribution for µ:
P P 
i=1 τ y
j=1 j ij 1
µ|y, τ ∼ Normal  PM ,q P  (4.4)
N j=1 τj M
N j=1 τj






100 150 200 250 300 350 400


100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Figure 4.4: Illustration of the Gibbs sampler for the consensus model. Top panel shows
the samples drawn for µ. Top panel shows the samples drawn for all individual precision

These sampling equations can be used in the Gibbs sampler for the model. To test the
Gibbs sampler, we sampled synthetic data using the prior predictive distribution. For this
synthetic dataset, we used µ = 150 and set the hyperparameters a and b to 0.3 and 3.33
respectively. We simulated the model with M = 15 individuals N = 20 repetitions per
individual. Figure4.4 shows the samples drawn from the posterior distribution over µ and
τ for this synthetic dataset. Note that the first 100 samples were discarded and that the
sampler was run for 400 iterations. Figure 4.5 shows the correlation between the inferred
precision parameters (averaged over the last 300 iterations) and the precision parameters
that were sampled in the prior predictive distribution. As you can observe, the model is able
to (roughly) recover the precisions for each (simulated) individual.

1. Write a Matlab program that implements the Gibbs sampler for the consensus model.
The dataset can be based on the synthetic data you created in an earlier exercise. Use
the parameter and sampler settings as specified above. Create visualizations that are
similar to Figure4.4 and Figure 4.5.

2. What is the inferred mean when you average the sampled values for the last 300 iter-



True τ 10



−4 −3 −2 −1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10
Inferred τ

Figure 4.5: Correspondence between the inferred precisions for each (simulated) individual
and the true values that were drawn in the prior predictive distribution

ations? How does this inferred mean compare with the mean calculated by averaging
over all observed data values? When would you expect to see a major difference?

4.2.4 Example: Posterior Inference for the consensus model with

The beauty of graphical models is that it is often easy to make the model more psychologically
plausible and applicable to real-world data. For example, suppose in the consensus model
that the estimates generated by individuals occasionally contain noise that are unrelated
to the true distribution. This could be because individuals might be mistyping numbers,
forgetting what the question was, or any number of reasons that are deeply troubling to
researchers who conduct these experiments. Let’s introduce a new latent variable in the
model, xij that represents the status of each datapoint. If xij = 1, the ith estimate for
individual j is assumed to be a contaminant, and when xij = 0, the estimate is generated
from the consensus model. Let’s assume that if a contaminant is produced, it is sampled
from a Uniform(ymin , ymax) distribution. Finally, let’s assume that γ is the probability that
a particular estimate is a contaminant – we will assume that this probability is the same
across all individuals. This leads to the following model:

True Contaminants Inferred Contaminants

1000 1000

900 900

800 800

700 700

600 600

500 500

400 400

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Individual Individual

Figure 4.6: Illustration of the data from the consensus model with contaminants. The left
panel shows the synthetic data produced from the model where the cross symbols indicate
contaminants. The right panel shows the same data but with the inferred contaminants at
the 400th iteration from a Gibbs sampler.

xij ∼ Bernoulli(γ)
Norm(µ, 1/ τj ) xij = 0
yij ∼ (4.5)
Uniform(ymin , ymax ) xij = 1
τj ∼ Gamma(a, b)

1. Create a synthethic dataset from the consensus model with contaminants. You can
keep the same parameters as before (a=0.3, b=3.33, µ = 150, M=15, N=20) and
assume that ymin =0, ymax =1000, and γ = 0.1. Visualize the data as in Figure 4.6, left
panel where the cross marks indicate the estimates associated with contaminants.

2. Consider the problem of posterior inference for the consensus model with contaminants.
It might be helpful to first consider the inference for the latent variables τj and µ.
Suppose we actually tell the inference algorithm what the true values for xij are. How
should we change the Equations 4.3 and 4.4?

3. Next we need to know how to calculate the conditional probability p(xij |yij , µ, τj ). Use
Bayes rule to find the two terms that this probability is proportional to. Write out
how this conditional probability can be evaluated when xij = 1 and xij = 0.

4. Write the program that performs the posterior inference over all latent variables τj , µ,
and xij . Use the last iteration of the sampler to visualize the inferred contaminants
similar to Figure 4.6.

** 5 Instead of taking just a single sample from the Gibbs sampler to interpret the data
(as we did in the last exercise), it is much better to average across many samples. For
example, we can calculate the probability that a particular estimate was assigned to the
contaminant route. Calculate this probability and modify the visualization to indicate
this probability for each estimate.

** 6 Consider the basic consensus model again without contaminants. We have only con-
sidered the Normal distribution for data generation. In spite of many comments in the
literature that the Normal distribution is a natural choice to model real-world data, it
is often the case that many measurements are not Normally distributed. They might
be restricted to positive numbers only or might have heavy tails, leading to extreme
measurements. Change the model to incorporate different data generating distribu-
tions, such as the Gamma distribution (which is bounded at zero) and the Student-t
distribution (which has heavy tails). With these distributions, we can no longer use
conjugacy to sample from “nice” distributions. However, we can use the Metropolis-
Hastings sampler to sample each individual latent parameter conditional on the state
for all other latent parameters. Implement such a sampler. Once you have reached
this stage, I can give you some real estimation data to test your model on.
Chapter 5

Sequential Monte Carlo

In the preceding chapters, we have investigated inference methods that allow researchers to
apply probabilistic models to data in a posthoc fashion – the modeling can start as soon as
the data collection has finished. This is known as batch processing. In many applications
however, there is no natural end point to the data collection. The data arrive gradually
over time and the goal is to draw inferences about latent variables given the data observed
up to the current point in time. In this case, we could still opt to apply batch processing
methods such as MCMC. For example, in a naive application of MCMC methods, we could
rerun the inference algorithm every time we get a new observation. Although this procedure
leads to proper inferences about the data, it is computationally inefficient. It requires the
explicit storage of all data observed to this point which might be impractical if we are dealing
with situations in which large amounts of data needs to be processed. More importantly,
processing time increases with every new observation because the batch processing procedure
is applied to all data observed up to this point. For this reason, it is desirable to use inference
methods where the processing time does not depend on time itself – each new observed data
point takes a constant amount of processing time.
Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods are a general class of Monte Carlo sampling
techniques for sequential inference problems. They allow for the online processing of data
which lead to time and memory requirements that are constant in the total number of ob-
servations received over time. A typical application for SMC methods are tracking problems
(also known as filtering problems) in robotics and vision, where the goal is to estimate the
state of a system that changes over time using a sequence of noisy measurements. For exam-
ple, in object tracking, the goal is to continually track the position of an object on the basis
of noisy measurements about the object’s position. In this case, it is not sufficient to only
use the latest measurement in the inference about the current position. Objects typically
move smoothly over time so all recent measurements are useful to make inferences about the
current position.
Recently, SMC techniques have also been introduced in other areas of cognitive science
including language, decision-making and categorization. For example, Pearl, Goldwater and
Steyvers have recently used SMC methods for online word segmentation problems, where


the problem is to extract words from a continuous stream of speech. Brown and Steyvers
applied SMC methods such as particle filters to model decision-making strategies in non-
stationary environments. Griffiths and Sanborn investigated how particle filters can explain
order effects observed in categorization tasks. Finally, Vul has applied particle filters to
model human performance in an object-tracking task.
In this chapter, we will discuss two SMC methods to estimate the hidden state of a
dynamically changing system: decayed MCMC and particle filters. As the name suggests,
sequential Monte Carlo approaches are based on sampling – the hidden state can be estimated
on the basis of a set of samples that approximate posterior distributions. We will not go into
methods such as Kalman filters and Extended Kalman filters because they make Gaussian
assumptions about state transitions and measurement noise that are often unrealistic. In
addition, the computational overhead to estimate Kalman and Extended Kalman filters
might also be prohibitive in some instances. One desirable feature of SMC approaches such
as particle filters is that the approximation can be made arbitrarily precise by varying the
number of particles. For some low-dimensional problems, very good approximations can
be obtained with a small number of particles (e.g. 50) leading to computationally efficient

1. To get a good sense of the tracking problem in robotics and vision, watch the YouTube
videos named “Particle filter tracking with adaptive parameters estimation” and “SIR
particle filter using color statistics”. If you want to see a funny tracking application
involving belly dancing, do a search for “Human Motion Tracking - Belly”.

5.1 Hidden Markov Models

A standard approach to probabilistic modeling with dynamics is to use hidden Markov
models (HMMs). In an earlier chapter, we already introduced Markov models. The main
difference between Markov models and HMMs is, not surprisingly, that the state in an HMM
is hidden (i.e. a latent variable).
The graphical model of a HMM is shown in Figure 5.1. The variable xt represents the
latent system state of the system at time t. In object tracking, the state could correspond
to the position and direction of the object. The variable yt represents the observed set of
measurements at time t. In object tracking applications, measurements could relate to any
kind of sensor data. In the graphical model, we have assumed that the system state evolves
over time according to p(xt |xt−1), a first order Markov process where the state of system at
time t only depends on the state at time t − 1. For example, we can assume that the object’s
new position is only related to the last position (i.e., it is a memoryless system). It is also
assumed that the noisy measurements y at time t are determined by p(yt |xt). Therefore,
the observations at time y are determined solely by the state of the system at time t – the



Figure 5.1: Graphical model

measurements are conditionally independent given the system state. Finally, to complete
the model, we also need to specify a prior (x0) over states at the start of measurement.

5.1.1 Example HMM with discrete outcomes and states

To get started with an simple HMM, suppose we have a model that tracks the emotional
state of a person. In this model, the hidden state is discrete and consists of two possible
outcomes: “Happy” and “Sad”. We will assume that the emotional state of a person can
change over time, sometimes unpredictably (as in real life). We will use a simple change
process where with probability a, the state changes and with probability 1 − a, the state
remains the same. For example, when a = 0.1, we expect that on average 1 out of 10 trials
will be associated with a change in emotional state. We also need to specify a prior p(x0 )
over states at the first time step which we assume to be uniform. To complete the model, we
will also assume that the observations are discrete and consist of only two possible outcomes:
“Smile” and “Grimace”. As you might suspect, we parametrize the model such that smiles
are more likely in a happy state and grimaces more likely in a sad state. Specifically, we
will assume that with probability b, a person produces an outcome that is consistent with
their emotional state. Instead of using symbols, we will represent “Happy” and “Smile” by
the number 2 and “Sad” and “Grimace” by the number 1. Therefore, xt = 2 represents a
happy state at time t and yt = 1 represents an observed grimace at time t. This leads to the
following HMM:

a j 6= xt−1
p(xt = j|xt−1 ) =
(1 − a) j = xt−1
b k = xt
p(yt = k|xt ) =
(1 − b) k 6= xt

Figure 5.2 shows a synthetic dataset produced by the model over 200 time steps when a = 0.1,
b = 0.8. Note that smiles are more likely in the happy state but can also occasionally occur
in the sad state. Also, notice how the latent state changes 14 times over a period of 200

State sequence


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Observation sequence



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200


Figure 5.2: Sequence of hidden states and observed outcomes produced by an HMM

1. Write a Matlab program that generates a synthetic dataset from the HMM model spec-
ified above. Use a = 0.1, b = 0.8 and generate an output sequence for 200 iterations.
Visualize results in a way similar to Figure 5.2. Save the resulting output sequence as
well as hidden state sequence to a file.

2. Repeat the last exercise but use the Matlab function hmmgenerate to create the
output sequence.

5.1.2 Viterbi Algorithm

Before we go into SMC techniques, we will first discuss a standard batch processing ap-
proach to estimate hidden states in HMMs: the Viterbi algorithm. This algorithm estimates
the state sequence x̂1 , x̂2, . . . , x̂t that is most likely to have generated the output sequence
y1 , y2, . . . , yt . We will not go into the details of the operation of the algorithm but just note
a few of its properties. First, the algorithm requires knowledge of the probabilities p(xt |xt−1)
as well as p(yt |xt). Therefore, it needs to know how states can evolve over time and how ob-
servations are produced from the hidden state. Second, the Viterbi algorithm is a maximum
likelihood estimator of the posterior – it only gives the mode of the posterior distribution
over state sequences but it does not give the full posterior distribution or samples from the
posterior distribution as with MCMC methods. Finally, the Viterbi algorithm returns the
estimate of the full state sequence. Therefore, it gives estimates for all hidden states up to
the current time step. This is in contrast to SMC algorithms that are designed to estimate
only the current hidden state.
Figure 5.3 shows the estimated state sequence from the Viterbi algorithm applied to
the data from the example HMM for emotional states. Note that the algorithm is fairly
accurate in recovering the state sequence, but the results are obviously dependent on the
parameterization of the model.

True State Sequence


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Estimated State Sequence from Viterbi Algorithm


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 5.3: Estimated state sequence for example HMM compared with the true state se-

1. Write a Matlab program that estimates the most likely state sequence from a synthetic
dataset produced in the last exercise. Matlab implements the Viterbi algorithm with
the function hmmviterbi.

2. Suppose we measure the accuracy of the estimate by the percentage of cases where
the estimated state matches the true state. What is the accuracy according to this

5.2 Bayesian Filtering

In many applications of HMMs, the observed data arrives sequentially over time leading to
online inference problems such as Bayesian filtering. In this case, we want to estimate the
posterior distribution p(xt |y1, . . . , yt ). This is the distribution over the just the current state
at time t given all measurements up to and including time t. Note that we are not asking
here about the full history of the system state, but only the latest state. If the full history
is needed, it might be best to use MCMC methods. In the filtering task, SMC methods can
be applied efficiently because the results of the inference procedure at time t can be re-used
again at time t + 1.

1. In this exercise, we will explore the use of the Viterbi algorithm as a batch processing
approach to the filtering task. Change the Matlab code from the last exercise to
implement the Bayesian filtering task. Therefore, simulate the case where the data
arrives sequentially over time and at each time, the Viterbi algorithm is applied to all
data observed up to time t where t varies from 1 to 200. You can use the estimate of
the last hidden state as a estimate of the filtered state. Note that you will therefore

apply the Viterbi algorithm exactly 200 times. Visualize the filtered estimates over
time by plotting the sequence of estimated hidden states up to t as a function of t
(essentially you are creating a triangular display). Compare this with the true state

2. Estimate the time it takes at each iteration of the algorithm. What is (roughly) the
relationship between the size of the dataset t and the time it takes to get a filtered
estimate with the Viterbi algorithm? What is the problem highlighted by this rela-

3. Measure the accuracy in the filtering task defined by the percentage of cases where the
filtered estimate matches the true hidden state. Why is the accuracy in this case lower
than in the exercise where the Viterbi algorithm was applied once to the full dataset.

5.3 Particle Filters

In the SMC approach to filtering, the posterior distribution over the current latent state
is based on an approximation from a finite set of samples. Particle filtering is one form of
SMC. In particle filters, each particle represents a sample or hypothesis about the current
latent state. As the number of particles increases, the approximation improves and starts to
resemble to the exact Bayesian posterior. Although a low number of particles is not desirable
for engineering applications, as it can lead to poor approximations, they can be very useful
to explain suboptimal human performance in a number of sequential tasks (e.g. Brown and
Steyvers, 2009; Yi, Steyvers, and Lee, 2010). Note that particle filtering does not refer to a
particular algorithm that rather a general approach – there are many different methods to
implement particle filters.
A particularly attractive feature of particle filters is that no memory of previous states
is needed. All the information needed for the filtering task is contained in a fixed set of
particles leading to a constant memory demand over time. However, when applying particle
filters to high-dimensional problems, a very large number of particles might be needed to
achieve good performance. This can in some cases lead to very slow performance, especially
when overly simplistic particle filters are used.

5.3.1 Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR)

One of the most basic particle filters is Sampling Importance Resampling (SIR). It is based
on the idea of importance sampling where a distribution is approximated by a set of samples
weighted by the density of the target function such that the dense regions of the posterior
are more heavily weighted than the tails. In the SIR filter, we always work with a fixed set
of M particles. To introduce notation, let xit represent the hypothesis about the latent state
of the ith particle at time t. Across particles, we can approximate the distribution of the
filtered estimate at time t by the set of particles {xit }. If a point estimate is needed for the

latent state, we can take the mode or mean of this distribution. The SIR particle filter as
described below is desirable for its simplicity. It only requires that one can sample from the
state transition distribution p(xt |xt−1) and can evaluate the likelihood p(yt |xt).
We initialize the particle filter by sampling each particle from the prior distribution
p(x0 ). At each iteration, we then evolve the set of particles from the last generation. First,
we sample for each particle from the last generation a candidate hypothesis for the current
latent state. Therefore, each particle leads to a projection of the hidden state to the current
time step. We then calculate the likelihood of the current observation yt under each particle.
This likelihood serves as the importance weight. We then normalize the importance weights
across particles. In the second step, we evolve the set of particles from the last generation
by sampling, with replacement, from the candidate hypotheses weighted by the importance
weights. Therefore, candidate hypotheses that make the current observations likely lead to
higher importance weights and are more likely to be sampled. This resampling continues
until M new particles are generated. The procedure can be summarized as follows:

1. At time t = 0, initialize each particle xi0 ∼ p(x0 ) where i = 1, . . . , M

2. Repeat
For i=1:M
Generate a proposal x∗it ∼ p(xt |xit−1 )
Calculate a weight wti = p(yt |x∗it)
Normalize weights, wti = wti / wti
i0 =1,...,M

Sample M new particles xit with replacement from {x∗it} with weights wti

3. Until t = T

Note that in the resampling step, the same proposal can be sampled multiple times. Also,
a particular proposal might not be sampled at all. Therefore, each particle can lead to a
varying number of “offspring” depending on the proximity of particle to the region in state
space that best explains the current observation – bad particles die out and are taken over
by particles that do (at least for the current time step) explain the data.
In this particular version of SIR, the proposal distribution equals the state transition
distribution. This version of SIR is also known as the bootstrap or condensation algorithm.
It is important to realize that this choice of proposal distribution can lead to problems with
high-dimensional cases. This is because in the first step of the SIR approach, we sample
proposals from the state transition distribution without taking the current observation into
account. The current observation is taken into account only in the second step, by weighting
each particle by the likelihood. Therefore, we are blindly proposing how the current hidden
state evolves from the last state and then correct only afterwards for any unlikely proposals.

True State Sequence



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Filtered Estimate from Particle Filter Algorithm



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Figure 5.4: Predictions from the Sequential Importance Resampling (SIR) particle filter with
M = 50 particles. The bottom panel shows the distribution over particles at each time step.
For the middle panel, we have taken the mode of the distribution as the point estimate for
the hidden state.

In some cases, this leads to a situation where none of the candidate proposals come near
the regions in the state space that can adequately explain the current observation. In other
versions of SIR particle filters, more complex proposal distributions are used that do take
the current observation into account (in the proposal generation). Also, some authors have
proposed methods such as unscented Kalman filters to deal with this problem.
Figure 5.4 shows the results of the SIR filter applied to the example data. The number of
particles, M was set to 50. The bottom panel shows the distribution over particles for each
iteration. The middle panel shows the mode of the particles to create a point estimate for
the latent state at each time t. Importantly, remember that in the filtering task, a filtering
estimate at time t implies that all data up to and including time t has been observed.

5.3.2 Direct Simulation

The method of direct simulation is a slight improvement over the simple SIR approach.
Similar to the SIR approach, there are two steps, one to sample proposals for the current
hidden state and one to assess the likelihood of the data given each proposal. However, we
reject any proposed particles if they lead to unlikely predicted distributions for the observed
data. Therefore, we are simultaneously weighting the “prior” distribution from the state
transitions and the “evidence” from the observed data. Here is a summary of the procedure:

1. At time t = 0, initialize each particle xi0 ∼ p(x0 ) where i = 1, . . . , M

2. Repeat
Set the particle count m=0
Sample a random particle i ∼ Uniform(1, . . . , M)
Sample a proposal x∗ ∼ p(xt |xit−1 )
Sample u ∼ Uniform(0, 1)
If u < p(yt |x∗), accept the proposal, set m = m + 1, and set xm
t = x

Until m = M

3. Until t = T

1. Write a Matlab program that implements the SIR particle filter and the direct sim-
ulation method. Apply each particle filter with M = 50 particles to the emotional
states dataset. Use the particle filters to estimate the hidden state at each time t up
to t = 200. You can assume a uniform prior for p(x0 ).

2. Look up the paper “A Tutorial on Particle Filters for Online Nonlinear/Non-Gaussian

Bayesian Tracking” by Arulampalam et al. (2002) and carefully read about the example
problem on page 183. Implement the dynamic system given by Equations 79-83 to
create an artificial dataset. Apply the SIR and direct simulation particle filter to this

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