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RLC Residences Sync Ebook 2021

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live Connect S YY Neer A life in SYNC with yours. Bagong llog, Pasig City Our Story For three decades, Robinsons Land Corporation's Residential OWision has been committed to improving the ves of Flipinos. Vial to is success it RE understanding of and responsiveness to emerging residential trends the Urbanisation, aigial Uestyles and work-life imbalance. Today, Robinsons Lane Corporation presents RLC Residences, 2 new brand that every modeen family and young urban professional wil be proud of. This brand Integrates Robinsons Lunuria, Robinsons Residences and Robinsons Communities into 2 singular brand. With the merging of resources and 2 simplified structure in place, RLC Residences is poised and empowered to deliver a seamless customer journey for its cients. LC Residences embraces the future with much optimism. It brings with it ‘experience and credibility in delivering an impressive and growing portal of projects over the last 30 years. As it moves forward, the brand promises tobe game changer as it redefines its new core offering encapsulated Inits tagline, “Raise, Live, Connect” Connect Raise als Is about helpeg homeowner ase thr famly by proving athe srvices that made ant nds But ts ‘rough tasteful arcritectue, elegant lobbies and -lgn- quay spices tat enn every te The sakes are rased when 1 comes to fuly-intagrated developments tes that hve on experiences. Live ean pe ka otro we cafes at SPE ‘The brands promise of quay also Ives through every ‘paces withthe integration of gal zlitions to every ving Everything comes together sone can ve a smart and precuctve te Connect homeowners move towards Duling a rewarding este fenterairing quests. connections to transportation hubs andaccess to exclusive fest pers and privileges within he propeny/s prime location all wansate to more cpportunite for eee and vlaaion with farses and Raise Feria ison t Uve Ronmonrtmacopenson | Connect Win the game of life with this award-winning residential development the-g YOUR FIRST PIT STOP TO ACHIEVING SUCCESS CChoose your fist city home from effcienty crafted studio and 3-bedroom nits that are attuned to your vibrant fest. ‘THE KEY TO THE BUSTLING METRO ith its proximity to BGC, Ortigas, and Kapitolyo, you can feel most alive Whetner at work or at play. STAY IN THE GAME Get access to @ variety of options for health, fitness, and recreation with an abundance of stylish and modern amenities within your reach, Raise Live Connect The Key to the Bustling Metro SYNC’ strategic Location in C5, Pasig Cly Is the ideal address for those seeking an upbeat and vibrant ety Wrestle. Is proximity to the dynamic business districts such as BGC, Ortigas, Makati, Kapitolyo and even the ‘emerging Bridgetowne township provides one swift access to work and leisure requirements. Aside from these, SYNC i also a short city drive away ‘rom reputable hospitals, popular hangout spots, and exclusive schools that ‘raly makes you in syne with fe’ essentials! JnslonarClnie Hospital km Kapitoyjo rrr aaj Chy Chicers Hospital km Ean Mall 126m Stas Mele! Center 8GC 8m — Megara 2 Robinzon Galera 294m sce 4m Neneo School of Medcine Ske Matai iy ‘7h Uriveraty oft Philipines BGC en De Sale University Runno Compus 3.4m Raise sae Bent ae Riveanstanscoperten | Connect Connect Get access to variety of options for ness and recreation with an abundance of stylish and modern amenities within your reach Pool Deck ike ‘Main entrance lobby with reception counter at Ground Floor Four (a elevators ~ Three (3) passenger and One it service cum passenger (CCTV monitoring on selected common areas [Annundator panel and emergency speaker Elevated water tank and underground cistern ‘Standby power generator fra common areas \Wi-Fin selectes amenity areas Invi mai boxes Centralized garbage holding room Garbage holding area per residential oor Bulding administration oftce Security room ‘Common drying area st Roof Deck ‘Transformer and Genet Room Sewage Treatment Pian “Two (2) fie ext stars with well-ighted signages conforming to the Fite Cage ofthe Prilppines Typical Unit Features + tomate smoke detectors fe alms and spine syseminall wots PROVISIONS FOR el ee a nn ph eee es ithe nn engncccns RB anak capo occa Raise Live Connect ted outlets in r ‘One celing ight for vingrbedroom “Two [2} convenience outlets at TV aes duplex outlet) ‘One (tl convenience outlet for retigrator (duplex outet) ‘Two [2 celing tights or lvngrbedoom ‘One (t corwenience cuttin bedroom “Two (2) convenience outlets at TV aes euplex outlet) ‘One (1 corwenionce outlet for retrigeator (duplex outlet Raise Live = Ee + 32.50 sqm to 35.00 sqm ‘To keep you up on your game, SYNC Y's units also come with LC Residences’ Smart Home Features and hove space provisions for you to craft your own work-from-home nook ‘all innovative essentials that make Ufe in the clty more rewarding Raise ‘A Home Fit for an Aspirational and Active Lifestyle Next Level Architectural and Interior Design and Amenities ‘Award-winning Residential Development + 2019] DOT Property Awards - Best Value for Money Property = 2020 | International Property Awards - ‘Award Winner Residential Development Philippines iv Connect [LIVE A Space that Promotes Work-Life Balance Efficiently-designed Units Built to ‘Accommodate a Work-From-Home (WFH) Living Arrangement Smart Home Ready for a Productive Way of Life CONNECT + Location that Puts Priority to Life Essentials + Mobility: Proximity to Major CBDs— BGC, Ortigas, Kapitolyo = Basic Neccesities: Supermarket and Other Specialty Stores at the Ground Floor SY, N c A life in SYNC with yours. aE yy “Tower: HLURG LS No. 034639 | Tower ¥: DHSUD LS No. 162 Project Completion: Tower S- January 2026 | Tower ¥~ uy 2026 ‘Address: C5, Bagong log Pasig City ‘Owner/ Developer: Robinsons Land Corporation

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