Project Management in Pharmaceuticals
Project Management in Pharmaceuticals
Project Management in Pharmaceuticals
Project management is the discipline The first challenge of project
of organizing and managing management is to make sure that a
resources in a way that the project is project is delivered within defined
completed within defined scope, constraints. The second, more
quality, time and cost constraints. A ambitious challenge is the optimized
project is a temporary endeavor allocation and integration of inputs
undertaken to create a unique needed to meet pre-defined
product or service. This property of objectives. A project is a carefully
being a temporary and one-time defined set of activities that use
undertaking contrasts with resources (money, people, materials,
processes, or operations, which are energy, space, provisions,
permanent or semi-permanent communication, etc.) to meet the
ongoing functional work to create the pre-defined objectives.
same product or service over and
over again. The management of Someone says that project
these two systems is often very management is an art, someone
different and requires varying says as science. Project
technical skills and philosophy, management is more, much more of
hence requiring the development of an art than a science, and the
project managements. application of project management is
not consistent across industries,
environments, and situations.2
Considering uncertain world of
pharmaceutical project management,
Author is senior officer of Sales Training
Department at sanofi-aventis Bangladesh this article will focus on the elements
Email: to form a pharmaceutical project.
Management/ Authority will run the For the evaluation of a project some
project. Development department factors are important to consider
develop the product through depending on risk/benefit. Then top
galenical, analytical, clinical study management takes the deceision
etc. Registration is required for the whether the project can be started or
launching of the product which will rejected.
do the respective department.
Supply chain department will provide Projects need to be performed and
raw material necessary for the delivered under certain constraints.
development through active and Traditionally, these constraints have
excipient sourcing. QA will assure been listed as "scope or work
the quality of the product according requirements- cost, performance,"
to marketting authorization. For "time-to market," and "resources".3
business purpose patent right is to These are also referred to as the
be ensured. Marketting department "Project Management Triangle,"
will deal with the market to launch where each side represents a
the product. Here, if we broadly constraint. One side of the triangle
segment the objective,that will be cannot be changed without affecting
development of the product and then the others.
launching in the market. All these
jobs have to be performed within
time frame & budget.
flow and internal rate of perform his/her job. The project team
return, net present value, and must have a chart which visualizes
shows the role of team members and total team results with
other relationships (to sub-teams or functional evaluations
to external units etc.) • Promotion and pay—creating
Each team member- incentives based upon team
• Ensures functional expertise results and involvement in
on the project successful new product
• Represents functional teams, and
perspective on the project • Career development—
• Ensures functional providing lateral career paths
deliverables are met across the functions that
• Proactively raises functional develop heavyweight team
issues that impact the team. members.
Team members must realize that
they are part of a team. For the team Project Planning, Scheduling and
to be most productive and effective, Control
team members must collaborate with Different method can be considered
other team members, put aside their for planning of project management
own personal or functional agenda, such as Work Breakdown Structure
and use dialogue to develop a (WBS), Critical Path method, Project
common understanding and create Evaluation and Review Technique
the best cross-functional approach (PERT). The Work Breakdown
6 Structure (WBS) is a tree structure,
for the project and the organization.
which shows a subdivision of effort
For an effective and productive required achieving an objective; for
team-oriented structure, example a program, project, and
organizations must support cross- contract.7 The WBS may be
functional teams and use these hardware, product, service, or
teams in a way that makes them process oriented. In a project of
more effective. Following contract, the WBS is developed by
approaches can be considered- starting with the end objective and
• Performance appraisal— successively subdividing it into
including team-member and manageable components in terms of
size, duration, and responsibility
Formulation. Registration
Production and
The Gantt schedule can illustrate the well to depict in graphical way areas
relationship between work activities where there are modified
having duration, events without expectations from the baseline plan.
duration that indicate a significant
completion, and milestones that Once a Gantt schedule has been
represent major achievements or established for a project, progress
decision points. Various annotations should be periodically plotted against
can be used to communicate the the baseline schedule. If different
progress of the project effort functional areas are involved in a
compared to the baseline plan, as project, each area may need its own
project: phase I, II, III, IV and Another basic building block of any
post-marketing; product development project is
• The technology transfer from design–build–test cycles. These
research to development and cycles use prototypes to serve as a
from development to focal point for problem solving,
manufacturing; testing, communication, and conflict
• The major milestones of a resolution. Using these cycles
pharmaceutical project: FDA provides feedback on decisions
submission and first lot to made so far and identifies issues that
stock; need to be resolved. Examples of the
• The use of different product prototyping cycles for a clinical
prototyping cycles and their development project are-
value towards solving • Identify the bulk drug vendor
problems, communicating • Determine formulation
results, and making progress. feasibility
• Complete engineering runs
For a technology transfer processes, • Produce clinical and/or
two types approaches can be used- stability samples
sequential and overlapped. In • Ramp-up manufacturing
sequential approach, upstream process
group waits for completion of work • Produce first lot to stock
before starting next step and after product for sale.
completion of work communicate These examples are shown to
with downstream group. Simply, this illustrate the importance of the
is called one after one work. In design-build-test cycle process.
overlapped approach, different work Cycles will vary from project to
can be performed parallel and can project. Completing each of these
be taken input from downstream cycles is a very effective approach to
groups. Communicating with cross tracking and demonstrating project
functional groups, different work can progress. Prototpyes can provide
be completed more successfully. very focused communication about
the progress to date and the
In this paper, project management of
a pharmaceutical industry is
discussed from project planning and
evaluation to project closure. The
1950s marked the beginning of the
modern project management era. In
1950s, project management
structure is formed depending on
work breakdown structure and Gantt
chart. In this paper, project
management is studied using the
knowledge of PERT, Gantt chart,
Yellow sticky method and work
breakdown structure. This more
flexible form of the application works
well within a decentralized, team-
oriented environment—an
environment that is conducive to
successful pharmaceutical new
product development. Project
management within the
3. Reinertsen, D.G. Managing the Design Factory; Free Press: New York,
4. House, C.; Price, R. The return map: tracking product teams. Harvard Bus.
Rev. 1991, Jan/Feb.