Antenna Mcqs

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MCQ for Regulations 2017

a) resistor
b) inductor
EC8701 ANTENNAS c) capacitor
d) transistor
ENGINEERING Explanation: A non linear device has the
ability to generate the harmonics of the input
sinusoidal signal. Transistor and diodes are

ECE - 7th Semeseter non linear devices and hence can be used as a
frequency multiplier.

3. The major drawback of frequency

Regulations - 2017 multipliers is that they have:
a) higher attenuation
b) complex construction methods
c) complex design
d) none of the mentioned
TO MICROWAVE Explanation: Designing a good quality
frequency multiplier is more difficult since it
SYSTEMS AND non-linear analysis, matching at multiple
ANTENNAS frequencies, stability analysis and thermal
considerations. Considering all these issues
for designing a multiplier makes it very
TOPIC 1.1 MICROWAVE complex.
4. A reactive diode multiplier uses _______
as the key electronic component for
1. Oscillators operating at millimeter frequency multiplication.
wavelength are difficult to realize and are also a) zener diode
less efficient. b) light emitting diode
a) true c) varactor diode
b) false d) Gunn diode
Answer: a Answer: c
Explanation: As frequency increases to the Explanation: Reactive diode multipliers use
millimeter wave range, it becomes either a varactor diode or step recovery diode
increasingly difficult to build fundamental biased to present a non linear junction
frequency oscillators with good power, capacitance. Since losses in these diodes are
stability and noise characteristics. An low, the fraction of RF power converted to
alternative approach is to produce a harmonic the desired harmonic is relatively high.
of a low frequency oscillator through the use
of frequency multiplier. 5. A major disadvantage of frequency
multipliers is that they multiply the noise
2. __________ is an example for a frequency factor along with frequency.

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a) true 8. Resistive multipliers are more efficient as

b) false compared to reactive multipliers.
a) true
Answer: a b) false
Explanation: A disadvantage of frequency
multipliers is that noise levels are also Answer: b
increased by the multiplication factor. Explanation: Resistive multipliers generally
Frequency multiplication process is a phase use forward biased Schottky-barrier diodes to
multiplication process as well, so phase noise provide non linear characteristic. Resistive
variations get multiplied by the same factor as multipliers have low efficiency but have
the frequency gets multiplied. better bandwidth.

6. If a frequency multiplier has a 9. Reactive multipliers have a disadvantage

multiplication factor of 10, then the increase that they cannot be used at very high
in noise level due to frequency multiplication frequencies and they become less efficient.
is: a) true
a) 10 dB b) false
b) 20 dB
c) 25 db Answer: a
d) 15 dB Explanation: At millimeter frequencies,
varactor diode exhibits resistive property.
Answer: b Hence, at high frequency the multiplier
Explanation: For a frequency multiplier, the becomes lossy and also does not offer high
increase in noise power is given by 20 log n, bandwidth, which is a major disadvantage.
where n is the multiplication factor of the
multiplier. Substituting in the below equation, 10. For a resistive frequency multiplier of
increase in noise level is 20 dB. multiplication factor 2, the maximum
theoretical conversion efficiency is:
7. In a diode frequency multiplier, an input a) 50 %
signal of frequency fo applied to the diode is b) 25 %
terminated with_________ at all frequencies c) 75 %
other than required harmonic. d) 12.5 %
a) real impedances
b) reactive impedance Answer: b
c) complex impedance Explanation: For a resistive frequency
d) none of the mentioned multiplier of multiplication factor 2, the
maximum theoretical conversion efficiency is
Answer: b given by 1/m2 where m is the multiplication
Explanation: In a diode frequency multiplier, factor. For a factor 2 multiplier, maximum
an input signal of frequency fo applied to the theoretical conversion efficiency is 25 %.
diode is terminated with reactive impedance
at all frequencies other than required TOPIC 1.2 PHYSICAL CONCEPT
harmonic nfo. if the diode junction
capacitance has a square –law I-V
characteristic , it is necessary to terminate
unwanted harmonics with short circuit. 1. The basic requirements of transmitting
antennas are:
a) High efficiency

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b) Low side lobes two lines that chary the TEM wave
c) Large signal to noise ratio approaches λ the wave tends to be radiated so
d) Lone of the mentioned that the opened – out line act as an antenna
which lunches a free space wave.
Answer: a
Explanation: The basic requirements of a 5. The number of patterns radiation pattern
transmitting antenna are high gain and required to specify the characteristic are :
efficiency while requirements of receiving a) Three
antennas are low side lobes and large signal b) Four
to noise to ratio. c) Two
d) Five
2. _________ is a device that converts
electrons to photons or vice-versa. Answer: a
a) Antenna Explanation: The three patterns required are,
b) Electron gun θ component of the electric field as the
c) Photon amplifier function of the angles as θ and φ, the φ
d) Microwave tube component of the electric field as the function
of the angles θ and φ, the phase of these fields
Answer: a as a functions of the angle φ and θ .
Explanation: Antenna is a device that
converts electrons into photons or vice versa. 6. The beam width of the antenna pattern
A transmitting antenna converts electrons into measured at half power points is called:
photons while a receiving antenna converts a) Half power beam width
photons into electrons. b) Full null beam width
c) Beam width
3. The basic equation of radiation that is d) None of the mentioned
applied to any antenna irrespective of the type
of the antenna is: Answer: a
a) iL= Qv Explanation: The beam width of an antenna
b) iQ = Lv measure at half of the maximum power
c) i/L=Q/v received by an antenna or the 3 dB beam
d) None of the mentioned width of the antenna is termed as half null
beam width.
Answer: a
Explanation: Basic equation of radiation is 7. An antenna has a field pattern of E (θ) =
given by iL=Qv. i is the time change in cos2 θ, θ varies between 0 and 900. Half
current, l is the length of the current element, power beam width of the antenna is:
q is the charge v is the acceleration of the a) 330
b) 660
4. When the separation between two lines that c) 12000
carry the TEM wave approaches λ the wave d) None of the mentioned
tends to be radiated.
a) True Answer: b
b) False Explanation: Half power beam width of the
antenna is obtained by equating the field
Answer: a pattern of the antenna to 0.707 (half power
Explanation: When the separation between point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of
beam width. Solving the given problem in the

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same flow, half power beam width of the intensity. Unit of radiation intensity is watts
antenna is 660. per steridian or per square degree.

8. An antenna has a field pattern E (θ) =cos θ. TOPIC 1.3 NEAR- AND FAR-
cos 2θ. The first null beam width of the
antenna is: FIELD REGIONS
a) 450
d) 1200


Explanation: Half power beam width of the CHARACTERISTICS
antenna is obtained by equating the field
pattern of the antenna to 0.707 (half power
point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of TOPIC 1.6 ANTENNA GAIN AND
beam width. Twice the half power beam EFFICIENCY
width gives the first null beam width. With
the same steps applied, the half power beam
width of the antenna is 450. First null beam TOPIC 1.7 APERTURE
9. The solid area through which all the power
radiated by the antenna is:
1. A __________ is a device that converts a
a) Beam area
guided electromagnetic wave on a
b) Effective area
transmission line into a plane wave
c) Aperture area
propagating in free space.
d) Beam efficiency
a) Transmitting antenna
b) Receiving antenna
Answer: a
Explanation: The beam area is the solid c) Radar
angle through which all of the power radiated d) Mixer
by the antenna would stream if P (θ, φ)
Answer: a
maintained its maximum value over beam
Explanation: A transmitting antenna is a
area and zero elsewhere. This value is
device that converts a guided electromagnetic
approximately equal to the angles subtended
wave on a transmission line into a plane wave
by the half power points of the main lobe in propagating in free space. It appears as an
the two principal planes.
electrical circuit on one side, provides an
10. Power radiated from an antenna per unit interface with a propagating plane wave.
solid angle is called radiation intensity.
2. Antennas are bidirectional devices.
a) True
a) True
b) False
b) False
Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: Power radiated from an antenna Explanation: Antennas can be used both as
per unit solid angle is called radiation

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transmitters and receivers. As transmitters Substituting in the above expression, far field
they radiate energy to free space and as distance is 17.3 m.
receivers they receive signal from free space.
Hence, they are called bidirectional devices 6._________ of an antenna is a plot of the
as they are used at both transmitting end and magnitude of the far field strength versus
receiving end. position around the antenna.
a) Radiation pattern
3. Dipole antennas are an example for: b) Directivity
a) Wire antennas c) Beam width
b) Aperture antennas d) None of the mentioned
c) Array antennas
d) None of the mentioned Answer: a
Explanation: Radiation pattern of an antenna
Answer: a is a plot of the magnitude of the far field
Explanation: Dipoles, monopoles, oops, strength versus position around the antenna.
Yagi-Uda arrays are all examples for wire This plot gives the detail regarding the region
antennas. These antennas have low gains, and where most of the energy of antenna is
are mostly used at lower frequencies. radiated, side lobes and beam width of an
4. _________ antennas consist of a regular
arrangement of antenna elements with a feed 7. Antennas having a constant pattern in the
network azimuthal plane are called _____________
a) Aperture antennas a) High gain antenna
b) Array antennas b) Omni directional antenna
c) Printed antennas c) Unidirectional antenna
d) Wire antennas d) Low gain antenna

Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: Array antennas consist of a Explanation: Omni directional antennas
regular arrangement of antenna elements with radiate EM waves in all direction. If the
a feed network. Pattern characteristics such as radiation pattern for this type of antenna is
beam pointing angle and side lobe levels can plotted, the pattern is a constant signifying
be controlled by adjusting the amplitude and that the radiated power is constant measured
phase excitation of array elements. at any point around the antenna.

5. A parabolic reflector used for reception 8. Beamwidth and directivity are both
with the direct broadcast system is 18 inches measures of the focusing ability of an
in diameter and operates at 12.4 GHz. The antenna.
far-field distance for this antenna is: a) True
a) 18 m b) False
b) 13 m
c) 16.4 m Answer: a
d) 17.3 m Explanation: Beamwidth and directivity are
both measures of the focusing ability of an
Answer: d antenna. An antenna with a narrow main
Explanation: Far field distance for a reflector beam will have high directivity, while a
antenna is given by 2D2/λ. D is the diameter pattern with low beam will have low
and λ is the operating signal wavelength. directivity.

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9. If the beam width of an antenna in two Product of directivity and efficiency thus
orthogonal planes are 300 and 600. Then the gives the gain of the antenna to be 16.2.
directivity of the antenna is:
a) 24 2. Gain of an antenna is always greater than
b) 18 the directivity of the antenna.
c) 36 a) True
d) 12 b) False

Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: Given the beam width of the Explanation: Gain of an antenna is always
antenna in 2 planes, the directivity is given by smaller than the directivity of an antenna.
32400/θ*∅, where θ,∅ are the beam widths in Gain is given by the product of directivity and
radiation efficiency. Radiation efficiency can
the two orthogonal planes. Substituting in the
never be greater than one. So gain is always
equation, directivity of the antenna is 18.
less than or equal to directivity.
10. If the power input to an antenna is 100
3. A rectangular horn antenna has an aperture
mW and if the radiated power is measured to
area of 3λ × 2λ. Then the maximum
be 90 mW, then the efficiency of the antenna
directivity that can be achieved by this
rectangular horn antenna is:
a) 75 %
a) 24 dB
b) 80 %
b) 4 dB
c) 90 %
d) Insufficient data c) 19 dB
d) Insufficient data
Answer: c
Answer: c
Explanation: Antenna efficiency is defined
Explanation: Given the aperture dimensions
as the ratio of radiated power to the input
of an antenna, the maximum directivity that
power to the antenna. Substituting the given
can be achieved is 4π A/λ2, where A is the
data in the efficiency equation, the efficiency
aperture area and λ is the operating
of the antenna is 90%.
wavelength. Substituting the given values in
the above equation, the maximum directivity
TOPIC 1.8 ANTENNA NOISE achieved is 19 dB.
4. A rectangular horn antenna has an aperture
area of 3λ × 2λ. If the aperture efficiency of
1. If an antenna has a directivity of 16 and an antenna is 90%, then the directivity of the
radiation efficiency of 0.9, then the gain of antenna is:
the antenna is: a) 19 dB
a) 16.2 b) 17.1 dB
b) 14.8 c) 13 dB
c) 12.5 d) 21.1 dB
d) 19.3
Answer: b
Answer: a Explanation: Given the aperture dimensions
Explanation: Gain of an antenna is given by of an antenna, the directivity that can be
the product of radiation efficiency of the achieved is ap4π A/λ2, where A is the
antenna and the directivity of the antenna. aperture area and λ is the operating

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wavelength, ap is the aperture efficiency. background noise temperature increases.

Substituting the given values in the above Also, with the increase of the elevation angle
equation, the directivity achieved is 17.1 dB. from the horizon, background noise
temperature increases.
5. If an antenna has a directivity of 16 and is
operating at a wavelength of λ, then the 8. The noise temperature of an antenna is
maximum effective aperture efficiency is: given by the expression:
a) 1.27λ2 a) radTb + (1-rad) Tp
b) (1-rad) TP
b) 2.56λ2
c) radTb
c) 0.87λ2 d) None of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: The noise temperature of an
Explanation: Maximum effective aperture antenna is given by the expression radTb +
efficiency of an antenna is given by D λ2/4π, (1-rad) Tp. here, Tb is the brightness
D is the directivity of the antenna. temperature and Tp is the physical
Substituting in the equation the given values, temperature of the system. rad is the radiation
the maximum effective aperture is 1.27λ2. efficiency. Noise temperature of a system
depends on these factors.
6. A resistor is operated at a temperature of
300 K, with a system bandwidth of 1 MHz 9. Low is the G/T ratio of an antenna, higher
then the noise power produced by the resistor is its efficiency.
is: a) True
a) 3.13×10-23 watts b) False
b) 4.14×10-15 watts Answer: b
c) 6.14×10-15 watts Explanation: In the G/T ratio of an antenna,
d) None of the mentioned G is the gain of an antenna and T is the
antenna noise temperature. Higher the G/T
Answer: b ratio of an antenna better is the performance
Explanation: For a resistor noise power of the antenna.
produced is given by kTB, where T is the
system temperature and B is the bandwidth. 10._________ has a constant power spectral
Substituting in the above expression, the density.
noise power produced is 4.14×10-15 watts. a) White noise
b) Gaussian noise
7. With an increase in operating frequency, c) Thermal noise
the background noise temperature: d) Shot noise
a) Increases
b) Decreases Answer: a
c) Remains constant Explanation: Thermal noise has a power
d) Remains unaffected spectral density for a wide range of
frequencies. Its plot of frequency v/s noise
Answer: a power is a straight line parallel to Y axis.
Explanation: The plot of frequency v/s
background noise temperature shows that
with the increase of the signal frequency, the

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TOPIC 1.9 IMPEDANCE impedance at microwave frequencies, they

have largely been superseded by the modern
MATCHING network analyzer in terms of accuracy,
versatility and convenience.
1. Slotted line is a transmission line
configuration that allows the sampling of: 4. If the standing wave ratio for a
a) electric field amplitude of a standing wave transmission line is 1.4, then the reflection
on a terminated line coefficient for the line is:
b) magnetic field amplitude of a standing a) 0.16667
wave on a terminated line b) 1.6667
c) voltage used for excitation c) 0.01667
d) current that is generated by the source d) 0.96

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: Slotted line allows the Explanation: ┌= (SWR-1)/ (SWR+1).
sampling of the electric field amplitude of a Substituting for SWR in the above equation
standing wave on a terminated line. With this for reflection co-efficient, given SWR is 1.4,
device, SWR and the distance of the first reflection co-efficient is 0.16667.
voltage minimum from the load can be
measured, from this data, load impedance can 5. If the reflection coefficient of a
be found. transmission line is 0.4, then the standing
wave ratio is:
2. A slotted line can be used to measure a) 1.3333
_____ and the distance of _____________ b) 2.3333
from the load. c) 0.4
a) SWR, first voltage minimum d) 0.6
b) SWR, first voltage maximum
c) characteristic impedance, first voltage Answer: b
minimum Explanation: SWR= (1+┌)/ (1-┌). Where ┌
d) characteristic impedance, first voltage is the reflection co-efficient. Substituting for
maximum the reflection co-efficient in the equation,
SWR is 2.3333.
Answer: a
Explanation: With a slotted line, SWR and 6. Expression for ϴ means phase angle of the
the distance of the first voltage minimum reflection co efficient r=|r|-e^jθ, the phase of
from the load can be measured, from this the reflection co-efficient is:
data, load impedance can be found. a) θ=2π+2βLmin
b) θ=π+2βLmin
3. A modern device that replaces a slotted c) θ=π/2+2βLmin
line is:
d) θ=π+βLmin
a) Digital CRO
b) generators
c) network analyzers Answer: b
d) computers Explanation: here, θ is the phase of the
reflection co-efficient. Lmin is the distance
Answer: c from the load to the first minimum. Since
Explanation: Although slotted lines used to voltage minima repeat every λ/2, any multiple
be the principal way of measuring unknown of λ/2 can be added to Lmin .

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7. In the expression for phase of the reflection Answer: a

coefficient, Lmin stands for : Explanation: ZL=Z0 (1+┌)/ (1-┌).
a) distance between load and first voltage Substituting the given values of reflection co-
minimum efficient and characteristic impedance, ZL is
b) distance between load and first voltage 47.3+j19.7Ω .
c) distance between consecutive minimas 10. If the normalized load impedance of a
d) distance between a minima and immediate transmission line is 2, then the reflection co-
maxima efficient is:
a) 0.33334
Answer: a b) 1.33334
Explanation: Lmin is defined as the distance c) 0
between the terminating load of a d) 1
transmission line and the first voltage
minimum that occurs in the transmission line Answer: a
due to reflection of waves from the load end Explanation: ZL=Z0 (1+┌)/ (1-┌), this is the
due to mismatched termination. expression for load impedance. Normalized
load impedance is the ratio of load impedance
8. If SWR=1.5 with a wavelength of 4 cm and to the characteristic impedance, taking
the distance between load and first minima is ZLL/Z0 as 2, the reflection co-efficient is
1.48cm, then the reflection coefficient is: equal to 0.33334.
a) 0.0126+j0.1996
b) 0.0128
c) 0.26+j0.16 TOPIC 1.10 FRIIS
d) none of the mentioned TRANSMISSION EQUATION
Answer: a
Explanation: ┌= (SWR-1)/ (SWR+1). TOPIC 1.11 LINK BUDGET AND
Substituting for SWR in the above equation LINK MARGIN NOISE
for reflection co-efficient, magnitude of the
reflection co-efficient is 0.2. To find θ,
θ=π+2βLmin, substituting Lmin as 1.48cm, 1. Link budget consists of calculation of
a) Useful signal power
θ=86.4⁰. Hence converting the polar form of b) Interfering noise power
the reflection co-efficient into rectangular co- c) Useful signal & Interfering noise power
ordinates, reflection co-efficient is d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
9. If the characteristic impedance of a
Explanation: The link analysis and its output,
transmission line 50 Ω and reflection the link budget consists of calculations and
coefficient is 0.0126+j0.1996, then load tabulations of useful signal power and
impedance is: interfering noise power at the receiver.
a) 47.3+j19.7Ω
b) 4.7+j1.97Ω 2. Link budget can help in predicting
c) 0.26+j0.16 a) Equipment weight and size
d) data insufficient b) Technical risk
c) Prime power requirements
d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: d 6. Mechanism contributing to a reduction in

Explanation: Link budget can help to predict efficiency is called as
equipment weight, size, prime power a) Amplitude tapering
requirements, technical risk and cost. Link b) Blockage
budget is one of the system manager’s useful c) Edge diffraction
document. d) All of the mentioned

3. Which is the primary cost for degradation Answer: d

of error performance? Explanation: Mechanism contributing to a
a) Loss in signal to noise ratio reduction in efficiency is called as amplitude
b) Signal distortion tapering, spillover, edge diffraction, blockage,
c) Signal distortion & Loss in signal to noise scattering, re-radiation and dissipative loss.
d) None of the mentioned 7. Space loss occurs due to a decrease in
a) Electric field strength
Answer: c b) Efficiency
Explanation: There are two primary causes c) Phase
for the degradation of error performance. d) Signal power
They are loss in signal to noise ratio and the
second is signal distortion caused by Answer: a
intersymbol interference. Explanation: Due to the decrease in electric
field strength there will be a decrease in
4. Which factor adds phase noise to the signal strength as a function of distance. This
signal? is called as space loss.
a) Jitter
b) Phase fluctuations 8. Antenna’s efficiency is given by the ratio
c) Jitter & Phase fluctuations of
d) None of the mentioned a) Effective aperture to physical aperture
b) Physical aperture to effective aperture
Answer: c c) Signal power to noise power
Explanation: When a local oscillator is used d) Losses
in signal mixing, phase fluctuations and jitter
adds phase noise to the signal. Answer: a
Explanation: The larger the antenna aperture
5. Antennas are used the larger is the resulting signal power density
a) As transducer in the desired direction. The ratio of effective
b) To focus aperture to physical aperture is the antenna’s
c) As transducer & To focus efficiency.
d) None of the mentioned
9. Effective radiated power of an isotropic
Answer: c radiator can be given as a product of
Explanation: Antennas are used as a) Radiated power and received power
transducer that converts electronic signals to b) Effective area and physical area
electromagnetic fields and vice versa. They c) Transmitted power and transmitting gain
are also used to focus the electromagnetic d) Receiving power and receiving gain
energy in the desired direction.
Answer: c
Explanation: An effective radiated power

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with respect to an isotropic radiator EIRP can b) Radiation resistance

be defined as the product of transmitted c) Transmission impedance
power and the gain of the transmitting d) Recovery resistance
Answer: b
10. According to reciprocity theorem, _____ Explanation: The transmission line is
and _____ are identical. connected at the center. The dipole has an
a) Transmitting power and receiving power impedance of 73 V at its center, which is the
b) Transmitting gain and receiving gain radiation resistance. At the resonant
c) Effective area and physical area frequency, the antenna appears to be a pure
d) None of the mentioned resistance of 73 V.

Answer: b 3. What happens when the radiation

Explanation: The reciprocity theorem states resistance of the antenna matches the
that for a given antenna and carrier characteristic impedance of the transmission
wavelength the transmitting and receiving line?
gain are identical. a) No transmission occurs
b) No reception occurs
c) SWR is maximum
d) SWR is minimum


Explanation: When the radiation resistance
MECHANISMS AND of the antenna matches the characteristic
DESIGN ASPECTS impedance of the transmission line, the SWR
is minimum and maximum power reaches the
antenna. This allows maximum power to be
TOPIC 2.1 RADIATION transmitted.
WIRE AND LOOP ANTENNAS 4. The type of dipole antenna that has a
higher band width is called as?
a) Conical antenna
1. A dipole antenna is also called as? b) Yagi antenna
a) Marconi antenna c) Helical antenna
b) Yagi antenna d) Marconi antenna
c) Bidirectional antenna
d) Hertz antenna Answer: a
Explanation: A common way to increase
Answer: d bandwidth in the antenna is to use a version
Explanation: One of the most widely used of the dipole antenna known as the conical
antenna types is the half-wave dipole antenna. antenna. The overall length of the antenna is
This antenna is also formally known as the 0.73λ or 0.73(984)/f = 718.32/f. This is
Hertz antenna after Heinrich Hertz, who first longer than the traditional one-half
demonstrated the existence of wavelength of a dipole antenna, but the
electromagnetic waves. physical shape changes the necessary
dimensions for resonance.
2. The impedance at the center of the antenna
is known as?
a) Characteristic impedance

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5. The radiation pattern of a half-wave dipole energy is directed or received. Beam width is
has the shape of a ______ measured on an antenna’s radiation pattern.
a) Doughnut
b) Sphere 8. What is the power radiated by the antenna
c) Hemisphere with gain called as?
d) Circular a) Critical power
b) Transverse power
Answer: a c) Effective radiated power
Explanation: The radiation pattern of any d) Transmitted power
antenna is the shape of the electromagnetic
energy radiated from or received by that Answer: c
antenna. Typically that radiation is Explanation: The power radiated by an
concentrated in a pattern that has a antenna with directivity and therefore gain is
recognizable geometric shape. The radiation called the effective radiated power (ERP).
pattern of a half-wave dipole has the shape of The ERP is calculated by multiplying the
a doughnut. transmitter power fed to the antenna Pt by the
power gain Ap of the antenna.
6. What is the beam width for a half wave
dipole antenna? 9. What is the radiation pattern of an isotropic
a) 90° radiator?
b) 180° a) Doughnut
c) 50° b) Sphere
d) 250° c) Hemisphere
d) Circular
Answer: a
Explanation: The beam width is measured Answer: b
between the points on the radiation curve that Explanation: An isotropic radiator is a
are 3 dB down from the maximum amplitude theoretical point source of electromagnetic
of the curve. The maximum amplitude of the energy. The E and H fields radiate out in all
pattern occurs at 0° and 180°. The 3-dB down directions from the point source, and at any
points are 70.7 percent of the maximum. The given distance from the point source, the
angle formed with two lines extending from fields form a sphere.
the center of the curve to these 3-dB points is
the beam width. The beam width is 90°. The 10. What is the impedance of the folded
smaller the beam width angle, the more dipole antenna?
directional the antenna. a) 50Ω
b) 100Ω
7. What does the beam width of an antenna c) 300Ω
tell us? d) 20Ω
a) Signal strength
b) Signal power Answer: c
c) Directivity Explanation: A popular variation of the half-
d) Degradation wave dipole is the folded dipole. Like the
standard dipole, it is one-half wavelength
Answer: c long. However, it consists of two parallel
Explanation: The measure of an antenna’s conductors connected at the ends with one
directivity is beam width, the angle of the side open at the center for connection to the
radiation pattern over which a transmitter’s transmission line. The impedance of this

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popular antenna is 300 V, making it an 2. The antenna in which location of the feed
excellent match for the widely available 300- determines the direction of the lobe are:
V twin lead. a) Wire antenna
b) Loop antenna
11. Which of the following antennas produce c) Helical antenna
a vertical radiation pattern? d) Horn antenna
a) Dipole antenna
b) Yagi antenna Answer: a
c) Marconi antenna Explanation: In a wire antenna, the location
d) Hertz antenna of the feed determines the direction of the
lobe and the orientation of the wire
Answer: c determines the polarization. These wires can
Explanation: The same effect as dipole be thick or thin. Thickness of the wire
antenna can be achieved with a one-quarter determines the radiation resistance of the
wavelength antenna or Marconi antenna. A antenna.
vertical dipole with the doughnut-shaped
radiation pattern, in which one-half of the 3. Based on the size of the loops, loop
pattern is below the surface of the earth. This antennas are classified as small and large
is called a vertical radiation pattern. loops. This is the only classification of loop
a) True
Answer: b
Explanation: Loop antennas are classified
TOPIC 2.3 REFLECTOR based on various antenna parameters. To
ANTENNAS name a few, small and large loops, circular
and square loops, loops having single or multi
turns, loops with turns wound using a single
TOPIC 2.4 MICROSTRIP wire or multiple wires.
INDEPENDENT ANTENNAS 4. Antenna that does not belong to the horn
antenna family among the following are:
a) Pyramidal horn
1. The members of the antenna family which b) Conical horn
are made of wires of certain value in terms of c) bi-conical horn
operating wavelength are called: d) None of the mentioned
a) Loop antennas
b) Wire antennas Answer: d
c) Dipole antenna Explanation: All of the above mentioned
d) Slot antennas antennas belong to the horn antenna family.
Horn antennas may be made of pointed or
Answer: c rounded waveguides. The waveguides may
Explanation: Wires of half wavelength are contain disc at an end or some dielectric.
termed as dipoles. Their radiation resistance
is about 73 Ω. If only half of this length is 5. Patch antennas are the antennas of small
used, then it is called quarter-wave monopole size and are made of:
with a radiation resistance of 36.5 Ω. a) Strip line

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b) Microstrip lines c) Array antennas

c) Coaxial cables d) Slot antennas
d) Rectangular waveguide
Answer: b
Answer: b Explanation: Lens antennas are complex in
Explanation: Patch antennas are microstrip nature but are able to scale wider angles. In
antennas that can be of any shape. Patch comparison to reflectors, their gain is 1 or 2
antennas can be aperture-coupled fed or dB less, but these have more lenient tolerance
proximity fed. For obtaining circular on surfaces. These have less rearward
polarization, a patch may also be doubly fed. reflection, relatively low loss and can be
easily shaped to the desired contours.
6. Reflector antennas are widely used to
modify radiation patterns of radiating 9. Lens antennas are classified into two types.
elements. One being fast antenna, the other one is:
a) True a) Slow antenna
b) False b) Delay antenna
c) Dynamic antenna
Answer: a d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: Reflector antennas are used to
modify radiation patterns of radiating Answer: b
elements. Reflector antennas are classified Explanation: In delay lenses, the electrical
into two categories. They are passive path length is increased or the wave is
reflectors and active reflectors. Based on the retarded by the lens medium. Dielectric
type of the radiating element and the lenses and H-plane metal lenses fall in this
modification in the radiation pattern required, category.
accordingly either active or passive reflectors
are chosen. 10. The antennas which offer high operational
bandwidth and the antenna parameters are
7. The pattern of the reflector in a reflector maintained over a wide range of antennas are
antenna is called: called:
a) Primary pattern a) Wide band antennas
b) Secondary pattern b) Array antennas
c) Reflector pattern c) Parabolic antennas
d) None of the mentioned d) None of the mentioned

Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: In a reflector antenna, the feed Explanation: In this class of antennas,
pattern is called primary pattern and the constancy of impedance and radiation
pattern of the reflector is called secondary characteristics is maintained over a wide
pattern. These antennas are widely employed range of frequencies. To be wide band or
in RADARs and other types of point to point frequency independent, antennas should
communication links. expand or contract in proportion to the
8. ______ antennas have gain less than
reflector antennas but have more lenient 11. High directivity required in RADAR
tolerance on surfaces. communication is satisfied using this type of
a) Helical antennas antennas:
b) Lens antennas a) Wide band antennas

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b) Antenna arrays of a square corner antenna is:

c) Slot antennas a) 0.4 m2
d) Patch antennas b) 0.2 m2
Answer: b c) 0.1 m2
Explanation: Higher directivity is the d) None of the mentioned
requirement in point to point communication.
This can be achieved by increasing the size of Answer: a
the antennas in terms of electrical length. Explanation: Given the directivity of the
When much high directivity is required, antenna, effective aperture of the antenna is
antenna arrays are used. given by Dλ2/4π. substituting the given
values of the variables; the effective aperture
12. The terminal impedance of a dipole of the antenna is 0.4 m2.
antenna is 710 Ω. The terminal impedance of
the slot antenna given the intrinsic impedance
of air is 377 Ω is: TOPIC 2.5 DESIGN
c) 25 Ω
d) None of the mentioned
1. The basic requirements of transmitting
Answer: b antennas are:
Explanation: The terminal impedance ZS of a) High efficiency
b) Low side lobes
the slot is given by the relation Z02/ 4Zd) Zₒ is c) Large signal to noise ratio
the intrinsic impedance of the medium and d) Lone of the mentioned
ZD is the terminal impedance of the dipole.
Substituting the given values in the above Answer: a
equation, the terminal impedance of sot is 50 Explanation: The basic requirements of a
Ω. transmitting antenna are high gain and
efficiency while requirements of receiving
13. If the length of aperture in a pyramidal antennas are low side lobes and large signal
horn antenna is 10cm and δ for the design is to noise to ratio.
0.25. Then, the flaring angle of the pyramidal
horn is: 2. _________ is a device that converts
a) 30⁰ electrons to photons or vice-versa.
b) 25.4⁰ a) Antenna
c) 45⁰ b) Electron gun
d) 60⁰ c) Photon amplifier
d) Microwave tube
Answer: b
Explanation: The flaring angle of pyramidal Answer: a
Explanation: Antenna is a device that
horn is given by 2cos-1(L/L+δ). Substituting converts electrons into photons or vice versa.
the values of L and δ, flaring angle is 25.4⁰. A transmitting antenna converts electrons into
photons while a receiving antenna converts
14. If the directivity of a square corner
photons into electrons.
receiving antenna is 20 and operating at a
wavelength of 0.25m, the effective aperture

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3. The basic equation of radiation that is c) Beam width

applied to any antenna irrespective of the type d) None of the mentioned
of the antenna is:
a) iL= Qv Answer: a
b) iQ = Lv Explanation: The beam width of an antenna
c) i/L=Q/v measure at half of the maximum power
d) None of the mentioned received by an antenna or the 3 dB beam
width of the antenna is termed as half null
Answer: a beam width.
Explanation: Basic equation of radiation is
given by iL=Qv. i is the time change in 7. An antenna has a field pattern of E (θ) =
current, l is the length of the current element, cos2 θ, θ varies between 0 and 900. Half
q is the charge v is the acceleration of the power beam width of the antenna is:
charge. a) 330
b) 660
4. When the separation between two lines that
carry the TEM wave approaches λ the wave c) 12000
tends to be radiated. d) None of the mentioned
a) True
Answer: b
b) False
Explanation: Half power beam width of the
Answer: a antenna is obtained by equating the field
Explanation: When the separation between pattern of the antenna to 0.707 (half power
two lines that chary the TEM wave point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of
approaches λ the wave tends to be radiated so beam width. Solving the given problem in the
that the opened – out line act as an antenna same flow, half power beam width of the
which lunches a free space wave. antenna is 660.

5. The number of patterns radiation pattern 8. An antenna has a field pattern E (θ) =cos θ.
required to specify the characteristic are : cos 2θ. The first null beam width of the
a) Three antenna is:
b) Four a) 450
c) Two b) 900
d) Five
c) 1800
Answer: a d) 1200
Explanation: The three patterns required are,
θ component of the electric field as the Answer: b
function of the angles as θ and φ, the φ Explanation: Half power beam width of the
component of the electric field as the function antenna is obtained by equating the field
of the angles θ and φ, the phase of these fields pattern of the antenna to 0.707 (half power
as a functions of the angle φ and θ . point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of
beam width. Twice the half power beam
6. The beam width of the antenna pattern width gives the first null beam width. With
measured at half power points is called: the same steps applied, the half power beam
a) Half power beam width width of the antenna is 450. First null beam
b) Full null beam width width is 900.

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9. The solid area through which all the power b) Receiving antenna
radiated by the antenna is: c) Radar
a) Beam area d) Mixer
b) Effective area
c) Aperture area Answer: a
d) Beam efficiency Explanation: A transmitting antenna is a
device that converts a guided electromagnetic
Answer: a wave on a transmission line into a plane wave
Explanation: The beam area is the solid propagating in free space. It appears as an
angle through which all of the power radiated electrical circuit on one side, provides an
by the antenna would stream if P (θ, φ) interface with a propagating plane wave.
maintained its maximum value over beam
area and zero elsewhere. This value is 2. Antennas are bidirectional devices.
approximately equal to the angles subtended a) True
by the half power points of the main lobe in b) False
the two principal planes.
Answer: a
10. Power radiated from an antenna per unit Explanation: Antennas can be used both as
solid angle is called radiation intensity. transmitters and receivers. As transmitters
a) True they radiate energy to free space and as
b) False receivers they receive signal from free space.
Hence, they are called bidirectional devices
Answer: a as they are used at both transmitting end and
Explanation: Power radiated from an antenna receiving end.
per unit solid angle is called radiation
intensity. Unit of radiation intensity is watts 3. Dipole antennas are an example for:
per steridian or per square degree. a) Wire antennas
b) Aperture antennas
c) Array antennas
d) None of the mentioned


Explanation: Dipoles, monopoles, oops,
ARRAYS AND Yagi-Uda arrays are all examples for wire
APPLICATIONS antennas. These antennas have low gains, and
are mostly used at lower frequencies.

TOPIC 3.1 TWO-ELEMENT 4. _________ antennas consist of a regular

ARRAY arrangement of antenna elements with a feed
a) Aperture antennas
TOPIC 3.2 ARRAY FACTOR b) Array antennas
c) Printed antennas
1. A __________ is a device that converts a d) Wire antennas
guided electromagnetic wave on a
transmission line into a plane wave Answer: b
propagating in free space. Explanation: Array antennas consist of a
a) Transmitting antenna regular arrangement of antenna elements with

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a feed network. Pattern characteristics such as radiation pattern for this type of antenna is
beam pointing angle and side lobe levels can plotted, the pattern is a constant signifying
be controlled by adjusting the amplitude and that the radiated power is constant measured
phase excitation of array elements. at any point around the antenna.

5. A parabolic reflector used for reception 8. Beamwidth and directivity are both
with the direct broadcast system is 18 inches measures of the focusing ability of an
in diameter and operates at 12.4 GHz. The antenna.
far-field distance for this antenna is: a) True
a) 18 m b) False
b) 13 m
c) 16.4 m Answer: a
d) 17.3 m Explanation: Beamwidth and directivity are
both measures of the focusing ability of an
Answer: d antenna. An antenna with a narrow main
Explanation: Far field distance for a reflector beam will have high directivity, while a
antenna is given by 2D2/λ. D is the diameter pattern with low beam will have low
and λ is the operating signal wavelength. directivity.
Substituting in the above expression, far field
distance is 17.3 m. 9. If the beam width of an antenna in two
orthogonal planes are 300 and 600. Then the
6._________ of an antenna is a plot of the directivity of the antenna is:
magnitude of the far field strength versus a) 24
position around the antenna. b) 18
a) Radiation pattern c) 36
b) Directivity d) 12
c) Beam width
d) None of the mentioned Answer: b
Explanation: Given the beam width of the
Answer: a antenna in 2 planes, the directivity is given by
Explanation: Radiation pattern of an antenna 32400/θ*∅, where θ,∅ are the beam widths in
is a plot of the magnitude of the far field the two orthogonal planes. Substituting in the
strength versus position around the antenna. equation, directivity of the antenna is 18.
This plot gives the detail regarding the region
where most of the energy of antenna is 10. If the power input to an antenna is 100
radiated, side lobes and beam width of an mW and if the radiated power is measured to
antenna. be 90 mW, then the efficiency of the antenna
7. Antennas having a constant pattern in the a) 75 %
azimuthal plane are called _____________ b) 80 %
a) High gain antenna c) 90 %
b) Omni directional antenna d) Insufficient data
c) Unidirectional antenna
d) Low gain antenna Answer: c
Explanation: Antenna efficiency is defined
Answer: b as the ratio of radiated power to the input
Explanation: Omni directional antennas power to the antenna. Substituting the given
radiate EM waves in all direction. If the

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data in the efficiency equation, the efficiency Answer: a

of the antenna is 90%. Explanation: Long distance communication
requires antenna with high directivity. To
increase the directivity antenna arrays are
TOPIC 3.3 PATTERN used. With the antenna arrays, directivity and
MULTIPLICATION gain increases and beam width decreases.

4. Which of the following is false about the

TOPIC 3.4 UNIFORMLY SPACED single antenna for long distance
ARRAYS WITH UNIFORM communication?
a) Enlarging may create side lobes
1. Which of the following is false regarding b) No side lobes
Antenna array? c) High directivity is required
a) Directivity increases d) High Gain is required
b) Directivity decreases
c) Beam width decreases Answer: b
d) Gain increases Explanation: High directive antennas are
required for the long distance
Answer: b communications. The array of antennas is
Explanation: A single antenna provides low used to increase the directivity. The
gain and less directivity. To increase the directivity can be increased by increasing the
directivity antenna arrays are used. With the dimensions of antenna but it creates side
antenna arrays, directivity and gain increases lobes.
and beam width decreases.
5. The electrical size of antenna is increased
2. Electrical size of antenna is increased by by antenna array to avoid size lobes
which of the following? compared to single antenna.
a) Antenna Array a) True
b) Decreasing the coverage area b) False
c) Increasing the coverage area
d) Using a single antenna Answer: a
Explanation: Increasing the dimensions of
Answer: a antennas may lead to the appearance of the
Explanation: To increase the directivity side lobes. So by placing a group of antennas
antenna arrays are used. With the antenna together the electrical size of antenna can be
arrays, directivity and gain increases and increased. With the antenna arrays, directivity
beam width decreases. The electrical size of and gain increases and beam width decreases.
the antenna is increased by placing an array
antenna together to achieve high directivity. 6. A uniform linear array contains
3. For long distance communication, which of a) N elements placed at equidistance and fed
the property is mainly necessary for the currents of equal magnitude and progressive
antenna? phase shift
a) High directivity b) N elements at non-equidistance and fed
b) Low directivity currents of equal magnitude and progressive
c) Low gain phase shift
d) Broad beam width c) N elements at equidistance and fed currents
of unequal magnitude and progressive phase

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shift 9. What is the progressive phase shift of the

d) N elements at equidistance and fed end-fire array?
currents of unequal magnitude and equal a) 0
phase shift b) 90
c) 180
Answer: a d) 60
Explanation: An array is said to be linear if
N elements are spaced equally long the line Answer: c
and is a uniform array if the current is fed Explanation: The progressive phase shift of
with equal magnitude to all elements and the end-fire array is 180°. It is a linear array
progressive phase shift along the line. High whose direction of radiation is along the axis
directivity can be obtained by antenna array. of the array. For a broadside array it is 0°.

7. Total resultant field obtained by the 10. Which of the following statement about
antenna array is given by which of following? antenna array is false?
a) Vector superposition of individual field a) Field pattern is the product of individual
from the element elements in array
b) Maximum field from individual sources in b) Field pattern is the sum of individual
the array elements in array
c) Minimum field from individual sources in c) Resultant field is the vector superposition
the array of the fields from individual elements in array
d) Field from the individual source d) High directivity can be achieved for long
distance communications
Answer: a
Explanation: The total resultant field is Answer: b
obtained by adding all the fields obtained by Explanation: The total resultant field is
the individual sources in the array. An Array obtained by adding all the fields obtained by
containing N elements has the resultant field the individual sources in the array. Radiation
equal to the vector superposition of individual pattern is obtained by multiplying the
field from the elements. individual pattern of the element. Field
pattern is the product of individual elements
8. If the progressive shift in antenna array is in array. Antenna arrays are used to get high
equal to zero then it is called _________ directivity with less side lobes.
a) Broad side
b) End-fire
Answer: a
Explanation: The total phase difference of TOPIC 3.6 SMART ANTENNAS.
the fields is given by Ѱ=kdcosθ+β
Here β is the progressive phase shift 1. The basic requirements of transmitting
⇨ β=0, array is a uniform broadside array antennas are:
⇨ β=180, array is a uniform end-fire array a) High efficiency
Yagi-uda antenna, fishbone antenna are end- b) Low side lobes
fire antenna array. c) Large signal to noise ratio
d) Lone of the mentioned

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Answer: a 5. The number of patterns radiation pattern

Explanation: The basic requirements of a required to specify the characteristic are :
transmitting antenna are high gain and a) Three
efficiency while requirements of receiving b) Four
antennas are low side lobes and large signal c) Two
to noise to ratio. d) Five

2. _________ is a device that converts Answer: a

electrons to photons or vice-versa. Explanation: The three patterns required are,
a) Antenna θ component of the electric field as the
b) Electron gun function of the angles as θ and φ, the φ
c) Photon amplifier component of the electric field as the function
d) Microwave tube of the angles θ and φ, the phase of these fields
as a functions of the angle φ and θ .
Answer: a
Explanation: Antenna is a device that 6. The beam width of the antenna pattern
converts electrons into photons or vice versa. measured at half power points is called:
A transmitting antenna converts electrons into a) Half power beam width
photons while a receiving antenna converts b) Full null beam width
photons into electrons. c) Beam width
d) None of the mentioned
3. The basic equation of radiation that is
applied to any antenna irrespective of the type Answer: a
of the antenna is: Explanation: The beam width of an antenna
a) iL= Qv measure at half of the maximum power
b) iQ = Lv received by an antenna or the 3 dB beam
c) i/L=Q/v width of the antenna is termed as half null
d) None of the mentioned beam width.

Answer: a 7. An antenna has a field pattern of E (θ) =

Explanation: Basic equation of radiation is cos2 θ, θ varies between 0 and 900. Half
given by iL=Qv. i is the time change in power beam width of the antenna is:
current, l is the length of the current element, a) 330
q is the charge v is the acceleration of the
b) 660
c) 12000
4. When the separation between two lines that d) None of the mentioned
carry the TEM wave approaches λ the wave
tends to be radiated. Answer: b
a) True Explanation: Half power beam width of the
b) False antenna is obtained by equating the field
pattern of the antenna to 0.707 (half power
Answer: a point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of
Explanation: When the separation between beam width. Solving the given problem in the
two lines that chary the TEM wave same flow, half power beam width of the
approaches λ the wave tends to be radiated so antenna is 660.
that the opened – out line act as an antenna
which lunches a free space wave.

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8. An antenna has a field pattern E (θ) =cos θ.

cos 2θ. The first null beam width of the
antenna is:
a) 450
c) 1800 DEVICES
d) 1200
Answer: b
Explanation: Half power beam width of the PASSIVE COMPONENTS:
antenna is obtained by equating the field DIRECTIONAL COUPLER,
pattern of the antenna to 0.707 (half power POWER DIVIDER, MAGIC TEE
point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of ATTENUATOR, RESONATOR
beam width. Twice the half power beam
width gives the first null beam width. With
the same steps applied, the half power beam 1. _______________ are used in the final
width of the antenna is 450. First null beam stages of radar and radio transmitters to
increase the radiated power level.
width is 900.
a) Power amplifiers
9. The solid area through which all the power b) Oscillators
radiated by the antenna is: c) Transistors
a) Beam area d) Attenuators
b) Effective area
Answer: a
c) Aperture area
Explanation: Power amplifiers are used in
d) Beam efficiency
the final stages of radar and radio transmitters
Answer: a to increase the radiated power level. Output
Explanation: The beam area is the solid of power amplifiers are in the range of 100-
angle through which all of the power radiated 500 mW.
by the antenna would stream if P (θ, φ)
2. Important factors to be considered for
maintained its maximum value over beam
power amplifier design are:
area and zero elsewhere. This value is
a) Efficiency
approximately equal to the angles subtended
b) Gain
by the half power points of the main lobe in
c) Thermal effect
the two principal planes.
d) All of the mentioned
10. Power radiated from an antenna per unit
Answer: d
solid angle is called radiation intensity.
Explanation: As per the application
a) True
requirement and considering various aspects
b) False
of an amplifier like efficiency, gain, thermal
Answer: a efficiency and inter modulation distortion,
Explanation: Power radiated from an antenna amplifiers need to be designed.
per unit solid angle is called radiation
3. Amplifier efficiency is the ratio of RF
intensity. Unit of radiation intensity is watts
output power to DC input power. This
per steridian or per square degree.
parameter determines the performance of an

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a) True c) 4
b) False d) 6

Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: Power amplifier is the primary Explanation: Class B amplifier is biased to
consumer of DC power in most hand-held conduct only during one-half of the input
wireless devices, so amplifier efficiency is an signal cycle. 2 complementary transistors are
important consideration. Amplifier efficiency operated in a class B push pull amplifier to
is the ratio of RF output power to DC input provide amplification over the entire cycle.
7. Power amplifiers in the increasing order of
4. Gain of power amplifiers __________ with efficiency is:
increase in operating frequency. a) Class A, B, C
a) Increases b) Class C, A, B
b) Decreases c) Class B, A, C
c) Increases exponentially d) Efficiency of all the 3 amplifiers is the
d) Decreases exponentially same

Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: Silicon bipolar junction Explanation: Class A amplifiers have an
transistor amplifiers in the cellular telephone efficiency of about 50%. Class B amplifiers
band of 800-900 MHz band have power have an efficiency of about 78%, class C
added efficiencies of about 80%. But this amplifiers can achieve efficiencies up to
efficiency drops quickly with increase in the 100%. In the increasing order of efficiency, C
operating frequency. > B> a)

5. ___________ amplifiers are linear circuits, 8. Behavior of a transistor in power amplifiers

where the transistor is biased to conduct over is unpredictable at all input signal levels.
the entire range of the input signal cycle. a) True
a) Class A amplifiers b) False
b) Class B amplifiers
c) Class C amplifiers Answer: b
d) None of the mentioned Explanation: A transistor behaves linearly
for signal powers below 1dB compression
Answer: a point and so, the small –signal scattering
Explanation: Class A amplifiers are linear parameters should not depend either on the
circuits, where the transistor is biased to input power level or the output termination
conduct over the entire range of the input impedance.
signal cycle. Because of this, class A
amplifiers theoretically have a maximum 9. If the output power of an amplifier is 10 V,
efficiency of 50%. and the input power supplied to the amplifier
is 0.229 V given that the DC voltage used is
6. A class B amplifier consists of _______ 38.5 V, efficiency of the power amplifier is:
transistors in order to conduct the input signal a) 25%
over the entire cycle. b) 50%
a) 1 c) 75%
b) 2 d) 35%

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Answer: a c) it has low conduction band electrons

Explanation: Efficiency of a power amplifier d) less forbidden energy gap
is (Pout- Pin)/ PDc Substituting the given
values in the above expression, efficiency of Answer: d
the power amplifier is 25%. Explanation: In GaAs, the conduction band
lies directly above the top of the valence
10. If a power amplifier has an output power band. The lowest energy conduction band in
of 10 W, and an amplifier gain of 16.4 dB, GaAs is called as primary valley. GaAs
then the input drive power is: consists of six secondary valleys. The bottom
a) 400 mW of one of the secondary valley is at an energy
b) 225 mW difference of 0.35 eV with the bottom of the
c) 229 mW primary valley in conduction band.
d) 240 mW
3. In a GaAs n-type specimen, the current
Answer: c generated is constant irrespective of the
Explanation: Input drive power required to electric filed applied to the specimen.
get an output of 10 W is Pout (dBm)- G (dB). a) true
G is the gain of the amplifier. Substituting the b) false
given values in the above equation, 229 mW.
Answer: b
Explanation: In a GaAs n-type specimen,
TOPIC 4.2 PRINCIPLES OF when the electric field applied reaches a
MICROWAVE threshold value of Eth, the current in the
SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES: specimen becomes suddenly oscillatory and
GUNN DIODES with respect to time and these oscillations are
in the microwave frequency range. This effect
1. Silicon and germanium are called is called Gunn Effect.
___________ semiconductors.
4. When the electric field applied to GaAs
a) direct gap
specimen is less than the threshold electric
b) indirect gap
field, the current in the material:
c) band gap
a) increases linearly
d) indirect band gap
b) decreases linearly
Answer: b c) increases exponentially
Explanation: The forbidden energy gap for d) decreases exponentially
silicon and germanium are respectively 1.21
Answer: a
eV in Si and 0.79 eV in germanium. Silicon
Explanation: When the electric field applied
and germanium are called indirect gap
is less than the threshold value of electric
semiconductors because the bottom of the
field, the electrons jump from the valence
conduction band does not lie directly above
band to the primary valley of the conduction
the top of the valence band.
band and current increases linearly with
2. GaAs is used in the fabrication of GUNN electric field.
diodes because:
5. When the applied electric field exceeds the
a) GaAs is cost effective
threshold value, electrons absorb more energy
b) It less temperature sensitive
from the field and become:
a) hot electrons

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b) cold electrons b) positive resistance

c) emission electrons c) negative voltage
d) none of the mentioned d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: When the applied electric field Explanation: When either a voltage or
exceeds the threshold value, electrons absorb current is applied to the terminals of a sample
more energy from the field and become hot of bulk solid state compound formed by
electrons. These electrons jump into the group 5 and 3 elements of periodic table, a
lowest secondary valley in the conduction differential resistance is developed in the bulk
band. When the electrons become hot, their device. This fundamental concept is called
mobility reduces. RWH theory.

6. GaAs is used in fabricating Gunn diode. 9. The number of modes of operation for n
Gunn diode is: type GaAs is:
a) bulk device a) two
b) sliced device b) three
c) made of different type of semiconductor c) four
layers d) five
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Answer: a Explanation: n-type GaAs used for
Explanation: A GUNN diode is a bulk fabricating Gunn diode has four modes of
device, that is, it does not contain any operation. They are Gunn oscillation mode,
junction but it is a slice of n-type GaAs. P- limited space charge accumulation mode, and
type GaAs does not exhibit Gunn Effect. stable amplification mode bias circuit
Hence it is a reversible and can be operated in oscillation mode.
both directions.
10. The free electron concentration in N-type
7. The electrodes of a Gunn diode are made GaAs is controlled by:
of: a) effective doping
a) molybdenum b) bias voltage
b) GaAs c) drive current
c) gold d) none of the mentioned
d) copper
Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: The free electron concentration
Explanation: Gunn diode is grown in n-type GaAs is controlled through effective
epitaxially onto a gold or copper plated doping so that they range from 1014 to 1017
molybdenum electrode, out of gallium per cc at room temperature. The typical
arsenide doped with silicon, tellurium or specimen of n-type GaAs has the dimensions
selenium to make it n-type. 150 µm by 150 µm.
8. When either a voltage or current is applied 11. The modes of operation of a Gunn diode
to the terminals of bulk solid state compound are illustrated in a plot of voltage applied to
GaAs, a differential ______ is developed in the Gunn diode v/s frequency of operation of
that bulk device. Gunn diode.
a) negative resistance

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a) true Answer: a
b) false Explanation: The Gunn diode is mounted at
the centre of the broad wall of a shorted
Answer: b waveguide since for the dominant TE10
Explanation: A graph of plot of product of mode; the electric field is maximum at the
frequency and the length of the device plotted centre.
along y-axis versus the product of doping
concentration and length along X- axis. These 15. In a Gunn diode oscillator, the electron
are the parameters on which the four modes drift velocity was found to be 107 cm/second
of operation of Gunn diode are explained. and the effective length is 20 microns, then
the intrinsic frequency is:
12. The mode of operation in which the Gunn a) 5 GHz
diode is not stable is: b) 6 GHz
a) Gunn oscillation mode c) 4 GHz
b) limited space charge accumulation mode d) 2 GHz
c) stable amplification mode
d) bias circuit oscillation mode Answer: a
Explanation: The intrinsic frequency for a
Answer: a Gunn oscillator is given by Vd/L. Here VD is
Explanation: In Gunn oscillation mode, the the drift velocity and L is the effective length.
device is unstable due to the formation of Substituting the given values in the above
accumulation layer and field domain. This equation, intrinsic frequency is 5 GHz.
high field domain moves from cathode to
13. The frequency of oscillation in Gunn SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODES,
diode is given by: PIN DIODES
a) vdom/ Leff
b) Leff/ Vdom
1. The material used to fabricate IMPATT
c) Leff/ WVdom diodes is GaAs since they have the highest
d) none of the mentioned efficiency in all aspects.
a) true
Answer: a b) false
Explanation: In Gunn oscillation mode, the
frequency of oscillation is given by vdom/ Answer: b
Leff, where vdom is the domain velocity, Leff Explanation: IMPATT diodes can be
is effective length that the domain moves fabricated using silicon, germanium, GaAs or
from the time it is formed until the time a new indium phosphide. Out of these materials,
domain is formed. GaAs have highest efficiency, low noise and
high operating frequencies. But GaAs has a
14. In Gunn diode oscillator, the Gunn diode major disadvantage of complex fabrication
is inserted into a waveguide cavity formed by process and higher cost. So, GaAs are not
a short circuit termination at one end preferred over silicon and germanium.
a) true
b) false 2. When a reverse bias voltage exceeding the
breakdown voltage is applied to an IMPATT
diode, it results in:

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a) avalanche multiplication a) Vd/2l

b) break down of depletion region b) Vd/l
c) high reverse saturation current
c) Vd/2πl
d) none of the mentioned
d) Vdd/4πl
Answer: a
Explanation: A reverse bias voltage Answer: a
exceeding the breakdown voltage is applied Explanation: The resonant frequency of an
to an IMPATT diode, a high electric field IMPATT diode is given by the expression
appears across the n+ p junction. This high Vd/2l. Here VD is the carrier drift velocity; L
field imparts sufficient energy to the holes is the length of the intrinsic region in the
and also to valence electrons to raise IMPATT diode.
themselves to the conduction band. This
results in avalanche multiplication of electron 6. If the length of the intrinsic region in
hole pair. IMPATT diode is 2 µm and the carrier drift
velocity are 107 cm/s, then the drift time of
3. To prevent an IMPATT diode from the carrier is:
burning, a constant bias source is used to
a) 10-11 seconds
maintain _______ at safe limit.
a) average current b) 2×10-11 seconds
b) average voltage c) 2.5×10-11 seconds
c) average bias voltage d) none of the mentioned
d) average resistance
Answer: b
Answer: a Explanation: The drift time of the carrier is
Explanation: Avalanche multiplication is a defined as the ratio of length of the intrinsic
cumulative process resulting in rapid increase region to the carrier drift velocity.
of carrier density. To prevent the diode from Substituting the given values in this relation,
burning due to this increased carrier density, a the drift time of the carrier is 2×10-11
constant bias source is used to maintain seconds.
average current at safe limit.
7. If the length of the intrinsic region in
4. The number of semiconductor layers in IMPATT diode is 2 µm and the carrier drift
IMPATT diode is: velocity are 107 cm/s, then the nominal
a) two frequency of the diode is:
b) three a) 12 GHz
c) four b) 25 GHz
d) none of the mentioned c) 30 GHz
d) 24 GHz
Answer: c
Explanation: IMPATT diode consists of 4 Answer: b
layers according to the construction. It Explanation: Nominal frequency is defined
consists of a p+ region and n+ layers at the as the ratio of the carrier drift velocity to
two ends. In between these layers, a p type twice the length of the intrinsic region.
layer and an intrinsic region is sandwiched. Substituting the given values in the above
equation, the nominal frequency is 25 GHz.
5. The resonant frequency of an IMPATT
diode is given by:

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8. IMPATT diodes employ impact ionization 11. If the critical field in a Gunn diode
technique which is a noisy mechanism of oscillator is 3.2 KV/cm and effective length is
generating charge carriers. 20 microns, then the critical voltage is:
a) true a) 3.2 V
b) false b) 6.4 V

c) 2.4 V
Answer: a d) 6.5 V
Explanation: IMPATT devices employ

impact ionization techniques which is too Answer: b
noisy. Hence in order to achieve low noise Explanation: Critical voltage of a Gunn

figure, impact ionization is avoided in diode oscillator is given by the expression lEc
BARITT diodes. The minority injection is where l is the effective length and Ec is the

provided by punch through of the
critical field. Substituting the given values in
intermediate region.
the above equation, critical voltage is 6.4
9. An essential requirement for the BARITT volts.

diode is that the intermediate drift region be
completely filled to cause the punch through TOPIC 4.4 MICROWAVE TUBES:

to occur. KLYSTRON, TWT
a) true
b) false
Answer: b 1. The production of power at higher
Explanation: An essential requirement for frequencies is much simpler than production
the BARITT diode is that the intermediate of power at low frequencies.

drift region be completely filled to cause the a) True

punch through to the emitter-base junction b) False
without causing avalanche breakdown of the
base collector junction. Answer: b

Explanation: As frequency increases to the

10. If the RMS peak current in an IMPATT millimeter and sub millimeter ranges, it
diode is 700 mA and if DC input power is 6 becomes increasingly more difficult to
watt, with the load resistance being equal to produce even moderate power with solid state

2.5 Ω, the efficiency of the diode is: devices, so microwave tubes become more
a) 10.1 % useful at these higher frequencies.
b) 10.21 %
c) 12 % 2. Microwave tubes are power sources

d) 15.2 % themselves at higher frequencies and can be

used independently without any other
Answer: b devices.
a) True

Explanation: Efficiency of IMPATT diode is

defined as the ratio of output RMS power to b) False
the input DC power. Calculating the RMS
output power from the given RMS current Answer: b
and substituting in the equation of efficiency, Explanation: Microwave tubes are not

the efficiency is 10.21%. actually sources by themselves, but are high

power amplifiers. These tubes are in
conjunction with low power sources and this

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combination is referred to as microwave 6. ________ is a single cavity klystron tube

power module. that operates as on oscillator by using a
reflector electrode after the cavity.
3. Microwave tubes are grouped into two a) Backward wave oscillator
categories depending on the type of: b) Reflex klystron
a) Electron beam field interaction c) Travelling wave tube
b) Amplification method d) Magnetrons
c) Power gain achieved
d) Construction methods Answer: b
d) None of the mentioned Explanation: Reflex klystron is a single
cavity klystron tube that operates as on
Answer: a oscillator by using a reflector electrode after
Explanation: Microwave tubes are grouped the cavity to provide positive feedback via the
into two categories depending on the type of electron beam. It can be tuned by
electron beam field interaction. They are mechanically adjusting the cavity size.
linear or ‘O’ beam and crossed field or the m
type tube. Microwave tubes can also be 7. A major disadvantage of klystron amplifier
classified as oscillators and amplifiers. is:
a) Low power gain
4. The klystron tube used in a klystron b) Low bandwidth
amplifier is a _________ type beam c) High source power
amplifier. d) Design complexity
a) Linear beam
b) Crossed field Answer: b
c) Parallel field Explanation: Klystron amplifier offers a very
d) None of the mentioned narrow operating bandwidth. This is
overcome in travelling wave tube (TWT).
Answer: a TWT is a linear beam amplifier that uses an
Explanation: In klystron amplifier, the electron gun and a focusing magnet to
electron beam passes through two or more accelerate beam of electrons through an
resonant cavities. The first cavity accepts an interaction region.
RF input and modulates the electron beam by
bunching it into high density and low density 8. In a _________ oscillator, the RF wave
regions. travels along the helix from the collector
towards the electron gun.
5. In crossed field tubes, the electron beam a) Interaction oscillator
traverses the length of the tube and is parallel b) Backward wave oscillator
to the electric field. c) Magnetrons
a) True d) None o the mentioned
b) False
Answer: b
Answer: b Explanation: In a backward wave oscillator,
Explanation: In a crossed field or ‘m’ type the RF wave travels along the helix from the
tubes, the focusing field is perpendicular to collector towards the electron gun. Thus the
the accelerating electric field. Since the signal for oscillation is provided by the
focusing field and accelerating fields are bunched electron beam itself and oscillation
perpendicular to each other, they are called occurs.
crossed field tubes.

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9. Extended interaction oscillator is a c) Helix BWO

________ beam oscillator that is similar to d) None of the mentioned
a) Linear beam Answer: b
b) Crossed beam Explanation: Gyratron is a microwave device
c) Parallel beam in which the frequency of operation is
d) M beam determined by the biasing field strength and
the electron velocity, as opposed to the
Answer: a dimensions of the tube itself. This makes the
Explanation: Extended interaction oscillator gyrator especially useful for microwave
is a linear beam oscillator that uses an frequencies.
interaction region consisting of several
cavities coupled together, with positive
feedback to support oscillation.

10. Magnetrons are microwave devices that UNIT V MICROWAVE

offer very high efficiencies of about 80%.
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: Magnetrons are capable of very
high power outputs, on the order of several
kilowatts, and with efficiencies of 80% or TOPIC 5.2 IMPEDANCE
more. But disadvantage of magnetron is that
they are very noisy and cannot maintain MATCHING
frequency or phase coherence when operated
in pulse mode. 1. Slotted line is a transmission line
configuration that allows the sampling of:
11. Klystron amplifiers have high noise a) electric field amplitude of a standing wave
output as compared to crossed field on a terminated line
amplifiers. b) magnetic field amplitude of a standing
a) True wave on a terminated line
b) False c) voltage used for excitation
d) current that is generated by the source
Answer: b
Explanation: Crossed filed amplifiers have Answer: a
very good efficiencies – up to 80%, but the Explanation: Slotted line allows the
gain is limited to 10-15 db) In addition, the sampling of the electric field amplitude of a
CFA has a noisier output than either a standing wave on a terminated line. With this
klystron amplifier or TWT. Its bandwidth can device, SWR and the distance of the first
be up to 40%. voltage minimum from the load can be
measured, from this data, load impedance can
12. ____________ is a microwave device in be found.
which the frequency of operation is
determined by the biasing field strength. 2. A slotted line can be used to measure
a) VTM _____ and the distance of _____________
b) Gyratron from the load.

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a) SWR, first voltage minimum c) 0.4

b) SWR, first voltage maximum d) 0.6
c) characteristic impedance, first voltage
minimum Answer: b
d) characteristic impedance, first voltage Explanation: SWR= (1+┌)/ (1-┌). Where ┌
maximum is the reflection co-efficient. Substituting for
the reflection co-efficient in the equation,
Answer: a SWR is 2.3333.
Explanation: With a slotted line, SWR and
the distance of the first voltage minimum 6. Expression for ϴ means phase angle of the
from the load can be measured, from this reflection co efficient r=|r|-e^jθ, the phase of
data, load impedance can be found. the reflection co-efficient is:
a) θ=2π+2βLmin
3. A modern device that replaces a slotted b) θ=π+2βLmin
line is:
c) θ=π/2+2βLmin
a) Digital CRO
b) generators d) θ=π+βLmin
c) network analyzers
d) computers Answer: b
Explanation: here, θ is the phase of the
Answer: c reflection co-efficient. Lmin is the distance
Explanation: Although slotted lines used to from the load to the first minimum. Since
be the principal way of measuring unknown voltage minima repeat every λ/2, any multiple
impedance at microwave frequencies, they of λ/2 can be added to Lmin .
have largely been superseded by the modern
network analyzer in terms of accuracy, 7. In the expression for phase of the reflection
versatility and convenience. coefficient, Lmin stands for :
a) distance between load and first voltage
4. If the standing wave ratio for a
transmission line is 1.4, then the reflection
b) distance between load and first voltage
coefficient for the line is:
a) 0.16667
c) distance between consecutive minimas
b) 1.6667
d) distance between a minima and immediate
c) 0.01667
d) 0.96

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: ┌= (SWR-1)/ (SWR+1). Explanation: Lmin is defined as the distance
Substituting for SWR in the above equation between the terminating load of a
for reflection co-efficient, given SWR is 1.4, transmission line and the first voltage
reflection co-efficient is 0.16667. minimum that occurs in the transmission line
due to reflection of waves from the load end
5. If the reflection coefficient of a due to mismatched termination.
transmission line is 0.4, then the standing
wave ratio is: 8. If SWR=1.5 with a wavelength of 4 cm and
a) 1.3333 the distance between load and first minima is
b) 2.3333 1.48cm, then the reflection coefficient is:
a) 0.0126+j0.1996

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b) 0.0128
c) 0.26+j0.16
d) none of the mentioned DESIGN

Answer: a 1. High gain is not achievable at microwave

Explanation: ┌= (SWR-1)/ (SWR+1). frequencies using BJT amplifiers because:
Substituting for SWR in the above equation a) device construction
for reflection co-efficient, magnitude of the

b) complex architecture
reflection co-efficient is 0.2. To find θ, c) ports are not matched at high frequencies
θ=π+2βLmin, substituting Lmin as 1.48cm, d) none of the mentioned

θ=86.4⁰. Hence converting the polar form of
the reflection co-efficient into rectangular co- Answer: c

ordinates, reflection co-efficient is Explanation: At higher frequencies, if higher
0.0126+j0.1996. bandwidth is desired, a compromise on
maximum achievable gain is made. But at
9. If the characteristic impedance of a these higher frequencies, the ports of the

transmission line 50 Ω and reflection amplifier are not matched to 50 Ω.
coefficient is 0.0126+j0.1996, then load

impedance is: 2. To flatten the gain response of a transistor:
a) 47.3+j19.7Ω a) biasing current has to be increased
b) 4.7+j1.97Ω b) input signal level has to increased
c) 0.26+j0.16 c) increase the operational bandwidth
d) data insufficient d) give negative feedback to the amplifier

Answer: a Answer: d

Explanation: ZL=Z0 (1+┌)/ (1-┌). Explanation: Negative feedback can be used

Substituting the given values of reflection co- to increase the gain response of the transistor,
efficient and characteristic impedance, ZL is improve the input and output match, and
increase the stability of the device.
47.3+j19.7Ω .

3. In conventional amplifiers, a flat gain

10. If the normalized load impedance of a response is achieved at the cost of reduced
transmission line is 2, then the reflection co- gain. But this drawback can be overcome by

efficient is: using:

a) 0.33334 a) balanced amplifiers
b) 1.33334 b) distributed amplifiers
c) 0 c) differential amplifiers

d) 1 d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: ZL=Z0 (1+┌)/ (1-┌), this is the

Explanation: In conventional amplifiers, a

expression for load impedance. Normalized flat gain response is achieved at the cost of
load impedance is the ratio of load impedance reduced gain. But this drawback can be
to the characteristic impedance, taking overcome by using balanced amplifiers. This
ZLL/Z0 as 2, the reflection co-efficient is is overcome by using two 900 couplers to

equal to 0.33334. cancel input and output reflections from two

identical amplifiers.

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4. Bandwidth of balanced amplifier can be an Answer: b

octave or more, but is limited by the Explanation: In distributed amplifiers,
bandwidth of the coupler. cascade of N identical FETs have their gates
a) true connected to a transmission line having a
b) false characteristic impedance of Zg with a spacing
of lg while the drains are connected to a
Answer: a
transmission line of characteristic impedance
Explanation: In order to achieve flat gain
Zd, with a spacing ld.
response, balanced amplifiers use couplers to
minimize reflections. But this in turn reduces
the bandwidth of the amplifier to the coupler 8. ____________ uses balanced input and
bandwidth. output, meaning that there are 2 signal lines,
with opposite polarity at each port.
5. Coupler that is mostly used in balanced a) differential amplifier
amplifiers to achieve the required b) distributed amplifier
performance is: c) balanced amplifier
a) branch line coupler d) none of the mentioned
b) wilkinson coupler
c) lange coupler Answer: a
d) waveguide coupler Explanation: Differential amplifier uses
balanced input and outputs, meaning that
Answer: c there are 2 signal lines, with opposite polarity
Explanation: Lange couplers are broadband at each port. It has two input ports and one
couplers and are compact in size. Since the output port. The difference of the 2 input
bandwidth of a balanced amplifiers depends signals is amplified.
on the bandwidth of the coupler used. Lange
coupler is thus preferred over couplers. 9. A major advantage of differential
amplifiers is:
6. Distributed amplifiers offer very high a) high gain
_________ b) low input impedance
a) gain c) higher output voltage swing
b) bandwidth d) none of the mentioned
c) attenuation
d) none of the mentioned Answer: c
Explanation: Differential amplifiers can
Answer: b provide higher voltage swings that are
Explanation: Distributed amplifiers offer approximately double that obtained with
very high bandwidth of about 10 decade. But single ended amplifier.
higher gain cannot be achieved using
distributed amplifiers and matching at the 10. Along with a differential amplifier, 1800
ports is very important to achieve higher hybrid is used both at the input and output.
bandwidth. a) true
b) false
7. In distributed amplifiers, all the FET stages
in the amplifier are connected in series to one Answer: a
another. Explanation: A differential amplifier can be
a) true constructed using two single-ended amplifiers
b) false

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and 1800 hybrids at the input and output to =0 occurs, it is possible to achieve non zero
split and then recombine the signals. output voltage for zero input voltage, thus
forming an oscillator. This is called
Barkhausen criteria.
MICROWAVE AMPLIFIER 4. The necessary condition for oscillation in a
DESIGN Colpitts oscillator is:
a) C2/C1=gm/Gi
1. _________ is a non linear circuit that b) C1/C2=gm/Gi
converts DC power to an AC waveform of c) C2/C1= gm*Gi
desired frequency based on the oscillator d) None of the mentioned
a) Attenuator Answer: a
b) Amplifier Explanation: The condition for sustained
c) Oscillator oscillation in a Colpitts oscillator is C2/C1 =
d) None of the mentioned gm/Gi. Here C1 and C2 are the capacitance in
the feedback network, gm is the
Answer: c
Explanation: Oscillator is a non linear circuit transconductance of the transistor and Gi is
that converts DC power to an AC waveform. the input admittance.
Most RC oscillators provide sinusoidal
outputs, which minimizes undesired 5. Colpitts oscillator operating at 50 MHz has
harmonics and noise sidebands. an inductor in the feedback section of value
0.10µH. then the values of the capacitors in
2. The transfer function of an RF oscillator is the feedback section is:
given by: a) 100 pF, 100 pF
a) A/ (1-AH (ω)) b) 100 pF, 50 pF
b) A/ (1+AH (ω)) c) 70 pF, 130 pF
c) A/ (-1+AH (ω)) d) 80 pF, 60 pF
d) 1/ (1-AH (ω))
Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: The equivalent value of series
Explanation: Transfer function of an RF combination of the capacitors is given by 1/
oscillator is given by A/ (1-AH (ω)). Here, A ω2L. This gives the equivalent capacitance
is the gain of the transistor multiplier used. value of 200 pF. C1C2/ (C1+C2) =200 pF. C1
H(ω) is the function representing the and C2 values can be chosen in several ways.
feedback network. In an oscillator, positive
feedback is used. One of the way is C1=C2=100 pF.

3. The criterion on which oscillations are 6. The necessary condition for oscillation in a
produced in the oscillator circuit is called: Hartley oscillator is:
a) Shannon’s criteria a) L1/L2 = gm/Gi
b) Barkhausen criteria b) L1/L2 =Gi /gm
c) Colpitts criteria c) L2L/L1 = gm/Gi
d) None of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: When the condition 1-AH (ω)

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Answer: a Answer: c
Explanation: Necessary condition for Explanation: Resonant frequency of Colpitts
oscillation in a Hartley oscillator is L1/L2 = oscillator is given by 1/2π√LCₒ, where C0 is
gm/Gi. Here, L1 and L2 are the inductances in the equivalent capacitance given by C1C2/

the feedback network and gm is the (C1+C2). Substituting and solving the
transconductance of the transistor and Gi is equation, resonant frequency is 45.9 kHz.
the input admittance.

10. For Colpitts oscillator, the capacitors C1
7. An inductor is operating at frequency of 50 and C2 in the feedback network are 1 µF and

MHz. Its inductance is 0.1 µH, and then the 25 µF respectively. Then the β value of the
series resistance associated with the inductor transistor is:

is: (Qo=100) a) 35
a) 0.31 Ω b) 000.76
b) 1.32 Ω c) 25
c) 1 Ω d) 0.0025

d) 1.561 Ω
Answer: c

Answer: a Explanation: β for a transistor is defined as
Explanation: Series resistance associated the ratio of transconductance of the transistor
with an inductor is given by ωL/Qₒ. to the input admittance, which is equal to the
Substituting in this equation, the series of an ratio of C2/C1. Substituting the given values,
inductor is given by 0.31.
β of the transistor is 25.
8. Hartley oscillator has inductance values of

12 mH and 4 mH in the feedback section and TOPIC 5.5 MICROWAVE

a capacitor of 4 nF. Then the resonant POWER AMPLIFIER DESIGN
frequency of the circuit is:
a) 19.89 kHz
1. _______________ are used in the final

b) 25 kHz
c) 45 kHz stages of radar and radio transmitters to
d) 12 kHz increase the radiated power level.
a) Power amplifiers

Answer: a b) Oscillators
Explanation: Resonant frequency of Hartley c) Transistors
oscillator is given by 1/ 2π√(C1 (L1 + L2)). d) Attenuators
Substituting the given values in the above

Answer: a
equation, cut-off frequency is 19.89 kHz. Explanation: Power amplifiers are used in
the final stages of radar and radio transmitters
9. Colpitts oscillator in the feedback section
to increase the radiated power level. Output

has an inductance of 4 mH and capacitors of

of power amplifiers are in the range of 100-
12 nH and 4 nH. Then the resonant frequency
500 mW.
of Colpitts oscillator is:
a) 50.4 kHz 2. Important factors to be considered for
b) 35.1 kHz

power amplifier design are:

c) 45.9 kHz a) Efficiency
d) None of the mentioned b) Gain

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c) Thermal effect Answer: a

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: Class A amplifiers are linear
circuits, where the transistor is biased to
Answer: d conduct over the entire range of the input
Explanation: As per the application signal cycle. Because of this, class A
requirement and considering various aspects amplifiers theoretically have a maximum
of an amplifier like efficiency, gain, thermal efficiency of 50%.
efficiency and inter modulation distortion,
amplifiers need to be designed. 6. A class B amplifier consists of _______
transistors in order to conduct the input signal
3. Amplifier efficiency is the ratio of RF over the entire cycle.
output power to DC input power. This a) 1
parameter determines the performance of an b) 2
amplifier. c) 4
a) True d) 6
b) False
Answer: b
Answer: a Explanation: Class B amplifier is biased to
Explanation: Power amplifier is the primary conduct only during one-half of the input
consumer of DC power in most hand-held signal cycle. 2 complementary transistors are
wireless devices, so amplifier efficiency is an operated in a class B push pull amplifier to
important consideration. Amplifier efficiency provide amplification over the entire cycle.
is the ratio of RF output power to DC input
power. 7. Power amplifiers in the increasing order of
efficiency is:
4. Gain of power amplifiers __________ with a) Class A, B, C
increase in operating frequency. b) Class C, A, B
a) Increases c) Class B, A, C
b) Decreases d) Efficiency of all the 3 amplifiers is the
c) Increases exponentially same
d) Decreases exponentially
Answer: a
Answer: b Explanation: Class A amplifiers have an
Explanation: Silicon bipolar junction efficiency of about 50%. Class B amplifiers
transistor amplifiers in the cellular telephone have an efficiency of about 78%, class C
band of 800-900 MHz band have power amplifiers can achieve efficiencies up to
added efficiencies of about 80%. But this 100%. In the increasing order of efficiency, C
efficiency drops quickly with increase in the > B> a)
operating frequency.
8. Behavior of a transistor in power amplifiers
5. ___________ amplifiers are linear circuits, is unpredictable at all input signal levels.
where the transistor is biased to conduct over a) True
the entire range of the input signal cycle. b) False
a) Class A amplifiers
b) Class B amplifiers Answer: b
c) Class C amplifiers Explanation: A transistor behaves linearly
d) None of the mentioned for signal powers below 1dB compression
point and so, the small –signal scattering

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parameters should not depend either on the power, and so is dependent on the signal
input power level or the output termination power. When noise and a desired signal are
impedance. applied to the input of a noise less network,
both noise and signal will be attenuated or
9. If the output power of an amplifier is 10 V, amplified by the same factor, so that the
and the input power supplied to the amplifier signal to noise ratio will be unchanged.
is 0.229 V given that the DC voltage used is
38.5 V, efficiency of the power amplifier is: 2. __________ is defined as the ratio of input
a) 25% signal to noise ratio to the output signal to
b) 50% noise ratio.
c) 75% a) Noise figure
d) 35% b) Noise temperature
c) SNRo
Answer: a d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: Efficiency of a power amplifier
is (Pout- Pin)/ PDc Substituting the given Answer: a
values in the above expression, efficiency of Explanation: Noise figure is defined as the
the power amplifier is 25%. ratio of input signal to noise ratio to the
output signal to noise ratio of a system or a
10. If a power amplifier has an output power receiver. SNRi is the signal to noise ratio
of 10 W, and an amplifier gain of 16.4 dB, measured at the input terminals of the device.
then the input drive power is: SNR0 is the output signal to noise ratio
a) 400 mW
measured at the output terminals of the
b) 225 mW
c) 229 mW
d) 240 mW
3. The equivalent noise temperature of a
network given the noise figure of the network
Answer: c
or system is:
Explanation: Input drive power required to
a) T0(F-1)
get an output of 10 W is Pout (dBm)- G (dB).
G is the gain of the amplifier. Substituting the b) T0(F+1)
given values in the above equation, 229 mW. c) T0(F)
d) T0/F
Explanation: The equivalent noise
temperature of a network given the noise
1. ___________ is defined as the ratio of figure of the network or system is given by
desired signal power to undesired noise T0(F-1). In this expression, F is the noise
figure of the system. T0 has the value 290 K.
a) Signal to noise ratio
b) Noise to signal ratio T0 is the standard temperature considered.
c) Noise figure
d) Noise temperature 4. Noise figure can be defined for any
microwave network irrespective of any other
Answer: a constraints.
Explanation: SNR is defined as the ratio of a) True
desired signal power to undesired noise b) False

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Answer: b b) 7.6 dB
Explanation: Noise figure is defined only for c) 5.6 dB
a matched input source and for a noise source d) 8.9 dB
equivalent to a matched load at a temperature
T0= 290 K. noise figure and noise Answer: a
temperature are interchangeable noise Explanation: Noise figure of a two stage
properties. cascade network is given by F1+ (F2-1)/G1.
Here F1, F2 are the noise figure of the first
5. Expression for noise of a two port network and the second stage respectively. G1 is the
considering the noise due to transmission line
gain of the first stage. Substituting the given
and other lossy components is:
values in the above equation, noise figure of
a) GkTB + GNadded
the cascade is 8.6 dB.
b) GkTB
c) GNadded 8. Noise equivalent temperature of a 2 stage
d) None of the mentioned cascade network is given by:
a) Te1 + Te2/ G1
Answer: a b) Te1 + Te1
Explanation: Expression for noise of a two
c) Te1 / Te1
port network considering the noise due to
transmission line and other lossy components d) None of the mentioned
is GkTB + GNadded. Here, G is the gain of the
Answer: a
system. Nadded is the noise generated by the Explanation: Noise equivalent temperature
transmission line, as if it appeared at the input of a 2 stage cascade network is given by Te1
terminals of the line. + Te1/ G1. Here, Te1 is the noise equivalent
6. Noise equivalent temperature of a temperature of stage 1 and Te1 is the noise
transmission line that adds noise to the noise equivalent temperature of stage 2. G1 is the
of a device is: gain of the first stage of the amplifier.
a) T (L-1)
b) T (L+1) 9. When a network is matched to its external
c) T (L) circuitry, the gain of the two port network is
d) T/L given by:
a) │S21│2
Answer: a
Explanation: Noise equivalent temperature b) │S22│2
of a transmission line that adds noise to the c) │S12│2
noise of a device is given by T (L-1). Here L
is the loss factor of the line and T is the d) │S11│2
temperature at which the system is thermal
equilibrium. Answer: a
Explanation: The gain of a two port network
7. If the noise figures of the first stage of a is given by the product of SS21 of the
two stage cascade network is 8 dB and the network and reflection co-efficient at the
noise figure of the second stage is 7 dB and source end. But when the two port network is
the gain of the first stage is 10, then the noise matched to the external circuitry, reflection
figure of the cascade is:
a) 8. 6 dB

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coefficient becomes zero and gain reduces to mismatched amplifier is given by 1+ (F-1)/ (1
│S21│2. -│Г│2). Here F is the noise figure of the
amplifier, when there is an impedance
10. For a Wilkinson power divider of mismatch at the input of the amplifier; this
insertion loss L and the coupler is matched to impedance mismatch is given by Г.
the external circuitry, and then the gain of the
coupler in terms of insertion loss is: TOPIC 5.7 MICROWAVE MIXER
a) 2L
b) 1/2L DESIGN
c) L
d) 1/L 1. One condition to be satisfied in an
oscillator circuit so that stable oscillations are
Answer: b produced is:
Explanation: To evaluate the noise figure of a) positive feedback is to be achieved
the coupler, third port is terminated with b) negative feedback is to be achieved
known impedance. Then the coupler becomes c) 1800 phase shift is required between the
a two port device. Since the coupler is transistor input and output.
matched, ГS=0 and Гout=S22=0. So the d) none of the mentioned
available gain is │S21│2. This is equal to
Answer: c
1/2L from the available data.
Explanation: In an oscillator a total of 3600
11. Noise equivalent temperature of of phase shift is to be achieved in the entire
Wilkinson coupler having a gain of 1/2L is circuit to produce oscillations. The transistor
given as: used in the oscillator circuit must produce a
a) T (2L-1) phase shift of 1800 to achieve stable
b) T (2L+1) oscillations. Hence this condition has to be
c) T (2L*1) satisfied by the oscillator.
d) T / (2L-1)
2. In an oscillator, the resonant feedback
Answer: a circuit must have must have a low Q in order
Explanation: Noise equivalent temperature to achieve stable oscillation.
of the Wilkinson coupler is found using the a) true
relation b) false
T (1-G21)/G21. Substituting for G21 in the
above expression, equivalent noise Answer: b
temperature is T (2L-1). Explanation: If the resonant feedback circuit
has a high Q, so that there is random phase
12. Expression for over all noise figure of a shift with frequency, the oscillator will have
mismatched amplifier is: good frequency stability.
a) 1+ (F-1)/ (1 -│Г│2)
3. Quartz crystals are more efficient as a
b) 1
feedback network because:
c) 1+ (F-1)
a) less circuit complexity
d) (F-1)/ (1 -│Г│2) b) cost effective
c) crystals operate at high voltage levels
Answer: a d) LC circuits have unloaded Q of a few
Explanation: The overall noise figure of a hundreds

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Answer: d that the crystal is used in place of an inductor

Explanation: At frequencies below a few in a Colpitts or pierce oscillator.
hundred MHz, where LC resonators seldom
have unloaded Qs greater than a few hundred. 7. In the plot of reactance v/s frequency of a
Quartz crystals have unloaded Q of about crystal oscillator, the reactance between series
10000 and have a temperature drift of resonant frequency and parallel resonant
0.001%/C0. frequency is:
a) capacitive
4. Quartz crystal and tourmaline used in b) inductive
oscillators work on the principle of: c) both capacitive and inductive
a) photo electric effect d) none of the mentioned
b) piezo electric effect
c) Raman effect Answer: b
d) black body radiation Explanation: In the plot of reactance v/s
frequency of a crystal oscillator, the reactance
Answer: b between series resonant frequency and
Explanation: Quartz crystals work on the parallel resonant frequency is inductive. In
principle of piezo electric effect. When this region between the series and parallel and
electrical energy is applied to these crystals, series resonant frequencies, the operating
they vibrate in a direction perpendicular to point of the crystal is fixed and hence can be
the application of energy producing used as part of other circuits.
8. In the equivalent circuit of a quartz crystal,
5. A quartz crystals equivalent circuit is a LCR arm has an inductance of 4 mH and
series LCR circuit and has a series resonant capacitor has a value of 4nF, then the series
frequency. resonant frequency of the oscillator is:
a) true a) 0.25 MHz
b) false b) 2.5 MHz
c) 25 MHz
Answer: b d) 5 MHz
Explanation: A quartz crystal has an
equivalent circuit such that a series LCR Answer: a
network is in parallel with a capacitor. A Explanation: The series resonant frequency
quartz crystal thus has both series and parallel of a crystal oscillator is given by 1/√LC.
resonant frequencies. Substituting the given values of L and C in
the expression, the series resonant frequency
6. Quartz crystal is used in the is 0.25 MHz.
_______region, where the operating point of
the crystal is fixed. 9. Parallel resonant frequency of quartz
a) resistive crystal is given by:
b) inductive reactance a) 1/ √(LCₒC/(Cₒ+C))
c) capacitive reactance b) 1/√LC
d) none of the mentioned c) 1/√LCₒ
d) 1/ √(L(Cₒ+C) )
Answer: b
Explanation: Quartz crystal is always Answer: a
operated in the inductive reactance region so Explanation: Parallel resonant frequency of
an oscillator is given by√(LCₒC/(Cₒ+C)).

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Here L and C are the inductance and Answer: a

capacitance in the LCR arm of the equivalent Explanation: A positive resistance implies
circuit of the crystal. Co is the capacitance energy dissipation while a negative resistance
existing in parallel to this LCR arm. implies an energy source. The negative
resistance device used in the microwave
10. The equivalent circuit of a quartz crystal oscillator, thus acts as a source. The condition
has LCR arm capacitance of 12nF and Xin+ XL=0 controls the frequency of
inductance of 3mH and parallel arm oscillation. Xin is the impedance of the
capacitance of 4nF. Parallel resonant
frequency for the circuit is: negative resistance device.
a) 3 MHz
3. In a microwave oscillator, a load of 50+50j
b) 0.3 MHz
is connected across a negative resistance
c) 6 MHz
device of impedance -50-50j. Steady state
d) 9 MHz
oscillation is not achieved in the oscillator.
a) True
Answer: a
b) False
Explanation: The parallel resonant frequency
of a crystal oscillator is given by 1/
Answer: b
√(LCₒC/(Cₒ+C)). Substituting the given
Explanation: The condition for steady state
values in the equation, the parallel resonant
oscillation in a microwave oscillator is Zin=-
frequency is found to be 3 MHz.
ZL. Since this condition is satisfied in the
above case, steady state oscillation is
TOPIC 5.8 MICROWAVE achieved.
4. For achieving steady state oscillation, the
1. In microwave oscillators, negative condition to be satisfied in terms of reflection
resistance transistors and diodes are used in coefficients is:
order to generate oscillations in the circuit. a) Гin=ГL
a) True b) Гin=-ГL
b) False c) Гin=1/ГL
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: In microwave oscillator, for a Answer: c
current to flow in the circuit the negative Explanation: The condition for steady state
impedance of the device must be matched oscillation to be achieved in terms of
with positive impedance. This results in reflection coefficient is Гin=1/ГL. Here Гin is
current being non-zero and generates
oscillation. the reflection coefficient towards the
reflection coefficient device and ГL is the
2. Any device with negative impedance as its reflection coefficient towards the load.
characteristic property can be called:
a) Energy source 5. A one port oscillator uses a negative
b) Energy sink resistance diode having Гin=0.9575+j0.8034
c) Oscillator (Z0=50Ω) at its desired frequency point. Then
d) None of the mentioned the input impedance of the diode is:
a) -44+j123
b) 50+j100

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c) -44+j145 8. In transistor oscillators, the requirement of

d) None of the mentioned a negative resistance device is satisfied using
a varactor diode.
Answer: a a) True
Explanation: The input impedance of the b) False
diode given reflection coefficient and
characteristic impedance is Z0 (1+Гin)/ (1- Answer: b
Гin). Substituting in the given equation, the Explanation: In a transistor oscillator, a
negative resistance one port network is
input impedance is -44 +j123 Ω.
created by terminating a potentially unstable
6. If the input impedance of a diode used in transistor with impedance designed to drive
the microwave oscillator is 45-j23 Ω, then the the device in an unstable region.
load impedance is to achieve stable
9. In transistor oscillators, FET and BJT are
oscillation is:
used. Instability is achieved by:
a) 45-j23 Ω
a) Giving a negative feedback
b) -45+j23 Ω
b) Giving a positive feedback
c) 50 Ω
c) Using a tank circuit
d) 23-j45 Ω
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Answer: b
Explanation: The condition for stabilized
Explanation: Oscillators require a device that
oscillation is Zin=-ZL. According to this
has high instability. To achieve this condition,
equation, the load impedance required for transistors are used with a positive feedback
stabilized oscillation is – (45-j23) Ω. The load to increase instability.
impedance is thus -45+j23 Ω.
10. In a transistor amplifier, if the input
7. To achieve stable oscillation, Zin + ZL=0 is impedance is -84-j1.9 Ω, then the terminating
the only necessary and sufficient condition to impedance required to create enough
be satisfied by the microwave oscillator. instability is:
a) True a) -84-j1.9 Ω
b) False b) 28+j1.9 Ω
c) – (28+j1.9) Ω
Answer: b d) None of the mentioned
Explanation: The condition Zin + ZL=0 is
only a necessary condition for stable Answer: b
oscillation and not sufficient. Stability Explanation: Relation between terminating
requires that any perturbation in current or impedance and input impedance is Zs=-Rin/3.
frequency is damped out, allowing the Zs is the terminating impedance. Substituting
oscillator to return to its original state. in the given equation, the terminated
impedance is 28+j1.9 Ω.

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Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Antenna Basics
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Antenna Basics”.

1. The basic requirements of transmitting antennas are:

a) High efficiency
b) Low side lobes
c) Large signal to noise ratio
d) Lone of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The basic requirements of a transmitting antenna are high gain and efficiency while
requirements of receiving antennas are low side lobes and large signal to noise to ratio.

2. is a device that converts electrons to photons or vice-versa.

a) Antenna
b) Electron gun
c) Photon amplifier
d) Microwave tube
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antenna is a device that converts electrons into photons or vice versa. A
transmitting antenna converts electrons into photons while a receiving antenna converts photons
into electrons.

3. The basic equation of radiation that is applied to any antenna irrespective of the type of the
antenna is:
a) iL= Qv
b) iQ = Lv
c) i/L=Q/v
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Basic equation of radiation is given by iL=Qv. i is the time change in current, l is
the length of the current element, q is the charge v is the acceleration of the charge.

4. When the separation between two lines that carry the TEM wave approaches λ the wave tends
to be radiated.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: When the separation between two lines that chary the TEM wave approaches λ the
wave tends to be radiated so that the opened – out line act as an antenna which lunches a free
space wave.

5. The number of patterns radiation pattern required to specify the characteristic are :
a) Three
b) Four
c) Two
d) Five
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Answer: a
Explanation: The three patterns required are, θ component of the electric field as the function of

the angles as θ and φ, the φ component of the electric field as the function of the angles θ and φ,
the phase of these fields as a functions of the angle φ and θ .

6. The beam width of the antenna pattern measured at half power points is called:
a) Half power beam width
b) Full null beam width
c) Beam width
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The beam width of an antenna measure at half of the maximum power received by
an antenna or the 3 dB beam width of the antenna is termed as half null beam width.

7. An antenna has a field pattern of E (θ) = cos2 θ, θ varies between 0 and 900. Half power beam
width of the antenna is:
a) 330
b) 660
c) 12000
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Half power beam width of the antenna is obtained by equating the field pattern of
the antenna to 0.707 (half power point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of beam width. Solving
the given problem in the same flow, half power beam width of the antenna is 660.

8. An antenna has a field pattern E (θ) =cos θ. cos 2θ. The first null beam width of the antenna is:
a) 450
b) 900
c) 1800
d) 1200
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Answer: b
Explanation: Half power beam width of the antenna is obtained by equating the field pattern of
the antenna to 0.707 (half power point) and finding θ. 2θ gives the value of beam width. Twice
the half power beam width gives the first null beam width. With the same steps applied, the half
power beam width of the antenna is 450. First null beam width is 900.

9. The solid area through which all the power radiated by the antenna is:
a) Beam area
b) Effective area
c) Aperture area
d) Beam efficiency
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Answer: a
Explanation: The beam area is the solid angle through which all of the power radiated by the
antenna would stream if P (θ, φ) maintained its maximum value over beam area and zero
elsewhere. This value is approximately equal to the angles subtended by the half power points of
the main lobe in the two principal planes.

10. Power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle is called radiation intensity.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Power radiated from an antenna per unit solid angle is called radiation intensity.
Unit of radiation intensity is watts per steridian or per square degree.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Antenna Basics-2

This set of Microwave Engineering Questions and Answers for Entrance exams focuses on
“Antenna Basics-2”.

1. As the beam area of an antenna decreases, the directivity of the antenna:

a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains unchanged
d) Depends on the type of the antenna
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beam area of an antenna and the directivity of the antenna are inversely
proportional. As the beam area is reduced, the directivity increases, meaning smaller the
radiating area of the transmitting antenna, more directed is the emitted energy.

2. If an antenna radiates over half a sphere, directivity of the antenna is:

a) Two
b) Four
c) Three
d) One
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since the antenna radiates over half the sphere, beam area of the antenna is 2π,
directivity of the antenna is given by 4π/ beam area. Substituting for beam area, the directivity of
the antenna is two.

3. The half power beam width of an antenna in both θ and φ are 400 each. Then the gain of the
antenna is:
a) 23
b) 25
c) 14

d) 27
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Answer: b
Explanation: Approximate gain of an antenna is given by the expression 40000/ (HPBW) 2.
Substituting the given values in the above expression, the gain of the antenna is 25. In dB scale
the gain of the antenna is 14 dB.

4. The number N of radio transmitters or point sources of radiation distributed uniformly over the
sky which an antenna can resolve is given by:
a) 4π/ ΩA
b) 2π/ ΩA
c) π/ ΩA
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Resolution may be defined as equal to half the beam width between first nulls. In
the above expression the resolution N is given as 4π/ ΩA.. Here ΩA is the beam area.

5. Ideally, the number of point sources an antenna can resolve is numerically equal to:
a) Gain of the antenna
b) Directivity
c) Beam efficiency
d) Beam area
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Answer: b
Explanation: The number of point source an antenna can resolve is given by 4π/ ΩA Directivity
of an antenna is mathematically given by the relation 4π/ ΩA . Numerically resolution and
directivity are equal.

6. Effective aperture is a parameter of the antenna that gives the physical aperture of the antenna.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Effective aperture defines the amount of the total aperture of the antenna that is
utilized for radiation of energy. Higher the effective aperture of an antenna, more is the aperture

7. Effective aperture in terms of beam area and operating wavelength is given by the relation:
a) λ2/ ΩA
b) ΩA / λ2
c) λ2× ΩA
d) No such relationship exists
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Answer: a
Explanation: Effective aperture is given as λ2/ ΩA. Here ΩA is the beam area. If the beam area is
specified in terms of the operating wavelength λ, then effective are of the antenna can be made
operating wavelength independent.

8. of an antenna is defined as the ratio of the induced voltage to the incident electric
a) Effective height
b) Gain
c) Directivity
d) Loss
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Answer: a
Explanation: At the receiving end, effective height of an antenna is defined as the ratio of the
induced voltage to the incident electric field. Otherwise, if the effective length of the receiving

antenna is known and if the induced voltage is measured, then the field strength can be

9. The directivity of an antenna in terms of the aperture efficiency and operating wavelength is
given by:
a) 4πAe/λ2
b) 2πAe/λ2
c) πAe/λ2
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The directivity of an antenna in terms of aperture efficiency is given by 4πAe/λ2.
Here Ae is the aperture efficiency. λ is the operating frequency. With an increase in the effective
aperture area of an antenna, directivity of the antenna can be increased making the radiated beam

10. A radio link has 15 W transmitter connected to an antenna of 2.5 m2 effective aperture at 5
GHz. The receiving antenna has an effective aperture of 0.5 m2 and is located at a 15 Km line of
sight distance from transmitting antenna. Assuming lossless, matched antennas, the power
delivered to the receiver is:
a) 20 µW
b) 15 µm
c) 23 µm
d) 25 µm
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Answer: c
Explanation: The power delivered to the receiving antenna is Pt (A1 A2/ r2λ2). Substituting the
given values in the above equation, the power at the receiver is 23 µm.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Antenna Family
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Antenna Family”.

1. The members of the antenna family which are made of wires of certain value in terms of
operating wavelength are called:
a) Loop antennas
b) Wire antennas
c) Dipole antenna
d) Slot antennas
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Answer: c
Explanation: Wires of half wavelength are termed as dipoles. Their radiation resistance is about
73 Ω. If only half of this length is used, then it is called quarter-wave monopole with a radiation
resistance of 36.5 Ω.

2. The antenna in which location of the feed determines the direction of the lobe are:
a) Wire antenna
b) Loop antenna
c) Helical antenna
d) Horn antenna
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a wire antenna, the location of the feed determines the direction of the lobe and
the orientation of the wire determines the polarization. These wires can be thick or thin.
Thickness of the wire determines the radiation resistance of the antenna.

3. Based on the size of the loops, loop antennas are classified as small and large loops. This is the
only classification of loop antenna.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Loop antennas are classified based on various antenna parameters. To name a few,
small and large loops, circular and square loops, loops having single or multi turns, loops with
turns wound using a single wire or multiple wires.

4. Antenna that does not belong to the horn antenna family among the following are:
a) Pyramidal horn
b) Conical horn
c) bi-conical horn
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: All of the above mentioned antennas belong to the horn antenna family. Horn
antennas may be made of pointed or rounded waveguides. The waveguides may contain disc at
an end or some dielectric.

5. Patch antennas are the antennas of small size and are made of:
a) Strip line
b) Microstrip lines
c) Coaxial cables
d) Rectangular waveguide
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Answer: b
Explanation: Patch antennas are microstrip antennas that can be of any shape. Patch antennas can

be aperture-coupled fed or proximity fed. For obtaining circular polarization, a patch may also be
doubly fed.

6. Reflector antennas are widely used to modify radiation patterns of radiating elements.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Reflector antennas are used to modify radiation patterns of radiating elements.
Reflector antennas are classified into two categories. They are passive reflectors and active
reflectors. Based on the type of the radiating element and the modification in the radiation
pattern required, accordingly either active or passive reflectors are chosen.

7. The pattern of the reflector in a reflector antenna is called:

a) Primary pattern
b) Secondary pattern
c) Reflector pattern
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a reflector antenna, the feed pattern is called primary pattern and the pattern of
the reflector is called secondary pattern. These antennas are widely employed in RADARs and
other types of point to point communication links.

8. antennas have gain less than reflector antennas but have more lenient tolerance on
a) Helical antennas
b) Lens antennas
c) Array antennas
d) Slot antennas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lens antennas are complex in nature but are able to scale wider angles. In
comparison to reflectors, their gain is 1 or 2 dB less, but these have more lenient tolerance on
surfaces. These have less rearward reflection, relatively low loss and can be easily shaped to the
desired contours.

9. Lens antennas are classified into two types. One being fast antenna, the other one is:
a) Slow antenna
b) Delay antenna
c) Dynamic antenna
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In delay lenses, the electrical path length is increased or the wave is retarded by the
lens medium. Dielectric lenses and H-plane metal lenses fall in this category.

10. The antennas which offer high operational bandwidth and the antenna parameters are
maintained over a wide range of antennas are called:
a) Wide band antennas
b) Array antennas
c) Parabolic antennas
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In this class of antennas, constancy of impedance and radiation characteristics is
maintained over a wide range of frequencies. To be wide band or frequency independent,
antennas should expand or contract in proportion to the wavelength.

11. High directivity required in RADAR communication is satisfied using this type of antennas:
a) Wide band antennas
b) Antenna arrays

c) Slot antennas
d) Patch antennas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Higher directivity is the requirement in point to point communication. This can be
achieved by increasing the size of the antennas in terms of electrical length. When much high
directivity is required, antenna arrays are used.

12. The terminal impedance of a dipole antenna is 710 Ω. The terminal impedance of the slot
antenna given the intrinsic impedance of air is 377 Ω is:
a) 100 Ω
b) 50 Ω
c) 25 Ω
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The terminal impedance ZS of the slot is given by the relation Z02/ 4Zd) Zₒ is the
intrinsic impedance of the medium and ZD is the terminal impedance of the dipole. Substituting
the given values in the above equation, the terminal impedance of sot is 50 Ω.

13. If the length of aperture in a pyramidal horn antenna is 10cm and δ for the design is 0.25.
Then, the flaring angle of the pyramidal horn is:
a) 30⁰
b) 25.4⁰
c) 45⁰
d) 60⁰
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Answer: b
Explanation: The flaring angle of pyramidal horn is given by 2cos-1(L/L+δ). Substituting the
values of L and δ, flaring angle is 25.4⁰.

14. If the directivity of a square corner receiving antenna is 20 and operating at a wavelength of
0.25m, the effective aperture of a square corner antenna is:
a) 0.4 m2
b) 0.2 m2
c) 0.1 m2
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Given the directivity of the antenna, effective aperture of the antenna is given by
Dλ2/4π. substituting the given values of the variables; the effective aperture of the antenna is 0.4
m2 .

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Antenna Radiation
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Antenna Radiation”.

1. An antenna source that radiates energy uniformly in all the directions is called:
a) Isotropic source
b) Anisotropic source
c) Point source
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Isotropic source radiates energy in all the direction uniformly. For such a source,
the radial component Sr of the pointing vector is independent of θ and φ. The three dimensional
power pattern of n isotropic source is a sphere.

2. Antennas that radiate energy only in a specified are called anisotropic antennas.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: All physically realizable, simplest antennas also have directional properties. That is,
they radiate energy in one direction than in any other direction. Such sources are called
anisotropic point sources.

3. The expression for pointing vector of an isotropic point source at a distance „r‟ from the
source is given by:
a) P/ 4πR2
b) P/4π
c) P/ 4πR
d) P×4πR2
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Answer: a
Explanation: The pointing field vector for an isotropic source is given by the expression P/
4πR2.P is the total power radiated y the source. As the distance of the point from the
source increases, the magnitude of pointing vector decreases.

4. A source has a cosine radiation-intensity pattern given by U=UM cos (θ). The directivity of
this source is:
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8
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Answer: b
Explanation: To find the directivity of the given source, the power radiated by the given source is

found out by the method of integration. Taking the ratio of the power radiated by the given
source to the power radiated by an isotropic source gives the directivity. Following the above
steps, the directivity of the given source is 4.

5. A source has a cosine power pattern that is bidirectional. Given that the directivity of a
unidirectional source with cosine power pattern has a directivity of 4, then the directivity of the
unidirectional source is:
a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) 8
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given the directivity of unidirectional power pattern, the directivity of bidirectional
power pattern is half of it. Hence the directivity of the source is 2.

6. A source has a radiation intensity pattern given by U=UM sin θ. The directivity of the
source with this power pattern is:
a) 1
b) 1.27
c) 2.4
d) 3.4
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Answer: b
Explanation: To find the directivity of the given source, the power radiated by the given source is
found out by the method of integration. Taking the ratio of the power radiated by the given
source to the power radiated by an isotropic source gives the directivity. Following the above
steps, the directivity of the given source is 1.27.

7. A source has a sine squared radiation intensity power pattern. The directivity of the given
source is:

a) 1.5
b) 3
c) 2.5
d) 3.5
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Answer: a
Explanation: To find the directivity of the given source, the power radiated by the given source is
found out by the method of integration. Taking the ratio of the power radiated by the given
source to the power radiated by an isotropic source gives the directivity. Following the above
steps, the directivity of the given source is 1.5.

8. A source with a unidirectional cosine squared radiation intensity pattern is given by UMcos2
(θ). The directivity of the given source is:
a) 6
b) 8
c) 2
d) 7
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Answer: a
Explanation: To find the directivity of the given source, the power radiated by the given source is
found out by the method of integration. Taking the ratio of the power radiated by the given
source to the power radiated by anisotropic source gives the directivity. Following the above
steps, the directivity of the given source is 6.

9. Considering distance as a parameter, two types of field zones can be defined around an
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Considering distance as a parameter, two types of field zones can be defined around
an antenna) .The field near the antenna is called near field or Fresnel region and the other region
is the far field that is also called as Fraunhofer region.

10. If the field strength at receiving antenna is 1 µV/m, and the effective aperture area is 0.4 m2
and the intrinsic impedance of the medium is 377 Ω, then the power received by the antenna is:
a) 1.06 pW
b) 1.06 fW
c) 2 µW
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The received power by the antenna is given by E2Ae/Zₒ. Substituting the known
values in the above equation, the power received is 1.06×10-15 watts.

Avionics Questions and Answers – Types of

Antenna – 1
This set of Avionics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of
Antenna – 1”.

1. A dipole antenna is also called as?

a) Marconi antenna
b) Yagi antenna
c) Bidirectional antenna

d) Hertz antenna
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Answer: d
Explanation: One of the most widely used antenna types is the half-wave dipole antenna. This
antenna is also formally known as the Hertz antenna after Heinrich Hertz, who first demonstrated
the existence of electromagnetic waves.

2. The impedance at the center of the antenna is known as?

a) Characteristic impedance
b) Radiation resistance
c) Transmission impedance
d) Recovery resistance
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Answer: b
Explanation: The transmission line is connected at the center. The dipole has an impedance of 73
V at its center, which is the radiation resistance. At the resonant frequency, the antenna appears
to be a pure resistance of 73 V.

3. What happens when the radiation resistance of the antenna matches the characteristic
impedance of the transmission line?
a) No transmission occurs
b) No reception occurs
c) SWR is maximum
d) SWR is minimum
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Answer: d
Explanation: When the radiation resistance of the antenna matches the characteristic impedance
of the transmission line, the SWR is minimum and maximum power reaches the antenna. This
allows maximum power to be transmitted.

4. The type of dipole antenna that has a higher band width is called as?
a) Conical antenna
b) Yagi antenna
c) Helical antenna
d) Marconi antenna
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Answer: a
Explanation: A common way to increase bandwidth in the antenna is to use a version of the
dipole antenna known as the conical antenna. The overall length of the antenna is 0.73λ or
0.73(984)/f = 718.32/f. This is longer than the traditional one-half wavelength of a dipole
antenna, but the physical shape changes the necessary dimensions for resonance.

5. The radiation pattern of a half-wave dipole has the shape of a

a) Doughnut
b) Sphere
c) Hemisphere
d) Circular
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Answer: a
Explanation: The radiation pattern of any antenna is the shape of the electromagnetic energy
radiated from or received by that antenna. Typically that radiation is concentrated in a pattern
that has a recognizable geometric shape. The radiation pattern of a half-wave dipole has the
shape of a doughnut.

6. What is the beam width for a half wave dipole antenna?

a) 90°
b) 180°
c) 50°
d) 250°
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Answer: a
Explanation: The beam width is measured between the points on the radiation curve that are 3 dB
down from the maximum amplitude of the curve. The maximum amplitude of the pattern occurs
at 0° and 180°. The 3-dB down points are 70.7 percent of the maximum. The angle formed with
two lines extending from the center of the curve to these 3-dB points is the beam width. The
beam width is 90°. The smaller the beam width angle, the more directional the antenna.

7. What does the beam width of an antenna tell us?

a) Signal strength
b) Signal power
c) Directivity
d) Degradation
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Answer: c
Explanation: The measure of an antenna‟ s directivity is beam width, the angle of the radiation
pattern over which a transmitter‟ s energy is directed or received. Beam width is measured on an
antenna‟ s radiation pattern.

8. What is the power radiated by the antenna with gain called as?
a) Critical power
b) Transverse power
c) Effective radiated power
d) Transmitted power
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Answer: c
Explanation: The power radiated by an antenna with directivity and therefore gain is called the
effective radiated power (ERP). The ERP is calculated by multiplying the transmitter power fed
to the antenna Pt by the power gain Ap of the antenna.

9. What is the radiation pattern of an isotropic radiator?

a) Doughnut

b) Sphere
c) Hemisphere
d) Circular
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Answer: b
Explanation: An isotropic radiator is a theoretical point source of electromagnetic energy. The E
and H fields radiate out in all directions from the point source, and at any given distance from the
point source, the fields form a sphere.

10. What is the impedance of the folded dipole antenna?

a) 50Ω
b) 100Ω
c) 300Ω
d) 20Ω
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Answer: c
Explanation: A popular variation of the half-wave dipole is the folded dipole. Like the standard
dipole, it is one-half wavelength long. However, it consists of two parallel conductors connected
at the ends with one side open at the center for connection to the transmission line. The
impedance of this popular antenna is 300 V, making it an excellent match for the widely
available 300-V twin lead.

11. Which of the following antennas produce a vertical radiation pattern?

a) Dipole antenna
b) Yagi antenna
c) Marconi antenna
d) Hertz antenna
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Answer: c
Explanation: The same effect as dipole antenna can be achieved with a one-quarter wavelength

antenna or Marconi antenna. A vertical dipole with the doughnut-shaped radiation pattern, in
which one-half of the pattern is below the surface of the earth. This is called a vertical radiation

Avionics Questions and Answers – Types of

Antenna – 2
This set of Avionics MCQs focuses on “Types of Antenna – 2”.

1. What is the use of loading coil?

a) Correcting resonance to a desired frequency
b) Increasing the antenna gain
c) Sideband suppression
d) Increasing the range of the antenna
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a vertical antenna is made less than one-quarter wavelength, the practical
effect is a decreased inductance. The antenna no longer resonates at the desired operating
frequency, but at a higher frequency. To compensate for this, a series inductor, called a loading
coil, is connected in series with the antenna coil. The loading coil brings the antenna back into
resonance at the desired frequency.

2. Why is top hat added to antennas?

a) To increase capacitance
b) Increasing the antenna gain
c) Sideband suppression
d) Increasing the range of the antenna
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Answer: a
Explanation: A top hat is a structure that increases the capacitance to surrounding items, bringing
the antenna back into resonance. Obviously, such an arrangement is too top-heavy and
inconvenient for portable and mobile antennas. However, it is sometimes used in larger fixed
antennas at lower frequencies.

3. In a parasitic array antenna, the conductors that are not connected to the transmission line is
called as?
a) Driven element
b) Parasitic elements
c) Extra elements
d) Array elements
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Answer: b
Explanation: A parasitic array consists of a basic antenna connected to a transmission line plus
one or more additional conductors that are not connected to the transmission line. These extra
conductors are referred to as parasitic elements, and the antenna itself is referred to as the driven

4. In a parasitic array the elements are shorted if they are connected to a conducting beam.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The boom does not have to be an insulator. Because there is a voltage null at the
center of a one-half wavelength conductor at the resonant frequency, there is no potential
difference between the elements and so they can all be connected to a conducting boom with no
undesirable effect. In other words, the elements are not “shorted together.”

5. Parasitic element that is typically about 5 percent longer than the half-wave dipole-driven
element is called _

a) Array element
b) Director element
c) Reflector element
d) Driven element
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Answer: c
Explanation: The reflector, a parasitic element that is typically about 5 percent longer than the
half-wave dipole-driven element, is spaced from the driven element by a distance of 0.15λ to
0.25λ. When the signal radiated from the dipole reaches the reflector, it induces a voltage into the
reflector and the reflector produces some radiation of its own creating a highly focused beam in
the direction of the driven element.

6. Why is the boom of the yagi antenna connected to a metal mast and electrical ground?
a) Better signal directivity
b) Increased bandwidth
c) Lightning protection
d) To avoid short circuiting
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Answer: c
Explanation: The centers of the parasitic elements are neutral electrically; these elements can be
connected directly to the boom. For the best lightning protection, the boom can then be
connected to a metal mast and electrical ground.

7. Which of the following is not one of the types of driven array antenna?
a) Rectilinear antenna
b) Broadside antenna
c) End fire antenna
d) log periodic antenna
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Explanation: Each element in a driven array antenna receives RF energy from the transmission
line, and different arrangements of the elements produce different degrees of directivity and gain.
The three basic types of driven arrays are the collinear, the broadside, and the end-i re. A fourth
type is the wide-bandwidth log-periodic antenna.

8. What is the length of the shortest element in the yagi antenna?

a) One quarter the wavelength of the highest frequency
b) One quarter the wavelength of the lowest frequency
c) One half the wavelength of the highest frequency
d) One half the wavelength of the lowest frequency
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Answer: c
Explanation: The lengths of the driven elements vary from long to short and are related
logarithmically. The longest element has a length of one-half wavelength at the lowest frequency
to be covered, and the shortest element is one-half wavelength at the higher frequency. The
spacing is also variable.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Antenna Gain and Efficiency
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Antenna Gain and Efficiency”.

1. A is a device that converts a guided electromagnetic wave on a transmission line

into a plane wave propagating in free space.
a) Transmitting antenna
b) Receiving antenna
c) Radar

d) Mixer
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Answer: a
Explanation: A transmitting antenna is a device that converts a guided electromagnetic wave on a
transmission line into a plane wave propagating in free space. It appears as an electrical circuit
on one side, provides an interface with a propagating plane wave.

2. Antennas are bidirectional devices.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antennas can be used both as transmitters and receivers. As transmitters they
radiate energy to free space and as receivers they receive signal from free space. Hence, they are
called bidirectional devices as they are used at both transmitting end and receiving end.

3. Dipole antennas are an example for:

a) Wire antennas
b) Aperture antennas
c) Array antennas
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dipoles, monopoles, oops, Yagi-Uda arrays are all examples for wire antennas.
These antennas have low gains, and are mostly used at lower frequencies.

4. antennas consist of a regular arrangement of antenna elements with a feed network

a) Aperture antennas
b) Array antennas
c) Printed antennas

d) Wire antennas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Array antennas consist of a regular arrangement of antenna elements with a feed
network. Pattern characteristics such as beam pointing angle and side lobe levels can be
controlled by adjusting the amplitude and phase excitation of array elements.

5. A parabolic reflector used for reception with the direct broadcast system is 18 inches in
diameter and operates at 12.4 GHz. The far-field distance for this antenna is:
a) 18 m
b) 13 m
c) 16.4 m
d) 17.3 m
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Answer: d
Explanation: Far field distance for a reflector antenna is given by 2D2/λ. D is the diameter and λ
is the operating signal wavelength. Substituting in the above expression, far field distance is 17.3

6. of an antenna is a plot of the magnitude of the far field strength versus position
around the antenna.
a) Radiation pattern
b) Directivity
c) Beam width
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Radiation pattern of an antenna is a plot of the magnitude of the far field strength
versus position around the antenna. This plot gives the detail regarding the region where most of
the energy of antenna is radiated, side lobes and beam width of an antenna.

7. Antennas having a constant pattern in the azimuthal plane are called

a) High gain antenna
b) Omni directional antenna
c) Unidirectional antenna
d) Low gain antenna
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Answer: b
Explanation: Omni directional antennas radiate EM waves in all direction. If the radiation pattern
for this type of antenna is plotted, the pattern is a constant signifying that the radiated power is
constant measured at any point around the antenna.

8. Beamwidth and directivity are both measures of the focusing ability of an antenna.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beamwidth and directivity are both measures of the focusing ability of an antenna.
An antenna with a narrow main beam will have high directivity, while a pattern with low beam
will have low directivity.

9. If the beam width of an antenna in two orthogonal planes are 300 and 600. Then the directivity
of the antenna is:
a) 24
b) 18
c) 36
d) 12
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given the beam width of the antenna in 2 planes, the directivity is given by

32400/θ*∅, where θ,∅ are the beam widths in the two orthogonal planes. Substituting in the
equation, directivity of the antenna is 18.

10. If the power input to an antenna is 100 mW and if the radiated power is measured to be 90
mW, then the efficiency of the antenna is:
a) 75 %
b) 80 %
c) 90 %
d) Insufficient data
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Answer: c
Explanation: Antenna efficiency is defined as the ratio of radiated power to the input power to
the antenna. Substituting the given data in the efficiency equation, the efficiency of the antenna
is 90%.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Antenna Gain and Efficiency
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Antenna Gain and Efficiency”.

1. A is a device that converts a guided electromagnetic wave on a transmission line

into a plane wave propagating in free space.
a) Transmitting antenna
b) Receiving antenna
c) Radar
d) Mixer
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Answer: a
Explanation: A transmitting antenna is a device that converts a guided electromagnetic wave on a
transmission line into a plane wave propagating in free space. It appears as an electrical circuit
on one side, provides an interface with a propagating plane wave.

2. Antennas are bidirectional devices.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antennas can be used both as transmitters and receivers. As transmitters they
radiate energy to free space and as receivers they receive signal from free space. Hence, they are
called bidirectional devices as they are used at both transmitting end and receiving end.

3. Dipole antennas are an example for:

a) Wire antennas
b) Aperture antennas
c) Array antennas
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dipoles, monopoles, oops, Yagi-Uda arrays are all examples for wire antennas.
These antennas have low gains, and are mostly used at lower frequencies.

4. antennas consist of a regular arrangement of antenna elements with a feed network

a) Aperture antennas
b) Array antennas
c) Printed antennas
d) Wire antennas
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Answer: b
Explanation: Array antennas consist of a regular arrangement of antenna elements with a feed
network. Pattern characteristics such as beam pointing angle and side lobe levels can be
controlled by adjusting the amplitude and phase excitation of array elements.

5. A parabolic reflector used for reception with the direct broadcast system is 18 inches in
diameter and operates at 12.4 GHz. The far-field distance for this antenna is:
a) 18 m
b) 13 m
c) 16.4 m
d) 17.3 m
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Answer: d
Explanation: Far field distance for a reflector antenna is given by 2D2/λ. D is the diameter and λ
is the operating signal wavelength. Substituting in the above expression, far field distance is 17.3

6. of an antenna is a plot of the magnitude of the far field strength versus position
around the antenna.
a) Radiation pattern
b) Directivity
c) Beam width
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Radiation pattern of an antenna is a plot of the magnitude of the far field strength
versus position around the antenna. This plot gives the detail regarding the region where most of
the energy of antenna is radiated, side lobes and beam width of an antenna.

7. Antennas having a constant pattern in the azimuthal plane are called

a) High gain antenna

b) Omni directional antenna

c) Unidirectional antenna
d) Low gain antenna
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Answer: b
Explanation: Omni directional antennas radiate EM waves in all direction. If the radiation pattern
for this type of antenna is plotted, the pattern is a constant signifying that the radiated power is
constant measured at any point around the antenna.

8. Beamwidth and directivity are both measures of the focusing ability of an antenna.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beamwidth and directivity are both measures of the focusing ability of an antenna.
An antenna with a narrow main beam will have high directivity, while a pattern with low beam
will have low directivity.

9. If the beam width of an antenna in two orthogonal planes are 300 and 600. Then the directivity
of the antenna is:
a) 24
b) 18
c) 36
d) 12
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given the beam width of the antenna in 2 planes, the directivity is given by
32400/θ*∅, where θ,∅ are the beam widths in the two orthogonal planes. Substituting in the
equation, directivity of the antenna is 18.

10. If the power input to an antenna is 100 mW and if the radiated power is measured to be 90
mW, then the efficiency of the antenna is:
a) 75 %
b) 80 %
c) 90 %
d) Insufficient data
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Answer: c
Explanation: Antenna efficiency is defined as the ratio of radiated power to the input power to
the antenna. Substituting the given data in the efficiency equation, the efficiency of the antenna
is 90%.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Wireless Communication
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Wireless Communication”.

1. Most of the wireless systems today operate at a frequency of about:

a) 800 MHz
b) 100 MHz
c) 80 MHz
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: With all advancement in wireless communication today, the need of the hour is
higher data rates of transmission and reception. These higher data rates can be achieved only at
microwave frequency range and in giga hertz frequency range.

2. Point to point communication systems use low gain antennas for communication.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: In point to point communication a single transmitter communicates with a single
receiver. Such systems use high gain antennas to maximize received power and minimize
interference with other radios.

3. In this method of wireless communication, communication happens only in one direction:

a) Simplex
b) Duplex
c) Half duplex
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In simplex systems, communication happens only in one direction that is from the
transmitter to the receiver. Examples for this type of communication include radio, television and
paging systems.

4. The power density radiated by an isotropic antenna is given by the relation:

a) Pt/4πR2
b) Pt/4R2
c) Pt/R2
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: An isotropic antenna radiates energy equally in all the directions. Hence, the power
density radiated at a distance R is given by the relation Pt/4πR2.

5. The power received by a receiving antenna given that Pt is the transmitted power is:
a) GrGtλ2pt/ (4πR)2
b) Gtλ2pt/ (4πR)2
c) Grλ2pt/ (4πR)2
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power received by a receiving antenna given that Pt is the transmitted power is
GrGtλ2pt/ (4πR)2. Here Gr is the gain of the receiving antenna; Gt is the gain of the transmitting
antenna. R is the distance between the transmitting and receiving antenna.

6. If the distance between a transmitting station and receiving station is 1 Km and if the antennas
are operating at a wavelength of 5 cm, then the path loss is:
a) 108 dB
b) 12 dB
c) 45 dB
d) 48 dB
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Answer: a
Explanation: Path loss is given by the expression 20 log (4πR/λ) in db. Substituting the given
values in the above expression, the path loss is 108 dB.

7. The amount of power by which the received power must be greater than the threshold level
required to maintain a minimum quality of service is called
a) Line loss
b) Link budget
c) Link margin
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Link margin is the amount of power by which the received power must be greater
than the threshold level required to maintain a minimum quality of service. Link margin signifies
the minimum amount of power required to sustain communication maintaining a minimum
quality of service.

8. Link margin that is used to account for fading effects is called fade margin.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Link margin that is used to account for fading effects is called fade margin. Satellite
links operating at frequencies of above 10 GHz require a fading margin of about 20dB or more to
account for attenuation during heavy rain.

9. One of the most important requirements of a radio receiver is high gain.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Radio receivers must have very high gain of about 100 dB in order to detect the
very low power level of the received signal to a level near its original baseband value.

10. A radio receiver operating at microwave frequencies must have very high selectivity.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Today, most of the applications use wireless communication at microwave

frequency. Hence space is a sea of EM waves. In order to receive only the desired signal in the
desired range of frequencies, the radio receiver must have high sensitivity.

Microwave Engineering Questions and

Answers – Noise Characteristics of Receivers
This set of Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
“Noise Characteristics of Receivers”.

1. The noise power will determine the maximum detectable signal level for a receiver.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The noise power will determine the minimum detectable signal level of the receiver
for a given transmitter power, maximum range of a communication link. There is a limit on the
maximum noise that can be associated with a signal in spite of which the signal can be recovered
from the noise.

2. Equivalent noise temperature of a transmission line connecting the antenna to the receiver is:
a) TP (LP-1)
b) TP (LP + 1)
c) TP/ (LP-1)
d) TP / (LP +
1) View

Answer: a
Explanation: The transmission line connecting the antenna to the receiver has a loss of LT and is
at a physical temperature TP. its noise equivalent temperature is given by TP (LP-1).

3. In a receiver, if the noise figure of the mixer stage in the receiver is 7 dB, then the equivalent
noise temperature is given that the receiver is operating at 290 K:
a) 1163 K
b) 1789 K
c) 1000 K
d) 1234 K
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Answer: a
Explanation: Equivalent noise temperature for a given noise figure is given by To (FM-1). FM is
the noise figure in dB. Substituting the given values for noise figure and temperature, noise
equivalent temperature is 1163 K.

4. If a transmission line connecting the antennas to the receiver has a loss of 1.5 dB, given the
physical temperature is 270C, noise equivalent temperature is:
a) 123 K
b) 145 K
c) 345 K
d) 234 K
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Answer: a
Explanation: The noise equivalent temperature of the transmission line is given by TP(LP-1).
Converting the value from dB scale and substituting, noise equivalent temperature is 123 K.

5. Given that the antenna efficiency is 0.9, equivalent brightness temperature is 200 K; physical
temperature is 300 K, noise temperature of an antenna is:
a) 220 K
b) 210 K
c) 240 K
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Noise temperature of an antenna is given by rad Tb + (1- rad) TP. Tb is the
equivalent brightness temperature and TP is the physical temperature. Substituting the given
values, noise temperature of the antenna is 210 K.

6. If a receiver is operating at a bandwidth of 1 MHz and has antenna noise temperature of 210
K, then the input noise power is:
a) -90 dBm
b) -115 dBm
c) -56 dBm
d) -120 dBm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Input noise power is given the expression kBTa) Here k is the Boltzmann‟ s
constant, B is the operational bandwidth of the antenna and TA is the antenna noise temperature.
Substituting in the above expression, input noise power is -115 dBm.

7. Antenna noise temperature of a system is 210 K, noise temperature of transmission line is 123
K, loss of a transmission line connecting the antenna to receiver is 1.41 and noise temperature of
the receiver cascade is 304 K. then the total system noise temperature is:
a) 840 K
b) 762 K
c) 678 K
d) 1236 K
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: The total system noise temperature is given by the expression TA+TTL+LTTREc)
TA is the antenna noise temperature, TTL is the transmission line noise temperature, TREC is
the noise temperature of receiver cascade. Substituting the given values, total system noise
temperature is 762 K.

8. If the received power at antenna terminals is -80dBm, and if the input noise power is -115
dBm, then the input SNR is:
a) 45 dB
b) -195 dB
c) -35 dB
d) 35 dB
View Answer

Answer: d
Explanation: Input SNR of a system is (Si-Ni) in dB. Substituting the given signal power and
noise power in dB, input SNR of the system is 35 dB.

9. A receiver system is operating at a bandwidth of 1 MHz and has a total system noise
temperature of 762 K. then the output noise power is:
a) -110 dBm
b) -234 dBm
c) -145 dBm
d) -124 dBm
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Output noise power of a receiver system is kBTsys. B is the operating bandwidth
and Tsys is the total system noise temperature. Substituting the given values in the given
equation, output noise power is -110 dBm.

10. If the received power at the antenna terminals is Si=-80 dBm and the output noise power is -
110 dBm then the output signal to noise ratio is given by:
a) 30 dB
b) -30 dB
c) 35 dB
d) -35 dB
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Output signal to noise ratio in dB is given by (So-No). Substituting the given values
in the above equation, the output SNR is 30 dB.
Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Antenna & Wave Propagation

1) What is the wavelength of Super high frequency (SHF) especially used in Radar &
satellite communication?

a. 1 m – 10 m
b. 1 cm – 10 cm
c. 10 cm – 1 m
d. 0.1 cm – 1 cm

ANSWER: 1 cm – 10 cm

2) Which among the following is an application of high frequency?

b. Subsurface communication
c. Radio navigation
d. Facsimile

ANSWER: Facsimile

3) Wave front is basically a locus of points acquiring similar

a. Phase
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude
d. Wave equation


4) In which kind of waveform is the phase velocity defined?

a. Sinusoidal
b. Rectangular
c. Square
d. Triangular

ANSWER: Sinusoidal

5) Which among the following is/are not present in free space?

a. Solid bodies
b. Ionized particles
c. Interference of normal radiation & radio wave propagation
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above

6) Power density is basically termed as power per unit area

a. Reflected
b. Refracted
c. Radiated
d. Diffracted

ANSWER: Radiated

7) If the path difference of two waves with single source traveling by different paths to
arrive at the same point, is λ/2, what would be the phase difference between them?

a. β x (λ/2)
b. β / (λ/2)
c. β + (λ/2)
d. β – (λ/2)

ANSWER: β x (λ/2)

8) Which ionization layer exists during day time & usually vanishes at night due to highest
recombination rate?

a. D-region
b. Normal E-region
c. Sporadic E-region
d. Appleton region

ANSWER: D-region

9) What is the possible range of height for the occurrence of sporadic E-region with
respect to normal E-region?

a. 20 km – 50 km
b. 45 km – 85 km
c. 90 km – 130 km
d. 140 km – 200 km

ANSWER: 90 km – 130 km

10) F2 layer of appleton region acts as a significant reflecting medium for frequency
radio waves

a. Low
b. Moderate
c. High
d. All of the above


11) The knowledge of which parameter is sufficient for deriving the time varying
electromagnetic field?

a. Electric field intensity

b. Magnetic field intensity
c. Current density
d. Power density

ANSWER: Current density

12) According to Webster’s dictionary, what is an antenna?

a. Impedance matching device

b. Sensor of electromagnetic waves
c. Transducer between guided wave & free space wave
d. Metallic device for radiating or receiving radio waves

ANSWER: Metallic device for radiating or receiving radio waves

13) Under which conditions of charge does the radiation occur through wire antenna?

a. For a charge with no motion

b. For a charge moving with uniform velocity with straight & infinite wire
c. For a charge oscillating in time motion
d. All of the above

ANSWER: For a charge oscillating in time motion

14) In a non-isotropic directional antenna, which radiating lobe axis makes an angle of
180° w.r.t. major beam of an antenna?

a. Minor lobe
b. Side lobe
c. Back lobe
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Back lobe

15) At which angles does the front to back ratio specify an antenna gain?
a. 0° & 180°
b. 90° & 180°
c. 180° & 270°
d. 180° & 360°

ANSWER: 0° & 180°

16) Which among the following defines the angular distance between two points on each
side of major lobe especially when the radiation drops to zero?

a. Half power beam width (HPBW)

b. First null beam width (FNBW)
c. Side lobe level (SLL)
d. Front to back ratio (FBR)

ANSWER: First null beam width (FNBW)

17) If an observation point is closely located to the source, then the field is termed as

a. Induced
b. Radiated
c. Reflected
d. Far-field

ANSWER: Induced

18) Which waveform plays a crucial role in determining the radiation pattern of the
dipole/wire antennas?

a. Current
b. Voltage
c. Frequency
d. Phase

ANSWER: Current

19) How are the infinitesimal dipoles represented in terms of antenna length and signal

a. l ≤ (λ /50)
b. (λ/50 ) < l ≤ (λ /10)
c. l = λ/2
d. None of the above

ANSWER: l ≤ (λ /50)
20) In flared transmission line, the radiation phenomenon increases due to in

a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Stability
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Increase

21) Which pattern is generated due to plotting of square of amplitude of an electric field?

a. Field Pattern
b. Voltage Pattern
c. Power Pattern
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Power Pattern

22) In an electrically small loops, the overall length of the loop is one-tenth of a

a. Less than
b. Equal to
c. Greater than
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Less than

23) On which factor/s do/does the radiation field of a small loop depend?

a. Shape
b. Area
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above


24) From the radiation point of view, small loops are radiators

a. Poor
b. Good
c. Better
d. Excellent

25) According to the directivity of a small loop, which value of ‘θ’ contributes to achieve
the maximum value of radiation intensity (Umax)?

a. 0°
b. 90°
c. 180°
d. 270°


26) In which kind of array configuration, the element locations must deviate or adjust to
some nonplaner surface like an aircraft or missile?

a. Linear
b. Planer
c. Conformal
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Conformal

27) What is the nature of radiation pattern of an isotropic antenna?

a. Spherical
b. Dough-nut
c. Elliptical
d. Hyperbolic

ANSWER: Spherical

28) In broadside array, all the elements in the array should have similar
excitation along with similar amplitude excitation for maximum radiation.

a. Phase
b. Frequency
c. Current
d. Voltage


29) Which among the following is regarded as a condition of an ordinary endfire array?

a. α < βd
b. α > βd
c. α = ±βd
d. α ≠ ±βd

ANSWER: α = ±βd

30) Which mode of propagation is adopted in HF antennas?

a. Ionospheric
b. Ground wave
c. Tropospheric
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Ionospheric

31) For which band/s is the space wave propagation suitable over 30 MHz?

a. VHF
b. SHF
c. UHF
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above

32) If the tower antenna is not grounded, which method of excitation is/are applicable for

a. Series
b. Shunt
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Series

33) In ungrounded antennas, if an excitation is applied directly across the base insulator,
then on which factor/s would the voltage across the insulator depend?

a. Power delivered to antenna

b. Power factor of impedance
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Both a and b

34) Which among the following exhibits perpendicular nature in TEM wave?
a. Electric field
b. Magnetic field
c. Direction of propagation
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above

35) Which equations are regarded as wave equations in frequency domain for lossless

a. Maxwell’s
b. Lorentz
c. Helmholtz
d. Poisson’s

ANSWER: Helmholtz

36) If the magnetic field component of a plane wave in a lossless dielectric is H = 50 sin (2π
x 106 t – 6x) azmA/m , what will be the wave velocity?

a. 1.047 x 106 m/s

b. 1.257 x 106 m/s
c. 2.50 x 106 m/s
d. 3 x 106 m/s

ANSWER: 1.047 x 106 m/s

37) In an electrical circuit, which nature of impedance causes the current & voltages in

a. Reactive
b. Resistive
c. Capacitive
d. Inductive

ANSWER: Resistive

38) Which type of ground wave travels over the earth surface by acquiring direct path
through air from transmitting to receiving antennas?

a. Surface wave
b. Space wave
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Space wave

39) After which phenomenon/phenomena do the waves arrive at the receiving antenna in
ionospheric propagation?

a. Reflection or Scattering
b. Refraction
c. Defraction
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Reflection or Scattering

40) By which name/s is an ionospheric propagation, also known as?

a. Sea wave propagation

b. Ground wave propagation
c. Sky wave propagation
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Sky wave propagation

41) According to Snell’s law in optics, if a ray travels from dense media to rarer media,
what would be its direction w.r.t the normal?

a. Towards
b. Away
c. Across
d. Beside


42) Which mechanism/s is/are likely to occur in mid-frequency operation corresponding

to ionospheric region?

a. Only Reflection
b. Only Refraction
c. Partial reflection & refraction
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Partial reflection & refraction

43) Which among the following plays a primary role in generation of conduction current
in an ionosphere due to presence of electric field?

a. Ions
b. Motion of electrons
c. Neutral molecules
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Motion of electrons

44) Which type of wire antennas are also known as dipoles?

a. Linear
b. Loop
c. Helical
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Linear

45) Which antennas are renowned as patch antennas especially adopted for space craft

a. Aperture
b. Microstrip
c. Array
d. Lens

ANSWER: Microstrip

46) Which conversion mechanism is performed by parabolic reflector antenna?

a. Plane to spherical wave

b. Spherical to plane wave
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Spherical to plane wave

47) Which antenna radiating region/s has/have independent nature of angular field
distribution over the distance from the antenna?

a. Reactive near-field region

b. Fresnel region
c. Fraunhofer region
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Fraunhofer region

48) Sterdian is a measurement unit of

a. Point angle
b. Linear angle
c. Plane angle
d. Solid angle
ANSWER: Solid angle

49) According to the geometry, how many sterdians are present in a full sphere?

a. π/2
b. π
c. 2π
d. 4π


50) The vector magnetic potential shows the inverse relationship with its

a. Source
b. Distance of point from the source (R)
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Distance of point from the source (R)

51) In retarded potentials, what factor of time delay is generally introduced in A & V

a. R + c
b. R – c
c. R/c
d. R x c


52) In the solutions of inhomogeneous vector potential wave equation, which component
exists if the source is at origin and the points are removed from the source (Jz = 0)?

a. Inward
b. Outward
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Outward

53) If a half-wave dipole operates at 300 MHz with λ = 0.5m & D0 = 1.643, what will be its
effective area?

a. 0.032 m2
b. 0.047 m2
c. 0.65 m2
d. 0.99 m2

ANSWER: 0.032 m2

54) Dipole antenna is symmetrical in nature where the two ends are at equal potentials
with respect to point

a. Initial
b. Eventual
c. Mid
d. None of the above


55) Which term is regarded as an inductive field as it is predictable from Biot Savart law
& considered to be of prime importance at near field or the distance close to current

a. 1/ r
b. 1/ r2
c. 1/ r3
d. 1/ r4

ANSWER: 1/ r2

56) What is the nature of current distribution over the small dipoles?

a. Spherical
b. Rectangular
c. Triangular
d. Square

ANSWER: Triangular

57) For receiving a particular frequency signal, which tuning component must be used by
the loop to form a resonant circuit for tuning to that frequency?

a. Capacitor
b. Inductor
c. Resistor
d. Gyrator

ANSWER: Capacitor
58) If the radius of loop is λ/ 20 in a free space medium,what will be the radiation
resistance of 8-turn small circular loop?

a. 0.7883 Ω
b. 50.45 Ω
c. 123.17 Ω
d. 190.01 Ω

ANSWER: 123.17 Ω

59) What is the far-field position of an electric short dipole?

a. Along x-axis
b. Along y-axis
c. Along z-axis
d. Along xy plane

ANSWER: Along z-axis

60) What would happen if the rms value of induced emf in loop acquires an angle θ = 90°?

a. Wave is incident in direction of plane of the loop with induced maximum voltage
b. Wave is incident normal to plane of the loop with no induced voltage
c. Wave is incident in opposite direction of plane of the loop with minimum voltage
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Wave is incident normal to plane of the loop with no induced voltage

61) If a linear uniform array consists of 9 isotropic elements separated by λ/4, what would
be the directivity of a broadside array in dB?

a. 6.53 dB
b. 7.99 dB
c. 8.55 dB
d. 9.02 dB

ANSWER: 6.53 dB

62) If the elements of a binomial array are separated by λ/4, how many shape patterns are
generated with no minor lobes?

a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16

63) What kind of beamwidth is/are produced by Chebyshev arrays for given side lobe
level (SLL)?

a. Widest
b. Narrowest
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Narrowest

64) If the length of elements of an array is greater than λ/2, which will be the operating
region of an array?

a. Transmission line region

b. Active region
c. Reflective region
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Reflective region

65) Which angle of rhombic antenna represents one half of included angle of two legs of
one wire?

a. Apex angle
b. Tilt angle
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Tilt angle

66) Which among the following is not a disadvantage of rhombic antenna?

a. Requirement of large space

b. Reduced transmission efficiency
c. Maximum radiated power along main axis
d. Wastage of power in terminating resistor

ANSWER: Maximum radiated power along main axis

67) Why are beverage antennas not used as transmitting antenna?

a. Low radiation resistance

b. Low radiation efficiency
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Both a and b

68) Which kind of polarization is provided by helical antennas?

a. Plane
b. Elliptical
c. Circular
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Circular

69) According to depth of penetration, what is the percentage proportion of attenuated

wave w.r.t its original value?

a. 17%
b. 27%
c. 37%
d. 57%


70) Linear polarization can be obtained only if the wave consists of

a. Ex
b. Ey
c. Both Ex & Ey & in phase
d. Both Ex & Ey & out of phase

ANSWER: Both Ex & Ey & in phase

71) When an electromagnetic wave travels from transmitter to receiver, which factor/s
affect/s the propagation level?

a. Curvature of earth
b. Roughness of earth
c. Magnetic field of earth
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above

72) For avoiding ground losses, better is the surface conductivity, less is the
a. Attenuation
b. Phase velocity
c. Propagation constant
d. Tilt angle

ANSWER: Attenuation

73) On which factors of earth does the magnitude of tilt angle depend in surface wave?

A. Permittivity
B. Conductivity
C. Resistivity
D. Reflectivity

a. A & B
b. C & D
c. A & C
d. B & D


74) What is the direction of varying orientation of polarized surface wave at the earth
surface in a wave tilt mechanism?

a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Diagonal
d. Opposite

ANSWER: Vertical

75) Which layer has the atmospheric conditions exactly opposite to that of standard

a. Depression layer
b. Regression layer
c. Inversion layer
d. Invasion layer

ANSWER: Inversion layer

76) If the maximum electron density for F-layer in ionosphere is 4 x 106 electrons/cm3,
then what will be the critical frequency of EM wave for F-layer?
a. 4 MHz
b. 9 MHz
c. 18 MHz
d. 25 MHz


77) According to Secant law, which frequency is greater than critical frequency by a
factor of secθi?

a. MUF
b. LUF
c. OWF
d. UHF


78) How is the effect of selective fading reduced?

A. By high carrier reception

B. By low carrier reception
C. By single side band system
D. By double side band system

a. A & C
b. B & D
c. A & D
d. B & C


79) In lens antenna, what kind of wave energy is transformed into plane waves?

a. Convergent
b. Divergent
c. Contingent
d. Congruent

ANSWER: Divergent

80) What is the functioning role of an antenna in receiving mode?

a. Radiator
b. Converter
c. Sensor
d. Inverter
ANSWER: Sensor

81) In radio communication link, what is the shape/nature of waves generated by

transmitting antenna?

a. Spherical
b. Plane
c. Triangular
d. Square

ANSWER: Spherical

82) Which among the following elucidate the generation of electromagnetic waves?

A. Ampere’s law
B. Faraday’s law
C. Gauss’s law
D. Kirchoff’s law

a. A & B
b. B & C
c. A & C
d. B & D


83) If an antenna draws 12 A current and radiates 4 kW, then what will be its radiation

a. 22.22 ohm
b. 27.77 ohm
c. 33.33 ohm
d. 39.77 ohm

ANSWER: 27.77 ohm

84) Under which conditions of two unit vectors, the polarization loss factor (PLF) is equal
to unity?

a. Perpendicular
b. Perfectly aligned
c. Angle inclination (Ψp)
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Perfectly aligned

85) Which property/ies of antenna is/are likely to be evidenced in accordance to
Reciprocity theorem?

a. Equality of impedances
b. Equality of directional patterns
c. Equality of effective lengths
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above

86) Self impedance of an antenna is basically _

a. Its input impedance during the removal of all other antennas

b. Its impedance by taking into consideration the consequences of other antennas
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Its input impedance during the removal of all other antennas

87) In solution evaluation process of inhomogeneous vector potential wave equation, if

points are completely removed from the source, then by which factor does the time varying
field & static solution differ?

a. e-jkr
b. ejkr
c. e-jk/r
d. e(jk + r)

ANSWER: e-jkr

88) The concept of magnetic vector potential finds its major application in deriving
expression of magnetic field intensity especially for

a. Real fields
b. Imaginary fields
c. Complex fields
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Complex fields

89) A dipole carries r.m.s. current of about 300A across the radiation resistance 2 Ω.
What would be the power radiated by an antenna?

a. 90 kW
b. 135 kW
c. 180 kW
d. 200 kW

ANSWER: 180 kW

90) What is/are the major applications of an infinitesimal dipole that contribute/s to its

a. Field pattern estimation due to any length of antenna

b. Improvement in radiation resistance by increasing dipole length
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Both a and b

91) What is /are the advantages of using ferrite loops?

A. Increase in Magnetic field intensity

B. Increase in radiation resistance
C. Decrease in Magnetic field intensity
D. Decrease in radiation resistance

a. A & B
b. C & D
c. A & D
d. B & C


92) In an electrically large loop, an overall length of the loop is equal to

a. λ/2
b. λ
c. λ/10
d. λ/50


93) How do the elements of an active region behave?

a. Inductive
b. Capacitive
c. Resistive
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Resistive
94) By how many times is an input impedance of a folded dipole at resonance greater than
that of an isolated dipole with same length as one of its sides?

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 6


95) Which mode of radiation occurs in an helical antenna due to smaller dimensions of
helix as compared to a wavelength?

a. Normal
b. Axial
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Normal

96) A rectangular horn antenna operating at 4GHz has the wavelength of 0.075m and gain
of about 13dBi. What will be its required capture area?

a. 0.0149 m2
b. 0.0475 m2
c. 0.5521 m2
d. 0.9732 m2

ANSWER: 0.0149 m2

98) What is the nature of radiation pattern of an isotropic antenna?

a. Spherical
b. Dough-nut
c. Elliptical
d. Hyperbolic
ANSWER: Spherical
99) In broadside array, all the elements in the array should have similar
excitation along with similar amplitude excitation for maximum
a. Phase
b. Frequency
c. Current
d. Voltage
100) Which among the following is regarded as a condition of an ordinary endfire array?
a. α < βd
b. α > βd
c. α = ±βd
d. α ≠ ±βd
ANSWER: α = ±βd
101) Which mode of propagation is adopted in HF antennas?
a. Ionospheric
b. Ground wave
c. Tropospheric
d. All of the above
ANSWER: Ionospheric
102) For which band/s is the space wave propagation suitable over 30 MHz?
a. VHF
b. SHF
c. UHF
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above
103) If the tower antenna is not grounded, which method of excitation is/are applicable for
a. Series
b. Shunt
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Series
104) In ungrounded antennas, if an excitation is applied directly across the base insulator,
then on which factor/s would the voltage across the
insulator depend?
a. Power delivered to antenna
b. Power factor of impedance
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Both a and b
105) Which among the following exhibits perpendicular nature in TEM wave?
a. Electric field
b. Magnetic field
c. Direction of propagation
d. All of the above
ANSWER: All of the above
106) Which equations are regarded as wave equations in frequency domain for lossless
a. Maxwell’s
b. Lorentz
c. Helmholtz
d. Poisson’s
ANSWER: Helmholtz

107) Which type of ground wave travels over the earth surface by acquiring direct path
through air from transmitting to receiving antennas?
a. Surface wave
b. Space wave
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Space wave
108) After which phenomenon/phenomena do the waves arrive at the receiving antenna in
ionospheric propagation?
a. Reflection or Scattering
b. Refraction
c. Defraction
d. All of the above
ANSWER: Reflection or Scattering
109) According to Snell’s law in optics, if a ray travels from dense media to rarer media,
what would be its direction w.r.t the normal?
a. Towards
b. Away
c. Across
d. Beside
110) Which mechanism/s is/are likely to occur in mid-frequency operation corresponding to
ionospheric region?
a. Only Reflection
b. Only Refraction
c. Partial reflection & refraction
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Partial reflection & refraction
111) Which among the following plays a primary role in generation of conduction current
in an ionosphere due to presence of electric field?
a. Ions
b. Motion of electrons
c. Neutral molecules
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Motion of electrons
112) Which type of wire antennas are also known as dipoles?
a. Linear
b. Loop
c. Helical
d. All of the above
ANSWER: Linear
113) Which antennas are renowned as patch antennas especially adopted for space craft
a. Aperture
b. Microstrip
c. Array
d. Lens
ANSWER: Microstrip
114) Which conversion mechanism is performed by parabolic reflector antenna?
a. Plane to spherical wave
b. Spherical to plane wave
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Spherical to plane wave
115) Which antenna radiating region/s has/have independent nature of angular field
distribution over the distance from the antenna?
a. Reactive near-field region
b. Fresnel region
c. Fraunhofer region
d. All of the above
ANSWER: Fraunhofer region

116) The vector magnetic potential shows the inverse relationship with its
a. Source
b. Distance of point from the source (R)
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Distance of point from the source (R)
117) In the olutions of inhomogeneous vector potential wave equation, which
component exists if the source is at origin and the points are removed
from the source (Jz = 0)?
a. Inward
b. Outward
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Outward
118) If a half-wave dipole operates at 300 MHz with λ = 0.5m & D0 = 1.643, what will be its
effective area?
a. 0.032 m2
b. 0.047 m2
c. 0.65 m2
d. 0.99 m2
ANSWER: 0.032 m2

119) What is the nature of current distribution over the small dipoles?
a. Spherical
b. Rectangular
c. Triangular
d. Square
ANSWER: Triangular
120) For receiving a particular frequency signal, which tuning component must be
used by the loop to form a resonant circuit for tuning to that
a. Capacitor
b. Inductor
c. Resistor
d. Gyrator
ANSWER: Capacitor
121) If the radius of loop is λ/ 20 in a free space medium,what will be the
radiation resistance of 8-turn small circular loop?
a. 0.7883 Ω
b. 50.45 Ω
c. 123.17 Ω
d. 190.01 Ω
ANSWER: 123.17 Ω
122) What is the far-field position of an electric short dipole?
a. Along x-axis
b. Along y-axis
c. Along z-axis
d. Along xy plane
ANSWER: Along z-axis
123) What would happen if the rms value of induced emf in loop acquires an angle θ = 90°?
a. Wave is incident in direction of plane of the loop with induced maximum voltage
b. Wave is incident normal to plane of the loop with no induced voltage
c. Wave is incident in opposite direction of plane of the loop with minimum voltage
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Wave is incident normal to plane of the loop with no induced voltage
124) If a linear uniform array consists of 9 isotropic elements separated by λ/4, what
would be the directivity of a broadside array in dB?
a. 6.53 dB
b. 7.99 dB
c. 8.55 dB
d. 9.02 dB
ANSWER: 6.53 dB
125) If the elements of a binomial array are separated by λ/4, how many shape
patterns are generated with no minor lobes?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
126) What kind of beamwidth is/are produced by Chebyshev arrays for given side lobe level
a. Widest
b. Narrowest
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Narrowest
127) If the length of elements of an array is greater than λ/2, which will be the operating
region of an array?
a. Transmission line region
b. Active region
c. Reflective region
d. All of the above
ANSWER: Reflective region

128) According to Siegel and Labus, antennas can be treated as

(A) Earthed transmission line

(B) Closed transmission line
(C) Opened out transmission line
(D) Shorted transmission line

ANSWER: Opened out transmission line

129)Triatics are

(A) Supports for antenna conductors

(B) Small height antennas directly mounted on ship, jeeps etc.
(C) The towers or masts, which are used as radiators
(D) The towers or masts, which are not used as radiators

ANSWER: The towers or masts, which are not used as radiators

130) Which one of the following statement is true for log periodic antenna?

(A) Frequency dependent antenna

(B) Frequency independent antenna
(C) Directional antenna
(D) None of the above

ANSWER: Frequency independent antenna

131) Let the directivity of a microwave antenna be 900. The maximum effective aperture will

(A) 716.19 λ ²
(B) 71.619 λ ²
(C) 7.1619 λ ²
(D) 71619 λ ²

ANSWER: 71.619 λ ²

132) Circular polarization is formed in

(A) Helical antenna

(B) Yagi-Uda antenna
(C) Parabolic antenna
(D) Dipole antenna

ANSWER: Helical antenna

133) Consider a vertical earthed antenna. This antenna will be resonant when its physical
height will be

(A) λ / 4
(B) λ
(C) λ / 2
(D) 2 λ

ANSWER: λ / 4

134) In loop antennas the radiation pattern formed is

(A) Semicircle
(B) Circle
(C) Cardiod
(D) None of the above

ANSWER: Cardiod
135) Which of the following statement is true for bandwidth of an antenna?

(A) Inversely proportional to 1 / Q²

(B) Directly proportional to Q²
(C) Directly proportional to Q
(D) Inversely proportional to Q

ANSWER: Inversely proportional to Q

136) What should be the height of an antenna in order to consider it to be in free space?

(A) 2λ
(B) > 5λ
(C) < 3λ
(D) λ
ANSWER: > 5λ

137) Radiation efficiency of an antenna is given by

(A) Directivity / Maximum power gain
(B) Maximum power gain / Directivity
(C) Radiation resistance / Antenna resistance
(D) Antenna resistance / Radiation resistance

ANSWER: Radiation resistance / Antenna resistance

138) For Yagi-Uda array the term that is not applicable is

(A) Good bandwidth
(B) High gain
(C) Folded dipole
(D) Parasitic elements
ANSWER: High gain

139) Consider a pyramidal horn antenna whose mouth height is 10λ. Horn is fed by a
rectangular waveguide with TE?? mode. The length of an antenna will be
(A) 62.5 λ
(B) 12.5 λ
(C) 5 λ
(D) 42.5 λ
ANSWER: 62.5 λ
140) The crossed dipoles in a turnstile antenna are excited with voltages
(A) In phase with each other
(B) 180° out of phase with each other
(C) 120° out of phase with each other
(D) 90° out of phase with each other
ANSWER: 90° out of phase with each other
141) The effect of skip distance in frequency is
(A) It decreases with increase in frequency
(B) It increases with increase in frequency
(C) It increases with decrease in frequency
(D) It decreases with decrease in frequency
ANSWER: It increases with increase in frequency

142) The electromagnetic waves get absorbed in the atmosphere. The absorption of
electromagnetic waves mainly depends on
(A) Distance from the transmitter
(B) The polarization of waves
(C) The frequency in use
(D) All of the above
ANSWER: The frequency in use
143) The critical frequency of a wave is 30 MHz and departing angle is 60°. The MUF is
given to be
(A) 60 MHz
(B) 15 MHz
(C) 120 MHz
(D) 30 MHz

144) The frequency for satellite communication should be

(A) More than the critical frequency
(B) Less than the critical frequency
(C) Equal to the critical frequency
(D) None of the above
ANSWER: More than the critical frequency

145) The fluctuation in the received signal strength at the receiver or a random variation in
the received signal is known as
(A) Absorption
(B) Cycling
(C) Fluctuation
(D) Fading
ANSWER: Fading

146) is not between F2 layer and D layer

(A) G region
(B) E layer
(C) F1 layer
(D) All of the above
ANSWER: G region

147) The abnormal variation in ionosphere is

(A) Ionospheric storm
(B) Seasonal variation
(C) Diurnal variation
(D) All of the above
ANSWER: Ionospheric storm

148) As one moves away from the transmitter, the ground waves eventually disappears
because of
(A) Maximum single hop distance limitation
(B) Loss of line-of-sight condition
(C) Tilting
(D) Interference from the sky waves
ANSWER: Tilting

149) If an observation point is closely located to the source, then the field is termed as

a. Induced
b. Radiated
c. Reflected
d. Far-field
ANSWER: Induced

150) Which auxiliary functions assist in solving the radiation problem by evaluation of E &
H using sources J & M?

a. Scalar potentials

b. Vector potentials

c. Gradient potentials

d. Divergence potentials

ANSWER: Vector potentials

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1.  The number of lobes on each side of a 3 X resonant antenna is


Answer => A Discuss in Forum

2.  A quarter-wave monopole at a frequency of one MHz has a length of



Answer => B Discuss in Forum

3.  A parasitic element of an array is one which

A. is directly connected to the transmitter output

B. is spaced X18 from driven element
C. increases signal strength in its own direction
D. acts as a reflector or director depending on whether it is longer or shorter than the
driven element

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

4.  A half-wave dipole at a frequency of 100 MHz has a length of metre.


Answer => C Discuss in Forum

5.  Which statement regarding end-fire array is wrong?

A. there is no radiation at right angles to the plane of the array

B. it has a dipole spacing of X/2
C. it is called a linear resonant dipole array
D. it has narrow bandwidth

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

6.  Radiation resistance of a half-wave folded dipole is ohm.


Answer => C Discuss in Forum

7.  Which statement ragarding the Yagi-Uda antenna is wrong?

A. it is an array consisting of a driven element and parasitic elements arranged

collinearly and closely
B. it has extremely high gain
C. it has a folded dipole as the driven element
D. it is often employed as VHF television receiving antenna

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

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8. Antennas commonly used for microwave links are

A. loop antennas
B. log-periodic antennas
C. paraboloidal dishes
D. rhombic antennas

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

9. Lens antennas used for microwaves are usually made of

A. polystyrene
B. glass of low refractive index
C. paraboloid surfaces
D. dielectric media having large refractive index

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

10. The radiation field of an antenna varies as

B. ?r
D. None of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

11. A parabolic antenna is commonly used at

A. 500 kHz
B. 50 MHz
C. 5000 MHz
D. 50 Hz

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

12. A loop antenna is commonly used for

A. radar
B. direction finding
C. satellite communication
D. aeronautical Engg.

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

13. Which one of the following is a low-gain but omnidirectional antenna?

A. discone
B. log-periodic
C. loop
D. helical

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

14. Which one of the following is not a wide-band antenna?

A. Marconi
B. hehcal
C. rhombic
D. folded dipole

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

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15. Top-loading is sometimes used with an antenna is order to

A. decrease its input impedance

B. increase its height
C. decrease its radiation resistance
D. increase its effective height

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

16. One of the main reasons why dielectric lens antennas are preferred to
parabolic reflector is that they

A. have no primary antenna mount to obstruct radiations

B. can be zoned to reduce weight
C. have low dielectric losses
D. have large frequency range

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

17. The radiation pattern of a parabolic antenna is

A. omni-directional
B. a figure of eight
C. highly directional
D. None of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

18. Which of the following term does not apply to a discone antenna?

A. broadband
B. unidirectional
C. omnidirectional
D. constant-angle

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

19. The radiation pattern of Hertzian dipole in the plane perpendicular to

the dipole is a

A. null
B. circle
C. figure of eight
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

20. Consider an isotropic radiator radiating a power of 1 watt. At a

distance of 1 metre, the power per unit area will equal W/m2.

B. 4n
C. 1/4n
D. 2n

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

21. A Yagi antenna is used for

A. very large bandwidth

B. high forward gain
C. omnidirectional gain
D. All the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

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22. Broadcasting antennas are generally type

A. horizontal
B. vertical
C. either of the above
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

23. Parabolic and lens antennas are extensively used for

A. shortwaves
B. microwaves
C. medium frequency waves
D. all of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

24. The television receiver antennas are usually

A. parabolic dish type

B. helical antennas
C. dipoles
D. none of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

25. The radiation pattern of parabolic antenna is

A. a figure of eight
B. highly directional
C. omni-directional
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

26. The radiation pattern of loop antenna is

A. cardiod
B. circle
C. semi-circle
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

27. A helical antenna produces radiation which is

A. circularly-polarised
B. omni-directional
C. either of the above
D. none of the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

28. Regarding Yagi-uda antenna which of the following statements is


A. It has a folded dipole as the driven element

B. It has extremely high gain
C. It is often employed as VHF television receiving antenna
D. It is an array consisting of a driven element and parasitic elements arranged
collinearly and closely

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

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29. An antenna above its critical frequency is

A. resistive
B. capacitive
C. inductive
D. any of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

30. Forantenna, the length is X14.

A. Hertz
B. Dipole
C. Marconi
D. Discone

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

31. Microwave signals transmitted towards the sky are

A. unable to reach the ionosphere because of strong absorption in the lower

B. strongly reflected by the ionosphere
C. strongly absorbed by the ionosphere
D. transmitted through the ionosphere

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

32. Anomalous propagation is caused by which of the following?

A. Troposcatter
B. Super-refractive duct
C. Metereological factors
D. None of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

33. For antenna the length is X/2.

A. Monopole
B. Hertz
C. Discone
D. None of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

34. A rhombic antenna is a

A. resonant antenna
B. non-resonant antenna
C. either of the above
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

35.  The bandwidth of a parabolic dish antenna

A. is independent of the dish diameter

B. decreases with decrease in the dish diameter
C. decreases with increase in the dish diameter
D. none of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

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36.  Fading in ship to ship communication can be reduced by using which

of the following?

A. Space diversity
B. Frequency diversity A more directional antenna
C. A broad band antenna

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

37.  In a turnstile antenna, the crossed dipoles are excited with voltages

A. in phase with each other

B. 45? out of phase with each other
C. 60? out of phase with each other
D. 90? out of phase with each other

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

38.  In which of the following short-term fading is commonly observed?

A. Troposcatter communication
B. Ground wave propagation
C. Satellite communication
D. All of the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

39.  For a satellite tracking at VHF, helical antenna is often used because

A. Faraday effect
B. super refraction
C. ionospheric refraction
D. troposcatter

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

40.  A range of microwave frequencies more easily passed by the

atmosphere than the others is called

A. a window
B. a critical frequency
C. a resonance is the atmosphere
D. a gyro-frequency range

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

41.  Waveguide feeders are pressurised to

A. detect faults
B. reduce noise
C. reduce loss
D. prevent ingress of moisture

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

42.  In a wave guide the angle between electric and magnetic fields is

A. 0?
B. 45?
C. 90?
D. 180?

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

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43.  A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its

A. maneuverability
B. good front-to-back ratio
C. broad bandwidth
D. circular polarization

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

44.  For the same size of antenna dish more gain will be provided at

A. 4 MHz
B. 6 MHz
C. 12 MHz
D. 16 MHz

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

45.  The attenuation in waveguides near the cut off frequency is

A. zero
B. very low
C. very high
D. infinite

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

46.  antenna is best excited from a wave guide.

A. Discone
B. Helical
C. Biconical
D. Horn

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

47. In which of the following fields application of the microwaves is the


A. Cooking
B. Research
C. Industrial heating
D. Communication

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

48.  Lene antennas used for microwaves are usually made of

A. paraboloid surfaces
B. polystyrene
C. dielectric media having large refreactive index
D. glass of low refractive index

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

49.  A duplexer is used to

A. connect a receiver and a transmitter to the same antenna

B. connect two transmitters to the same antenna
C. feed more than one receiver from a signal antenna
D. none of the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

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50.  Which of the following is not a reason for the use of antenna coupler?

A. To discriminate against harmonics

B. To make the antenna link resistive
C. To prevent reradiation of the local oscillator
D. To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedances

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

51.  An antenna is synonymous to which of the following ?

A. Transformer
B. Reflector
C. Regulator
D. Generator

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

52.  Waveguides are generally used above

A. 200 MHz
B. 600 MHz
C. 1000 MHz
D. 200 GHz

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

53.  Which of the following is an essential condition for antenna array to

be linear?

A. Any two individual antennas of the array must not be in the same direction
B. Individual antennas of the array must be of equal size
C. Individual antennas of the array must be equally spaced along a straight line
D. None of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

54.  constitute the loss resistance of an antenna.

A. Loss in earth connections

B.(d) Dielectric loss
C. Leakage loss in insulation
D. All of the above

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

55. Which of the following antennas are commonly used for microwave


A. Rhombic antennas
B. Loop antennas
C. Log periodic antennas
D. Parabolloidal dishes

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

56. A log periodic antenna is a antenna.

A. directional
B. frequency dependent
C. frequency independent
D. none of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

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57.  can make the antenna electrically longer.

A. Vertical polarization
B. Capacitive top loading
C. Series capacitor
D. All of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

58. The bandwidth of an antenna is

A. directly proportional to Q2
B. directly proportional to Q
C. inversely proportional to Q
D. inversely proportional to 1/Q3

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

59. With reference to ?Triatics' which of the following statements is


A. These are supports for antenna conductors

B. These are the towers or masts which are not used as radiators
C. These are small height antennas directly mounted on jeeps, ships etc.
D. none of these

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

60. An antenna coupler is used due to all of the following reasons except

A. discriminate against harmonics

B. provide the output amplifier with correct load impedance
C. prevent reradiation of the local oscillator
D. make the antenna look resistive

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

61. The gain of an isotropic antenna is

A. 2 db
B. 5 db
C. 10 db
D. 15 db

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

62.  antenna is the standard reference antenna for the directiveness.

A. Isotropic
B.Elementry doublet
C. Rhombic
D. Half-wave dipole

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

63. An earthmat is used with antennas due to all the following reasons

A. improvement of the radiation patternof the antenna

B. provision of an earth for the antenna
C. protection of personnel working underneath
D. impossibility of good ground connection

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

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64. An antenna is a device

A. that converts electromagnetic energy into an RF signal

B. that converts RF signal into electromagnetic energy
C. that converts guided electomagnetic waves into free space electromagnetic waves
and vice versa
D. none of these

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

65. The directive gain of antenna is defined as the

A. ratio of the average radiated power to the radiated power in a given direction
B. ratio of the radiation intensity in a given direction to that of the radiation intensity in
the same direction due to a hypothetical isotropic radiator that radiates the same total
C. ratio of the radiation intensity in a given direction due to a hypothetical isotropic
radiator to the radiation intensity in the the samedirection due to the actual antenna
D. none of these

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

66. Directivity of an antenna is

A. same as its directive gain

B. directive gain expressed in decibels
C. the maximum value of its directive gain
D. none of these

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

67. An antenna having a higher 'Q' has

A. a higher bandwidth structure of horizontally polarised electromagnetic waves

B.vertically polarised electromagnetic waves
C.circularly polarised electromagnetic waves
D. none of these

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

68. Refer to the antenna Fig. 13.1. It is

A. a log-periodic antenna
B. a driven array
C. a broadside parasitic array
D. Yagi-antenna

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

69. an antenna placed in the horizontal plane produces

A. horizontally polarised electromagnetic waves

B.verticallypolarised electromagnetic waves
C. elliptically polarised electromagnetic waves
D. none of these

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

70. A Yagi antenna in the horizontal plane produces

A. an end fire directional pattern

B. a broadside directional pattern
C. a figure eight directional pattern
D. none of these

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

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71. A seven element parasitic array of the Yagi type to be used as a TV

receiving antenna would preferably have

A. two dipoles, three reflectors and two directors

B. two dipoles, four directors and one reflector
C. one dipole, four directors and two reflectors
D. one dipole, five directors and one reflector

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

72. Most commonly used antenna type with TV receivers is the

A. V-antenna
B. rhombic antenna
C. loop antenna
D. yagi antenna

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

73. Electrical length or effective length of an antenna is

A. same as its physical length

B. greater than its physical length
C. smaller than its physical length
D. none of these

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

74. An added capacitance

A. increases the effective length of the angenna

B. decreases the effective length of the antenna
C. has no effect on antenna's length
D. none of these

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

75. An added inductance

A. decreases the resonant frequency of the antenna

B. increases the resonant frequency of the antenna
C. compensates for parasitic capacitances
D. none of these

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

76. An antenna to be used for a band of frequencies from 60 to 65 MHz

was designed for 65 MHz. The tuning element required is

A. a variable inductance
B. a variable capacitance
C. a fixed capacitance
D. none of these

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

77. Gain of a non-resonant V-antenna is

A. same as that of a non-resonant rhombic antenna

B. less than that of a non-resonant rhombic antenna
C. greater than that of a non-resonant rhombic antenna
D. none of these

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

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78. AV-antenna consists of

A. two wires with an apex angle of 45?

B. two (X/2) long wires with an apex angle of 45?
C. two (V4) long wires with an apex angle of 45?
D. none of these

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

79. One of the following is an non-resonant antenni

A. The folded dipole

B. The endfire array
C. The broadside array
D. The rhombic antenna

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

80. One of the following antenna types is best excited from a waveguide

A. Horn antenna
B. Helical antenna
C. Biconical antenna
D. Log-periodic antenna

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

81. Top loading is used with antennas to

A. increase the effective height

B. reduce the effective height
C. increase the bandwidth
D. increase the input capacitance

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

82. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its

A. large bandwidth
B. large gain
C. circular polarization
D. maneuverability

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

83. The antenna of Fig. 13.2(a) produces

A. horizontal polarised waves

B. circularly polarised waves
C. vertically polarised waves
D. none of these

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

84. Fig. 13.3 shows the power densit radiation pattern of a certain

antenna. The beamwidth of the antenna is upper bandwidth
B. a lower bandwidth
C. a flat response
D. none of these

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

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85. A non-resonant antenna is characterized bY

A. antenna being terminated in a resistance

B. the presence of only the forward travelling wave and absence of standing waves
C. a unidirectional radiation pattern
D. (a), (b) and (c)

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

86. A resonant antenna is characterised by

A. the presence of standing waves

B. a unidirectional, highly directional radiation pattern
C. a bidirectional radiation pattern
D. (a) and (c)

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

87. One of the following antennas can be used for direction finding

A. Half wave dipole

B. Loop antenna
C. Broadside antenna array
D. End fire antenna array

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

88. Microwave antennas have

A. high gain
B. high front to back ratio
C. high input impedance
D. low input impedance

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

89. An antenna that radiates 5 kW in its optimum direction and 50 watts in

the opposite direction has a front to back ratio of

A. 20 dB
B. 40 dB
C. 10 dB
D. none of these

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

90. A resonant antenna is a system with

A. zero SWR
B. a very high SWR
C. a very low SWR
D. none of these

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

91. Most of the man made noise has

A. circular polarization
B. horizontal polarization
C. vertical polarization
D. elliptic polarisation

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

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92. That portion of a plane near the antenna, Perpendicular to the

direction of radiation, through which major part of radiation passes is

A. near field region

B. antenna aperature
C. effective antenna diameter
D. effective radiating area

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

93. The region of the field of antenna where the angular field distribution
is essentially independent of radial distance from the antenna is called the

A. near field region

B. induction field region
C. crossover region
D. far field region

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

94. According to Siegel and Labus, antenna can be treated as

A. closed transmission line

B. shorted transmission line
C. earthed transmission line
D. opened-out transmission line

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

95. A radio antenna 1 cm diameter conductor is stretched horizontally 10
meres above the ground. The capacitance of antenna per unit length
neglecting end effects will be nearly

A. 0.67 pF
B. 6.7 pF
C. 6.7 RF
D. 67 tF

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

96. The directive gain of an antenna is given by

A. 20?
B.(c) 60?
C. (b) 40?
D. 30?

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

97. In case of antenna the ratio of the power radiated in the desired
direction to the power radiated in the opposite direction is known as

A. transmission efficiency
B. front to back ratio
C. loss coefficieny
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

98. Front to back ratio can be increased by

A. sacrificing gain
B. increasing size of conductor
C. using materials of high conductivity
D. all of the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

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99. The maximum effective aperture of a short dipole is nearly

A. 0.00119 X.2
B.0.0119 X2
C.0.119 X2
D. 1.19 X2

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

100. The maximum effective aperture of a microwave antenna which has a

directivity of 900, wil be

A.71.619 X2
C.7161.9 X2
D.71619 X2

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

101. The gain of an antenna with a circular aperture of diameter 3 metres

at a frequency of 5 GHz, will be


Answer => D Discuss in Forum

102. The radiation resistance of a ?16 wire dipole in free space will be

A.1 SI
B.3 n
C. 13 SZ
D. 30 SI

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

103. The total field produced by an antenna array system at a great

distance from it is

A. sum of the fields produced by the individual antennas of the array system
B. directional gain of antenna
C. linear antenna gain
D. vector sum of the fields produced by the individual antennas of the array system.

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

104. A broad side array is shown in Fig. 13.4 in which the elements are
placed at equal distancdes. The direction of maximum radiation is
represented by


Answer => A Discuss in Forum

105. The radiation pattern of two element collinear array is represented in

A. figure A
B. figure B
C. figure C
D. figure D

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

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106. In binomial arrays the elimination of secondary lobes takes place

A. at the cost of directivity

B. at the cost of gain
C. both (a) and (b) above
D. none of the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

107. The transmitting antennas for lower frequencies (below 500 kHz) are

A. vertically grounded wire type

B. horizontal suspended wire type
C. parabolic reflector type
D. any of the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

108. In Fig. 13.6 the voltage distribution on a vertical earthed antenna is

represened by

A. curve A
B. curve B
C. curve C
D. curve D

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

109.  In the Fig. 13.6 the current distribution is represented by

A. curve A
B. curve B
C. curve C
D. curve D

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

110. When the height of a vertical earthed antenna is less than ?

A. the base input impedance will be capacitive

B. the base input impedance will be purely resistive
C. the base input impedance will be inductive
D. the base input impedance will be negligibly small

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

111. For VLF antennas radiation resistance is usually of the order of

A. less than one ohm

B. 13 to 20 ohms
C. around 100 ohms
D. more than 200 ohms

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

112. A folded dipole antenna is conveniently connected to

A. shielded line
B. two wire line
C. coaxial line
D. flat ribbon type transmission line

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

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113. Antenna radiation effeciency can be increased by

A. reducing radiation resistance of the system

B. increasing radiation resistance of the system
C. providing effective earthing
D. any of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

114. The effective height of an antenna is slightly greater than physical

height because

A. wave velocity in conductor is less than its velocity in free space

B. wave velocity in conductor is more than its velocity in free space
C. resistance of conductor is less than that of free space
D. none of the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

115. The advantage of Marconi antenna over the ungrounded antenna is


A. only one fourth of the height is required as compared to undergrounded antenna half of the height is required as compared to ungrounded antenna
C. no capacitance that is required
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

116. In series excitation of a tower antenna

A. voltage is applied between the upper part of the vertical radiator and tower is
insulated from ground
B.voltage is applied between the lower part of the vertical radiator and tower is
insulated from ground
C. voltage is applied only to the top T conductor and tower is insulated from ground.
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

117. Induction and radiation fields are equal at a distance equal to 6

A. 7,
B. 6 X
D.(c) ? 6

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

118. The effective length of a tower radiator is

B. le =21
C. = it
D. none of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

119. Which of the following antenna is best guided by a waveguide?

A. Biconical
B. Horn
C. Helical
D. Discone

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

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120. Which antenna does not depend on frequency?

A. Yagi-Uda
B. Folded-dipole
C. Log periodic antenna
D. None of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

121. The parabolic and lens antennas are used extensively at

C. Microwaves
D. All of the above

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

122. The radiation pattern of helical antenna (axial mode) is represented


A. figure A
B. figure B
C. figure C
D. figure D

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

123. In E-plane metal plate lens antenna

A. travelling wave fronts are retarded

B. tavelling wave front are accelerated
C. travelling wave front remains unaffected
D. None of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

124. In H-plane metal plate lens the travelling wave front is

A. totally retarded
B. retarded
C. accelerated
D. neither accelerated nor retarded

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

125. Antenna radiation efficiency is given by Radiation resistance

A. Antenna resistance
B. Antenna resistance
C. Radiation resistance
D.Maximum power gain

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

126. Antenna aperture efficiency is given by

A. DX2
C. 47cA
D. 4nA

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

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127. Cassegrain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to

A. reduce the size of the main reflector

B. increase the gain of the system
C. increase the beam width of the system
D. allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

128. Zoning is used with adielectric antenna in order to

A. permit pin-point focusing

B. reduce the bulk of the lens
C. increase the bandwidth of the lens
D. correct the curvature of the wave front from a horn that is too short

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

129. The numbered statements at the left are to be matched with the

lettered statements at the right(1) Sky wave-(a) Parasitic element,(2)
Antenna feed-(b) Delta match,(3) Reflector-(c) Long-wire antenna,(4)
Rhombic antenna (d) Ionosphere Which of the following represents the
correct matching :

A. 1 ? a, 2 ? c, 3 ? d, 4 ? b
B. 1 ? b, 2 ? a, 3 ? d, 4 ? c
C. 1 ? c, 2 ? b, 3 ? c, 4 ? d
D. 1 ? d, 2 ? b, 3 ? a, 4 ? c

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

130. The null of a loop antenna occurs with

A. a broadside signal
B. a signal off the ends
C. either of (a) or (b) above
D. none of the above

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

131. A half wave dipole has maximum response in

A. broadside direction
B. off the ends
C. either of (a) or (b) above
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

132. The night effect is most prominent in

A. adcock antenna
B. loop antenna
C. vertical antenna
D. none of the above

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

133. Which of the following statement is true?

A. A parasitic reflector is in the front of the dipole

B. The director is always in the back of the dipole
C. A Yagi antenna uses a reflector and directors
D. A reflector cannot be used with a folded dipole

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

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134. The power gain of a half wave dipole with respect to an isotropic

radiator is

A. 1 db
B.2.15 db
C. 3 db
D. 6 db

Answer => B Discuss in Forum

135. The numbered statements at the left are to be matched with the

lettered statements at the right(1) Loop antenna (a) Flat line (2) Folded
dipole (b) 30011(3) SWR of 1(c) Sharp broad side full(4) VHF band (d) 30
to 300 MHz Which of the following represents the matching pairs?

A. 1 ? a, 2 ? b, 3 ? c, 4 ? d
B. 1 ? d, 2 ? c, 3 ? b, 4 ? a
C. 1 ? c, 2 ? b, 3 ? a, 4 ? d
D. 1 ? b, 2 ? c, 3 ? a, 4 ? d

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

136. The discone antenna is

A. a useful direction finding antenna

B. used as a radar receiving antenna
C. useful as a UHF receiving antenna
D. circular polarized like other circularly antenna

Answer => C Discuss in Forum

137. An antenna gain of four times in voltage is how many dB?

A. 4 db
B. 6db
C. 8 db
D. 12 db

Answer => D Discuss in Forum

138. The slotted waveguide antenna

A. has slots cut in the waveguides wall to disturb current

B. has slots cut in the waveguides wall that do not disturb current
C. can have slots cut only in the wide wall
D. can have slots cut only in the narrow wall.

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

139. Consider a lossless antenna with a directive gain of +6dB. If 1 mW of

power is fed to it the total power radiated by the antenna will be

A. 4 mW
B. 1 mW
C. 7 mW
D. 1/4 mW

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

140. A television receiving antenna that has to use two parasitic elements
in addition to the driven foldeddipole would preferrably use

A. 2 directors
B. 2 reflectors
C. one director and one reflector
D. none of these

Answer => A Discuss in Forum

Page 20 of 20
MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Start Practice Exam Test Questions Part 1 of the Series

1. What is the polarization of a discone antenna?

A. Vertical

B. Horizontal

C. Circular

D. Spiral

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


2. If the antenna increases 3.3 times how much does the radiated power increase?

A. 3.3 times

B. 10.89 times

C. 9.9 times

D. 6.6 times

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


3. When speaking of antennas. ______ is a section which would be a complete antenna

by itself.

A. image

B. top loading

C. bay

D. quarterwave

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


4. In what range of frequencies are most omnidirectional horizontally polarized antennas






View Answer:
Answer: Option A


5. If the current ratios of the two or more elements must be held 5% and the phase angle
to 3° the antenna is called a

A. end fire array

B. critical phased array

C. broadband array

D. wideband array

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


6. A device that converts high frequency current into electromagnetic wave.

A. Antenna

B. Loudspeaker

C. Microphone

D. Transducer

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


7. Which is a non-resonant antenna?

A. Rhombic antenna

B. Folded dipole

C. End-fire array

D. Yagi-Uda antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


8. Gain of a half-wave dipole antenna over isotropic.

A. 2.15 dB

B. 1.76 dB

C. 1 dB

D. 0 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


9. Very low signal strength in antenna.

A. Minor lobes

B. Null

C. Antenna patterns

D. Major lobes

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


10. What is the gain of the Hertzian dipole over isotropic antenna?

A. 1.64 dB

B. 2.15 dB

C. 1.76 dB

D. 1.55 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


11. ______ is the measurement of a unilateral antenna properties of directivity

A. Phase angle

B. Antenna gain

C. Beamwidth

D. Bandwidth

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


12. In testing transmitter to prevent interfering with other stations, which type of antenna
must be used?

A. Void antenna

B. Dummy antenna

C. Hertzian antenna

D. Isotropic antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


13. The best solution to fading is _____.

A. space diversity

B. frequency diversity

C. polarization diversity

D. wavelength diversity

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


14. _____ is the amount of uncertainty in a system of symbols

A. Bandwidth

B. Enthalpy

C. Entropy

D. Quantum

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


15. If an antenna has a gain of 3 dB, it increases the output of the transmitter by

A. 10,000 times

B. 1000 times

C. 100 times

D. 1 million times

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


16. Top loading is used in an antenna in order to increase its ______.

A. practical height

B. beamwidth

C. effective height

D. input capacitance

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


17. A horizontal antenna is _____.

A. vertically polarized

B. horizontally polarized

C. centrally polarized

D. circularly polarized

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


18. All elements in a beam _____ antennas are in line

A. collinear

B. yagi

C. broadside array

D. log-periodic

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


19. Which does not use vertical polarization antenna?

A. AM Broadcasting

B. FM Broadcasting

C. Mobile Communications

D. Satellite Communications

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


20. Lightning rods must be mounted a top structure not less than ___ above the highest

A. 10 cm

B. 20 cm

C. 30 cm

D. 40 cm

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


21. _____ is an antenna with a number of half-wave antenna on it.

A. Antenna array

B. Tower

C. Omni-directional

D. Rhombic

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


22. Which antenna radiates an omnidirectional pattern in the horizontal plane with vertical

A. Marconi antenna

B. Discone antenna

C. Horn antenna

D. Helical antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


23. An antenna with very high gain and very narrow beamwidth.

A. Helical antenna

B. Discone antenna

C. Horn antenna

D. Parabolic dish antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


24. What determines antenna polarization?

A. The frequency of the radiated wave

B. The direction of the radiated wave

C. The direction of the magnetic field vector

D. The direction of the electric field vector

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


25. _____ is the horizontal pointing angle of an antenna

A. Azimuth

B. Angle of elevation

C. Right angle

D. Beamwidth

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


26. A dipole antenna requires to be fed with 20 kW of power to produce a given signal
strength to a particular distant point. If the addition of a reflector makes the same field
strength available with an input power of 11kW. What is the gain in dB, obtained by the
use if the reflector. (Gain referred to this particular dipole).

A. 4.75

B. 2.6

C. 1.81

D. 4.24

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


27. What is the estimated medium wind loading in the Philippines for antenna tower

A. 300 kph

B. 100 kph

C. 200 kph

D. 250 kph

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


28. Discone radiation pattern is ______.

A. omnidirectional/vertical polarized

B. unidirectional

C. bidirectional

D. figure of eight

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


29. _____ is an open-ended slot antenna

A. Helical antenna

B. Rhombic antenna

C. Notch antenna

D. Cassegrain antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


30. Which antenna is a properly terminated?

A. Marconi

B. Rhombic

C. Dipole

D. Yagi-Uda

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


31. What is the radiation characteristic of a dipole antenna?

A. Omnidirectional

B. Bidirectional

C. Unidirectional

D. Hemispherical

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


32. What is the theoretical gain of a Hertzian dipole?

A. 1.76 dB

B. 2.15 dB

C. 3 dB

D. 0 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


33. An antenna with unity gain

A. Rhombic

B. Half-wave dipole

C. Isotropic

D. Whip

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


34. How will you increase the gain of an antenna?

A. By adding several antennas in parallel

B. By focusing the radiated energy in one desired direction

C. By making antenna rods thicker

D. By making the antenna size larger

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


35. An antenna which is one-tenth wavelength long

A. Hertzian dipole

B. Loop antenna

C. Marconi antenna

D. Elementary doublet

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


36. What is the minimum number of turns a helix antenna must have?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 4

D. 6

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


37. What is the gain of isotropic antenna?

A. 10

B. 1

C. 10

D. 100

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


38. Which of the following improves antenna directivity?

A. Driven element

B. Reflector element

C. Director element

D. Parasitic element

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


39. The antenna radiates _____ polarized waves when the transmitter antenna is
horizontally installed.

A. Vertically

B. negatively

C. horizontally

D. circularly

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


40. The length of a Marconi antenna to operate with 985 kHz is ______.

A. 200 ft

B. 500 ft

C. 250 ft

D. 999 ft

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


41. What is the front-to-back ratio of an antenna which radiates 500 watts in a northernly
direction and 50 watts in a southernly direction?

A. 25000 dB

B. 10 dB

C. 100 dB

D. 20 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


42. If 4 kW in antenna produces 50 μV/m in a receiving antenna, a 15 kW will produce


A. 200 μV/m

B. 10 μV/m

C. 100 μV/m

D. 20 μV/m

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


43. If the radiated power increase 10.89 times, the antenna current increases by ______.

A. 3.3 times

B. 6.6 times

C. 1.82 times

D. 10.89 times

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


44. The frequency of operation of a dipole antenna cut to a length of 3.4 m.

A. 88 MHz

B. 44 MHz

C. 22 MHz

D. 11 MHz

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


45. Comparing the signal strength arriving at the driven element from the desired
direction to the signal strength reaching the driver from the opposite direction.

A. Directivity

B. Sensitivity

C. Beamwidth

D. Front-to-back ratio

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


46. What is the capture area of a dipole operated at 75 MHz?

A. 4 mm

B. 2 m^2

C. 2.088 m^2

D. 4.088 m^2

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


47. _____ of an antenna is a measure of how the antenna concentrates its radiated
power in a given direction.

A. Efficiency

B. Power

C. Gain

D. Polarization

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


48. Shortening effect of an antenna that makes it appear as if it were 5% longer.

A. End effect

B. Flywheel effect

C. Skin effect

D. Capture effect

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


49. Harmonic suppressor connected to an antenna.

A. Low-pass filter

B. High-pass filter

C. M-derived filter

D. Constant-K

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


50. A simple half-wavelength antenna radiates the strongest signal

A. at 45 degrees to its axis

B. parallel to its axis

C. at right angles to its axis

D. at 60 degrees to its axis

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic
Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
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MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 2 of the Series

51. The current maximum in a Marconi antenna is found at

A. the base of the antenna

B. the center of the antenna

C. some point between the base and the center of the antenna

D. the top of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


52. If an antenna is too short for the wavelength being used, the effective length can be
increased by adding:

A. capacitance in series

B. inductance in series

C. resistance in parallel

D. resistance in series

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


53. Which of the following antennas is used for testing and adjusting a transmitter for
proper modulation, amplifier operation and frequency accuracy?

A. Elementary

B. Real

C. Isotropic

D. Dummy

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


54. The power fed to a two-bay turnstile antenna is 100 watts. If the antenna has a 2 dB
power gain, what is the effective radiated power?

A. 317 watts

B. 158 watts

C. 200 watts

D. 400 watts

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


55. What is the gain, in dB of a helical antenna with diameter of λ/3, 10 turns at pitch of
λ/4, used at 100 MHz?

A. 16

B. 41.1

C. 31.4

D. 1.25

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


56. How is it possible to lower the resonant frequency of Hertz dipole antenna?

A. By reducing the frequency at the transmitter

B. By connecting a capacitor in series with the antenna

C. By the connecting a resistor in series with the antenna

D. By connecting an inductor in series with the antenna

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


57. Which of the following antennas receive signals in the horizontal plane equality well
from all directions?

A. Horizontal Hertz antenna

B. Vertical loop antenna

C. Vertical Yagi antenna

D. A vertical antenna which is a quarter-wavelength long

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


58. If the length of a Hertz dipole is decreased

A. its resonant frequency will be lowered its distributed inductance will be increased

B. its distributed inductance will be decreased

C. its resonant frequency will be increased

D. its distributed capacitance between the antenna and ground will be increased.

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


59. A final amplifier of a radio transmitter draws 250 mA of plate current when the plate
supply voltage is 1400 volts. If the plate circuit efficiency is 80% and the transmitter is
connected to an antenna having a feed impedance of 70 ohms, what is the antenna
current at the feed-point?

A. 4.0 A

B. 2.2 A

C. 1.25 A

D. 2.0 A

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


60. A one-quarter wavelength shunt-fed vertical Marconi antenna

A. has maximum radiation in a vertical direction

B. must have a horizontal receiving antenna for the best reception

C. must use a receiving antenna for the best reception

D. must have a vertical receiving antenna for the best reception

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


61. A shunt-fed quarter-wavelength Marconi antenna

A. has maximum RF impedance to ground at its feedpoint

B. has a current null at its feedpoint

C. has a zero DC resistance to ground

D. has zero RF resistance to ground

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


62. The parasitic element of an antenna system will

A. decrease its directivity

B. increase its directivity

C. give the antenna unidirectional properties

D. both B and C

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


63. If the length of an antenna is changed from 2.5 meters to 2.8 meters, its resonant
frequency will

A. increase

B. depend on the velocity factor so the resonant frequency can either be increased or

C. will be unchanged

D. decrease

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


64. What is the effect of adding a capacitor in series with an antenna?

A. The antenna’s resonant frequency will increase

B. The antenna’s resonant frequency will decrease

C. The antenna will be physically 5% longer than its electrical length

D. A capacitor is never added in series with an antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


65. How does the electric field strength of a standard broadcast station vary with the
distance from the antenna?

A. The field strength of a standard broadcast station vary with the distance from the

B. The field strength is directly proportional to the distance from the antenna

C. The field strength remains constant regardless of the distance from the antenna

D. The field strength varies inversely as the distance from the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


66. Stacking elements in a transmitting antenna system

A. increases the field strength at the receiving antenna

B. increases the directivity of the transmitter antenna

C. decrease the size of the lobe in the radiation pattern

D. both A and B

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


67. A vertical loop antenna has a

A. unidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

B. unidirectional radiation pattern in the vertical plane

C. omnidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

D. a bidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


68. In order to get maximum radiation to all surrounding points in the horizontal plane, the
antenna used is a

A. vertical loop

B. vertical quarter-wavelength rod

C. array which includes parasitic elements

D. a horizontal Hertz dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


69. What is the electrical wavelength of a 500 MHz signal?

A. 60 centimeters

B. 6 meters

C. 0.06 meter

D. 60 meters

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


70. If the antenna current is doubled, the field strength at a particular position is

A. doubled

B. halved

C. multiplied by a factor of four

D. divided by a factor of four

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


71. The rhombic antenna is primarily used for

A. ground wave propagation

B. space wave propagation

C. ionosphere scatter propagation

D. sky wave propagation

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


72. What antenna radiates equally in all directions?

A. Vertical antenna

B. isotropic antenna

C. Horizontal antenna

D. Dipole antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


73. Actual height of antenna should be at least

A. one wavelength

B. half wavelength

C. quarter wavelength

D. three-fourth wavelength

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


74. Which antenna is not properly terminated?

A. Resonant

B. Non-resonant

C. Isotropic

D. Whip

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


75. ______ is an antenna array which is highly directional at right angles to the plane of
the array?

A. Broadside array

B. End-fire array

C. Turnstile array

D. Log-periodic array

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


76. The directivity pattern of an isotropic radiator is

A. a figure-8

B. a sphere

C. a unidirectional cardioid

D. a parabola

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


77. An isotropic radiator is

A. in the northern hemisphere

B. an antenna high enough in the air

C. an antenna whose directive pattern is substantially incredible

D. a hypothetical, omnidirectional antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


78. The purpose of stacking elements on an antenna.

A. Sharper directional pattern

B. increased gain

C. Improved bandpass

D. All of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


79. The advantage of using top loading in a shortened HF vertical antenna is

A. lower quality factor

B. greater structural strength

C. higher losses

D. improved radiation efficiency

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


80. Where are the voltage nodes in a half-wave antenna?

A. At the ends

B. Three-quarters of the way from the feed point toward the end

C. One-half of the way from the feed point toward the end

D. At the feed point

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


81. A theoretical reference antenna that provides a comparison for antenna


A. Marconi antenna

B. Isotropic radiator

C. Yagi-Uda array

D. Whip antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


82. A Hertz antenna is operating on a frequency of 2182 kHz and consists of a horizontal
wire that is hanged between two towers. What is the frequency of its third harmonic?

A. 727 kHz

B. 6546 kHz

C. 436 kHz

D. 6.546 kHz

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


83. In horizontal-dipole antenna, the polarization is

A. in the vertical direction

B. in the horizontal direction

C. circular

D. measured at the center of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


84. Increasing the electrical length of an antenna means

A. add an inductor in parallel

B. add a capacitor in series

C. add an inductor series

D. add a resistor is series

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


85. Stacking antennas at various angles results in

A. a more omnidirectional reception

B. a more unidirectional reception

C. a less omnidirectional reception

D. an overall reception signal increase

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


86. What is driven element?

A. Always the rearmost element

B. Always the forward most element

C. The element fed by the transmission line

D. The element connected to the rotator

View Answer:
Answer: Option c


87. What is antenna bandwidth?

A. Antenna length divided by the number of elements

B. The angle between the half-power radiation points

C. The angle formed between two imaginary lines drawn through

D. The frequency range over which an antenna can be expected to operate satisfactorily

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


88. To lengthen an antenna electrically, add a

A. resistor

B. battery

C. condult

D. coil

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


89. What is the gain of an antenna over a half-wavelength dipole when it has 6 dB gain
over an isotropic radiator?

A. 6.0 dB

B. 8.1 dB

C. 3.9 dB

D. 10.0 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


90. What is the usual electrical length of a driven element in an HF beam antenna?

A. ¼ wavelength

B. ¾ wavelength

C. ½ wavelength

D. 1 wavelength

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


91. What happens to the bandwidth of an antenna as it is shortened through the use of
loading coils?

A. It is increased

B. It is decreased

C. No change occurs

D. It becomes flat

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


92. To electrically decrease the length of an antenna.

A. add an inductor in series

B. add an inductor in parallel

C. add a resistor in series

D. add a capacitor in series

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


93. Strong interference from one particular station can be eliminated by the use of

A. noise limiters

B. squelch circuits

C. negative feedback

D. wave traps in the antenna circuitry

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


94. It is useful to refer to an isotropic radiator.

A. when comparing the gains of directional antennas

B. when testing a transmission line for standing wave ratio

C. when (in the northern hemisphere) directing the transmission

D. when using a dummy load to tune a transmitter

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


95. A disadvantage of using a trap antenna.

A. It will radiate harmonics

B. It can only be used for single-bad operation

C. It is too sharply directional at lower frequencies

D. It must be neutralized

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


96. The input terminal impedance at the center of a folded dipole antenna is

A. 72 Ω

B. 300 Ω

C. 50 Ω

D. 73 Ω

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


97. When a capacitor is connected in series with a Marconi antenna?

A. Antenna open circuit stops transmission

B. An inductor of equal value must be added

C. No change occurs to antenna

D. Antenna resonant frequency increases

View Answer:

Answer: Option D


98. Where are the current nodes in a half-wave antenna?

A. At the ends

B. At the center

C. Three-quarters of the way from the feed point toward the end

D. One-half of the way from the feed point toward the end

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


99. For a shortened vertical antenna, where should a loading coil be placed to minimize
losses and produce the most effective performance?

A. As low as possible on the vertical radiator

B. Near the center of the vertical radiator

C. As close to the transmitter as possible

D. At a voltage node

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


100. The effect of adding parasitic elements of a Hertz dipole is to

A. make the antenna more omnidirectional

B. reduce its resonant frequency

C. increase the antenna’s power gain

D. All of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies

Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 3 of the Series

101. Stacking antenna elements

A. increases sensitivity to weak signals

B. will suppress odd harmonics

C. decrease signal to noise ratio

D. increases selectivity

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


102. In the case if Marconi antenna, the actual length if the radiating element is

A. one-half wavelength

B. one-quarter wavelength

C. one wavelength

D. one-eight wavelength

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


103. The antenna efficiency of an HF grounded vertical antenna can be made

comparable to that of a half-wave antenna

A. By installing a good ground radial system

B. By isolating the coax shield from ground

C. By shortening the vertical

D. By lengthening the vertical

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


104. An antenna “efficiency” is computed by using one of the following equations.

A. Efficiency = (radiation resistance / transmission resistance)

B. Efficiency = (total resistance / radiation resistance) x 100%

C. Efficiency = (effective radiated power / transmitter output) x 100%

D. Efficiency = (radiation resistance / total resistance) x 100%

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


105. Increasing the resonant frequency of an end-fed Marconi antenna can be done by

A. adding a capacitor in series and reducing the physical length

B. adding an inductor in series

C. adding an inductor in series

D. All of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


106. Factors that determine the radiation resistance of an antenna

A. Transmission line length and height of antenna

B. The location of the antenna with respect to nearby objects

C. It is a constant for all antennas since it is physical

D. Sunspot activity and the time of day

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


107. _____ is the angle between the half-power radiation points

A. Critical angle

B. Beamwidth

C. Angle of elevation

D. Azimuth

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


108. What is the ratio of the maximum radiation intensity to the average radiation

A. Aperture gain

B. Directivity gain

C. Transmission gain

D. Power gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


109. Good grounding is important for

A. horizontal antennas

B. broadside array antennas

C. vertical antennas

D. Yagi-Uda antennas

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


110. An ungrounded antenna near the ground

A. acts as a single antenna of twice the height

B. is unlikely to need an earth mat

C. acts as antenna array

D. must be horizontally polarized

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


111. One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna.

A. Parabolic antenna

B. Elementary doublet

C. Log-periodic

D. Square loop

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


112. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide?

A. Biconical

B. Horn

C. Helical

D. Discone

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


113. Indicate which of the following reasons for using metal counterpoise with antennas is

A. Impossibly of a good ground connection

B. Protection of personnel working underneath

C. Provision of an earth for the antenna

D. Rockiness of the ground itself

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


114. Not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler.

A. To make the antenna look resistive

B. To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance

C. To discriminate against harmonics

D. To prevent re-radiation of the local oscillator

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


115. Which antenna is not a wideband?

A. Discone

B. Folded dipole

C. Helical

D. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


116. One of the following is not a reason for the use of an earth mat

A. impossibility of a good ground connection

B. provision of an earth for the antenna

C. protection of personnel working underneath

D. improvement of the radiation pattern of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


117. One of the following makes an antenna physically long but electrically short

A. Adding L in series

B. Adding C in series

C. Top loading

D. Both A and C

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


118. When antennas are closed to the ground, _______ polarization is ideal

A. horizontally polarized

B. vertically polarized

C. circularly polarized

D. both A and B

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


119. _____ is an antenna made up of a number of full wavelengths

A. Elementary doublet

B. Log-periodic

C. Long wire

D. Whip

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


120. Any energy which radiates in the form of radio waves, infrared waves, light waves, x-
rays, etc.

A. Radiant energy

B. Electromagnetic

C. Heat

D. Ultraviolet

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


121. Which one is an antenna coupling unit?

A. Coupler

B. Diplexer

C. Lecher wire

D. Duplexer

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


122. _____ polarization is employed in AM broadcasting

A. Horizontal

B. Vertical

C. Circular

D. Omnidirectional

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


123. ______ polarization is employed in FM broadcasting

A. Horizontal

B. Vertical

C. Circular

D. Bidirectional

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


124. Which antenna is not grounded at one end?

A. Hertz

B. Marconi

C. Dipole

D. Whip

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


125. Which antenna does not use the ground?

A. Marconi

B. Yagi

C. Hertz

D. Rhombic

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


126. Class of citizens band station operating at 462.55 to 466.45 MHz.

a. Class A

b. Class B

c. Class C

d. Class D

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


127. Ground system recommended by the FCC for broadcast stations consists of a
minimum of _______.

a. 120 radials

b. 150 radials

c. 130 radials

d. 140 radials

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


128. To achieve maximum possible energy transfer between transmitting and receiving
stations at practical distances, _______ are used.

a. High gain

b. Parabolic reflector

c. Director

d. secret

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


129. ________ is the transmission of data metered at a distance from the observer.

a. Data communications

b. Altimetery

c. Telemetry

d. cemetery

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


130. Impedance transformation between a balanced and unbalanced impedances.

a. Gamma match

b. Eslun transformer

c. Decca match

d. Match box

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


131. Calculate the physical length required of a 146 MHz 4:1 balun mode of polyethylene
foam coaxial cable. Use velocity factor of 0.80.

a. 12.6 ft

b. 2.5 m

c. 32.4 inches

d. 6.2 inches

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


132. _______ is an instrument that measures the radiated field from an antenna.

a. Field strength meter

b. Field meter

c. Strength meter

d. Intensity meter

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


133. Calculate the number of turns required to make a 5 uH inductor on a t-50-6 core.
Use core factor AL of 40.

a. 25

b. 35

c. 45

d. 50

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


134. This resistance is a hypothetical concept that accounts for the fact that rF power is
radiated by the antenna.

a. Ohmic resistance

b. Resistance

c. Radiation resistance

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


135. If 1000 watts of RF power is applied to the feedpoint, and a current of 3.7 amperes
was measured, what is the radiation resistance?

a. 50 ohms

b. 300 ohms

c. 600 ohms

d. 73 ohms

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


136. Antenna theory recognizes a point of reference called the _________.

a. Half-wave dipole

b. Full wave dipole

c. Isotropic radiator

d. Image antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


137. Quarter wavelength vertical antenna is basically a dipole placed vertically, with the
other half of the dipole being the ____________.

a. Gain

b. Radials

c. Ground

d. Reflector

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


138. Most common form of multi-band wire antenna is the __________.

a. Log periodic antenna

b. Yagi Uda

c. Long wire antenna

d. Trap dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


139. The change in velocity resulting from a stray capacitance is called _________.

a. End effect

b. Skin effect

c. Proximity effect

d. No effect

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 4 of the Series

151. A discone antenna is a radiator whose impedance can be directly matched to what
type of coaxial transmission line?

a. 70 ohm line

b. 30 ohm line

c. 300 ohm line

d. 50 ohm line

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


152. In order to increase the gain of Yagi-Uda arrays, what element are added?

a. Using many director

b. Using many dipole

c. Using many reflector

d. All of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


153. It is a measure of how much the antenna concentrates its transmitted microwave
power in a given direction

a. Beamwidth

b. Polarization

c. Bandwidth

d. Gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


154. The angle where the transmitted power has dropped by from the maximum power in
the direction at which the antenna is pointing.

a. Bandwidth

b. Polarization

c. Beamwidth

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


155. Orientation of the electric field signal propagated from the antenna.

a. Directivity

b. Polarization

c. Sidelobes

d. Gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


156. Is not included in the group.

a. Slot

b. Horn

c. Helix

d. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


157. Radiation from an antenna at other angles than the desired direction.

a. Antenna direction

b. Field strength

c. Sidelobe

d. Directivity

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


158. If the antenna is not in the exact dimension/measurement, the impedance of the
antenna turns to be:

a. Capacitive

b. Resistive

c. Inductive

d. a or c

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


159. Impedance for free space is _______.

a. 120(pi)

b. 30(pi)

c. 180(pi)

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


160. An antenna is formed of four array antenna, each of which has a gain of _____ if the
total gain of these antenna arrays is 30 dB.

a. 12 dB

b. 13 dB

c. 14 dB

d. 15 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


161. ______ of the antenna is the ratio of the radiation resistance to the total resistance
of the system.

a. Gain

b. Directivity

c. Efficiency

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


162. The major lobes of the directive pattern are those in which the radiation is _______.

a. Minimum

b. Maximum

c. Same

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


163. Is one supplied power from the transmitter, usually through a transmission line.

a. Parasitic element

b. Driven element

c. Director element

d. Reflector element

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


164. Is one which the principal direction of the radiation is perpendicular to the axis of

a. Broadside array

b. End-fire array

c. Phased array

d. Array antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


165. Front-to-back ratio is the ratio of the forward power and the ________.

a. Maximum power

b. Optimum power

c. Minimum power

d. Backward power

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


166. ________ is elective means to generate circular polarization.

a. Folded antenna

b. Marconi antenna

c. Helix antenna

d. Any antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


167. Ranges of frequencies the antenna will radiate effectively.

a. Beamwidth

b. Bandwidth

c. Gain

d. Directivity

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


168. Is used to increase the current at the base of the antenna, and also to make the
current distribution more uniform.

a. Amplifier

b. Top loading

c. Booster

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


169. _________ is a network composed of reactances and transformers, which provide

impedance matching.

a. Circulator

b. Antenna coupler

c. Matching section

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


170. Consisting of grouped radiations or elements.

a. Turnstile antenna

b. Antenna array

c. Phase array

d. Half-wave dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


171. The design ratio of the log-periodic antenna must be _____.

a. Equal to zero

b. Greater than 1

c. Less than 1

d. Unity

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


172. For low and medium frequency antennas which are mounted vertically from the
earth’s surface, the effective length is referred to as __________.

a. Actual length

b. Effective height

c. Actual height

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


173. The main difference between half-wave and folded dipole is the __________.

a. Length

b. Radiation resistance

c. Transmission line

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


174. A wire several wavelengths in length that is suspended at some height above the

a. Wire antennas

b. Long wire antennas

c. Short wire antennas

d. Rhombic antennas

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


175. Consist of two half-wave dipoles placed at right angles to each other and fed 90o out
of phase with each other.

a. Long wire antennas

b. Turnstile antennas

c. Vertical antennas

d. Rhombic antennas

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


176. Directivity higher than that obtained with uniform phase.

a. Super gain

b. High gain

c. Medium gain

d. Low gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


177. A parabolic dish antenna has a diameter of 3m and operates at 46 Hz. Calculate the

a. 3.5 square meters

b. 4.59 square meters

c. 2.7 square meters

d. 1.2 square meters

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


178. If the radiation resistance is 36 ohms, what must be the antenna length?

a. Half-wavelength long

b. One wavelength long

c. Quarter-wavelength long

d. Any of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


179. If the antenna is receiving of 10^-12 v/m of electric field, magnetic field of 3.2 x 10^-3
A/m at a 5 sq. m absorbing area, what is the power received?

a. 0.2561 pW

b. 0.72 pW

c. 0.016 pW

d. 0.0012 pW

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


180. The case where the electric field lies in a plane parallel to the earth surface.

a. Vertical polarization

b. Horizontal polarization

c. Circular polarization

d. None o f these

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


181. It is known as a single directive antenna.

a. Corner director

b. Corner dipole

c. Corner reflector

d. Yagi antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


182. The presence of dielectric other than air ________ the velocity of light.

a. Increase

b. Decrease

c. Same

d. Secret

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


183. The fact that the second wire of the folded dipole is folded makes the current on the
two conductors of the antenna flow in the _______ direction.

a. Same

b. Opposite

c. No

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


184. A closed circuit antenna is also called __________.

a. Helix antenna

b. Discone antenna

c. Loop antenna

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


185. The omega match is slightly modified from the ___________.

a. T match

b. Gamma match

c. Delta match

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


186. A dish antenna has a diameter of 2m and operates at 46 Hz, find the antenna gain at
65% efficiency.

a. 3422.6

b. 3.26 dB

c. 12.3 dB

d. 4266.67

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


187. What is the approximate effective length of an antenna at 10 MHz

a. 2.65 m

b. 9.55 m

c. 4.62 m

d. 8.6 m

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


188. Calculate effective absorbing area operating at 106 Hz for a standard half-wave

a. 0.265 mm^2

b. 0.1175 mm^2

c. 1.26 mm^2

d. 2.3 mm^2

View Answer:
189. The variation of the slot antenna is _________.

a. Isotropic antenna

b. Notch antenna

c. Lenz antenna

d. Horn antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


190. A point where the power field strength is zero.

a. Minimum

b. Maximum

c. Lobe

d. Null

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


191. An area of radiation which exist between adjacent nulls.

a. Minimum

b. Maximum

c. Lobe

d. Nulls

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


192. The property of an antenna that causes it to receive signal better from one direction
than from another.

a. Gain

b. Directivity

c. Dipole

d. Reflector

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


193. The 70.7% point on the polar graph is known as the _________ point and represent
the point of maximum width of the lobe

a. Full power

b. Half-power

c. Quarter point

d. Maximum point

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


194. A transmitting antenna has a gain of 10 and a power input of 60 watts. What is the
effective radiated power?

a. 6 kW

b. 60 kW

c. 0.6 kW

d. 600 kW

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


195. Marconi antenna is used in many types of mobile communications unit because it
allows transmission and receptions in _________.

a. One direction

b. Two direction

c. More direction

d. All direction

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


196. Used only to a small degree in the VHF band because of its large size requirements

a. Vee antenna

b. Long antenna

c. Rhombic antenna

d. Marconi antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


197. A resistance which accounts for the energy dissipated in the form of heat

a. Ohmic resistance

b. Surge resistance

c. Radiation resistance

d. None of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


198. Antenna array having one active dipole element and two or more parasitic element is
known as _______.

a. Marconi

b. Horizontal antenna

c. Ground antenna

d. Yagi-Uda antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


199. This antenna is a monopole in that it uses a half-wavelength radiator, but is fed at a
voltage node rather than current node.

a. Voltage antenna

b. Zepp antenna

c. Quartz antenna

d. Xylene antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


200. Vertical antenna like those used in the AM broadcast and lower frequency armature
band rely heavily upon a good __________ for maximum coverage.

a. Insulation

b. Ground system

c. Gain

d. Directivity

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

MCQ in Current and Voltage Distributions
MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 5 of the Series

201. An ungrounded antenna near the ground

a. Acts as a single antenna of twice the height

b. Is unlikely to need an earth mat

c. Acts as an antenna array

d. Must be horizontally polarized

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


202. One of the following consists of non-resonant antennas

a. Rhombic antenna

b. Folded dipole

c. End-fire array

d. Broadside array

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


203. One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna. This is the:

a. Conical horn

b. Folded dipole

c. Log-periodic

d. Square loop

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


204. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide?

a. Biconical

b. Horn

c. Helical discone

d. None of the above

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


205. Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antennas is

a. Impossibility of a good ground connection

b. Protection of personnel working underneath

c. Provision of an earth for the antenna

d. Rockiness of the ground itself

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


206. One of the following is not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler

a. To make the antenna look resistive

b. To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance

c. To discriminate against harmonics

d. To prevent re-radiation of the local oscillator

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


207. Indicate the antenna that is not wideband:

a. Discone

b. Folded dipole

c. Helical

d. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


208. Indicates which of the following reasons for the use of an earth mat with antennas is

a. Impossibility of a good ground connection

b. Provision of an earth for the antenna

c. Protection of personnel working underneath

d. Improvement f the radiation pattern of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


209. Which of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi-Uda array?

a. Good bandwidth

b. Parasitic elements

c. Folded dipole

d. High gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


210. An antenna that is circularly polarized is the

a. Helical

b. Small circular loop

c. Parabolic reflector

d. Yagi-Uda

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


211. The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is the

a. Infinitesimal dipole

b. Isotropic antenna

c. Elementary doublet

d. Half-wave dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


212. Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna in order to increase its

a. Effective height

b. Bandwidth

c. Beamwidth

d. Input capacitance

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


213. Cassegrain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to

a. Increase the gain of the system

b. Increase the beamwidth of the system

c. Reduce the size of the main reflector

d. Allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


214. Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in order to

a. Reduce the bulk of the lens

b. Increase the bandwidth of the lens

c. Permit pin-point focusing

d. Correct the curvature if the wavefront from a horn that is too short

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


215. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its

a. Circular polarization

b. Maneuverability

c. Broad bandwidth

d. Good front-to-back ratio

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


216. The discone antenna is

a. A useful direction-finding antenna

b. Used as a radar receiving antenna

c. Circularly polarized like other circular antennas

d. Useful as a HF receiving antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


217. One of the following is not an omnidirectional antenna:

a. Half-wave dipole

b. Log-periodic

c. Discone

d. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


218. How is it possible to lower the resonant frequency of a Hertz dipole antenna?

a. Reduce the frequency at the transmitter

b. Connect a capacitor in series with the antenna

c. Connect an inductor in series with the antenna

d. Reduce the length of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


219. Which of the following antennas receives signals in the horizontal plane equally well
from all directions?

a. Horizontal Hertz antenna

b. Vertical loop antenna

c. Vertical Yagi antenna

d. A vertical antenna which is a quarter-wavelength long

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


220. A one-quarter-wavelength shut-fed vertical Marconi antenna:

a. Has maximum radiation in a vertical direction

b. Must have a horizontal receiving antenna for the best reception

c. Must use a receiving antenna which has an electric field in a horizontal direction

d. Must have a vertical receiving antenna for the best reception

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


221. A shunt-fed quarter-wavelength Marconi antenna:

a. Has maximum RF impedance to ground at its feedpoint

b. Has a current null at its feedpoint

c. Has zero dc resistance to ground

d. Uses balanced twin line as its feeder cable

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


222. The parasitic element of an antenna system will:

a. Decrease its directivity

b. Increase its directivity

c. Give the antenna unidirectional properties

d. Both B and C

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


223. If the length of the antenna is changed from 2.5 meters to 2.8 meters, its resonant
frequency will

a. Increase

b. Decrease

c. Depend on the velocity factor so the resonant frequency can either be increased or

d. Will be unchanged

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


224. What is the effect of adding a capacitor in series with an antenna?

a. The antenna’s resonant frequency will increase

b. The antenna’s resonant frequency will decrease

c. A capacitor is never added in series with an antenna

d. The purpose is to block dc from being applied to the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


225. How does the electric field strength of a broadcast station vary with the distance
from the antenna?

a. The field strength varies inversely proportional to the distance from the antenna

b. The field strength is directly proportional to the square of the distance from the antenna

c. The field strength varies directly proportional to the square of the distance from the

d. The field strength varies inversely as the distance from the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


226. Stacking elements in a transmitting antenna system

a. Increases the field strength at the receiving antenna

b. Increases the directivity of the transmitter antenna

c. Decreases the size of the major lobe in the radiation pattern

d. Both a and b

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


227. The rhombic antenna is primarily used for

a. Ground wave propagation

b. Skywave propagation

c. Space wave propagation

d. Tropospheric propagation

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


228. If the antenna current is doubled, the field strength at a particular position is

a. Doubled

b. Halved

c. Multiplied by a factor of four

d. Multiplied by a factor of 1.414

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


229. A vertical loop antenna has a

a. Unidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

b. Unidirectional radiation pattern in the vertical plane

c. Bidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

d. Omnidirectional radiation pattern in the horizontal plane

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


230. In order to get maximum radiation to all surrounding points in the horizontal plane,
the antenna used is a(an)

a. Vertical loop

b. Vertical quarter-wavelength rod

c. Array which includes parasitic elements

d. Horizontal Hertz dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


231. The physical length of a Hertz dipole resonant at a 100 MHz is

a. 9.84 ft

b. 4.92 ft

c. 4.68 ft

d. 2.46 ft

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


232. What is meant by the term antenna gain?

a. The numerical ratio relating the radiated signal strength of an antenna to that of
another antenna

b. The ratio if the signal in the forward direction to the signal in the back direction

c. The ratio of the amount of power produced by the antenna compared to the output
power of the transmitter

d. The final amplifier gain minus the transmission losses

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


233. What is meant by the term antenna bandwidth?

a. Antenna length divided by the number of elements

b. The frequency range over which an antenna can be expected to perform well

c. The angle between the half-power radiation points

d. The angle formed between two imaginary-lines drawn through the ends of the

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


234. What is the wavelength of a shorted stub used to absorb even harmonics?

a. ½ λ

b. 1/3 λ

c. ¼ λ

d. 1/8 λ

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


235. What is a trap antenna?

a. An antenna for rejecting interfering signals

b. A highly sensitive antenna with maximum gain in all directions

c. An antenna capable of being used on more than one band because of the presence of
parallel LC networks

d. An antenna with a large capture area

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


236. What is the disadvantage of using a trap antenna?

a. It has a high directivity in the high-frequency bands

b. It has a high gain

c. It minimizes harmonic radiation pattern

d. It may be used for multi-band operation

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


237. What is the disadvantage of using a trap antenna?

a. It will radiate harmonics

b. It can only be used for single band operation

c. It is too sharply directional at lower frequencies

d. It must be neutralized

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


238. What is the principle of a trap antenna?

a. Beamwidth may be controlled by nonlinear impedance

b. The traps form a high impedance to isolate parts of the antenna

c. The effective radiated power can be increased if the space around the antenna sees a
high impedance

d. The traps increase the antenna gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


239. What is a parasitic element of an antenna?

a. An element polarized 90 degrees opposite the driven element

b. An element dependent on the antenna structure for support

c. An element that receives its excitation from mutual coupling rather than from a
transmission line

d. A transmission line that radiates radio-frequency energy

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


240. How does a parasitic element generate an electromagnetic field?

a. By the RF current received from a connected transmission line

b. By interacting with the earth’s magnetic field

c. By altering the phase of the current on the driven element

d. By currents induced into the element from a surrounding electric field

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


241. How much power will an antenna having a radiation resistance of 50 Ω radiate when
fed with a 20 A current?

a. 20, 000 W

b. 1000 W

c. 2 kW

d. 10 kW

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


242. Determine the Q of an antenna if it has a bandwidth of 0.06 MHz and is cut to a
frequency of 30 MHz.

a. 50

b. 100

c. 150

d. 250

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


243. How does the length of the reflector element of a parasitic element beam antenna
compare with that of the driven element?

a. It is about 5% longer

b. It is about 5% shorter

c. It is twice as long

d. It is one-half as long

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


244. How does the length of the director element of a parasitic element beam antenna
compare with that of the driven element?

a. It is about 5% longer

b. It is about 5% shorter

c. It is twice as long

d. It is one-half as long

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


245. What is meant by the radiation resistance for an antenna?

a. Losses in the antenna elements and feedline

b. The specific impedance of the antenna

c. An equivalent resistance that would dissipate the same amount of power as that
radiated from an antenna

d. The resistance in the trap coils to received signals

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


246. What are the factors that determine the radiation resistance of an antenna?

a. Transmission line length and height of antenna

b. The locations of the antenna with respect to nearby objects and the length/diameter
ratio of the conductors

c. It is a constant for all antennas since it is a physical constant

d. Sunspot activity and the time of day

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


247. In a half-wave dipole, where are the current nodes?

a. At the ends

b. At the feedpoint

c. Three-quarters of the way from the feedpoint towards the end

d. One-half of the way from the feedpoint toward the end

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


248. What is the advantage of using top loading in a shortened HF vertical antenna?

a. Lower Q

b. Greater structural strength

c. Higher losses

d. Improved radiation efficiency

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


249. What is the beamwidth of a symmetrical pattern antenna with a gain of 30 dB as

compared to an isotropic radiator?

a. 3.2 degrees

b. 6.4 degrees

c. 37 degrees

d. 60.4 degrees

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


250. A microwave communications uses plane reflectors as passive repeaters. The

diameter of the parabolic antenna is 18 ft while the effective area is 310 sq ft. Determine
the reflector coupling factor.

a. 0.76

b. 0.906

c. 0.92

d. 0.706

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 6 of the Series

251. It is a metallic conductor system capable of radiating and capturing electromagnetic


a. transmission lines

b. antenna

c. waveguides

d. load

View Answer:
252. A directional antenna with two or more elements is known as

a. folded dipole

b. ground plane

c. loop

d. array

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


253. The ratio of the focal length to the diameter of the mouth of the parabola is called

a. aperture

b. focal point

c. foci

d. major axis

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


254. The impedance of a dipole is about

a. 50-ohm

b. 73-ohm

c. 93-ohm

d. 300-ohm

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


255. A special type of transmission line that consist of conducting metallic tube through
which high frequency electromagnetic energy is propagated

a. medium

b. microstrip

c. stripline

d. waveguide

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


256. Calculate the angle of declination for an antenna using a polar mount at a latitude of
45 degrees

a. 3.2 degrees

b. 1.3 degrees

c. 4.2 degrees

d. 6.81 degrees

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


257. The cone angle of the flare angle of a conical horn antenna is approximately

a. 55 degrees

b. 45 degrees

c. 40 degrees

d. 50 degrees

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


258. Electrical energy that has escaped into free space in the form of transverse
electromagnetic waves

a. Radio waves

b. Frequency

c. Signal

d. Wavelength

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


259. The length of the ground plane vertical at 146 MHz is

a. 1.6 ft

b. 1.68 ft

c. 2.05 ft

d. 3.37 ft

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


260. Using a small reflector to beam waves to the larger parabolic reflector is known as

a. Focal feed

b. Horn feed

c. Cassegrain feed

d. Coax feed

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


261. The plane parallel to the mutually perpendicular line in the electric and magnetic
fields is called _______.

a. wavefront

b. point source

c. isotropic source

d. rays

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


262. What is the beamwidth of a parabolic antenna with a diameter of 5 meters and an
operating frequency of 10 GHz?

a. 0.5 degrees

b. 0.675 degrees

c. 0.348 degrees

d. 3.48 degrees

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


263. The horizontal radiation pattern of a dipole is a

a. circle

b. figure of eight

c. clover leaf

d. narrow beam

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


264. The size of antenna is inversely proportional to _______.

a. frequency

b. power

c. radiation resistance

d. wavelength

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


265. A popular half – wave antenna is the

a. Ground plane

b. End-fire

c. Collinear

d. Dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


266. Calculate the gain of a parabolic antenna using a 2.5-m radius dish operating at 10

a. 166.673 dB

b. 83.7 dB

c. 52.2 dB

d. 45.6 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


267. It is the ratio of the radiated to the reflected energy

a. Radiation resistance

b. Radiation efficiency

c. Radiation constant

d. Radiation antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


268. The feed mechanism in a parabolic antenna that radiates the electromagnetic

a. Primary antenna

b. Reflectors

c. Secondary antenna

d. Focal point

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


269. It is a polar diagram or graph representing field strengths or power densities at

various angular positions relative to an antenna

a. Side lobe

b. Front lobe

c. Radiation pattern

d. Radiation constant

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


270. For a transmit antenna with a radiation resistance of 72 ohms, an effective antenna
resistance of 8 ohms, a directive gain of 20 and an input power of 100W, determine the
antenna gain.

a. 12.55 dB

b. 10.43 dB

c. 11.21 dB

d. 9.78 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


271. The radiation pattern plotted in terms of electric field strength or power density

a. absolute radiation pattern

b. relative radiation pattern

c. absolute front lobe pattern

d. absolute side lobe pattern

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


272. Calculate the characteristic impedance of a quarter – wavelength section used to

connect a 300-ohm antenna to a 75-ohm line

a. 150 ohms

b. 120 ohms

c. 130 ohms

d. 110 ohms

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


273. Plots of field strength or power density with respect to the value at a reference point

a. absolute front lobe pattern

b. relative front lobe pattern

c. relative front lobe pattern

d. relative radiation pattern

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


274. What must be the height of a vertical radiator one half wavelength high if the
operating frequency is 1100 kHz?

a. 120 m

b. 136 m

c. 115 m

d. 124 m

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


275. Lobes adjacent to the front lobe

a. Diagonal lobes

b. Side lobes

c. Front lobes

d. Back lobes

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


276. Lobes in a direction exactly opposite of the front lobe

a. Side lobes

b. Adjacent lobes

c. Front lobes

d. Back lobes

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


277. Calculate the efficiency of an antenna that has a radiation resistance of 73 ohms and
an effective dissipation resistance of 5 ohms

a. 98.3%

b. 93.6%

c. 90.7%

d. 95.5%

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


278. The line bisecting the major lobe, or pointing from the center of the antenna in the
direction of maximum radiation is called _______.

a. line of shoot

b. diagonal shoot

c. bisecting shoot

d. antenna shoot

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


279. The ammeter connected at the base of a Marconi antenna has a certain reading. If
this reading is increased 2.77 times, what is the increase in output power?

a. 3.45

b. 1.89

c. 2.35

d. 7.67

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


280. Refers to a field pattern that is close to the antenna.

a. Induction field

b. Far field

c. Radiation field

d. Capture field

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


281. A half-wave dipole is driven with a 5-W signal at 225 MHz. A receiving dipole 100
km. Calculate the received power into a 73-ohm receiver.

a. 23.5 pW

b. 7.57 pW

c. 5.64 pW

d. 1.26 pW

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


282. It is the resistance that, if it replaced the antenna, would dissipate exactly the same
amount of power that the antenna radiates.

a. Directive gain

b. Antenna efficiency

c. Radiation resistance

d. Antenna resistance

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


283. What is the effective radiated power of a television broadcast station if the output of
the transmitter is 1000W, antenna transmission line loss is 50W, and the antenna power
gain is 3?

a. 1250 W

b. 2370 W

c. 2130 W

d. 2850 W

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


284. It is the ratio of the power radiated by an antenna to the sum of the power radiated
and the power dissipated.

a. radiation resistance

b. coupling coefficient

c. antenna efficiency

d. antenna beamwidth

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


285. It is the ratio of the power radiated by the antenna to the total input power.

a. antenna efficiency

b. reflection coefficient

c. standing wave ratio

d. radiation resistance

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


286. If a 500 kHz transmitter of a constant power produces field strength of 100 uV/m at a
distance of 100 mi from the transmitter, what would be the theoretical field strength at a
distance of 200 mi from the transmitter?

a. 45 uV/m

b. 100 uV/m

c. 50 uV/m

d. 35 uV/m

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


287. An antenna that transmits or receives equally well in all directions is said to be

a. omnidirectional

b. bidirectional

c. unidirectional

d. quasidirectional

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


288. It is the ratio of the power density radiated in a particular direction to the power
density radiated to the same point by a reference antenna, assuming both antennas are
radiating the same amount of power

a. power gain

b. directive gain

c. total gain

d. system gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


289. If the field intensity of 25 mV/m develops 2.7 V in a certain antenna, what is its
effective height?

a. 110 m

b. 100 m

c. 98 m

d. 108 m

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


290. The magnetic field of an antenna is perpendicular to the earth. The antenna’s
polarization ______.

a. is vertical

b. is horizontal

c. is circular

d. cannot be determined from the information given

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


291. If the power of a 500 kHz transmitter is increased from 150 W to 300 W, what would
be the percentage change in field intensity at a given distance from the transmitter?

a. 141%

b. 150%

c. 100%

d. 133%

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


292. It is the same with directive gain except that the total power fed to the antenna is
used and the antenna efficiency is taken into account.

a. system gain

b. power gain

c. directive gain

d. total gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


293. A hip-radio telephone transmitter operates on 2738 kHz. At a certain point distant
from the transmitter, the 2738 kHz signal is measured field of 147 mV/m. The second
harmonic field at the same point is measured as 405 uV/m. To the nearest whole unit in
decibels, how much has the harmonic emission been attenuated below the 2738 kHz

a. 43.2 dB

b. 51.2 dB

c. 35.1 dB

d. 25.1 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


294. It is the equivalent power that an isotropic antenna would have to radiate to achieve
the same power density in the chosen direction at a given point as another antenna.


b. ERP

c. IRL

d. RSL

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


295. When the energy is applied to the antenna at a point of high – circulating current.

a. voltage-fed antenna

b. power-fed antenna

c. current-fed antenna

d. impedance-fed antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


296. For a transmit antenna with a power gain of 10 and an input power of 100 W,
determine the EIRP in watts.

a. 30 dBW

b. 40 dBW

c. 50 dBW

d. 20 dBW

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


297. If energy is applied at the geometrical center of antenna, the antenna is said to be

a. center-fed

b. end-fed

c. quarterwave-fed

d. halfwave-fed

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


298. For a transmit antenna with a power gain of 10 and an input power of 100 W,
determine the power density at a point 10 km from the transmit antenna

a. 0.574 uW/m^2

b. 0.796 uW/m^2

c. 1.24 uW/m^2

d. 0.981 uW/m^2

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


299. For a transmit antenna with a radiation resistance of 72 ohms, an effective antenna
resistance of 8 ohms, a directive gain of 20 and an input power of 100 W, determine the
antenna efficiency.

a. 90%

b. 96%

c. 98%

d. 96%

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


300. The fields surrounding the antenna do not collapse their energy back into the
antenna but rather radiate it out in space.

a. induction field

b. near field

c. radiation field

d. magnetic field

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 7 of the Series

301. For receive power density of 10 uW/m^2 and a receive antenna with a capture area
of 0.2 m^2, determine the captured power.

a. 0.5 uW

b. 2 uW

c. 1 uW

d. 1.5 uW

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


302. The property of interchangeability for the transmitting and receiving operations is
known as ______.

a. efficiency

b. accuracy

c. reciprocity

d. polarization

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


303. The length of a doublet at 27 MHz is _____.

a. 8.67 ft

b. 17.3 ft

c. 18.2 ft

d. 34.67 ft

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


304. Refers to the orientation of the electric field radiated from an antenna.

a. efficiency

b. beamwidth

c. polarization

d. accuracy

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


305. At frequencies below 2 MHz, what type of antenna is usually used?

a. Marconi antenna

b. Hertzian antenna

c. Hertz antenna

d. Elementary doublet

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


306. The angular separation between two half-power points in the major lobe of the
antenna’s plane radiation pattern.

a. bandwidth

b. polarization

c. efficiency

d. beamwidth

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


307. Hertz antenna are predominantly used with frequencies above

a. 3 MHz

b. 4 MHz

c. 5 MHz

d. 2 MHz

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


308. Defined as the frequency range over which antenna operation is satisfactory

a. beamwidth

b. channel

c. bandwidth

d. baseband

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


309. One of the following is not an omnidirectional antenna.

a. Half-wave dipole

b. Log-periodic

c. Discone

d. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


310. The point on the antenna where the transmission line is connected is called

a. center feed

b. end feed

c. feedpoint

d. voltage feed

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


311. A popular vertical antenna is the _____>

a. collinear

b. dipole

c. ground plane

d. broadside

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


312. The discone antenna is

a. a useful direction-finding antenna

b. used as a radar receiving antenna

c. circularly polarized with other circular antennas

d. useful as a UHF receiving antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


313. The feedpoint presents and ac load to the transmission line called

a. antenna output impedance

b. antenna input impedance

c. feedpoint impedance

d. center feed impedance

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


314. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its

a. circular polarization

b. maneuverability

c. broad bandwidth

d. good front to back ratio

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


315. The simplest type of antenna.

a. Elementary doublet

b. Half-wave dipole

c. Quarterwave dipole

d. 5/8 wavelength dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


316. Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in order to

a. reduce the bulk of the lens

b. increase the bandwidth of the lens

c. permit pin-point focusing

d. correct the curvature of the wavefront from a horn that is too short

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


317. It is an electrically short dipole

a. short dipole

b. quarterwave dipole

c. half-wave dipole

d. yagi antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


318. Cassegrain feed is used with parabolic reflector to

a. increase the gain of the system

b. increase the bandwidth of the system

c. reduce the size of the main reflector

d. allow the feed to be placed at a convenient point

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


319. The half-wave dipole is generally referred to as ______.

a. Yagi antenna

b. Hertzian antenna

c. Marconi antenna

d. Hertz antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


320. Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna in order to increase its

a. effective height

b. bandwidth

c. beamwidth

d. input capacitance

View Answer:

Answer: Option A


321. What is the directivity of a Hertz antenna?

a. 1.64

b. 2.18

c. 2.15

d. 1.75

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


322. The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is the _______.

a. infinitesimal dipole

b. isotropic antenna

c. elementary doublet

d. half-wave dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


323. An antenna which is one-quarter wavelength long, mounted vertically with the lower
end either connected directly to ground or grounded through the antenna coupling

a. loop antenna

b. hertzian dipole

c. monopole antenna

d. turnstile antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


324. An antenna that is circularly polarized is the

a. helical

b. small circular loop

c. parabolic reflector

d. Yagi – Uda

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


325. It is a wire structure placed below the antenna and erected above the ground.

a. ground plane

b. counterpoise

c. ground lines

d. top hat

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


326. Which of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi-Uda array?

a. good bandwidth

b. parasitic elements

c. folded dipole

d. high gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


327. It effectively cancels out the capacitance component of the antenna input

a. ground plane

b. top hat

c. loading coil

d. shunt capacitance

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


328. Indicate which of the following reasons for the use of an earth mat with antenna is

a. impossibility of a good ground conduction

b. provision of an earth for an antenna

c. protection of personnel working underneath

d. improvement of the radiation pattern of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


329. A metallic array that resembles a spoke wheel placed at the top of an antenna, it
increases the shunt capacitance to ground reducing the overall antenna capacitance.

a. loading coil

b. top loading

c. series capacitance

d. series inductors

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


330. Indicate the antenna that is not wideband:

a. discone

b. folded dipole

c. helical

d. marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


331. It is formed when two or more antenna elements are combined to form a single

a. antenna elements

b. antenna array

c. driven elements

d. parasitic elements

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


332. One of the following is not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler:

a. to make the antenna look resistive

b. to provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance

c. to discriminate against harmonics

d. to prevent re-radiation of local oscillators

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


333. It is an individual radiator, such as a half or quarter-wave dipole.

a. antenna element

b. antenna array

c. reflector

d. director

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


334. Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antennas is

a. impossibility of a good ground connection

b. protection of personnel working underneath

c. provision of an earth for the antenna

d. rockiness of the ground itself

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


335. Type of antenna element that is directly connected to the transmission lines and
receives from or is driven by the source.

a. driven array

b. parasitic array

c. driven element

d. parasitic element

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


336. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide?

a. biconical

b. horn

c. helical

d. discone

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


337. Type of antenna element that is not connected to the transmission lines.

a. parasitic array

b. driven array

c. parasitic array

d. parasitic element

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


338. One of the following is very useful as a multi-band HF receiving antenna. This is the:

a. conical horn

b. folded dipole

c. log-periodic

d. square loop

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


339. A parasitic element that is longer than the driven element from which it receives

a. driven element

b. director

c. parasitic elements

d. reflector

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


340. One of the following consists of non-resonant antennas.

a. rhombic antenna

b. folded-dipole antenna

c. end-fire antenna

d. broadside antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


341. A parasitic element that is shorter than its associated driven element.

a. redirector

b. director

c. reflector

d. parasitic element

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


342. An ungrounded antenna near the ground.

a. acts as a single antenna near the ground

b. is unlikely to need an earth mat

c. acts as an antenna array

d. must be horizontally polarized

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


343. It is a non-resonant antenna capable of operating satisfactorily over a relatively wide

bandwidth, making it ideally suited for HF transmission.

a. turnstile antenna

b. loop antenna

c. rhombic antenna

d. discone antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


344. A wide – bandwidth multi-element driven array is the ______.

a. end-fire

b. log-periodic

c. yagi

d. collinear

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


345. It is a linear array antenna consisting of a dipole and two or more parasitic elements:
one reflector and one director.

a. broadside antenna

b. end-fire antenna

c. yagi-uda antenna

d. phased array antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


346. An antenna which is consists of a cone that is truncated in a piece of circular


a. pyramidal horn antenna

b. circular horn antenna

c. rectangular horn antenna

d. cylindrical horn antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


347. Which antenna has a unidirectional radiation pattern and gain?

a. dipole

b. ground plane

c. yagi

d. collinear

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


348. An antenna formed by placing two dipoles at right angles to each other, 90 degrees
out of phase.

a. discone antenna

b. turnstile antenna

c. bicone antenna

d. 5/8 wavelength antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


349. The radiation pattern of collinear and a broadside antenna is ________.

a. omnidirectional

b. bidirectional

c. unidirectional

d. clover-leaf shaped

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


350. What is the bandwidth ratio of log-periodic antenna?

a. 10:1

b. 5:1

c. 20:1

d. 1:10

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 8 of the Series

351. Which beam width represents the best antenna directivity?

a. 7 degrees

b. 12 degrees

c. 19 degrees

d. 28 degrees

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


352. It is the ratio of the highest to the lowest frequency over which an antenna will
satisfactorily operate.

a. channel ratio

b. bandwidth ratio

c. reflection ratio

d. dynamic range

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


353. An antenna has a power gain off 15. The power applied to the antenna is 32 W. The
effective radiated power is ________.

a. 15 W

b. 32 W

c. 120 W

d. 480 W

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


354. It is simply a single-turn coil of wire that is significantly shorter than one wavelength
and carries RF current.

a. turnstile antenna

b. loop antenna

c. rhombic antenna

d. long-wire antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


355. A coax has an attenuation of 2.4 dB per 100 ft. The attenuation of 275 ft

a. 2.4 dB

b. 3.3 dB

c. 4.8 dB

d. 6.6 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


356. It is group of antenna arrays that when connected together, function as a simple
antenna whose beamwidth and direction can be changed electronically without having to
physically move any of the individual antennas or antenna elements within the array.

a. end-fire array

b. broadside antenna

c. phased array antenna

d. log-periodic antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


357. Conductors in multi-element antennas that do not receive energy directly from the
transmission line are known as ______.

a. parasitic element

b. driven element

c. the boom

d. receptor

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


358. It is a broadband VHF or UHF antenna that is suited for applications for which
radiating circular rather than horizontal or vertical polarized electromagnetic waves are

a. discone antenna

b. bicone antenna

c. log-periodic antenna

d. helical antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


359. Mode of propagation of helical antenna where electromagnetic radiation is in the

direction at right angles to the axis of the helix.

a. normal mode

b. axial mode

c. helix mode

d. helical mode

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


360. Mode of propagation of helical antenna where the radiation of the antenna in the
axial direction and produces a broadband relatively directional pattern.

a. helical mode

b. normal mode

c. axial mode

d. helix mode

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


361. In a Yagi antenna, maximum direction of radiation is toward the

a. director

b. driven element

c. reflector

d. sky

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


362. It is defined as the ratio of the antennas maximum gain in the forward direction to its
maximum gain in its backward direction

a. side-to-back ratio

b. front-to-side ratio

c. back-to-side ratio

d. front-to-back ratio

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


363. The horizontal radiation pattern of a vertical dipole is a ____________.

a. figure of eight

b. circle

c. narrow beam

d. clover leaf

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


364. An antenna that provides extremely high gain and directivity and very popular for
microwave radio and satellite communications link.

a. helical antenna

b. parabolic antenna

c. hyperbolic antenna

d. log-periodic antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


365. Part of a parabolic antenna that houses the primary antenna which radiates
electromagnetic waves toward the reflector.

a. feed mechanism

b. focal point

c. center feed

d. feed antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


366. It is a passive device that simply reflects the energy radiated by the feed mechanism
into a concentrated, highly directional emission in which the individual waves are all in
phase with each other.

a. director

b. parabolic segment

c. reflector

d. feed mechanism

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


367. The energy near the edge of the parabolic dish that does not reflect but rather is
diffracted around the edge of the dish.

a. spillover

b. corona

c. dissipated power

d. copper loss

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


368. Determines the angular aperture of the reflector, which indirectly determines how
much the primary radiation is reflected by the parabolic dish.

a. numerical aperture

b. V number

c. aperture number

d. aperture angle

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


369. For a 2-m diameter parabolic reflector with 10W of power radiated by the feed
mechanism operating at 6 GHz with a transmit antenna efficiency of 55% and an aperture
efficiency of 55%, determine the beamwidth.

a. 1.25 degrees

b. 2.25 degrees

c. 1.5 degrees

d. 1.75 degrees

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


370. Type of feed mechanism where the primary radiating source is located just behind a
small opening at the vertex of the paraboloid rather than at the focus.

a. cassegrain feed

b. center feed

c. horn feed

d. antenna feed

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


371. Discone radiation pattern is

a. omnidirectional

b. unidirectional

c. figure-of-eight

d. bidirectional

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


372. Which is properly terminated antenna?

a. dipole

b. marconi

c. hertz

d. rhombic

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


373. An example of a marconi antenna is _______.

a. quarter wave vertical tower

b. collinear

c. yagi

d. rhombic

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


374. At the ends of a half-wave antenna, what values of current and voltage exist
compared to the remainder of the antenna?

a. minimum voltage and maximum current

b. minimum voltage and minimum current

c. equal voltage and current

d. maximum voltage and minimum current

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


375. Radiation resistance is the ratio of ______.

a. radiated power to the antenna center current

b. radiated power to the square of the antenna center current

c. voltage to any point of the antenna

d. square of voltage to the square of current at any point in the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


376. Consists of basic antenna connected to a transmission line plus one or more
additional conductors

a. parasitic array

b. directors

c. driven array

d. reflectors

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


377. Which of the following is not a driven array?

a. yagi

b. broadside

c. collinear

d. end fire

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


378. What is used to determine phase difference between two broadcast antennas?

a. a phase monitor

b. a frequency monitor

c. an amplitude monitor

d. a power monitor

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


379. In antennas, which gives more forward gain?

a. reflector

b. driven element

c. parasitic element

d. director

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


380. Which of the following is longer?

a. director

b. reflector

c. driven element

d. parasitic element

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


381. Which is closer to the driven element?

a. parasitic element

b. driven element

c. director

d. reflector

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


382. How much do they differ in length from a half-wavelength?

a. 5%

b. 10%

c. 15%

d. 20%

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


383. How much more feed-point impedance does a folded dipole have than a normal

a. two times as much

b. three times as much

c. four times as much

d. five times as much

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


384. How is it possible to produce 70-ohm twin lead?

a. by folding more parasitic element

b. by manufacturing

c. by increasing the radiation resistance

d. by increasing the length of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


385. With similar size parabolic, plane reflector, and corner-reflector beams, which has
greater gain?

a. plane reflector

b. parabolic

c. corner-reflector beam

d. V-beam

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


386. With similar size, which has the narrowest lobes?

a. parabolic

b. V-beam

c. corner-reflector beam

d. plane reflector

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


387. Why would the wires of V-beam be closer together when used on higher

a. main lobe lays farther to wire

b. main lobe lays closer to wire

c. secondary lobes closer to wire

d. secondary lobes farther to wire

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


388. How the V-beam is made unidirectional?

a. impedance terminated

b. capacitive terminated

c. inductive terminated

d. resistor terminated

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


389. Why might a rhombic be better than a V-beam?

a. it is resistor terminated

b. more acreage needed

c. less acreage needed

d. it is unidirectional

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


390. Why is the usual rhombic not frequency – sensitive?

a. unidirectional

b. with its characteristic impedance

c. less acreage required

d. main lobe is greater than back lobe

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


391. In what direction is the null of small diameter loop in relation to the plane of the loop?

a. 45 degrees angle

b. 180 degrees angle

c. 360 degrees angle

d. 90 degrees angle

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


392. When is a loop unidirectional?

a. when horizontal

b. when vertical

c. when circular

d. when unidirectional

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


393. Why are verticals sometimes top-loaded?

a. to resonate on high frequency

b. to decrease the electrical length

c. to resonate on low frequency

d. to look better

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


394. Why is pi-network superior to direct coupling to an antenna?

a. reduce harmonic radiation

b. better frequency response

c. better radiation of energy

d. reduce power dissipation

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


395. Why might L networks be used between an antenna and transmission line?

a. step impedance up

b. step impedance down

c. better radiation of energy

d. reduce power radiation

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


396. Why are antenna ammeters often shorted out or disconnected from the antenna
except when readings are desired?

a. to replace it with dummy

b. not to interface with transmission

c. for proper reception of signals

d. to protect from lightning

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


397. Device to split transmission line current to two or more antenna towers

a. splitter

b. coupler

c. isolator

d. phasor circuit

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


398. What method can be used to determine the feed-point impedance of a vertical

a. resistance substitution

b. impedance matching

c. dissipated resistance measurement

d. grounding the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


399. In what unit is field intensity measured?

a. volts

b. amperes

c. watts/m

d. mV/m

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


400. How fast does low-frequency field strength attenuate?

a. directly proportional to distance

b. inversely proportional to distance

c. directly proportional to time

d. inversely proportional to time

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 9 of the Series

401. An ungrounded antenna near the ground

a. Acts as a single antenna of twice the height

b. Is unlikely to need an earth mat

c. Acts as an antenna array

d. Must be horizontally polarized

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


402. One of the following consists of non-resonant antennas:

a. The rhombic antenna

b. The folded dipole

c. The end-fire array

d. The broadside array

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


403. One of the following is very useful as a multiband HF receiving antenna. This is the:

a. Conical horn

b. Folded dipole

c. Log-periodic

d. Square loop

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


404. Which of the following antennas is best excited from a waveguide?

a. Biconical

b. Horn

c. Helical

d. Discone

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


405. Indicate which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antennas is

a. Impossibility of a good ground connection

b. Protection of personnel working underneath

c. Provision of an earth for the antenna

d. Rockiness of the ground itself

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


406. One of the following is not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler:

a. To make the antenna look resistive

b. To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance

c. To discriminate against harmonics

d. To prevent reradiation of the local oscillator

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


407. Indicate the antenna that is not wideband

a. Discone

b. Folded dipole

c. Helical

d. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


408. Indicate which one of the following reasons for the use of an earth mat with
antennas is false:

a. Impossibility of a good ground connection

b. Provision of an earth for the antenna

c. Protection of personnel working underneath

d. Improvement of the radiation pattern of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


409. Show which of the following terms does not apply to the Yagi-Uda array

a. Good bandwidth

b. Parasitic elements

c. Folded dipole

d. High gain

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


410. An antenna that is circularly polarized is the

a. Helical

b. Small circular loop

c. Parabolic reflector

d. Yagi-Uda

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


411. The standard reference antenna for the directive gain is the

a. Infinitesimal dipole

b. Isotropic antenna

c. Elementary doublet

d. Half-wave dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


412. Top loading is sometimes used with an antenna in order to increase its

a. Effective height

b. Bandwidth

c. Beamwidth

d. Input capacitance

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


413. Cassegrain feed is used with a parabolic reflector to

a. Increase the gain of the system

b. Increase the beamwidth of the system

c. Reduce the size of the main reflector

d. Allow the feed to be places at a convenient point

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


414. Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in order to

a. Reduce the bulk of the lens

b. Increase the bandwidth of the lens

c. Permit pin-point focusing

d. Correct the curvature of the wavefront from a horn that is too short

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


415. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of its

a. Circular polarization

b. Maneuverability

c. Broad bandwidth

d. Good front-to-back ratio

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


416. The discone antenna is

a. A useful direction-finding antenna

b. Used as a radar receiving antenna

c. Circularly polarized like other circular antennas

d. Useful as a UHF receiving antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


417. One of the following is not omnidirectional antenna

a. Half-wave dipole

b. Log-periodic

c. Discone

d. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


418. The polarization of a discone antenna is ______________.

a. Horizontal

b. Vertical

c. Omni

d. Directional

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


419. _____________ is the horizontal pointing angle of an antenna.

a. Right angle

b. Angle of elevation

c. Bandwidth

d. Azimuth

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


420. Which is a properly terminated antenna?

a. Rhombic

b. Hertz

c. Marconi

d. Dipole

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


421. ____________ is a device that detects both vertically and horizontally polarized
signals simultaneously.

a. Crystal

b. Orthomode transducer

c. Light transducer

d. Optoisolator

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


422. How much does the radiated power of an antenna increases if its current increased
by 3.3 times?

a. 6.6 times

b. 3.3 times

c. 10.89 times

d. 9.9 times

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


423. What do you call the energy that was not radiated into space or completely

a. Incident waves

b. Captured waves

c. Standing waves

d. Modulated waves

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


424. What is the estimated medium wind loading in the Philippines for antenna tower

a. 200 kph

b. 250 kph

c. 300 kph

d. 100 kph

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


425. The minimum number of turns a helix antenna must have

a. 4

b. 5

c. 3

d. 6

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


426. When testing transmitter to prevent interfering with other stations, which type of
antenna must be used?

a. Dummy antenna

b. Herztian antenna

c. None

d. Void antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


427. A device that radiates electromagnetic energy and/or intercepts electromagnetic


a. Antenna

b. Transmitter

c. Transmission line

d. Transceiver

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


428. Determine the gain of a 6 ft parabolic dish operating at 1800 MHz

a. 15.5 dB

b. 30 dB

c. 11.2 dB

d. 28.17 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


429. Radiation characteristic of a dipole

a. figure of eight

b. omnidirectional

c. bi-directional

d. unidirectional

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


430. An antenna which is not resonant at particular frequencies and so can be used over
a wide band of frequencies is called

a. Aperiodic

b. Cassegrain

c. Top-loaded

d. Boresight

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


431. Two wires that are bent 90 degrees apart.

a. Rhombic

b. Hertz

c. Dipole

d. Log-periodic

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


432. Harmonic suppressor connected to an antenna

a. Tank circuit

b. M-derived filter

c. Low-pass filter

d. High-pass filter

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


433. Theoretical gain of a Herztian dipole

a. 0 dB

b. 1.76 dB

c. 2.15 dB

d. 3 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


434. A helical antenna is used for satellite tracking because of

a. Maneuverability

b. Good front-to-back

c. Circular polarization

d. Broad bandwidth

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


435. A convenient method of determining antenna impedance

a. Reactance circle

b. Stub matching

c. Smith chart

d. Trial and error

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


436. Unity gain antenna.

a. Half-wave dipole

b. Rhombic

c. Dummy

d. Isotropic

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


437. EIRP stands for ______________________.

a. Effective isotropic reflected power

b. Effective isotropic refracted power

c. Efficient and ideal radiated power

d. Effective isotropic radiated power

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


438. Which of the following refers to the smallest beam of satellite antenna’s radiation

a. Global beam

b. Zoom beam

c. Spot beam

d. Hemispheric beam

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


439. A region in front of a parabolic antenna

a. Transmission zone

b. Fraunhofer

c. Fresnel

d. All of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


440. An antenna that can only receive a television signal.

a. Isotropic antenna

b. Reference antenna


d. Yagi antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


441. Radiation pattern of a discone

a. Figure of eight

b. Bi-directional

c. Omnidirectional

d. Unidirectional

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


442. Radio wave concentration in the direction of the signal emitted by a directional

a. Back lobe radiation

b. Transmitted signal

c. Side lobe radiation

d. Major lobe radiation

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


443. The reflector and director of an antenna array are considered as:

a. Transcendental elements

b. Feed-points

c. Driven elements

d. Parasitic elements

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


444. An electronic equipment used to measure standing wave ratio:

a. Altimeter

b. Multimeter

c. Reflectometer

d. Wavemeter

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


445. The product of the power supplied to the antenna and its gain relative to a half-wave
dipole in a given direction.

a. Rated power

b. ERP

c. Peak envelope power

d. Carrier power

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


446. What makes an antenna physically long electronically short?

a. Adding C in series

b. Top loading

c. Adding L in series

d. All of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


447. The capture area of an antenna is directly proportional to the

a. Distance between transmitter and receiver

b. Power density of the signal

c. Gain of the antenna

d. Frequency of the received signal

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


448. A type of an undergrounded antenna is a/an ________________.

a. Hertz

b. Isotropic

c. Parabolic

d. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


449. What is meant by antenna gain?

a. The ratio of the signal in the forward direction to the signal in the backward direction

b. The ratio of the amount of power produced by the antenna compared to the output
power of the transmitter

c. The final amplifier gain minus the transmission line losses (including any phasing lines

d. The numeric ratio relating the radiated signal strength of an antenna to that of another

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


450. It consists of a number of dipoles of equal size, equally spaces along a straight line
with all dipoles fed in the same phase from the same source.

a. End-fire array

b. Yagi antenna

c. Log-periodic antenna

d. Broadside array

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

MCQ in Resonant and Non-resonant Antennas
MCQ in Antenna Terms and Definition
MCQ in Antenna Gain and Resistance
MCQ in Bandwidth, Beamwidth and Polarization
MCQ in Grounded and Ungrounded Antennas
MCQ in Grounding Systems and Matching Systems
MCQ in Antenna Types
MCQ in Directional and Non-directional Antennas
MCQ in Microwave Antennas
MCQ in Wideband and Special Purpose Antennas

Continue Practice Exam Test Questions Part 10 of the Series

451. A type of array antenna which consists of one half-wave driven dipole, one reflector
and one director.

a. Log periodic dipole array

b. Yagi-uda

c. Herztian dipole

d. Broadside collinear

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


452. It is measure of the microwave power radiated from an antenna as a function of

angular direction from the antenna axis.

a. Polarization

b. Sidelobes

c. Beamwidth

d. Antenna pattern

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


453. What is the gain of four identically polarized antennas stacked one above the other
fed in phase?

a. 4 dB over the gain of one antenna

b. 10 dB over the gain of one antenna

c. 3 dB over the gain of one antenna

d. 6 dB over the gain of one antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


454. Gain of an isotropic antenna.

a. 1 dB

b. -1 dB

c. 0 dB

d. 2 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


455. A dipole antenna requires to be fed with 20 kW of power to produce a given signal
strength to a particular distant point. If the addition of a reflector makes the same field
strength available with an input power of 11 kW, what is the gain in dB obtained by the
use of the reflector? (Gain referred to this particular dipole)

a. 4. 75

b. 1.81

c. 4.24

d. 2.6

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


456. Top loading is used in an antenna in order to increase its __________________.

a. Bandwidth

b. Beamwidth

c. Input capacitance

d. Effective height

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


457. A horizontal antenna is

a. Perpendicularly polarized

b. Centrally polarized

c. Horizontally polarized

d. Vertically polarized

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


458. The frequency of operation of a dipole antenna cut to length of 3.4 m.

a. 42.9 MHz

b. 53.3 MHZ

c. 38.5 MHz

d. 61.3 MHz

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


459. Two or more antennas separated by 9 wavelengths are used.

a. Frequency diversity

b. Space diversity

c. Hybrid diversity

d. Polarized diversity

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


460. A convenient method of determining antenna impedance.

a. Trial and error

b. Stub matching

c. Smith chart

d. Reactance circle

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


461. Width measured in degrees of a major lobe between end of the lobe at which the
relative power is one half (-3 dB) its value from the peak of the lobe.

a. Radiation

b. Wavelength

c. Bandwidth

d. Beamwidth

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


462. An increase in the effective power radiated by an antenna in a certain desired

direction at the expense of power radiated in other directions.

a. Antenna gain

b. Antenna efficiency

c. Antenna total ratio

d. Antenna back lobe ratio

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


463. Where does the maximum current and minimum voltage value on a resonant Hertz
dipole exist?

a. Center of the antenna

b. Ends of the antenna

c. Near the center of the antenna

d. Near the end of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


464. How can the antenna efficiency of a HF grounded vertical antenna be made
comparable to that of a half-wave antenna?

a. By isolating the coax shield from ground

b. By installing a good ground radial system

c. By shortening the vertical

d. By isolating the coax shield from ground

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


465. Known as the technique for adding a series inductor at or near the center of an
antenna element in order to cancel the capacitive reactance of an antenna.

a. Reflector

b. Center loading

c. Dipole

d. Loading coil

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


466. What is meant by the term antenna bandwidth?

a. The angle between the half-power radiation points

b. The angle formed between two imaginary lines drawn through the ends of the elements

c. The frequency range over which an antenna can be expected to perform well

d. Antenna length divided by the number of elements

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


467. Where does the voltage node of a half-wave antenna exist?

a. At feed point

b. Near the feed point

c. Near the center

d. At center

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


468. This is a flexible vertical rod antenna commonly used on mobiles.

a. Hertz

b. Ground plane

c. Whip

d. Marconi

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


469. What is a dummy antenna?

a. A non-directional transmitting antenna

b. An antenna used for hand-held ratio

c. One which is used as a reference for gain measurements

d. A non-radiating load for a transmitter used for testing

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


470. Best description of a collinear and broadside antenna radiation pattern.

a. Bidirectional

b. Omnidirectional

c. Unidirectional

d. Perfect circle

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


471. What is a driven element of an antenna?

a. Always the forward most element

b. Always the rearmost element

c. The element fed by the transmission line

d. The element connected to the rotator

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


472. Antenna which is not properly terminated

a. Whip

b. Non-resonant

c. Isotropic

d. Resonant

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


473. At the ends of a half-wave antenna, what values of current and voltage exist
compared to the remainder of the antenna?

a. Minimum voltage and maximum current

b. Maximum voltage and minimum current

c. Minimum voltage and minimum current

d. Equal voltage and current

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


474. Refers to a type of beam antenna which uses two or more straight elements
arranged in line with each other.

a. Whip antenna

b. Yagi antenna

c. Rhombic antenna

d. Dipole antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


475. What is meant by the term radiation resistance for an antenna?

a. Losses in the antenna elements and feed line

b. An equivalent resistance that would dissipate the same amount of power as that
radiated from an antenna

c. The resistance in the trap coils to received signal

d. The specific impedance of the antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


476. Which of the following parts of the radio receiver represents the component that
extracts the desired RF signal from the electromagnetic wave?

a. Detector

b. Antenna

c. Crystal

d. AF amplifier

View Answer:

Answer: Option B


477. Determine the dB of a receiving antenna which delivers a microvolt signal to a

transmission line over that of an antenna that delivers a 20 microvolt signal under
identical circumstances.

a. -26 dB

b. 26 dB

c. 3 dB

d. 10 dB

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


478. What is the term for the ratio of the radiation resistance of an antenna to the total
resistance of the system?

a. Antenna efficiency

b. Radiation conversion loss

c. Beamwidth

d. Effective radiated power

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


479. One of the following prevents a transmitter from emitting a signal that interferes with
other station on frequency during the test.

a. Use of shielded antenna radiator

b. Use of low height antenna

c. Use of dummy antenna

d. Use of grounded antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


480. In high frequency radio transmission, the lower the radio frequency the
_______________ of the antenna.

a. Longer the length

b. Bigger the diameter

c. Shorter length

d. Smaller the diameter

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


481. Which of the following antenna where its beamwidth is determined by the
dimensions of its lens or reflector?

a. Whip antenna

b. Aperiodic antenna

c. Aperture antenna

d. Long wire antenna

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


482. What measure will you adopt on the antenna system of a VHF or UHF mobile
transceivers that has very low height antenna?

a. Increase transmitter to antenna cable

b. Use directional antenna

c. Check grounding system

d. Provide loading coil

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


483. In order to have an effective radio antenna, the design of its radiator must have a
minimum length equivalent to ________________.

a. λ/10

b. λ/4

c. λ/14

d. λ/6

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


484. What is a parasitic element of an antenna?

a. An element dependent on the antenna structure for support.

b. A transmission line that radiates radio-frequency energy.

c. An element that receives its excitation from mutual coupling rather than from a
transmission line.

d. An element-polarized 90 degrees opposite the driven element.

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


485. At what position does a maritime ship main antenna have when it is open circuited
and that any auxiliary is/are connected to the main receiver?

a. AA

b. Emergency transmitter

c. Direction finder

d. Ground

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


486. Due to the presence of parallel LC networks in the trap antenna, one of the following
is a disadvantage of using this kind of antenna.

a. Radiate harmonics

b. Reduce power

c. Reduce beamwidth

d. Allow entry of interference

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


487. How do you compare the length of the reflector element of a parasitic beam antenna
with that of its driven element?

a. Same length

b. Reflector element is 5% longer

c. Reflector element is half shorter

d. Reflector element is 5% shorter

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


488. Which of the following statements refers to a reason why intelligence signal cannot
be transmitted directly on their frequency?

a. Their frequencies are high and are susceptible to noise

b. Their frequencies are high and need very large antennas

c. Their frequencies are low and need very large antennas

d. Their frequencies are low and need very small antennas

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


489. What is the purpose of a certain antenna component composed of a parallel LC

networks inserted in the antenna called traps?

a. Cancel the capacitive reactance of an antenna

b. Enhance directivity

c. Produce resonant system at specific frequency

d. Provide a multiband operation

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


490. Refers to the numerical ratio relating to the radiated signal strength of an antenna to
that of another antenna.

a. Antenna loss

b. Antenna gain

c. Antenna bandwidth

d. Antenna efficiency

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


491. How much longer or shorter does the length of the director element of parasitic
beam antenna compared with that of the driven element?

a. About 5% shorter

b. Around 10% longer

c. One half longer

d. Around 5% longer

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


492. Refers to the ratio of radiated to reflected energy.

a. Front-to-back ratio

b. Antenna efficiency

c. Radiation efficiency

d. Signal-to-noise ratio

View Answer:

Answer: Option C


493. A half-wave dipole antenna

a. Hertz

b. Marconi

c. Parabolic

d. Vertical monopole

View Answer:
Answer: Option A


494. When conductors are spread out in a straight line to a total length of one-quarter
wavelength, the antenna is called what?

a. Marconi

b. Vertical monopole

c. Quarter-wave dipole

d. All of these

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


495. What do you call of a polar diagram or graph representing field strengths or power
densities at various angular positions relative to an antenna?

a. Venn diagram

b. Figure-8 pattern

c. Lissajous figure

d. Radiation pattern

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


496. ________________ is the ratio of the front lobe power to the back lobe power.

a. Front-to-side ratio

b. Front-to-back ratio

c. Back-to-front ratio

d. Minor-to-major ratio

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


497. It is defined as the area within a distance D2/λ from the antenna, where λ is the
wavelength and D is the antenna diameter in the same units.

a. Far field

b. Near field

c. Green field

d. Radiation field

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


498. What is the ratio of the power radiated by the antenna to the total input power?

a. Power gain

b. Directive gain

c. Antenna efficiency

d. Radiation efficiency

View Answer:
Answer: Option C


499. _________________ of an antenna refers to the orientation of the electric field

radiated from it.

a. Radiation

b. Bandwidth

c. Beamwidth

d. Polarization

View Answer:
Answer: Option D


500. Pertains to a wire structure placed below the antenna and erected above the ground.
It is a form of capacitive ground system.

a. Image

b. Counterpoise

c. Antenna orientation

d. Antenna polarization

View Answer:
Answer: Option B


Questions and Answers in Antennas Series

Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series:

MCQ in Antennas
SEE: More Questions and Answers in Antennas

Complete List of MCQ in Communications Engineering per topic

Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies
Prev Article Next Article
Pinoybix Engineering Copyright © 2021. | Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!


GATE Problems in Antenna

and Wave Propogation

1) A medium wave radio transmitter operating at

Column A Column B
a wavelength of 492 m has a tower antenna of
1.Point electromagnetic source P.Highly directional
height 124m. What is the radiation resistance 2.Dish antenna Q.End fire
of the antenna? 3.Yagi-Uda antenna R.Isotropic

(A) 25 Ω (B) 36.5 Ω(C) 50 Ω (D) 73 Ω

(A) 1 → P (C) 1 → Q
2→Q 2→P
2) In a uniform linear array, four isotropic radiat-
λ 3→R 3→R
ing elements are spaced apart. The progres-
sive phase shift between the elements required
for forming the main beam at 60◦ off the end-
fire is (B) 1 → R (D) 1 → R
2→P 2→Q
π 3→Q 3→P
(A) −π radians (C) − radians
(B) − radians π
2 (D) − radians 7) In spherical coordinates, let âθ , âφ denote unit
vectors along the θ, φ directions.
3) For a Hertz dipole antenna, the Half Power
Beam Width (HPBW) in the E-plane is 100
E= sin θ cos(ωt − βr)âθ V/m
(A) 360◦ (B) 180◦ (C) 90◦ (D) 45◦

4) At 20 GHz, the gain of a parabolic dish antenna and

of 1 meter diameter and 70% efficiency is

(A) 15 dB (B) 25 dB (C) 35 dB (D) 45 dB 0.265

H= sin θ cos(ωt − βr)âθ A/m

5) For an antenna radiating in free space, the

electric field at a distance of 1 km is found to represent the electric and magnetic field com-
be 12 mV/m. Given that intrinsic impedance ponents of the EM wave at large distance
of the free space is 120πΩ, the magnitude of r from a dipole antenna, in free space. The
average power density due to this antenna at a average power (W) crossing the hemispherical
distance of 2 km from the antenna (in nW/m2 ) shell located at r = 1km, 0 6 θ 6 π2 is .........
is .......

8) The directivity of an antenna array can be

6) Match Column A with Column B. increased by adding more antenna elements, as
a larger number of elements

(A) improves the radiation efficiency

(B) increases the effective area of the antenna

(C) results in a better impedance matching

Fig. 1.

(D) allows more power to transmitted by the


9) An antenna pointing in a certain direction ~ average ≈ âr C0 1 cos 4 θ

~ rad = W
has a noise temperature of 50K. The ambient r2
temperature is 290K. The antenna is connected
to a pre-amplifier that has a noise figure of 2dB
and an available gain of 40dB over an effective
bandwidth of 12MHz. The effective input noise The radiated power density is symmetrical
temperature Te for the amplifier and the noise with respect to φ and exists only in the upper
power Pao at the output of the preamplifier, hemisphere: 0 6 θ 6 π2 ; 0 6 φ 6 2π; C0 is a
respectively, are constant. The power radiated by the antenna
(in watts) and the maximum directivity of the
(A) Te = 169.36K, (C) Te = 182.5K antenna, respectively, are
Pao = 3.73 × 10 −10
W Pao = 3.85 × 10−10 W

(B) Te = 170.8K, (D) Te = 160.62K (A) 1.5C0 , 10dB (C) 1.256C0 , 12dB
Pao = 4.56 × 10 −10
W Pao = 4.6 × 10−10 W

(B) 1.256C0 , 10dB (D) 1.5C0 , 12dB

10) Two lossless X-band horn antennas are sep-
arated by a distance of 200λ. The amplitude
reflection coefficients at the terminals of the 12) Two half-wave dipole antennas placed
transmitting and receiving antennas are 0.15 as shown in the figure are excited with
and 0.18, respectively. the maximum directiv- sinusoidally varying currents of frequency
ities of the transmitting and receiving anten- 3MHZ and phase shift of π2 between them
nas (over the isotropic antenna) are 18dB and (the element at the origin leads in phase). If
22dB, respectively. Assuming that the input the maximum radiated E-field at the point P
power in the lossless transmission line con- in the x-y plane occurs at an azimuthal angle
nected to the antenna is 2W, and that the of 60◦ , the distance d(in meters) between the
antennas are perfectly aligned and polarization antennas is .......
matched, the power (in mW) delivered to the
load at the receiver is.........
13) The electric field of a plane wave propogating
11) The far-zone power density radiated by a in a lossless non-magnetic medium is given
helical antenna is approximated as: by the following expression

(A) θ = 90◦ , φ = 45◦ (C) θ = 90◦ , φ = 135◦

E(z, t) = ax 5 cos(2π × 109 t + βz)

9 π (B) θ = 45◦ , φ = 90◦ (D) θ = 45◦ , φ = 135◦
+ ay 3 cos(2π × 10 t + βz − )
The type of the polarization is 17) A parabolic dish antenna has a conical beam
2◦ wide, the directivity of the antenna is ap-
(A) Right Hand Circular (C) Right Hand Elliptical

(B) Left Hand Elliptical (D) Linear (A) 20 dB (B) 30 dB (C) 40 dB (D) 50 dB

14) The electric field intensity of a plane wave trav- 18) The vector H in the far field of an antenna
elling in free space is given by the following satisfies
expression ~ = 0, ~ = 0,
(A) ∇.H (C) ∇.H
E(x, t) = ay 24π cos(ωt − k0 x)(V/m) ∇×H~ =0 ∇×H~ 6= 0
In this field, consider a square area 10cm
× 10cm on a plane x+y=1. The total time- ~ = ~ =
(B) ∇.H 6 0, (D) ∇.H 6 0,
averaged power (in mW) passing through the
square area is ........ ∇×H~ =6 0 ∇×H~ =0

15) Consider a wireless communication link be- 19) The radiation resistance of a circular loop of
tween a transmitter and a receiver located in one turn is 0.01Ω. The radiation resistance of
free space, with finite and strictly positive five turns of such a loop will be
capacity. If the effective areas of the transmitter
and the receiver antennas, and the distance be- (A) 0.002Ω (C) 0.05Ω
tween them are all doubled, and everything else
remains unchanged, the maximum capacity of (B) 0.01Ω (D) 0.25Ω
the wireless link
(A) increases by a factor of 2
20) An antenna in free space receives 2µW of
(B) decreases by a factor of 2 power when the incident electric field is
20mV/m rms. The effective aperture of the
(C) remains unchanged antenna is

(D) decreases by a factor of 2 (A) 0.0005m2 (C) 1.885m2

16) A half wavelength dipole is kept in the x-y (B) 0.05m2 (D) 3.77m2
plane and oriented along 45◦ from the x-axis.
Determine the direction of null in the radiation
pattern for 0 6 φ 6 π. Here the angle θ(0 6 21) The frequency range for satellite communica-
θ 6 π) is measured from the z-axis, and the tion is
angle φ(0 6 φ 6 2π) is measured from the
x-axis in the x-y plane. (A) 1kHz to 100kHz (C) 10MHz to 30MHz

(B) 100kHz to 10kHz (D) 1GHz to 30GHz


22) If the diameter of λ2 dipole antenna is increased

λ λ
from 100 to 50 , then its

(A) bandwidth increases (C) gain increases

(B) bandwidth decreases (D) gain decreases

23) For an 8 feet (2.4m) parabolic disk antenna

operating at 4 GHz, the minimum distance
required for far field measurement is closest

(A) 7.5 cm (C) 15 m

Fig. 2.
(B) 15 cm (D) 150 m
(A) 10 Watts (C) 0.1 Watt
24) Two identical antennas are placed in the θ = 2
plane as shown in Fig. 2. The elements have
equal amplitude excitation with 180◦ polarity (B) 1 Watt (D) 0.01 Watt
difference, operating at wavelength λ. The cor-
rect value of the magnitude of the far-zone 27) A mast antenna consisting of a 50 meter long
resultant electric field strength normalized with vertical conductor operates over a perfectly
that of a single element, both computed for conducting ground plane. It is base-fed at a
φ = 0, is frequency of 600 kHz. The radiation resistance
of the antenna in Ohms is:
2πs πs
(A) 2 cos (C) 2 cos
λ λ 2π 2 4π 2
(A) (C)
5 5
2πs πs
(B) 2 sin (D) 2 sin
λ λ π2 (D) 20π 2

25) Consider a lossless antenna with a directive 28) The radiation pattern of an antenna in spherical
gain of +6db. If 1mW of power is fed to it co-ordinates is given by
the total power radiated by the antenna will be
1 F (θ) = cos4 θ; 0 6 θ 6
(A) 4mW (B) 1mW (C) 7mW (D) mW 2
The directivity of the antenna is

26) A transmission line is feeding 1 Watt of power (A) 10dB (C) 11.5dB
to a horn antenna having a gain of 10dB. The
antenna is matched to the transmission line.
The total power radiated by the horn antenna (B) 12.6dB (D) 18dB
into the free-space is:
29) A radio wave is incident on a layer of iono-
spher at an angle of 30 degree with the verti-

cal. If the critical frequency is 1.2 MHz, the (A) is more effective (C) is the same
maximum usable frequency is

(A) 1.2 MHz (C) 0.6 MHz (B) is less directive (D) exhibits no directiv-
ity at all

(B) 2.4 MHz (D) 1.386 MHz

34) A transverse electromagnetic wave with circu-
lar polarization is received by a dipole antenna.
30) In a broad side array of 20 isotropic radiators, Due to polarization mismatch, the power trans-
λ fer efficiency from the wave to the antenna is
equally spaced at a distance of , the beam
2 reduced to about
width between first nulls is

(A) 51.3 degrees (C) 22.9 degrees (A) 50% (B) 35.3% (C) 25% (D) 0%

(B) 11.46 degrees (D) 102.6 degrees 35) A 1km long microwave link uses two antennas
each having 30dB gain. If the power transmit-
ted by one antenna is 1W at 3GHz, the power
31) The beam width between first null of uniform received by the other antenna is approximately
linear array of N equally spaced (element spac-
ing = d), equally excited antennas is deter- (A) 98.6µW (C) 63.4µW
mined by
(A) N alone and not by d (C) the ratio, (B) 76.8µW (D) 55.2µW

(B) a alone and not by N (D) the product, (Nd) 36) A transmittin antenna radiates 251W isotropi-
cally. A receiving antenna, located 100m away
from the transmitting antenna, has an effective
32) For a dipole antenna aperture of 500cm2 . The total received by the
(A) the radiation intensity is maximum along antenna is
the normal to the dipole axis
(A) 10µW (C) 20µW
(B) the current distribution along its length is
uniform irrespective of the length (B) 1µW (D) 100µW

(C) the effective length equals its physical 37) A person with areceiver is 5km away from
length the transmitter. What is the distance that this
person must move further to detect a 3-dB
decrease in signal strength?
(D) the input impedance is independent of the
location of the feed-point
(A) 942m (C) 4978m

33) An antenna, when radiating, has a highly di-

(B) 2070m (D) 5320m
rectional radiation pattern, when the antenna is
receiving, its radiation pattern
38) The line-of-sight communication requires the
transmit and receive antennas to face each

other. If the transmit antenna is vertically po-

larized, for best reception the receive antenna
should be
a) horizontally polarized

b) vertically polarized

c) at 45◦ with respect to horizontal polarization.

Fig. 3.

d) at 45◦ with respect to vertical polarization.

elements.Also calculate the angle at which the
main beam is placed for this distribution.
39) Two dipoles are so feed and oriented in
free space that they produce the following
electromagnetic waves:

f ωt−
E = 10e 3 volts/metre


f ωt−
Ex = j10e 3 volts/metre

(A) Write down the expression for the corre-

sponding magnectic field strength vector.

(B) Calculate the frequency of the wave.

(C) Given the complete description of the po-

larization of the wave.

40) Elements of a linear array of three equally

spaced (element spacing = 0.5λ) vertical mast
radiators, are excited as given in Fig. 3. For the
horizontal plane radiation pattern of the array,
determine the direction of the major lobe (main
lobe or principal lobe), and calculate its half-
power beam width in degrees.

41) In the radiation pattern of a 3-element array

of isotropic equally spaced at distances of it
is required to place a null at an angle of 33.56
degrees off the end-fire direction. Calculate the
progressive phase shifts to be applied to the
1. For a dipole antenna
(a) The radiation intensity is maximum along the normal to the dipole
(b) The current distribution along its length is uniform irrespective of the
(c) The effective length equals its physical length
(d) The input impedance is independent of the location of the feed – point
[GATE 1994: 1 Mark]
Soln. A dipole antenna is a linear antenna, usually fed in the center and
producing maximum of radiation in the plane normal to the axis.
It is said to be short dipole when length is less than 𝝀⁄𝟒 and current
distribution is sinusoidal.
Radiation intensity is maximum along the normal to the dipole axis.
Option (a)

2. An antenna when radiating, has a highly directional radiation pattern.

When the antenna is receiving its radiation pattern
(a) Is more directive (c) Is the same
(b) Is less directive (d) Exhibits no directivity all
[GATE 1998: 1 Mark]
Soln. An antenna is a reciprocal device, whose characteristics are same
when it is transmitting or receiving.
Thus, an antenna when radiating has a highly directive radiation
pattern, the receiving antenna will also have the same pattern.
Option (c)

3. The vector 𝐻⃗ in the far field of an antenna satisfies

⃗ = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∇ × 𝐻
(a) ∇. 𝐻 ⃗ =0 ⃗ = 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∇ × 𝐻
(c) ∇. 𝐻 ⃗ ≠0
⃗ ≠ 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∇ × 𝐻
(b) ∇. 𝐻 ⃗ ≠0 ⃗ ≠ 0 𝑎𝑛𝑑 ∇ × 𝐻
(d) ∇. 𝐻 ⃗ =0
[GATE 1998: 1 Mark]
Soln. 𝛁. ⃗𝑯
⃗⃗ = 𝟎,
Since, lines of magnetic flux are continuous (closed loops)

𝛁 × ⃗𝑯
⃗⃗ = 𝑱𝑪 + 𝑱𝑫

𝑱𝑪 − 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭

𝑱𝑫 − 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭
𝑱𝑫 = 𝟎
⃗⃗⃗ = 𝑱𝑪 i.e. Non Zero
Thus Option (c)

4. The radiation resistance of a circular loop of one turn is 0.01Ω. The

radiation resistance of five turns of such a loop will be
(a) 0.002 Ω (c) 0.05 Ω
(b) 0.01 Ω (d) 0.25 Ω
[GATE 1998: 1 Mark]
Soln. Radiation resistance of loop antenna is given by

𝜼𝑨 𝟐
𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅 = 𝟑𝟏, 𝟐𝟎𝟎 [ 𝟐 ]
𝜼 − 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬
𝑨 − Area of loop
𝝀 − Operating wavelength
𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅 ∝ 𝜼𝟐
1 turn loop, 𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟏 𝛀
For 5 turn loop
𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅 = 𝟓𝟐 (𝟎. 𝟎𝟏)
= 0.25 Ω
Option (d)
5. An antenna in free space receives 2𝜇 𝑊 of power when the incident
electric field is 20 mV/m rms. The effective aperture of the antenna is
(a) 0.005 𝑚2 (c) 1.885 𝑚2
(b) 0.05 𝑚2 (d) 3.77 𝑚2
[GATE 1998: 1 Mark]
Soln. RMS value of incident Electric field (𝑬) = 𝟐𝟎 𝒎𝑽/𝒎
Power density (𝑷𝒅 ) =
(𝟐𝟎×𝟏𝟎−𝟑 )
= = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟔𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝒘⁄𝒎𝟐
𝟏𝟐𝟎 𝝅

Received power (𝑷𝒅 ) = 𝟐𝝁𝑾 = 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟔 𝑾

Effective Aperture (𝑨𝑪 ) =

= = 𝟏. 𝟖𝟖𝟓𝒎𝟐
Option (c)

6. The far field of an antenna varies with distance r as

(a) 1/r (c) 1/r3
(b) 1/r2 (d) 1/√𝑟

[GATE 1998: 1 Mark]

Soln. The fields around the antenna may be divided into
(i) Near field (Fresnel Field)
(ii) Far field (Fraunhofer field)
Near field varies with distance

as 𝟏⁄
Far field varies with distance

as 𝟏⁄
Option (a)
7. If the diameter of a 𝜆/2 dipole antenna is increased from 𝜆/100 to 𝜆/50
then its
(a) Bandwidth increases (c) Gain increases
(b) Bandwidth decreases (d) Gain decreases
[GATE 2000: 1 Mark]
Soln. 𝝀/𝟐 dipole is a resonant (narrow band) antenna.
Gain of the antenna is directly proportional to efficiency.
Radiation efficiency (𝜼) =𝑹
𝒓𝒂𝒅 +𝑹𝑳

𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅 – Radiation resistance
RL - Loss resistance
As the diameter of the dipole antenna increases (area of wire
increases) the loss resistance which is proportional to 𝟏/𝑨𝒓𝒆𝒂
Thus efficiency increases
Hence gain increases
Option (c)

8. The line – of – sight communication requires the transmit and receive

antennas to face each other. If the transmit antenna is vertically polarized
for best reception the receiver antenna should be
(a) Horizontally polarized
(b) Vertically polarized
(c) At 450 with respect to horizontal polarization
(d) At 450 with respect to vertical polarization
[GATE 2002: 1 Mark]
Soln. In line of sight (LOS) communication transmit and receive antennas
face each other and should have same polarization.
When transmitting antenna is vertically polarized, then receiving
antenna should also be vertically polarized
Option (b)
9. Consider a lossless antenna with a directive gain of +6 dB. If 1 mW of
power is fed to it the total power radiated by the antenna will be
(a) 4 mW (c) 7 mW
(b) 1 mW (d) 1/4 mW
[GATE 2004: 1 Mark]
Soln. Lossless antenna with directive gain of +6dB = 4 (In linear)
Input power to antenna = 1 mW
Power radiated by antenna = 4 mW
𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓
Directive gain = =𝟒
𝑨𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓
Radiated power 𝟒 × 𝟏 𝒎𝑾 = 𝟒 𝒎𝑾
Option (a)

10. A transmission line is feeding 1 Watt of power to a horn antenna having

a gain of 10 dB. The antenna is matched to the transmission line. The
total power radiated by the horn antenna into the free – space is
(a) 10 Watts (c) 0.1 Watt
(b) 1 Watt (d) 0.0 Watt
[GATE 2008: 1 Mark]
Soln. Power input to horn antenna = 1 W
Gain of antenna = 10 dB = 10 (Linear)
Power radiated = 𝟏𝟎 × 𝟏 = 𝟏𝟎 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒔
Option (a)

11. For a Hertz dipole antenna, the half power beam width (HPBW) in the E
– plane is
(a) 3600 (c) 900
(b) 1800 (d) 450
[GATE 2008: 1 Mark]
Soln. Hertzian dipole is a short linear antenna, which is assumed to carry
constant current along its length.
The E0, field component is
𝑬𝜽 ∝ 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽
Then half power beam width (HPBW) in E- plane is as shown in Fig.

𝟏 𝜽 = 𝟗𝟎𝟎 𝟏
𝑬= 𝒂𝒕 𝜽 = 𝟏𝟑𝟓𝟎 𝑬= 𝒂𝒕 𝜽 = 𝟒𝟓𝟎
√𝟐 √𝟐


𝜽 = 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟎 𝜽 = 𝟎𝟎

So half power beam width is 900

12. The radiation pattern of an antenna in spherical co – ordinates is given by

𝐹(𝜃) = 𝑐𝑜𝑠 4 𝜃 ; 0 ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 𝜋/2
The directivity of the antenna is
(a) 10 dB (c) 11.5 dB
(b) 12.6 dB (d) 18 dB
[GATE 2012: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given,
Radiation Pattern
𝑭(𝜽) = 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟒 𝜽 ; 𝟎 ≤ 𝜽 ≤ 𝝅⁄𝟐
Spherical coordinate system
Radiation intensity 𝑼 𝜶[𝑭(𝜽)]𝟐
= 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟖 𝜽(𝒔𝒂𝒚)
𝑼𝒎𝒂𝒙 = 𝟏
Average power radiated
𝝅⁄𝟐 𝟐𝝅

𝑾𝒓𝒂𝒅 = ∫ ∫ 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟖 𝜽 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 𝒅𝜽 𝒅𝝓

𝟎 𝟎
= ( ) 𝟐𝝅 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟗𝟕
𝑫𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒚 (𝑫) = 𝟒𝝅
𝑫 = 𝟒𝝅 . = 𝟏𝟖. 𝟎𝟐
𝟎. 𝟔𝟗𝟕
𝑫𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝐝𝐁𝐬 = 𝟏𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎 (𝟏𝟖. 𝟎𝟐) = 𝟏𝟐. 𝟓𝟓 𝒅𝑩
Option (b)

13. For an antenna radiating in free space, the electric field at a distance of 1
km is found to be 12 mV/m. Given that intrinsic impedance of the free
space is 120 πΩ, the magnitude of average power density due to this
antenna at a distance of 2 km from the antenna (in nW/m2) is _______.
[GATE 2014: 1 Mark]
Soln. Given,
Electric field E at a distance of
𝟏 𝑲𝒎 = 𝟏𝟐𝒎𝑽/𝒎
Also, we know that

Where r is the distance where E is measured so, electric field E at a

distance of 2 Km
𝟏𝟐 𝒎 𝒗/𝒎
= = 𝟔 𝒎 𝒗/𝒎
Also, power density due to antenna is given as
𝟏 𝑬𝟐
𝑷𝒂𝒗𝒈 =
𝟐 𝜼

𝟏 𝟔 × 𝟔 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟔
= .
𝟐 𝟏𝟐𝟎𝝅
= 𝟒𝟕. 𝟕 𝒏𝑾/𝒎𝟐
Answer = 𝟒𝟕. 𝟕 𝒏𝑾/𝒎𝟐
14. Match column A with column B.
Column A
1. Point electromagnetic source
2. Dish antenna
3. Yagi – Uda antenna

Column B
P. Highly directional
Q. End fire
R. Isotropic
1 2 3
(a) P Q R
(b) R P Q
(c) Q P R
(d) R Q P
[GATE 2014: 1 Mark]
Soln. 1. Point electromagnetic source radiates is all directions.
2. Dish Antenna radiates Electromagnetic Energy in any
particular direction with narrow beam width and high directivity.
3. Yagi Uda antenna is a high bandwidth antenna used for TV
Option (b)

15. The directivity of an antenna array can be increased by adding more

antenna elements, as a larger number of elements
(a) Improves the radiation efficiency
(b) Increases the effective area of the antenna
(c) Results in a better impedance matching
(d) Allow more power to be transmitted by the antenna
[GATE 2015: 1 Mark]
Soln. Directivity of antenna increases by adding more antenna elements in
an antenna array.
Effective area (Ae) and Directivity are related by

𝑨𝒆 = .𝑫
Thus, as D increases effective aperture also increases.

Two Marks Questions

1. The electric field E and the magnetic field H of a short dipole antenna
satisfy the condition
(a) The r component of E is equal to zero
(b) Both r and 𝜃 components of H are equal to zero
(c) The 𝜃 component of E dominates the r component in the far – field
(d) The 𝜃 and ∅ components of H are of the same order of magnitude in
the near – field region
[GATE 1988: 2 Marks]
Soln. There are six components of electromagnetic field possible for short
𝑯𝒓 , 𝑯𝜽 , 𝑯𝝓 , 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑬𝒓 , 𝑬𝜽 , 𝑬𝝓
Out of these six components only following three components exist
𝑬𝒓 , 𝑬𝜽 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑯∅ and other components are zero.
Thus, option (b) is correct
Also, option (c) is true.

2. Two isotropic antennas are separated by a distance of two wavelengths. If

both the antennas are fed with currents of equal phase and magnitude, the
number of lobes in the radiation pattern in the horizontal plane are
(a) 2 (c) 6
(b) 4 (d) 8
[GATE 1990: 2 Marks]
Soln. Figure shows two isotropic antennas separated by 2λ

𝑰𝟎 𝑰𝟎

Current in both antennas is I0

𝒅 = 𝟐𝝀 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝜶 = 𝟎
𝚿 = 𝜶 + 𝜷𝒅. 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽
𝑺𝒐, 𝚿 = 𝟎 + 𝜷𝒅. 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽

= . 𝟐𝝀. 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 = 𝟒𝝅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽
𝟐 𝒄𝒐𝒔 ( ) = 𝟐 𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝟐𝝅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽)
𝜽 Varies from 0 to 2π
𝝅 𝝅 𝟐𝝅 𝟒𝝅 𝟑𝝅 𝟓𝝅
Maximum at 𝜽 = 𝟎, , , , 𝝅, , ,
𝟑 𝟐 𝟑 𝟑 𝟐 𝟑
So, the number of lobes in the radiation pattern in the horizontal
plane = 8
Option (d)

3. In a broad side array of 20 isotropic radiators, equally spaced at a distance

of 𝜆⁄2, the beam width between first nulls is
(a) 51.3 degrees (c) 22.9 degrees
(b) 11.46 degrees (d) 102.6 degrees
[GATE 1991: 2 Marks]
Soln. The array is broad side
With n= 𝟐𝟎 Isotropic radiators
Beam width between first nulls (BWFN)
= Radians
𝟐𝝀 𝟏𝟖𝟎
= . Degrees
𝟐𝟎 . 𝝀⁄𝟐 𝝅
= = 𝟏𝟏. 𝟒𝟔𝟎

Option (b)

4. Two dissimilar antennas having their maximum directivities equal

(a) Must have their beam widths also equal
(b) Cannot have their beam widths equal because they are dissimilar
(c) May not necessarily have their maximum power gains equal
(d) Must have their effective aperture areas (capture areas) also equal
[GATE 1992: 2 Marks]
Soln. Antenna efficiency is defined as

𝑹𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅

𝜼= =
𝑰𝒏𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅 + 𝑹𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒔
Efficiency is also given as

𝑷𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒈𝒑
𝜼= =
𝑫𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒈𝒅
Radiation resistance of two antennas may be different hence
efficiency may not be same. This indicates power gains may not be
Thus, Option (c)

5. The beam width – between – first – nulls of a uniform linear array of N

equally – spaced (element spacing = d) equally – excited antennas is
determined by
(a) N alone and not by d (c) The ratio (N/d)
(b) D alone and not by N (d) The product (Nd)
[GATE 1992: 2 Marks]
Soln. A uniform linear array can be Broadside array or End fire array.
Broadside array is an array of elements for which radiation is max or
main lobe occurs perpendicular to the axis of the array.
End fire array is an array of elements for which main beam occurs
along the axis of array.
For broadside array
Null to Null beam width =

For End fire array = 𝟐√

Where N = No. of antennas in the array

d = spacing between elements
Beam width for both the arrays is determined by the product
N.d Thus, option (d)

6. A transverse electromagnetic wave with circular polarization is received

by a dipole antenna. Due to polarization mismatch, the power transfer
efficiency from the wave to the antenna is reduced to about
(a) 50% (c) 25%
(b) 35.3% (d) 0%
[GATE 1996: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given,
A TEM wave has circular polarization. It is received by a dipole
antenna, which is linearly polarized.
There will not be any mismatch and the wave will be received
Option (d)

7. A 1 km long microwave link uses two antennas each having 30dB gain. If
the power transmitted by one antenna is 1 W at 3 GHz, the power
received by the other antenna is approximately
(a) 98.6 µ W (c) 63.4 µ W
(b) 76.8 µ W (d) 55.2 µ W
[GATE 1996: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given,
Link distance (𝑹) = 𝟏𝑲𝒎 = 𝟏𝟎𝟑 𝒎
Antenna gain (𝑮𝒕 ) = 𝟑𝟎 𝒅𝑩 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎 = 𝑮𝒓
Power transmitted (𝑷𝒕 ) = 𝟏𝑾
Frequency = 3 GHz
Wavelength = 10 cm = 0.1 m

𝑷𝒕 𝑮𝒕
𝑷𝒅 𝒂𝒕 𝟏𝑲𝒎 =

𝟏 × 𝟏𝟎𝟑
= 𝟑 𝟐
𝟒𝝅 × (𝟏𝟎 )

𝟒𝝅 𝑨𝒆 𝑮𝝀𝟐
𝑮= 𝒐𝒓 𝑨𝒆 =
𝝀𝟐 𝟒𝝅
𝑷𝒓 = (𝑨𝒆 )𝒓 . 𝑷𝒅

𝑮𝒓 𝑨𝟐 𝟏
= ×
𝟒𝝅 𝟒𝝅 × 𝟏𝟎𝟑

𝟏𝟎𝟑 × (𝟎. 𝟏)𝟐 𝟏𝟎−𝟐

= = = 𝟔𝟑. 𝟒𝝁𝒘
(𝟒𝝅)𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎𝟑 𝟏𝟔𝝅𝟐
Option (c)

8. A parabolic dish antenna has a conical beam 20 wide. The directivity of

the antenna is approximately
(a) 20 dB (c) 40 dB
(b) 30 dB (d) 50 dB
[GATE 1997: 2 Marks]
Soln. Directivity of Parabolic dish is approximately given by
𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒘𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉 𝜽 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆 × 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒘𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉 𝒊𝒏 𝝓 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆
In the given problem
𝜽𝟑𝒅𝑩 = 𝟐𝟎
𝝓𝟑𝒅𝑩 = 𝟐𝟎
𝑫= ≊ 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎 ≅ 𝟒𝟎𝒅𝑩

Option (c)

9. A transmitting antenna radiates 251 W Isotopically. A receiving antenna

located 100m away from the transmitting antenna has an effective
aperture of 500 cm2. The total power received by the antenna is
(a) 10 µ W (c) 20 µ W
(b) 1 µ W (d) 100 µ W
[GATE 1999: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given,
Power transmitted by antenna (isotropically) = 251 W
Distance between antennas = 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝒎
Aperture area of receiving antenna = 500 cm 2
= 𝟓𝟎𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟒 𝒎𝟐
Power received (𝑷𝒓 ) = × 𝑨𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆

= × 𝟓𝟎𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟒
𝟒 × 𝝅 × (𝟏𝟎𝟎)𝟐
= 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝝁𝒘
Option (d)

10. For an 8 feet (2.4m) parabolic dish antenna operating at 4 GHz, the
minimum distance required for far field measurement is closest to
(a) 7.5 cm (c) 15 m
(b) 15 cm (d) 150 m
[GATE 2000: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given,
Parabolic reflector antenna
Diameter (D) = 2.4 m
Frequency (f) = 4 GHz

𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖
𝑺𝒐, 𝝀 = 𝟗
= 𝟕. 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐 𝒎
𝟒 × 𝟏𝟎
The measurement of antenna field is considered in Fraunhofer (far
field) region. At a distance


𝟐 × (𝟐. 𝟒)𝟐
𝒐𝒓, 𝑹 = = 𝟏𝟓𝟑. 𝟔 𝒎
𝟕. 𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐
≅ 𝟏𝟓𝟎 𝒎
Option (d)

11. The half – power bean widths (HPBW) of an antenna in the two
orthogonal planes are 1000 and 600 respectively. The directivity of the
antenna is approximately equal to
(a) 2 dB (c) 8 dB
(b) 5 dB (d) 12 dB
[GATE 2000: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given,
Half power beam width (𝜽𝟑𝒅𝑩 ) = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎
Half power beam width (𝝓𝟑𝒅𝑩 ) = 𝟔𝟎𝟎
𝟒𝟏, 𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝟒𝟏, 𝟐𝟎𝟎
𝑫𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒚 (𝑫) = =
𝜽𝟑𝒅𝑩 . 𝝓𝟑𝒅𝑩 𝟏𝟎𝟎 × 𝟔𝟎
= 𝟔. 𝟖𝟓 ≅ 𝟖𝒅𝑩
Option (c)

12. A medium wave radio transmitter operating at a wavelength of 492 m

has a tower antenna of height 124 m. What is the radiation resistance of
the antenna?
(a) 25 Ω (c) 50 Ω
(b) 36.5 Ω (d) 73 Ω
[GATE 2001: 2 Marks]
Soln. Medium wave Radio transmitter operating at
𝝀 = 𝟒𝟗𝟐 𝒎
Height of antenna = 𝟏𝟐𝟒 𝒎 ≅ 𝝀⁄𝟒
Thus it is a quarter wave monopole hence
𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅 ≅ 𝟑𝟔. 𝟓𝛀
Option (b)

13. In a uniform linear array, four isotropic radiating elements are spaced
𝜆/4 apart. The progressive phase shift between the elements required for
forming the main beam at 600 off the end – fire is
(a) −𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 (c) −𝜋/4 𝑟𝑎𝑑
(b) −𝜋/2 𝑟𝑎𝑑 (d) −𝜋/8 𝑟𝑎𝑑
[GATE 2001: 2 Marks]
Soln. Uniform linear Array of N elements radiates in either broad side or
end fire directions based on progressive phase shift, α between the
excitation sources connected to antenna elements in the Array.
The array factor is given by
𝚿 = 𝜷 𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 + 𝜶
Here distance between elements is 𝒅 = 𝝀⁄𝟒
Direction of main beam is here 600.
when 𝜽 = 𝟎, with respect to axis of array, it is end fire type
When 𝜽 = 𝟗𝟎𝟎 with respect to the axis of the array it is broad side

End Fire
Given, the main beam is 600 off end fire i.e. 𝜽 = 𝟔𝟎𝟎
𝚿 = 𝜶 + 𝜷 𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝟔𝟎𝟎 = 𝟎
𝟐𝝅 𝝀 𝟏 𝝅
𝒐𝒓, 𝜶=− . = − 𝒓𝒂𝒅
𝝀 𝟒 𝟐 𝟒
Option (c)

14. A person with a receiver is 5 km away from the transmitter. What is the
distance that this person must move further to detect a 3 – dB decrease in
signal strength?
(a) 942 m (c) 4978 m
(b) 2070 m (d) 5320 m
[GATE 2002: 2 Marks]
Soln. Distance between transmitter and person with receiver is 5 km
𝑷𝟏 𝑷𝟐
𝑻𝒙 𝟓𝑲𝒎 𝑹𝒙

From the position P1 the person having receiver moves some distance
to detect 3 dB decrease is signal strength. Field strength at P2 is 𝟏⁄√𝟐
times field strength at position 1.
E at point P1 is E1
E at point P2 is E2 (𝑬𝟏 /√𝟐)

𝟏 𝟏
𝑬𝟏 𝜶 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑬𝟐 𝜶
𝒓𝟏 𝒓𝟐
𝑬𝟏 𝒓𝟐
𝑬𝟐 𝒓𝟏
𝑬𝟏 𝑬𝟏
𝒐𝒓, 𝒓𝟐 = 𝒓𝟏 = 𝒓𝟏 = √𝟐 𝒓𝟏
𝑬𝟐 𝑬𝟏 /√𝟐
𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝟐 = 𝟕. 𝟎𝟕 𝑲𝒎
Thus distance moved from point 1 to point 2 = 2070 m
Option (b)
15. Two identical antennas are placed in the 𝜃 = 𝜋/2 plane as shown in
Figure. The elements have equal amplitude excitation with 1800 polarity
difference operating at wavelength λ. The correct value of the magnitude
of the far zone resultant electric field strength normalized with that of a
single element both computer for 𝜙 = 0 is


2 𝜋𝑠 𝜋𝑠
(a) 2 cos ( ) (c) 2 cos ( )
𝜆 𝜆
2 𝜋𝑠 𝜋𝑠
(b) 2 sin ( ) (d) 2 sin ( )
𝜆 𝜆
[GATE 2003: 2 Marks]
Soln. Normalized field strength of a uniform linear array is

𝑬𝑻 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝑵
=| 𝒁|
𝑬𝟎 𝚿
Where, N – Number of elements in the array
𝚿 − 𝜷𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝝓 + 𝜶
For the given two element array
𝑬𝑻 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝚿
=| | = 𝟐 𝒄𝒐𝒔(𝚿/𝟐)
𝑬𝟎 𝒔𝒊𝒏 𝚿/𝟐
𝚿 = 𝛂 + 𝛃𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝛟
𝟐𝝅 𝟐𝝅𝑺
=𝝅+ .𝑺 .𝟏 = 𝝅 +
𝝀 𝝀

𝑬𝑻 𝝅 𝝅𝒔 𝝅𝒔
= 𝟐 𝒄𝒐𝒔 ( + ) = 𝟐 𝒔𝒊𝒏 ( )
𝑬𝟎 𝟐 𝝀 𝝀
Option (d)
16. Two identical and parallel dipole antennas are kept apart by a distance of
𝜆/4 in the H – plane. They are fed with equal currents but the right most
antenna has phase shift of +900. The radiation pattern is given as
(a) (b)

(c) (d)

[GATE 2005: 2 Marks]

Soln. Two parallel dipoles apart

𝑰𝟎 𝑰𝟎 ∠𝟗𝟎𝟎


For antenna array

𝚿 = 𝜷 𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 + 𝜶
Maximum of E field occurs at 𝚿 = 𝟎
𝜶 + 𝜷 𝒅. 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝜽 = 𝟎
𝝅 𝝅 𝝀
𝒐𝒓, + . 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 = 𝟎
𝟐 𝟐 𝟒
𝟏 + 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 = −𝟏 𝒐𝒓 𝜽 = 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟎
Radiation pattern is

Option (d)

17. A mast antenna consisting of a 50 meter long vertical conductor operates

over a perfectly conducting ground plane. It is base – fed at a frequency
of 600 KHz. The radiation resistance of the antenna in Ohms is
2𝜋2 4𝜋2
(a) (c)
5 5
𝜋2 (d) 20 𝜋 2
[GATE 2006: 2 Marks]
Soln. Mast antenna is over perfectly conducting ground plane. It is hertz
𝒅𝒍 𝟐
Radiations resistance (𝑹𝒓𝒂𝒅 ) = 𝟒𝟎𝝅𝟐 ( )

Length of radiation = 50m

Frequency (f) = 600 KHz
Thus, wavelength (𝝀) = 𝟓𝟎𝟎𝒎

𝟓𝟎 𝟐 𝟐𝝅𝟐
𝑹𝒓𝒆𝒅 = 𝟒𝟎𝝅 ( ) =
𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝟓
Option (a)
18. A 𝜆/2 dipole is kept horizontally at a height of 𝜆2 ⁄2 dipole above a
perfectly conducting infinite ground plane. The radiation pattern in the
plane of the dipole (𝐸⃗ 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒) looks approximately as
(a) y y

z z

y y
(c) (d)

z z
[GATE 2007: 2 Marks]
Soln. A 𝝀/𝟐 dipole is kept horizontally at a height of 𝝀𝟎 /𝟐 above
conducting ground plane

𝝀𝟎 /𝟐
Infinite ground
𝝀𝟎 /𝟐

𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒅 = 𝝀, 𝜶 = 𝝅, 𝒕𝒉𝒖𝒔 𝜷𝒅 = . 𝝀 = 𝟐𝝅
𝜷𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝝓 + 𝜶
𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝒊𝒔 = 𝒄𝒐𝒔 [ ]
𝟐𝝅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝝓 + 𝝅
= 𝒄𝒐𝒔 [ ]
= 𝒔𝒊𝒏(𝝅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝝓)
Option (b)
19. At 20 GHz, the gain of a parabolic dish antenna of 1 meter diameter and
70% efficiency is
(a) 15 dB (c) 35 dB
(b) 25 dB (d) 45 dB
[GATE 2008: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given,
Frequency = 20 GHz
Diameter of antenna dish = 1 meter
𝑬𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒚 (𝜼) = 𝟕𝟎%
Gain of parabolic dish antenna is given by
𝑫 𝟐
𝑮 = 𝜼 𝝅𝟐 ( )

= 𝟎. 𝟕 . 𝝅𝟐 ( )
𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖
𝟐𝟎 × 𝟏𝟎𝟗
𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝟐
= 𝟎. 𝟕 . 𝝅𝟐 ( ) ≅ 𝟒𝟓 𝒅𝑩

Option (d)

20. Two half – wave dipole antennas placed as shown in the figure are exited
with sinusoidal varying currents of frequency 3 MHz and phase shift of
𝜋⁄2 between them (the element at the origin leads in phase). If the
maximum radiated E – field at the point P in the x – y plane occurs at an
azimuthal angle of 600, the distance d (in meters) between the antennas is

600 OP>>d
[GATE 2015: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given, Azimuth plane
Occurs at 𝜽 = 𝟗𝟎𝟎
For antenna array
𝚿 = 𝜷 𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝝓 + 𝜶
Where, d – spacing between the antenna
𝝓 – Angle between axis of array and
𝜶 – Excitation phase line of observation
Maximum of E field occurs at 𝚿 = 𝟎
Here 𝝓 = −𝟗𝟎𝟎
𝟐𝝅 𝟐𝝀 𝟐𝝅
𝜷= = =
𝝀 𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖 𝟏𝟎𝟎
𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖
Maximum of field occurs
At 𝚿=𝟎
i.e. 𝜷 𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝛉 + 𝛂 = 𝟎
or, 𝜷 𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝛉 = −𝛂
𝜷 𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝛉 = 𝝅⁄𝟐
× 𝒅 × 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 = 𝝅⁄𝟐

𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒅 = 𝝀⁄𝟐
× 𝒅 × 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 = 𝝅⁄𝟐

𝝀 𝟐𝝀
𝒅 . 𝒄𝒐𝒔 𝟔𝟎 = 𝒐𝒓 𝒅 = = 𝝀⁄ 𝟐
𝟒 𝟒
𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟖
𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝝀 = = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝒎
𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎𝟔

21. The far – zone power density radiated by a helical antenna is

approximated as:
⃗⃗⃗ 𝑟𝑎𝑑 = 𝑊
𝑊 ⃗⃗⃗ 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 ≈ 𝑎̂𝑟 𝐶0 𝑐𝑜𝑠 4 𝜃
𝑟 2
The radiated power density is symmetrical with respect to 𝜙 and exists
only in the upper hemisphere: 0 ≤ 𝜃 ≤ ; 0 ≤ 𝜙 ≤ 2𝜋; 𝐶0 is a constant.
The power radiated by the antenna (in watts) and the maximum
directivity of the antenna, respectively, are
(a) 1.5 𝐶0 , 10dB (c) 1.256 𝐶0 , 12dB
(b) 1.256 𝐶0 , 10dB (d) 1.5 𝐶0 , 12dB
[GATE 2016: 2 Marks]
Soln. Given,
Power density radiated by the antenna
⃗⃗⃗⃗ 𝒓𝒂𝒅 =
𝑾 . 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟒 𝜽 𝒂
̂𝒓 𝑾⁄𝒎𝟐
𝒓 𝟐
Given that power density of the antenna is symmetrical and is upper
hemisphere. Power radiated by the antenna

⃗⃗⃗ 𝒓𝒂𝒅 . ⃗⃗⃗⃗

𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒅 = ∮ ⃗𝑾 𝒅𝒔
It is radiating in the upper hemisphere only

𝝅 ⁄𝟐 𝟐𝝅
𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒅 = ∫ ∫ 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟒 𝜽 𝒓𝟐 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽𝒅𝜽𝒅𝝓
𝟎 𝝓=𝟎
𝝅 ⁄𝟐 𝟐𝝅

=∫ ∫ 𝑪𝟎 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟒 𝜽 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 𝒅𝜽 𝒅𝝓
𝟎 𝝓=𝟎

𝝅⁄ 𝟐

= 𝟐𝝅𝑪𝟎 ∫ 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟒 𝜽 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 𝒅𝜽


𝑷𝒓𝒂𝒅 = = 𝟏. 𝟐𝟓𝟔 𝑪𝟎 𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒕

𝑫 = 𝟒𝝅 .

Where, 𝑼𝒎𝒂𝒙

𝑼 = 𝒓𝟐 𝑾𝒓𝒂𝒅

𝒓𝟐 . 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟒 𝜽
𝑼 = 𝑪𝟎 𝑪𝒐𝒔𝟒 𝜽
𝑼 = 𝑪𝟎
𝟏. 𝟐𝟓𝟔 𝑪𝟎
= 10
D is dB = 10 log 10
D = 10dB


1. Antennas convert ----------------------to--------------------- [ ]
a) Photons to electrons b) electrons to photons
c) Both a and b d) none
2. Antennas are of -------------- types [ ]
a) Two b) four
c) Infinite d) none
3. Which of the following is true [ ]
a) Time changing current radiates b) accelerated charges radiates
c) Both a and b d) none
4. Radiation pattern is ---------------- dimensional quantity [ ]
a) Two b) three
c) Single d) none
5. ------------- is also called as 3-dB bandwidth [ ]
c) Both a and b d) none
6. One steradian is equal to --------------- square degrees [ ]
a) 360 b) 180
c) 3283 d) 41,253
7. --------------is independent of distance [ ]
a) Poynting vector b) radiation intensity
c) Both a and b d) none
8. The minimum value of the directivity of an antenna is………. [ ]
a) Unity b) zero
c) Infinite d) none
9. Directivity is inversely proportional to……… [ ]
c) Beam area d) Beam width
10. Gain is always -------------than directivity [ ]
a) Greater b) lesser
c) Equal to d) none
11. Directivity and Resolution are------------ [ ]
a) Different b) same
c) Both a and b d) none
12. Effective aperture is always ----------- than Physical aperture. [ ]
a) Higher b) lower
c) Both a and b d) none
13. --------------Theorem can be applied to both circuit and field theories [ ]
a) Equality of patterns b) Equality of impedance
c) Equality of effective lengths d) Reciprocity theorem
14. Antenna temperature considers--------parameter into account [ ]
a) Directivity b) gain
c) Beam area d) beam efficiency
15. Radiation resistance of antenna is------------- [ ]
a) Physical resistance b) Virtual Resistance
c) Both a and b d) none


16. Antenna aperture is same as----------- [ ]
a) Length b) width
c) Area d) volume
17. The source of scalar potential is [ ]
a) Charge density b) Current density
c) Both a and b d) none
18. The source of vector potential is [ ]
a) Charge density b) Current density
c) Both a and b d) none
19. R/v is called------------- [ ]
a) Radiation to voltage ratio b) resistance to velocity ratio
c) Propagation delay d) none
20. Which condition makes coupled equations into uncoupled equations [ ]
a) Retarded b) Helmholtz
c) Lorentz gauge d) none



1 C 11 B
2 C 12 B
3 C 13 D
4 B 14 B
5 B 15 B
6 C 16 C
7 B 17 A
8 A 18 B
9 C 19 C
10 B 20 C




1.Alternating current element is given by [ ]
a)I dl b) I dl cosωt
c) I dl sinωt d) I
2. ---------potential is used to find the field components of current element [ ]
a) Scalar Potential, V b) Vector Potential, A
c) Both a and b d) None
3. -------- is basic building block for any practical antenna [ ]
a) Current element b) Monopole
c) Dipole d) Loop
4. The HΦ Component will consists of----------field. [ ]
a) Radiation b) Induction
c) Both a and b d) All
5. The Eθ Component will consists of---------- [ ]
a) Radiation b) Induction
c) Electro static d) All
6. The Er Component will consists of---------- [ ]
a) Induction b) Electro static
c) Both a and b d) All
7. The induction and radiation fields of current element are equal at distance of ------ [ ]
a) λ/2 b) λ/4
c) λ/6 d) λ/10
8. The radiation resistance of current element is given by [ ]
a) Rr = 80П2(dl/λ)2 b) Rr = 20П2(dl/λ)2
2 2
c) Rr = 10П (dl/λ) d) None
9. The radiation resistance of short dipole is given by [ ]
a) Rr = 80П2(dl/λ)2 b) Rr = 20П2(dl/λ)2
2 2
c) Rr = 10П (dl/λ) d) None
10. The radiation resistance of short monopole is given by [ ]
a) Rr = 80П2(dl/λ)2 b) Rr = 20П2(dl/λ)2
2 2
c) Rr = 10П (dl/λ) d) None
11. The radiation resistance of current element is applicable to dipoles up to
height of λ/8 only. [ ]

12. The radiation resistance of current element is applicable to mono poles up to

height of λ/4 only. [ ]
13. The radiation resistance of current element is applicable to
dipoles up to height of λ/2 only. [ ]
14. The radiation resistance of λ/2 dipole is 36.5 Ω [ ]
15.The radiation resistance of λ/4 Monopole is 73 Ω [ ]




16. The Eθ Component of current element is given by------------
17. The Er Component of current element is given by------------
18. The HΦ Component of current element is given by------------
19. The main application of Loop Antenna is--------------------
20. The Directivity of Loop Antenna is --------------------




19 Direction Finding

20 1.5




1. If the individual antennas of the array are spaced equally along a straight line.
Then It is ------------array. [ ]
a) Linear. b) Non-Linear.
c) Both a and b. d) None.
2. Linear array is a system of ------spaced elements. [ ]
a) Un equally. b) equally.
c) Both a and b. d) None.
3. In a Uniform Linear array all elements are fed with a
current of ----------amplitude [ ]
a) Equal. b) Unequal.
c) Both a and b. d) None.
4. In a Broad side array the radiation is along----------- [ ]
a) X-direction. b) Y-direction.
c) Both a and b. d) None.
5. In a end- fire array the radiation is along ----------- [ ]
a) X-direction. b) Y-direction.
c) Both a and b. d) None.
6. In increased end- fire array the radiation is along----------- [ ]
a) X-direction. b) Y-direction.
c) Both a and b. d) None.
7. Which array is also called as Hansen-Woodyard array. [ ]
a) Broad side. b) End-fire.
c) Increased End-Fire . d) Binomial.
8. Which array is also called as Stone’s array. [ ]
a) Broad side. b) End-fire.
c) Increased End-Fire. d) Binomial.
9. Hansen-Wood yard array is a --------array [ ]
a) Linear. b) Non-Linear.
c) Both a and b. d) None.
10. Stone’s array is a --------array [ ]
a) Linear. b) Non-Linear.
c) Both a and b. d) None.
11. The radiation pattern of broad side is array is along the normal direction
Of array axis. [ ]
12. The Binomial array is a linear array. [ ]
13. All coefficients of elements in Binomial array are same [ ]
14.Minor lobes will exist in Linear antennas. [ ]
15. In resulatant or total radiation pattern The phases will be multiplied using
Multiplication of patterns Principle. [ ]




16. Hansen-Wood yard Array is a -----------------array.
17. The currents in Non linear are ----------------
18. Binomial array was invented by-------------------
19. The amplitudes will be ----------- in the resultant pattern using principle of multiplication of
20. The phases will be ----------- in the resultant pattern using principle of multiplication of



1 A 11 TRUE
2 B 12 FALSE
3 A 13 FALSE
4 B 14 TRUE
5 A 15 FALSE
7 C 17 Out of phase
8 D 18 Stone
9 A 19 Multiply
10 B 20 Addup




1. Microwave frequency range is------- [ ]
a) above 30MHZ b) above 300MHZ
C) above 200MHZ d) above 2000MHZ.
2. Yagi-Uda antenna consists of----- [ ]
a) Folded Dipole b) Reflector
C) Director d) All above
3. The radiation resistance of folded dipole of equal radii is---------- [ ]
a) 657Ohms b) 292 Ohms
C) 300 Ohms d) 277 Ohms
4. The radiation resistance of folded dipole of unequal radii (r2=2r1) is---------- [ ]
a) 657Ohms b) 292 Ohms
C) 300 Ohms d) 277 Ohms
5. The helix is having the geometry of ------------ [ ]
a) straight wire b) cirle
C) cylinder d) All above.
6. The radiation pattern of helix in Axial mode is----------- [ ]
a) Bi directional b) Uni directional
C) 4 lobed d) Omni directional
7. The radiation pattern of helix in Normal mode is----------- [ ]
a) Bi directional b) Uni directional
C) 4 lobed d) Omni directional
8. In Normal mode of operation the length of the helix is------------- [ ]
a) >λ b) <λ
C) =λ d) none
9. In Axial mode of operation the length of the helix is------------- [ ]
a) >λ b) <λ
C) =λ d) none
10. Horn antennas used in the frequency range of---------- [ ]
a) VHF b) UHF
C) SHF d) MW
11. Yagi_Uda array is a parasitic array. [ ]
12. The reflector is longer than the folded dipole in Yagi-Uda antenna. [ ]
13. The director is shorter than the Folded dipole in Yagi-Uda antenna. [ ]
14. Stone invented Helical Antenna. [ ]
15. Mushaike invented Horn antenna. [ ]




16. Radiation pattern of Yagi-Uda array is--------directional
17. Helical antenna was invented by-------------
18. The path difference in horn antennas must be----------
19. The horn antennas are used in the frequency range of---------
20. The impedance of wave guides will be ----------than Transmission lines.



1 C 11 TRUE
2 D 12 TRUE
3 B 13 TRUE
4 A 14 FALSE
5 D 15 FALSE
6 B 16 Unidirectional
7 A 17 John.D.Kraus
8 B 18 small
9 C 19 MW
10 D 20 higher




1.Micro strip antenna was first introduced by …………. [ ]
A). Marconi
B). Hertz
C). Munson
D). Cassegrain
2.The widely used shape for patch antennas is …………. [ ]
A). Rectangular
B). Circular
C). Elliptical
3.The efficiency of Micro strip antenna is …………………. [ ]
A). High
B). Very high
C). infinite
D). Low
4.For square corner reflector the flaring angle is……………………. [ ]
A). 30 degrees
B). 60 degrees
C). 90 degrees
D). 180 degrees
5.The no. of images formed for a square corner reflector, using method of images are…[ ]
A). 3
B). 5
C). 7
D). 6
6.The no. of images formed for a 30 degrees corner reflector, using method of
Images are……….. [ ]
A). 3
B). 5
C). 7
D). 6
7.The no. of images formed for a 60 degrees corner reflector, using method of
images are……….. [ ]
A). 3
B). 5
C). 7
D). 6
8. A single narrow beam of radiation results in square corner reflector for
spacing of s=……….. [ ]
A). 2λ


B). λ
C). 3λ/2
D). λ/2
9. Two narrow beams of radiation results in square corner reflector for
spacing of s=……… [ ]
A). 2λ
B). λ
C). 3λ/2
D). λ/2
10. Three narrow beams of radiation results in square corner reflector for
spacing of s=……….. [ ]
A). 2λ
B). λ
C). 3λ/2
D). λ/2
11. A parabola is a three dimensional curve. [ ]

12. A paraboloid is a three dimensional curve. [ ]

13. Fermat’s principle must be followed to get a plane wave front from
the dish antenna. [ ]

14. In any dish antenna arrangement the parabolic reflector will acts as
primary antenna [ ]

15. In any dish antenna arrangement the parabolic reflector will acts as
secondary antenna [ ]


16. The directivity of the paraboloid is---------------------

17. The generally used feed antenna for paraboloids is---------------------

18. The horn and hyperbola are used in--------------------feed of dish antennas.

19. The disadvantage (draw back) of parabolic reflector is----------------

20.The parabolic antenna operates in the frequency range of---------------




1 C 11 FALSE
2 A
3 D

4 C
5 A

6 C 14 FALSE

7 B
8 D

9 B

10 C


16 9.87(d/λ)2








UNIT-6: Lens Antennas
1.Electrical path length is increased in-------------lens antennas. [ ]
a) Fast b)Delay.
c) Both a and b. d)None.
2. Electrical path length is decreased in------------ lens antennas. [ ]
a) Fast b)Delay.
c) Both a and b. d)None.
3. E plane metal-plate lens are of --------type. [ ]
a) Fast b)Delay.
c) Both a and b. d)None.
4. H plane metal-plate lens are of --------type. [ ]
a) Fast b)Delay.
c) Both a and b. d)None.
5. The following is the example of dielectric material. [ ]
a) Lucite. b)Polystyrene.
c) Both a and b. d)None.
6. All dielectric materials will have the refractive index of --------- [ ]
a) unity. b)Less than unity.
c) Greater than unity. d)None.
7. The design equation of lens antennas is given by [ ]



c) Both a and b. d) None.

8. All metals will have the refractive index of --------- [ ]
a) unity. b)Less than unity.
c) Greater than unity. d)None.
9. By zoning the lens refractive index will…… [ ]
a) change. b) not change.
c) Both a and b. d)None.
10. In dielectric lens, difference in electrical path length may be caused
due to ………… [ ]
a) Length. b)Width.
c) Thickness. d)None.




11. All antenna measurements are accurate. [ ]
12. All antenna measurements will be done in the far field [ ]
13. Cylindrical coordinate system will be choosed for all antenna measurements. [ ]
14. For better antenna measurements the tolerance value must be as large as possible. [ ]
15. Anechoic chamber can be preferred for antenna measurements. [ ]


16. Frii’s transmission formula is………………….
17. Comparision method for measurement of antenna gain is also called as………………….
18. The formula for gain using comparision method is…………………….
19. In two antennas method the assumption is…………………….
20. In the case of circular or elliptical polarizations the the total antenna gain is given by GAUT


1. b
2. a
3. a 12. TRUE
4. b
5. c
6. c 14. FALSE
7. a
15. TRUE
8. b
9. b
10. c
16. PR=PTGTGR(λ/4ΠR)2

17. Gain-Transfer

18. GAUT= (PAUT/Pref) Gref

19. GR=GT

20. GH+GV




UNIT-7&8: Wave Propagation

1) The troposphere is extends up to a height of ----------------- [ ]

A) 5km B) 10km
C) 15km D) 20km
2) For small distances the earth can be considered as ------------------region [ ]
A) flat B) curved
C) conductor D) dielectric
3) For large distances the earth can be considered as ------------------region [ ]
A) flat B) curved
C) conductor D) dielectric
4) In general the earth will acts as a ------------------- [ ]
A) leaky resistor B) leaky inductor
C) leaky capacitor D) leaky transistor
5) According to Rayleigh if R>10, the reflecting surface will be considered as………….. [ ]
A) smooth region B) rough region
C) both a &b D) none
6) According to Rayleigh if R<0.1, the reflecting surface will be considered as………….. [ ]
A) smooth region B) rough
C) both a &b D) none
7) The line of sight (LOS) distance is the distance travelled by the …………….wave. [ ]
A) diffracted B) scattered
C) reflected D) direct
8) The phenomenon of reduction of signal strength due to variation in refractive
index is called………….. [ ]
A) wave tilting B) fading
C) diffraction D) scattering
9) The E-Layer of Ionosphere exists between [ ]
A) 40 to 90 km B) 90 to 140 km
C) 140 to 250 km D) 250 to 400 km
10) The F2-Layer of Ionosphere exists between [ ]
A) 40 to 90 km B) 90 to 140 km
C) 140 to 250 km D) 250 to 400 km


11) Critical frequency is the lowest frequency that returns from Ionosphere at
vertical frequency. [ ]
12) Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) is the highest frequency that returns from Ionosphere Other than
vertical frequency. [ ]


13) The frequency below which the entire power gets absorbed is referred to as the Maximum Usable
Frequency (MUF). [ ]
14) The frequency at which there is optimum return of wave energy is called the Optimum Frequency
(OF). [ ]
15) Virtual height is always lesser than the Actual height. [ ]


16) The horizon of the earth, d0 is given by--------------

17) In ground or surface wave propagation the electric field at the receiving point is given by is given
18) In free space the power received is given by Pr=………….
19) The basic path loss for general communication is given by………………………
20) The relation between Critical Frequency and MUF is……………….


1 C
2 A
3 B

4 C 13 FALSE

5 B 14 TRUE
6 A
7 D

8 B

9 B

10 D


Antennas - - Unit 2 - Week 1

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Unit 2 - Week 1
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Certification exam Assignment 1
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Course As per our records you have not submitted this Due on 2019-02-13, 23:59 IST.

How to access 1) The measured half power beam widths (HPBW) of an antenna in the two orthogonal 2 points
the portal planes are 70° and 65°. The directivity of the antenna in dBi is approximately:

Week 1 4.8

• Lecture 1 :

Lecture 2 :
Antenna No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
• Lecture 3 :
Accepted Answers:
2) The normalized E-field pattern of an antenna varies as 0.5(1 + cosθ), where, angle θ is 2 points
• Lecture 4 :
Antenna measured from broadside direction. The approx. HPBW of the antenna is:
• Lecture 5 :
Antenna 95.6°
• Study Material
Quiz :
Assignment 1 No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Assignment 1
Solution Accepted Answers:
Videos 3) For a square MSA array, the effective aperture area is 25λ2 , the approximate HPBW in 2 points
Weekly E-plane is:
Week 2

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Week 6
4) An electric field vector is given by E = E1 cos(ωt)ax + E2 cos(ωt + α)ay . Which 2 points
Week 7 one of the following conditions represent right hand circular polarization (RHCP):

Week 8 0
E1 = E2 ; α = −π/2
Week 9
Week 10 E1 = E2 ; α = 0 ~
Week 11 E1 ≠ E2 ; α = π/2 ~

Week 12
E1 ≠ E2 ; α = 0 ~
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0

Interaction Accepted Answers:

Session E1 = E2 ; α = −π/2 ~

Common Data for Questions 5-6: If reflection coefficient of an antenna is 0.3 at a frequency of 900
MHz, then

5) The value of voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is: 1 point

0 3

0 1.86

0 1.5
n 1

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

6) The percentage power transmitted by the antenna is: 1 point

0 91%

0 80%

0 70%

0 40%

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

7) If input impedance of an antenna is (25 – j25) Ω at 2.45 GHz, the percentage reflected 2 points
power from the antenna will be:

0 96%
n 80%

0 20%

0 4%

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

2 of 4 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:30 PM

Antennas - - Unit 2 - Week 1

8) A GSM 900 cell tower antenna with 15 dBi gain is transmitting 20 W of power in the 2 points
frequency band 900 - 905 MHz. The approximate power density at a distance of 100 m in the direction
of maximum radiation is:

0.5 milliWatt/meter2

5 milliWatt/meter2
50 milliWatt/meter2
500 milliWatt/meter2
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0 ~
Accepted Answers:
5 milliWatt/meter2 ~
9) Two identical transmitting and receiving antennas are located at a distance of 2 km. If 2 points
power transmitted is 25 dBm at 10 GHz and received power is -65 dBm, the approximate gain of each
antenna in dBi is:

0 7.1

0 14.2

0 17.5

0 21.3

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

10)Transmitting and receiving antennas operating at 2.45 GHz with gains of 15 dBi and 12 2 points
dBi, respectively, are separated by a distance of 300 m. If the transmitted power is 2 W, then the
received power is approximately:

0 10.6 nW

0.1 μW

1.1 μW

10.6 μ W

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
1.1 μW

11)The diameter of a parabolic dish antenna (with efficiency η = 60%) for 40 dBi gain at 10 2 points
GHz is:

0 123.3 cm

0 61.6 cm

0 41.1 cm

0 30.8 cm

3 of 4 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:30 PM

Antennas - - Unit 2 - Week 1

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
123.3 cm

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'-.-,,~ -"~"~"- ~

4 of 4 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:30 PM

Antennas - - Unit 3 - Week 2

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Unit 3 - Week 2
Register for
Certification exam Assignment 2
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Course As per our records you have not submitted this Due on 2019-02-13, 23:59 IST.

How to access 1) The power transmitted by a broadband FM tower antenna is: 2 points
the portal
100 – 1000 KW
Week 1
10 – 100 KW

Week 2 1 – 10 KW

Lecture 6 : 100 W – 1 KW
No, the answer is incorrect.
Hazards-I Score: 0

Lecture 7 :
Accepted Answers:
Antenna 10 – 100 KW
2) The body temperature of a person is around 37 Celsius. After use of cell phone for
Hazards-II 2 points
approx. 20 – 30 minutes continuously on side of one ear, the approximate temperature of the ear lobe
• Lecture 8 :
will be:


Lecture 9 : 40o C
39o C
• Lecture 10 :
Antennas-III 38o C
Study Material

Quiz :
37o C
Assignment 2
No, the answer is incorrect.
Assignment 2 Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Download 38o C
3) People living within _____ meter in the main beam of cell tower antenna are considered to 2 points
Weekly be in extremely high radiation zone.
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Week 3

Week 4
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: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Antennas - - Unit 3 - Week 2

No, the answer is incorrect.

Powered by
Week 5
D Score: 0

Week 6 Accepted Answers:

Week 7
Common Data for Questions 4-6: A printed dipole antenna is designed at 900 MHz on FR4
substrate having er = 4.4, h = 1.6 mm and tand = 0.02. The width of the dipole is 5 mm.
Week 8
4) The approximate resonant length of the dipole is: 2 points
Week 9 ~
184 mm
Week 10
148 mm
Week 11 92 mm

74 mm
Week 12
No, the answer is incorrect.
TEXT Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Interaction 148 mm
5) Approximate gain of the antenna is: 2 points

5.0 dBi

4.0 dBi

2.0 dBi

1.0 dBi

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
2.0 dBi

6) The radiation pattern of the dipole antenna is: 2 points

z y

H-plane E-plane

2 of 4 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:30 PM

Antennas - - Unit 3 - Week 2

y y

H-plane E-plane

No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
z y


E-plane H-plane

7) The input resistance Rin of a 2-fold half wavelength dipole antenna is approximately: 2 points

68 Ω

136 Ω

272 Ω

1088 Ω

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
272 Ω

8) The length and diameter of a dipole antenna are 28 cm and 8 mm, respectively. Its 2 points
approximate resonance frequency is:

250 MHz

500 MHz

750 MHz

1 GHz

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
500 MHz

9) A λ/2 dipole antenna is designed at 2.45 GHz. If a metallic plate is placed behind the 2 points
antenna at a distance of λ/4, then:

Frequency doubles

Bandwidth doubles

Gain doubles

All of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
Gain doubles

3 of 4 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:30 PM

Antennas - - Unit 3 - Week 2

10)Bandwidth of a dipole antenna can be increased by: 2 points

0 Increasing the diameter of the dipole

0 Using printed bow-tie configuration

0 Using bi-conical configuration

0 All of the above

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
All of the above

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4 of 4 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:30 PM

Antennas - - Unit 5 - Week 4

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Unit 5 - Week 4
Register for
Certification exam Assignment 4
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Course As per our records you have not submitted this Due on 2019-02-27, 23:59 IST.

How to access Common data for Questions 1 to 5: A 6-element linear array of isotropic antennas with equal
the portal spacing of 0.55λo is fed with equal amplitude and same phase. For this array,

Week 1 1) The approximate directivity is: 2 points

Week 2 3.8 dBi

5.6 dBi
Week 3
7.4 dBi
Week 4 10.4 dBi

• Lecture 15 :
Linear Arrays-I
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0

• Lecture 16 :
Linear Arrays-II
Accepted Answers:
7.4 dBi

• Lecture 17 :
2) The approximate HPBW is: 2 points

• Lecture 18 :
Planar Arrays 18.5°

• Antenna Arrays
-I 9.2°

• Antenna
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
• Antenna Array-
Accepted Answers:
• Array
Applications 3) The direction of first null from the array axis is: 2 points

Download 38.4°
Quiz :
Assignment 4 66.8°
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Weekly 72.4°
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No, theProgr
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Accepted Answers: Funded by

1 of 3 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:32 PM

Antennas - - Unit 5 - Week 4

4) The approximate direction

Powered by of first side lobe level from the array axis is: 2 points
Week 5

Week 6
0 78°

0 63°
Week 7
0 51°

Week 8 0 40°

No, the answer is incorrect.

Week 9
Score: 0

Week 10 Accepted Answers:

Week 11
5) The magnitude of first side lobe level is: 2 points

Week 12
0 -13.2dB

TEXT 0 -16.5dB
0 -18.2dB

Interaction 0 -19.6dB
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

6) An array fed with equal amplitude and progressive phase shift is designed to scan at 20° 2 points
from the array axis. To avoid grating lobes, the maximum allowed inter-element separation is:

0 0.915λ

0 0.710λ

0 0.516λ

0 0.425λ

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

Common data for Questions 7 and 8: A square array of isotropic antennas with inter-element
spacing of 0.6λo is designed to realize broadside radiation pattern with a gain of 22dBi. (Assume
efficiency is 0.85 due to losses in the feed network)

7) The minimum number of elements in the array should be: 2 points

0 5x5

0 8x8

0 12 x 12

0 17 x 17

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

8) Approximate HPBW in both the E- and H- planes is: 2 points

0 21°

0 17°

2 of 3 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:32 PM

Antennas - - Unit 5 - Week 4

0 13°

0 5°

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

9) A broadside square array of isotropic elements provides 25 dBi gain. If this array is used ~
2 points
to scan at an angle 60° from the broadside using progressive phase difference, the gain of the array in
dBi will be: ~

0 28
0 25

0 22 ~
0 19
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

10)A rectangular array is designed at 2.45 GHz using 12 elements with spacing = 6 cm in 2 points
x-direction and 10 elements with spacing = 8 cm in the y-direction. It is fed with equal amplitude and
same phase. Directivity of the array is:

0 21 dBi

0 26 dBi

0 29 dBi

0 34 dBi

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
26 dBi

Previous Page End

3 of 3 Wednesday 12 June 2019 03:32 PM

Electromagnetic Waves in Guided and Wireless...

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Unit 9 - Week 7
Register for
Certification exam Assignment 7
The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
Course As per our records you have not submitted this Due on 2019-04-17, 23:59 IST.

How to access 1) Suppose we wish to use a standard car radio antenna (length = 1m) as a transmitting antenna 1 point
the portal at 1 MHZ. The power to be transmitted is 10 W.
Use the above information for solving questions 1 and 2
Assignment 0 If the antenna has a resistance of 2 × 10 Ω, the efficiency is_______

Week 1 Lectures 81.4%

Week 2 Lectures 40.7%

Week 3 Lectures
Week 4 Lectures No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: 0
Week 5 Lectures
Accepted Answers:
Week 6 Lectures 81.4%

2) The gain of antenna is ___________. 0 points

Week 7 Lectures
antenna-I 2.85
Linear 5
antenna-II &
Properties of 0
and Receiving No, the answer is incorrect.
Antenna Score: 0

Friis Accepted Answers:

Transmission 1.425
3) An antenna when radiating has a highly directional radiation pattern. When the antenna is 1 point
Antenna Array receiving its radiation pattern___________.
Channel has same directivity
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is less directive
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exhibits no directivity at all
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No, the answer is incorrect.

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Electromagnetic Waves in Guided and Wireless...

Score: 0 Powered by
Week 8 Lectures
ceO. Accepted Answers:
has same directivity

4) Consider a lossless antenna with a directive gain of 6 dB. If 1 mW of power is fed to it, the 1 point
total power radiated by the antenna will be_______

0 1 mW

0 4 mW ~
0 7 mW
0 1/4 mW

No, the answer is incorrect. ~

Score: 0
Accepted Answers: ~
4 mW

5) The transmitting and receiving antennas are separated by a distance of 200λ and have ~
1 point
directive gains of 25 and 18 dB, respectively. If 5 mW of power is to be received, calculate the
minimum transmitted power.

0 0.791 W

0 1.583 W

0 3.166 W

0 1.258 W

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
1.583 W

6) A magnetic field strength of 5 μA/m is required at a point on θ 1 point

=π/2, 2 km from an antenna in the air. Answer question 6-8
Neglecting ohmic loss, how much power must the antenna transmit if
it is a Hertzian dipole of length λ/25?

0 158 mW

0 144 mW

0 72 mW

0 36 mW

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
158 mW

7) Neglecting ohmic loss, how much power must the antenna transmit if it is a half wave 1 point

0 158 mW

0 144 mW

0 72 mW

0 36 mW

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

2 of 4 Friday 21 June 2019 10:13 AM

Electromagnetic Waves in Guided and Wireless...

144 mW

8) Neglecting ohmic loss, how much power must the antenna 1 point
transmit if it is a quarter wave dipole?

0 158 mW

0 144 mW

0 72 mW
0 36 mW

No, the answer is incorrect. ~

Score: 0
Accepted Answers: ~
72 mW

9) The
maximum effective area of a λ/2 wire dipole operating at ~
1 point
300 MHz is _________ m2
0 0.26

0 13

0 26

0 0.13

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:

10)How much power is received in Q-9 with an incident plane 1 point

wave of strength 2 mV/m?

0 0.71 nW

0 1.42 nW

0 0.35 nW

0 2.12 nW

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: 0
Accepted Answers:
0.71 nW

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Electromagnetic Waves in Guided and Wireless...

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NPTEL " Antennas Announcements About the Course Ask a Question Progress Mentor

Unit 3 - Week 1

Course outline
How does an NPTEL online
course work? The due date f or submitting this assi gnment has passed. Due on 2020-02-12, 23:59 1ST.
As per our records you have not submitted this assignment.

Practice Assignment
1) The measured half power beamwidths (HPBW) of an antenna in the two orthogonal planes are 30° and 20' . What will be the approximate directivity 2 points
Week 1
o f the antenna in dBi?

• Lecture 1 : Antenna 4.8

Introduction-I 9.9

Lecture 2 : Antenna 18.4

Introduction-II 22.4

Lecture 3 : Antenna No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Lecture 4 : Antenna 18.4
2) The axial ratio of an antenna is 1.2. If this antenna is to be used for practical applications, it is acceptable for which p olarization? 2points
Lecture 5 : Antenna
Fundamentals-II Circular Polarization
• Study Material Linear Polarization

Quiz : Assignment•1
Dual Polarization
All of the above
• Assignment-1 Solution
No, the answer is incorrect.
Download Videos Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Weekly Feedback Circular Polarization

3) For an omni-directional antenna, HPBW in E-plane is 60°, the approximate directivity in dBi is : 2points

Week3 5.67
Week5 2.8 1

No, the answer is incorrect.

Week6 Score: O
Accepted Answers:

Week8 4) For a directional antenna, first null beam width (FNBW) in t he E-plane is 45°, what is t he HPBW of t his antenna in the E-plane? 2points

Week 10 20·
Week 11
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: O
Week 12 Accepted Answers:
Text Transcripts
5) If t he distance from the antenna increases by 2 times, t hen its radiation density will: 2points

Increase by 2 times
Increase by 4 times
Decrease by 2 times
Decrease by 4 times

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Dec,ease by 4 times

Common Data f or Questions 6 and 7: An antenna is connected to an RF source of impedance SO n. The power reflected from the antenna is 30% at a
frequency o f 2.4 GHz due to impedance mismatch, then

6) The value of voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is: 2points


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

7) The percentage power transmitted by the antenna is: 2points


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

8) A GSM 1800 cell tower antenna with 16 dBi gain is transmitting 1OW of power at 1845 MHz. What is the power density at a distance o f 80 m in the 2 points
direction of maximum radiation?


6.4m W attlm2


No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: O
Accepted Answers:
4.94mW att!m2

9) Two identical transmitting and receiving antennas are located at a distance of 4 km. If power transmitted is 30 dBm at 15 GHz and received power is2 points
-70 dBm, the approximate gain of each antenna in dBi is :


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

10) The diameter o f a parabolic dish antenna to achieve 60 dBi gain at 11 GHz is.. .. .. : (Assume that efficiency~ of the antenna is 65% .) 2points

10.7 m
13.6 m
1.9 m
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: O
Accepted Answers:
10.lm v

NPTEL " Antennas Announcements About the Course Ask a Question Progress Mentor

Unit 5 - Week 3

Course outline
How does an NPTEL online
course work? The due date for submitting this assi gnment has passed. Due on 2020-02-19, 23:59 1ST.
As per our records you have not submitted this assignment.

Practice Assignment
1) For a monopole antenna over an infinite ground plane, the directivity is _ _ and input impedance is _ _, as comp ared to a N2-dipole antenna. 2 points
Week 1
Twice, Tw ice
Twice, Half
Half , Half
Week3 Half , Twice

• Lecture 11 : Monopole No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Lecture 12 : Monopole Twice, Half
2) A monopole antenna o f diameter 0.6 cm is to be designed on a very large ground plane to cover GSM frequency from 890-960 MHz. The length o f 2 points
• Lecture 13 : Loop Antennas t he monopole in cm should be:
Lecture 14 : Slot Antennas
• Study Material 4.49
Quiz : Assig nmentp3 7.48
• Assignment-3 Solution
No, the answer is incorrect.
Download Videos Score: O
Weekly Feedback Accepted Answers:
3) A monopole antenna is to be designed for a walkie-talkie having a very small ground plane. The approximate length of monopole should be: 2points


Week6 0.15"<)
Week7 0.35"<)

No, the answer is incorrect.

Week8 Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Week9 0.35J.o

Week 10 4) A circular loop antenna in air has diameter of 0.05 >-. To match this antenna with 50 O RF source, the required number of turns are: 2points

Week 11 65
Week 12 20
Text Transcripts
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: O
Accepted Answers:

5) An N-turn circular loop antenna has loop diameter of 4 cm and wire diameter is 1 mm. It is wound on the ferrite core, whose effective permeability is2 points
10. The number of turns required to obtain R;,, = 50 O at 100 MHz are:

11 2

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

6) A slot antenna of length 18 cm and width 0.5 cm is cut in a very large ground plane. Its approximate resonance frequency is : 2points

0.84 GHz
1.02 GHz
1.24 GHz
1.56 GHz

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:
0.84 GHz

Common Data f or Questions 7 and 8: A printed slot antenna is to be designed at 1.8 G Hz on glass epoxy substrate wit h er = 4.4, h = 0.16 cm and tan
d = 0.02.

7) If width of the slot is taken as 0.5 cm, t he slot length in cm will be approximately: 2points


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

8) With increase in slot width, bandwidth o f the antenna will: 2points

remains same
decrease and then increase

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

9) If input impedance of a dipole antenna is 70 n, what will be approximate input impedance of a complementary slot antenna? 2points


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

10) Radiation pattern of a slot antenna is: 2points

Omni in both E and H planes

Omni in E-plane and directional in H plane
Directional in E plane and omni in H plane
Directional in both E and H planes

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Omni in £ -plane and directional in H plane v

NPTEL " Antennas Announcements About the Course Ask a Question Progress Mentor

Unit 13 - Week 11

Course outline
How does an NPTEL online
course work? The due date f or submitting this assi gnment has passed. Due on 2020-04-15, 23:59 1ST.
As per our records you have not submitted this assignment.

Practi ce Assignment
1) Primary objectives of Yagi-Uda and log-periodic antenna configurations are to achieve _ _ and _ _, respectively. 2points
Week 1
High bandwidth, High gain
High bandwidth, High bandwidth
High gain, high bandwidth
Week3 High gain, high gain

No, the answer is incorrect.

Week4 Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Week5 High gain, high bandwidth

Common Data for Questions 2-6: A 3-element Yagi-Uda antenna is to be designed at 925 MHz tor a gain o f around 7 d Bi on a substrate wit h Er = 2.55 and h
= 0.16 cm. The width o f the printed lines can be taken as 0.3 cm.

Week7 2) Approximate length of the driven element (feeder} should be: 2points

Week8 9.6 cm
14.5 cm
Week9 32.4 cm
40.5 cm
Week 10
No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: O
Week 11 Accepted Answers:
14.5 cm
• Lecture 50 : Yagi-Uda and
Log-Periodic Antennas-I
3) Approximate length of the reflector element should be: 2points
Lecture 51 : Yagi-Uda and
Log-Periodic Antennas-II 12.6 cm
15.8 cm
• Lecture 52 : Yagi-Uda and
Log-Periodic Antennas-Ill 18.5 cm
19.6 cm
Lecture 53 : IE3D Session TA-
I No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: O
Lecture 54 : IE3D Session TA- Accepted Answers:
II 75.8 cm

• Lecture 55 : IE3D Session TA-

4) Approximate length of the director element should be: 2points

Study Material 10.4 cm

13.1 cm
16.5 cm
Assignment-11 Solution
20.5 cm
Download Videos No, the answer is incorrect.
Score: O
Weekly Feedback
Accepted Answers:
13. 1 cm
Week 12

5) Approximate spacing between the reflector and driven (feeder} element should be: 2points
Text Transcripts
4 cm

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

6) If t he gain of t he antenna is to be increased from 7 dBi t o 9 dBi, in the higher frequency region: 2points

An extra reflector should added

Diameter o f t he driven (feeder) element should be increased
Length o f the driven (feeder) element should be increased
Extra director elements should be added

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Extra director elements should be added

Common data for Questions 7-9: A log-periodic dipole array antenna is t o be designed for frequency range of 800 MHz to 2000 MHz for a directivity o f 9
dBi. The optimum values o f ,: and s are 0.86 and 0. 16, respectively. A w ire o f 0.1 cm diameter is to be used.
7) The lengths of t he longest and shortest dipoles will be, approximately: 2points

37.5 cm, 15 cm
17.9 cm, 7. 1 cm
7.5 cm, 3 cm
5.5 cm, 2.4 cm

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:
17.9cm, 7.1 cm

8) The number of array elements should be: 2points


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

9)Thc radiation pattern of the antenna is: 2points


No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:

10) Which of the following software cannot be used tor EM simulation of antenna structures? 2points

CST Microwave Studio
Microsoft Excel

No, the answer is incorrect.

Score: O
Accepted Answers:
Microsoft Excel

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