MAHUSAY LAW211 MODULE 3-Outlines Notes

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Name: Jeth A.

Mahusay Date: November 2020

Instructor: Atty. Reeld Holly Rosas Course/Year: BSA- 3

Subject: Business Laws and Regulations


Companies that meet the following threshold are required to file financial
statements in


 Stock corporations with total assets or total liabilities of P600,000

or more.
 Non-stock corporations with total assets or total liabilities
of P600,000 or more 
 The Revised SRC Rule 68 distinguished large entity from publicly-
accountable entity.
 Small and medium-sized entity is also separated into medium-
sized and small entity.
Large and/or Publicly-Accountable Entities

A set of financial reporting framework other than the full PFRSs may be
allowed by the Commission for certain sub-class of these entities upon
consideration of the pronouncements or interpretations of any of the
regulatory bodies.

    Medium-sized, Small and Micro Entities

 Are not required to file the financial statements under Part II of SRC

Rule 68;
 Are not in the process of filing their financial statements for the
purpose of issuing any class of instruments in a public market; and
 Are not holders of secondary licenses issued by regulatory agencies.

Responsibility for Financial Statements

 The Statement of Management’s Responsibility (SMR) for Financial

Statements shall be attached to the financial statements.

 The SMR shall cover the comparative financial statements and shall
indicate therein such periods.
 It shall be attached to the consolidated financial statements and
stand-alone financial statements.
 The SMR of companies covered under Part II of this Rule shall, in
addition to the requirements, be signed under oath. The Chairman of
the Board, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer shall all
sign the SMR. For registrants of securities, the SMR shall be attached
to both audited annual financial statements and reviewed interim
financial statement.

Accreditation Categories 

Commission under the appropriate category:

 Issuers of registered securities which have sold a class of securities

pursuant to a registration under Section 12 of the SRC except those
issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non- proprietary
membership certificates which are covered in Group B. 
 Issuers with a class of securities listed for trading in an Exchange;
 Public companies or those which have total assets of at least Fifty
Million Pesos (P50 Million) or such other amount as the Commission
shall prescribe, and having two hundred (200) or more holders each
holding at least one hundred (100) shares of a class of its equity
 Issuers of registered timeshares, proprietary and non-proprietary
membership certificates, and corporations applying for the registration
of such securities
 Investment houses;
 Brokers and dealers of securities;
 Investment companies that are not in the process of registering
securities or have no registered securities yet
 Government securities eligible dealers;
 Universal banks registered as underwriters of securities;
 Investment company advisers;
 Special purpose corporations registered under the Securitization Act of
2004 and its implementing rules; and
 Such other corporations which may be required by law to be
supervised by the Commission.
Scope and Limitation of Accreditation

 Accreditation under Group A shall be considered a general

accreditation which shall allow the independent auditor to also audit
companies under Groups B and C.
 Independent auditors with Group B accreditation can likewise audit
companies under Group C. Only accredited partners, with
accreditation under the appropriate group category, are allowed to
certify financial statements of the firm’s clients with secondary

 Reportorial Requirements

Additional disclosure on the findings on the entity is required. It must be

disclosed by the Audit Committee, or if there is no such committee, by the
company’s Chairman of the Board to the Commission:

 Any finding of:

a. Violation of SRC Rule 68:
b. Offering of securities without prior registration with the
Commission under the SRC
c. Engaging in the business of financing or lending without a
secondary license.
 Any material finding involving fraud or error;
 Losses or potential losses the aggregate of which amounts to at
least ten percent of the consolidated total assets of the company;
 Any finding to the effect that the consolidated assets of the
company, on a going concern basis, are no longer adequate to cover
the total claims of creditors; and
 Material weaknesses in internal control which may lead to financial
reporting problems.

Other Documents to be Filed with the Financial Statements

 Non-Stock and Non-Profit Organizations Including Foundations;

 Issuers of Securities to the Public and Stock Corporations with
Unrestricted Retained Earnings in Excess of 100% of Paid-in Capital
 Financing Companies;
 Mutual Funds;
 Investment Houses;
 Listed Companies and Investment Houses that are part of a
Conglomerate or Group of Companies; and
 Listed Companies that recently offered securities to the public
(either as initial or additional offering)

Additional Requirements for Issuers of Securities to the Public

Registration of Securities Pursuant to the ASEAN Capital Market

Specific requirements:
Adoption of the IFRS as the basis of financial statements of foreign
companies that will undergo cross border offerings or listings in the
Submission by the foreign issuer’s financial statements that are audited by
a foreign audit firm are subject to the following requirements:

 The foreign audit firm should be accredited or licensed and/or

recognized in its home jurisdiction as qualified to audit issuers of
securities to the public.
 The foreign audit firm should be affiliated with a local firm that is
accredited by the Commission under Group A category.
 The SMR, schedules and other attachments required under SRC Rule
68 should be submitted with the financial statements.
Modification of financial statement requirements in cases where the
subject of a registration statement is asset-backed securities in order to
align with those in other ASEAN countries.
Interim Financial Statements

 The interim financial statements need not be audited. However, in case of

an IPO of securities by a company, such interim financial statements shall be
audited by an independent auditor accredited bythe Commission under the
prescribed category and shall be complete in details as in a full fiscal year
financial report.

Pro-forma Financial Information

 There are no changes in the provisions of pro forma financial

information except for the Report of Independent Auditor. 
SRC Rule 68 as amended

Attestation of Independent Auditor

The pro forma financial information that shall be submitted with the
registration statement shall be accompanied by a report of an independent
auditor accredited by the Commission under Group A category. 

Consolidated Financial Statements

  The Disclosure about Subsidiaries Not Consolidated and 50 Percent or

Less Owned Persons section was deleted in the revised SRC Rule.

 Penalties and Other General Implementing Provisions


Violations of Companies subject to penalty:

 Material misrepresentation in the financial statements;

 Any material misstatement in the financial statements for failure to
comply with the applicable financial reporting framework.
 Failure to submit any basic component of the financial statements;
 Failure to submit financial statements audited by a qualified
independent certified public accountant;
 Failure to submit a complete SMR; and
 Failure to comply with any other requirements under Part I or II of this

 Test of Materiality

  Omissions or misstatements of items shall be material if they could

individually or collectively, influence the economic decisions that users
make on the basis of the financial statements.  

Quantitative Test 

1. Deficiency or Inconsistency
 Failure to submit any component of the financial statements
prescribed under this Rule shall be considered a material deficiency.

 2. Misstatement

A misstatement of the financial statements may result from a deviation

from prescribed policy, misrepresentation, fraud or error.

Qualitative Considerations

 Whether the misstatement or error:

 Affects compliance with debt covenants or other contractual

 Relates to the incorrect selection or application of an accounting
policy that has an immaterial effect on the current period’s financial
statements but is likely to have a material effect on future periods’
financial statements.
 Masks a change in earnings or other trends, especially in the context
of general economic and industry conditions.
 Affects ratios used to evaluate the entity's financial position, results of
operations or cash flows.
 Affects segment information presented in the financial statements.
 Has the effect of increasing management compensation, for example,
by ensuring that the requirements for the award of bonuses or other
incentives are satisfied..
 Affects compliance with regulatory requirements (including BIR, BSP
and other government agencies).
Re-issuance of Financial Statements

Any re-issuance shall be required within forty-five (45) calendar days from
receipt of the order of the Commission. Such amendment shall comply with
the re-issuance requirements under applicable auditing standard.
A corporation covered by SRC Rule 68 Part II and re-issuing its AFS shall
notify all concerned parties, such as its stockholders, creditors and investors
of such amendment through publication of a notice in a newspaper of
general circulation indicating the reason for the amendment and the fact
that the financial statements have been submitted to the Commission.

 Registration Statements
 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
 Age Requirement for Financial Statements

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