Engineering Mathematics I
Engineering Mathematics I
Engineering Mathematics I
- : -
/ Attempt.,lll queslions.
{ .qU questiotts carry equal ntarks.
/ Assmne suifable data tf neces.rary.
*'io (yg:--l/'
(x )
4. nefine asy*plote to acurve. Findrhe as),mptotes of c,-rn..- r
;. - lr.n, - *,),-1..+l =0.
5. Find radii"rs of cui"vature of the curr,e x'*,,," :3axr aI ori!r11
Finci the pedal equation of the polar r-,urr,e r* : a'" cosnre ,
5. . if i
Intesrute-'Jo - cosx dx
" (l+sinx{:isinx)
Appli cliflereruiation rrndcl irrtegral sigrr ro cr alu,:1r
i ! -:l-'.r.-
Dcfinc Rcla
- ,, f ,
anci Garritna lunction. ,Lo
L::c thirn cr aluirlt .,,':..,
9. Shorn,tlrat the :rrea of tlie curvc *'1, n ),'r', = ni, i, ]nrr.
Find the volume of ihe solid ibrmed bi,ihe revorution of rhe cardoicl ,=a(1+cos0)
the rnitial line.
10. Soli e: (, * tt h*
1 1. Soiye: y = px - IJ = ---:-
12. Solve: (O2 rlll, lI = e" + rt.
lJ.Solre: Sulrc: rto I-:'..!I-4r -rr-
tlx' Jx
A resistance of 100 ohn-rs, an inductance of 0.5 Ficnrl'are ccnxected in series with a
battery of 20 r,olts. Find the crlruent in the circuit as a function oi, tirne.
14. What does the equation of lines 7x2 +4xy+.1v2 =0 become rvhen the axes are thc
bisectors of the angies betu,een themi,
1-5. Derive the equation of hyperbola in standard form.
16. Find the foci and eccentricity of the conic x2 + 4xy + y, - Zx+?7, _6 = 0.
Describe and sketch the graph of the conic ,.=
022 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. l{t'tr1u l;r
Full Marks EO
'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Auempt A4 questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Fu!!!fqt&,.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.
fffdx=; t5I
8. Define Beta filnction. Apply Beta and Gamma fiurction to evaluate tsI
g. Find the area common to the circle r: a and the cordioid r = a(l+cos0) tsl
10. Through what angle should the axes be rotated to reduce the equation
3x2 +2xy+3y2-"Ef=0 into one with the xy term missing? Also obtain the
transformed equation. [2+3]
11. Derive the equation of an ellipse in standard form. t5l
12. Find the product of semi-axis of the conic x'-4xy +Syz =2 tsl
J. --.-,---.-
Evatuate x -+ u^-( "- sin * )i
(x )
4. Find the asymptotes to the curve yt +Zxy'+ x'y - y+I=0
5. Find the radius of curvature at origin for the curve ,' + y' = 3axy.
nx)dx = I-tnnl
0- 2 -2
e-"- sin x
7. Apply the rule of differentiation under integral sign to evaluate iJ.x dx and hence
deduce that
l_dx=_ n
0 ''
9. Find the volume generated by revolution of astroid x"' + y''' = a2/3 about x-axis.
10. What does the equation 3x2 + 3y' *Zxy = 2 becomes when the axes are tumed through an
angle of 45o to the original axes?
I 1. Find center, length of axes, eccentricity and directrices of the conic
{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
't A$questions carry equal nmrl,s.
/ Assume suitable data i.f necessary.
4. State the types of asyinptotes to a curve. Find the asymptotes of the curve
i*' - y'X" + 2y + i) + x + Y + 1 = 0.
5. Find the chord ofcurvature through the pcle for the curve r = a (1+cos0).
,L/. -I 3n
sin' x. cos" x dx = --=-
g. Find the area inclu<led betrveen an arc of cyeloid x = a (S-sin0), y: a (i- cosO) and its
Find fhe volume of the solid io.*"d by *re revolution of the carrioiC r'-= a (i+cos0) about
the initial base.
10. What does the equation x2 +2Jixy -yz =2a2 beccme w'hen the axes are turned through
an angle 30o to the original axes?
Describe and sketch the conic
10 cosecO
2 cosec0 + 3
dv x+2v-J
Ii, Solve: '--L: --'
dx 2x+ y-3
I4. Solve: ' +vlanx=secx
, Iir'r
l'tanf i'"
3. Evaluare:
" -O[ ^
4. Find the urr*oro)., of the crii u-e: (a + x)' (b' * 2
x )= y2., l
r e-" sinbx
9. F-ind the area of one loop of the curye r : a sin 30
Finri the voiume of the solid fonned by the revohition of the cardicid r : a ( 1=cos0) about
the initial line.
a- h'
11 . Show that ihe pair 01-tangents frcm the center of a h-v"perbola are its asymptotes.
ru=#. ,
' Find the area inctrosed by y'(a * x) = xr and its asyrnptotes'
10.If the axes be turned through and angle of tan-|2, what does the equation
4xy-3x2 -a' :0become?
1 1. Find the center, length of axes, eccentricity and directrices of the conic.
Candidates are reriuired to give their ansr,r,'ers in their own r,-,,rirrJs as fur as practicable.
A t t e rnpt 4l! que s t ions.
Ti'te Jigures in the m*rgiru indit:a{e f_Ail Marer.
Assumc suirable tlata if necessary.
7 " Apply diftcientiation tntder iptegral sign to evaluate f I j' "_lb' d- isl
.tl x
8. Using Gamma funetion show that fsina x cos2 x dx = 3n- 4 tsl
9. Find the area boruided b1 the curvc sl =-.11 ancl the line r = -ti -l
Finit the volume of tire soiid gencrated by the revolution of the cardioid r.= a (l-ccsO)
abc.rut the initial line.
i. Solve: xp2
1 - 2yp + flx = 0 rvtrere p =
12. Solve:
g+- zY uy = xre-'*
dx' dx
13, Solve:
#- - :l+y = losx isl
14. Transtbrm the equation xz -2xy + y2 + x -3y = g to axes thnxrgh the point (-1,0)
paraliel to tire lines bisecting the angles between the original axes. isl
15" Fiird the center, length of axes and the eccentriciti. of' the ellipse
Zxz +-3y' *4x_12y +13 = 0 r(r
L" I
,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Anempt All questions.
/ All questions carry equal marks.
/ Assume suitqble data if necessary.
2. Assuming the validity of expansion, find the expansion of the functi", by Maclaurin's
J. bvaluale ,.
xe" - (1 + x)log(l+ x)
7. Apply differentiatiotr under integral sign to Jn''
"uuluut" (a2 sin2 x + b2 cos' x)2
9. Find the volume or surface area of solid generated by revolving tlp cycloid x : a(O+sin0),
y: a(1+cosO) about its base.
10. If the line lx+my+n:O is normal to the ellipse ? *4b, = lthen show that
a' . b' (u'-b')'
12 m2 n'
1 1. Solve the locus of a point which moves in such a way that the difference of its distance
two fixed points is constant is Hyperbola'
14x2 -4xy+llyz * 44x-58y+71=0 is an ellipse' Also find its center, eccentricitY, latus
rectuns and foci
I I]. I I] Ii []\1,\N I JN IVEItSI'IY Exam. New Back (o066 & Later Batch)
I N S'I'I'|TJ'IE OF trNGINEERING Level BE Irull Marks B()
All (L.xcept
Examination Control Division Programrne
Pass Marks 32
1. State Leibrritz's Theorem on higher derivatives. If )' '- sin (rn sin-lx) then shor.v that
(1-*') yn+z - (2n1 1) xy,,*1+ (m2-n2)y,, -'o
Ir ,/,,,atf X ).:
J. EvalLrate: x-+01
4 (r'* y')' -2(*'+ y2) + x -1= 0
Irincl tlre asymptotes of the curve
5. Shorv that the radius of curvature at any point (r,0) of the curve
Show that the volume of the solid formed by revolving the ellipse -5: 1 about the
line x :2ais 4n2a2b cubic units.
Nen-ton's law of cooling states that the temperature of an object changes at the rate
proportional to the difference of lcrnperature betrveen tlie object and its surroundings.
Supposing urater at 100'C cools to 80'C in l0 minutes in a room temperature of 30"C
find the time u,hen thc temperaturc o1'watcr u,ill L-recome 40"C?
14. If the axes be turned through an angle tan0- 2 rvhat does the equation 4xy - 3x2 - a'.,,0
be comes.
15. Find the condition that the straight line x cos u -i- y sin u : p touches the ellipse
,' ,1,
16. Irind thc centre, length of axes and eccentricity of the conic
9x2 +4xy + 6y' _ 22x -16y +9 : 0
U1 TRITJI{I ] !'A}.i LINIVERS iTY Exarn. :!',": '' l(egttlar
I].{STITI]TE OF ENGINEERiNG Level BE F'ull Marks 80
Ail ('Ercept
Examination Comtrol Division Programme B.Arclrl
Pass Marks
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt A4questions.
ALquestions carr)) equal marl{s.
Assurne suitable data dnecessary.
lim { y\t-#
Evaluate: x + al ?-:
( aJ
14. What does the equation 3x2 + 3y' *}xy = 2 becomes when the axes are turned through an
angle 45o to the original axes.
15. Show that the locus of a point whioh moves in such a way that the differences of its
disknce from two fixed points is constent is a hyperbola.
16. Find the center, length of the axes and eccentricity cf the conic
2xz +3y'* 4x*L2y+13 = 0
Level' BE, Full.NIarks 80 .,:
2. State and prove Lagrange's mean value theorem and verify f(x) : log x, xe [i,e].
3. B,valuatc I _- I. )
-, l.
x -+ 0\x' sin' x /
fo Tan
8. I --OX.r'(o*)
j Usc me
ro x(l + rr) -
9. Find rhe area between the curve and its asl.rnptotes l(u-*) - *'.
ellipse i*!=t.
a' b-
.Find the equation of el.lipse'lviose cefltre is origin and whose axis are the axis of
coordihatesidnd.passes ttuough:the pair of curves (116) and (2,3).
12. Provp that.t!e product of the semi axis of conic 5x2+6xy+5y2+.12x+4y-4:0 is 3.,
13. Solve the differential equation xdy-ydx = + y2 dx. Jo'
14. Find the'geneJalsolution of,the difFerential equation *y21p'+2):jpy'**'
./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Atternpt Aflquestions.
{ All questions cnrry equal marhs.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.
+ x2; show that
log (az+x2)ynoz* (2n+i)xyn+r * n2yn = 0
prove Lagrange's lvlean Value theorem.
;! State and
3. rf *30 asinx-sin2x isfinite"lindthevalueof
aand the limit.
tanr x
sr-xlndtlie ra,iius of curvature at any point (x,y) for the curvo x2t3+y2'/3:il/3
8. Evaluate I -- -,"
r- e-* sin i
"*-dx by usitrg the ruie of dift'erentiation under the sign of int*gration,
9. Find the volume of the solid t'ormed by the revolutioti of the cardiod r: a (1 1-cos0) abiiut
initial line,
Find the area bounded by the curve *2y :* @'fi and the x-axies
dy y
+ tanl
10. Solve the differential equation
dx- x x
11" Solve the difftrential equation *++ y logy = xyex
and sketch the grapir of the equation r: ffi
Subject :- Engineering Mathematics tr
2068 - Shrawan
i I + 1/ tart -'-r
t, ,{r 7r
7. Usc Genima lurtcrion to provc ttrat J ,, - ,u.,'* - ;z
;(l--{ t *rc.sinb-r ,.
^^ ) - l}i'-t}'cosx.
15. Filrlthr-qcncral soluti.onofthe riiilcrentiai cquatiolr: {D1-2D
16: Newlon's l,ari of cooling states that I ThQ tcrllperaiurc of an ohjct-t changcs at arate
prollorlional to rhe clifferenccs i:f iempretrirts hctrveen the object and it's suirountl-
mrrintainccl ai 30"c. I:ind rvhen tlte tctnpretrtrc oirvalt'r *'iii ircco:nes 40?c.
4 \: U\'
Examination Control Division
2068 Chaitra
State the Rolle's theorem and use it to prove l-agrange's mean value theorem'
Linr(l 1\
3. Evaluate: ^i ,-.,stn-x/
X x-)U\x' i
r1' t'f',i,'
--'t Find the
-i fl i ,-,, { ,.) i I ): -.\- I
trl ,
r -r'lv
*/ oR "
T)eqcrihe and sketch the loiai :rrtJc r =:---:--:
,r- ,e-
U1 I i-rDnL,
\ c11]si
--L.*^ , -:
S ubj ecr - ^ rYf
Er,-:ine er 1115 lic. IIL)^- ]
,/' Cardicaies are reouirec to gir.,e ;l.ei; s ia theii o,.i'n rvcrds as fz-'as :r'acttcable
'./,4,tempt Al! questions.
ii '/ figures irL t)rc ntat'gin it',ciicaie I-LLll ,n'1ei'i;s
,/ Assunte suitabie data if necessory.
\t- 1:-;
: g"'-'-'' , pror. lfiar (1 '*tr] -; ' i-:.r - 2:< - a)lr.- r - r,(r = l)y. = ['
Y Siate and oroi. Lagrange's mean value theorem'
lim (sinx)i
). ) E v"-uai.c
l-/ 1+0[
-/-\ - )
(r.) Find the as;,r'nptotes o[the curve (x = ])2(x :2y * z)=x = 9y -2'
5. Fjnd the radius of curvature of the curve r: a(1 - cos0).
'.- ta.n-l (ax)
)a 19? .
: !;: d, b1 mcLi;-d:f ir--'g:::iot,, ti-r: rca oithe loopcf ilre curve zY':x'(a-r).
Ne.:;ior's la.r', lhai ilL: lellperaiuie of aa objecl charlgts l1 a ratc
of cooiiilg sia'res
prcpor-,iot-tal ic ilre iiiferellce ol ie':' p:' ;';rrle l31u're31-' ti t ohtect ar.d its s;r,ou;lJir)lrs
!rppori,:g u' L a'L I0C'C ccols ic Sil"i- rr l0 llrinutes, in a rooin ictltpe I aiul'e ol1.0"C,
fr nd u,iretr the tcilperliuic of \:'ralel'wil. :icctl'e
o l,'
Soive the dr flfercuii:l :ltiilioir I
Or. d..-
,,t ]'t
l4 Firici r.he conciiiort rhil il'.c lll,e l:." 'llri'- l- :: 0 nlav- bc th: r!31,t to i.he eliiPse r = r
"t ir
.: J trr- .,,. :-r.-.. .. .. ; l,l/'trai ::l: l:l : -:1.,c:rj iOilll
7-^-. -:'' .- i--0
/ " .-,C tire CC:tl:1,:. .r:1. -.f :fe:,:..-.r:.'...vr;'-''C..... -t --' .
\'/ OR
. lo
identily and skeictr the COIIiC I
, itr#ii'frT::;?tr:to
give their amwers
Evaluate l.- *d* f
Jr t'
(1+ xr),
Find the surface area ofsolid generated
by the revolution ofcardioid r = a(1+ cosg),
l0' Through what angle should the axes
be rotated so that the equation 9x2
may be changed to 3x2 + 5l 5. - 2{3xy + 7f = 19