Tristan Dave O. Ricafort BSIT-2H: Instruction: Select The Correct Answer and Write It in One Sheet of Paper

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Tristan Dave O.

Ricafort BSIT-2H


Instruction: Select the correct answer and write it in one sheet of paper.

1. It is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes.

a. Psychology
b. Behavior
c. Personality
d. Job Analysis


2. These are activities, action and processes that can be observed objectively.
a. Psychology
b. Behavior
c. Science
d. Internal process
Answer: B

3. The first school of psychology which believed that behavior can be studied and analyzed
through conscious experience.
a. Behaviorism
b. Structuralism
c. Gestalt
d. Purposivism


4. It is a branch of psychology that studies human behavior from its post-natal beginning up
to early adolescence.
a. Child Psychology
b. Adolescent psychology
c. Development psychology
d. Genetic psychology

5. This is a subjective method of observation which records his own feelings and
experiences and later interprets them.
a. Observation method
b. Introspection method
c. Clinical method
d. Experimental method


6. Who was the first psychologist to use psychology in advertising?

a. Hugo Musterberg
b. Elton Mayo
c. Walter Dill Scott
d. Walter Bingham

7. Which test designed for the Army was used for recruits who were not fluent in English?
a. Army personality
b. Army alpha
c. Army beta
d. Army intelligence

8. A research program brought industrial psychology beyond selection and placement of

workers to the more complex problem of human relations, morale and motivation.
a. Hawthrone studies
b. Law of Discrimination
c. Psychological studies
d. Stress Management


9. A field of psychology that supplies information on human capabilities and limitations for
operating sophisticated equipment and that influenced designs.
a. Industrial psychology
b. Social psychology
c. Engineering psychology
d. Personnel Psychology


10. It assumed greater importance in the world of work along with recognition of the impact
of the organizational setting in which work tales place.
a. Social psychology
b. Human relations skills
c. Leadership
d. Discipline
11. It is undertaken to determine the specific skills and abilities necessary to the job.
a. Job analysis
b. Work
c. Selection
d. Placement

12. It is one of the most popular technique in personnel selection and hiring.
a. Assessment
b. Training
c. Selection
d. Application blank


13. It provide a face to face meeting for evaluating the applicants’ suitability for employment.
a. Interview
b. Selection
c. Placement
d. Testing


14. It is a popular method of selection that places applicants in a simulated job ritual so that
their behavior under stress can be observed and assessed
a. Interview
b. Assessment center
c. References
d. Application blank


15. It is an apparatus which is widely used in industry to screen out potential dishonest job
applicants and to attempts detect theft.
a. Physical examination
b. Miniature training
c. Lie detector test
d. Psychological test


16. It is a characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving, it embraces moods, attitudes,
and opinions and is most clearly expressed in interactions with other people.
a. Personality
b. Motivation
c. Social
d. Emotions


17. It refers to the personality traits of an individual that determines how he or she reacts to
the world.
a. Reinforcement
b. Motivation
c. Job satisfaction
d. Temperaments


18. It possesses the ability to maintain good interpersonal relations with the followers or
subordinates and motivate them to help in achieving the organizational objectives.
a. Characteristic
b. Leader
c. Traits
d. Proficiency

19. It is the feeling of well-being that an individual experiences when his needs are being
filled to his satisfaction.
a. Traits
b. Esprit de corps
c. Morale
d. Proficiency

20. It is the individual or group attitude which insures prompt obedience to orders and
initiation of appropriate action in the absence of orders.
a. Discipline
b. Morale
c. Proficiency
d. Leadership


Part II. Enumeration

21 – 22 Purposes of psychological test

•Psychological tests are used to assess a variety of mental abilities and attributes,
including achievement and ability, personality, and neurological functioning.
23 -27 Characteristic of a psychological test:
• Standardization
• Objectivity
• Reliability
• Test Norms
• Validity

28 – 30 Limitation and Dangers of psychological test:

• Uncertainty of measurements
• Changing circumstances
• Cultural bias

31 – 35 Purposes of Performance Appraisal:

• Validate selection criteria
• Training requirements
• Employees improvement
• Promotion, wages, transfer
• Reduction in force

Part III Essay

36 – 45 Why is the study of Psychology important to develop a balanced well-being before

entering into the field of work?
- Studies have shown that people with higher levels of mental health are more likely to live
healthier, longer lives, and are more likely to enjoy a better quality of life2. Better mental health
is also related to fewer social problems. For example, research shows that people with high
levels of mental health are less prone to criminal activities or drug and alcohol abuse. In
addition, positive mental health often indicates higher income and more pro-social behaviors,
such as voluntary service. When their basic needs are met, they are also more likely to obtain
positive mental health. Living in a safe area, adequate food and adequate housing are important
factors for emotional health. Feel good, you can do different things to feel better and function
better. Here is an overview of four things you can take to improve your overall health.
46 – 55 Is training important? Cite some possible effects of training in individual development,
social relations and values system.
- Training is an excellent opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all employees, but
many employers in today's environment find development opportunities costly. Employees who
participate in the training will also waste time at work, which may delay the completion of the
project. However, despite these possible shortcomings. Learning and development are
beneficial to individuals and organizations, making cost and time a valuable investment.
Learning and development describes the organization’s formal and continuous efforts to
improve employee productivity and personal development through various educational methods
and programs. These efforts have been widely used in the modern work world, from training
specific professional skills to long-term professional development. Business functions, strategic
components, and recognized occupations with various theories and methods. More and more
companies of all sizes are using "lifelong learning" and other aspects of learning and
development to promote employee growth and create a highly skilled workforce. Continuously
improving your skills and productivity through training is now widely regarded as essential to the
long-term success and profitability of small businesses. “Build a culture that supports lifelong
learning,” suggested Charlene Marmer Solomon of the workforce. "Today's employees must
have access to various lifelong learning opportunities in order to be able to...If you do not
actively respond to the impulse of insufficient skills, you will lose your advantage. If your
employees sit and wait to die, your company will lose in the skills competition. "Effective
learning and development begins with the overall strategy and goals of the small business. The
entire learning process should be planned in advance with clear goals. When formulating
learning strategies, evaluate the company’s customers and competitors, strengths and
weaknesses, and related industries or society. Trends may be helpful. Use this information to
determine where your entire organization or individual employees need training. Conduct
internal audits to find general areas where training may be useful, or conduct a skill list to
determine the types of skills employees have and the future The type of possible needs To
determine the content of the training program, the company must be broken down into tasks.

56 – 65 What is the significance of employee selection to individual performance in the job in

the coping with the condition and stress at work?
-Sometimes employees cannot improve their situation, so they have to leave the
company and look for another job. Although this is obviously a difficult decision, sometimes
rotation is the only answer. Managers can open up communication channels so that employees
can better understand what is happening in the organization. The more knowledge, the less
ambiguity and conflict of roles. However, managers need to realize that communication is not a
one-way street; you need to allow communication with subordinates and be willing to accept it.
Because employees feel that their problems and complaints have been heard, they feel less
stressed and less likely to have counterproductive behaviors. People can raise awareness of
their work behavior. You can learn to understand your limitations and spot signs of potential
problems. Employees need to know when to get out of trouble and when to seek help from
others at work to alleviate this situation. In addition, people can cultivate foreign interests to
distract them from work.This decision is especially important for type A people, whose physical
health depends on their diminished willingness to succeed. Employees can ensure that they
exercise regularly to relieve accumulated stress. Many companies sponsor sports events, and
some companies have built sports facilities on site to encourage employee activities.

Prepared by:

Instructor I

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