AS 1742.5-1997 Traffic Control Devices

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AS 1742 Set-2014 Manual of uniform control traffic devices set

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facility name signs

Australian Standard

Manual of uniform traffic control

Part 5: Street name and community

AS 1742.5—1997
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee MS/12, Road Signs and Traffic
Signals. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on
20 June 1997 and published on 5 November 1997.
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The following interests are represented on Committee MS/12:

ARRB Transport Research
Australasian Railway Association
Australian Automobile Association
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Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Department of Transport and Regional Development
Department of Transport and Works, Northern Territory
Department of Transport, S.A.
Department of Transport, Tasmania
Department of Urban Services, A.C.T.
Institute of Municipal Engineering, Australia
Main Roads Department, Queensland
Main Roads, Western Australia
Roadmarking Industry Association of Australia
Vic Roads

Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject
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This Standard was issued in draft form for comment as DR 96253.

AS 1742.5—1997
Licensed to Mr Lloyd Everist on 25 May 2015. 1 user personal license only. Copying, copy/pasting, storage & distribution or use on network prohibited. (10530092).

Australian Standard
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Manual of uniform traffic control


Part 5: Street name and community

facility name signs

Originated in part as AS CA14— 1935.

Previous edition AS 1742.5— 1986.
Second edition 1997.


ISBN 0 7337 1275 4
AS 1742.5 — 1997 2


This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australian Committee MS/12 on Road Signs
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and Traffic Signals to supersede AS 1742.5 — 1986. It is one in a series of fourteen

standards which together form the Manual of uniform traffic control devices. The series
comprises the following Standards:
1742 Manual of uniform traffic control devices
1742.1 General introduction and index of signs
1742.2 Traffic control devices for general use
1742.3 Traffic control devices for works on roads
1742.4 Speed controls
1742.5 Street name and community facility name signs (this Standard)
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1742.6 Service and tourist signs for motorists

1742.7 Railway crossings
1742.8 Freeways
1742.9 Bicycle facilities
1742.10 Pedestrian control and protection
1742.11 Parking controls
1742.12 Bus, transit and truck lanes
1742.13 Local area traffic management
1742.14 Traffic signals
Principal variations from the 1986 edition are as follows:
(a) Expanded requirements and recommendations in respect of —
(i) use of logos and other peripheral detail on street name signs;
(ii) use of supplementary plates with street name signs;
(iii) street name signs for roundabouts, deceleration lanes and outer separator
openings on streets with service roads; and
(iv) colour combinations to be used on street name signs.
(b) Provision of oversize street name signs on high-speed roads.
(c) Provision of advance street name signs.
(d) Addition of guidelines for the naming of roads and streets.
The term ‘informative’ has been used in this Standard to define the application of the
appendix to which it applies. An ‘informative’ appendix is only for information and


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3 AS 1742.5 — 1997

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FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


1.1 SCOPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. ... ... ... .. 5
1.2 OBJECTIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 5
1.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS . . . .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. ...... ... .. 5
1.4 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . .... .. .. . ... .. ... .. 5


2.1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
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2.2 SHAPE AND SIZE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2.3 SIGN LAYOUT AND PERMITTED INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 LOGOS ON SIGNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.5 LETTERING AND NUMERALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 COLOUR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7 REFLECTORIZATION AND ILLUMINATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.8 MOUNTING HEIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.9 LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.10 ORIENTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
URBAN AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


3.1 GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... ..... 21
3.2 AVOIDING SIGN PROLIFERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... ..... 21
3.3 SHAPE, SIZE AND PERMITTED INFORMATION . . . . . .. .. .. . .. ... 22
3.4 MOUNTING HEIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. 22
3.5 OTHER REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... .. .. . 22
3.6 TOURIST FACILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . 23
3.7 PEDESTRIAN DIRECTION SIGNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .... . 23
3.8 SIGNPOSTING TO MAJOR FACILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... ..... 23


AND STREETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
AS 1742.5 — 1997 4


Street name and community facility name signs are an important navigation aid. Poor
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street name signage frequently gives rise to frustration, hesitation and inconvenience to
road users. On the other hand, adherence to good signage practice aids road safety by
providing drivers with essential information in an efficient manner so that their distraction
from the driving task is minimized. Good practice includes taking special care in the
placement of street name signs so that loss of conspicuity or legibility due to their small
size is minimized.
The great variety and length of names given to streets necessitates exercising flexibility in
the design of signs. Many local government authorities will wish to reinforce a sense of
local identity by incorporating their name, emblem or logo in the sign. While the Standard
makes provision for these, it is important that the additional information does not affect
the legibility and functioning of the sign.
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The proliferation of community facility name signs at some intersections can become
difficult for road authorities and councils to control. If allowed to get out of hand, the
excessive number of signs which may result at the one location, can render both the street
name and the community facility name signs ineffective due to the inability of road users
to scan all of the information in the available time. This issue, together with advice on
how to handle the problem, is further expanded in Clause 3.2.
5 AS 1742.5 — 1997


Australian Standard
Licensed to Mr Lloyd Everist on 25 May 2015. 1 user personal license only. Copying, copy/pasting, storage & distribution or use on network prohibited. (10530092).

Manual of uniform traffic control devices

Part 5: Street name and community facility name signs


1.1 SCOPE This Standard specifies requirements for the design and use of street name
and community facility name signs on all types of roads except freeways.
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1.2 OBJECTIVE The objective of this Standard is to provide road authorities and
local government authorities with a standard means of signposting street names and
associated information, and of signposting directions to community facilities with the aim
of facilitating road user recognition of the signs.

1.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this

1348 Road and traffic engineering — Glossary of terms
1348.2 Part 2: Traffic management
1742 Manual of uniform traffic control devices
1742.2 Part 2: Traffic control devices for general use
1742.6 Part 6: Service and tourist signs for motorists
1742.10 Part 10: Pedestrian control and protection
1744 Forms of letters and numerals for road signs
2700 Colour standards for general purposes
4212 Geographic information systems — Data dictionary for transfer of street
addressing information
1906 Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes
1906.1 Part 1: Retroreflective materials

1.4 DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Standard, the definitions in AS 1348.2 and
those below apply.
1.4.1 Street type— the designation associated with the name of the street (e.g. Street,
Road, Avenue), usually selected to match the function of the street.
1.4.2 Traffic control device — any sign, signal, pavement marking or other installation
placed or erected by a public authority or official body having the necessary jurisdiction,
for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding road users.

AS 1742.5 — 1997 6


2.1 GENERAL Street name signs are located at intersections to enable ready
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recognition of the street name by all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists as well
as people in motor vehicles. To achieve this purpose, the following general requirements
and recommendations are applicable:
(a) Street name signs shall be installed at every intersection for the benefit of all road
users including pedestrians, except that it is not necessary to display the name of a
major street at all minor street intersections along that major street. However, it is
essential that the major street name is displayed at regular intervals, normally at
major intersecting streets and more significant side streets.
(b) Signs should be located where road users expect to look for them and where they
are readily visible and conspicuous.
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(c) Colour combinations used on signs shall maintain the legibility of the legend in
both day and night conditions, and should contrast with the background setting.
(d) Either retroreflective material shall be used on the signs or they shall be internally
(e) Signs should be legible at an appropriate distance, i.e. designed and installed so that
they may be identified and read by an approaching driver sufficiently far in advance
to permit any necessary manoeuvre.
(f) The design should be simple with the street name clearly discernible ahead of any
other information.
(g) Signs should be consistently designed and located.
(h) As far as practicable, signs should be mounted separately from any other sign on the
same post.
Well designed and located street name signs perform an important traffic safety function,
particularly in busy traffic conditions, by enabling motorists to identify an intersecting
street without having to take their attention off the road for an unnecessarily long period,
or slow down to a point where they could become a hazard to other road users.

2.2 SHAPE AND SIZE Street name signs shall be rectangular with the long axis
horizontal. Words shall be written horizontally. Ends shall be cut square. The depth of the
reflectorized or internally illuminated section of the sign shall be at least 130 mm, within
a minimum signboard depth of 150 mm. This depth permits only the street name, and if
used, property numbers under the street type abbreviation (e.g. RD, ST). Where an
additional line of information is to be included, the depth of the sign board shall be at
least 200 mm, with the reflectorized or internally illuminated section of the sign at least
180 mm deep.
At intersections on higher speed roads, where 130 mm lettering is required (see
Clause 2.5), the signboard depth shall be 200 mm minimum. On signs on these roads the
additional information referred to above will not be legible and should not be provided.
Consideration shall be given to limiting the length of signs to that which is practicable
having regard to the structural requirements for mounting signs and resistance to
vandalism. Such requirements, however, shall not be allowed to detract from sign
legibility and the ability of drivers to read all of the information. The minimum length of
a street name sign shall be 500 mm.
1 It will generally be found that for adequate support and structural integrity of a sign, a
length of 1200 mm for a single post end-mounted sign or 1800 mm for a centre-mounted
sign will be the maximum.

7 AS 1742.5 — 1997

2 Although two-post mounting may be used, for ease of reading, the length of a sign with a
100 mm legend should not exceed 2 m.


on a street name sign or sign assembly shall be as follows:
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(a) Information on the street name sign This information shall be limited to—
(i) the street name and street type or its abbreviation, e.g. RD, ST (essential);
(ii) property numbers for one block in one or both directions (optional);
(iii) the local government area name (optional); and
(iv) the local government logo (optional, see Clause 2.4).
(b) Information on an optional supplementary plate A supplementary plate may be
installed directly beneath the street name sign. The information on the plate shall be
limited to—
(i) property numbers for one block in one or both directions;
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(ii) ‘NO THROUGH ROAD’; or

(iii) ‘TO (name of remote street)’.
This information shall be arranged on the signs and plates as shown in Figures 2.1 and
2.2. In all cases it is important to ensure that the sign layout is simple and that nothing in
the combination of sign elements prevents the street name from being clearly discernible
at the appropriate distance.
NOTE: Guidelines for the selection of suitable names for streets and the street type are given in
Appendix A. The adoption of names will normally require the approval of the relevant
geographical names authority in each State.
The street type abbreviation (e.g. ST, RD) shall be the same letter series as the rest of the
street name. For driver recognition, it is preferable that the street type abbreviation is the
same letter height as the rest of the street name. However, where space is critical, it is
preferable to reduce the height of the abbreviation rather than to use a narrower letter
series for the name of the street.
Use of property numbers is recommended wherever a street extends across at least one
arterial road intersection.
Signs in the G5 series (except Sign No. G5-11, see Clause 2.11.2) shall not include an
arrow or any other indication of direction.

2.4 LOGOS ON SIGNS Where it is desired to use a local government or other

authority logo on a street name sign, the following requirements and recommendations
(a) The logo shall be located at the support end of an end-supported sign.
(b) The logo shall be separated from the street name or street type abbreviation by at
least 100 mm.
(c) A logo shall not be included on a sign if it would compromise the lettering
requirements of Clause 2.5 and it is not recommended where it would result in the
narrowing of the letters in the street name.
(d) The logo should be selected to avoid corrupting the essential information on the
sign by inappropriate design, colour or spacing within the overall legend layout. In
particular, use of a prominent letter which might be seen as part of the street name,
should be avoided.

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AS 1742.5 — 1997




9 AS 1742.5 — 1997
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2.5 LETTERING AND NUMERALS Letters and numerals for the street name,
property numbers and all legends on the supplementary plates shall be Series D, as
specified in AS 1744, except that where this would otherwise result in an overlength sign,
the sign shall not be lengthened but the lettering may be made proportionally narrower to
fit the available length, with the proviso that the letters shall not be narrower than Series
C. The street name should be placed on one line wherever practicable but may be placed
on two lines if necessary to meet the specified letter series and letter height requirement.
Minimum letter heights shall be as given in Table 2.1.

Traffic speed 90 km/h or
Traffic speed less than more. Also recommended
90 km/h where traffic speeds are
70 to 90 km/h.
Street name 100 130
Property numbers and street type
or its abbreviation 50 65

Local government authority name 25 *

* At these higher speeds optional information as set out in Clause 2.3(a)(iii) and (iv), is unlikely
to be noticed and its inclusion is not recommended. If it is included, the letter heights should be
proportionally greater than for the lower speed roads.

AS 1742.5 — 1997 10

If abbreviations are used, they shall be as follows:

Arcade . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . ARC Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GR

Avenue . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . AV Highway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HWY
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Boulevarde . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . BVD Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JNC

Brace, Brae . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . BR Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LA
Chase . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . CH Parade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PDE
Circuit . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . CCT Parkway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PWY
Circle, Circlet, Circus . . . . . . . . CIR Place, Plaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PL
Close . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . CL Promenade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRM
Corner . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . CNR Quay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QY
Court . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . CT Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RD
Crescent . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . CR Square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SQ
Drive . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . DR Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ST
Esplanade . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . ESP Terrace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCE
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Expressway . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . EXP Walk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WK

Freeway . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . FWY Way (not usually abbreviated) . . . . . . . . WY
Gardens . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . GDN

2.6 COLOUR The recommended colour for street name signs, including
supplementary plates where used, is a black legend on a white background. Where it is
desired to depart from this recommendation, the following requirements shall be observed:
(a) Colours for legends and background shall be restricted to the combinations
permitted in Table 2.2. This Table is based on requirements for adequate
legend/background contrast, adequate night legibility and adequate contrast with
typical background colours.
(b) Red shall not be used for a background colour or for the street name letters as it is
reserved for signs relating to potentially hazardous situations. Red may be used for
the name of the local government authority, but this is not recommended.
(c) The colour of retroreflective materials shall conform to those specified in
AS/NZS 1906.1.
(d) The colours of non-retroreflective materials and surface finishes shall be a close
approximation to the following colours as specified in AS 2700:

Blue Rich blue — B11

Standard Green Holly green — G12
Brown Brown — X54

(e) Supplementary plates shall have the same colour scheme as the parent sign, except
that Sign G5-10, NO THROUGH ROAD (see Figure 2.2) shall have a black legend
on a yellow background.

11 AS 1742.5 — 1997


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White Yellow Standard Blue Brown Black
White — NO (3) YES (5) YES (5) NO (2,4) NO (2,4)
Yellow NO (3) — NO (2) NO (2,3) NO (2,4) NO (4)
Standard Green YES (1) YES (1) — NO (3) NO (3) NO (3)
Blue YES (1) YES (1) NO (3) — NO (3) NO (3)
Brown YES (1) YES (1) NO (3) NO (3) — NO (3)
Black YES (1) YES (1,6) NO (3) NO (3) NO (3) —
1 Legend shall be non-reflectorized.
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2 Not suitable for street name. May be used for local government name or logo.
3 Inadequate contrast between colours.
4 Sign will not be sufficiently conspicuous.
5 Background shall be reflectorized.
6 Use of this combination in conjunction with the NO THR OU GH ROA D sign (see Item (e) above) may
compromise the warning impact of the colour of the latter.

2.7 REFLECTORIZATION AND ILLUMINATION Street name signs shall be either

reflectorized or internally illuminated.
As street name signs are mounted above the optimum height for illumination by vehicle
headlights, they shall be made using a retroreflective material which at least meets the
photometric performance and other requirements of Class 1 material as specified in
AS/NZS 1906.1. This level of retroreflectivity also assists pedestrians who may rely on
ambient street lighting to illuminate the sign. If it is intended to reflectorize either the
legend or background, but not both, the lighter of the two colours shall be reflectorized.
Internally illuminated signs shall be as visible and legible from a distance as signs using
retroreflective material.

2.8 MOUNTING HEIGHT Where street name signs are erected above footways,
mounting heights shall be not less than 2.5 m and not more than 3.0 m measured from
ground level at the signpost to the underside of the lowest sign. It is desirable, where two
street name signs are to be carried on a single post, that they should not be mounted on
the same horizontal plane. Only where maximum height is necessary to counter
vandalism, should multiple fixings be mounted on the same level.
Where signs are erected other than above footways, i.e. on a verge, traffic island, median,
separator or on the side of a building, heights outside the range specified may be adopted
to suit specific needs. However, caution should be exercised as signs mounted at heights
less than 2.5 m could be subjected to vandalism or traffic damage while the visibility of
signs mounted at heights above 3.0 m could be reduced under both day and night

AS 1742.5 — 1997 12

2.9.1 General Street name signs should be located as near as practicable to the
intersection and shall be clearly visible by day and night to both pedestrians and other
road users when viewed from all approaches (see Clause 2.9.3). If possible, they should
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be mounted on existing utility poles where these meet the above requirements.
If there is a policy to place signs on the sides of buildings in a particular area, steps
should be taken to ensure that, in that area, all signs that can reasonably be placed on the
sides of buildings are so placed.
2.9.2 Lateral placement is measured from the part of the post or end of the sign nearest
the road and should be as follows:
(a) Urban On kerbed roads in urban areas, signs should be located not less than
300 mm back from the face of the kerb. Where mountable or semi-mountable kerbs
are used, e.g. on traffic islands, the minimum clearance should be 500 mm. On
urban roads which are unkerbed or on certain arterial roads designed for high speed
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traffic movement, the distances given in (b) below may be more appropriate.
(b) Rural On unkerbed roads in rural areas the sign and its post should be at least
600 mm clear of the outer edge of the road shoulder, line of guide posts or face of
2.9.3 Preferred locations The number and placement of street name signs required to
give adequate information to the driver depends on the configuration of the road and the
intersection, and on visibility constraints. Some common examples are given below. For
other road and intersection configurations sufficient signing to guide a driver without any
local knowledge should be the aim. Where side and main road names are mounted on one
post the side road name shall be mounted below the main road name.
Examples of various configurations are as follows:
(a) Intersection of minor streets A sign showing the name of each street at position
(1) in Figure 2.3 is sufficient, except that where the name of the street changes,
another sign at position (2) should be provided.

13 AS 1742.5 — 1997
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(b) T-junctions— minor street with undivided major street The name of the minor
street should be provided at position (1) in Figure 2.4 and the name of the major
street, if required (see Clause 2.1(a)), at position (2). An additional minor street sign
may be provided also at position (2).


AS 1742.5 — 1997 14

(c) Intersection of minor street with undivided major street Minor street names should
be provided at positions (1) and (2) in Figure 2.5. The major street name, if
required, (see Clause 2.1(a)) should be provided at position (1). However, if the
major street name is not visible from both minor street approaches, it should also be
provided at position (2).
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(d) Intersection of undivided major streets The appropriate street names should be
provided at positions (1), (2), (3) and (4) in Figure 2.6.


15 AS 1742.5 — 1997

(e) Intersection of minor street with divided major street —with median
opening Where the minor street name is the same on both sides of the intersection,
street name signs should be provided at positions (1) or (1A) in Figure 2.7. If the
street name changes, additional signs may be provided at positions (2) and (3)
provided the median is wide enough (see Clause 2.9.2). If the major street name is
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required (see Clause 2.1(a)), it may be provided on both sides of the intersection at
position (1) or (1A).
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(f) T-junction— minor street with divided major street — with median opening The
minor street name should always be provided at position (1) or (1A) in Figure 2.8.
Additional minor street name signs should be provided at positions (2) and (3) when
signs at (1) and (1A) alone are not adequately visible from the far roadway of the
major road. If the major street name is required, (see Clause 2.1(a)) it should
normally be provided at position (3), but may be duplicated at position (1).



AS 1742.5 — 1997 16

(g) T-junction— minor street with divided major street — no median opening A minor
street name sign should be provided at position (1) or (1A) in Figure 2.9. A further
sign may be provided at position (2) for the benefit of far side traffic if the median
is wide or signs at positions (1) or (1A) would not be legible.
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(h) Intersection of a minor street with a service road A minor street name sign should
be provided at position (1) or (1A) in Figure 2.10. A further sign of the G5-6 type
should be provided at the preceding outer separator opening at position (2)
indicating name of the street reached via that opening. Where more than one minor
street is reached by the opening, the sign ....VIA SERVICE ROAD, (G5-11) (see
Clause 2.11.2) should be used.


(i) Roundabouts The treatments set out in Items (a) to (d) should be used at
roundabouts, irrespective of any other direction signs provided. For large
roundabouts where these signs alone would not be adequate, additional signs shall
be provided as shown in Figure 2.11, i.e. either at each exit from the roundabout in
the positions marked (1), or mounted in the central island at position (2) if the
island is small enough for the signs to be conspicuous and legible to road users

17 AS 1742.5 — 1997

approaching the roundabout. Where located at the exit, the signs may be located
either on the left side of the exit or at position (3) on the splitter island if provided.
Signs for use in either of positions (1) or (3) are described in Clause 2.11.4.
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1 Normal position — G2 series signs are required in these positions.
2 Alternative position (see Clause 2.9.3(i)) — G5 series signs may be used in this position.
3 Alternative positions (see Clause 2.9.3(i)) — G2 series signs are required in these positions.



AS 1742.5 — 1997 18

2.10 ORIENTATION Street name signs shall be orientated at right angles to the
direction of approaching traffic. At locations where the named street intersects the main
street at a skewed angle as shown in Figure 2.12, the sign will not point directly along the
named street. This is necessary for the street name sign to be read from both approach
directions. In such cases, the location for the sign should be selected to avoid any
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potential confusion.
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2.11.1 Advance street name signing Advance street name signing should be provided
on arterial roads for all side and cross streets leading from them. Such signing should take
one of the following forms:
(a) Major intersections Where the side or cross street is also an arterial road or in
some cases an important subarterial or collector street, and advance direction signs
of the G1 type (see AS 1742.2), including roundabout diagrammatic signs, are
provided, street names should be included at least for the intersecting street(s) along
with the destination names, or by themselves if there is no destination name.
(b) Minor intersections Where it is desired to give advance warnings of minor
intersecting streets, signs should be of the G2-2 or G2-5 type with street names
The illustrations show some alternatives available for use at T and cross
intersections, both without and with a minor street name change across the
Where an intersection or junction series warning sign in the W2 Series is warranted
in advance of the intersection in accordance with the requirements and guidelines
given in AS 1742.2, the warning sign may be mounted in conjunction with the G2-2
or G2-5 sign.
(c) Signs at deceleration lanes Where a deceleration lane is provided for turning
traffic in advance of an intersection, a G2-2 or G2-5 sign shall be provided at the
start of the additional lane, to advise motorists of the name of the street to which
the lane leads. Where a G2-2 or G2-5 sign cannot be installed because there is no
space on the median on which to mount it, the letter height of the G5 series sign at
the intersection should be increased by 30 to 50 percent, so that it may be legible in
time for a motorist to use the deceleration lane (to compensate for the lack of an
advance sign). A G2-2 or G2-5 sign at the start of the deceleration lane may not be
required if there is an advance direction sign (G1 Series) provided for the

19 AS 1742.5 — 1997
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G2-2 (single end) G2-2 (double end)

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G2-5 (single name) G2-5 (two-name)

(Format is also suitable for double
headed arrow)

2.11.2 Signs for service road openings Where a service road opening is provided
other than directly opposite a side street which it serves exclusively, the sign ....VIA
SERVICE ROAD, (G5-11) shall be used to indicate the minor street or streets leading off
the service road which can be reached via the opening. The sign should be located in the
position (2) on Figure 2.10, so as to be clearly visible to traffic on the through
carriageway. Where the opening serves only one side street, the G5-6 sign (see
Figure 2.1) may be substituted.


AS 1742.5 — 1997 20

2.11.3 Signs within major intersections Signs of the G2, intersection direction type
(see AS 1742.2) provided within intersections to guide turning traffic shall show street
names as well as destination names, or street names alone where appropriate. These signs
are in addition to, and do not replace signs in the G5 series otherwise required by this
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Street name signs may be further supplemented by the attachment of G2-3 type signs to
traffic signal mast arms where they are appropriately located.
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2.11.4 Signs at large roundabouts Signs of the type G2-2 and G2-5 (see
Clause 2.11.2) shall be used to indicate street names at each exit from a large roundabout
as required in Clause 2.9.3(i) and illustrated in Figure 2.11.
At roundabouts on major roads a G2-2 or G2-5 sign incorporating both a street name and
a destination name may be required (see AS 1742.2).
2.11.5 Cross street naming at grade separations Signs showing the names of streets
crossing an arterial road at a grade separation where there are no connections, should be
placed on the overpass structure or side mounted near the underpass by use of a G2-3

21 AS 1742.5 — 1997

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3.1 GENERAL The purpose of community facility name signs is to advise road users
of the direction to facilities, generally of a non-commercial nature, which are located on
side streets. Typical facilities include:
Town halls, civic centres and municipal offices.
Municipal depots and tips.
Sporting and recreational grounds and facilities.
Railway stations and coach stations.
Post offices.
Tertiary education institutions (see Clause 3.8).
Churches and religious institutions.
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Other non-profit institutions.

Airports (see Clause 3.8).
Shopping centres (see Clause 3.8).
As the number of facilities which can be effectively signposted at any one point is limited
(see Clause 3.2), the use of community facility name signs should be restricted to
facilities which are likely to be those sought by a significant number of strangers to a
Primary and secondary schools would only be included if they have some special facility
sought by large numbers of strangers to the district.
As specific facilities are likely to be sought by name, the shortest name by which the
facility is commonly known should be shown on the signs. A denominational name may
be included on signs to churches.

3.2 AVOIDING SIGN PROLIFERATION A proliferation of community facility

name signs, together with a street name sign at the same location can render all of the
signs ineffective, as motorists will have difficulty scanning all the information and making
decisions within the time available. There will always be pressure for additional
community facility name signs, including signs directing people to facilities with limited
patronage and individual facilities of a commercial nature. Often it is not appreciated by
proponents of these signs that there are more effective ways of assisting people to reach
their destination, such as providing a clear address, a street directory reference or a map
on their stationery or publicity material.
Even in large urban areas where people are not familiar with all districts, street directories
are available to the majority of road users. These directories usually show property
numbers along major roads as well as the locations of significant community facilities. As
community facilities are usually known by their street addresses as well as by their name,
the most useful way of assisting road users to reach community facilities is to ensure that
street name signs are provided in accordance with Section 2. Road users are then able to
use those signs in conjunction with the street directory or other available advice.
To maintain the effectiveness of community facility signage, the following guidelines are
(a) Where a community facility abuts a major road, signage other than on the property
should not be provided.

AS 1742.5 — 1997 22

(b) Where a community facility abuts a street which runs directly off a major road, no
signage should be provided to it unless there may be uncertainty about the direction
to take, as may be the case where the street name is the same on both sides of the
major road.
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(c) A desirable maximum of two facilities and an absolute maximum of three facilities
should be signposted at any one location.


signs shall be rectangular with the long axis horizontal. Ends shall be cut square. For
requirements and guidance on the length of signs, refer to Clause 2.2.
The sign shall contain the name of the facility and a chevron pointing horizontally in the
general direction of the facility, as shown in Figure 3.1. Where a chevron does not
adequately indicate the direction, it may be replaced by an arrow, pointing up or out at
45 degrees, as appropriate. The distance in kilometres may be indicated by a whole
number adjacent to the concave side of the chevron. A logo which will assist in
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identifying the facility or type of service may be permitted on the sign. Logos advertising
sponsor’s names or products for sale should not be permitted.
Where the facility name requires only one line, the minimum depth of the sign shall be
150 mm (with a minimum depth of 130 mm reflectorized) and the letter height shall be at
least 100 mm. Where two lines are required, the sign should comprise 2 × 150 mm depth
signs mounted together as illustrated in Figure 3.1 (Sign No. G5-14) or a fabricated sign
300 mm deep, e.g. comprising a flat sheet with extrusions clamped to top and bottom.
Lettering shall be Series D, as specified in AS 1744, except that where this would result
in a sign longer than 1200 mm, the sign shall be 1200 mm long and the lettering made
proportionally narrower to fit the available width. The lettering shall not be narrower than
Series C.

3.4 MOUNTING HEIGHT The mounting heights given in Clause 2.8 shall apply.
Where community facility name signs or similar signs are installed on the same post as a
street name sign, the street name sign shall be located above the other signs and there
shall be a clearance of at least 150 mm between the bottom of the street name sign (or
supplementary plate if used) and the top of any other sign.


3.5.1 Location and orientation All community facility name signs at an intersection
should be installed on the one post which should be the same post that supports the street
name sign. Signs indicating the route to a facility start at a side road intersection on a
major road. If the route involves a turn at a subsequent intersection, the sign should be
repeated at that location. Signage should generally commence at only one point off the
major road network, unless the facility generates an appreciable amount of traffic from
two or more widely separated points on major roads.
The signs shall be orientated to align with the street name sign (see Clause 2.9).
3.5.2 Colours and reflectivity Community facility signs shall have a white legend on
a blue background and as they will usually be mounted above the optimum height for
illumination by vehicle headlights, they shall be made with a retroreflective material
meeting at least the photometric performance and other requirements of Class 1 material
as specified in AS/NZS 1906.1. At least the legend and preferably both legend and
background shall be reflectorized.

23 AS 1742.5 — 1997
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3.6 TOURIST FACILITIES Where a facility is primarily of interest to tourists, signs

similar to community facility name signs (typically an extruded aluminium blade) with a
white legend on a brown background may be used. The other requirements of Clauses 3.1
to 3.5 shall apply, including the total number of signs at any one point.
This size of sign is only appropriate in speed environments of 60 km/h or less, or where
the signs will be used principally by pedestrians. For other traffic speed environments or
where the attraction is of major significance, signage to facilities which are primarily of
interest to tourists should comply with AS 1742.6.

3.7 PEDESTRIAN DIRECTION SIGNS Where the pedestrian route to a community

facility is different from the vehicular route, the community facility name sign should be
designed according to the requirements for pedestrian direction signs, as described in
AS 1742.10. This involves the use of the pedestrian symbol at the opposite end of the
sign to the chevron, pointing in the same direction as the chevron. Where an extruded
aluminium blade is used for this sign, the requirements of shape and size in Clause 3.3
above shall apply and the white border on the pedestrian direction sign may be deleted.

3.8 SIGNPOSTING TO MAJOR FACILITIES For facilities which generate large

amounts of traffic, such as universities, major sporting venues, large regional shopping
centres and airports, conventional direction signage as described in AS 1742.2 should be
used to provide proper traffic management. This will incorporate the facility name on
signs in the G1 and G2 series.

AS 1742.5 — 1997 24

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A1.1 Uniqueness Name duplication within a local government area should be avoided
and, if possible, duplication of names in proximity to adjacent local government areas
should also be avoided. However, roads crossing council boundaries should have a single
and unique name.
Where a curved street such as a crescent loops back to the same road from which it
started, the consequent existence of two nearby intersections with the same name pairs
should be avoided, e.g. by changing the name of the curved street part way along. This is
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particularly important if there is a road closure part way along the curved street.
A1.2 Sources The following should be observed:
(a) Preferred sources for road names include the following:
(i) Aboriginal names.
(ii) Local history.
(iii) Early explorers, pioneers, settlers.
(iv) War/casualty lists.
(v) Thematic names such as flora, fauna or ships.
(b) Names should be appropriate to the physical, historical or cultural character of the
area concerned.
(c) The origin of each name should be clearly stated and subsequently recorded.
(d) The relevant Aboriginal authority should be consulted when choosing Aboriginal
names unless council already has an agreed list of appropriate names.
A1.3 Propriety The following should be observed:
(a) Names of living persons should not be used.
(b) Names which are characterized as follows should be avoided:
(i) Offensive or likely to give offence.
(ii) Incongruous or out of place.
(iii) Commercial or company.
A1.4 Communication In order to assist both service providers and the travelling
public to read, understand and recognize names quickly and efficiently, the following
should be observed:
(a) Names should be reasonably easy to read, spell and pronounce.
(b) Unduly long names and names composed of two or more words should be avoided;
in particular —
(i) the use of given names should generally be avoided and should only be
included with a family name where it is essential to identify an individual or
avoid ambiguity;

* This Appendix is based largely on guidelines published by the Geographical Names Board of New South
Wales. Other States generally have similar guidelines.

25 AS 1742.5 — 1997

(ii) whilst street and cul-de-sac names should have only one word, it is
recognized that some roads require a two-word name because of their
geographical relationship, e.g.; New England Highway; and
(iii) roads with double destination names should be progressively renamed.
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A1.5 Spelling The following should be observed:

(a) Where it is intended that a road have the same name as a place or feature with an
approved or accepted geographical name, particular care should be taken to ensure
that the correct spelling is adopted unless there are exceptional circumstances
requiring a different spelling to be used.
(b) Where names have been changed or corrupted by long established local usage, it is
not usually advisable to attempt to restore the original form. The spelling which is
sanctioned by general usage should be adopted.
(c) Generally road names proposed or approved should not contain abbreviations, e.g.
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the ‘Creek’ in ‘Wallaby Creek Road’ should not be abbreviated. An exception to

this is ‘ST’, which should always be used in place of ‘Saint’.
A1.6 Form The following should be observed:
(a) The apostrophe mark should be omitted in the possessive case, e.g. ‘Smith’s Road’
should be ‘Smiths Road’.
(b) It is further preferable to delete a possessive ‘s’ unless the euphony becomes harsh,
e.g. ‘Smith Road’.
(c) The use of hyphens should be avoided.
A1.7 Additional suffix or prefix The use of a compass point prefix or an additional
suffix such as ‘north’ or ‘extension’ should be avoided.
NOTE: The adoption of road names will normally require the approval of the relevant
geographical names authority in each State.


A2.1 Selection principles The following should be observed:
(a) When a street type with a geometric or geographic connotation is chosen it should
generally reflect the form of the road. Examples are as follows:
(i) Crescent This should be a crescent or half moon, rejoining the road from
which it starts.
(ii) Esplanade This should be open, level and often along the seaside or a river.
(b) For a cul-de-sac, one should use Place, Close, Court or a street type with a similar
(c) Street types specifically associated with the State highway or main road network
should be recognized.
(d) Assistance to both the motoring and pedestrian public should be considered in
making this choice.
A2.2 Suitable street types A list of recommended street types in common use in
Australia is given in Clause 2.5 of this Standard. A more extensive list is given in
AS 4212, however, if the abbreviation in AS 4212 differs from this Standard, the
abbreviation given in Clause 2.5 should be used on street name signs.

A3 SIGNBOARD LENGTH Wherever practicable, it is highly desirable that names

are confined to word lengths which can be accommodated on street name signboards
without exceeding the lengths recommended in Clause 2.2.

AS 1742.5 — 1997 26

As a guide, the maximum number of letters in a street name (excluding the street type
abbreviation, e.g. ST, RD) which will fit on a 1200 mm long signboard is as follows:
100 mm Series D letters — 9 or 10
100 mm Series C letters —12 or 13
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Use of Series D letters is to be preferred wherever possible.

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