Life 2e Placement Test Level 1-2

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Life 2nd Ed.

Placement Test 1–2

10. _______ there a television in my hotel
1. Martin _______ from Texas.
a. is
a. Are
b. am
b. Is
c. are
c. Am
2. This _______ my camera.
11. Sam _______ very busy at school last
a. am not week.
b. are not
a. did
c. is not
b. was
3. Pablo and Anna are in _______ c. had
12. This restaurant _______ in 2014.
a. they
a. open
b. they’re
b. opens
c. their
c. opened
4. _______ sandwiches are very expensive.
13. What did Jack _______ for lunch today?
a. That
a. eaten
b. This
b. ate
c. These
c. eat
5. Akiko can’t _______ very fast.
14. Ryan _______ the kitchen right now.
a. running
a. cleaning
b. runs
b. is cleaning
c. run
c. cleans
6. _______ Kevin like sports?
15. The notebook is on the _______ .
a. Does
a. bag
b. Has
b. window
c. Is
c. desk
7. Mark and his friends _______ school at
16. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is _______.
8:15 in the morning.
a. Thursday
a. starts b. Sunday
b. start
c. Tuesday
c. starting
17. Ellen is not _______ . She is short.
8. _______ work late.
a. tall
a. She often reaches b. old
b. She reaches often c. young
c. Often reaches she
18. I’m going to the _______ . I need to get
9. This train _______ stop at Baker Street
some money.
a. park
a. isn’t b. cafe
b. don’t c. bank
c. doesn’t

19. Can you _______ a bicycle? 27. Alex _______ some money on the
a. drive
b. play a. bought
c. ride b. found
c. met
20. You can write a note with a _______ .
28. Marcus is cooking dinner in the _______ .
a. pen
b. book a. bedroom
c. purse b. kitchen
c. bathroom
21. I don’t like sports very much. They’re
_______ . 29. Can you spell it, please?
a. boring a. Yes. It’s theirs.
b. fantastic b. Yes. It’s there.
c. great c. Yes. It’s T-H-E-I-R.
22. What time does Edward _______ class in 30. How old are you?
the morning?
a. I’m very happy.
a. go b. I’m almost 18.
b. work c. It’s my birthday.
c. start
31. How much is this watch?
23. Let’s ask a _______ to drive us to our
a. It’s $40.
hotel. b. Cash, please.
a. photographer c. A credit card.
b. store clerk
32. How about pizza tonight?
c. taxi driver
a. I really love him.
24. How often do you _______ the bus? b. That’s a good idea.
a. travel c. It’s not very late.
b. take
33. Hi. I’m sorry I’m late. I got up late.
c. visit
a. Yes. It was at 10 o’clock.
25. Is there any food in the _______? b. Thank you. It’s very late.
a. desk c. That’s OK. Don’t worry.
b. fridge
34. Did you take a vacation in Italy last year?
c. couch
a. Yes. I often visit its museums.
26. My brother was born _______ August b. Yes. It was very beautiful.
19th. c. Yes. I can speak Italian.
a. at
b. in Sandra: I’m on vacation. I’m with Susan and
c. on Jane. We’re in Africa. This is a
mountain in Tanzania. It’s beautiful.

Joanna: I’m on vacation. I’m with Linda, Will,

and Maria. They’re my friends. We’re

in South America. This is Lake Titicaca. Visit Acapulco from October to March
It’s in Bolivia. It’s beautiful. because the weather is warm and sunny.
Don’t go in August because it’s very rainy. And
David: I’m on vacation. I’m with my friend
don’t go in April because there are a lot of
Jack. We’re in Asia. This is a beach in
people—many American students like to visit
Phuket. It’s in Thailand. It’s beautiful.
Acapulco in spring.
35. Who is on vacation with three other
Try fishing in Acapulco Bay, or play golf next
to the sea. Visit a theme park or a water park
a. Sandra with your family. And don’t miss the cliff
b. Joanna divers because they are amazing!
c. David
39. When is a good time to visit Acapulco?
36. Who is NOT on vacation near water?
a. August
a. David b. October
b. Joanna c. April
c. Sandra
40. Why is Acapulco a good place to visit?

Hi Oscar, a. There are many activities.

b. There are many students.
How are you? Are you in Italy? I’m in Portugal, c. There is nice weather all year.
and I have a new job in a restaurant! And no, I
don’t wash dishes. I’m a waiter! My boss
Michael Palin
speaks English, and my customers are usually
tourists. The job isn’t difficult. The customers Michael Palin was born in 1943. He studied
always order the same thing— pizza or pasta! history at Oxford University. Palin met his wife
The restaurant opens every day from noon to in 1959, but they didn’t marry until 1966.
After university, he didn’t work as a
eleven o’clock in the evening, so I usually
historian—he worked as an actor and a TV
work late and get up late. I don’t work on
writer from 1965 to 1980.
Mondays, so let’s talk later on Skype.
Then, in 1980, he made a TV show about a
Craig trip by train, and he found that he loved travel
and exploration. So he changed his job. He
37. When is Craig usually NOT at work?
made travel programs for thirty years.
a. In the evening Palin started to write a personal diary in 1969.
b. In the afternoon He wrote something almost every day. In
c. In the morning 2006, he published three books of his diaries.
38. What does Craig do at the restaurant? Each book described a period of ten years in
his life. Palin says when he prepared the three
a. He washes dishes. books, he remembered many things from his
b. He serves food. life.
c. He orders pizza.
41. What job did Michael Palin NOT do?
Acapulco is a great place for a weekend trip a. write books about his life
because there is a lot to see and do! It’s easy b. work at a university
to get to. There’s an international airport, and c. make TV shows about travelling
it’s only 45 minutes away from Mexico City.
Once you’re there, it’s easy to travel around
because there are a lot of taxis and buses.

42. Michael Palin got married after he … 51. Mary and Naomi _______ to the movie
theater this evening.
a. traveled for 10 years.
b. started writing a diary. a. is going
c. started working as an actor. b. are going
c. be going
43. He’s my brother. _______ name is Jonas.
52. My daughter and her friends are ......
a. Its
b. Her travel around Australia.
c. His a. going to
b. go to
44. _______ shoes are new.
c. going
a. This
b. These 53. _______ the program about whales on
c. That TV last night?

45. Where _______ live? a. Were you seeing

b. Have you seen
a. is she c. Did you see
b. does she
c. do she 54. There’s _______ at the door. Can you see
who it is?
46. _______ early for school.
a. anybody
a. Am always I b. somebody
b. Always I am c. everybody
c. I am always
55. You _______ wear a uniform at work.
47. Alan can _______ the piano very well. You can wear your normal clothes.
a. playing a. don’t have to
b. plays b. don’t have
c. play c. haven’t
48. How _______ money do you have? 56. _______ United States of America has 50
a. much states.
b. many a. An
c. any b. A
49. Naomi _______ at a school. She worked c. The
at a bank. 57. My uncle John’s daughter is named
a. don’t worked Jenna. She is my only _______ .
b. not worked a. cousin
c. didn’t work b. niece
50. New York City is _______ Toronto. c. nephew

a. larger as 58. We can look on the _______ to find the

b. the larger restaurant.
c. larger than
a. backpack
b. camera
c. map

59. Many people live in the city, so the
streets are often _______ .
67. I don’t like horror movies. They are too
a. quiet _______ for me.
b. crowded
a. scary
c. popular
b. funny
60. I _______ swimming three times every c. interesting
68. Kelly _______ ten new Korean words
a. play every day.
b. do
a. knows
c. go
b. memorizes
61. When you go to the store, could you buy c. forgets
a _______ of sauce, please?
69. Many people visit Mexico because the
a. piece _______ is very sunny and warm.
b. slice
c. bottle a. currency
b. climate
62. This food is _______ ! It doesn’t taste c. temperature
very good at all.
70. During vacation season, you should
a. fine _______ a hotel room in advance.
b. terrible
a. book
c. fantastic
b. check
63. We should _______ a bus to the library. c. rent
It is quite far.
71. Excuse me. How much are these T-shirts?
a. drive
a. There are four kinds.
b. travel
b. We have just a medium one.
c. take
c. They’re twenty dollars.
64. Before I take my vacation, I have to
72. How well can you play guitar?
_______ my dollars into Euros.
a. I’ve had a guitar for one year.
a. change
b. Yes, I can play the guitar.
b. pay
c. I’m not very good at it, actually.
c. borrow
73. How was your vacation last week?
65. My car is very _______ . I should clean it
today. a. We had a great time, thanks.
b. We usually go to Europe.
a. cheap c. Our vacation was five days long.
b. dirty
c. hard 74. Could you lend me ten dollars for lunch?
66. In the winter I wear pants, but in the a. No, I’m afraid I don’t have any cash.
summer I usually wear _______ . b. No, I can’t borrow some money from
a. socks c. No, I’m sorry about the money.
b. shorts
c. belts

75. I’m sorry, is that Mr. Dupont? 78. The information says that …
a. No, this is Thomson speaking. a. visitors should wear good walking
b. Yes, you spell it with D for Dupont. boots on the difficult routes.
c. That’s OK. I’m happy to speak to him. b. all visitors to the park need a route
76. How about spending the day at the c. visitors can buy clothes in the park.
beach tomorrow?
a. Yes, but you could travel on your own.
Tshewang Wangchuk, conservationist
b. That sounds like a great idea.
c. Maybe you’re right about that. Tshewang works with animals and nature in
areas with mountains and rivers. He has an
Information for visitors to Canyonlands office in Washington, D.C. and in Thimphu,
National Park Bhutan. When he travels, he always takes a
We want all visitors to our beautiful park to good book with him. He likes cycling and
have a great experience. Please read this enjoys listening to and playing music. On the
safety information at the beginning of your weekend, he spends time with his wife and
visit. children. He says, “When you enjoy your
work, you don’t need separate free time.”
• The weather can change quickly in the park.
When it’s cold, you lose 80% of your body’s Shannon Switzer, photographer and
heat from your head. Take a hat with you and journalist
wear it when you are cold. Shannon loves the outdoors, so a lot of her
• You can get medical help at the National photography is of mountains or the ocean.
Park visitor’s center, but take a first-aid kit She is also interested in the conservation of
with you on long walks. water. She works in an office, but she doesn’t
often stay inside all day. Shannon likes riding
• For long walks and climbing, you can buy a horses and surfing. And at home, she says, “I
map from the National Park store. This shows love spending time with family, playing
all the walks and routes through the park. games, and eating big meals together.”
• There are three levels of routes for walkers Knicole Colón, astronomer
and climbers in the park: green is easy, orange
is difficult, red is very difficult. On green Knicole sometimes goes to observatories and
routes you can wear normal shoes, but on looks at space through a telescope. But she
orange and red routes wear strong walking usually goes to her office and studies
boots. information about space and stars. In her free
time, she likes watching a good movie or
77. The information says that visitors to the playing video games. But she also likes “doing
park should be careful … nothing.”
a. not to get lost. 79. Which person does not spend much time
b. to avoid red routes. outside?
c. to carry certain items.
a. Shannon
b. Tshewang
c. Knicole

fastest route to every theater. For 150 years,
they have had to pass this test to become a
80. Who does NOT enjoy games?
taxi driver.
a. Knicole
b. Tshewang Learning “The Knowledge” can take over two
c. Shannon years. When they think they are ready, taxi
drivers take the test. They answer questions
such as “What’s the fastest route from
Lost Ship Discovered Buckingham Palace to London Zoo?” They
In 1533, a Portuguese ship traveled from can’t use a map. They can only use the map
Portugal to India with lots of gold and inside their head.
diamonds. But at the southern part of Africa, 83. Why do London taxi drivers memorize all
the weather was bad and the ship never the streets of London?
arrived. It sank and the crew died.
a. They like to please tourists with their
Five hundred years later, a worker in Namibia knowledge.
discovered a small piece of metal in the b. It is necessary to become a taxi driver
Orange River. It was money. Later, in London.
archaeologists pulled more gold coins from c. It is faster than using a map to get
the river. There were also parts of a ship. It around London.
was the old Portuguese ship, so the 84. What is probably true about London taxi
archaeologists learned more about people’s drivers?
lives five hundred years ago.
a. They know the location of many
81. What happened to the ship? popular sites in London.
b. They usually take less than a year to
a. All of the people on the ship got sick.
pass the test.
b. It experienced dangerous weather.
c. They often take tourists to police
c. It got lost and reached a new
82. Why is the discovery of the ship
a. Portugal was happy to have its ship
b. The coins are worth a lot of money.
c. It teaches us a lot about the past.

London is famous as a historic city with lots of

interesting places to visit. It’s also famous for
difficult roads. Tourists and visitors to London
quickly become lost in the old streets—even
with a map on their phone. It’s much easier to
catch a taxi. That’s because taxi drivers in
London have memorized the whole city.

Since 1865, trainee London taxi drivers have

studied for a test called “The Knowledge.”
They have learned the name of every street,
the location of every police station, and the

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