Stress Management Workshop

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Srishti Bhatnagar
Reena Murani
Before we begin, kindly take a piece of paper and draw a
thermometer. At the lower end write “not stressed” and at the
top, write “stressed”
About US

● Psychebrew is a new venture that started out

as in Instagram page to spread awareness
on Mental Health and bust the myths and
stigma around it. We eventually grew to
accommodate a listening space as well as a
counseling space. We also conducted
workshops and got a great response and
now here we are in front of you all.
Think about this before we begin....

Is Stress necessarily a bad thing?

Can it make you productive?
Is Stress all bad?

Not necessarily!

The excitement in absence of fear

stress in a burst of energy and in small
Can it make you productive?


small doses of high energy can be

Helps achieve goals and daily

helps accomplish tasks in a more
efficient manner.

Let the games begin!

• There’s a thin line between eustress
and distress.

• Distress seeks satisfaction by making

our lives miserable.

Can anyone give a situation where they
met this grumpy, unpleasant other half?
Symptoms of Distress

Inability to concentrate or complete tasks
Body aches


Trouble sleeping

Change in appetite
Constant worrying

More angry or
anxious than usual.
Expressing your emotions

Outward and inward expression

● Identify
Focus without trying to find a reason/cause

Focus where you are feeling this emotion in your body, what
does it look like, feel like, what color is it or what shape is it.

If you find yourself giving a reason, start again.
Take deep breaths and as you exhale, imagine the emotion
melting away.
Continue, until you feel relieved.

Finding control of the situation

Stress when situation feels out of

Try to find an aspect of the situation in
your control.
What aspects do you think you can

Situation and Perception

If you can, change a stressful situation.

Remove yourself from a scenario that creates stress.

E.g. Driving to work stresses you out. How can you
change the situation?
What can you do when neither works out?

Change the way you look at it and the way you

interact with the situation.
Look at these illusions.
Relaxation Techniques
Grounding Technique or 54321 technique


5 things you can see around you

4 things you can feel around you

3 things you can hear around you

2 things you can smell around you

1 thing you can taste around you.
Before we conclude the workshop we would
like to ask you all one question:

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