Mandatory Wood Frame Soft-Story Retrofit Plan Review List-Chapter 93

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Plan Check Submittal Date: Expiration Date:
PCIS Application Number: Plan Check No.:
Applicant Name: Phone No.:
Plan Check Engineer: Email:
Phone No:

Plan Check Supervisor: ___________________________ Email: __soft-storyretrofit@lacity.org_______

Phone No: _______213-482-7638___________

Your feedback is important to us. Please visit

feedback-form to complete the Customer Survey.


1. Review all the items selected as marked ☒ on this Plan Review List and the notes marked on the set of plans and
2. Address each item and revise the plans and/or structural analysis accordingly. To prevent time delays, prepare a
written response, addressing each item and referencing the location on the revised plans and/or calculation
package. For any questions related to this plan review, please e-mail or call the plan check engineer.
3. Once all corrections have been addressed, please email the plan check engineer with a copy of the written response.
A verification appointment will then be scheduled. Verification of corrections is done by appointment only.
4. For the verification appointment, bring the originally checked set of plans and calculations, the revised sets of plans and
calculations, the written response, and this Plan Review List. Failure to supply all necessary documents will result
in appointment postponement or cancellation and additional fees may apply.
5. During the appointment, the plan check engineer will go over the corrections and comments. Once all the items have
been corrected to comply with the code requirements and clearances are obtained, the permit will be ready to be issued.


1. Your early attention is highly recommended for the approval process from other Departments as listed in the Clearance
Summary Worksheet due to possible time delays.
2. The permit application will expire 18 months from the plan check submittal date.
3. Please be advised that the permit will be issued upon verification of compliance with the corrections included herein.
The approval of plans does not permit the violation of any section of the Building Code, or other ordinance or state law.
4. Referenced numbers at the end of each correction are code sections of the 2017 edition of the Los Angeles Codes, the
current Zoning Code and enacted code amendments thereafter.

The following documents are available online,, to provide guidance and assistance in
compliance to Division 93 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC). Review the following checked
documents and revise the plans and calculations accordingly.

Mandatory Wood Frame Soft-story Retrofit, Standard Quality Assurance Plan for Steel Moment
Structural Design Guidelines P/BC 2014-137 Frames
Mandatory Earthquake Hazard Reduction in Structural Observation Report Form Form.08
Existing Wood-Frame Buildings with Soft, Weak or Foundation for Expansive Soils P/BC 2017-116
Open-Front Walls Ordinance 183893 / 184081 Summary of Parking Regulation P/ZC 2002-011
Parking Lot Design P/ZC 2002-001

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 2/9/2020) Page 1 of 12

1. Provide a fully dimensioned plot plan to scale, in ink, and 1. Each sheet of the architectural and structural plans must
copy onto the attached “Plot Plan Sheet”. bear the signature, license number and expiration date of an
architect or engineer licensed in the State of California.
2. Project valuation is revised to $ ___________.
Pay additional plan check fees of $ ________. 2. The address of the building is required on all plans. Name
/ address of the owner is required on first sheet. The name and
3. Provide complete and correct legal description (Tract,
address of the consultants are required on their plans.
Block, Lot, Grant Deed). Provide complete information for
applicant, owner, engineer, architect, and contractor. 3. Two sets of plans will be required during permit issuance.
Plans must be:,
4. The permit application must be signed by the property
owner, a licensed contractor, or an authorized agent at the a. Quality blue or black line drawings with uniform and light
time the permit is to be issued. background color.
5. For owner-builder permits: Owner’s signature can be b. Min. 11” x 17” size with minimum 1/8” lettering size.
verified with owner’s driver license. Owner’s
c. Sticky back details must produce prints without contrasting
representatives must present owner’s approval with a
shades of background color.
notarized letter from the owner.
4. The final set of plans must be stamped and approved by
6. For contractor building permits: Prior to the issuance of a
(Fire Dept.), ( __________).
building permit, the contractor shall have the following:
5. Provide PDF copy of the final calculation package.
a. Certificate of Worker’s Compensation Insurance made
out to the Contractors State License Board. 6. Provide a complete description for the entire scope of work
on the plans.
b. Notarized Letter of Authorization for agents.
7. Provide the following with each set of plans:
c. Copy of Contractors State License or pocket ID.
Floor Plans Four Elevations
d. Copy of City of Los Angeles business tax registration Construction Section Foundation Plans
certificate or newly paid receipt for one. Framing Plans Structural Details
7. CLEARANCES 8. Remove all plans, details or notes that do not pertain to the
Obtain all the clearances noted on the attached project.
“Clearance Summary Worksheet”. To prevent any time
9. Provide a fully dimensioned plot plan to scale showing:
delay, please go to each listed agency immediately for
Change in yard reduction Legal Description
sign-offs. Each agency’s process of approval may take
Building Lines Alley / Street Center
some time. Note that all conditions of approval must be met
Parking Space Area of Work
to obtain the permit and/or final inspection approval.
Use/Size of all Buildings Property Lines


(Allow time for discretionary approval process from City Planning if zoning requirements can’t be met.)
1. Show on plans that no required parking spaces have been 5. Plans shall be drawn to scale (around 1/8’’=1’), showing
compromised or removed. Show that the existing backup aisle widths, circulation driveway, stall widths, and stall width
aisles and turning radius will be maintained and not affected. increase for obstructions and end stall conditions. 12.21A5
6. Show that (______) minimum driveway width is maintained.
2. Plans show a reduction in parking. Provide ( ) paved 12.21.A5(f)
parking spaces per latest Certificate of Occupancy or latest
7. Clearly show on plan, existing fence wall surrounding the
permit on record noting the required parking.
parking and driveway area. A 5’-9” high wall is required along
12.21A4, 12.21A5
the interior lot line(s) and 3’ max high wall along the property
3. Projection of ( ) into the ( ) yard/passageway line(s) fronting a street. A solid concrete or masonry wall of 6”
is not permitted or limited to ( ). 12.22C20 thick construction is required for parking areas with over 4 cars
4. Relocated and/or new parking spaces shall comply with
current Zoning Code requirements. Comply with parking 8. Comply with Zoning Information file # ____.
design standards. 12.21A.5(h)

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 2/9/2020) Page 2 of 12

1. Provide table of contents in the calculation package, Specify the following items on plans:
identifying the pages of each topic, i.e. seismic mass, base
Type of soil and bearing value per
shear, shear transfer, drag strut, and foundation design.
Standard 2,500 psi concrete (>2 stories 3000 psi)
2. Identify and reference all sections and details as to their
3,000 psi min. for grade beams and piles/piers.
location on the plan and elevation views.
Type and f’m of masonry units. Proportions of mortar
3. Include the following summary in the calculation package and grout mixes.
for wall line along gridline(s) , , and . Type of Structural Steel, Structural Pipe, Tubing,
a. Number of stories Reinforcing bars.
b. Tributary Area Grade, species, and moisture content of all lumber.
c. Tributary Width – ½ of the distance to next shear wall Type and grade of plywood sheeting.
line plus length of cantilever (if any)
d. Tributary Length Structural Observation is required for this project. The
e. Roof Dead Load engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program,
f. Dead Load of each floor including the name(s) of the individuals or firms who will
g. Partition load perform the work. The inspection program shall be shown
h. Exterior wall load on the first sheet of the structural plans. Owner to sign
i. Solid wall percentage Structural Observation form prior to permit issuance.
j. Length – include perpendicular direction 91.1704
k. Height of the wall
Include the following (Steel Moment Frame)
4. Justify that the wall line along gridline or Connected components
(N, S, E, W) elevation is/are not weak, soft, or open-front wall Removal of backing bars
lines. Placement of reinforcing fillets
5. Provide pier/wall lengths and weak story calculations on the Presence of continuity plates
plans for each building elevation for field verification. Include Welding of continuity plates
type of wall construction material for verification. Presence and type of doubler plates
Welding of doubling plates
6. Provide key plan to verify tributary area. Configuration and finish of access holes
Placement of beam stiffeners
7. Submit structural calculations / design details for
Contour and finish of RBS profile
Placement of weld for web connection
Type and placement of bolts
8. Provide calculations and detailing for complete load path. Inaccessible conditions
The following structural products shall comply with an
9. A floor plan of the building is required to show the location
of proposed retrofit. The floor plan must also show exiting approved Los Angeles City Research Report. Copy the
scheme from the building in which moment frames will be conditions of approval onto the plans and show
placed. compliance with those conditions.

10. The plans and/or structural analysis are incomplete. A Hold-downs Prefab Shear Wall Panels
resubmittal is required and additional fees will apply. Epoxy Anchors Expansion Anchor Bolts
11. Structural plans, details, and calculations are required for
Straps Moment Frame
Others such as ________________
the construction of moment frames.
Add the following notes onto plans:
12. The engineer or architect shall provide the following
statement on the approved plans a. Contractors responsible for the construction of a
seismic force resisting system/component listed in the
“I am responsible for designing this building’s seismic “Statement of Special Inspection” shall submit a written
strengthening in compliance with the minimum regulations of statement of responsibility to the LADBS Inspectors and
the Mandatory Earthquake Hazard Reduction. In Existing the owner prior to the commencement of work on such
Wood-Frame Buildings with Soft, Weak, or Open-Front Walls system or component. 91.1709.1 1
(LABC Chapter 93).”
b. Pre-Construction Meeting: Upon excavation and
exposure of existing structural elements and
connections and prior to installation of any new
structural elements or members, the owner or owner’s

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 3 of 12

representative shall arrange a pre-construction meeting High strength bolting
to be attended by the engineer or architect responsible Sprayed-on fireproofing
for the structural design, contractor and the building High-lift grouting
inspector. The purpose of the meeting shall be to ____________________ 91.1705
identify the major structural elements, connections and d. Foundation sills shall be naturally durable or
existing conditions that affect the vertical and lateral preservative-treated wood. 91.2304.12.1
load systems of the structure and to review scheduling e. Field welding to be done by welders certified by LADBS
of the required observations. for:
c. Contractor is responsible for temporary shoring Structural Steel
design by registered design engineer Reinforcing Steel
Light Gauge Steel
d. Temporary shoring not to be removed until new
foundation is capable of taking gravity loads f. Shop welds must be performed in a LADBS licensed
fabricator’s shop.
e. Provide lead hole 40% - 70% of threaded shank
diameter and full diameter for smooth shank portion. g. LADBS licensed fabricator is required for
Structural Steel
f. Special inspection by a deputy inspector is required
for shear panels where the fastener spacing of the
sheathing is 4 inches on center or less.
g. A copy of the Los Angeles Research Report and/or
1. Earthquake design data - The following information
conditions of listing shall be made available at the job
related to seismic loads shall be shown on the plan.
91.1603.1.5, 91.1603.1.6
h. Provide standard details of splice, hooks and
development length for all sizes of reinforcing bars. a. Seismic importance factor I, and risk category.
b. Mapped spectral response accelerations, Ss and S1.
i. Gas pipes not allowed in grade beam unless
c. Site class.
approval is obtained from Gas Company. d. Spectral response coefficients, SDs and SD1.
j. Provide details for possible pipe intrusion e. Seismic design category.
Special Inspection or testing is required. The registered f. Basic seismic-force-resisting system(s).
design professional in “responsible charge” shall include a g. Design base shear. Total weight of building.
“Statement of Special Inspections” noted on the plan as h. Seismic response coefficient(s), Cs.
i. Response modification factor(s), R.
follows: 91.1705 j. Analysis procedure used.
a. The owner or the registered design professional in k. Redundancy factor used.
responsible charge acting as the owner’s agent shall l. The design load bearing value of soils
employ one or more deputy inspectors to perform 2. Seismic Design Category (SDC) shall be based on LABC
inspections during construction on the types of work Table 1613.2.5(1) and Table 1613.2.5(2). When S1, is
that require special inspections greater than or equal to 0.75, the building shall be assigned to
b. Continuous Special Inspection by a registered SDC E for Risk Category I, II, or III and assigned to SDC F for
deputy inspector is required for: Risk Category IV.

Field welding 3. Design Base Shear

Special moment resisting concrete frame a. The design base shear shall be 75 percent of the value
High load wood diaphragms per 12.8-1 of ASCE 7. 91.9309.2
Driven deep foundation
Cast-in place deep foundations b. The upper system has a lower response modification
Concrete strength f’c>2,500 psi coefficient, the design coefficients (R, Ω0, Cd) of the upper
High strength bolting system shall be used for the strengthening system. ASCE
Sprayed-on fireproofing 7-16 Sec.
High-lift grouting
Note: However, R need not be less than 3.5 provided the
_____________________ 91.1705
strengthened structure will not have any vertical structural
c. Periodic Special Inspection by a registered deputy
irregularities as defined in ASCE 7. The deflection
inspector is required for:
amplification factor Cd value shall be 3 and overstrength
Wood shear wall factor, Ω0, shall be 3 which are consistent with the R value
Special moment resisting concrete frame of 3.5 as specified in the seismic provisions of ASCE 7 for
High load wood diaphragms the lateral resisting system. Cantilever Column Systems
Shear panels shall still use the corresponding values.
Cast-in place deep foundations
Concrete strength f’c>2,500 psi

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 4 of 12

c. Where a combination of different structural systems is 11. Deformation Compatibility. Every structural component not
utilized to resist lateral forces in the same direction, the included in the seismic force-resisting system in the direction
value of R used for design in that direction shall not be under consideration shall be designed for the gravity load
greater than the least value of R for any of the systems effects and seismic forces from displacement due to design
utilized in that direction. ASCE 7-16 Sec. story drift per Section 12.8.6. ASCE 7-16 Sec. 12.12.5


a. Consider 10psf partition load per floor area. Provide calculations and details to show diaphragm
ASCE 7-16 Sec.12.7.2 adequacy and shear transfer to the seismic resisting
b. Consider 15 psf roof and floor dead load element.
c. Include roof and floor dead load, psf, on drawings and a. Diaphragm cantilever is greater than 25% of
next to framing plan on each level. diaphragm depth.
d. Consider ceiling framing and finishing weight for sloped
b. Diaphragm exceeds allowable values for existing
e. Add 15 psf to floor dead load for concrete topping.
f. Add note under the floor and roof dead load on plans that Diaphragm aspect ratio shall not exceed 3:1.
there is no concrete topping assumed in dead load Provide calculations and details on the plans for the
calculations. Contractor to verify in field. sub-diaphragm and continuous cross-tie system required
g. Consider 15 psf, exterior wall weight, per sf of wall, for all wood diaphragms providing lateral support to
(direct or perpendicular to the grid line) or provide detailed existing masonry or concrete walls. The spacing of
exterior wall dead load calculations. continuous ties shall not exceed 40 ft. per 91.1613.5.3.
h. Consider 5 psf for existing or possible future installation
Ties, Continuity, and Collectors All parts of the
of solar panels on the roof.
structure shall be interconnected and capable of resisting
i. Consider exterior walls both in direction and the seismic force required. Provide calculations and
perpendicular to the direction of soft wall line in seismic details to show that collector elements, splices, and
connections to resisting elements have the strength to
j. Consider 8 psf for existing or new stucco cover under the resist the combined loads resulting from the load
existing ceiling above parking area. combinations with overstrength factor per ASCE 7-16
5. Strengthening system with concrete walls or masonry walls Sec. and Sec.
or steel braced frames shall not be permitted 91.9309.3
a. Where cantilever diaphragm is required to transfer
6. Horizontal Structural Irregularities in buildings with 3 or seismic forces from above vertical resisting elements,
more stories shall meet the additional requirements of ASCE the forces shall be added to Fpx
7, referenced in Table 12.3-1 “Horizontal b. The design forces shall be increased to 25% per
Structural Irregularities” 91.9309.4 ASCE 7-16 Sec.
7. Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces over the height of c. Where the existing LFRS above the SWOF wall line
the structure shall be based on ASCE 7-16 Section 12.8.3. consists of stucco, drywall or other shearwall systems,
the EOR shall provide analysis and details
8. Anchorage Requirements for Buildings on Hillsides. Any
demonstrating how shear transfer is maintained at the
portion of a building constructed on or into a slope steeper than
existing shearwalls.
one unit vertical in three units horizontal (33% slope), must
d. Provide analysis and details to demonstrate that
comply with the provisions of LAMC Division 94. 91.9309.6
additional demands on elements are properly
9. Story Drift Limitations transferred due to an offset. Demands shall be amplified
a. The calculated story drift for each retrofitted story shall not per ASCE 7-16 Section 12.4.3.
exceed the allowable deformation compatible with all vertical Lumber and structural wood panel diaphragms shall
load-resisting elements and 0.025 time the story height not be considered as transmitting lateral forces by
91.9309.7 rotation.
b. Calculate seismic drift based on deflections of each level
with Cd and I factors using strength level forces in accordance ALTERNATIVE DESIGN METHODS
with ASCE 7-16 Sec.12.8.6.
Pursuant to Section 104.2.6, LADBS has approved the following
c. Verify that the stiffness of the strengthened system is alternative design methodologies whose objective is to improve
greater than 70% of the Stiffness of the floor above or limit the
the whole first story seismic performance. 91.9309.5
drift ratio to 2.0%.
1. Appendix Chapter A4, 2020 Los Angeles Existing Building
10. Direction of Loading. Resisting systems used in multiple
Code with the following conditions:
shear lines shall meet the requirements of ASCE 7 Sec.12.5
a. Comply with all standards as prescribed.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 5 of 12

2. ASCE 41-13, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing c. All wood structural panel joint and sill plate nailing shall
Buildings with the following conditions be staggered at all panel edges.
a. Design to meet the Rehabilitation Objective (Section 1.4) 8. Provide calculations and details for drag struts and drag
(Life Safety Performance Level: S–3) for the BSE–1 strut connections to shear walls.
earthquake hazard level. 9. Provide referenced calculations showing the overturning
b. Retrofit strength need not exceed 1.3 times the strength moments in the shear wall segments.
of story above.
10. Per structural calculations, show size, location and
3. FEMA P-807, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Multi-Unit embedment length of all anchor bolts (including HD bolt
Wood-Frame Buildings with Weak First Stories with the anchors) on foundation plan.
following conditions.
11. Provisions under Section 1901.3 do not apply to anchors
a. The entire story must be analyzed and designed.
installed in hardened concrete subject to earthquake loads.
b. The spectral demand shall be 0.5SMS, calculated in Justify the capacity of tie down bolt in concrete
accordance with ASCE 7-16 Section 11.4. footing/wall/deck per ACI 318-14 Chapter 17 with factored
design loads. 91.1901.3
c. Acceptable performance level shall be based on drifts
corresponding to Onset of Strength Loss in the seismic 12. When bolting to an existing footing, provide a copy of the
force-resisting wood-frame elements. LA Research Report approval for the type of bolt, allowable
design loads and required edge distances. Deputy inspection
d. The maximum limit probability of exceedance (POE) for
is required.
evaluation/retrofit design shall be 20%.
13. Provide LARR number for hold-down connectors. The
e. Limit diaphragm ratio to 2:1.
capacity of hold-down connectors that do not consider cyclic
loading of the product shall be reduced to 75% of the allowable
earthquake load values. 91.2305.5
1. Provide a shear wall schedule on the plans and specify the
maximum design shear load for each shear wall type. Limit 14. Hold-down straps - Include the following in design and
the design shear wall loads to those allowed by Code. Clearly detailing between floors:
indicate on the plans all plywood and drywall shear walls.
a. Design and detail straps installation when used as hold-
2. The is inadequate to resist lateral/ uplift forces. downs across floor joists. Account for reduced number of
Show roof/floor diaphragm nailing, wall bracing, shear nails across joist.
connections, tie downs and hold-down anchors. Submit lateral b. Determine the allowable load based on the number of
design. nails through the strap into the posts above and below the
3. Provide shear connection details, properly referenced, at "Dead Space" between floors. Specify the number of nails
the top and bottom of all shear walls. required.
4. The horizontal distribution of seismic shear to wood c. Design and detail straps so that the minimum nail
structural panel shear walls shall be in accordance to ASCE spacing will be provided when the strap nailing is combined
7-16 Section with the shear wall edge nailing (i.e. provide 4x member
wherever a strap and shear wall edge nailing occur or detail
5. Wood structural panel shear walls shall meet the story drift strap nailed over and through un-nailed plywood--show
limitation of ASCE 7-16 Section 12.12.1 Conformance shall nailing pattern on plan).
be determined by testing or calculations. Calculated deflection
15. Add the following notes on the plans:
shall be determined according to Equation 4.3-1 of SDPWS.
91.2305.3 a. Hold-down connector bolts into wood framing require
6. Limit the height-width ratio of the plywood (wood structural approved plate washers; and hold-downs shall be finger
panels) shear walls, perforated shear wall segments, tight and ½ wrench turn just prior to covering the wall
perforated shear walls and shear wall piers to 2:1. Provide framing. Connector bolts into wood framing require steel
complete calculations (including deflection) and details for plate washers on the post on the opposite side of the
shear wall with openings. T’ 4.3.4 SDPWS-2015 anchorage device. Plate size shall be a minimum of 0.299
inch by 3”x3”. 91.2305.5
7. The following applies to all shear walls with a shear values
using allowable stress design (ASD) exceed 350 plf or load b. Roof diaphragm nailing must be inspected before
and resistance factor design (LRFD) exceed 500 plf. These covering. Face grain of plywood shall be perpendicular to
walls shall be clearly identified on the plans and provided with supports. Floor shall have tongue and groove or blocked
the following: 91.2306.3 panel edges. Plywood spans shall conform to Table 2304.7.
a. 3 x studs and blocks for all framing members receiving c. All diaphragm and shear wall nailing shall utilize
edge nailing from abutting panels. common nails or galvanized box.
b. 1/2" edge distance from the panel edges and 3/8" from d. All bolt holes shall be drilled 1/32" to 1/16" oversized.
the edge of the connecting members. Sec. 11.1.3, 2015 NDS

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 6 of 12

Hold-down hardware must be secured in place prior to 9. Clearly identify on the plan the location and length of the
foundation inspection. expected plastic hinging zone. No welded, screwed, bolted,
or shot-in attachment is permitted within this zone. AISC 341
Sec. I2-1 and D1-3
10. Column and beam members used in SMF or IMF shall meet
1. Structural design drawings and specifications shall indicate
the width-to-thickness (lh d ) limitations of T’D1.1 per AISC 341
the work to be performed, and include items required by AISC
Chapter D. AISC 341 Sec.D1-1b
341, AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings
and Bridges, and the 2020 LABC. Obtain a copy “Standard 11. Provide a beveled transition detail where changes in
Quality Assurance Plan for Steel Moment Frames” sheet 1, 2, thickness and width of flanges and webs occur in complete
and 3; and include with the final set of plans. joint penetration groove welded column splices.
AWS D1.1 2.7.1,
2. Clearly identify in the structural calculations and structural
plans what type of steel moment frame system the building is 12. Column splices shall be located 4 ft or more away from
designed for. Note on plan “The Lateral Force Resisting the beam-to-column flange connections, except:
System for this building is a (Special Moment Frame) AISC 341 D2-5a
(Intermediate Moment Frame) (Ordinary Moment Frame).
a. W hen the column clear height between beam-to-
3. Steel Moment Frames Limitations ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 column flange connections is less than 8 ft. (2.4 m), splices
shall be at half the clear height.
a. Ordinary Moment Frame is not permitted in Seismic
Design Category D, E, or F unless the conditions below are b. Column splices with webs and flanges joined by
met. (Refer to Structural Design Guidelines for Steel complete-joint-penetration groove welds are permitted to be
Moment Frames for more information). located closer to the beam-to-column flange connections,
but not less than the depth of the column.
i.Structural Height of 35 feet
ii.Maximum 35 psf dead load per floor (including partitions) c. Splices in composite columns.
iii.Exterior wall weight does not exceed 20 psf 13. Splice plates or channels used for making web splices in the
b. Intermediate Moment Frame is not permitted in Seismic SFRS columns shall be placed on both sides of the column
Design Category E or F unless the conditions below are met web. Detail this on the plan. AISC 341 Sec.D2-5d
(Refer to Structural Design Guidelines for Steel Moment
Frames for more information. 14. Groove welds for column splices shall be complete -joint-
penetration groove welds that meet the requirement of AISC
i. Structural Height of 35 feet 341 A3-4b and I2-3 for demand critical welds. W eld tabs
ii. Maximum 35 psf dead load per floor (including partitions) shall be re-moved upon completion of weld. AISC 341 E3-6a
iii. Exterior wall weight does not exceed 20 psf of wall 15. Panel zone doubler plates shall comply with the
4. Variations/alterations to prequalified connections and requirements per AISC 341 E3-6e(3) as:
connections qualified by cyclic tests, such as additional a. Doubler plates in contact with the column web.
haunches or cover plates and additional welds, or
b. Spaced doubler plates.
deviations/alterations from the tested weld access hole
c. Doubler plates used with continuity plates.
configuration at moment connections are not permitted.
d. Doubler plates used without continuity plates.
5. (Column W eak Axis) (Skewed) (Dual Axis) moment 16. Continuity plate for SMF or IMF connections shall be
connection is not permitted. detailed on the plan to match the prequalified connections in
6. For Reduced Beam Section (RBS) moment connections, AISC 358 or connection prequalified in accordance with
comply with AISC 358 Section 5.3 for prequalification limits. Section K1 or tested in accordance with Section K2. AISC
341 Sec.E3-6f
7. For Bolted Unstiffened/Stiffened Extended End Plate
(BUEEP, BSEEP) moment connections, comply with AISC 358 a. For two-sided connections, the minimum thickness of
Section 6.3 for Prequalification limits. Note: SMF systems in continuity plate shall be equal to that of the thicker of beam
direct contact with concrete structural slabs are not prequalified, flanges (or beam-flange connection plate). For one-sided
unless they comply with AISC 358 6.2. connections, continuity plate thickness shall be at least one
half of the thickness of the beam flange (or beam-flange
8. For other prequalified moment connections, comply with connection plate).
AISC 358 Section 7.3, 8.3, 9.3, 10.3, 11.3, 12.3, 13.3, and
14.3 for pre-qualification limits. b. Continuity plates shall be welded to column webs using
groove welds or fillet welds. AISC 341 Sec.E3-6f

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 7 of 12

17. Continuity plate for OMF connection shall be detailed on strength and tensile strength as determined using the load
the plan in accordance with sections J10.1, J10.2 and J10.3 combinations stipulated in the 2020 LABC including the
of AISC 360. AISC 341 Sec. E1–6b amplified seismic load. AISC 341 Sec.E3-5 and D1-4a
18. SMF When the beam-to-column moment ratio calculated 24. The measured flexural resistance of the connection,
using Equation (E3-1) is more than 2 (column remains determined at the column face, shall equal at least 0.80Mp of
elastic), the column flanges shall be laterally supported at the the connected beam at an inter-story drift angle of 0.04 (SMF)
level of the top flanges of the beams. AISC 341 Sec.E3-4c or 0.02 (IMF) radians. AISC 341 Sec.E3-6b
19. SMF When the beam-to-column moment ratio calculated 25. The required shear strength, Vu, of the connection
using Equation (E3-1) is less than or equal to 2 (column does shall be based on load combinations per the 2020 LABC
not remain elastic), the following requirements shall apply: that include the amplified seismic load, where the amplified
a. Column flanges shall be laterally braced at the levels of seismic load due to the effect of horizontal forces is Emh
both the top and bottom beam flanges. Stability bracing shall = 2(1.1RyMp)/Lh. AISC 341 Sec.E3-6d
be either direct by attaching the lateral bracing element to 26. Provide calculations to show that the required shear
the column flange at or near the desired bracing point to strength, Ru, of the panel-zone is less than the design shear
resist lateral buckling or, alternatively shall be indirect by strength, ΦyRy, of the panel zone. AISC 341 Sec.E3-6e
attached to the column flanges, or rather act through the
column web or stiffener plates. AISC 341 Sec.E3-4c(1) 27. Members shall be sized to provide strong column/ weak
beam in accordance with equation (E3-1) per AISC 341 E3-4a.
b. Each column-flange lateral brace shall be designed for a
required strength that is equal to 2 percent of the available 28. W here column splice occurs, provide calculation to
beam flange strength Fybftbf (LRFD) or Fybytbf/1.5 (ASD), as show that the required flexural and shear strength of column
appropriate. AISC 341 Sec.E3-4c(1) splices satisfy AISC 341 E3-6g, and AISC 341 D2-5.

20. SMF Where unbraced connections occur in special cases 29. The shape of web access holes shall be in accordance
such as two-story frames, atriums and similar architectural with subclause of AWS D1.8/ D1.8M. W eld access
hole quality requirements shall be in accordance with
spaces. Comply with AISC 341 E3-4c(2) for unbraced Beam-
subclause 6.10.2 of AWS D1.8/D1.8M.
to-Column connections to avoid lateral-torsional buckling of AISC 341 Sec.E1-6b(c)
column. AISC 341 Sec.E3-4c(2) 30. Column and beam members are limited to wide flanges
21. SMF Beams shall be braced to satisfy the requirements for only, except for steel moment frame with “Symmetrical
highly ductile members per AISC 341 D1- 2b Shapes” in IB P/BC 2017-098 T’1, 2, 3.
AISC 341 Sec.E3-4b
31. Fully restrained moment connections that are part of the
a. Both flanges of beams shall be laterally braced or the
beam cross section shall be torsionally braced. SFRS shall satisfy at least one of the following requirements:
AISC 341 Sec.E1-6b
b. The unbraced length between lateral supports shall not
exceed 0.086ryE/Fy. AISC 341 Sec.D1-2b a. The required flexural strength shall be equal to 1.1RyMp
c. Lateral supports shall be provided near concentrated (LRFD) or (1.1/1.5) RyMp (ASD). The required shear strength,
forces, changes in cross-section and other locations where Vu or Va, shall be based on the load combinations stipulated in
analysis indicates that a plastic hinge will form during 2017 LABC including the amplified seismic load, where the
inelastic deformations.
amplified seismic load due to the effect of horizontal forces,
d. The required strength of lateral bracing shall be including overstrength is Emh= 2(1.1RyMp)/Lcf.
Mr=RyFyZ (LRFD) or Mr=RyFyZ/1.5 (ASD), and the
required strength of lateral bracing of each flange b. Fully restrained moment connections shall be designed for
provided adjacent to plastic hinges shall be at least; Pu= a required flexural strength and a required shear strength equal
0.06RyFyZ/ho (LRFD) or Pu= (0.06/1.5)RyFyZ/ho (ASD) and to the maximum moment and corresponding shear that can be
required stiffness shall meet the requirements of transferred to the connection by the system, including the
Appendix 6 of the AISC 360. AISC 341 D1-2c effects of material overstrength and strain hardening.
e. The required strength of lateral bracing provided adjacent
to plastic hinges for concrete encased composite beams c. Fully restrained moment connections between wide flange
shall be Pu = 0.06Mp,exp/ho. beams and the flanges of wide flange columns shall either
satisfy the requirements of section E2.6 or E3.6, or satisfy all
22. SMF The individual thicknesses of column webs and
conditions listed on E1.6b(c)
doubler plates, shall not be less than that specified in equation
(E3-7). AISC 341 E3-6e (2) 32. Provide width-to-thickness ratios of members for OMF to
comply with AISC 360 requirements. AISC 341 Sec.E1 - 5a
23. Column members shall satisfy the requirements of AISC
341 D1-1 for highly ductile members. The compressive axial 33. Provide detail for top of column bracing per AISC 360 App. 6

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 8 of 12

34. Provide calculations for design of members for combined SOFT/WEAK/OPEN FRONT WALL LINE
forces and torsion per AISC 360 Chapter H (AISC Design 1. Wall lines with ratio of less than 80% for total full height
Guide 9) length piers of the first floor over the second floor are weak
and will require retrofit.
2. Only piers with h/b < 2 will qualify for weak story calculation.
1. Pole Structures shall include the effects of rotation and soil
This does not apply to open front wall line condition comparison.
stiffness. Deflection calculations shall be based on approved
Soils/Geology Report. Provide a copy of the approved report 3. Provide dimensions of piers at the first and second floor to
and the Department’s approval letter. match calculations.
ASCE 7 Sec.
2. P-Delta Effect - shall comply with ASCE 7 Sec. 12.8.7
1. Justify wall line perpendicular to open wall line is not a weak
3. Stress analysis of cantilevered columns shall have an and/or soft wall line or provide retrofit design.
effective length factor of 2.1 for the direction normal to the axis
of the beam. 91.9309.9 2. New lateral load bearing system to be designed to take
seismic load of entire length of building not just the open area.
4. Steel Ordinary Cantilever Column System is not permitted
in Seismic Design Category D, E, or F per ASCE 7 Table 3. Maximum allowable shear of stucco walls with h/b < 2.0 is
12.2-1 unless the conditions below are met: 100plf.

i. Structural Height of 35 feet 4. Limit the deflection of new lateral system to 1.25% for
deformation compatibility with existing stucco wall.
5. Steel Special Cantilever Column System is limited to a
Structural Height of 35 feet in Seismic Design Category D,
E, and F per ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1
1. All foundations shall be designed for expansive soil
6. Special cantilevered columns used as part of the seismic- conditions unless a soil report is provided and approved by
force resisting system, shall comply with the following: LADBS Grading Division (see Information Bulletin for more
a. Maximum axial stress of 15% of allowable. information). Provide details on foundation plans to comply
AISC 341-16 Sec. E5, E6 with the requirements.
b. Columns designed as SCCS shall use R, Cd and Ωo 2. Detail (and reference location on foundation plan) typical
factors as per Section G.1 of T’ 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-16.
foundation sections for:
c. The lowest R value shall be used in the same direction
unless the building is a Risk Category I or II building that does a. Bearing/shear walls
not exceed 2 stories in height and light frame construction or b. Spread and/or post pads
flexible diaphragms are used. ASCE 7 Sec. c. Grade beams
d. Columns designed as SCCS shall comply with the d. New to existing footing connections
requirements of T’ D1.1 of AISC 341-16 for highly ductile
members. e. Existing footing to new grade beam
e. Columns designed as SCCS shall be braced to satisfy the 3. Concrete grade beams that are part of a moment frame or
moderately ductile bracing requirements of D1.2a of AISC cantilever column system shall provide transverse
341-10. reinforcement over a length equal to twice the member depth
i. Spacing: Lb = 0.17ryE/Fy measured from the face of the supporting member. The
spacing of such reinforcement shall not exceed: (a) d/4, (b) 6
ii. Flexural Strength: Mr = RyFyZ (LRFD) or Mr = RyFyZ/1.5 times the diameter of the smallest primary flexural rebar
(ASD) excluding longitudinal skin rebar, or (c) 6 inches. The
f. Label and Dimension Protected Zones remainder of the grade beam shall have transverse
7. Provide calculations for design of members for combined reinforcement spaced not more than d/2.
forces and torsion per AISC 360 Chapter H (AISC Design ACI 318 Sec,, 18.6.3, 18.6.4, and 18.6.5
Guide 9) a. Grade beams supporting special moment frames shall
use A706 reinforcing steel.
8. Where new columns are installed below existing gravity
members, these existing members shall be analyzed and 4. Foundations designed to support cantilevered columns
detailed to resist the additional rotational moment in each used as part of the SFRS shall have the strength to resist the
orthogonal direction. load combinations with overstrength factor of Section
of ASCE 7-16.

5. Provide justification that the embedded column/grade beam

connection detail is fixed as assumed in your design.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 9 of 12

6. Provide calculations for required transfer reinforcement per 15. Add note on the plans:
AISC 341 Section H5.5c.
a. If adverse soil conditions are encountered, a soils
7. Run analysis including grade beam and calculate the investigation report may be required. 91.1803.5.2
deflection of moment frame/ cantilevered columns based on
b. No impact tools shall be permitted when removing
cracked moment of inertia of grade beam.
existing footing. Saw cutting the existing footing only is
8. Justify grade beam concrete bearing pressure at fixed base allowed.
column flange location.
9. Foundations shall be designed accordingly
1. Fire resistance rated construction. Steel beams and
a. Bearing capacity shall not exceed the allowable 1806.2
columns shall be protected as required for 1-hour protection.
b. Resist seismic overturning 1808.3.1
Where ceiling forms the protective membrane for fire-resistive
c. Resist sliding 1605.1.1, 1806.2, 1806.3 assemblies (occupancy separations and rated roof/ceiling or
i. Sliding resistance is limited to half the dead load floor/ceiling assemblies), the construction (floor joists) and
1806.3.2 their supporting horizontal structural members (beams) need
ii. Limit cohesion to 130 psf not be individually fire protected except where such members
iii. Limit passive pressure to 100 psf/ft support directly applied loads from more than one floor or roof.
iv. Coefficient of friction=0 (without an approved soils report) The required fire resistance shall not be less than that required
v. Do NOT use sides in sliding calculations for individual protection of members. 91.704.3
d. Punching shear ACI 318-14 Sec. 22.6 2. The means of egress has been compromised due to the
strengthening system(s). Provide an alternative path of egress
10. If fixed end condition is assumed, the concrete grade beam
or relocate the strengthening system. LABC Ch.10
shall be designed as a moment reaction.
3. Provide/dimension the required minimum 7’-0” clear height
11. Individual spread footings shall be interconnected by
within the parking area. 91.406.4.1
concrete tie beams unless site class is confirmed not to be E
or F by a LADBS approved soils report
12. Anchorage to Concrete in shear and tensions should be
designed for the following:
a. Ductility check must first be performed to provide a
reasonable expectation, based on nominal strengths, that
the anchor element will have yielded when ultimate load is
reached ACI 318-14 Sec.
b. The anchorage design to be controlled by ductile yielding
of the attachment.
ACI 318-14 Sec.
c. The anchorage design to be controlled by the strength of
a non-yielding attachment
ACI 318-14 Sec.
d. The anchor design strengths to be greater than or equal
to the factored tension load inclusive of an Ω0 overstrength
factor in the earthquake component (E) of the factored load
ACI 318-14 Sec.
13. Foundations with stem walls shall be reinforced with a
minimum of two No. 4 bars at the top of the wall and two No.
4 bars at the bottom of the footing. 91.1905.1.7
14. Site drainage: Show on plans how concentrated drainage
is being conveyed to the street via non-erosive devices.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 10 of 12


Items Code Sec.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 11 of 12

Items Code Sec.

As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon
request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.

PC/STR/Corr.Lst.114 (Rev. 4/24/2019) Page 12 of 12

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