Lesson Plan: School of Education
Lesson Plan: School of Education
Lesson Plan: School of Education
Year Level: EYLF Links: Students’ Prior Knowledge:
1 Outcome 1.1, 1.2, Students have been exposed to a
1.4, 2.1 and 3.1 variety of different new terms which
are from the U R Strong program.
Some students are beginning to use
Content Descriptors: these words when sorting out
Positive ways to react to their own friendship problems.
emotions in different situations, such Students have become familiar and
as: walking away, seeking help and understand the zones of regulation
remaining calm clearly.
(ACPPS020). This is the second lesson focusing
on the U R Strong friend-o-meter.
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
Identify and describe the emotions associated with the three different stages of the friend-o-meter.
Friend-o-meter. Enable:
Paper Help with spelling and letter
Pencils and markers. formations.
Support with showing what they
wrote previously.
Write a description of their word.
Do the trickier section which is
Checklist whether their word works and if they can explain it.
Time: Motivation and Introduction:
1. Get students to sit in a safe circle.
2 min
2. Ask students to remind each other about the three levels of the
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key
1. Have an open discussion about some unhealthy friendship
moments (without naming names) and healthy friendship
10 min moments they have had over the week.
2. Tell students that you are super impressed with how the
friend-o-meter collage has come about.
3. Inform students that each student will add on a piece of paper
5 min in their best writing an emotion or feeling that comes in each
stage of the friend-o-meter. Ask students to remind each other
about these.
Paper, pencil, marker.
10 min 4. Get students to complete their one word with pencil then
5. Ask students to share their word and a description with a
6. Once they have finished they are able to have a play.
2 min 1. Get each student to say their emotion before they leave for