Term Paper Proposal - 20CH003

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(Ministry of Industries)
4, Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka

Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management


(Academic Year-2020)

Term Paper Proposal

“Human Resources Policies and Procedures-A case study of
Omera Petroleum Limited”

Submitted to Submitted By
Md. Mahbub ul Alam Md. Abdulla Al Mamun
Senior Management Counsellor & Roll: 20CH003
Project Director, Strengthening of BIM Dhaka PGDHRM, Evening Batch-I
Project Chittagong Campus
Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)

22nd June, 2021

Table of Contents Page

1.0 Title 1

2.0 Background 1

3.0 Objectives 2

3.1 Major Objective 2

3.2 Specific Objectives 2

4.0 Key Variables 2

5.0 Scope of the Study 2

6.0 Methodology 2

6.1 6.1 Sampling and Sample Size 2

6.2 6.2 Sources of information 2
a) a) Primary Data sources 3
b) b) Secondary Data Sources 3
c) 6.3 Data collection tools and Techniques 3
d) 6.3.1 Technique for data collection 3
e) 6.3.2 Tools for data collection 3
6.3.3 Data Processing 3
g) 6.3.4 Data analysis 3
7.0 Study Plan 4


Title: “Human Resources Policies and Procedures-A case study of Omera Petroleum Limited”
1. Background: Within various types of organizations, the employees as well as the employers need to carry out
their job duties in accordance to policies and procedures. In leading to well-being and progression and enhance
the reputation of the organization, it is necessary to formulate human resources policies and procedures. When
the human resources abide by the policies and procedures, they are not only able to implement their job duties
appropriately, but also would promote discipline within the working environment. The policies and procedures
need to be concerned in terms of various areas such as, technical, clerical, management, administration and so
forth. When the employees get recruited within the organizations, they are required to go through training and
development programs. In these programs, they are imparted with knowledge in terms of human resources
policies and procedures. When the human resources follow the policies and procedures, they are able to benefit
to a major extent. The main areas that have been taken into account in this term paper are meaning and
significance of human resources policies and procedures, types of human resources policies, and areas in which
human resources policies and procedures are implemented. When compiling the HR policies and procedures
manual, an HR consultant needs to be trained, taking into account various factors. These include, organizational
culture, legal rules and regulations and market trends. On the other hand, when the individuals are preparing
employee handbooks, they need to take into consideration various aspects. These include, HR policies and
procedures manual of the organization, present rules and regulations related to employees within the
organization, legal compliances and industry norms). Within the organizations, this is comprehensively
understood that in order to carry out one’s job duties in an appropriate manner, it is vital for the individuals to
follow the norms, principles and standards. When they adequately follow the norms, principles and standards,
they are able to carry out their job duties in a well-organized manner. When the members are working towards
formulation of policies and procedures, they need to ensure they are in accordance to the organizational
structure and organizational objectives. This aspect needs to be clearly understood by the members.
2. Importance of the Study:
Human resource policies are continuing guidelines on the approach of which an organization intends to adopt in
managing its people. A good HR policy provides generalized guidance on the approach adopted by the
organization, and therefore its employees, concerning various aspects of employment. A procedure spells out
precisely what action should be taken in line with the policies. Each organization has a different set of
circumstances and so develops an individual set of human resource policies. The location and organization
operates in will also dictate the content of its policies.
3. Objectives:
4.1. Major Objective
To examine the Human Resources Policies and Procedures of Omera Petroleum limited.
4.2. Specific Objectives
 To know the HRM policies followed in Omera Petroleum Ltd.
 To identify the various avenues for improving the HRM policies of Omera
Petroleum Ltd.
 Suggesting strategies to improve the HRM policies of Omera Petroleum Ltd.
4. Key Variables:
Policies & Procedures are essential to the health of an organization. They serve as an organization's
guiding Principles and help employees know what is expected of them with respect to standards of
behavior and performance. In my term I tried to analyzing the Policies & Procedures of Omera
petroleum ltd. like, (Service rule and policy, wage and overtime, compensation for injury by accident,
provident fund, health and hygiene, safety and security, welfare and working hours, leaves and holiday

5. Scope of the Study:

The study is specifically limited to organizational culture. It is discussing only a smaller side of organizational
policies and procedures. Through knowing the relationship among these two areas it is possible to take
necessary steps to retain the potential employees. The job environment is an important factor behind an
organization's high turnover rate. This study can facilitate the participants who have the intention to work in the
same field and other who are working in this sector. This can also be used as a reference in any relevant study in
the future.
6. Methodology :
This study is based on both primary and secondary data/ information. Primary data/information was collected
through face-to-face interview of HR personnel of Omera Petroleum Ltd. and secondary data/ information
was collected from published articles, magazines, different books,

6.1 Sampling and Sample Size:

The sample size for the study will not be large one. The sample size will be 30 with representation of the
management and front line employees concerned.

6.2 Sources of information:

Both primary and secondary data will be used to reach a convincing result.

a) Primary Data Source:
 Practical work experience of the respondents and observation
 Personal interview through a close-ended structured questionnaire of the sample population

b) Secondary Data Source:

 Online journals and articles from various websites

 Company magazine and annual report.
 Comparing with company’s other concern.

6.3 Data collection tools and Techniques:

This study will be conducted through both qualitative and empirical approach. The quantitative data
will be collected through a close-ended structured questionnaire and the qualitative will be collected
from various journals and articles. The major research techniques employed are as follows:
6.3.1 Technique for data collection:
 Conducting direct interviews with management and personnel
 Discussion with 30 employees in the organization regarding company present policies and
6.3.2 Tools for data collection:
 By using the observation schedule, interview guide, interview schedule, questionnaire, rating
scale, check list

6.3.3 Data Processing:

A series of actions to verify, organize, transform, integrate, and extract data in an appropriate output form
for subsequent use. This stage should be content

 Storage of data
 Sorting of data
 Data presentation

6.3.4 Data Analysis:

This includes data quality assurance, statistical data analysis, modeling, and interpretation of results.

7. Study Plan:
This study will be accomplish between June 15th to 27st July 2021, the study duration is Seven weeks-

Study Plan/ Work Plan/ Activity Schedule

Activity Days
1 Proposal submission & Approval 7 days
2 Designing questionnaire 4 days
3 Pre-testing Tools and Production 4 days
4 Interviewing (Data Collection) 2 Days
5 Data Analysis 10 Days
6 Preparing draft report 5 days

7 Proofing 2 days

8 Checking & Re-writing 2 days

9 Draft Report Submission 3 days

10 Final Report Submission 4 days

ACTION BY THE SUPERVISOR: Approved __________

Disapproved __________

Approved with Revision __________

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