Contractor Pre-Qualification Assesment Sheet: Mandatory Aspects of Safety Awareness

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Contractor Pre-Qualification Assesment Sheet

1. Scope: This assessment is used to assess the extent its contractor’s development and commitment to Safety. The questionnaire considers a wide range of issues
pertinent to Safety, based on the response Jwill determine if the contractor will qualify and be registered as an “Approved Contractor”.

2. Contractor Details:
Contact Person(s):
Mobile numbers
d) Email ID
3.Contractors Type of Work (Description of service):

10. Questionnaire :Guidelines to Assesment team: a.The team shall focus on the awareness / knowledge aspect of the safety instead of seeking documents.
b.The documets shall be asked only for the items against which evidence type is written as Documents. C. On any item, for which evidence is sought but not available
shall be marked "Not Acceptable(N).
Sl.No Description
. Not Acceptable (N)/
Poor(P)/ Average (A)/ Score
Good ( G)/ Very Good
Mandatory Aspects of Safety Awareness Evidence type ( V)/ Excellent (E)

How are you taking care of health and safety of your work & manpower? ( Periodic medical examination , PPE,
1 Safety supervisor))
1a Discussion related to PPE: Type of PPEs, Availability, Make , criteria for new issue and necessity None

1b Discussion Related to Safety Steward and safety officers: As regular employee, Qualification, experience, Employment
duties Details
Records of health
1c Discussion on health checkup of permannent employees by the contrator: Practice, Frequency and record
of permanent
keeping methods.
Medical examination of floating workmen polpulation prior to deployment at work site:Are your workmen
2 examined medically prior to engagement on site? Provide evidences. Are regular health check - ups carried out ?
Provide evidences.

2a Workmen medical examination : Practice, Records keeping, Health record

2b Workmen medical examination : Criteria for declaring workmen fit for industry work. None
3 Do your have Labour License for your workers ? What is the strength of workers in labor license? How many
3a are there in of
Availability your work
Valid force.
labour Are you registered under ESIC or WC Act?
Licence labour licence
3b Valid registration under ESIC / WC Registration
4 PF contribution list and last 3 PF Challan. Method of Calculation should be on actual wages rather than min. wages?
4a Availability of PF contribution List and PF Challans. List and Challan
4b Method of PF calculation on actual wages and not on min wages. Calculation sheet
5 Methods of ensuring health of mobile equipments being deployed at site
5a Whether equipments are being tested for statutary certification by 3rd party. Certificates
5b Employees who are to operate such equipments are having valid licence suitable for such equipments. Licence copies
5c Emplyees who are to operate such equipments are trained in the equipments operatin. Training records
6 Do you have idea about the hazards related to your work.
6a Hazards related to type of work ( elec/ mech/oprn etc) on which contractor is expected to be engaged as a
consequence of his expertise and experience.
6b What are methods and safegaurds against such listed hazards. None
6c What are measures deployed by the contractors during previous work at any place to eliminate hazards /
minimise risk.
What is the system or idea of Tool Box Talk? Do you conduct TBT before start of actual Job every time? How can
7 you check the effeciveness of TBT?
7a Purpose of tool box talk? None
02 TBT documents
Content of tool box talk?
of different job

7c How are benfits of tool box talk visible in the working group? None
8 What are First Aid Boxes and what do they contain? Can you describe applications of some of the contents?
8a What are first aid boxes? None
8b Content of first aid box? None
8c Application of content of first aid box? None
8d Practice of management of first aid box? None
9 Previous job related safety aspects & what has been done to overcome identified issues
9a Challenges related to safety in previous job? None
9b Efforts and measures to overcome safety challenges in previous job. None
10 Source for man power deployment
Sl.No Description
. Not Acceptable (N)/
Poor(P)/ Average (A)/
10a How will the manpower for the present assignment will be arranged? None Score
Good ( G)/ Very Good
10b What % of manpower being plananed will be from permanent employees of the company? ( 0%=N to ( V)/ Excellent (E)
10c Whether contractor is aware about skill requirements given by user? None
10d what % of job job will be sub-contracted? ( 100=N to 0% E) None
Refernce check with previous clients: Discuss safety awareness, incidences, commitment towarsd safety, safety
11 practices during work at site.
11a Positiev resposnse from the Client 1. PO copy
11b Positive resposnse from Client 2: PO copy
11c Positive resposnse from client 3 PO copy
12 Average service period of the employees
12a Avarage service period of the Engineers and diploma holders? ( < 1 year=N, 2 years=P, 3 years=A, 4 years
=G, 5 years=V, >5 years =E)
12b Average service period of the non-exeutive staff, including unskilled workers.( < 1 year=N, 2 years=P, 3
years=A, 4 years =G, 5 years=V, >5 years =E)
13 Year of registration of the company
13a Registration
Company registration : .( < 1 year=N, 2 years=P, 3 years=A, 4 years =G, 5 years=V, >5 years =E)
13b Whether the contractor has executed the jobs in last one year. PO copy
14 Turn over of last three years. : 1 mark for each 20L inr, Max 5 for 1 cr and and more
14a Turover during last Fy, None
14b Turnover during last-1 Fy None
14c Turnover during last-2 Fy None
Assess the awareness of the contractor on the relevent topics related to nature of job , he is expert in. Mark NA if
perticular aspect of safety is not aplicable to his area of expertise. If he is mechanical contractor, all aspect of safety
18 related to mechnical work and associated topics shall be assesed.

18a Working at Height : Concepts, Requirements, WAH equipments, Workers certification criteria for WAH None
18b Confined
Confined Space
Concept, requirements , Equipments, rescue equipments, workers certification criteria for WAH. None
Lock Out Tag Out
18a Lock Out Tag
Permit To WorkOut : Concept, requirements , Equipments, None
18c Permit To Safety
Work :Standards
Rights and implication of violating the PTW procedures None
18d Machine
Electrical Guarding
Safety : Concept, requirements , Equipments,, workers certification criteria for Electrical Safety. None
18e PPE :Concept,
Conveyor requirements , Equipments,
Safety None
18f Scaffolding
Scaffolding: Concept, requirements , Equipments, Types, certification, checking frequency None
Lifting & Handling
18g Lifting & Handling :Concept, requirements , Equipments, criterias, precautions None
18h Welding Safety:Concept, requirements , Equipments, None
18i Gas Cylinder Safety:Concept, requirements , practices None
18j Grinding Safety :Concept, requirements , Equipments, Practices None
18k Lifting Tools & Tackles:Concept, requirements , Equipments, certification of tools and tackles. None
18l Gassing & Asphyxia :Concept, requirements , levels,Equipments, rescue equipments, None
18m Fire Extinguisher:Concept, requirements , Equipments, training of workmen None
18n Road Safety:Concept, requirements , safety on road. None
Count of NA 0
% Score 0

Desired Aspets of Safety Awareness

2 Do you have safety rules in your organization? Please describe them. None
3 Does your company have a New employee Safety Induction Program ? None
Does your company provide Job Specific Trainings to the engaged workforce before deployment on the job ? Provide
4 evidences of training programs and the relevant records. None
Does your Organization have in operation a method or system for recording regular inspections and maintenance of
9 hand tools, machinery (cranes, vehicles, boom lifts, hoists/lifting tools, etc) and electrically operated equipment?
11 What will be suitable PPE's for the proposed jobs at Tata? None
15 Do you understand emergencies of Steel Plant? Have you handled emergency situation yourself? None
19 What is defensive driving and have you trained your persons on the same? None
20 Facilities and infrastructure which are either available at site or which areprposed to be build at site. None
If there is any other information we should have to assist us in the assessment of your capabilities to work effectively Additionally they have Group Medical &
21 on OH&S and technical training; please include it here.
Accident Policy.
Contractor Representative Name, Designation
21 Conditions and Signature
The above assesment is indicative . All Contractors, sub-contractors and their employees are expected to comply with
Tata Safety Standards & Procedures.

Tata Evaluation
Date CPQ team members:-->
Recommended as an “Tata, Approved Contractor” Yes/ No: Yes Authorised Signatory: CPQ assesment team
Sl.No Description
. Not Acceptable (N)/
Poor(P)/ Average (A)/
Type of Work Approval: Score
Good ( G)/ Very Good
( V)/ Excellent (E)

Manpower Supply for Mechanical , Electrical &

Operation Jobs

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