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Time-Bound Home Exam-2020: Purbanchal University

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Time-bound Home Exam-2020(Fall)

Master of Business Administration/First Semester/Final
Time: 03:00 hrs. (+2 hours for submission) Full Marks: 60/Pass Marks: 24
FO–514: Legal Environment of Business (New Course)
Dear Students!
• This model of examination is for you as the end of your current semester. This examination allows you
to write answer from your own place of residence. Follow the following instructions without fail.
• Do not write your name in the answer-sheet(s)
• All the answer-sheets should be sent to college through your approved email in which you have
received your question paper.
• Do not write questions in the answer-sheet but mention clearly the question number.
• All the scan/photos of answer-sheets should be clearly visible. Any blur scan/photo will not be
considered for evaluation. Responsibility lies with the students to make sure that scan/photos of the
answer-sheet are of readable quality.
• Leave 1 inch margin on each side of the answer-sheet.
• Clearly mention your Roll no, subject, program, semester, page number at the right-top of each page as
instructed by the Office of the Examination Management.
• Make sure that you send your answer-sheets within the given time. Any email received after the given
time will not be acceptable.
• You are strictly advised to write with your own handwriting and that you are not using any unfair
means to answer the questions.
• Do not consult during the examination period to any other person in answering the questions.
• Do not post any pictures of taking examination or your answer-sheets in any social-media. Found that
may be taken action from University.
Group A: (Case Study)
Compulsory Question. 1×15=15
1. Mr. XY is a member of XYZ Co. Ltd., holding some shares in his own name on which final call money
has not been paid, is denied voting right by the company at its general meeting on the ground that the
articles of association do not permit a member to vote if he has not paid the calls on the shares held by
As a company law expert give your opinion on the following issues.
(a) What are the process for calling the annual general meeting (AGM)?
(b) Who is responsible for aforesaid matter?
(c) Can XYZ company control to the Mr. XY for attend the meeting?
(d) In there any ground to filing a case against the XYZ company?
(e) Examine the validity of company’s arguments with reference to the companies Act, 2063.
Group B: (Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer TWO questions. 2×10=20
2. What do you understand by separate legal entity of the company? State the circumstances under
which the separate legal entity of the company can be ignored and liability can be imposed on the
persons regulating the affairs of the company? Discuss.
3. Explain how laws are classified. Also describe the source of business law.
4. What is mean by breach of contract? Explain the types of remedies and process of obtaining damage in
case of breach of contract.
Group C: (Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer FIVE questions. Q. (10) is Compulsory. 4×5+(5×1)=25
5. Describe the meaning of Insider Trading. Who are the persons likely to be involved in insider trading?
What do you mean by company? How does it incorporate as per Nepali law? Discuss with its

Contd. ...
6. Explain the tem “Payment in due course”. What conditions are to be satisfied for “Payment in due
7. What is the meaning of money laundering? Describe the conditions under which assets are supposed
to have laundered.
8. Explain six cyber crime that happens in our cyber space.
9. Write differences on the caveat emptor and caveat venditor.
10. Answer the following questions in a single sentence.
(a) What is precedent?
(b) Cross offer
(c) What do you mean by corporate social Responsibility?
(d) Collective bargaining
(e) Board of Directors.

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