Surface Vehicle Recommended Practice: Rev. APR2002

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400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
RECOMMENDED Issued 1952-01
PRACTICE Revised 2002-04

Superseding J18 DEC2000

Sponge and Expanded Cellular Rubber Products1

1. Scope

1.1 The SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications has concluded, that in light of the fact that SAE J18
is a mirror image of ASTM D 1056 (Vol. 8.01), SAE J18 will be eliminated in the year 2005.

1.2 This SAE Recommended Practice covers flexible cellular rubber products known as sponge rubber and
expanded rubber, but does not apply to latex foam rubber or ebonite cellular rubber. The base material for an
open/closed cellular product may be made of synthetic, natural, reclaimed rubber, or a mixture, and may
contain other polymers or chemicals, or both, which may be modified by organic or inorganic additives. These
elastomeric materials have properties similar to those of vulcanized rubber, namely (a) the ability to be
converted from a thermoplastic to a thermosetting state by crosslinking (vulcanization) and or (b) substantial
recovery of their original shapes when strained or elongated, or both.

1.3 Extruded or molded shapes of sizes too small for cutting standard test specimens are difficult to classify or test
by these methods and will usually require special testing procedures.

1.4 In case of conflict between the provisions of this general specification and those of detailed specifications or
test methods for a particular product, the latter shall take precedence. Reference to the test methods in this
document should specifically state the particular test or tests desired.

1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. English units are included for reference only.

1.6 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test methods portions of this document: This
document does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this document to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine
the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

NOTE—ASTM D 1056-98 and ISO 6916-1 are similar to this document.

1. This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-20 on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.22 on
Flexible Cellular Materials.

Current edition approved May 10 and June 10, 1997 and April 10, 1998. Published May 1998. Originally published as D 1056-49 T. Last
previous edition D 1056-98.

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely
voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”

SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.

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Copyright 2002 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
SAE J18 Revised APR2002

2. References

2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified

2.1.1 ASTM P UBLICATIONS—Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.

ASTM D 395—Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression Set2

ASTM D 471—Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids2
ASTM D 573—Test Method for Rubber—Deterioration in an Air Oven 2
ASTM D 575—Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Compression 2
ASTM D 832—Practice for Rubber Conditioning for Low-Temperature Testing 2
ASTM D 1056—Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials—Sponge or Expanded Rubber 3
ASTMD1171—Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface Ozone Cracking Outdoors or Chamber
(Triangular Specimens)2
ASTMD3182—Practice for Rubber—Materials, Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Standard
Compounds and Preparing Standard Vulcanized Sheets2
ASTM D 3183—Practice for Rubber—Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from Products2

2.1.2 ISO P UBLICATION —Available from ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002.

ISO 6916-1—Flexible Cellular Polymeric Materials; Sponge and Expanded Cellular Rubber Products—
Specification Part 1 Sheet

3. Definitions—Definitions of Terms Specific to this Document.

3.1 Cellular Material—A generic term for materials containing many cells (either open, closed, or both) dispersed
throughout the mass.

3.2 Closed Cell— A product whose cells are totally enclosed by its walls and hence not interconnecting with other

3.3 Expanded Rubber—Cellular rubber having closed cells made from a solid rubber compound.

3.4 Flexible Cellular Material—A flexible cellular organic polymeric material will not rupture within 60 s when a
specimen 200 x 25 x 25 mm (8 x 1 x 1 in) is bent around a 25 mm (1 in) diameter mandrel at a uniform rate of
one lap/5 s in the form of a helix at a temperature between 18 and 29 °C (65 and 85 °F).

3.5 Open Cell—A product whose cells are not totally enclosed by its walls and open to the surface, either directly
or by interconnecting with other cells.

3.6 Rubber—A material that is capable of recovering from large deformations quickly and forcibly, and can be, or
already is, modified to a state in which it is essentially insoluble (but can swell) in boiling solvent, such as
benzene, methyl ethyl ketone, and ethanol-toluene azeotrope.

3.6.1 D ISCUSSIO N—A rubber in its modified state, free of diluents, retracts within 1 min to less than 1.5 times its
original length after being stretched at room temperature, 20 to 27 °C (68 °F ± 81 °F) to twice its length and
held for 1 min before release.

2. Annual book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01.

3. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

3.7 Skin—The textured outer surface on the material formed during manufacture by contact with molds, cover
plate, air, or other curing medium.

3.7.1 D ISCUSSIO N—Normally, this skin is formed by contact with the mold or cover plates during manufacture.
Molded open-cell (sponge) parts usually have a skin on all surfaces, except when cut to length from longer
strips. Parts made by cutting from open-cell (sponge) sheets usually have skin on two faces and open cells
at the cut edges. Closed-cell (expanded) rubber sheets are frequently split from thicker pieces and
consequently do not have the skin faces. On some products, it is desirable to add a solid rubber skin
coating. The use to which the cellular rubber product is to be put determines the thickness of added skin
required. Products subject to abrasion or open-cell (sponge) rubber that must withstand absorption of water
or transmission of gases will ordinarily require an applied skin coating. Closed-cell (expanded) rubber does
not usually require an added skin for these reasons.

3.8 Sponge Rubber—Cellular rubber consisting predominantly of open cells made from a solid rubber compound.

4. Classification (Types, Classes, Grades, and Suffix Letters)

4.1 Types—These specifications cover two types of cellular rubber designated by the prefix numbers 1 and 2.

4.1.1 TYPE 1—Open cell rubber.

4.1.2 TYPE 2—Closed cell rubber.

4.2 Classes—Both types are divided into four classes designated by the letters A, B, C, and D added to the
number prefix.

4.2.1 C LASS A—Cellular rubber made from synthetic rubber, natural rubber, reclaimed rubber, or rubber-like
materials, alone or in combination where specific resistance to the action of petroleum base oils is not

4.2.2 C LASS B—Cellular rubber made from synthetic rubber or rubber-like materials alone or in combination,
having specific requirements for oil resistance with low mass change.

4.2.3 C LASS C—Cellular rubber made from synthetic rubber or rubber-like materials alone or in combination,
having specific requirements for oil resistance with medium mass change.

4.2.4 C LASS D—Cellular rubbers made from synthetic rubber or rubber-like materials alone or in combination
having specific requirements for extreme temperature resistance ranging from –75 to 175 °C (–103 to
347°F); but specific resistance to the action of petroleum-base oils is not required.

NOTE—ASTM Oil No. 3 is no longer available (as of December 1993). It has been replaced by IRM 9034 ,
which does not necessarily produce the same degree of swelling as ASTM #3 Oil. Comparison of
the effect of IRM 903 versus ASTM Oil No. 3, on most elastomers tested, produces a close

4. Available from R. E. Carroll, P. O. Box 139, Trenton, NJ 08801

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

4.3 Grades—Each type and class has been divided into a number of different grades. Each grade is based on a
specific range of firmness as expressed by compression-deflection (see Section 17). Grades are designated
by digit, the softer grades being identified with the lower numbers and the higher grades being identified with
the higher numbers.

4.3.1 GRADE 0—For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber, a compression-deflection range from 0 to 15 kPa (0 to 2 psi).

4.3.2 GRADE 1—For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber, a compression-deflection range from 15 to 35 kPa (2 to 5 psi).

4.3.3 GRADE 2—For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber, a compression-deflection range from 35 to 65 kPa (5 to 9 psi).

4.3.4 GRADE 3—For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber, a compression-deflection range from 65 to 90 kPa (9 to 13 psi).

4.3.5 GRADE 4—For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber, a compression-deflection range from 90 to 120 kPa (13 to

4.3.6 GRADE 5—For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber, a compression-deflection range from 120 to 170 kPa (17 to

5. Materials and Manufacture

5.1 Sponge Rubber—Sponge rubber is made by incorporating into the compound a blowing agent, such as
sodium bicarbonate, that gives off a gas which expands the mass during the vulcanization process. Sponge
rubber is manufactured in sheet, strip, molded, or special shapes. Unless otherwise specified, sheet and strip
sponge rubber shall have a natural skin on both the top and bottom surfaces. Fabric surface impressions are
ordinarily not objectionable. The coarseness of the impressions shall be agreed upon by the parties

5.2 Expanded Rubber—Closed-cell rubbers are made by incorporating gas-forming ingredients in the rubber
compound, or by subjecting the compound to high-pressure gas such as nitrogen. Expanded rubber is
manufactured in sheet, strip, molded, tube, cord, and profile shapes by molding or extruding. Unless otherwise
specified, the presence of skin on the top or bottom surfaces of sheet and strip expanded rubber shall be
optional. Extruded shapes have skin on all surfaces except cut ends.

6. Physical Properties

6.1 The various grades of cellular rubber shall conform to the physical property requirements listed in Tables 1 and
2, together with any additional requirements indicated by suffix letters in the grade designations as described
in Section 4 and Table 3.

7. Tolerances on Dimensions

7.1 Tolerances on dimensions of cellular rubber products shall be as specified in Table 4.

8. Color

8.1 Unless otherwise specified, the color of cellular rubber shall be black.

Compression Compression
Deflection Deflection
after Oven Aging, % after Oven Aging, % Oil-Aged 22 h at Compression Set, Compression Set,
Compression Change from Change from 70 °C (158 °F), 50% 50%
Deflection, 25% Original Original Change in Volume Deflection, max %, Deflection, max %, Low-Temperature
Grade Deflection (Limits), 168 h at 70 °C 22 h at 150 °C in IRM 903 22 h at 70 °C 22 h at 100 °C Flex, 5 h at
Number kPa (psi)(1) (158 °F) (302 °F) (Limits), % (158 °F) (212 °F) –55 °C (–67 °F)

Class A, Non-Oil Resistant

1A0 less than 15 (2) ±20(2) — — 15 — —
1A1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) ±20 — — 15 — —
1A2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) ±20 — — 15 — —
1A3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) ±20 — — 15 — —
1A4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) ±20 — — 15 — —
1A5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) ±20 — — 15 — —

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

Class B, Oil-Resistant, Low Mass Change (3)
1B0 less than 15 (2) ±20(2) — −25 to 10 40 — —
1B1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) ±20 — −25 to 10 40 — —
1B2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) ±20 — −25 to 10 40 — —
1B3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) ±20 — −25 to 10 40 — —

1B4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) ±20 — −25 to 10 40 — —

1B5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) ±20 — −25 to 10 40 — —

Class C, Oil-Resistant, Medium Swell(3)

1C0 less than 15 (2) ±20(2) — + 10 to 60 50 — —
1C1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) ±20 — + 10 to 60 50 — —
1C2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) ±20 — + 10 to 60 50 — —
1C3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) ±20 — + 10 to 60 50 — —
1C4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) ±20 — + 10 to 60 50 — —
1C5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) ±20 — + 10 to 60 50 — —

Class D, High-Temperature-Resistant
1D0 less than 15 (2) — ±5 — — — pass
1D1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) — ±5 — — 50 pass
1D2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) — ±5 — — 30 pass
1D3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) — ±5 — — 30 pass
1D4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) — ±5 — — 30 pass
1D5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) — ±5 — — 30 pass
1. Compression deflection ranges modified to agree with ASTM D 1056-98.
2. If this grade after aging still falls within the compression-deflection requirement of <15 kPa (2 psi), it shall be considered acceptable even though the change from the
original is greater than ±20%.
3. Terminology was changed in 1997 from low swell to low mass change to better reflect the data obtained.
A4 B1 F1 F2 F3
Compression Compression Deflection Compression Set, Low-Temperature Low-Temperature Low-Temperature
Deflection, 25% after Oven Aging, % Change 50% Deflection Flex Flex Flex
Grade Deflection (Limits), From Original, 22 h at max %, 22 h at 5 h at 5 h at 5 h at
Number kPa (psi) (1) 175 °C (347 °F) 70 °C (158 °F) –40 °C (–40 °F) –55 °C (–67 °F) –75 °C (–103 °F)

Class A, Non-Oil Resistant

1A0 less than 15 (2) — — pass pass —
1A1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) — — pass pass —
1A2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) — — pass pass —
1A3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) — — pass pass —
1A4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) — — pass pass —
1A5 120 to 170 (17 to 35) — — pass pass —

Class B, Oil-Resistant, Low Mass Change (2)

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

1B0 less than 15 (2) — — pass — —
1B1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) — — pass — —
1B2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) — — pass — —
1B3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) — — pass — —

1B4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) — — pass — —

1B5 120 to 170 (17 to 35) — — pass — —

Class C, Oil-Resistant, Medium Mass Change (2)

1C0 less than 15 (2) — 25 pass — —
1C1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) — 25 pass — —
1C2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) — 25 pass — —
1C3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) — 25 pass — —
1C4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) — 25 pass — —
1C5 120 to 170 (17 to 35) — 25 pass — —

Class D, High-Temperature-Resistant
1D0 less than 15 (2) ±25 — pass — pass
1D1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) ±25 — pass — pass
1D2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) ±25 — pass — pass
1D3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) ±25 — pass — pass
1D4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) ±25 — pass — pass
1D5 120 to 170 (17 to 35) ±25 — pass — pass
1. Compression deflection ranges modified to agree with ASTM D 1056-98.
2. Terminology was changed in 1997 from low swell to low mass change to better reflect the data obtained.

Water Fluid Immersion, Fluid Immersion,

Oven-Aged, Oven-Aged, Water Absorption, 7 Days at 7 Days at
% Change from % Change from Absorption, max weight % 23 °C (73.4 °F), 23 °C (73.4 °F),
Original Compression Original Compression max weight % Density of max weight %( 2 ) max weight %(2)
Compression Deflection Deflection Values Deflection Values Density over 160 kg/m3 Density over Density 160 kg/m3
Grade 25% Deflection (Limits) (Limits), 168 h at (Limits), 22 h at 160 kg/m3 (10 lb/ft3 ) or 160 kg/m3 (10 lb/ft 3)
Number kPa (psi)(1) 70 °C (158 °F) 150 °C (302 °F) (10 lb/ft3 ) less (10 lb/ft3 ) or less
Class A, Non-Oil Resistant
2A0 Less than 15 (2) ±30 — 5 10 — —
2A1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) ±30 — 5 10 — —
2A2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) ±30 — 5 10 — —
2A3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) ±30 — 5 10 — —
2A4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) ±30 — 5 10 — —
2A5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) ±30 — 5 10 — —

Class B, Oil Resistant, Fuel-Resistant, Low Mass Change (3)

2B0 Less than 15 (2) ±30 — 5 10 50 100

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

2B1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) ±30 — 5 10 50 100
2B2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) ±30 — 5 10 50 100
2B3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) ±30 — 5 10 50 100
2B4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) ±30 — 5 10 50 100
2B5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) ±30 — 5 10 50 100

Class C, Fuel-Resistant, Medium Mass Change( 3 )

2C0 Less than 15 (2) ±30 — 5 10 150 250
2C1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) ±30 — 5 10 150 250
2C2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) ±30 — 5 10 150 250
2C3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) ±30 — 5 10 150 250
2C4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) ±30 — 5 10 150 250
2C5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) ±30 — 5 10 150 250

Class D, High-Temperature-Resistant
2D0 Less than 15 (2) — ±5 5 10 — —
2D1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) — ±5 5 10 — —
2D2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) — ±5 5 10 — —
2D3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) — ±5 5 10 — —
2D4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) — ±5 5 10 — —
2D5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) — ±5 5 10 — —
1. Compression deflection ranges modified to agree with ASTM D 1056-98.
2. This test (see Section 19) of weight change in Reference Fuel B is used in place of the usual oil-resistance test of volume change of IRM 903 oil for the following reason: Oil or solvent
immersion of flexible closed cellular materials usually causes loss of gas, by diffusion through the softened cell walls, that results in some shrinkage of the test sample. This shrinkage
counteracts the swell that would normally occur, therefore invalidating test data based on volume change. Reference Fuel B is used because it produces a wider and more consistent dif-
ferentiation among the A, B, and C classes than does IRM 903 oil.
3. Standard oil resistance test methods give inconsistent results on closed cellular materials. This test gives a general indicati on of oil resistance but more reliable information should be
obtained by testing in actual or simulated service conditions.
The values of 150% maximum Class C and 50% maximum Class B apply to cellular materials having densities of more than 160 kg/m3 (10 lb/ft3 ). For cellular materials with densities of
160 kg/m3 or less, the values of maximum mass change allowed are 250% for Class C and 100% for Class B.
Terminology was changed in 1997 from low swell to low mass change to better reflect the data obtained.
Compression Set, max %, Compression Set, max %,
Under Constant Under Constant
Compression Set, max %, Deflection of 50% Deflection of 50% Low-Temperature Low-Temperature
Under Constant Suffix B2 (1) Suffix B3 Flex, Flex,
Compression Deflection Deflection of 50% 22 h at 22 h at Suffix F1 Suffix F2
Grade 25% Deflection (Limits) Suffix B1 23 °C (73.4 °F) 23 °C (73.4 °F) 5h@ 5 h at
Number kPa (psi) 22 h at 100 °C (212 °F) 24 h recovery 24 h recovery –40 °C (–40 °F) –55 °C (–67 °F)
Class A, Non-Oil Resistant
2A0 Less than 15 (2) — 25 35 pass —
2A1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) — 25 35 pass —
2A2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) — 25 35 pass —
2A3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) — 25 35 pass —
2A4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) — 25 35 pass —
2A5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) — 25 35 pass —

Class B, Oil Resistant, Fuel-Resistant, Low Mass Change (2)

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

2B0 Less than 15 (2) — 25 35 pass —
2B1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) — 25 35 pass —
2B2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) — 25 35 pass —
2B3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) — 25 35 pass —
2B4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) — 25 35 pass —

2B5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) — 25 35 pass —

Class C, Fuel-Resistant, Medium Mass Change(2)

2C0 Less than 15 (2) — 25 35 pass —
2C1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) — 25 35 pass —
2C2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) — 25 35 pass —
2C3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) — 25 35 pass —
2C4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) — 25 35 pass —
2C5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) — 25 35 pass —

Class D, High-Temperature-Resistant
2D0 Less than 15 (2) 80 — — — pass
2D1 15 to 35 (2 to 5) 80 — — — pass
2D2 35 to 65 (5 to 9) 80 — — — pass
2D3 65 to 90 (9 to 13) 80 — — — pass
2D4 90 to 120 (13 to 17) 80 — — — pass
2D5 120 to 170 (17 to 25) 80 — — — pass
1. Previous versions of SAE J18 inadvertently listed the suffix as "B," instead of "B2."
2. Standard oil resistance test methods give inconsistent results on closed cellular materials. This test gives a general indicati on of oil resistance but more reliable infor-
mation should be obtained by testing in actual or simulated service conditions.
The values of 150% maximum Class C and 50% maximum Class B apply to cellular materials having densities of more than 160 kg/m 3 (10 lb/ft3 ). For cellular materials
with densities of 160 kg/m 3 or less, the values of maximum mass change allowed are 250% for Class C and 100% for Class B.
Terminology was changed in 1997 from low swell to low mass change to better reflect the data obtained.
SAE J18 Revised APR2002


NOTE—Example: Grade 1A1C1F1 denotes soft sponge rubber containing natural, reclaimed, synthetic, or blends of these rubbers with a c ompression deflection value
of 14 to 35 kPa (2 to 5 psi), having no specific solvent or oil resistance and requiring in addition to the basic tests a weathe r resistance test run in accordance with
Test Method D 1171, Ozone Chamber Exposure, Method A, and a low-temperature test at –40 °C (–40 °F). Examples of specification conversions are given in
Figure 1.

Basic Requirements
and Suffix Number
Requirement or
Suffix Letter Basic Requirements Suffix Number 1 Suffix Number 2 Suffix Number 3 Suffix Number 4
Compression Deflection SAE J18, Section 17
Heat Resistance SAE J18, Sections 16 and 20,
change in compression
deflection after aging 7 days at
70 °C (158 °F)
Oil Resistance (1B and 1C rubber only) SAE J18, Section 18,
22 h at 70 °C (158 °F)
Compression Set (1A, 1B, and 1C SAE J18, Section 22,
rubber only) 22h at 70 °C (158 °F) 50%
deflection, 30-min recovery at
23 °C ± 2 °C (73.4 °F ± 3.6 °F)
Compression Set (1D and 2D rubber SAE J18, Section 22,
only) 22h at 100 °C (212 °F), 50%
deflection, 30-min recovery at
23 °C ± 2 °C (73.4 °F ± 3.6 °F)
Water Absorption (2A, 2B, 2C, and 2D SAE J18, Sections 21
rubber only)
Suffix A, Heat Resistance SAE J18, Sections 17 J18, Sections 17 and J18, Sections 17 and J18, Sections 17 and
and 20, change in 20, change in 20, change in 20, change in
compression compression compression compression
deflection after aging deflection after aging deflection after aging deflection after aging
22 h at 100 °C ± 1 °C 22 h at 125 °C ± 1 °C 22 h at 150 °C ± 1 °C 22 h at 175 °C ± 1 °C
(212 °F ± 1.8 °F) (257 °F ± 1.8 °F) (302 °F ± 1.8 °F, ±5%) (347 °F ± 1.8 °F)
Suffix B, Compression Set SAE J18, Section 22, J18, Section 22, J18, Section 22,
(1C, 2A, 2B, and 2C) 22 h at 70 °C 22 h at 23 °C ± 2 °C 22 h at 23 °C ± 2 °C
(158 °F), 50% (73.4 °F ± 3.6 °F), (73.4 °F ± 3.6 °F),
deflection, 30-min 50% deflection, 24-h 50% deflection, 24-h
recovery at 23 °C ± recovery at 23 °C ± recovery at 23 °C ±
2 °C (73.4 °F ± 2°C (73.4 °F ± 2°C (73.4 °F ± 3.6 °F)
3.6°F), 25% max 3.6°F), 25% max
Suffix C, Ozone or Weather Resistance ASTM D 1171(1) ASTM D 1171 (1) , ASTM D 1171 (1) ,
ozone exposure outdoor exposure ozone exposure,
Method A Method B
Suffix D, Load Deflection(2)
Suffix E, Fluid Resistance SAE J18(3) Section SAE J18 (3) , Section
19, 150% max 19, 50% max
Suffix F, Low-Temperature Resistance SAE J18, Section 23 SAE J18, Section 23 SAE J18, Section 23
to 60, 5 h at −40 °C to 60, 5 h at −55 °C to 60, 5 h at −75 °C
(−40 °F) (−6 7 °F) (−103 °F)
Suffix G, Tear Resistance( 2 )
Suffix J, Abrasion Resistance(2)
Suffix K, Adhesion Capability(2)
Suffix L, Water Absorption (2)
Suffix M, Flammability Resistance( 2 )
Suffix N, Impact Resistance(2)
Suffix P, Staining Resistance(2)
Suffix R, Resilience(2)
Suffix W, density(2)
Suffix Z, Special Requirements(2)
1. Ratings to be arranged between the purchaser and the supplier.
2. Test method and values to be arranged between the purchaser and the supplier.
3. Table 2 for materials having densities of 160 kg/m3 (10 lb/ft 3 ) or less.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002


Thickness Thickness Length and Width Length and Width
Dimension, Tolerance, ±, Dimension, Tolerance, ±,
Form mm (in) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)
Sponge Rubber
Sheet and strip 3.2 (0.125) and under 0.4 (0.016) 152 (6) and under 1.6 (0.063)
Over 3.2 (0.125) to 12.7 (0.50), incl 0.8 (0.032) Over 152 (6) to 457 (18) incl 3.2 (0.125)
Over 12.7 (0.50) 1.2 (0.047) Over 457 (18) 0.5%

Molded or special shapes 6.4 (0.250) and under 0.8 (0.032) 6.4 (0.250) and under 0.8 (0.032)
Over 6.4 (0.250) to 76.2 (3), incl 1.6 (0.063) Over 6.4 (0.250) to 76 (3) incl 1.6 (0.063)
Over 76 (3) to 457 (18) incl 3.2 (0.125)
Over 457 (18) 0.5%

Expanded Rubber
Sheet and strip 3.2 (0.125) and under 1.6 (0.063) 152 (6) and under 6.4 (0.250)
3.2 (0.125) to 12.7 (0.50), incl 1.6 (0.063) 152 (6) and under 6.4 (0.250)
Over 12.7 (0.50) 2.4 (0.094) Over 152 (6) to 305 (12) incl 9.6 (0.375)
Over 305 (12) 3%
Molded or special shapes 3.2 (0.125) to 12.7 (0.50) incl 1.6 (0.063) 152 (6) and under 6.4 (0.250)
Over 12.7 (0.50) to 38.1 (1.50) incl 2.4 (0.094) Over 152 (6) to 305 (12) incl 9.6 (0.375)
Over 38.1 (1.50) to 76.2 (3) incl 3.2 (0.125) Over 305 (12) 3%

9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance—Cellular rubbers furnished under this document shall be
manufactured from synthetic rubber, natural rubber, or rubber-like materials together with added compounding
ingredients of such nature and quality that the finished product complies with the specification requirements.
In permitting choice in use of those materials by the producer, it is not intended to imply that the different
rubber materials are equivalent in respect to all physical properties. Any special characteristics other than
those prescribed in this document that may be desired for specific applications, shall be specified in the
product specifications, as they may influence the choice of the type of rubber material or other ingredients
used. All materials and workmanship shall be in accordance with good commercial practice, and the resulting
cellular rubber shall be free from defects affecting serviceability.

10. Test Methods

10.1 Unless specifically stated otherwise, all tests shall be made in accordance with the methods specified in
Sections 13 through 24 and Table 3.

11. Inspection and Rejection

11.1 All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment, unless otherwise
specified. The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable facilities for tests and inspection.

11.2 The purchaser may make the tests and inspection to govern acceptance or rejection of the material at his own
laboratory or elsewhere. Such tests and inspection shall be made no later than 15 days after receipt of the

11.3 All samples for testing, provided as specified in Section 14, shall be visually inspected to determine
compliance with the material, workmanship, and color requirements.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

11.4 Any material that fails in one or more of the test requirements may be retested. For this purpose, two
additional tests shall be made for the requirement in which failure occurred. Failure of either of the retests shall
be cause for final rejection.

11.5 Rejected material shall be disposed of as directed by the manufacturer.

12. Packaging and Package Marking—The material shall be properly and adequately packaged. Each package
or container shall be legibly marked with the name of the material, name, or trademark of the manufacturer,
and any required purchaser's designations.

13. General Test Methods

13.1 Scope—Except as otherwise specified in these methods, the following ASTM test methods and the various
test methods in Table 3, applicable in general to vulcanized rubber, shall be complied with as required and are
hereby made a part of these methods:


13.1.2 AGING TEST —ASTM D 573, with modifications as described in Sections 16 and 20.

13.1.3 C OMPRESSION SE T, S UFFIX B—Method described in Section 22.

13.1.4 FLUID IMMERS IO N, SUFFIX E—ASTM D 471 and Sections 18 and 19.

13.1.5 LO W -TEMPE RATURE TEST , SUFFIXES F1, F2, AND F3—Method described in Section 23. Suitable low-
temperature cabinets and conditioning procedures are described in ASTM D 832.

13.1.6 In case of conflict between provisions of the test methods referenced in 13.1.1 through 13.1.5 and the
procedures specifically described herein for cellular rubbers, the latter shall take precedence.

14. Sampling

14.1 When possible, the completed manufactured product shall be used for the tests specified. Representative
samples of the lot being examined shall be selected at random as required.

14.2 When it is necessary or advisable to obtain test specimens from the article, as in those cases where the entire
sample is not required or adaptable for testing, the method of cutting and the exact position from which
specimens are to be taken shall be specified. The apparent density and the state of cure may vary in different
parts of the finished product, especially if the article is of complicated shape or of varying thickness, and these
factors affect the physical properties of the specimens. Also, the apparent density is affected by the number of
cut surfaces as opposed to the number of skin-covered surfaces on the test specimen.

14.3 When the finished product does not lend itself to testing or to the taking of test specimens because of
complicated shape, small size, metal or fabric inserts, solid covers, adhesion to metal, or other reasons,
standard test slabs shall be prepared. When differences due to the difficulty in obtaining suitable test
specimens from the finished part arise, the manufacturer and purchaser may agree on acceptable deviations.
This can be done by comparing results of standard test specimens and those obtained on actual parts.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

15. Test Specimens and Slabs

15.1 Test Specimens—Standard test specimens shall be disks 28.00 mm ± 0.50 mm (1.10 in ± 0.02 in) in
diameter, which yields a 645.70 mm 2 (1 in 2 ) specimen. The specimens may be cut with a revolving die 5 using
a soap solution as a lubricant. If a lubricant is used, the specimens shall be thoroughly dried before
proceeding with the testing. In some cases, it may be necessary to freeze the cellular rubber to obtain parallel
cut edges. Samples shall not be compression die cut because this process distorts the sample, which will
affect the final properties. When cut from standard test slabs, they shall be cut from the center area as shown
in Figure 1. The thickness shall be measured as described in 15.3.2. As stated under the test methods, the
minimum thickness of test specimens is 6.00 mm (0.24 in). Plied-up samples may be used as indicated in the
test methods for compression set and compression deflection (see Note in 17.3.2).


5. A satisfactory die and its method of application are described in Section 4 of ASTM D 575.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

15.2 Test Slabs—Standard test slabs of all types of cellular rubber shall be pieces 150 mm ± 5 mm (nominally
6in) square and 12.5 mm ± 0.5 mm (nominally 0.5 in) in thickness made from the same compound and having
the same apparent density and state of cure as the product they represent. In all cases, the surface skin shall
be left intact on both top and bottom faces of the test slab. Standard test slabs shall be prepared either by
cutting them from flat sheets of the specified thickness or as described in 15.2.1 or 15.2.2.

15.2.1 When specially prepared standard test slabs of sponge rubber are required, they shall be made using the
frame shown in Figure 2 together with top and bottom plates each approximately 12.50 mm (0.50 in) in
thickness. The frame and plates shall be made of aluminum or steel. The stock shall be in sheet form, cut
into squares slightly smaller than the frame cavities. The thickness of the square sheets shall be such as to
give the required apparent density when the material is blown during cure to fill the molding cavities. The
squares of stock shall be dusted with talc and the excess brushed off to avoid pitting. They shall then be
placed in the frame, and fabric sheeting shall be applied on the top and bottom between the frame and the
plates to allow venting of gases produced during the cure. This fabric shall be a commercial sheeting with a
mass of approximately 135 g/m 2 (4 oz/yd2 ), having approximately 2.75 ends/mm (70 ends/in) and 2.36 picks/
mm (60 picks/in). The specimens shall be vulcanized in a platen press under conditions of time and
temperature chosen to produce the same state of cure in the standard slabs as in the finished products they


SAE J18 Revised APR2002

15.2.2 Where specially prepared standard test slabs of expanded rubber are required, they shall be made using the
same process that was used for the product to be represented by the test slab. The specimens shall be
prepared to have approximately the same density, and shall be vulcanized under conditions of time and
temperature chosen to produce the same state of cure in the standard slabs, as in the finished products they

15.3 Measurements of Test Specimens

15.3.1 The length and width shall be measured to 0.5 mm (0.02 in). Care shall be taken not to distort the cellular

15.3.2 Thicknesses up to and including 25.0 mm (1 in) shall be measured using a dial-type gage 6 having a
maximum stem and foot mass of 25 g and a foot 30.0 mm (1.25 in) in diameter. Thicknesses over
25 mm (1 in) shall be measured using a sliding caliper gage. When a sliding caliper gage is employed, the
gage setting shall be made with the gage out of contact with the cellular rubber. The sample shall be passed
through the previously set gage and the proper setting shall be the one in which the measuring faces of the
gage contact the surfaces of the article without compressing it.

15.3.3 The steel scale or tape used to measure length or width shall be graduated to 1 mm (0.031 in). The dial
gage for measuring thickness shall be graduated to 0.02 mm (0.001 in). The calipers used for measuring
thickness shall be graduated to 0.1 mm (0.005 in).

15.3.4 Results reported shall be the average of a minimum of three measurements. If the results vary between the
specimens more than 10%, two additional specimens should be taken into the average.

16. Accelerated Aging Tests

16.1 Test Specimen

16.1.1 The test specimen used in any of the aging tests shall be of the size and shape as specified by the
appropriate called-out test method.

17. Compression-Deflection Tests

17.1 Scope

17.1.1 This test method consists of measuring the force necessary to produce a 25% deflection on a test specimen.

17.2 Apparatus

17.2.1 Any compression machine that meets the following requirements will be satisfactory. The machine shall be
capable of compressing the specimen at a rate of 12.5 to 50 mm/min (0.5 to 2 in/min) gently without impact.
The machine may be motor- or hand-driven. It shall be equipped with a gage to measure the deflection
caused by the increase in load. The rate of compression of the specimen is specified rather than the rate of
the compressing platform of the machine. This is an important consideration when scales are used, since
sponges of various compression-deflection characteristics will require different times to compress 25% due
to the travel of the scale platform under varying loads.

17.2.2 The deflection shall be read on a dial gage graduated in 0.02 mm (0.001 in). No gage is necessary if the
machine automatically compresses the specimen 25%.

6. Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters. Request RR: D20-1198.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

17.3 Test Specimens

17.3.1 Standard test specimens can be used for this test.

17.3.2 Test specimen size may vary provided the indenter foot of the apparatus used is larger than the sample.
Test specimens may be cylindrical or square. They shall be cut so that opposite edges are parallel, either
from the finished product in a manner agreed upon between the parties concerned or, as shown in Figure 2,
from standard test slabs or from flat sheets. The thickness of the test specimens may vary, but shall be
measured and stated in the report. The minimum thickness shall be 6.0 mm (0.25 in). Thin samples may be
plied-up to obtain this thickness, or a standard test slab may be used if agreed upon between the
manufacturer and the purchaser.

NOTE— In sponge rubbers, using the same compound, thin sections under 6 mm (0.25 in) do not blow in the
same manner as those over 6 mm (0.25 in). The thinner sections are usually higher in compression
deflection and density. However, in closed-cell (expanded) rubbers where thin sheets are split from
thicker sheets there is usually very little difference between the thin sheet and thicker sheets.

17.4 Procedure—Cellular rubber less than 6 mm (0.250 in) in thickness shall be tested by plying up the proper
number of plies to obtain a thickness as near 12.5 mm (0.50 in) as possible. Compress the standard test
specimen between the parallel metal plates of the machine until the thickness has been reduced 25%, and
take the reading of the load immediately. Repeat the test with the same specimen until the load readings do
not change more than 5%. The top and bottom plates shall be at least 38 mm (1.5 in) in diameter.

17.5 Report

17.5.1 The unit load required for the last reading, expressed in kilopascals (or pounds per square inch), shall be
reported as the result of the compression-deflection test.

17.6 Precision and Bias

17.6.1 See Section 25.

18. Oil-Immersion Test, Open-Cell Sponge (see Table 1)

18.1 Scope

18.1.1 This test method determines the fluid resistance (oil) of a sample (open cell sponge) by means of measuring
volume change after a specified immersion time/temperature.

18.2 Test Specimens

18.2.1 Standard test specimens approximately 12.5 mm (0.50 in) in thickness shall be used for this test. The
diameter and thickness shall be measured before and after immersion in the specified petroleum-base oil for
22 h at 70°C (158 °F) and the percent change in volume calculated. Three specimens shall be run on each
test and the average of the three values reported.

18.3 Procedure

18.3.1 Follow the procedure of ASTM D 471, using petroleum base oil IRM 903.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

19. Fluid Immersion Test, Closed Cell (Expanded) (See Footnote 2, Table 2)

19.1 Scope

19.1.1 This test method determines the fluid resistance (fuel) of a sample (closed cell foam) by means of measuring
weight change after a specified immersion time/temperature.

19.2 Apparatus

19.2.1 Equipment required are an analytical balance, screens, ASTM Reference Fuel B, paper towels, and 250-cm3
(8-oz) containers (minimum size).

19.3 Test Specimens

19.3.1 The test specimens shall be 25 by 50 by 6 mm (nominally 1 by 2 by 0.250 in). It is preferable that the
specimens be cut with clean, square edges.

19.4 Procedure

19.4.1 Weigh the specimens to the nearest 0.01 g. Place a noncorrosive screen having 2-mm openings (10-mesh)
on the bottom of the container. Alternatively place specimens of one material and screens into the cans.
Use one can per material. Fill the cans with ASTM Reference Fuel B and seal with their lids. Store the cans
for 7 days at a temperature of 23 °C ± 2 °C (73.4 °F ± 4 °F). Remove one specimen at a time from the test
fluid. Without squeezing the specimen, place it on top of one sheet of paper towel and immediately place a
second paper towel on top of it. Blot lightly without squeezing, then remove the top paper towel.
Immediately determine the mass of the specimen to the nearest 0.01 g.

19.5 Calculation

19.5.1 Calculate the percent change in mass as shown in Equation 1.

W = [ ( A – B ) ⁄ B] × 100 (Eq. 1)


W = change in mass, %
A = final mass of specimen, and
B = initial mass of specimen

19.6 Report

19.6.1 The report should include fluid type, time and temperature of test, data from three specimens, and the
average of the three.

19.7 Requirements

19.7.1 See Tables 1 and 2.

19.8 Precision and Bias

19.8.1 See Section 25.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

20. Test for Compression-Deflection Change After Oven Aging

20.1 Scope

20.1.1 This test method determines the heat aging properties of a sample by measuring the change in compression
deflection after a specified time/temperature.

20.2 Test Specimen

20.2.1 SAMPLE B EFO RE OV EN AGING—A representative sample, approximately 12.5 mm (0.5 in) thick and a
minimum area of 161 cm 2 (25 in2 ).

20.2.2 SPECIMEN SIZE FOR T EST METHOD —Standard specimen size (in accordance with Section 15) shall be a disk
28.00 mm ± 0.50 mm (1.10 in ± 0.02 in) diameter and approximately 12.5 mm (0.5 in) thick. For thin
materials, the disks shall be stacked to approximately 12.5 mm (0.5 in) in height.

20.3 Apparatus

20.3.1 The air-oven aging test as described in ASTM D 573 shall be used for cellular rubber, except that the
sample and test specimen size shall be as described in Section 19.3. See 17.2 for compression deflection

20.4 Procedure

20.4.1 Cut three standard test specimens out of a larger test sample and place the remaining part of the sample in
an oven for 168 h ± 1 h oven aging. Allow to cool for at least 2 h but not more than 24 h and then cut three
standard test specimens that are at least 1 in from any edge or cut surface. Determine compression
deflection (see 17.4). Determine percent change in compression deflection.

20.5 Calculation

20.5.1 Express the results as a percentage of the change in compression deflection, calculated as shown in
Equation 2.

P = [ ( A – O ) ⁄ O ] × 100 (Eq. 2)


P = Change in compression deflection, %

O = Original compression deflection, and
A = Final compression deflection after oven aging

20.6 Report

20.6.1 Report the following information: Time and temperature of test Original and final compression deflection data Percent change for three specimens Percent change, average of three specimens

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

20.7 Requirements

20.7.1 See Tables 1 and 2.

20.8 Precision and Bias

20.8.1 See Section 25.

21. Water Absorption Test

21.1 Scope

21.1.1 This test method determines the water absorption properties of a closed cell foam by measuring the change
in weight (mass) after a specified immersion period. This test method is indirectly a measure of the sample’s
cell structure/closed cell content. The water absorption test (see Footnote 1 of Table 2) is applicable to
expanded rubber (closed-cell type). It should not be used on sponge rubber (open-cell type) unless they are
completely encased in an added skin.

21.2 Test Specimens

21.2.1 Test specimens approximately 12.5 mm (0.050 in) in thickness and 2500 mm 2 (4 in2 ) in area shall be used
for this test. Round specimens are preferable.

21.3 Procedure

21.3.1 Submerge specimens in distilled water at room temperature, 18 to 35 °C (65 to 95 °F) 50 mm (2 in) below the
surface of the water, and reduce the pressure above the water to 17 kPa (2.5 psi absolute) for 3 min.
Release the vacuum, and allow the specimen to remain submerged for 3 min at atmospheric pressure.
Remove the specimen, blot dry, and calculate the percent change in mass.

21.4 Calculation

21.4.1 Calculate the percent change in mass as shown in Equation 3.

W = [ ( A – B ) ⁄ B] × 100 (Eq. 3)


W = Change in mass, %
A = Final mass of specimen
B = Initial mass of specimen

21.5 Report

21.5.1 Report the following information: Original and final weights of three specimens Percent change in weight for each Average percent change for the three specimens

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

21.6 Requirements

21.6.1 See Table 2.

21.7 Precision and Bias

21.7.1 See Section 25.

22. Test for Compression Set Under Constant Deflection (Calculations Based on Amount of Deflection)
Suffix B (1, 2, 3)

22.1 Scope

22.1.1 This test method determines the recovery properties of a sample when subjected to a constant deflection for
a specified time/temperature/deflection by measuring its gage before and after the test period.

22.2 Test Specimens

22.2.1 Standard test specimens shall be used for this test. They shall be cut so that opposite edges are parallel,
either from the finished product in a manner agreed upon by the parties concerned, or, as shown in Figure 1,
from standard test slabs or from commercial flat sheets. The thickness of the test specimens may vary, but
shall be measured and stated in the report. The minimum thickness for open-cell sponge rubber shall be
6mm (0.250 in). These samples of open-cell sponge rubber may be plied up to obtain this thickness. The
minimum thickness for closed-cell expanded rubber shall be 12.5 mm (0.50 in). Thin samples of closed-cell
expanded rubber shall not be plied up to obtain this thickness. A standard test specimen may be used for
either open-cell sponge or closed expanded material, if agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser.

22.3 Procedure

22.3.1 The apparatus and procedure shall be the same as that prescribed in Method B of ASTM D 395, except as
follows: For open-cell (sponge) rubber, compress test specimens to 50% of their original thicknesses.
Release the load at the end of 22 h and measure the thickness after a 30 min rest at room temperature. For
closed-cell (expanded) rubber, compress the test specimens to 50% of their original thicknesses. Release
the load at the end of 22 h and measure the thickness after 24 h at room temperature. In both cases (open-
cell sponge and closed-cell expanded rubber), measure the thickness as described in 15.3.2. The
temperature of the test for open-cell (sponge) rubber shall be 70 °C ± 2 °C (158 °F ± 4 °F), except for Class
1D rubbers. The temperature of the test for closed-cell (expanded) rubber shall be 23 °C ± 2 °C (73.4 °F ±
4 °F), except for Class 2D rubber. For Class 1D and 2D rubber, the temperature of the test shall be 100 °C
± 1 °C (212 °F ± 2 °F). The time of the test shall be as specified. Chromium-plated metal plates are not
required. Aluminum plates or any stiff plates that are clean and smooth, and that will not deflect measurably
under the load necessary for deflection of the specimen, may be used.

22.4 Calculation

22.4.1 Calculate the percentage compression set as shown in Equation 4:

Compression set, %= [ ( t0 – t1 ) ⁄ ( t0 – t s) ] × 100 (Eq. 4)


t0 = Original thickness
t1 = Thickness of specimen after specified recovery period
ts = Thickness of space bar used

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

22.5 Report

22.5.1 Report the following information: Duration and temperature of oven exposure Original and final thickness for three specimens Percent set for each specimen Average percent set for the specimens

22.6 Requirements

22.6.1 See Tables 1 and 2.

22.7 Precision and Bias

22.7.1 See Section 25.

23. Low-Temperature Flex Test

Suffix F1, −40 °C ± 1 °C (−40 °F ± 2 °F)

Suffix F2, −55 °C ± 1 °C (−67 °F ± 2 °F)
Suffix F3, −75 °C ± 1 °C (−103 °F ± 2 °F)

23.1 Scope

23.1.1 This test is to determine the brittleness of cellular rubber at low temperatures.

23.2 Apparatus

23.2.1 A low-temperature chamber capable of –75 °C (–103 °F) that can be accurately controlled for low
temperatures. If the box is cooled by dry ice, the specimen should not make direct contact with gaseous
CO 2 . This chamber must be large enough to permit the bending of the test piece while it is still in the box.

23.2.2 Mandrel diameter shall be approximately 4 times the sample thickness.

23.3 Test Specimens

23.3.1 The test specimens shall be 50 mm ± 10 mm (2 in ± 0.5 in) wide by 140 mm ± 10 mm (6 in ± 0.5 in) long by
3mm (0.125 in) to 12.5 mm (0.50 in) thick.

23.4 Procedure

23.4.1 Place three test specimens and mandrel in a low-temperature chamber for 5 h ± 0.25 h at –40 °C (–40 °F),
–55°C (–67 °F), or –75 °C (–103 °F) as specified by the suffix letter and number.

23.4.2 At the end of the test period, open the cold box and bend the specimen 180 degrees around the mandrel
taking no longer than 2 to 3 s to perform the bend. If there are multiple samples, bend and record results as
soon as possible to maintain temperature to within ±5 °C of set temperature.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

23.5 Report

23.5.1 Report the following information: Whether the sample showed any indication of cracking or if it was still pliable. All specimens must show no
signs of cracking.

24. Test for Density Suffix W

24.1 Scope

24.1.1 D ENS ITY CA LCULATIO N (S UFFIX W—This test method describes the procedure for determining the density by
calculation from the mass and volume of a specimen.

24.2 Test Specimen

24.2.1 Representative specimens of regular shape not less than 16 cm3 (1 in 3 ) in volume shall be cut from the
sample to be tested.

24.3 Procedure

24.3.1 Weigh the specimen on a balance or scale graduated to permit weighing within ±1% of the mass to be

24.3.2 Determine the volume of the specimen to within ±1% of the sample either by direct measurement or volume

24.4 Calculation

24.4.1 Calculate the density as shown in Equation 5:

density , kg/m = A ⁄ B (Eq. 5)


A = Mass of specimen, kg
B = Volume of specimen, m3

NOTE—To convert this value to lb/ft 3 , multiply by 0.0624.

24.5 Report

24.5.1 Report the following information: Mass, volume, and density of each specimen as well as the average value.

24.6 Requirements

24.6.1 To be determined between the supplier and the purchaser.

24.7 Precision and Bias

24.7.1 See Section 25.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002

25. Precision and Bias

25.1 Precision and Bias

25.1.1 Precision and bias for SAE J18/ASTM D 1056 are based on a round robin study conducted in 1996/1997 in
accordance with ASTM E 691, involving 3 materials tested by 14 laboratories. For each material, all the
samples were prepared at one source, but the individual specimens were prepared at the laboratories that
tested them. Each test result was the average of three individual determinations. Each laboratory obtained
two test results for each material. The number of data points for each test varied because not all laboratories
were able to participate in each test. The data obtained and the number of laboratories participating in each
test is indicated in Tables 5 through 10.

NOTE—CAUTION—The explanations of r and R (25.1.2 through are only intended to present a
meaningful way of considering the approximate precision of this test method. The data should not
be applied to acceptance or rejection of materials, as these data apply only to the materials listed in
the round robin and are unlikely to be rigorously representative of other lots, formulations,
conditions, materials, or laboratories. Users of this test method should apply the principles outlined
in ASTM E 691 to generate data specific to their materials and laboratory (or between specific


NOTE 1—Values expressed in units of kPa.
NOTE 2—Data based on results from 14 laboratories.

Material x (average) S r(1) S R(2) r(3) R (4)

C 30.84 0.88 4.48 2.45 12.55

B 43.36 1.19 4.51 3.32 12.62
A 104.11 1.95 12.64 5.47 35.38
1. S r = within laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within laboratory
standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories, as follows:
S r = [[(S 1 )2 + (S 2 ) 2 ... + (S n )2 ]/n}1/2
2. S R = between laboratories reproducibility, expressed as a standard deviation, as follows:
S R = [(Sr ) 2 = (S L ) 2]1/2
where S L = standard deviation of laboratory means.
3. r = within laboratory critical interval between the two test results = 2.8 x Sr .
4. R = between laboratories critical interval between two test results = 2.8 x SR.


NOTE 1—Values expressed in percent.
NOTE 2—Data based on results from 12 laboratories.

Material x (average) S r(1) S R(2) r(3) R (4)

C 20.02 0.60 3.28 1.87 9.18

B 20.06 0.92 3.69 2.57 10.34
A 38.68 0.67 3.43 1.87 9.60
1. S r = within laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within laboratory
standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories, as follows:
S r = [[(S 1 )2 + (S 2 ) 2 ... + (S n )2 ]/n}1/2
2. S R = between laboratories reproducibility, expressed as a standard deviation, as follows:
S R = [(Sr ) 2 = (S L ) 2]1/2
where S L = standard deviation of laboratory means.
3. r = within laboratory critical interval between the two test results = 2.8 x Sr .
4. R = between laboratories critical interval between two test results = 2.8 x SR.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002


NOTE 1—Values expressed in percent.
NOTE 2—Data based on results from 7 laboratories.

Material x (average) Sr(1) S R(2) r(3) R (4)

C 0.96 0.05 0.33 0.13 0.93

B 1.44 0.08 0.74 0.22 2.08
A 5.99 0.21 4.45 0.58 12.47
1. S r = within laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within laboratory
standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories, as follows:
S r = [[(S 1 )2 + (S 2 ) 2 ... + (S n )2 ]/n}1/2
2. S R = between laboratories reproducibility, expressed as a standard deviation, as follows:
S R = [(Sr ) 2 = (S L ) 2]1/2
where S L = standard deviation of laboratory means.
3. r = within laboratory critical interval between the two test results = 2.8 x Sr .
4. R = between laboratories critical interval between two test results = 2.8 x SR.


NOTE 1—Values expressed in kg/m 3 .
NOTE 2—Data based on results from 9 laboratories.

Material x (average) Sr(1) S R(2) r(3) R (4)

C 69.17 1.42 4.12 3.98 11.53
B 144.09 4.63 9.05 12.97 25.33
A 201.01 1.35 6.98 3.77 19.54
1. S r = within laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within laboratory
standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories, as follows:
S r = [[(S 1 )2 + (S 2 ) 2 ... + (S n )2 ]/n}1/2
2. S R = between laboratories reproducibility, expressed as a standard deviation, as follows:
S R = [(Sr ) 2 = (S L ) 2]1/2
where S L = standard deviation of laboratory means.
3. r = within laboratory critical interval between the two test results = 2.8 x Sr .
4. R = between laboratories critical interval between two test results = 2.8 x SR.


NOTE 1—Values expressed in units of kPa.
NOTE 2—Data based on results from 14 laboratories.

Material x (average) Sr(1) S R(2) r(3) R (4)

C –5.17 2.12 4.46 5.93 12.47
B –8.44 3.61 5.60 0.83 15.93
A 21.95 4.28 6.33 11.97 17.71
1. S r = within laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within laboratory
standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories, as follows:
S r = [[(S 1 )2 + (S 2 ) 2 ... + (S n )2 ]/n}1/2
2. S R = between laboratories reproducibility, expressed as a standard deviation, as follows:
S R = [(Sr ) 2 = (S L ) 2]1/2
where S L = standard deviation of laboratory means.
3. r = within laboratory critical interval between the two test results = 2.8 x Sr .
4. R = between laboratories critical interval between two test results = 2.8 x SR.

SAE J18 Revised APR2002


NOTE 1—Values expressed in percent.
NOTE 2—Data based on results from 11 laboratories.

Material x (average) Sr(1) S R(2) r(3) R (4)

C 113.15 3.60 21.61 10.07 60.52
B 153.46 5.54 28.82 15.51 80.70
A 250.21 11.02 36.36 30.85 101.82
1. S r = within laboratory standard deviation for the indicated material. It is obtained by pooling the within laboratory
standard deviations of the test results from all of the participating laboratories, as follows:
S r = [[(S 1 )2 + (S 2 ) 2 ... + (S n )2 ]/n}1/2
2. S R = between laboratories reproducibility, expressed as a standard deviation, as follows:
S R = [(Sr ) 2 = (S L ) 2]1/2
where S L = standard deviation of laboratory means.
3. r = within laboratory critical interval between the two test results = 2.8 x Sr .
4. R = between laboratories critical interval between two test results = 2.8 x SR.

25.1.2 C ONCEP T OF r A ND R IN TA BLES 5 THROUGH 10—If S r and S R have been calculated from a large enough body
of data, and for test results that were averages from testing three specimens for each test result, then the
following applies: Repeatability—Two test results obtained within one laboratory shall be judged not equivalent if they differ
by more than the r value for that material (r is the interval representing the critical difference between the
two test results for the same material, obtained by the same operator using the same equipment on the
same day in the same laboratory). Reproducibility—Two test results obtained by different laboratories shall be judged not equivalent if they
differ by more than the R value for that material (R is the interval representing the critical difference
between two test results for the same material, obtained by different operators, using different equipment
in different laboratories). Any judgment in accordance with Tables 5 through 10 would have an approximate 95% (0.9) probability of
being correct.

25.1.3 BIAS—There are no recognized standards by which to estimate bias for these test methods.

26. Notes

26.1 Keywords—Expanded rubber, flexible cellular, sponge.

26.2 Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating
areas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left
of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.


SAE J18 Revised APR2002

Rationale—Change to the document was a new section was added to the Scope.

Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—ISO 6916-1 is similar to this document.

Application—The SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications has concluded, that in light of the
fact that SAE J18 is a mirror image of ASTM D 1056 (Vol. 8.01), SAE J18 will be eliminated in the year

This SAE Recommended Practice covers flexible cellular rubber products known as sponge rubber and
expanded rubber, but does not apply to latex foam rubber or ebonite cellular rubber. The base material
for an open/closed cellular product may be made of synthetic, natural, reclaimed rubber, or a mixture,
and may contain other polymers or chemicals, or both, which may be modified by organic or inorganic
additives. These elastomeric materials have properties similar to those of vulcanized rubber, namely (a)
the ability to be converted from a thermoplastic to a thermosetting state by crosslinking (vulcanization)
and or (b) substantial recovery of their original shapes when strained or elongated, or both.

Extruded or molded shapes of sizes too small for cutting standard test specimens are difficult to classify
or test by these methods and will usually require special testing procedures.

In case of conflict between the provisions of this general specification and those of detailed
specifications or test methods for a particular product, the latter shall take precedence. Reference to the
test methods in this document should specifically state the particular test or tests desired.

The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.

The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test methods portions of this document: This
document does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this document to establish appropriate safety and health practices and
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

Reference Section

ASTM D 395—Test Methods for Rubber Property—Compression Set

ASTM D 471—Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liquids

ASTM D 573—Test Method for Rubber—Deterioration in an Air Oven

ASTM D 575—Test for Rubber Properties in Compression

ASTM D 832—Practice for Rubber Conditioning for Low-Temperature Testing

ASTM D 1056—Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials—Sponge or Expanded Rubber

ASTMD1171—Test Method for Rubber Deterioration—Surface Ozone Cracking Outdoors or Chamber

(Triangular Specimens)

ASTMD3182—Practice for Rubber—Materials, Equipment, and Procedures for Mixing Standard

Compounds and Preparing Standard Vulcanized Sheets

ASTM D 3183—Practice for Rubber—Preparation of Pieces for Test Purposes from Products

Developed by the SAE Committee on Automotive Rubber Specifications

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