Manalo Grade 12 Pearl 1
Manalo Grade 12 Pearl 1
Manalo Grade 12 Pearl 1
Chapter 1
In a normal day of a students like us, it is very important that we know how to
organized and manage our time when we are studying. We have a lot of things to do even
though we are still students, like the things we need to do in our house and in our school.
But we have to admit that in this generation it’s hard to manage our time because of
technology, social media platforms and other extra-curricular activities we like to engage
in. And those activities can lead into a bad study habits and academic stress.
Being organized and having studying routines are the most important things in
developing good study habits for life. Developing good study habits help spell success and
a student will find himself working more efficiently and experiencing lesser stress in the
Stress is the term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral
responses to events that are appraised as threatening or challenging. There are many
different types of stress that students face in schools. Most of these are centered on
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
years. Adolescent’s experiences high stress due to various stressors. When stress is
perceived negatively or becomes excessive, it can affect both health and academic
In this study, the researchers want to know The Correlation between the Study
Habits and the Academic Stress of a student. The present study will help the teacher in
evaluating the behavior of students in the light of their mental health, emotions and to
maintain relation between study habits and to reduce academic stress and their children is
a matter of concern in today’s world. This study has practical implications also. It will give
clues to understand the behavior of adolescents. Thus it can play pivotal role in nourishing
associated with academic failure or even unawareness to the possibility of such failure.
Students have to face many academic demands, for example, school examination,
answering questions in the class, showing progress in school subjects. Understanding what
the teacher is teaching, competing with other class mates, fulfilling teachers and parents
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Study habits are the sum total of all the habits, determined proposes and enforced
practices that the individual has in order to learn. Thus, the study habits of learner means
the ability to schedule his time, the plan of his study, the habit of concentration note-taking,
In totality study habits means, “the pupils’ way of studying whether systematic or
unsystematic, efficient or inefficient etc.” study habit is a corn firmed way of studying and
preparing lesson to achieve learning objectives and to get success in future, educational
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Marie Jean N. Mendezabal (2013) presented in his study, Study Habits and
Attitudes: The Road to Academic Success the diagram in Figure 1. The diagram features
and shows how study habits and study attitudes of students, more particularly graduates,
affect their performance in licensure exams. The figure implies that a student’s study habits
and/or attitudes in studying affects the outcome of his/her licensure examination. A student
with good habits and attitude will most likely have good performance as well while
students with bad or lazy habits and attitudes are more likely to fail or perform poorly thus
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Dickson Adom, Joshua Chukwuere, and Mavis Osei (2020) released this diagram
in their study Review: Academic Stress among Faculty and Students in Higher Institutions.
The diagram attempts to explain the whole concept of academic stress and what causes it.
The diagram features several stressors, then how these stressors evolve and eventually
become stress for academes/students that may affect their academic performance and their
whole academic career as a whole. The diagram also shows that it’s not only the students
that are affected by such stressors, but the teachers as well. The diagram states explicitly
that the said sources of stress “negatively affects the professional performance of teachers”.
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Conceptual Framework
According to figure 1, there are two sets of variables, the Independent variable that
is Study Habits and the dependent variable which is the Academic Stress of the Grade 10
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. School Year 2020-2021.
1.) What are the demographic profile of the student-respondents in terms of the
1.2 Gender?
4.) Is there a significant relationship between the respondents’ Study Habits and
Based on the given problem, the null and alternative hypotheses are hereby given:
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Academic Stress of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy Inc. S.Y.
The Academic Stress of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian Academy Inc. S.Y.
This study will help not only Grade 10 students but any student from Upper
Villages Christian Academy Inc. and other schools as well to realize and be enlightened
about the relationship of their study habits and their academic stress. And by knowing this,
the researchers hope that they use the information provided in this study to be able to come
up with better study habits which in return will affect their academic stress either positively
or negatively.
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Parents will also benefit in this study for they will have the knowledge on how the
study habits of their child can affect his/her academic stress. Having this knowledge,
parents can now be informed and can confidently talk to their child with an understanding
of the situation and possibly help in some way to improve either said habits or stress.
The result in this study can help the teachers to have a wider knowledge of the study
habits of their students resulting to their presented academic stress. This study can help the
teachers have a greater understanding of their students’ situations and can now come up
This study will let the administration of the school know the emotional state of the
students in their campus and use that information to formulate rules and regulations for
both the students, teachers, and other staff to make the school a much effective place of
To Future Researchers:
The findings and information in this study can be used by future researchers who
may be studying one or both of the variables presented here. They can use this study as
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
This study focused mainly on the relationship between Study Habits and Academic
Stress of Grade 10 students of Upper Villages Christian Academy Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021.
In this research, the researchers used a standardized questionnaire to gather the most
precise results. The researchers have chosen Grade 10 students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy Inc., Academic School Year 2020-2021 as suitable for this study.
Definition of Terms
1. Academic - of, relating to, or associated with an academy or school especially of higher
learning (Merriam-Webster)
2. Academic Stress - mental pressure installed onto the student's brain due to overload of
excess and unnecessary loss of school work and high parental expectations (Urban
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
4. Stress - great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something that causes this condition
(Cambridge Dictionary)
6. Study Habits - the habitual practices one uses to help them study and learn
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Chapter 2
This chapter shall indicate the following related literature and studies that can
Foreign Literature
Study Habits
In a study done by Mahwish Rabia, Naima Mubarak, Hira Tallat, and Wajiha Nasir
(2017) entitled A Study on Study Habits and Academic Performance of Students published
on the International Journal of Asian Social Science, they showcased evidence on how
study habits can affect academic performance of students by conducting a research study
to the students of two colleges, Govt. Allama Iqbal College for Women, Sialkot and Govt.
Technical College for boys, Sialkot. The authors gathered information from a sample of
270 students and checked the association of the two variables using chi-square test. The
study led to show that there is a significant relationship between their presented variables.
(2017) published a study examining the Self-esteem, study habits and academic
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
multivariate or cross-sectional factorial design. The total population were the 196 students
of the Basic Mathematics I course from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of
Technology of Peru (UTP) (A.Y. 2016-III). They gathered information from a sample size
of 86 respondents. To measure the presented variables, the researchers used the the self-
prepared by Luis Vicuña Peri, and the report of student grade averages. The study led to
performance. But on the other hand, it also showed that study habits of the respondents
have an influence in their academic performances. The authors ended their abstract by
leaving this statement, “In conclusion, it is expected that if students improve their study
techniques then their university academic performance will increase.” (Alva, 2017)
the journal Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, they presented the result of a
study they made that investigated the The Role of Study Habits in Foreign Language
Courses. The study had a sample sizer of 219 college students that were enrolled in either
Spanish, French, German, or Japanese classes. Among the respondents, the low performing
ones reported to include unnecessary information in their notes, deciding not to seek help
from teachers when needed, and neglecting notes that they already had a test about. They
also claimed the need to be in the mood for them to actually study. Some confessed to
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
different language proficiencies, some also claimed to not look up unfamiliar terms used
in lessons resulting for them to not understand the lesson very well.
Academic Stress
Authors Gladys Nakalema and Joseph Ssenyonga (2013) released their study on the
African Journal of Teacher Education. The study was entitled Academic Stress: Its Causes
And Results At A Ugandan University and focused on the academic stress, study habits,
and academic performance of students at the chosen university which was Mbarara
University of Science and Technology. As for research design, the researchers used a cross-
sectional survey to gather information to the sample size of 196 respondents. In terms of
academic stress, their thesis led to conclude that daily hassle in academics are bigger
stressors compared to personal problems. Other than that, the study also claimed that first
years had more stress from factors such as financial, overload from school works, and from
the great expectation society has for them. When it comes to study habits, the research
concluded to say that motivation was more widely used rather than sitting down and
studying past discussions and lessons. And finally, for the academic performance of the
respondents, it showed that the faculty that shined above others in terms of grade
performance was that of the Developmental Studies. As a conclusion, the authors left a
statement suggesting that the university should have certain actions to decrease the causes
of academic stress and find and teach students better study habits that will surely hellp
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Jayasankara Reddy, Karishma Rajan Menon, and AnjanaThattil (2018) entitled Academic
Stress and its Sources Among University Students studied academic stress and its sources
by studying four streams (commerce, management, humanities, and basic sciences). The
study also observed and analyzed the five dimensions of academic stress sources which
include personal inadequacy, fear of failure, interpersonal difficulties with teachers, teacher
pupil relationship and inadequate study facilities. Finally, they explained that for people to
be able to come up with more effective counselling modules and intervention strategies
and most especially to be able to help students alleviate stress from academic works, we
Dalia Bedewy and Adel Gabriel (2015) published an article with a title of
Examining perceptions of academic stress and its sources among university students: The
Perception of Academic Stress Scale to the journal Health Psychology Open. The article
was about them making a scale that attempts to measure and identify perception of
academic stress and its sources among the respondents. In the construction of the 18-item
scale, 12 experts were involved before it had its test run on 100 respondents. The developed
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Study Habits
A publication to the TIP Research Journal Quezon City by author Renelyn E. Belen
(2008) entitled The Study Habits & Attitudes, Academic Aptitude, Personality Profile and
Academic Performance of the Students of TIPQC presented results of a study that sought
to find the relationship between students of the Technological Institute of the Philippines
Quezon City’s study habits, attitudes, academic aptitudes, personality profiles, and
academic performances. The study was successful in data gathering through the use of
different psychological test results of the respondents like the survey of Study Habits and
Attitudes, Academic Aptitude test and Personality test. The researchers preferred to use the
descriptive method while conducting the research study. Upon analyzing the data gathered
through the said procedures, the study led to show that respondents have very low study
levels of study habits and attitudes, average levels of verbal and below average when it
comes to non-verbal intelligence. Average personality levels were also observed. Despite
these results, the researchers were surprised by the fact that their respondents still manage
their work entitled, Study habits, use of school libraries and students academic
performance in selected secondary schools in Ondo West Local Government Area Ondo
State investigated the idea of how study habits affects students’ academic performance.
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
the students was one of the factors for poor scores in test and examination, many students
did not study outside the school, and academic performance of the students was poor in
Mathematics and English Language. The study concluded that study habits of the students
University Students in Applied Science Courses: Implications for Instruction was published
to the Journal of Technology and Science Education by author Gilbert C. Magulod Jr.
(2019). The study, using descriptive correlational research design, examined a sample size
of 75 students enrolled in applied science courses from Cagayan State University at Lasam
Philippines and sought to find out the relationship between their learning styles, study
habits, and academic performances. To gather the data they needed, the researchers utilized
two sets of standardized questionnaires as their instrument. As a result, the study concluded
to show that the respondents preferred visual, group and kinesthetic as major learning styles
while they manifest a moderate level of study habits. Good levels of academic
achievements were also evident from the gathered data. After analyzing the other data, the
research concluded to say that there were significant relationships between learning styles,
study habits, and academic performance of their chosen population. The study is said to be
able to guide teachers in making suitable and more effective instructional interventions to
said students.
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
contains an article by author Arcelie G. Santos (2018) with the title, Academic Stress
among High School Students. The article started by talking about achievements a student
needs to achieve and how finishing school with good academic performances in different
aspects can lead to higher chances of getting a good job in the future. Then, it proceeded
to described how students are honed by school and education to become meaningful
manpower for the country’s economic and social development. It also mentioned how
schools prepares us and equips us with the necessary abilities to react and solve challenges
The following paragraph proceeded to describe stress as a general topic. The author
described how stress is experienced by different people in different ways. It then goes to
say the some stressors that may be involved in education which include taking a difficult
everything goes wrong, and many more. The paragraph continues by saying that stress is
psychological processes that occurs as a person tries to cope or deal with stressors.
The author cited a statement by the Associated Press/MTV survey (2009). The statement
goes,” School is the most frequently mentioned source of students’ stress from 13 to 17
years old. A child may be studying always but if not studying effectively, all the time spent
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
building up a tolerance for stress because of too much homework, testing, and pressure
from peers.”
The article discussed common stressors that leads to fear and anxiety among
students according to Nakalema and Ssenyonga (2013) which include high expectations of
parents, teachers, or even friends, academic pressure, and competition among classmates,
physical set-up, limited opportunities, and ambitions. The author discussed that high school
students are going through a transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. Because of
this, most students also go through stress because of peer pressure and being accepted to
Lackner, Nandu Goswam, and Gunter Schulter (2010) presented in their work entitled,
Trait and state positive affect and cardiovascular recovery from experimental academic
stress, published on the National Library of Medicine the results of a study they conducted.
In this study, heart rate, low- and high-frequency heart rate variability, blood pressure, and
levels of subjectively experienced stress were obtained in 65 students before, during and
after exposure to academic stress in an ecologically valid setting. Higher trait positive
affect was associated with more complete cardiovascular and subjective post-stress
recovery. This effect was independent of negative affect and of affective state during
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Stress Amongst Students; A Review of Literature done by authors Geeta Jain and Manisha
Singhai (2018). The article provided a review that had contents that touched the subject of
academic stress to students. It described stress as a “big word with even bigger impact”.
The author said that it is something experienced by everyone and needs to be addressed
and identify it in order to outline efficient interventions. Stress is a subjective process and
it differs from person to person. It can result to depression, anxiety, and other various
hazardous conditions. The escalation of such cases are evident by the rise of great varieties
of stress management programs and workshops, articles about the subject, research studies
After reviewing the related literatures, the author concluded that the main stressor
among students is the inadequacy of right support. Standards are set and they limit the
students’ ability to push through boundaries, explore and excel on what they are good at.
The lack of proper guidance and clarity leads to directionless goals and cluelessness and
insecurity even after graduating. The pressure parents give to their child to be better than
others is just adding to the stress their children already have. The study ended by
recommending that parents should encourage their child to know and pursue what they are
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Study Habits
get the required information, they gathered all the 174 sophomore students spread across
behavior) and gave special attention to the students’ seating arrangement in class,
participation in discussions within and outside class. Aside from these, single and multiple
person sit down interviews were conducted with the high-performing students as
respondents. The researchers planned to study the whole population because it would have
more variety since it is an international school so they used Random Sample Selection.
By the end of the study, the researchers and their study itself revealed that the high
performing students were in fact performing better than the low performing students for
they have better study habits. The high performing group had habits such as never missing
any class, punctuality, note-taking in and after class, and reaching out to teachers and
instructors when help is needed. As for the Low performing class, their habits are not so
favorable to be that of a students because they would miss at least 3 classes per semester,
being late for them is normal, does not take notes, and most importantly, doesnt reach out
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
study habits and academic performance of the International College Students in Shanghai.
The researchers then point out by the end that if we want to change the performance of low
performing students, educators and counselors are advised to treat habits first.
The researchers Haleh Jafari, Abbas Aghaei, Alireza Khatony (2019) published on
Dovepress the result of their study concerning the Relationship between study habits and
relationship between study habits and academic achievement. They did this by studying a
Sciences using the Palsane and Sharma Study Habit Inventory. As a result of the study,
they got the average students’ grade, which was 15.73±1.5 out of 20 and the average status
of study habits, which was 45.70±11.36 out of 90. Because of these data, the study
concluded to show that there is a direct relationship between the presented variables.
To end their study, the authors suggested the assessment of each student’s study
habits when entering colleges and to also offer training programs to help them learn and
adapt to a good habit that can help increase their academic performance.
The Study of the relationship between study habits and academic achievement of
students: A case of Spicer Higher Secondary School, India found on the International
Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies showed the results of a research
study done by authors Evans Atsiaya siahi and Julius K. Maiyo (2015). The study focused
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
and correlates to their academic achievements. To gather the needed information, the
descriptive correlation study used a survey design Stratified random sampling technique to
get their sample of 85 9th graders and used the Study Habits Inventory created by Palsane
M.N. Using the quantitative method, the gathered data was analyzed and interpreted using
Pearson’s product moment coefficient of correlation. After this, the interpreted data
showed that study habits does have an influence in the performance of students
academically thus it needs special attention yet teachers and students from the said school
Academic Stress
Authors Misra, Ranjita and Castillo, Linda G. (2004) conducted a study entitled
Students and published it on the International Journal of Stress Management. As the title
suggests, they sought to find out how American students would respond to academic
stressors and compare them to international students who were also exposed to the same
stress. The sample of 392 students from two Midwestern universities were observed.
Gadzella's Life Stress Inventory (B. M. Gadzella, 1991) was used as a comparing tool to
achieve the desired output from the study. The researchers kept an eye for the five
categories of academic stressors (i.e., frustrations, conflicts, presesures, changes, and self-
imposed) and one also for the four categories of response (i.e., physiological, emotional,
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
International students. The study implied that we should consider cultural differences when
Raymond P. Perry & Verena H. Menec (2000) found in the journal Research in Higher
Education studied and showed that problem-focused coping was more effective in
to emotion-focused coping methods. The study showed that those who focused more on
the problem itself showed greater and better performance and were more motivated to
perform better in class and experienced and/or coped better to stress brought upon by
academics better than those who were focused more on emotions. As a conclusion, the
Researchers Ongori, H. and Agolla, J.E. (2009) conducted a study, published with
the title, An Assessment of Academic Stress among Undergraduate Students: The Case of
University of Botswana found in Academic Journals that seeked to know and observe the
academic stress of undergrad students in the University of Botswana. The study had a
sample size of 320 students and the data collected from self-administered questionnaires
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of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
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and presented in a table in the thesis paper. The study led to show that common academic
halls, and uncertainty of getting job after graduating from the university. The researchers
admitted to their sample size and lack of geographical coverage to be their limitation and
recommended the replication of the said study to other parts of the world using larger
Local Studies
Study Habits
of the Philippines, Quezon City S.Y, 2014-2015 done by researchers Nathalia Louise Pergis,
Jordan Meezar Sotelo, Phillip Julius Parane, John Francis Bron, Christian Arinas, Harold
Rasalan, Aljhedd Joloan, Marvin Cepada, Joseph Divina, Joeril Arnaiz, and Marco Cenir
(2014) found on sought to investigate the study habits of academic scholar
students from the Technological Institute of the Philippines, Quezon City. The researchers
used the descriptive method and used survey questionnaires to gather data from their
respondents, which composed of 10 academic scholar students from the said university.
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
strategy is to discipline themselves. They also have a habit of bringing their homework to
school and take down notes which helps them get good grades and maintain their academic
scholarship. The study suggests that scholars may share their habits to other students,
academic or not, so they can all have an easy time in studying and maintaining good
Reasoning Skills and Their Study Habits and Attitude Towards Learning found on Alipato:
A Journal of Basic Education the study habits and attitudes of 150 fourth year high school
students from Quezon City that are all within the age range of 15 to 17 years old. To further
give more value to the data gathered in the research study, 3 philosophy experts and
teachers of logic, philosophical analysis and reasoning, and education teacher and experts
were requested to give their views and ideas about the subject of the study. The study used
learning reasoning skills, and an interview to gather data. To check the relationship
between the variables, chi-square was used. The study led to show that reasoning skills are
affected by study habits and affects attitude towards learning. There is a significant
relationship between the reasoning skills, study habits, and attitudes towards learning.
Knowing this, the study implies that learning institutions such as schools need to direct
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of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
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M. Dupende, Conie Grace D. Lopez, Hazel Mae P. Retes, and Junelyn Salapong (2013)
conducted a study entitled Study Habits Of The Grade-V And Grade-VI Students In
sought to prove the formulated null hypotheses that there are no study habits of the
respondents in terms of their time management and study techniques and there are no
significant differences in the respondents study habits when grouped according to their
parental involvement, family monthly income, learning style, academic performance and
their teachers’ personality. To gather the required data, the researchers formulated a 38
item self-developed survey questionnaire that was approved by the panel of experts in the
Educational Research field. Purposive sampling was used to choose 234 respondents which
composed of 11 Grade 56 students and 23 students from Grade 6. The study led to show
that there were high differences in the students’ time management and study techniques
when grouped according to the above stated criteria. Results also revealed that there were
significant differences in the respondents’ study habit in terms of their Family monthly
Income and academic performance, while learning styles did not show any significance on
the respondents’ study habit because whether the learner was visual, auditory, kinesthetic
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Academic Stress
the relationship between the level of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among Senior High
School Students in Selected Private Schools in Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental then
posted the results on the Philippine Social Science Journal. The study had a total sample
size of 320 respondents and were grouped according to sex, career track, living
arrangement, and family monthly income. To gather the required data in this study, the
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21) was utilized. The study led to show that
there was significant and direct relationships between selected demographics which
includes living arrangements and anxiety, and sex and stress. The conclusions the data
came to show had implications about the current practice of guidance and counseling most
especially in mental health aspects. And studies like such provides information that are
IAMURE International Journal of Health Education that aims to study the stress
experience of graduating college students of the present generation since they are the most
time pressed one in history. Descriptive method was used and data were gathered by using
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of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
gathered information was treated using the One-way Analysis of Variance (F-test) using a
5 percent significance. This was done to determine the difference between the stress
experiences and demographic profiles of the students. T-test was also used to evaluate the
differences in means between two groups. After data analyzation, the researchers found
out that students of Isabela State University San Mateo campus experienced a variety of
different stressors, side effects of stress, and use different coping mechanisms for said
stress. The respondents experienced academic pressure. The study also led to show that
stress affects students differently depending if they are male or female. The study
concluded to show that understanding different stressors, its effects, and different coping
methods will help students confront stress constructively. Therefore, school administration
and faculty members need to strengthen and improve their guidance programs while
keeping in mind the physical, psychological, and academic effects of stress to their
Academic Stress and coping Strategies of Filipino College Students in private and public
universities, 382 college students from public and private college universities were
examined to study their academic stress and coping mechanisms to said stress. The
universities can be found on Central Luzon. Descriptive research design was used in this
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of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
which include teachers, completion of requirements and peers who commit cheating. As a
addition to being academically stressed. The respondents chose to cope with such stress
spiritually which is also a prominent trait of Filipinos. Like other studies in the same field,
this one highlights and addresses the need to focus more on mental health protocols in
schools and implement avenues for students’ well-being with various interests.
To sum up all the related literatures the researchers managed to gather, we can see
that whether local or foreign, study habits of students matter a great amount. The study
habits of a student is seen to determine his/her academic performance and the future of
their whole academic career. There are many more sources that prove the importance or
effect of study habits to a student’s success in his/her school life. On the other hand, we cn
also see that academic stress is also a topic discussed both locally and internationally. Since
every country has their own batch of students, it can be expected that these learners will
also be bound to experience academic stress due to different stressors. But, we can also see
that there are measures that can be done to prevent such stressors and make school life flow
easily and finish with good academic standings without being too stressed.
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of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Chapter 3
sampling, technique, instrumentation and data gathering procedures and lastly the
Research Method
The study focused mainly on the students of Upper Villages Christian Academy,
Inc. by knowing their Study Habits and Academic Stress in school. The respondents in this
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
The population of this study was from the Grade 10 students of Upper Villages
Christian Academy Inc. Therefore, there are 203 total number of population in this study.
Slovin formula was used to find the sample size. The formula is as follows:
n=1+𝑁𝑒 2
n=1+𝑁𝑒 2
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Sampling Technique
technique, getting the population is much easier respondents are picked at random. This
kind of technique it shows the different opinions of the said respondents and their
questionnaire and in them, we sought their eagerness to obtain the right and clear response.
They were not experienced difficulties neither they experience to be irate instead they
answer it easily.
The standardized questionnaire that the researchers have used for the Academic
Stress of the students had come from Sharon Campbell Phillips, Deb Proshad Halder and
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
1. The researchers searched for standardized questionnaires that were related to the
2. The researchers prepared the letter of request for concerned school administrator
3. Upon approval of the request letter, the researchers encoded the standardized
questionnaires through google forms. The thesis adviser uploaded the google forms link
summarized the gathered data. Afterwards, the researchers analyzed and interpreted the
findings of the study following the sequence of the problems posted in chapter 1 with the
help of statistician.
analyzed with the data requirements of the study. Descriptive statistics such as frequency
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
The researchers used the Slovin's formula to calculate the total respondents for our
thesis and have used the Pearson-R formula to show if we accept or reject the hypothesis.
𝑛(∑𝑥𝑦) − (∑𝑥)(∑𝑦)
√[𝑛(∑𝑥 2 ) − (∑𝑥)2 ][𝑛(∑𝑦 2 ) − (∑𝑦)2 ]
n = number of respondents
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Chapter 4
This chapter shows the representation the researchers’ analysis of the collected data
of the respondents according to the result of the survey questionnaire. This will include
tables with column and the majority of the said respondents including the age and the
gender. This will show the total frequency and the percent of every subject. Under of it
1.1 Age;
Table 1
17 years old 6 9%
Total 67 100%
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
1.2 Gender?
Table 1.1
Male 43 62.7%
Female 24 37.7%
Total 67 100%
The table show that there are 43 male respondents and has a percentage of 62.7% and
24 female respondents that has a percentage of 37.7%
Table 2
23. Are you able to finish your tests in the allowed 3.30 2 Sometimes
period of time?
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
14. Can you study for at least a half hour without 3.07 4 Sometimes
getting up, walking about, talking, snack, or TV or
phone breaks?
The table shows that question number 8, “Do you regularly attend your classes?”
scored the highest mean with 3.54 and ranked first, number 23,” Are you able to finish
your tests in the allowed period of time?” scored the second highest mean with 3.50
student’s choice in study habits, number 10,” Do you have an area where you always go
to study?” scored third with the mean of 3.10, and the lowest of them all being number
14,” Can you study for at least a half hour without getting up, walking about, talking,
snack, or TV or phone breaks?” with a mean of 3.07 overall of the questionnaires.
Table 3
11. Teachers give more punishments in the class. 3.56 5 Slight Stress
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
4. Is there a significant relationship between Study Habits and Students’ Academic Stress?
𝑛(∑𝑥𝑦) − (∑𝑥)(∑𝑦)
√[𝑛(∑𝑥 2 ) − (∑𝑥)2 ][𝑛(∑𝑦 2 ) − (∑𝑦)2 ]
67(243.7) – (79)(125)
√[67(212.2) – (79)²] [67(395.6) – (125)²]
16,327.9 – 9,875
√(14,217.4 – 6,241) (26,505.2 – 15,625)
√(7,976.4) (10,880.2)
= 0.69
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Treatment: Pearson R
R-Computed 0.69
H0: There is no significant relationship between Study Habits and Academic Stress
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Decision Rule:
1. If the R-computed value if greater than the R-tabular value, reject the Ho (Null) and
accept H1 (Alternative).
2. If the R-computed value if less than the R-tabular value, accept the Ho (Null) and
reject H1 (Alternative).
Conclusion: Since the R-computed of 0.69 is greater than the R-tabular of 0.21 at 0.1 level
significance relationship between Study Habits and Academic Stress of Grade 10 students
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Chapter 5
academic stress. To make it happen, the researchers conducted a survey research among
Grade 10 students of Upper Villages Christian Academy Inc. S.Y. 2020-2021 and gathered
all the needed data to complete this study. To determine the study habits profile and
academic stress of the respondents, descriptive relationship between the study habits and
Summary of Findings
respondents in terms of age. Majority of the respondents are 15 years old with 26
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
The table shows that there are 43 male respondents and has a percentage of
Upon further observation of the findings presented in the tables, the researchers
concluded that the respondents’ level of study habits can be determined by the highest
ranking question, question number 8, Do you regularly attend your class, which got a mean
The researchers concluded from the table that the level of their respondents’
academic stress can be determined by question number 38, Difficulty in adjusting with
opposite gender. The question ranked first with a mean of 3.76 and a verbal interpretation
of slight stress.
The significant findings of the study provided bases for the following conclusions:
1. Majority of the respondents are male and at the age of 16 with 35 (52.2%) which
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
score of 3.54 and is interpreted as generally. Therefore, we can conclude that most
in adjusting with opposite gender.’ with the highest mean of 3.76 and is interpreted
as slight stress. Therefore, students get academically stressed because they have
4. The study rejects the null hypothesis which is there is no significant relationship
between the study habits and academic stress within junior high school students
of Upper Villages Christian Academy Inc. and accepts the alternative hypothesis
which is there is significant relationship between their study habits and academic
Parents should stay observant of their children. The researchers suggest that
parents should know how to recognize signs of academic stress in their children
and be the first ones to promote good, tested, and effective study habits that will
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Teachers must also take part in promoting efficient study habits to their
students. The researchers theorize that with the teachers and parents working
together, the children/students will better adapt great study habits that works for
Students should learn to try and explore what specific study habit works for
them. Since not all people are the same and not every student learns the same way, every
student should explore their options until they find the one that works for them. Also, they
should also learn how to handle and deal with academic stress. One way the researchers
think this can be done is by knowing how to recognize academic stress and its causes so
enlighten not only the students, but both teachers and parents also about the whole
concept of academic stress, its causes, as well as study habits, and how it helps
The Relationship of Study Habits to Academic Stress
of Grade 10 Students of Upper Villages Christian
Academy, Inc. S.Y. 2021-2021
Studies about the presented variables in this study are not only interesting, but also
helps address the small things that students experience and must learn to know but
sadly don’t.